Curiculum Vitae - Coma Science Group

Name Andrea Soddu
Date and place of birth August 22, 1969; Rome, Italy
Citizenship Italian
Marital Status Single
Mailing address
Department of Physics & Astronomy
Western University
London Ontario, Canada
Languages English, Italian, French
Present post
Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics & Astronomy at the Western University,
London Ontario, Canada.
University qualifications
Bachelor + Master in Physics, University of Rome “La Sapienza”, March 1998 (score 110/110);
Thesis: “A new evaluation of the branching ratio for the decay t -> c H in the Standard Model”.
Supervisors: Dr. Barbara Mele and Prof. Silvano Petrarca
Ph.D. in Physics, University of Virginia, May 2003;
Thesis: “Models of Fermion Masses”
Supervisor: Prof. P.Q. Hung
Professional history
1995-98 Internal student in the theory group of particle physics, University of Rome “La
Sapienza” (Dr. Barbara Mele and Prof. Silvano Petrarca)
1999 Summer student at the Fermilab, Chicago (Prof. Brad Cox) in the KteV experiment
1999-03 Graduate student in the Physics Department, University of Virginia (Prof. P.Q. Hung)
2003-05 Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the National Taiwan University (Prof. Wei-Shu
2005-06 Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Weizmann Institute of Science, as a member of the
RTN European Program (Prof. Yosef Nir)
2006-07 Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Second University of Naples, Dept of Anatomy (Prof.
Michele Papa)
Visiting Scientist, Weizmann Institute of Science, Dept of Neuroscience (Prof. Raphael
2007-09 Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Second University of Naples, Dept of Anatomy (Prof.
Michele Papa)
Visiting Scientist, Coma Science Group, Cyclotron Research Center, University of Liege (Prof.
Steven Laureys)
2009-12 Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the Belgian National Funds for Scientific Research
(FNRS), Coma Science Group, Cyclotron Research Center, University of Liege (Prof. Steven
Laureys )
Teaching experiences
Teaching Assistant for Physics 241L, University of Virginia, 1999-2000
Grader for undergraduate and graduate Quantum Mechanics, University of Virginia, 2001-2002
INFN scholarship in theoretical particle physics, Rome (1999-2001)
Departmental fellowship, University of Virginia (2001-2003)
IX Seminario Nazionale di Fisica Teorica, Parma, Italy 4-15 September, 2000
XIII Seminario Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare e Subnucleare, Otranto, Italy 21-27 September,
Summer School on Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology, SISSA/ISAS, Trieste, Italy 17 June 5 July, 2002
III Eastern Formosa Summer School on Particles and Fields, NDHU, Hualien, Taiwan 5-10
July, 2004
Corfu Summer Institute on EPP, Corfu, Greece 4-11 September, 2005
Programming & software skills
FORTRAN, C, Mathematica, Matlab, FSL, SPM, DTI-Query and Brain Voyager
Research interests
Particle Physics
1995-98 Rare decays of the top quark focusing on FCNC processes and physics at high-energy
1999-03 Study of models with naturally small neutrinos, in particular of a model with four
families and naturally small Dirac neutrino masses.
Study of rare Kaon decays.
Study of the origin of fermion mass hierarchy and CP violation in the quark sector, using an
extension of the Standard Model with one or two large extra compact dimensions.
2003-05 B -> VV decays in a supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model with righthanded dynamics and a new source of CP violation.
Study of the origin of fermion mass hierarchy and CP violation in the quark sector from
Dimensional Deconstruction.
Baryon number violation in tau, D and B decays from a model independent approach. Study of
the constraints from proton stability on baryon number violation processes involving higher
Study of direct CP asymmetries in B -> K pi decays by using an extension of the Standard
Model with a sequential fourth generation.
Neutrino masses and the LSND anomaly from eV seesaw with a sequential fourth generation
2005-06 Study of the time dependent CP violation quantity Sf for f=K pi, K eta’ and K phi
using an extension of the Standard Model with a sequential fourth generation.
Study of Direct CP violation in B+ -> J/psi K+ decay as probe for New Physics
2006-current Study of spontaneous brain activity using fMRI, global metabolism and structural
connectivity using diffusion tensor imaging in patients with disorders of consciousness,
hypnosis, anesthesia, tinnitus and dementia.
2012-current Study of structure-function relationship. Application of Ising model, Kuramoto
model and Neural Mass model to predict resting state functional connectivity from structural
connectivity and metabolic activity.
Editorial and reviewing activities
Member of the Scientific Committee for the International Seminar on Medical Information
Processing and Analysis (SIPAIM).
Reviewer for Physical Review Letters, Physical Review D, BMC Neurology, Human Brain
Co-Supervisor of summer student:
Sina Abdollahi (astronomy)
Co-Funder and Co-Supervisor of the PostDoc:
Tushar Das (PhD in physics)
Co-Supervisor of the PhD student:
Athena Demertzi (psychology) - completed
Audrey Maudoux (MD) - completed
Muriel Kirsch (MD)
Pieter Guldenmund (biology)
Ithabi Gantner (psychology)
Raphael Liegeois (engineering)
Eric Ziegler (engineering)
Co-Supervisor of the master student:
Wilson Javier Forero (engineering) -completed
Raphael Liegeois (engineering) – completed
Marie Gabrielle Wybou (enginerring) - completed
Louise Vermeyen (enginerring) - completed
Member of the thesis committee for:
Nicole D. Bailey, PhD thesis in Physics at the University of Western Ontario: Core Formation
in Partially Ionized Magnetic Molecular Clouds (2013)
Audrey Maudoux, PhD thesis in Medicine at the University of Liege: Investigating the
functional neuroanatomy of tinnitus using resting state fMRI (2012).
Pierre Bovearux, PhD thesis in Medicine at the University of Liege: Breakdown of Resting
State Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Connectivity during Propofol-induced Loss of
Consciousness (2012).
Rémy Lehembre, PhD thesis in Applied Sciences at the Catholic University of Louvain:
Quantitative electroencephalography and applications in the assessments of conscious states
and in Brain Computer Interfaces (2012).
Wilson Javier Forero, Master thesis in Engineering at the University of Milan: Functional
connectivity from structural connectivity (2012).
Raphael Liegeois, Master thesis in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Liege:
Structural sparse principal component analysis for fMRI (2011).
Francisco Albeiro Gomez Jaramillo, PhD thesis in Systems and Computer Sciences at the
National University of Colombia: Efficient navigation of medical mega-images (2010).
Marie Gabrielle Wybou and Louise Vermeyen, Master thesis in Civil Engineering: Spatial
based denoising and features extraction in dynamic imaging of the brain (2010).
Book chapters
1) Vanhaudenhuyse A, Boly M, Bruno MA, Laureys S, Soddu A. Functional imaging in
disorders of consciousness, Comas et états de conscience altérée, Ed Caroline Schnakers &
Steven Laureys, 2012.
2) Tshibanda JFL, Demertzi A, Soddu A. Spectroscopy and diffusion tensor imaging in
disorders of consciousness. Comas et états de conscience altérée, Ed Caroline Schnakers &
Steven Laureys, 2012.
3) Soddu A & Bruno MA, Vanhaudenhuyse A, Demertzi A, Gosseries O, Thonnard M,
Chatelle C, Noirhomme Q, Schnakers C, Boly M, Laureys S. Disorders of consciousness: new
advances in neuroimaging techniques. Vegetative State, Ed Zanotti Bruno, 2013, in press.
4) Stanziano M, Papa M, Laureys S, Soddu A. Neuroimaging e alterazioni croniche della
coscienza: al di la’ dell’impatto emotivo, Testamento Biologico, Ed Accademia dei Lincei,
2013 in press.
Articles published in peer-review journals (Cited: without self citations; with self
Data from Google Scholar
Since 2008
(For the research paper in which I appear as last author I gave the main contribution in planning
the study and I supervised the PhD student who realized it; for the review paper in which I
appear as last author I gave the major contribution in the writing)
1) Gómez F, Phillips C, Soddu A, Boly M, Boveroux P, Vanhaudenhuyse A, Bruno MA,
Gosseries O, Bonhomme V, Laureys S, Noirhomme Q. Changes in Effective Connectivity by
Propofol Sedation, 2013, accepted to PLoS One.
2) Guldenmund P, Demertzi A, Boveroux P, Boly M, Vanhaudenhuyse A, Bruno MA,
Noirhomme Q, Brichant JF, Bonhomme V, Laureys S, Soddu A. Thalamus, brainstem and
salience network connectivity changes during mild propofol sedation and unconsciousness.
Brain Connect. 2013 Apr 3.
3) Demertzi A, Soddu A, Laureys S. Consciousness supporting networks. Curr Opin
Neurobiol. 2012 Dec 27. Cited 0; 5.
4) Guldenmund P, Vanhaudenhuyse A, Boly M, Laureys S, Soddu A. A default mode of brain
function in altered states of consciousness. Arch Ital Biol. 2012, 150(2-3):107-21.
Cited 1; 4.
5) Fernández-Espejo D, Soddu A, Cruse D, Palacios EM, Junque C, Vanhaudenhuyse A, Rivas
E, Newcombe V, Menon D, Pickard J, Laureys S, Owen AM. A role for the default mode
network in the bases of disorders of consciousness. Ann Neurol. 2012, 72(3):335-43.
Cited 3; 5.
6) Heine L, Soddu A, Gomez F, Vanhaudenhuyse A, Charland-Verville V, Thonnard M,
Kirsch M, Tshibanda L, Laureys S, Demertzi A. Resting state networks and consciousness.
Alterations of multiple resting state network connectivity in physiological, pharmacological and
pathological consciousness states. Front Psychol. 2012, 3:295. Cited 4; 11.
7) Lulé D, Noirhomme Q, Kleih SC, Chatelle C, Halder S, Demertzi A, Bruno MA, Gosseries
O, Vanhaudenhuyse A, Schnakers C, Thonnard M, Soddu A, Kübler A, Laureys S. Probing
command following in patients with disorders of consciousness using a brain-computer
interface. Clin Neurophysiol. 2012 Aug 21. Cited 3; 9.
8) Lehembre R & Bruno MA, Vanhaudenhuyse A, Chatelle C, Cologan V, Leclercq Y, Soddu
A, Macq B, Laureys S, Noirhomme Q. Resting state EEG study of comatose patients: a
connectivity and frequency analysis to find differences between Vegetative and Minimally
Conscious States. Funct Neurol. 2012, 27(1):41-7. Cited 1; 7.
9) Ovadia-Caro S, Nir Y, Soddu A, Ramot M, Hesselmann G, Vanhaudenhuyse A, Dinstein I,
Tshibanda JF, Boly M, Harel M, Laureys S, Malach R. Reduction in inter-hemispheric
connectivity in disorders of consciousness. PLoS One 2012;7(5):e37238. Cited 1; 5.
10) Maudoux A, Lefebvre P, Demertzi A, Cabay JE, Vanhaudenhuyse A, Laureys S, Soddu A.
Connectivity graph analysis of the auditory resting state network in tinnitus. Brain Res. 2012
Nov 16;1485:10-21. Cited 0; 3.
11) Maudoux A, Lefebvre Ph, Cabay JE, Demertzi A, Vanhaudenhuyse A, Laureys S, Soddu
A. Auditory resting-state fMRI activity in tinnitus: an IC analysis. PLoS One 2012,
7(5):e36222. Cited 1; 4.
12) Boly M, Massimini M, Garrido MI, Gosseries O, Noirhomme Q, Laureys S, Soddu A.
Brain connectivity in disorders of consciousness. Brain Connect. 2012, 2(1):1-10. Cited 1; 6.
13) Demertzi A, Racine E, Bruno MA, Ledoux D, Gosseries O, Vanhaudenhuyse A, Thonnard
M, Soddu A, Moonen G, Laureys S. Pain Perception in Disorders of Consciousness:
Neuroscience, Clinical Care, and Ethics in Dialogue. Neuroethics 2012: 1-14. Cited 1; 11.
14) Soddu A, Vanhaudenhuyse A, Bahri M, Bruno MA, Boly M, Demertzi A, Tshibanda JF,
Phillips C, Stanziano M, Ovadia-Caro S, Nir Y, Maquet P, Papa M, Malach R, Laureys S,
Noirhomme Q. Identifying the Default Mode Component in Spatial IC Analysis of Patients
with Disorders of Consciousness, Hum Brain Mapp. 2012, 33(4):778-96. Cited 7; 27.
15) Gosseries O, Bruno MA, Chatelle C, Vanhaudenhuyse A, Schnakers C, Soddu A, Laureys
S. Disorders of consciousness: what's in a name? NeuroRehabilitation 2011, 28 (1):3-14.
Cited 9; 21.
16) Soddu A, Vanhaudenhuyse A, Demertzi A, Bruno MA, Tshibanda L, Di H, Boly M, Papa
M, Laureys S, Noirhomme Q. Resting state activity in patients with disorders of consciousness.
Funct Neurol. 2011, 36(1):37-43. Cited 7; 17.
17) Stanziano M, Foglia C, Soddu A, Gargano F, Papa M. Post-anoxic vegetative state: imaging
and prognostic perspectives. Funct Neurol. 2011, 36(1):45-50.
18) Bruno MA, Fernández-Espejo D, Tshibanda L, Lehembre R, Vanhaudenhuyse A, Gosseries
O, Lommers E, Noirhomme Q, Boly M, Owen A, Laureys S, Soddu A. Multi-modal neuroimaging in half brain functioning patients with disorders of consciousness. Prog Brain Res.
2011, 193:323-33. Cited 6; 13.
19) Demertzi A, Soddu A, Faymonville ME, Bahri M, Noirhomme Q, Laureys S. The brain’s
found self: experimental manipulation of resting state’s cerebral networks by means of
hypnosis. Prog Brain Res. 2011, 193:309-22. Cited 8; 15.
20) Demertzi A, Schnakers C, Soddu A, Bruno MA, Gosseries O, Vanhaudenhuyse A,
Laureys S. Doing more with less: neural plasticity lessons from disordered states of
consciousness. Frontiers in Consciousness Research 2011, 2. Cited 1; 4.
21) Demertzi A, Bruno MA, Vanhaudenhuyse A, Gosseries O, Soddu A, Schnakers C, Moonen
G, Laureys S. Attitudes towards end-of-life issues in disorders of consciousness: a European
survey. Journal of Neurology 2011, 258:1058-1065. Cited 14; 29.
22) Vanhaudenhuyse A & Demertzi A, Schabus M, Noirhomme Q, Soddu A, Bredart S, Boly
M, Phillips C, Luxen A, Moonen G, Laureys S. Two distinct neuronal networks mediate the
awareness of environment and of self. Journal of Cognitive Neursocience 2011, 23:570-578.
Cited 21; 60.
23) Vanhaudenhuyse A & Noirhomme Q, Tshibanda L, Bruno MA, Boveroux P, Schnakers C,
Soddu A, Perlbarg V, Ledoux D, Brichant JF, Moonen G, Phillips C, Maquet P, Greicius MD,
Laureys S, Boly M. Default network connectivity reflects the level of consciousness in noncommunicative brain damaged patients. Brain 2010, 133(Pt 1):161-71. Cited 104; 166.
24) Bruno MA & Soddu A, Demertzi A, Laureys S, Gosseries O, Schnakers C, Boly M,
Noirhomme Q, Thonnard M, Chatelle C, Vanhaudenhuyse A. Disorders of consciousness:
Moving from passive to resting state and active paradigms. Cognitive Neuroscience 2010, 1,
3:193-203. Cited 1; 5.
25) Noirhomme Q & Soddu A, Lehembre R, Vanhaudenhuyse A, Boveroux P, Boly M,
Laureys S. Brain connectivity in pathological and pharmacological coma. Frontiers in systems
neuroscience 2010, 4, 160. Cited 8; 21.
26) Tshibanda L, Vanhaudenhuyse A, Boly M, Soddu A, Bruno MA, Moonen G, Laureys S,
Noirhomme Q. Neuroimaging after coma. Neuroradiology 2010, 52(1):15-24. Review.
Cited 15; 27.
27) Noirhomme Q, Soddu A, Vanhaudenhuyse A, Lehembre R, Bruno, MA, Gosseries O,
Demertzi A, Maudoux A, Schnakers C, Boveroux P, Boly M, Laureys S. Functional
Neuroimaging Approaches to the Changing Borders of Consciousness. Journal of
Psychophysiology 2010, 24(2):68-75. Cited 1; 3.
28) Soddu A, Boly M, Nir Y, Noirhomme Q, Vanhaudenhuyse A, Demertzi A, Arzi A, Ovadia
S, Stanziano M, Papa M, Laureys S, Malach R. Reaching across the abyss: recent advances in
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and their potential relevance to disorders of
consciousness. Prog Brain Res. 2009, 177:261-74. Cited 17; 24.
29) Tshibanda L, Vanhaudenhuyse A, Bruno MA, Boly M, Soddu A, Laureys S, Moonen G.
MRI in coma survivors. Rev Med Liege 2009, 64 Spec No:42-8. French.
30) Noirhomme Q, Boly M, Bonhomme V, Boveroux P, Phillips C, Peigneux P, Soddu A,
Luxen A, Moonen G, Maquet P, Laureys S. Bispectral Index correlates with regional cerebral
blood flow during sleep. Arch Ital Biol. 2009, 147: 51-7. Cited 4; 13.
Particle Physics
1) Hou WS, Nagashima M, Soddu A. Large time-dependent CP violation in B/s0 system and
finite D0 - anti-D0 mass difference in four generation standard model. Phys.Rev.D 2007,
76:016004. Cited 78; 124.
2) Hou WS, Nagashima M, Raz G, Soddu A. Four generation CP violation in B -> phi K0, pi0
K0, eta-prime K0 and hadronic uncertainties. JHEP 2006, 0609:012. Cited 19; 38.
3) Hou WS, Soddu A. eV seesaw with four generations. Phys.Lett.B 2006, 638:229-233.
Cited 3; 6.
4) Hou WS, Nagashima M, Soddu A. Baryon number violation involving higher generations.
Phys.Rev.D 2005, 72:095001. Cited 6; 17.
5) Hou WS, Nagashima M, Soddu A. Enhanced K(L) ---> pi0 nu anti-nu from direct CP
violation in B ---> K pi with four generations. Phys.Rev.D 2005, 72:115007. Cited 47; 90.
6) Hou WS, Nagashima M, Soddu A. Difference in B+ and B0 direct CP asymmetry as effect
of a fourth generation. Phys.Rev.Lett. 2005, 95:141601. Cited 76; 131.
7) Hung PQ, Soddu A, Tran NK. Complete CKM quark mixing via dimensional deconstruction.
Nucl.Phys.B 2005, 712:325-346. Cited 2; 4.
8) Hou WS, Nagashima M, Soddu A. B ---> J/psi K* in a supersymmetric right-handed flavor
mixing scenario. Phys.Rev.D 2005, 71:016007. Cited 1; 1.
9) Hung PQ, Seco M, Soddu A. Phenomenology of a quark mass matrix from six-dimensions
and its implication for the strong CP problem. Nucl.Phys.B 2004, 692:83. Cited 8; 10.
10) Soddu A, Tran NK. Democratic mass matrices from five-dimensions. Phys.Rev.D 2004,
69:015010. Cited 4; 5.
11) Hung PQ, Soddu A. Rare K decays in a model of quark and lepton masses. Phys.Rev.D
2002, 65:054035. Cited 3; 7.
12) Mele B, Petrarca S, Soddu A. A New evaluation of the t ---> cH decay width in the
standard model. Phys.Lett.B 1998, 435:401-406. Cited 103; 167.
Conference proceedings
1) Vanhaudenhuyse A, Boveroux, P, Bruno MA, Gosseries O, Noirhomme Q, Soddu, A,
Gomez F, Bahri M, Babo-Rebelo M, Lauwick S, Degueldre C, Plenevaux A, Schabus M,
Ledoux D, Bonhomme V, Brichant J, Boly M, Laureys S. Does self-referential stimuli
perception decrease with diminished level of consciousness? Journal of Neurology 2012,
2) Demertzi A, Vanhaudenhuyse A, Soddu A, Tshibanda LJF, Chatelle C, Boly M, Gosseries
O, Bruno MA, Thibaut A, Charland V, Schnakers C, Moonen G, Laureys S. Breakdown of
salience network resting state connectivity in patients with disorders of consciousness, 2012,
Brain Injury 26, 4-5:734-735.
3) Vanhaudenhuyse A, Boveroux P, Bruno MA, Noirhomme Q, Soddu A, Gomez F, Ali-Bahri
M, Babo-Rebelo M, Lauwick S, Degueldre C, Plenevaux A, Bonhomme V, Brichant JF,
Laureys S, Boly, M. Effect of Propofol sedation on perception of auto-referential stimuli. 2012,
Brain Injury 26, 4-5: 654-655.
4) Boly M, Gantner I, Vanhaudenhuyse A Boveroux P Bruno MA, Noirhomme Q, Soddu A,
Lauwick S, Degueldre C, Ledoux D, Phillips C, Plenevaux A, Brichant JF, Bonhomme V,
Laureys S. Thalamic generator for propofol-induced alpha-rhythm: A simultaneous EEG-fMRI
study. 2012, Society for Neuroscience 42.
5) Fernandez-Espejo D, Soddu A, Palacios EM, Junque C, Vanhaudenhuyse A, Pickard J,
Laureys S, Owen AM. Is the default mode network a key network in disorders of
consciousness? 2012, Society for Neuroscience 41.
6) Gomez F, Soddu A, Noirhomme Q, Vanhaudenhuyse A, Tshibanda L, Lepore N, Laureys S.
DTI based structural damage characterization for disorders of consciousness. 2012 IEEE
International Conference on Image Processing.
7) Laureys S, Lesenfants D, Soddu A, Lehembre A, Gomez F, Noirhomme Q. Imaging and
Brain Computer Interface in coma and related states. 1st Neuroinformatics Meeting 2012, Acta
Neurologica Belgica.
8) Lesenfants D, Partoune N, Soddu A, Lehembre R, Müller-Putz G, Laureys S, Noirhomme
Q. Design of a novel covert SSVEP-based BCI. Müller-Putz GR, Scherer R, Billinger M (Eds.)
Proceedings of the 5th International Brain-Computer Interface Conference 2011.
9) Laureys S, Noirhomme Q, Soddu A, Vanhaudenhuyse A, Bruno MA, Demertzi A, Gosseries
O, Chatelle C, Thonnard M, Tshibanda L, Boveroux P, Kirsch M, Ledoux D, Boly M, Sorger
B, Lugo Z, Lehembre R, Puggina C, Habbal D, Maudoux A, Schnakers C. The changing
spectrum of coma. 2010, European Journal of Neurology 17: 15-15.
10) Noirhomme Q, Chatelle C, Kleih S, Thonnard M, Demertzi A, Bruno MA,
Vanhaudenhuyse A, Gosseries O, Schnakers C, Lehembre R, Soddu A, Kubler A, Laureys S,
Lule D. Probing command following in patients with disorders of consciousness using a braincomputer interface. 2010, Journal of Neurology 257: S29-S30.
11) Soddu A, Boly M, Noirhomme Q, Vanhaudenhuyse A, Tshibanda LJF, Phillips C,
Stanziano M, Harel M, Ovadia S, Nir Y, Maquet P, Papa M, Luxen A, Malach R, Laureys S.
fMRI "resting state" brain connectivity in vegetative state: clinical application of a novel
automated quantification method. 2009, Journal of Neurology 256: S39.
12) Soddu A, Arzi A, Papa M, Malach R. Human imagery of naturalistic stimuli studied with
fMRI. 2007, Perception 36: 138-138.
Particle Physics
1) Soddu A. B+ and B0 direct CP asymmetries difference in a sequential fourth generation
scenario. J.Phys.Conf.Ser. 2006, 53:287-298.
2) Hung PQ, Soddu A. Rare K decays in a model of quark and lepton masses. AIP Conf.Proc.
2002, 624:329-335. Also in *Fort Lauderdale 2001, Cosmology and elementary particle physics
3) Mele B, Petrarca S, Soddu A. The t ---> c H decay width in the standard model. DESY report
on Physics Studies for a Future Linear Collider. 2nd ECFA/DESY Study 1998-2001: 276-280.
Articles submitted to peer-review journals
1) Demertzi A, Gómez F, Vanhaudenhuyse A, Tshibanda L, Noirhomme Q, PhD; Thonnard M,
Charland-Verville V, Kirsch M, Laureys S, Soddu A, Detecting multiple cerebral networks in
patients with consciousness alterations measured by fMRI resting state: need for a new strategy,
submitted to Cortex.
2) Crone JS, Soddu A, Höller Y, Vanhaudenhuyse A, Schurz M, Bergmann J, Schmid E,
Trinka E, Laureys S, Kronbichler M Impaired Consciousness is Related to Altered Network
Properties of the Fronto-Parietal Network and the Thalamus, submitted to Neuroimage Clinical.
3) Soddu A & Gómez F, Heine L, Voss HU, Bruno MA, Vanhaudenhuyse A, Phillips C,
Demertzi A, Chatelle C, Schrouff J, Thonnard M,Thibaut A, Truong J, Charland-Verville V,
Noirhomme Q, Tshibanda JF, Salmon E, Schiff ND, Laureys S. Resting State fMRI Total
Neuronal Activity Predicts PET Metabolism in Healthy Controls and Patients with Disorders of
Consciousness, submitted to PLoS One.
4) Estraneo A, Stanziano M, Cirillo M, Scafuro, Moretta P, Lanzillo B, Soddu A, Laureys S,
Malach R, Trojano L, Tedeschi G, Papa M. Default mode network predicts clinical prognosis in
disorders of consciousness, submitted to Neurology.
5) Gomez F, Soddu A, Noirhomme Q, Vanhaudenhuyse A, Tshibanda L, Lepore N, Laureys
S; DTI Whole-brain DTI based characterization for Disorders of Consciousness, submitted to
Brain Injury.
6) Stender J, Gosseries O, Bruno MA, Charland-Verville V, Vanhaudenhuyse A, Demerzti A,
Chatelle C, Thonnard M, Thibaut A, Heine L, Soddu A, Boly M, Schnakers C, PhD1, Gjedde
A, Laureys S, Diagnostic precision of multimodal neuroimaging methods in disorders of
consciousness – a clinical validation study, submitted to Lancet Neurology.
Articles published in non peer-review journals
1) Stanziano M, Soddu A, Papa M, Laureys S, Noirhomme Q. I disturbi dello stato di coscienza
come modello di studio dei suoi correlati neural. Paradoxa 4 - Ottobre/Dicembre 2009.
2) Soddu A. Verso gli abissi: i disordini della coscienza. BrainFactor intervew 2010.
3) Stanziano M, Papa M, Laureys S, Soddu A. Tracing the boundaries of consciousness
"functionals": current and potential contributions of neuro-imageries, 21mo SECOLO, Scienza
e Tecnonologia – Dicembre 2012.
Invited lectures
Methods to explore consciousness: functional magnetic resonance imaging - Versailles International
Neurointensive Care Symposium, Versailles, 20-21 June 2013.
Investigating functional connectivity in severely brain injured patients with disorders of consciousness –
Brain Connectivity Workshop, Vancouver, 12-14 June 2013.
Lezione magistrale : update sulle conoscenze in tema di responsivita’- Come interpretare gli incredibili
messaggi di persone con disturbi della coscienza - Irccs Centro di Riabilitazione Don Carlo Gnocchi,
Firenze 22 February 2013
Neuroimaging in pazienti con disordini di coscienza: un cervello che sussurra quando il cuore
strilla – Testamento biologico e liberta’ di coscienza - ACCADEMIA NAZIONALE DEI LINCEI,
Rome, 12-13 April 2012.
Le tecniche di neuroimaging nell’intricato mondo dei gravi disturbi della coscienza NEUROETICA: LE NEUROSCIENZE INCONTRANO LE ALTRE DISCIPLINE Incontri su
Neuroscienze e Societa’, III Edizione Padova, 4-6 May 2011.
Assenza di Coscienza o Coscienza Residua: L’esplorazione dello Stato di Coscienza - 5° Corso
Teorico-Pratico sui Monitoraggi Neurofisiologici in Terapia Intensiva, Bergamo, 24-26
February 2011.
Il ruolo delle neurotecnologie nello studio dei gravi disturbi della coscienza - Regina
Apostolorum University, Rome, 21 Jenuary 2011.
Resting state fMRI: How conscious is the conscious resting state? - 3rd International
Conference on Coma and Consciousness; Salerno, 4-7 July 2010.
Indagine sulla coscienza. Teoria e riscontri clinici - Infinitamente, Verona, 28-31 Jenuary
Multimodal Imaging in patients with disorders of consciousness - SIPAIM: VI Seminario
Internacional de Procesamiento y Análisis de Imágenes Médicas, Bogota’, 1-4 December 2010.
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