UPDATE TO ARCOM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS – June 16, 2016 Please note that for all ARCOM submittals, the following must be included in your application, record and presentation files/folders: Dimensioned details (including cross sections) for all eaves, cornices, columns, windows, entries, loggias, shutters, chimneys, etc. Paint details on the plans/elevations that state the name of the color, manufacturer, and manufacturer number. All elevations must include scale figures. For projects that have been previously deferred by the Commission, elevations that include “previously proposed” over “currently proposed.” If the structure is existing and alterations are proposed, then elevations must be provided that include “existing” over “previously proposed” over “currently proposed.” Revised 06/16/16 APPLICATION FOR ARCHITECTURAL COMMISSION REVIEW (Please refer to attached Electronic Submission Instructions) ARCOM CASE #: ____-_____-_______ 1. Project Address: _______________________________________________________________ 2. Name of the Applicant: _________________________________________________________ Address: 3. Telephone#: _________________ Name of Architect/Engineer:______________________________________________________ Phone #: Architect’s e-mail address:____________________________________ 4. Brief description of the project: (The exact wording in this section will appear on the ARCOM agenda . Please include a comprehensive summarized description of the project which describes the changes) _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 5. Are there any Town Council approvals necessary to complete the project? YES OR NO Please provide variance, site plan review, and/or special exception numbers: _______________ 6. Number of stories: Roof material (type): Const. Type: CBS ? ______ Frame?: Colors: Building: Roof: Trim: Shutters:_________ *also, please provide the above information on the cover sheet of the ARCOM plans.* 7. Signature: (owner or owner’s legally authorized agent*): ____________________________ *If signed by a legally authorized agent, must be accompanied by a Power of Attorney or statement from property owner authorizing the signer to sign on owner’s behalf. ** Please check box if you are an ARCOM member, and this project will result in a Voting Conflict for you. (Please use the attached checklist to ensure that your application is complete. Incomplete applications may cause a deferral of the request. If you have any questions regarding the requirements, please call John Lindgren, at 227-6414 or the ARCOM Secretary at 227-6408 well in advance of the submission deadline.) FEES: Major projects (with or without landscape/hardscape): Landscape/Hardscape/Site Lighting: Minor projects (awnings, signs, fenestration): Deferred projects: $750.00 $750.00 $250.00 no charge SUBMISSION DEADLINES: (Please refer to attached electronic submission instructions) Major projects: - 30 days prior to the meeting, or as listed on the Town’s Architectural Commission Meeting Dates and Filing Deadlines list available at www.townofpalmbeach.com Minor projects: - Two weeks prior to the next scheduled meeting Deferrals: - No later than one week prior to the scheduled meeting (with changes clouded) Revisions: - No later than one week prior to the scheduled meeting (with changes clouded), together with a written narrative that succinctly details the changes made. MEETING DATES: Please see ARCHITECTURAL COMMISSION MEETING DATES AND FILING DEADLINES on Town website at www.townofpalmbeach.com The Architect and/or Landscape Architect is advised that he/she will be responsible for acknowledging, prior to the issuance of a Certificate-of-Occupancy, that the as-built design matches the original ARCOM approved design, with the exception of other ARCOM or staff approvals. Revised 06/16/16 NOTICE AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH BEFORE ME THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED __________________ WHO BEING DULY SWORN, DISPOSES AND SAYS THAT: 1. He/she is the owner, or the owner’s authorized agent, of the real property legally described in the Architectural Commission Application. 2. The accompanying Property Owners List is, to the best of his/her knowledge, a complete and accurate list of all property owners’ mailing addresses and property control numbers post dated no later than 15 days prior to the Architectural Commission hearing at which the subject application will be heard, and as recorded in the latest official tax rolls for the subject property and all other properties within two hundred fifty (250) feet of the real property as described in the Application for Architectural Review. 3. A copy of the ARCOM application and the Notification to Property Owners is included in each envelope submitted for mailing, using the labels provided by the Property Appraiser’s Office. Sworn to and subscribed before me this by day of , . who is personally known to me or who has produced as identification and who did (did not) take an oath. (Type of identification) _____________________________ (Signature of Notary) ________________________________ (Applicant’s Signature) _____________________________ (Printed Name of Notary) ________________________________ (Printed name of Applicant) Revised 06/16/16 TOWN OF PALM BEACH NOTIFICATION TO PROPERTY OWNERS PER SECTION 18-202 (1) OF THE TOWN ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW ORDINANCE The above-mentioned ordinance provides that the property owners within a two hundred fifty (250) foot radius of the subject property shall be notified by mail of any proposed new structures, or major alterations to structures, on subject property. Please be advised the Town Architectural Commission will consider the following matter at the time and place indicated below: The Architectural Commission meeting will be held in the Town Council Chambers, 2nd floor, Town Hall, 360 South County Road, Palm Beach, and will begin at 9:00 a.m. on _______________________________________ at which time the project listed below will be reviewed. Address: ________________________________________________________________ Description: _____________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ This notification is not to solicit your approval or disapproval. It is a required notification to surrounding property owners. If you desire, you may submit any comments in writing before the meeting or you may attend the meeting to speak on the matter. The plans for the project are on file in the Planning, Zoning & Building Department and are available for review Monday through Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Please note that the applicant can submit revised plans and materials up to one (1) week prior to the meeting date; therefore, if you are an interested party in the application, you will need to contact the Town using the information below to verify if revisions have or have not been submitted. Please be advised that the Town does not enforce private covenants or deed restrictions. If you need further information relative to this project, please contact John Lindgren, Planning Administrator, at 227-6414 or the Secretary to the Architectural Commission at 227-6408. Revised 06/16/16 PROCEDURES FOR ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION/PRESENTATION DOCUMENTS *These procedures may be altered as the Town implements its “paperless” submission requirements ARCHITECTURAL COMMISSION (ARCOM): MAJOR APPLICATION (REQUIRES NOTICE TO SURROUNDING PROPERTY OWNERS) 1. Prior to application submission deadline: Applicant contacts PZB in advance to receive application # 2. On or by the Application submission deadline (approximately 30 days prior to the meeting – for exact dates see Architectural Commission Meeting Dates and Filing Deadlines on the Town’s website at www.townofpalmbeach.com) SUBMIT: APPLICATION Submit An Adobe (pdf) version of the “APPLICATION” file or folder on a CD. Label the CD with the ARCOM case # and the address. The “APPLICATION” file or folder contains: The 1 page ARCOM application and all plans in Adobe (pdf) format (with all plans showing the legend on the right side). If the project is for demolition, include the full demolition report in the Application file or folder as well. *Note that the 1 page ARCOM application will be attached to the agenda and placed on the web prior to the meeting. EXAMPLE: “APPLICATION” FILE/FOLDER NAME: B-007-2013 234 SEABREEZE AVE APPLICATION (Note: If there are files within an “Application” folder, they should be named to indicate the contents.) RECORD Submit an Adobe (pdf) version of a “RECORD” file or folder on the same CD. The “RECORD” File or Folder contains one of every required document and plan: The ARCOM 1 page application, the Notification to Property Owners, the Notice Affidavit, the tax map, the list of persons who were notified, the sample envelope and its contents, full demolition report for demolition projects, photographic archive (interior and exterior) of the building to be demolished, the plans, and any associated correspondence etc. Must be submitted by the deadline for application submission (for exact dates see Architectural Commission Meeting Dates and Filing Deadlines on the Town’s website at www.townofpalmbeach.com. EXAMPLE: “RECORD” FILE/FOLDER NAME: B-007–2013 234 SEABREEZE AVE RECORD (Note: If there are files within a “Record” folder, they should be named to indicate the contents.) *************************************************************************** IMPORTANT NOTE: IF YOU CHANGE THE PLANS AFTER THE SUBMISSION DATE, YOU NEED TO RE-SUBMIT A COMPLETE “APPLICATION” FILE OR FOLDER, AND A COMPLETE “RECORD” FILE OR FOLDER ON A NEW DISC. THAT MEANS YOU SUBMIT ALL THAT WAS ORIGINALLY SUBMITTED, EXCEPT FOR THE ORIGINAL PLANS WHICH WILL BE REMOVED AND REPLACED WITH THE NEW PLANS. NAME THE REVISED APPLICATION OR RECORD AS FOLLOWS: B-007-2013 234 SEABREEZE AVE APPLICATION REV 01 B-007-2013 234 SEABREEZE AVE RECORD REV 01 PLEASE NOTE: The last date for submission of MINOR changes to plans is 7 calendar days prior to the meeting, at which time you will also submit your”PRESENTATION” file or folder. Revised 06/16/16 PRESENTATION 3. On or by the PRESENTATION submission deadline: (no later than 7 days prior to the meeting) – SUBMIT: Submit either an Adobe (pdf) or a PowerPoint “PRESENTATION” file or folder on CD containing all documents (in 1 file, or if multiple files, in 1 folder) that will be used for presentation. Please be advised that the PRESENTATION should include any and all documents, plans, photographs (without panoramic or fish eye lenses), reports, etc. which the applicant elects to present to the commission and to the public during the Architectural Commission meeting, and it is on the basis of these documents, plans, photographs, reports, etc., together with the applicant’s verbal presentation, that the Architectural Commission shall render a decision. The responsibility for a complete Presentation rests with the applicant. As of May 23, 2012: Please note that it is strongly recommended that you include 3-D renderings in your Presentation, though they are not “required”. All information submitted for presentation must match most current documents on file in PZB (same revision dates on plans). Additional supplemental information may be included in the Presentation folder (like photos or renderings). As of May 23, 2012: Renderings should be done in full color. As of February 25, 2015: Plans are to include scale figures. This Presentation file/folder will be loaded onto a laptop computer located in the Town Council Chambers and will be retrieved by the applicant when preparing to make his or her presentation. The applicant should be prepared to use the mouse as a pointer, and should be prepared to zoom in or out as requested when making the presentation. EXAMPLE: PRESENTATION FILE/FOLDER NAME: B-007-2013 234 SEABREEZE AVE PRESENTATION (Note: If there are files within a ”Presentation” folder, they should be named to indicate the contents for the ease of the applicant making the presentation.) NOTE: IF YOUR PROJECT IS DEFERRED, YOU WILL NEED TO SUBMIT ANOTHER PRESENTATION DISC FOR THE FOLLOWING MONTH’S MEETING NO LATER THAN 1 WEEK PRIOR TO THAT MEETING. (A SUCCINCT WRITTEN NARRATIVE DESCRIBING THE CHANGES MUST ACCOMPANY ALL REVISED PLANS). WHEN YOU NAME THAT NEW PRESENTATION FILE OR FOLDER, FOLLOW THIS EXAMPLE: B-007–2013 234 SEABREEZE AVE PRESENTATION JUNE 2010 (This file/folder name differs from the original Presentation file/folder name because it also includes the month & year it will be heard again ). Along with the Presentation disc, 14 sets of 11” x 17” plans must be submitted no later than 1 week prior to meeting; plans must match most current documents on file in PZB (same revision dates on plans). Mini-sets for demolition projects must include interior and exterior photos of the building. Please be advised that the mini sets are used by commission members and staff before and during the meeting, and are available to be viewed by the public prior to the meeting. Revised 06/16/16 PROCEDURES FOR DIGITIZED SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION/PRESENTATION DOCUMENTS FOR ARCOM MINOR PROJECTS *These procedures may be altered as the Town implements its “paperless” submission requirements ARCHITECTURAL COMMISSION (ARCOM): MINOR APPLICATION (MINOR PROJECTS TYPICALLY DO NOT REQUIRE NOTICE TO SURROUNDING PROPERTY OWNERS) 1. Prior to application submission deadline: Applicant contacts PZB in advance to receive application # 2. On or by the Application submission deadline (14 days prior to the meeting – for exact dates see Architectural Commission Meeting Dates and Filing Deadlines included in this application package) – SUBMIT: APPLICATION Submit an Adobe (pdf) version of an “APPLICATION” file or folder on a CD. Label the CD with the ARCOM case # and the address. The “APPLICATION” file or folder contains: The 1 page ARCOM application and all plans in Adobe (pdf) format (with all plans showing the legend on the right side). *Note that the 1 page ARCOM application will be attached to the agenda and placed on the web prior to the meeting. EXAMPLE: APPLICATION FILE/FOLDER NAME: A-007-2013 234 SEABREEZE AVE APPLICATION (Note: If there are files within an “Application” folder, they should be named to indicate the contents.) RECORD Submit an Adobe (pdf) version of a “RECORD” file or folder on a CD. The “RECORD” File or Folder contains one of every required document and plan: The ARCOM 1 page application, the plans, and any associated correspondence etc. Must be submitted by the deadline for application submission (for exact dates see Architectural Commission Meeting Dates and Filing Deadlines included in this application package) RECORD FILE/FOLDER NAME: A-007–2013 234 SEABREEZE AVE RECORD (Note: If there are files within a “Record” folder, they should be named to indicate the contents.) IMPORTANT NOTE: IF YOU CHANGE THE PLANS AFTER THE SUBMISSION DATE, YOU NEED TO RE-SUBMIT A COMPLETE “APPLICATION” FILE OR FOLDER, AND A COMPLETE “RECORD” FILE OR FOLDER ON A NEW DISC, WITH FILES/FOLDERS NAMED AS FOLLOWS: A-007-2013 234 SEABREEZE AVE APPLICATION REV 01 A-007-2013 234 SEABREEZE AVE RECORD REV 01 PLEASE NOTE: The last date for submission of MINOR changes to plans is 7 calendar days prior to the meeting, at which time you will also submit your PRESENTATION file or folder. Revised 06/16/16 PRESENTATION 3. On or by the PRESENTATION submission deadline: (no later than 7 days prior to the meeting) – SUBMIT: Submit either an Adobe (pdf) or a PowerPoint “PRESENTATION” file or folder on CD containing all documents (in 1 file, or if multiple files, in 1 folder) that will be used for presentation. Please be advised that the PRESENTATION should include any and all documents, plans, photographs (without panoramic or fish eye lenses), reports, etc. which the applicant elects to present to the commission and to the public during the Architectural Commission meeting, and it is on the basis of these documents, plans, photographs, reports, etc., together with the applicant’s verbal presentation, that the Architectural Commission shall render a decision. The responsibility for a complete Presentation rests with the applicant. All information submitted for presentation must match most current documents on file in PZB (same revision dates on plans). Additional supplemental information may be included in the Presentation folder (like photos or renderings). As of May 23, 2012: Renderings should be done in full color. As of February 25, 2015: Plans are to include scale figures. This Presentation file/folder will be loaded onto a laptop computer located in the Town Council Chambers and will be retrieved by the applicant when preparing to make his or her presentation. The applicant should be prepared to use the mouse as a pointer, and should be prepared to zoom in or out as requested when making the presentation. PRESENTATION FILE/FOLDER NAME: A-007-2013 234 SEABREEZE AVE PRESENTATION (Note: If there are files within a ”Presentation” folder, they should be named to indicate the contents for the ease of the applicant making the presentation.) NOTE: IF YOUR PROJECT IS DEFERRED, YOU WILL NEED TO SUBMIT ANOTHER PRESENTATION DISC FOR THE FOLLOWING MONTH’S MEETING NO LATER THAN 1 WEEK PRIOR TO THAT MEETING (A SUCCINCT WRITTEN NARRATIVE DESCRIBING THE CHANGES MUST ACCOMPANY ALL REVISED PLANS.) WHEN YOU NAME THAT NEW PRESENTATION FILE OR FOLDER, FOLLOW THIS EXAMPLE: A-007–2013 234 SEABREEZE AVE PRESENTATION JUNE 2010 (This file/folder name differs from the original Presentation file/folder name because it also includes the month & year it will be heard). Along with the Presentation disc, 14 sets of 11” x 17” plans must be submitted no later than 1 week prior to meeting; plans must match most current documents on file in PZB (same revision dates on plans). Please be advised that the mini sets are used by commission members and staff before and during the meeting, and are available to be viewed by the public prior to the meeting. Revised 06/16/16 PLEASE NOTE: EFFECTIVE JUNE, 2010, ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION IS REQUIRED. PLEASE FOLLOW ATTACHED ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS. THE FOLLOWING CHECKLIST WILL BE USED BY STAFF TO DETERMINE IF YOUR APPLICATION IS COMPLETE. NEW CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS CHECKLIST: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ The current property owner is listed as the applicant and has signed the application, or the proper paper work has been submitted. Plans have calculations of the area and bulk on the cover sheet Were there any variances approved; if so, was it appropriate to the design concept? Site plan indicating historic specimen trees on the site, if any. Current (less than 1 year old) Survey including the easements. Preliminary perimeter landscape plans with a hardscape plan, which includes second story additions. Elevation drawings with height dimensions Scale figures Dimensioned floor plans Style of structure. Hurricane shutters planned? Yes No Building colors/materials indicated on the plans and #6 on the application. (Color samples and material board shall be brought to the presentation) Location of air-conditioning units, pool equipment and (future) generators Storm water management plan (Ordinance 15-01) DEMOLITION PROJECTS CHECKLIST: Demolition report: A detailed history of the property including: The original architect, Year built, Subsequent work done since original construction, including dates of work and names of architects, Size of existing structure(s), current condition of structure(s), and, A photographic inventory detailing all exterior and interior spaces required for historical/archival purposes Current (not more than 1 year old) survey showing existing structure(s) and the existing property lines. A vegetation plan indicating what vegetation will be removed, what vegetation will remain, and what vegetation will be added (if any). LANDSCAPE AND HARDSCAPE PROJECTS CHECKLIST: Landscape material key and size container Percentage of green space Easements indicated on the site plan, including indication of historic specimen trees if any. Site lighting Hardscape plan including walls, gates, water features and planters. LANDSCAPE PRESENTATION CHECKLIST: Overlay drawing of landscaping showing the front elevation of the building and an overlay drawing at the street level if appropriate. (Interior court yard, etc.) Hardscape samples (pavers, stone, bricks, etc.) Rendered landscape plan (all 4 elevations) including hardscape plan. Landscape lighting plan NOTIFICATION TO SURROUNDING PROPERTY OWNERS CHECKLIST: (Submit all with application) ___ Original Notice Affidavit (electronic –on disc) Tax map identifying a 250' radius around the subject property including the subject property. (electronic–on disc) List of property owners within the 250' radius including the subject property owner. (electronic –on disc) Envelopes for mailing to surrounding property owners. Envelopes stuffed with Page 1 of the ARCOM application and Notification to Property Owners. Envelopes are to be stuffed, sealed with the mailing labels affixed and postage stamps applied. Envelope marked SAMPLE which is stuffed with the same documents as are in the sealed envelopes to be mailed. (electronic –on disc-show envelope and its contents on disc) REVISION CHECKLIST: ___ ___ ___ No later than one week prior to the meeting Changes clouded A written narrative succinctly describing all changes must accompany all revisions submitted . Revised 06/16/16 PLEASE NOTE: EFFECTIVE JUNE, 2010, ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION IS REQUIRED. PLEASE FOLLOW ATTACHED ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS Instructions to Persons Applying for Architectural Commission Review: Applicants are hereby notified that no project will be considered by the Architectural Commission which does not meet the requirements outlined below and the architectural guidelines which are attached. Submission Requirements for New Construction and Major Exterior Remodeling: According to submission deadlines posted in the office of the Planning, Zoning and Building Department and included in this application, applicants shall submit the following: Completed ARCOM Application (electronic-on disc) and filing fee. Notice Affidavit. (electronic-on disc) Notice to Surrounding Property Owners (electronic-on disc) Tax map identifying the subject property with a 250' radius around the property (electronic-on disc) A list of all of the property owners within that 250' radius including the subject property owner(s) (electronic-on disc) This list and address labels must be obtained from the Palm Beach Property Appraiser’s Office, Mapping Department, 301 North Olive Avenue, Fifth Floor, West Palm Beach (561) 355-2881. You will need a property identification number (known as a property control number or a folio number) of the subject property to obtain the list. You should allow at least 10 days to receive this list from the Property Appraiser. The envelopes are to be stuffed with Page 1 of the ARCOM application and the Notification to Property Owners. The envelopes shall be stuffed, sealed, properly addressed, and affixed with proper postage stamps for regular mailing. The return address on each envelope should be as follows: Town of Palm Beach, Planning, Zoning & Building Department, 360 South County Road, P.O. Box 2029, Palm Beach, Florida 33480. Please indicate the ARCOM case # on the bottom left corner of each envelope. Also submit a “SAMPLE” envelope and show its contents (electronic-on disc). Comprehensive Demolition Report,(as described on checklist) , if applicable. Required only if there are existing structures on the site to be demolished (electronic-on disc) One (1) full set of signed & sealed plans depicting north, south, east and west, no larger than 30" x 42", drawn in 1/4 inch scale, of the design of a proposed structure or major exterior alteration, including all elevations which will be affected by the project, sufficiently detailed to indicate clearly the nature and intent of the proposed work including finishing materials, colors, detailing, roofing material, etc. Detailed drawings, at least 1/4 inch scale, shall be provided at the meeting to illustrate fenestration features (electronic-on disc) A vicinity map indicating the location of the subject property. (electronic-on disc) Elevation drawings (existing and proposed) of all four (or more if necessary) building facades. These drawings shall reference elevation above sea level and indicate dimensions of ground level, floor levels and overall building height. Plans shall include scale figures (electronic-on disc) Schematic floor plans which indicate the use and relationship of interior rooms. (electronic-on disc) A Stormwater Management Plan. (Ordinance 15-01, Section 86-91). (electronic-on disc) Landscape plans are required to have a key to the landscaping material and show the percentage of green space. They need to show swale areas, drainage and easements on the site plan and they are required to conform to Chapter 66-261 through 66-368, of the Code of Ordinances. The hardscape will be reviewed along with the landscape plans. (electronic-on disc) A site plan of the subject property drawn to scale which includes the following information: (electronic-on disc) (a) Dimensions and orientation of the parcel; (b) Location of building and structures, both existing and proposed; (c) Location of off-street parking and loading facilities; (d) Location and dimensions of present and proposed street dedications required to handle the traffic generated by the proposed uses; (e) Location of points of entry and exit for motor vehicles and internal circulation pattern; (f) Location of walls and fences and the indication of their height and the materials of their construction; (g) Indication of exterior lighting standards and devices adequate to review possible hazards and disturbances to the public and adjacent properties; (h) Location and size of exterior signs and outdoor advertising; (I) A preliminary landscaping plan and hardscape layout; (j) Grading and slopes where they affect the relationship of the buildings; (k) Indication of the heights of buildings and structures; (l) Indication of the proposed use of the buildings shown on the site; (m) Any other architectural and engineering data that may be required to permit necessary findings that the provisions of this code are being complied with; (n) A current signed and sealed survey with all pertinent information including the location of historic/specimen trees. In addition to the survey, a detailed written explanation of how said trees shall be protected by barricading shall accompany said survey; (o) Location of air-conditioning units, pool equipment and (future) generators; and (p ) any of the above requirements may be waived by the Building Official if he deems the information is not essential. Revised 06/16/16 NO LATER THAN 1 WEEK PRIOR TO THE MEETING, SUBMIT YOUR PRESENTATION DISC ALONG WITH **14 MINI-SETS OF PLANS (LEDGER SIZE PAPER COPIES). FOR ALL MAJOR PROJECTS, AND CERTAIN MINOR PROJECTS, WHERE APPLICABLE, IT IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED, THOUGH NOT REQUIRED, THAT YOU SUBMIT 3-D RENDERINGS WITH YOUR PRESENTATION. DIGITAL SIGNING AND SEALING OF PLANS: All digital plans submitted for ARCOM review must be digitally signed and sealed per the requirements of the applicable profession (i.e. architects, engineers, landscape architects and surveyors), as called for in Florida State Statutes. It is the applicant’s responsibility to coordinate with their respective professional organization to make sure that the plans are signed and sealed according to the most current requirements of their respective professional organization. REQUIREMENT REGARDING DEFERRED PROJECTS: The Architectural Commission requires that your plans reflect a progression of design with regard to the elevations. That means that the plans should reflect the following: 1. Existing elevations (if an existing structure is being modified) 2. Proposed elevations 3. And after a deferral has occurred, Updated proposed elevations It is advisable to include all 3 elevations on the same page for ease of comparison. Revised 06/16/16 PROCEDURES FOR PRESENTING PROJECTS TO THE ARCHITECTURAL COMMISSION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The Architectural Commission requires that the person presenting a project for review shall be: * A design professional (excluding interior designer) licensed by the State of Florida; or, * An individual who is under the direct supervision of such signing/sealing professional (an individual who is employed or compensated by that professional whom can present to the Commissions’ satisfaction); or, * A certified Architect Corporation under the provisions of Chapter 481 FS. * Such requirement will not apply when requesting approval of ancillary improvements including fences, awnings, gates, shutters, pools, etc. * Licensed attorneys may participate in presentations. The Commission, however, reserves the right to require direct presentation and or response(s) from a design professional as identified above. The absence of a design professional may result in deferral of the issue until a time when said professional can attend and present. All presentations must be completed in a formal and professional manner. Presentations to the Architectural Commission should be short and concise as possible with a recommended time limit of five (5) minutes. Presenters must use the microphone and speak clearly when addressing the Commission. Applicants will make their presentations using the laptop computer located in the Town Council Chambers. The laptop computer will already be loaded with the applicant’s pdf or PowerPoint presentation which was submitted on the applicant’s “Presentation Disc”. The presentation must provide information sufficient for a thorough review by the Commission. It is strongly recommended, though not required, that you submit 3-D renderings with your presentation. The presentation sequence for a major project should be as follows, and all of the following should be on the “Presentation Disc.” Streetscape drawings Site plan Floor plans Elevations (existing and proposed on the same page) Renderings without landscaping (in full color) Renderings with landscaping (in full color) Materials 6. 7. Necessary photographs (without panoramic or fish eye lense) should be part of the “Presentation Disc”. Landscape presentations should include some photographs of the building and should be on the “Presentation Disc”. Landscape projects must have colored presentations and a building elevation drawing with an overlay drawing of the proposed landscaping on the “Presentation Disc”. Include all four landscape elevations. 8. Color photographs (without panoramic or fish eye lense) of any existing buildings on the subject property must be included on the “Presentation Disc,” and a detailed photographic inventory of all exterior and interior spaces is required as part of the demolition report that must be included in the “presentation” for all demolition applications. 9. New residential structures and major additions must show the surrounding structures in a small scale elevation line drawing (street scape), a minimum of two houses on either side in relationship of the proposed building. In addition, a study including at least 400 feet on either side of the subject parcel, on both sides of the street may be presented. All on the “Presentation Disc.” Models are required for projects over 10,000 square feet. Applicants are responsible for finding out the date, time and location of ARCOM meetings. This information is available on the Town’s website at www.townofpalmbeach.com on the Planning, Zoning & Building Department page. This information may likewise be obtained from PZ&B staff at 838-5431, or through postings in the Town Hall. 10. 11. Revised 06/16/16 PLEASE NOTE: APPROVAL BY THE ARCHITECTURAL COMMISSION DOES NOT RELIEVE THE APPLICANT FROM MEETING ALL OF THE CRITERIA AND CONDITIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE AND/OR ANY OTHER RELATED DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS. IF YOU CANNOT PROVIDE ALL OF THE ITEMS ON THE CHECKLIST OR A SUBSTANTIAL REASON WHY THESE ITEMS COULD NOT BE PROVIDED, YOUR PROJECT WILL BE CONSIDERED FOR DEFERRAL BY THE COMMISSION OR STAFF. THE APPLICANT HAS THE RIGHT TO APPEAL THE DECISION OF THE COMMISSION OR THE STAFF IN WRITING WITHIN TEN DAYS. PURSUANT TO SECTION 18-177 OF THE TOWN’S CODE OF ORDINANCES, FOLLOWING REVIEW BY THE ARCHITECTURAL COMMISSION, A PROJECT FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION OR MAJOR EXTERIOR REMODELING SHALL UNDERGO FURTHER REVIEW BY THE TOWN COUNCIL (CONSENT AGENDA) AT THE REGULAR TOWN COUNCIL MEETING. THE DISPOSITION OF SUCH MATTERS BY TOWN COUNCIL SHALL BE FINAL. ISSUANCE OF A PERMIT FOR SUCH A PROJECT WOULD BE SUBSEQUENT TO THE TOWN COUNCIL MEETING AT WHICH THE PROJECT WAS CONSIDERED. GUIDELINES: APPROVED BY THE ARCHITECTURAL COMMISSION 1/25/95 Modified by staff 2/10/97 The Architectural Commission’s objective in establishing these guidelines is to streamline the approval process for projects requiring the commission’s approval for construction in the Town of Palm Beach, The Town Council created the architectural commission for the express task to “preserve various elements of urban beauty and require that new projects enhance the existing.” [18-146(d)]. The Architectural Commission Ordinance continues, “The essential foundation of beauty in communities is harmony.” [18-146(e)] The commission “will provide the ultimate designers of individual structures with the larger contexts in which their particular works will be viewed.” [18-146(c)] The Town Council clearly sets out the responsibility of ARCOM to ensure that projects are contextual, that they create harmony and do not disrupt the aesthetic quality of their surroundings, that they achieve a balance with the neighboring properties. “The proposed building or structure is in harmony with the proposed developments on land in the general area...” [18-205(d)] “The proposed building or structure is appropriate in relation to the established character of other structures in the immediate area or neighboring areas in respect to significant design features...” [18-205(g)] Because these criteria and the others listed in the ordinances are not specific, it is the purpose of these guidelines to SUGGEST specific ways in which the “beauty, spaciousness, balance, taste, fitness, charm and high quality” [18205(a)] have been and may be achieved. These guidelines reflect a summary of decisions made by Architectural Commission members over the past several years and an attempt to distill certain characteristics of proposed projects which ARCOM encourages. ACTIONS which may be taken by the Architectural Commission are as follows: ARCOM may approve, approve with conditions, deny, or defer the proposed project. A deferral allows the applicant to revise the project according to the suggestions of the commissioners and then resubmit the project at the next ARCOM meeting. Conceptual approval is sometimes given, although commissioners must be specific as to what exactly is approved and what will be subject to review in future meetings. ARCHITECTURAL STYLISTIC INTEGRITY is encouraged at all times. A stylistic summary of predominant styles found in Palm Beach Follows: Mediterranean Revival style homes usually have low-pitched (4 in 12) clay barrel tile roofs (s-tile roofs are occasionally found, but are less common due to the tradition of clay barrel tile use in older Palm Beach Mediterranean revival interpretations), semicircular or pointed arches, cast and carved stone ornamentation. The facade is often asymmetrical. Windows are usually no more than 20% of the surface and are divided. Casement or double-hung windows are more typical than awning windows, and are constructed of wood; clad wooden windows are also used. French doors are generally selected in lieu of sliding glass doors. Balcony balustrades are usually simple, casement and not overly ornate. Shutters are usually not used on Mediterranean styles, although concealed hurricane shutters are often designed as an integral part of the structure. Revised 06/16/16 Bermuda style homes, a local variation of the Colonial Revival style, usually have steeply pitched (6 in 12) roofs with flat cement tile. The facade is often symmetrical, with columns and pilasters, pediments and other classical detailing. Windows usually represent no more than 20% of the surface and are often divided. Casement or doublehung windows are more than typical than awning windows, and are constructed of wood; clad wooden windows are also used. Arched windows are usually semicircular and are used sparingly. French doors are generally selected in lieu of sliding glass doors. Balcony balustrades are usually simple cement and not overly ornate. Colonial or Bahama shutters frequently appear in this style. Columns and windows are rarely seen as two-story elements. The so-called Regency style of Palm Beach has come to mean a one-story, symmetrical, flat roofed structure with classical ornamentation, including stucco banding, keystones, window surrounds, arched windows, pediments, columns and elongated windows with muntins (20% of surface area) with long colonial shutters. The classic Regency style is similar to the Georgian style and is often represented by a symmetrical two-story structure, with a gently sloped, hipped roof of flat tile. There are occasional curved copper bay or porch roofs, curved side wall extensions, and fancy iron work tracery around porches. Ranch style homes, which were predominantly built in the 1950's and 1960's in Palm Beach, are represented by asymmetrical, irregularly shaped and sometimes undistinguished one-story structures with low-pitched cement tile roofs and awning windows. While the north end has many examples of these houses, proposed projects of this style are so infrequent as to be nearly nonexistent. To avoid violation of ARCOM’s too-dissimilar ordinance, however, applicants would be well advised to have their projects be sympathetic to this predominant style in size and height where possible. International style is one of the prevalent contemporary styles found in Palm Beach and is usually represented by one and two-story flat roofed asymmetrical structures with larger amounts of undivided fenestration (up to 30% of the surface) and materials which vary from cement block to aluminum panels to horizontal brick with many other variations. Since, due primarily to the flat roof, larger size, and increased fenestration, this style can appear quite diverse from other styles prominent in Palm Beach, it is suggested that the proposed project be of comparable scale to other houses in order to maintain the harmony and balance of the neighborhood. When neighborhood styles are very diverse, careful attention should be paid by the project’s architect to blend the project’s building height and gross square footage with neighboring structures, and to create a drought resistant, comparable landscaping and site plan to decrease the impact of an incompatible style. Other styles commonly found presently in Palm Beach include Spanish Colonial, Shingle, Bungalow, Art Deco, and Tudor, among others. These styles, although rarely represented by proposed projects, are encouraged to have stylistic integrity when they do appear in proposals. Awnings are usually selected for compatibility with the structure in color and style. Long, unbroken expanses of awnings along commercial store fronts are usually not found, or are overly busy forms and colors or overly ornate banding. Awnings which do not obscure architectural elements may receive staff approval. Colors for building materials (roof tile and type, house color, trim color, window frame color) may be given staff approval. Colors for new projects must be included as part of the presentation for approval at the ARCOM meeting and indicated on the application. Definitions of terms used in these Guidelines, in the Checklist and in the Application for ARCOM are to be found in the Glossary of terms in the Zoning Ordinances of the Town of Palm Beach. Demolition applications require a Demolition Request Report which details the history of the property proposed for demolition, including the age, style, size, historical significance, and architect of any structures on the property. Photographs shall accompany any request for demolition, shall detail all exterior and interior spaces, and shall be part of the Demolition Report. The applicant is usually asked to state for the record details of the project which will replace the demolished structures. ARCOM usually requires in any approval for demolition that the property be irrigated and sodded within a certain time frame after demolition. ARCOM members in the past have indicated preferences that older structures and private homes which retain their original character and uniqueness be saved from demolition, and that all effort be made for restoration. The physical condition of historic properties is generally not a consideration for demolition approval. Revised 06/16/16 Fenestration is usually found to be no more than 20% of the surface area in classical, Bermuda, Mediterranean, the so-called regency, ranch and other “older” styles present in Palm Beach, In more contemporary styles, such as the predominant international style, fenestration usually occupies up to 30% of the surface area. Muntin and French doors are found in the more traditional styles mentioned in the first part of this paragraph. Sliding glass doors and large areas of unbroken glass are not typically found in these styles. Contemporary styles often use sliding glass doors and undivided lites. Dark tinted glass is not suggested in residential usage. Two-story windows (which increase the apparent scale and mass of the building) are often not found due to the violation of the not-too-dissimilar ordinance. Many fenestration only applications may be given staff approval if the new materials match, conform to or compliment the original materials on the structure. Garage Doors which face directly onto the street are often not approved. It is suggested that garage doors not be designed with the opening parallel to the street when they are at or near the building setback line. When compliance with this guideline causes undue hardship due to site constraints, then garage doors facing directly onto the street should be screened by substantial landscape. On corner properties, the garage doors are often situated facing the secondary street and should also be screened if they must face directly onto either street. Irrigation systems should be designed to promote the following guidelines: Lawn and shrub/tree areas are zoned separately so as to minimize water usage. Maximum water conservation is utilized such as drip method for shrubs/trees. Xeriscaping is a town requirement and as such should not be altered by future owners without town approval. Landscaping is not permitted by town codes to protrude into the right-of-way. It is suggested that landscaping be placed along the right-of-way and driveways in a manner which does not cause a hazard for safe passage or safe vision. For example, if a driveway cut at the front property line abuts a high hedge along the side property line, this creates a hazard for the driver who is backing out of the driveway and cannot see traffic or pedestrians on the street because of the hedge. Walls are usually set back from the property line in order that plant material have adequate planting and growth room. The ball of any shrub or tree should be centered so as to allow mature growth that does not intrude on the public way. It is suggested that landscape used for screening of garage doors or parking be of dense stock so as to immediately accomplish its purpose. Landscaping plans are encouraged to provide freeze and salt tolerant planting (Ficus Nitida is suggested instead of the less freeze tolerant Ficus Benjamina, for example). It is suggested that landscaping be lush and colorful. Applicants are reminded to ensure that landscaping plans comply with xeriscaping requirements of the applicable codes. Landscaping may often be required to screen various components of the project. The Commission often requires deed restrictions to assure continued compliance with landscaping or other restrictions involved. The planting of shrubs and trees or construction of walls and gates with control pads for access gates within the roads rights-of-way are not permitted. Property owners wishing to landscape in front of privacy walls should have them set back a sufficient distance to allow for planting. With respect to vegetation at corner properties, a site triangle, 15 feet on the side street and 30 feet on the main thoroughfare is required as measured from the point of intersection of the property line, not the edge of the pavement. No planting would be permitted on this triangle which would exceed the height of 30 inches. Low ground covers are permitted with hedges, trees and walls not being permitted. Driveway location should be reviewed and approved by the Public Works Department. In general, driveways are not permitted within six feet of the property line and are suggested that driveways are to be held off the intersection of two roadways as far as practical. Under certain circumstances, a minimum distance of 25 feet from the intersection or the two road rights-of-way lines has been allowed. To prevent blind spots from driveway egress points, an 8 foot by 13 foot site triangle should be provided on each side of the driveway to allow clear vision of pedestrians when entering a roadway. Furthermore, driveways are restricted along North County Road where they cross the bicycle path between Wells Road and Country Club Road as well as other major roadways where the property can gain access on a side street. The placement of walls, trees and hedges within easement is prohibited. Meeting Procedures usually consist of a brief (five minute) presentation by the architect to the commissioners of the project. The architect runs through the site location (and shows photographs of the neighborhood), site plan, elevations, elevation relationship drawing, and landscape/hardscape plans. The architect also presents color schemes and samples of the project exterior (see COLORS). The commissioners then ask questions of the architect to cover any items on the checklist or guidelines not covered completely. Any letters written to the chairman or Planning, Zoning and Building Department concerning the project are then read into the record. Any neighbors or members of the public who wish to be heard are then asked to come forward and speak into the record. After discussion, the commissioners vote on the project (see ACTIONS). It is strongly recommended that the architect and/or owners of the project make every effort to meet with neighbors and discuss the project prior to attending the meeting in an attempt to work out potential problems beforehand. Revised 06/16/16 Shutters are encouraged as an integral part of the design. If roll-down types of hurricane shutters are proposed, then it is suggested that they be built in so that they are concealed when not closed. Visible shutter boxes which detract from and obscure architectural detailing are often not approved. Submission Requirements are delineated in the application for ARCOM approval, but an ARCOM checklist exists which should be reviewed by the applicant since it includes the items that will form the basis of the review by ARCOM. Plans must be submitted within the time frame specified by the Planning, Zoning and Building Department. Commissioners can be contacted on an individual basis to discuss details and/or problems with a particular project. Please contact staff for coordination instruction if you desire to do so. Projects not presented in the form and manner required by the Planning, Zoning and Building Department may be deferred by the commission. It is mandatory that architects of projects more than 10,000 square feet submit a three-dimensional model to accompany presentations. Standardized visual guidelines to ensure clear and concise presentations include requirements for photographs (without panoramic or fish eye lens) of neighboring properties, site plan, location map, all elevations and floor plans, a pictorial or line drawing comparing project elevations with elevations of neighboring properties, and detailed landscape and hardscape plans (all four elevations). Townhouses and Multi-Family Structures with centrally located, side-by-side, front opening garage doors are often not approved due to the violation of ARCOM’s dissimilarity ordinance when these projects occur in neighborhoods with predominantly single family homes. Every effort to increase single family residential characteristics of multifamily projects is encouraged, since proposed townhouses are usually placed in the midst of single family homes. Split, side entry garages and entrances might enhance these characteristics, as well as an attempt to reflect the typical building massing, style, gross square footage, and height which exist in the neighborhood. Staff Approvals - At the April 1996 meeting the Architectural Commission agreed to allow most minor projects to be approved at the staff level without the need for a presentation to the Architectural Commission. Most of the submission requirements previously used must still be adhered to such as the presentation of application material so that staff can visualize the proposed modifications. Approval may be granted by staff if the project meets the standards outlined in this guideline or if high quality standards of architectural form and design are demonstrated in the submission. If staff feels that a level of quality that is not acceptable to the Architectural Commission, or does not adhere to these guidelines, or that such adherence to the aforementioned standards is unclear (in any manner); then, the subject application shall be reviewed by ARCOM. Revised 06/16/16