Xi Chapter 2016 Awards Committee P.O. Box 44 Syracuse, NY 13205 March 29, 2016 Dear Counselor/Community Leader: Xi Chapter of Lambda Kappa Mu Sorority, Inc., an organization of business and professional women, is accepting applications for the Carolyn Tyler Memorial Scholar Incentive Award for 2016. We are soliciting your help in publicizing this award and making the application enclosed available to all eligible students. To be eligible for this award, students must be an African American/Black female high school senior graduating from a school in Onondaga County and planning to attend an institution of higher learning. We have presented the Carolyn Tyler Memorial Scholar Incentive Award annually since 1970. The amount of the Award is $1,000.00 and a new recipient is selected each year. The award is renewable for three consecutive years for a maximum amount of $4,000.00. Enclosed you will find an application and selection criteria. The committee will only review those applications that are complete. We ask your support in duplicating and distributing the applications and assisting students in submitting a complete packet. The deadline for applying for the Carolyn Tyler Memorial Scholar Incentive Award is May 2, 2016. Students must adhere to this deadline. The award will be presented at our Youth Achievement awards Luncheon on June 11, 2016 at Drumlins Country Club. As always, your support is very much appreciated. Please contact me with questions regarding the scholarship by email at tamarahamilton76@gmail.com or phone at 315.420.5387. Sincerely, Tamara N. Hamilton Awards Committee Co-Chair Lambda Kappa Mu Sorority, Incorporated Xi Chapter Syracuse, New York Carolyn Tyler Memorial Scholar Incentive Award GRANT: $1,000.00 per year for a maximum of $4,000.00 Award is renewable each year. Recipient must maintain good academic standing (as defined by the college/university/school) and submit proof of continuous enrollment. ELIGIBILITY: • An African American/Black female high school senior in Onondaga County, New York • Accepted to an institution of higher learning: College, paraprofessional, trade or professional school (2 or 4 year institution) • Demonstrate evidence of financial need (see application) TO APPLY, PLEASE SUBMIT BY THE DEADLINE: • A completed application form • Three (3) reference letters/letters of recommendation • Official transcript • An Activity Sheet/Résumé • A personal statement including future goals, how the Award will be beneficial to your academic success and how the Award will be used to benefit others APPLICATION DEADLINE: Monday, May 2, 2016 MAIL COMPLETED APPLICATION PACKETS TO: Tamara N. Hamilton Awards Committee Co-Chair P.O. Box 44 Syracuse, NY 13205 tamarahamilton76@gmail.com ONLY COMPLETE APPLICATION PACKETS WILL BE REVIEWED Xi Chapter – Lambda Kappa Mu Sorority, Inc. Carolyn Tyler Scholar Application Please type directly on application and answer all questions completely. Your information will be kept confidential. PERSONAL DATA Name __________________________________________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________________________________________ Phone (H) __________________________________ (C) ______________________________________ E-mail address ___________________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth _________________________ City/State of Birth _________________________________ Do you have a diagnosed physical or mental disability? (Y/N) ___________ If “Yes”, please explain _______________________________________________________________________________________ EDUCATIONAL/COMMUNITY INFORMATION High School(s) Attended (Most recent school first) School Address Years Date of Graduation _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Extramural Activities (School activities and offices held) _________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Community Involvements (Church, Club activities and offices held) ________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ *Please attach an Activity Sheet/Résumé COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY/SCHOOL INFORMATION Name of Institution _______________________________________________________________________ Field of study ____________________________________________________________________________ Proposed Date of Enrollment/Matriculation ____________________________________________________ Have you been accepted to this institution? (Y/N) ___________ Full-time or Part-Time ________________ Are you the first person in your immediate family to attend college? (Y/N) ___________________________ Have either of your parents/guardians graduated from college? (Y/N) _______________________________ FINANCIAL INFORMATION What are your anticipated school expenses and what resources do you have to meet the cost of attendance? _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Will you receive financial aid? (Y/N) _____________ If “Yes”, please list source(s) and amount(s) of aid _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Parents/Guardians Information Father Name ___________________________________ Address __________________________________ Place of Employment ____________________________ Occupation _______________________________ Mother Name __________________________________ Address __________________________________ Place of Employment ____________________________Occupation ________________________________ Annual Gross Income of Family _________________________ Number of School Age Children in Household _____________ Number Attending College ___________________ REFERENCES/RECOMMENDATIONS Please list the names of three (3) references/recommenders [One (1) reference must be from a person outside of the school (i.e., employer, community representative, etc.)] NAME ADDRESS PHONE TITLE/POSITION ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ PERSONAL STATEMENT On a separate sheet, please include a one (1) page typed statement describing your future education goals and profession. The statement should include how you will benefit from receiving the Carolyn Tyler Award and how you will use this Award to benefit others. Please include any extenuating circumstances you will like the committee to consider. By signature below, I certify that I am eligible to apply for the Carolyn Tyler Scholar Award and that all information in this application is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge. Signature ___________________________________________________ Date ______________________ APPLICATION DEADLINE: Monday, May 2, 2016 MAIL COMPLETED APPLICATION PACKETS TO: Tamara N. Hamilton Awards Committee Chair P.O. Box 44 Syracuse, NY 13205 tamarahamilton76@gmail.com ONLY COMPLETE APPLICATION PACKETS WILL BE REVIEWED