21, rue d’Artois, F-75008 PARIS http://www.cigre.org C4 -103 CIGRE 2012 An active angle stability circuit reference for power line resistance-induced voltage singularities F.M. EL-SADIK University of Khartoum Sudan SUMMARY Results of an algebraic solution to the steady state stability limit (SSSL) that has led to observations of chaotic behaviours in radial systems are presented. The analysis is based on a different interpretation of roots in a connecting relationship that will describe continuous power-maximization load constituents; where these will necessarily include the gamut of maximum powers from zero up to a maximum of the maximums while the associated power factors are traversed from lagging to leading accordingly. This uses an auxiliary circuit configuration at the receiving end of a line that will simulate an active angle stability circuit reference; but will have its variables not showing in the final transfer characteristics of the line. From among the many observations afforded, some are reported for the influence of line resistance. These include the depiction of a double-valued function for the implicit reactive source variables that will in turn evolve into maximum power boundaries, where the lower may relate to the phenomenon of reduced-generation voltage avalanche with lagging powerfactor loads and the upper to the stressed line scenarios of voltage instability and voltage collapse with both types of loads. The explicit reactive source circuit variables may also analyse saturated conditions in a single-machine infinite-bus system or the transfer behaviour in voltage-constrained lines. The second and most crucial effect of line resistance has evolved in a newly-introduced solution algorithm for the necessary and sufficient conditions of anglestability while checking the status of sending and receiving-end voltage constraints. This is manifested in the inducement of possible singularity states within the continuous analytical function that may account for many of the unexplained radial feeder events. These are characterized by the occurrence of strong regenerative powers in-reverse that are initiated by a sudden phase-reversal in auxiliary reactive source reference; and, equally well, by the tendency of quick recovery to normal function continuity for values in the immediate neighbourhood of the instigating implicit source variables. The singularity cases reported are the high resistance type that will not satisfy sending voltage constraint, and the low resistance type that will satisfy the constraint but at reverse powers of the same ordered magnitude as those intended for forward transmission. From among the known configurations analysed as possible singularities are those of the perfect coupling node and the flat transmission voltage profile. In general, as the algorithm would reveal a larger proportion discontinuities according fmsadik@yahoo.com to step size of instigation variables used and the relative amount of resistance involved, rendering pattern prediction impossible, it is possible to make the stipulation that the various forms of voltage instability and voltage collapse are manifestations of the inability to sustain states of maximum received powers, however small these powers may be; as this sustenance could be violated by resistance-induced discontinuities. However, the continuous analytical pattern of stability bounds afforded may provide for exact initial guesses in computer solutions algorithms for voltage stability and the stability of loads. Algebraic equations as well as graphical depictions for the resistance effects are presented for further observations. KEYWORDS Active angle-stability reference, Power-maximizing function, SSSL Singularities. 1. INTRODUCTION The analysis of the steady-state stability limit as determined by the maximum power-point of the basic radial system configuration has been an active area of interest; as economic and environmental constraints for transmission expansion, instigating increased advocating of compensation schemes, are dictating power systems operation closer to their nose point of the P-V curve; which requires precise computation of the steady state stability limit [1-4]. This paper introduces the characteristics of a power-maximizing load function at the V-bus of systems described by E = V + IZ, where E is constant. The analytical constituents of the Vdependent generalized load have evolved in an algebraic formulation to the SSSL problem in voltage-constrained radial systems in the presence of resistance [5-9]. While the resulting equations for sending and receiving voltages have on an individual basis provided conclusions about the reactance behaviour, the approach presented in this paper constitutes a different interpretation of polynomials roots that has allowed introduction of an angle-stability-based reference frame whereby the influence of resistance is further emphasized. This consists of referring all voltage and current variables to voltage VR of an active voltage-sourced circuit (Figure 1)with the composition of reactive elements shown, where N is introduced as a twomachine circuit simulator variable in an algorithm for the necessary and sufficient SSSL conditions while checking the status of sending and receiving-end voltage constraints. Fig. 1: Power Line Angle-Stability Simulator Reference [E=1.0pu, V1=V; Z1=R+jX1, Z2=jNX3, Z3= j (1-N) X3] 1 In the present context, while the limits (0-1) for N and X3=0, VR=0 will necessarily describe singularity conditions of perfect coupling nodes, a configuration of the limiting state as N tends to zero yielded a relationship between V, X3 and VR that will eventually evolve in equivalent V-bus power-maximizing loads. The explicit relationship connecting the three stated variables may also analyse conditions for the adjusted reactance of synchronous machines or the transfer behaviour of compensated transmission lines. Whereas the proposed algorithm presents a different statement of equations based on Miss Clark's diagram for the purely reactive network [1], it is the inclusion of resistance in an algebraic formulation that has afforded two important observations of stability behaviour. The first is concerned with the introduction of power function continuous boundaries, where the lower may account for the reduced-generation voltage avalanche phenomenon with lagging power factor loads and the upper for the known forms of stressed systems instabilities with both types of loads. The second is related to the inducement of discontinuities in the otherwise continuous function. These are generally characterized by regenerative reverse powers, of the same-ordered magnitude as the intended forward powers, which are initiated by phasereversal of induced reference voltage VR; and, at the same time, by the tendency of quick recovery to normal boundary conditions for values in the immediate neighbourhood of the instigating variables. As a result, it is possible to identify two types of singularities according to the relative amount of resistance involved. These are the low resistance type for which SSSL voltage constraints are approximately upheld and the high-resistance type that will not satisfy these constraints. As it is stipulated that the power-maximizing function is a generalized statement for voltage instability, the stability of loads and of synchronous machines, the considered cases for graphical and analytical depictions use parameters as those stated in the literature for the separate stability investigations. However, because of prohibitively large space requirements, partly symbolic presentations are given for cases that will (a) verify graphical depictions of function continuities (b) provide for algebraic expressions of stability bounds as exact initial guesses for numerical solution algorithms and (c) demonstrate the existence of transmission singularities that may account for many of the unexplained radial feeder events. 2. DEPICTIONS FOR THE POWER-MAXIMIZING ANALYTICAL FUNCTION The voltage-constrained stability functions are initially obtained in a relationship connecting sectional impedance parameters of the 3-node configuration for N=1.0. This can be expressed as a polynomial equation in any one of circuit variables so that, for a given V-bus voltage V, the stage is set for a dynamic relationship between reference VR and associated X3 such that, within limits of the relationship, the angle of V with respect to VR, the current angle with respect to V and subsequently the active and reactive V-bus load constituents will come out as a result. The graphical depictions given for this relationship for the cases shown (Figures 2 and 3) will verify the critical transmission angle (δc) constraint for maximum bus-VR(hence bus-V) received powers, viz., πΏπ ο½ tan ο1 ( X T / R ) , where, XT = X1+X3. 2 7 6 Reference Reactance X3 (p.u) Lagging PF Loads 5 Unity PF states 4 3 2 1 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 Active Reference Voltage VR (p.u) Leading PF Loads 2 2.5 Fig. 2: Angle Stability Reference Functions of evolving V-bus Loads [ V=0.8501, Z1= 1.0ο750 p.u. ................. - - - -V =0.8501, Z1=0.0000+j0.9661pu V=0.7636, Z1= 1.0ο750 ] The curves in Figure (2) are plotted for the evolving roots of V in a VR polynomial expression that would exactly match those obtained through charts preparations for VR=1.2pu, as described by the cited criterion for the stability of loads in Reference [1], viz., 0.7636pu and 0.8501pu. However, it can be seen that four values of X3 in the new reference frame analysis would correspond to the stated VR=1.2pu, and that only one of these would satisfy the constraint X3=0.8pu at V= 0.7636pu. It must be stated that whereas the equation roots that result in the power factor modes for the cases shown are generated in a single function for the purely reactive line, those for the resistive line would require for their depiction two equations, with the result of double-valued stability information for X3. Table (1) presents a sample of power-maximizing conditions of leading and lagging loads stabilities for the case of specified V=0.8501pu. 3 TABLE (1) SAMPLE V-BUS STABILITY INFORMATION FOR V=0.8501pu, Z1= 1.0ο75 p.u 0 X3 P Q E VR X3 P Q E VR 5.5081 0 0.1312 -1 0 5.6 -0.3309 -0.0237 -0.8113 2.4007 5.6 -0.0098 0.1289 -0.9949 0.0645 5.5999 0.3309 -0.0237 -1 -2.4008 5.5999 0.0098 0.1289 -1 -0.0644 5.6001 0.3309 -0.0237 -1 -2.4007 5.6001 0.0098 0.1289 -1 -0.0646 5 0.37 -0.0556 -1 -2.4742 5.8 0.0316 0.1234 -1 -0.2161 4 -0.4272 -0.1101 -0.7474 2.4314 6 0.0548 0.1169 -1 -0.3872 3.9999 0.4272 -0.1101 -1 -2.4314 6.2 -0.0801 0.109 -0.9577 0.5867 4.0001 0.4272 -0.1101 -1 -2.4314 6.1999 0.0801 0.109 -1 -0.5866 3 0.4825 -0.1739 -1 -2.2455 6.2001 0.0801 0.109 -1 -0.5868 2 0.5411 -0.2589 -1 -1.9364 6.4 0.11 0.0985 -1 -0.8352 1 0.6066 -0.3927 -1 -1.4935 6.6 0.1554 0.0801 -1 -1.2276 0.8 -0.6205 -0.4314 -0.5991 1.3852 6.6 0.2167 0.0501 -1 -1.7446 0.7999 0.6205 -0.4314 -1 -1.3851 6.4 0.2565 0.0273 -1 -2.0355 0.8001 0.6205 -0.4314 -1 -1.3852 6.2 -0.2804 0.0121 -0.8428 2.1824 0.4 0.6472 -0.533 -1 -1.1422 6.1999 0.2804 0.0121 -1 -2.1825 0.1 0.6619 -0.6469 -1 -0.9295 6.2001 0.2804 0.0121 -1 -2.1824 0.01 0.6633 -0.6926 -0.9999 -0.8583 6 0.2995 -0.0008 -1 -2.2805 0 -0.8124 -0.6981 -0.7362 0.8501 5.8 0.316 -0.0126 -1 -2.3503 0.001 0.6627 -0.6976 -0.9991 -0.8509 It must also be noted that some points in the prescribed calculation steps reveal discontinuities that recover to normal function behaviour, as demonstrated by the neighbouring increments of instigating X3 shown. These singularity states have evolved in a test algorithm for function existence while checking the status of specified voltage constraints, as to be presented. 3. ANALYTICAL RESULTS FOR STABILITY BOUNDS As the complete form of source variables connecting relationship would require prohibitively large space, partly symbolic depictions generated in MATLAB tool-box with reference to curves (Figure 3) for R and V specifications are presented for the typical X1 = 1.0pu. 4 30 Reference Reactance X3 (p.u) 25 20 15 10 R 5 0 V 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Reference Voltage V R (p.u) 8 9 10 Fig. 3: Active Stability Reference Relations for X1 =1.0 p.u [- - - V=0.9pu, R=0.150, 0.250, 0.350, 0.400pu] [ R=0.2pu, V=0.875, 0.900, 0.925, 0.950pu] The following equation with coefficients in Appendix (1) is derived in a polynomial radicand expression for the existence of VR, and hence for any power transfers blow the corresponding maximums, as dictated by the upper X3limitsand the VR at which they occur: π΄π34 + π΅π33 + πΆπ32 + π·π3 + πΈ = 0 (1) The complete equation form would show that the corresponding VR could only be zero for the condition R=0, as is verified by the curves and by the Clark's equations for reactance networks. It must also be noted that whereas the describing function may involve large values for induced VR and associated X3, these are eventually implied into equivalent V-bus powermaximizing constituents. On the other hand, the bounds to maximum powers in terms of upper VR limits would require for their assessment the solution of a higher-order polynomial equation, whereby a 3-node configuration with a flat-voltage profile is demonstrated as a transmission singularity state of zero power transfers. In addition, an equation with coefficients as in Appendix (2) that represents the starting point of zero-maximums lagging loads corresponding to VR=0 in the Figures is obtainable as follows: π΄π36 + π΅π35 + πΆπ34 + π·π33 + πΈπ32 + πΉπ3 + πΊ = 0 (2) 5 4. AN ALGORITHM FOR THE ANALYTICAL DISCONTIUITIES The general plan of obtaining necessary and sufficient conditionsfor thestability of a twomachine systemwith internal voltage constraints (Figure 1), upon which the active-reference simulator model is based, would require a general formulation for the sending and receivingend voltages in the following general terms,where the angular separation between E and VR is known 'a priori': E ο½ E (VR ,V1 ,V2 , Z 1 , Z 2 , Z 3 ) (3) VR ο½ VR ( E , V1 , V2 , Z 1 , Z 2 , Z 3 ) The validity of specified V1 and V2 in the evolving E and VR equations can now be checked against values obtained using the computed E and VR based on the known critical angular separation between the two variables. The tolerance used in this presentation for the stringent test between specified and computed is the infinitesimally small (0.0000001pu). Expressed in terms of described circuit sectional impedance elements, the set of equations would collect into two simple equations with N-dependent coefficients as shown in Appendix (3) for the presentable case X1=X3=V= 1.0pu. The following verification points may be stated for the described E-constraint test algorithm: a) For all values of N and R=0, the two equations will reduce to a form that is obtainable using the Clark's diagram for the stability analysis of purely-reactive systems [1], b) For N=1, the set of equations reduces to one equation in VR for a specified E, upon which the original formulation has been based. c) Either of the two equations can stand on its own in describing continuous transfer characteristics under stability limits, as has been previously reported for the reactance behavior in the presence of resistance of radial lines and synchronous machines [6-8]. d) The discontinuities in load function that has demonstrated a distinct phase-reversal in VR can be shown a consequence of different roots choice in the algorithm for constraint test. Table (2) presents results of the connecting solution algorithm for the stated case and R=0.1pu using N as variable, where V2 is derived on the basis of V1=1.0pu as stated in (c) above. TABLE (2) SAMPLE V-BUS SINGULARITIES FOR X1=X3=V=1.0pu, R=0.1pu N P Q E VR .9 .99 .999 .9999 .99999 .999999 1 -0.6530 -0.7967 0.8073 0.8083 0.8084 0.8084 -0.8084 -0.8508 -0.6077 -0.5844 -0.5821 -0.5819 -0.5819 -0.5819 -0.6061 -0.8044 -0.9983 -0.9998 -1.0000 -1.0000 -0.8226 1.8694 1.7854 -1.7774 -1.7766 -1.7765 -1.7765 1.7765 In general, whereas the continuity pattern of transfer behavior is generally upheld, the 6 stringent constraint test would reveal discontinuities of a larger proportion according to calculation steps of instigation variables used and the relative amount of resistance involved. For example, it can be demonstrated that for V=1.0pu, an impedance of 0.5+j1.0pu would show no sign of stability over the X3 range (1.00-7.10) for a 0.1pu step size, and over the range (1.00-2.22) for a 0.01pu step size. However, partial stability is exhibited for the remaining of the two ranges. On the other hand, an increment of 0.0001 around the 0.5pu resistance would show partial stability over the two ranges. It must also be stated that the solution algorithm for SSSL conditions may also involve resistive elements for the active angle stability simulator circuit that would evolve in a different configuration of singularity states. 5. CONCLUSIONS The need for the precise computation of stability limits as determined by the maximum power transfer capabilities has intensified and the paper presented results of a generalized statement for the constituents of power-maximizing continuous function using variables of a connected angle-stability reference simulator circuit. The algebraic formulation has allowed depiction of stability information that could not have been observed through equations without the resistance element. In addition, an algorithm aiming at necessary and sufficient conditions for functions existence has revealed resistance-induced chaotic voltage behaviors as manifested in discontinuities that may account for some of the many unexplained radial line events. The sudden phase-reversal in prescribed voltage magnitudes and the associated strong powers in reverse characterizing the singularity states could be attributed to a different roots choice in the test algorithm for voltage constraints. In general, whereas the continuity pattern of transfer behavior is generally upheld, the stringent constraint test would reveal discontinuities of a larger proportion according to the step size of instigation variables and the relative amount of resistance involved. However, the well-defined pattern afforded of easily-generated analytical bounds can serve the purposes of exact initial guesses in computer solution algorithm for the voltage stability of loads. BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] Kimbark, E.W., Power System Stability; Vol. III, John Wiley and Sons, Second Printing, 1962. Weedy, B.M., Voltage Stability of Radial Power Links, Proc. IEE, Vol. 115, No. 4, April 1968. Kundur, P., Power System Stability and Control, Mc Graw Hill, New York, 1994. Xiao-Ping Zhang, Christian Rehtanz, Bikash Pal, Flexible AC Transmission Systems: Modelling and Control, Springer, 2006. EL-Sadik, F.M., Results of Algebraic Equation for the Steady-State Stability Limits in VoltageConstrained Transmission Systems, Proc. CIGRE SC C4 2009 Kushiro Colloquium, June 7-13, 2009, Kushiro, Japan. EL-Sadik, F.M., An Equation for the Coupling Resistance Influence on (The Many) Radial Link Power Reserves, Proc. 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APPEEC 2011, Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference, 2011, Wuhan University, China. 7 APPENDICES Appendix (1) Coefficients Equation (1) for Upper-bound X3 in VR Radicand for X1=1.0pu πΆ = π΄ = (π 2 π 2 − 1 + π 2 ) π΅ = (−2 + 4 π 2 π 2 − 2 π 2 + 4 π 2 ) −2 π 2 + 8 π 2 π 2 − 1 − π 4 + 2 π 2 π 4 + 6 π 2 π· = (4 π 2 π 4 + 4 π 2 + 8 π 2 π 2 ) πΈ = π 2 π 6 + π 2 + 3 π 2 π 2 + 3 π 2 π 4 Appendix (2) Coefficients Equation (2) for the Condition VR = 0, for X1=1.0pu π΄ = 1 − π2 2 π΅ = (−4 π 2 1 − π 2 + 2 1 − π 2 2 ) πΆ = −2 π 2 + 1 π 2 1 − π 2 + 4 π 4 − 8 π 2 1 − π 2 + 1 − π 2 2 π 2 + 1 π· = (4 (π 2 + 1) π 4 − 8 (π 2 + 1) π 2 (1 − π 2 ) + 8 π 4 ) πΈ = ( π 2 + 1 2 π 4 + 8 (π 2 + 1) π 4 + (−2 (π 2 + 1) π 2 (1 − π 2 ) + 4 π 4 ) (π 2 + 1)) πΉ = 6 π 2 + 1 2 π 4 πΊ = π 2 + 1 3 π 4 Appendix (3) Simultaneous Equations Coefficients for Connecting Solution Algorithm AE 4 + BE 2 + C = 0 π΄ = ((−2 (π 2 + 1) π 1 − π 2 − (π 2 + 4 π + 1 − π 2 ) (−2 (4 − π 2 ) π − 2 (π 2 + 1) π + 8 π )) ((−2 (4 − π 2 ) π − 2 (π 2 + 1) π + 8 π ) 1 − π 2 + 2 π 1 − π 2 ) 2 − π 2 + 1 1 − π 2 − π 2 − 4 π − 1 − π 2 (π 2 + 4)) π΅ = ((−2 (π 2 + 1) π 1 − π 2 − (π 2 + 4 π + 1 − π 2 ) (−2 (4 − π 2 ) π − 2 (π 2 + 1) π + 8 π )) (−(−2 (4 − π 2 ) π − 2 (π 2 + 1) π + 8 π ) (π 2 + 4) π2 2 + 2 π 1 − π 2 (−π 2 − 4)) − 2 (−(π 2 + 1) (π 2 + 4) π22 − (π 2 + 4 π + 1 − π 2 ) (−π 2 − 4)) ((π 2 + 1) 1 − π 2 − π 2 − 4 π − 1 − π 2 ) (π 2 + 4)) 2 πΆ = − − π 2 + 1 π 2 + 4 π22 − π 2 + 4 π + 1 − π 2 −π 2 − 4 (π 2 + 4) πππ 4 + πππ 2 + π = 0 π = ((−2 π 1 − π 2 − (−2 (4 − π 2 ) π − 2 (π 2 + 1) π + 8 π ) 1 − π 2 ) ((π 2 + 4 π + 1 − π 2 ) (−2 (4 − π 2 ) π − 2 (π 2 + 1) π + 8 π ) + 2 (π 2 + 1) π 1 − π 2 ) − π 2 + 4 π + 1 − π 2 − π 2 + 1 1 − π 2 2 (π 2 + 4)) π = ((−2 π 1 − π 2 − (−2 (4 − π 2 ) π − 2 (π 2 + 1) π + 8 π ) 1 − π 2 ) (−(−2 (4 − π 2 ) π − 2 (π 2 + 1) π + 8 π ) (π 2 + 4) π22 + 2 π 1 − π 2 (−π 2 − 4)) − 2 (−(π 2 + 4) π22 − 1 − π 2 (−π 2 − 4)) (π 2 + 4 π + 1 − π 2 − (π 2 + 1) 1 − π 2 ) (π 2 + 4)) 2 π = − − π 2 + 4 π22 − 1 − π 2 −π 2 − 4 (π 2 + 4) 8