The Effects of DTBP on the Oxidation of SI Primary Reference Fuels - A Study in an HCCI Engine and in a Pressurized Flow Reactor A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of Drexel University by Xiaohui Gong in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy August 2005 ii © Copyright 2005 Xiaohui Gong All Right Reserved. iii DEDICATION To my family for their support, love and patience iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the people that have contributed and supported me to complete my PhD Thesis. Of special note, I would like to express my sincere and profound gratitude to my advisors Dr. Nicholas P. Cernansky and Dr. David L. Miller for their support, guidance and encouragement throughout all aspects of this effort. I will always remember and cherish their frankness, kindness and friendship. Special thanks go to Professor Kyung J. Choi for his support and guidance during the first two years of my stay at Drexel University. A big credit goes to other faculty at Drexel University, in particular, to Dr. Mun Choi, Dr. Alan Lau, and Dr. Gary Ruff for their help during various stages of this work. Appreciation is also extended to other committee members: Dr. Howard Pearlman, Dr. Tien-Min Tan and Dr. Stephen V. Smith. Special thanks go to David B. Lenhert, Jincai Zheng, Weiying Yang, and Song Liu for sharing their valuable time with me and for their assistance through many helpful discussion and thoughtful comments. I appreciate all my friends and fellow researchers in the Hess Lab for their contributions and supports to my work. In random order, Richard Billmers, Rodney Johnson, Ashutosh Gupta, Robert Natelson, Matthew Kurman, Jamie Lane, Charles Avila, Lin Lu, Yi Ma, Mike Foster, Giyoung Tak and Nanamid Speed. The past and present staff at the MEM department, Hess Laboratories and Machine Shop: William Danley, Kathie Donahue, Stephanos Karas, Richard Miller, Mark Shiber, Lou Haas, and others have been very helpful in the completion of this study. v The financial support for this research has been provided by the National Science Foundation (Grant # CTS-9910563), the Army Research Office (Contract # DAAD1903-1-0070), and Drexel University. The initial work on atomization of liquid jets in a lean direct wall injection model for a new gas turbine combustor concept was supported by NASA. Thanks also go to my friends: Min Li, Dayong Yu, Huiling Chen, Zhiqing Huang, Fenghua Liang, Yongzhong Wu, Houping Ying, Dawei Hu and Feng Dong for always being around and giving support in various ways. I am very grateful to all my family members who have taken good care of me during the past years. Their love and support has been the source for me to overcome all the bad times. My deepest appreciation goes to my wife, Shu Zhang. Without her support, love and patience, it would have been impossible to finish this work. I greatly thank my parents and parents-in-law for their selfless help and support in all aspects, including coming to the USA to help take care of my daughter and son, Samantha and Matthew. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ..................................................................................................IV LIST OF TABLES………………………………………………………………..………IX LIST OF FIGURES .............................................................................................................X ABSTRACT...…………………………………………………………………………..XVI CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................1 1.1 Motivation.........................................................................................................1 1.2 Objective and approaches .................................................................................3 1.3 Accomplishments, contributions and recommendations ..................................5 1.4 Closure..............................................................................................................6 CHAPTER 2 BACKGROUND AND LITERATURE REVIEW .....................................7 2.1 Comparison of CI, SI and HCCI Engine Combustion and Emissions .............7 2.2 Homogenous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) Engines........................14 2.2.1 Introduction to HCCI ......................................................................................14 2.2.2 Advantages of HCCI......................................................................................20 2.2.3 The Importance of HCCI Research ................................................................23 2.2.4 Results Using Different Fuels.........................................................................27 2.3 Fuel Additives.................................................................................................32 2.4 Models of Hydrocarbon Oxidation Mechanisms............................................36 2.5 Low and Intermediate Temperature Regime Fuel Oxidation .........................42 CHAPTER 3 3.1 EXPERIMENTAL FACILITIES AND GENERAL TEST METHODOLOGY ....................................................................................48 The Pressurized Flow Reactor Facility...........................................................48 3.1.1 Reactor Flow Systems ....................................................................................49 3.1.2 Sampling Method and Sample Analysis.........................................................52 3.1.3 PFR Experimental Methodology ....................................................................53 vii 3.2 Engine Facility..................................................................................................57 3.2.1 Intake Manifold ................................................................................................59 3.2.2 Exhaust Manifold..............................................................................................62 3.2.3 Engine monitoring and data acquisition system ...............................................63 3.2.4 Experiment Methodologies and Approaches....................................................65 3.3 Closure..............................................................................................................65 CHAPTER 4 THE EFFECT OF DTBP ON OXIDATION OF SI PRIMARY REFERENCE FUELS IN A PRESSURIZED FLOW REACTOR ............66 4.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................66 4.2 Results and Discussion .....................................................................................70 4.2.1 Reactivity of the SI PRFs and Their Blends.....................................................70 4.2.2 Effects of DTBP on Fuel Oxidation .................................................................75 4.3 Closure..............................................................................................................79 CHAPTER 5 EFFECTS OF DTBP ON THE COMBUSTION OF SI PRIMARY REFERENCE FUELS IN AN HCCI ENGINE...........................................81 5.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................81 5.2 Experimental Results ........................................................................................83 5.2.1 Operating Range Definition..............................................................................83 5.2.2 The Effect of Fuel on In-Cylinder Pressure......................................................85 5.2.3 The Effect of Equivalence Ratio on In-Cylinder Pressure ...............................93 5.2.4 The Effect of DTBP Concentration on iso-Octane.........................................104 5.2.5 The Effect of DTBP on Ignition Timing ........................................................107 5.2.6 Effect of DTBP on IMEP and Cycle to Cycle Variations ..............................109 5.2.7 Observation of a Unique Phasing Phenomenon .............................................122 5.3 Discussion.......................................................................................................123 5.4 Closure............................................................................................................126 viii CHAPTER 6 DEVELOPMENT OF A SKELETAL KINETIC MODEL FOR PREDICTION OF PREIGNITION REACTIVITY OF PRFS .................129 6.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................129 6.2 Skeletal Modeling Methods ............................................................................132 6.3 Current Model Development ..........................................................................137 6.4 Experimental Results ......................................................................................142 6.5 Model Validation ............................................................................................143 6.6 Closure............................................................................................................147 CHAPTER 7 SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .............148 7.1 Results and Conclusions .................................................................................148 7.2 Recommendations for Future Work ...............................................................152 LIST OF REFERENCES....................................................................................................155 APPENDIX A: HYDROCARBON OXIDATION AND AUTOIGNITION CHEMISTRY ............................................................................................167 1. Introduction.....................................................................................................167 2. Mechanisms of Hydrocarbon Oxidation.........................................................169 APPENDIX B: ATOMIZATION OF LIQUID JETS IN SWIRLING FLOWS USING A LABORATORY GAS TURBINE COMBUSTOR OPERATING IN LEAN DIRECT WALL INJECTION MODEL........................................174 B.1. Nomenclature..................................................................................................175 B.2. Introduction.....................................................................................................175 B.3. Experimental Apparatus and Instruments.......................................................178 B.4. Results and Discussion ...................................................................................182 B.5. Closure............................................................................................................194 B.6. Literature Cited...............................................................................................195 VITA ..............….................................................................................................................197 ix LIST OF TABLES Table 2-1. Primary sources for hydrocarbon emissions in SI engines............................. 11 Table 2-2. Categories of chemical kinetic models (Zheng et al., 2004) .......................... 37 Table 3-1. Bead heaters temperature set points ............................................................... 51 Table 3-2. Cooperative Fuel Research engine geometry ................................................. 59 Table 4-1. Pressurized flow reactor test conditions ......................................................... 67 Table 5-1. Engine test conditions..................................................................................... 83 Table 5-2. DTBP effect on ignition timing.................................................................... 107 Table 5-3. DTBP effect on COVIMEP ............................................................................. 121 Table 6-1. Pressurized flow reactor test conditions ....................................................... 131 Table 6-2. Skeletal chemical kinetics model of Li et al. [1996] .................................... 133 Table 6-3. Skeletal model for low temperature, NTC and intermediate temperature regions by Zheng et al. [2002] ..................................................................... 136 Table 6-4. Active species of current model ................................................................... 137 Table 6-5. Current skeletal model.................................................................................. 138 Table 6-6. Key fuel specific reaction parameters in current skeletal model.................. 139 Table B-1. Injector configurations…………………………………….……………......180 Table B-2. Swirler configurations..…………………………...…….…………..….......181 Table B-3. Experimental conditions……………………………………………….…...182 x LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1–1. Flow chart of Ph. D. work and thesis organization……...………………….3 Figure 2–1. Comparisons of SI, CI and HCCI combustion processes .............................9 Figure 2–2. Typical SI engine envelope of end gas temperature and pressure histories leading up to the point of knock (Wang, 1999)............................43 Figure 3–1. Schematic of the Pressurized Flow Reactor facility....................................50 Figure 3–2. Typical fuel reactivity map..........................................................................55 Figure 3–3. Schematic of Cooperative Fuel Research (CFR) engine facility.................58 Figure 3–4. Intake system schematic ..............................................................................60 Figure 3–5. Exhaust system schematic ...........................................................................62 Figure 3–6. Engine data source map...............................................................................64 Figure 4–1. DTBP thermal decomposition (Griffiths et al., 1990).................................69 Figure 4–2. Reactivity maps for n-heptane, PRF20, PFR50, PRF63, PRF87, PRF92 and iso-octane from CCD experiments in a PFR ............................71 Figure 4–3. Reactivity maps for PRF87 and n-heptane at a constant n-heptane concentration as listed in Table 4-1, cases M and L ...................................72 Figure 4–4. Reactivity maps for n-heptane, PRF 20 and n-heptane at the PRF20 level as listed in Table 4-1, cases F and B ......................................72 Figure 4–5. Branching pathways for hydrocarbon oxidation at low and intermediate temperature.............................................................................73 Figure 4–6. Reactivity maps for n-heptane at different concentration as listed in Table 4-1, cases A and B.........................................................................74 Figure 4–7. Reactivity maps for iso-octane and iso-octane + 1.5% DTBP as listed in Table 4-1, cases R and S................................................................75 Figure 4–8. Reactivity maps for PRF92 with varying levels of DTBP additive as listed in Table 4-1, cases O, P and Q ......................................................76 Figure 4–9. Reactivity maps for PRF87 and PRF87 + 1.5% DTBP as listed in Table 4-1, cases M and N............................................................................76 xi Figure 4–10. Reactivity maps for PRF63 and PRF63 + 1.5% DTBP as listed in Table 4-1, cases J and K..............................................................................77 Figure 4–11. Reactivity map of PRF50 and PRF50 + 1.5% DTBP as listed in Table 4-1, cases H and I ..............................................................................77 Figure 4–12. Reactivity maps for PRF20 and PRF20 + 1.5% DTBP as listed in Table 4-1, cases F and G .............................................................................78 Figure 4–13. Reactivity maps for n-heptane with varying levels of DTBP additive as listed in Table 4-1, cases A, C, D and E ...................................78 Figure 5–1. Typical pressure traces for HCCI operation with the different test fuels at: (a) φ = 0.42 and Tin = 410 K; (b) φ = 0.42, Tin = 410 K and 1.5% DTBP...........................................................................................85 Figure 5–2. Two stage ignition of n-heptane and n-heptane + 1.5% DTBP at φ = 0.39 and Tin = 410 K .............................................................................86 Figure 5–3. Two stage ignition of PRF20 and PRF20 + 1.5% DTBP at φ = 0.28 and Tin = 410 K .............................................................................87 Figure 5–4. Two stage ignition of PRF50 and PRF50 + 1.5% DTBP at φ = 0.42 and Tin = 410 K .............................................................................87 Figure 5–5. Two stage ignition of PRF63 and PRF63 + 1.5% DTBP at φ = 0.35 and Tin = 410 K .............................................................................88 Figure 5–6. Two stage ignition of PRF87 + 1.5% DTBP and single stage ignition of PRF 87 at φ = 0.57 and Tin = 410 K ..........................................89 Figure 5–7. Two stage ignition of PRF87 + 1.5% DTBP at φ = 0.39 and Tin = 410 K ..................................................................................................89 Figure 5–8. Two stage ignition of PRF87 + 1.5% DTBP and single stage ignition of PRF87 at φ = 0.35 and Tin = 450 K ...........................................90 Figure 5–9. Two stage ignition of PRF87 + 1.5% DTBP and single stage ignition of PRF87 at φ = 0.57 and Tin = 450 K ...........................................90 Figure 5–10. Single stage ignition of PRF92 + 1.5% DTBP at φ = 0.42 and Tin = 410 K ..................................................................................................91 Figure 5–11. Single stage ignition of PRF92 + 1.5% DTBP and PRF92 at φ = 0.49 and Tin = 450 K .............................................................................91 xii Figure 5–12. The effect of DTBP concentration on iso-octane autoignition at φ = 0.57 and Tin = 450 K .............................................................................92 Figure 5–13. The effect of equivalence ratio on PRF0 autoignition at Tin = 410 K ..................................................................................................93 Figure 5–14. The effect of equivalence ratio on PRF20 autoignition at Tin = 410 K ..................................................................................................94 Figure 5–15. The effect of equivalence ratio on PRF50 autoignition at Tin = 410 K ..................................................................................................95 Figure 5–16. The effect of equivalence ratio on PRF63 autoignition at Tin = 410 K ..................................................................................................96 Figure 5–17. The effect of equivalence ratio on PRF87 autoignition at Tin = 410 K ..................................................................................................97 Figure 5–18. The effect of equivalence ratio on PRF92 autoignition at Tin = 410 K ..................................................................................................98 Figure 5–19. The effect of equivalence ratio on PRF100 autoignition at Tin = 410 K ..................................................................................................99 Figure 5–20. The effect of equivalence ratio on PRF87 autoignition at Tin = 450 K ................................................................................................100 Figure 5–21. The effect of equivalence ratio on PRF92 autoignition at Tin = 450 K ................................................................................................101 Figure 5–22. The effect of equivalence ratio on PRF100 autoignition at Tin = 450 K ................................................................................................102 Figure 5–23. The effect of equivalence ratio on PRF100 autoignition at Tin = 500 K ................................................................................................103 Figure 5–24. The effect of DTBP addition on iso-octane autoignition at Tin = 410 K: (a) PRF100; (b) PRF100 + 0.5%DTBP; (c) PRF100 + 1.5%DTBP; (d) PRF100 + 2.5%DTBP..............................104 Figure 5–25. The effect of DTBP addition on iso-octane autoignition at Tin = 450 K: (a) PRF100; (b) PRF100 + 0.5%DTBP; (c) PRF100 + 1.5%DTBP; (d) PRF100 + 2.5%DTBP..............................105 xiii Figure 5–26. The effect of DTBP addition on iso-octane autoignition at Tin = 450 K: (a) PRF100; (b) PRF100 + 0.5%DTBP; (c) PRF100 + 1.5%DTBP; (d) PRF100 + 2.5%DTBP..............................106 Figure 5–27. The effect of DTBP addition on ignition timing reduction for neat iso-octane at selected φ’s and Tin = 500 K ................................................108 Figure 5–28. The effect of DTBP addition on ignition timing at selected φ’s for PRF0, PRF20, PRF50 and PRF63at Tin = 410 K ......................................109 Figure 5–29. The effect of equivalence ratio on IMEP for PRF0, PRF20, PRF50 and PRF63 at Tin = 410 K..............................................................110 Figure 5–30. Pressure variation for eight consecutive cycles for PRF100 at φ = 0.49 and Tin = 450 K ...........................................................................111 Figure 5–31. Pressure variation for eight consecutive cycles for PRF100 + 1.5% DTBP at φ = 0.49 and Tin = 450 K...................................................112 Figure 5–32. Pressure variation for eight consecutive cycles for PRF92 at φ = 0.49 and Tin = 450 K ...........................................................................113 Figure 5–33. Pressure variation for eight consecutive cycles for PRF92 + 1.5% DTBP at φ = 0.49 and Tin = 450 K ............................................................114 Figure 5–34. Pressure variation for eight consecutive cycles for PRF87 at φ = 0.42 and Tin = 410 K ...........................................................................115 Figure 5–35. Pressure variation for eight consecutive cycles for PRF87 + 1.5%DTBP at φ = 0.42 and Tin = 410 K....................................................116 Figure 5–36. Comparison of peak pressure variation for eight consecutive cycles for PRF100 and PRF100 + 1.5%DTBP at φ = 0.49 and Tin = 450 K ................................................................................................118 Figure 5–37. Comparison of peak pressure variation for eight consecutive cycles for PRF92 and PRF92 + 1.5%DTBP at φ = 0.49 and Tin = 450 K ................................................................................................119 Figure 5–38. Comparison of peak pressure variation for eight consecutive cycles for PRF87 and PRF87 + 1.5%DTBP at φ = 0.42 and Tin = 410 K ................................................................................................120 Figure 5–39. Examples of cylinder pressure “phasing” during iso-octane start up at Tin = 450 K and φ = 0.57 ..................................................................122 xiv Figure 6–1. Reactivity maps for n-heptane, PRF20, PRF63, PRF92 and iso-octane from CCD experiments in a PFR .............................................142 Figure 6–2. The plug flow reactor geometry for CHEMKIN calculations...................143 Figure 6–3. Comparison of n-heptane reactivity measured experimentally and predicated using detailed and skeletal models ..........................................144 Figure 6–4. Comparison of PRF20 reactivity measured experimentally and predicated using detailed and skeletal models ..........................................145 Figure 6–5. Comparison of PRF63 reactivity measured experimentally and predicated using detailed and skeletal models ..........................................145 Figure 6–6. Comparison of PRF92 reactivity measured experimentally and predicated using detailed and skeletal models ..........................................146 Figure 6–7. Comparison of iso-octane reactivity measured experimentally and predicated using detailed and skeletal models ..........................................146 Figure B-1. Schematic of model gas turbine combustor facility……………………...179 Figure B-2. Test section detail………………………………………………………...179 Figure B-3. The effect of injection angle• on atomization at •three different axial locations with SN = 0.86, M air = 0.889 N and M jet = 0.086N……………184 Figure B-4. The effect of liquid jet momentum and air momentum on the mixing • (D = 0.840 mm, SN = 0.86, θ = 35˚, x/X = 0.2). (A) M air = 0.889 N, • • • • M jet = 0.093 N; (B) M air = 0.889 N, M jet = 0.125 N; (C) M air = 0.889 N, • • • • = 0.135 N; (D) M jet = 0.118 N, M air = 0.622 N; (E) M jet = 0.118 N, • M air = 0.889 ……………………………………………………………..185 M jet Figure B-5. Optimum atomization at the same air-liquid momentum rate • • ratio ( M air = 9.54 M jet , D = 0.60 mm, SN = 0.86, x/X = 0.2, • • • θ = 35˚). (A) M air = 0.889 N, M jet = 0.093 N; (B) M air = 0.854 N, • M jet • M jet Figure B-6. • • • = 0.088 N; (C) M air = 0.753 N, M jet = 0.079 N; (D) M air = 0.622 N, • • = 0.066 N; (E) M air = 0.504 N, M jet = 0.054 N...................................186 Correction between nozzle diameter and air-liquid momentum rate ratio with (A) SN = 0.49, (B) SN = 0.86, (C) SN = 1.48……………….188 xv Figure B-7. • Effect of injector diameter (SN = 0.86, θ = 35˚, M air = 0.889 N, • x/X = 0.2): (A) D=0.344mm, M jet = 0.068 N; (B) D=0.515mm, • M jet • M jet • = 0.088 N; (C) D=0.60mm, M jet = 0.093 N; (D) D=0.84mm, • = 0.118 N; (E) D= 1.19mm, M jet = 0.15N .........................................189 Figure B-8. Modified Correction between nozzle diameter and air-liquid momentum rate ratio……………………………………………………..192 Figure B-9. Generalized correlation of air/liquid momentum rate ratio for optimum atomization…………………………………………….............193 xvi Abstract The Effects of DTBP on the Oxidation of SI Primary Reference Fuels - A Study in an HCCI Engine and in a Pressurized Flow Reactor Xiaohui Gong David L. Miller Ph.D. and Nicholas P. Cernansky Ph.D A promising new engine operating mode, Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI), does not use traditional Spark Ignition (SI) or Compression Ignition (CI) -combustion control systems. Instead it relies completely on the inherent preignition chemistry of the cylinder charge to control combustion phasing and ignition timing. The subsequent HCCI combustion process determines the rate of heat release, the reaction intermediates and the ultimate products of combustion. Therefore, understanding the ignition and oxidation chemistry of potential HCCI fuels is particularly important. One option for ignition control of HCCI engines is to use small amounts of ignition-enhancing additives to alter the ignition properties. Di-tertiary Butyl Peroxide (DTBP) is one such additive and it has demonstrated its capacity to improve ignition of fuels in diesel engines. In this study, the oxidation of SI primary reference fuels (PRFs) and their blends, and the effects of the additive DTBP on their ignition and oxidation behavior were investigated experimentally in both an engine operating in the HCCI mode and a Pressurized Flow Reactor (PFR). The effect of DTBP on iso-octane in the PFR shows evidence of reactivity promotion by a chemical effect rather than just a thermal effect. Experimental results in the engine show an ignition delay time reduction of at least 3 CAD for all tested fuels; COVIMEP improvement to <10% (a 37.5% reduction) for PRF92 at inlet temperature of 450 K and equivalence ratio of 0.49; and extension of xvii stable HCCI operations for relatively high RON fuels to a broader equivalence ratio range and to lower inlet temperatures. In parallel to these experimental studies, an initial modeling effort was undertaken to modify and reformulate a skeletal chemical kinetic model for the SI PRFs and their blends. The model was developed as an extension of our previous preignition model by modifying several reactions to incorporate recent advances in our understanding of the relevant chemistry. The model was also reformulated to be compatible with the standard CHEMKIN simulation package. In general, the updated skeletal model successfully predicted the reactivity behavior of the fuels tested over the 600-800 K experimental range of this study. 1 CHAPTER 1. 1.1 INTRODUCTION Motivation In the last century, the development of Internal Combustion (IC) engines has achieved a high level of success. These engines have been gradually optimized for best performance and emissions. In the early years, increasing engine power and reliability were the most important goals. Within the past five decades, however, the regulation of exhaust emissions and the decline of petroleum resources have focused attention on development of clean and efficient engine designs. New regulations introduced by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) require vehicles and powered equipment in the U.S. to significantly reduce carbon monoxide (CO), unburned hydrocarbons (UHC), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and particulate matter (PM). For example, for light-duty vehicles, new emission standards, which will be in full effect by 2009, require a 93% (for diesel engine) or 82.5% (for gasoline engine) reduction in NOx and a 87.5% reduction in PM, to levels of NOx < 0.07 g/mile and PM < 0.01 g/mile; for heavy-duty diesel engines, new regulations require a reduction of 90% for both PM (< 0.01 g/bhp-hr) and NOx (< 0.2 g/bhp-hr), which will take effect in 2007 and 2010, respectively []. Fuel efficiency continues to be a major area of public and policy interest due to its direct relation to carbon dioxide emissions, which is the pollutant most often associated with global warming. Light vehicles contribute about 20 percent of all U.S. carbon dioxide emissions and approximately 40 percent of all U.S. oil consumption. Crude oil, from which nearly all vehicle fuels are made, is a finite natural resource. Fuel efficiency 2 is also directly related to the cost of operating a vehicle and becomes increasingly important when oil and gasoline prices rise, as has happened recently. Tremendous effort has been devoted to improving performance and reducing emissions of current engines, such as employing 3-way catalyst, sacrificing some engine performance to get lower emissions, etc. It is clear that conventional IC engines encounter some difficulties in improving efficiency while reducing emissions and can not meet the stringent regulations to be enforced in the next few years. As these techniques approach their limits, new technologies are getting more attention. One example is a mode of operation termed Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI). HCCI has been the subject of many experimental and theoretical investigations beginning in 1979 [Onishi et al., 1979] and continuing until the present with well over 100 papers presented so far in calendar 2005. The Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) concept promises the advantages of compression ignition (CI) engines and spark ignition (SI) engines. However, there are still several technical barriers that need to be overcome before HCCI can be widely used. Improving ignition timing control and expanding operation range of HCCI are two of the main issues. These issues are controlled by the autoignition chemistry which involves low and intermediate temperature reactivity and by the subsequent high temperature oxidation chemistry. Clearly, a fundamental understanding of the relevant hydrocarbon autoignition and oxidation processes is essential if this advanced engine concept is to become a reality. 3 1.2 Objective and approaches The overall purpose of this study was to improve our understanding of fuel oxidation chemistry and to provide better control methods applicable to HCCI operation. One option for ignition control of HCCI engines is to use small amounts of ignitionenhancing additives to alter the ignition properties. To this purpose experiments were conducted using our pressurized flow reactor (PFR) and cooperative fuel research (CFR) engine facilities to investigate the effect of the additive di-tertiary butyl peroxide (DTBP) on oxidation of SI primary reference fuels. A flow chart of my work and this thesis is provided in Fig. 1-1. Effect of DTBP on Fuel Oxidation Modeling Experiment Conduct SI PRFs + DTBP Oxidation Experiments on CFR Engine Facility Extend and Reformulate Skeletal Model for PRFs Conduct SI PRFs + DTBP Oxidation Experiments on PFR Facility Test and Refine the New Model Explore Interaction between n-Heptane, isoOctane and DTBP Figure 1–1. Flow chart of Ph. D. work and thesis organization 4 Specifically, the main activities of this study were as follows. (1) Investigated experimentally the oxidation of SI PRFs and their blends, PRF20, PRF50, PRF63, PRF87, and PRF92, with and without the addition of DTBP in a CFR engine and in a PFR over the temperature range of 600 - 1000 K at elevated pressures. The detailed description of the facilities and experimental methodology are given in Chapter 3. The experimental procedure and results from the PFR and engine efforts are presented in Chapters 4 and 5, respectively. (2) Conducted mechanistic analyses, developed a skeletal chemical kinetic model compatible with the standard CHEMKIN simulation package, and validated the model using PFR data. Numerical modeling is important to identify the key reactions in the oxidation mechanism. The skeletal model was developed as an extension of our previous preignition model [Li et al., 1996; Zheng et al., 2001 and 2002a and b] by modifying several reactions to incorporate recent advances in our understanding of the relevant chemistry. The objective in this work is part of a long term effort to apply skeletal models to a broad range of fuels. The modeling work and results are described in Chapter 6. (3) Examined and compared the current detailed model for n-heptane, iso-octane and their mixtures with experimental results from the PFR. The detailed mechanism had been developed by Curran et al. [1998, 2002] at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). This comparison between the experimental and detailed modeling results is also presented and discussed in Chapter 6. (4) Summarized findings and made recommendations for future work. These observations and conclusions are presented in Chapter 7. 5 A general background and literature review is provided in Chapter 2 and an expanded discussion of hydrocarbon oxidation and autoignition chemistry is included as Appendix A. Before beginning the studies on the DTBP and primary reference fuels, an experimental study on the atomization of liquid jets in swirling flows in a laboratory gas turbine combustor operating in a lean direct wall injection (LDWI) mode (a new ultralow-emission gas turbine combustor concept) was carried out. As the first step toward understanding the combustion phenomena in a LDWI mode, the hydrodynamic behavior of wall-injected liquid jets in confined cold swirling air flows was investigated. As this is separate project from the DTBP studies, it is briefly described and reported in Appendix B. 1.3 Accomplishments, contributions and recommendations The main contributions of this study were as follows: (1) Elucidated DTBP’s mode of action. (2) Provided detailed experimental data for oxidation of primary reference fuels with or without DTBP in both PFR and engine. These experimental data were used during the mechanistic analysis phase of this study; (3) Expanded engine stable HCCI operations for relatively high RON fuels to a broader equivalence ratio range and to lower inlet temperatures; and (4) Improved and reformulated existing pre-ignition skeletal chemical kinetic models to be compatible with the standard CHEMKIN simulation package and successfully 6 predicted the reactivity behavior of the fuels tested over the 600-800 K experimental range of this study. In addition, as part of an early initial study, the hydrodynamic behavior of wall-injected liquid jets in confined cold swirling air flows was investigated and the initial breakup and subsequent jet atomization of liquid jets in the swirling airflows was characterized. Collectively, these efforts, which have been documented in several papers and presentations, represent my unique contribution to the area. The following future work is recommended: (1) Measure species evolution information from both engine and PRF with the addition of DTBP in order to further determine the effect of DTBP; (2) Incorporate new advances, such as the mechanism of high temperature oxidation, into the skeletal kinetic model and extend its range of applicability; (3) Examine the effect of DTBP on additional fuels, including non PRF alkanes, alkenes, aromatics and real fuels. 1.4 Closure This introduction has provided an overview of the motivation, the research objectives and study methodology, and primary accomplishments and contributions of the present work. Recommendations for additional work have been provided as well. The next chapter, Chapter 2, provides a general background and review of literature pertinent to the research work prior to describing and discussing the present experimental and modeling efforts. 7 CHAPTER 2. BACKGROUND AND LITERATURE REVIEW Many practical problems in engine operation and performance are controlled by autoignition chemistry. Classic examples are knock in spark ignition engines and cold start in diesel engines. The chemistry that controls autoignition in HCCI combustion is the same as that which leads to knock in SI engines. Studies of autoignition began in the early 1900’s when knock was first realized as a limitation on engine output and fuel efficiency. Thus, all of the previous research work devoted to knock chemistry in SI engines over the last 100 years is directly applicable to HCCI combustion, and there is a wealth of literature that can be used to guide our research. Instead of reviewing all aspects of hydrocarbon combustion, this chapter provides background and reviews the past work related to the scope of this research program. First, a comparison between the CI, SI and HCCI combustion processes and emissions is made. Second, the history of HCCI engines is reviewed. Then, related research work on fuel additives and an introduction to their effects on hydrocarbon oxidation is presented. Finally, previous research on hydrocarbon autoignition and oxidation and on kinetic mechanism development is discussed. 2.1 Comparison of CI, SI and HCCI Engine Combustion and Emissions Emissions from the combustion of hydrocarbons in internal combustion engines are major sources of pollution throughout the world. Regulations introduced by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), California Air Resources Board (CARB), and international regulatory agencies are requiring vehicles and off-highway powered equipment to substantially reduce emissions. Significant reductions in carbon monoxide 8 (CO), unburned hydrocarbons (UHC), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and particulate matter (PM) will be required in almost all classes of engines. Also, fuel efficiency continues to be a major area of public and policy interest due to its direct relation to carbon dioxide emissions, which is the pollutant most often associated with global warming. The simplest way to improve the efficiency of an engine is to increase the compression ratio. However, high temperatures and pressures caused by high compression ratios are normally associated with high NOx. Also, in spark ignition engines, the high temperature end gases promote autoignition and knock, which limits the maximum engine compression ratio. Therefore, the way to improve efficiency by increasing compression ratio also increases NOx emissions. Also, combustion strategies that reduce NOx emissions invariably result in increased HC and PM emissions, and conversely, strategies that reduce HC emissions almost always increase NOx emissions [Borman, 1980; Turns, 1999; Heywood, 1988]. Generally, due to high temperatures and heterogeneous combustion of the atomized fuel, Compression Ignition (CI) engines are very efficient, but emit a large amount of NOx and PM and only small amounts of CO and UHC. Modern well controlled catalyst equipped SI engines are modest emitters of CO, UHC and NOx, and very small emitters of PM, but are less efficient. They also require more refined fuels than CI engines. A comparison of CI, SI and HCCI engine combustion processes and emissions is presented in Fig. 2-1. 9 (a) Spark Ignition: • spark-ignited • flame propagation • premixed combustion • throttled • port-injection • stoichiometric (b) Compression Ignition: • auto-ignition • flame propagation • premixed and diffusive combustion • unthrottled • direct-injection with swirl • Variable stoichiometry (lean to rich) (c) HCCI: • auto-ignition • no flame propagation • premixed volumetric combustion • unthrottled • port or direct-injection • lean/ dilute stoichiometry Figure 2–1. Comparisons of SI, CI and HCCI combustion processes (Figures from Ogink, 2004) In Spark Ignition (SI) engines, the fuel is mixed with air in the intake manifold to form a premixed charge with equivalence ratio around stoichiometric. When the spark plug fires, a flame kernel is formed and a flame propagates through the homogenous charge. As flame propagation occurs, the temperature at the front --- a thin zone of intense chemical reaction --- is high, and significant NOx formation occurs in the postflame, hot combustion products. Stratified charge SI engines, while attempting to avoid this high temperature region, still have problems with high emissions [Aoyama et al., 1996]. 10 The thermal efficiency of SI engines depends on the compression ratio. Unfortunately, the compression ratio is limited by autoignition of the unburned gases. Severe autoignition leads to knock and limits engine efficiency and thereby increases emissions. The homogenous premixed combustion in the SI engine contributes to its very low PM emissions. The NOx formed in the flame front and post flame regime is primarily NO. The most significant reaction mechanism forming NO is the Zeldovich [Miller and Bowman, 1989]. CO, a primary intermediate of HC combustion, is invariably formed and in untreated exhaust CO concentration is the highest of all emissions. For all types of engines, hydrocarbon emissions result from the presence of unburned fuel in the engine exhaust. In SI engines, about 9% of the fuel supplied to an engine is not burned during the initial flame propagation event. However, most of this unburned fuel is consumed as a result of post combustion oxidation processes during the power expansion stroke, including oxidation in the exhaust port during the blow down process. Ultimately, about 2% of the total fuel flow into the engine will leave with the exhaust, including partial reaction products, such as acetaldehyde, formaldehyde, 1, 3 butadiene, benzene, etc. [Cheng et al., 1993]. As hydrocarbon emissions represent lost chemical energy, the UHC emission also represents a decrease in the thermal efficiency. There are six primary mechanisms believed to be responsible for hydrocarbon emissions from SI engines, Table 2-1. 11 Table 2-1. Primary sources for hydrocarbon emissions in SI engines (Cheng et al., 2003) % fuel escaping normal combustion % contribution to the 2% of unburned fuel after burnout Crevices Oil layers Deposits Liquid fuel Flame quench Exhaust valve leakage 5.2 1.0 1.0 1.2 0.5 0.1 38 16 16 20 5 5 Total 9.0 100 Source • Crevices – these are narrow regions in the combustion chamber into which the flame cannot propagate because they are smaller than the quenching distance. Crevices represent about 1 to 2% of the clearance volume. • Oil layers - Since the piston ring is not 100% effective in preventing oil migration into the cylinder above the piston, an oil layer exists within the combustion chamber that absorbs fuel. • Deposits – Carbon deposits build up on the valves, cylinder and piston crown. These deposits are porous with pore sizes smaller than the quenching distance so trapped fuel cannot burn. • Liquid fuel – For some fuel injection systems there is a possibility that liquid fuel is introduced into the cylinder past an open intake valve. The less volatile fuel constituents may not vaporize (especially during engine warm-up) and be trapped in the crevices and carbon deposits. 12 • Quenching – Most of the hydrocarbon contained in the wall quench layer diffuse into the hot combustion products outside the layer and get consumed during the post combustion oxidation processed. However, bulk gas quenching can occur during the decompression and blow down processes when the temperature drops to a low enough level. • Exhaust valve leakage- Exhaust valves which are normally closed may leak UHC’s directly into the exhaust port. In CI engines the liquid fuel is injected at high pressure directly into the combustion chamber near Top Dead Center (TDC). The atomization, vaporization and mixing of fuel spray with the swirling compressed air in the cylinder occurs in a hightemperature and high-pressure environment. When the in-cylinder temperature is above the autoignition temperature of the fuel, the mixture will spontaneously ignite following an ignition delay period. Subsequently, any vaporized premixed charge with stoichiometry within the flammability limits will be rapidly consumed. Ultimately, mixing controlled combustion dominates the remainder of the combustion process. The inhomogeneous mixture and high combustion temperature in CI engines produces NOx in the oxygen-rich and stoichiometric regions, and particulate in the fuel-rich regions. NOx is formed in the high temperature regions where both oxygen and nitrogen are available, and in the post combustion hot gas regions [Miller and Bowman, 1989]. As temperature is proportional to load in a CI engine, more NOx is formed as the load increases. Due to the diffusive combustion process and the presence of very rich mixture 13 regions, PM formation is unavoidable. Some of the PM is destroyed in the flame by oxidation and the unoxidized PM becomes an exhaust emission [Schommers et al., 2000]. It is difficult to reduce both NOx and particulate simultaneously. In CI engines, the new rules will require electronic engine controls, exhaust gas recirculation (EGR), and improvements in after-treatment (particulate filter, NOx trap or DeNOx) to reduce NOx and particulate levels. The following two factors are believed to be additional sources for UHC emission in CI engines: • Undermixing of fuel and air - Fuel leaving the injector nozzle at low velocity, at the end of the injection process, cannot completely mix with air and burn. • Overmixing of fuel and air - During the ignition delay period evaporated fuel mixes with the air, regions of fuel-air mixture are produced that are too lean to burn. Some of this fuel makes its way out the exhaust. If ignition delays are excessively long more fuel becomes overmixed. Since in-cylinder temperatures are higher in CI engines, UHC emissions are usually significantly less than in SI engines. HCCI engines utilize homogeneous charge as in SI engines; however, the charge is compressed to ignite as in CI engines. This new combustion concept provides the high fuel efficiency of CI engines and the lower NOx and PM emissions of SI engines. Key to the application of HCCI is to create a charge that produces a smooth heat release profile across the entire operating ranges. This usually requires a dilute, lean charge that produces maximum temperatures low enough that thermal NOx emissions are 14 dramatically reduced. Due to lean, premixed operation the PM emission is lower too. High efficiencies are achieved by operating unthrottled with high compression ratios as in compression ignition engines. There are some other benefits with HCCI engines as well, such as the capability of using multiple fuels. However, due to the low combustion temperature, particularly at lower load conditions, excess CO and UHC emissions are found in HCCI [Dec, 2002; Christensen et al., 2001; Easley et al., 2001]. A detailed discussion of HCCI engines is given in the following section. 2.2 Homogenous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) Engines The first HCCI concept was proposed in the late 1970’s. This idea has drawn major attention in the last decade due to the urgency to meet stricter regulations on NOx and PM emissions. Although tremendous experimental and modeling efforts have been brought to bear on HCCI phenomena in the past several years, only the recent advent of electronic sensors and controls has made HCCI engines a potential practical reality [Epping et al., 2002]. This section provides a brief history of HCCI studies, an overview of the current state-of-the-art in HCCI technology, and a list of the R&D barriers that must be overcome before HCCI engines can be considered for commercial application. 2.2.1 Introduction to HCCI HCCI is an alternative piston-engine combustion process that can provide efficiencies as high as compression-ignition (CI) engines while producing ultra-low 15 oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and particulate matter (PM) emissions, unlike CI engines. HCCI engines operate on the principle of having a dilute, premixed charge that reacts and burns volumetrically throughout the cylinder after compression by the piston. HCCI incorporates the best features of both spark ignition (SI) and compression ignition (CI). As in an SI engine, the charge is well mixed, which minimizes particulate emissions, and as in a CI engine, there are no losses due to inlet throttling, the charge is ignited by the high ambient pressure and temperature produced by compression, and the load is determined by the amount of fuel in the charge, which leads to high efficiency. However, unlike either of these conventional engines, the combustion occurs simultaneously throughout the volume rather than in a flame region. This important attribute of HCCI allows combustion to occur below typical flame temperatures, dramatically reducing NOx emission. The resulting disadvantage of HCCI operation is that the engine may be hard to start and the combustion process requires new control methods. These disadvantages presently restrict the application of HCCI engines. However, the potential of the HCCI concept has motivated studies designed to understand the ignition and oxidation chemistry of possible fuels. The first HCCI operation was reported by Onishi et al. [1979] who measured a unique combustion behavior they called “Active Thermo-Atmosphere Combustion (ATAC)”, which was intermediate between SI and CI. Achieved on a two-stroke gasoline engine under relatively lean conditions, the ATAC process obtained lower fuel consumption and low emissions in the region of light and medium loads, with less noise and vibration. High speed Schlieren photographs showed that ATAC was initiated by a multipoint autoignition without discernable flame propagation. 16 Later the same year, Noguchi et al. [1979] reported similar self-ignited combustion in a two-stroke gasoline engine. They named the combustion process “TS (Toyota-Soken) combustion”. High levels of HCO, HO2, and O radicals were observed within the cylinder prior to autoignition, which demonstrated that pre-ignition chemical reactions had occurred and that these reactions certainly contributed to the autoignition. In a traditional SI engine, these preignition radical species are primarily associated with end-gas autoignition, namely knock. After autoignition took place, H, CH, and OH radicals were detected, which were indicative of high-temperature chemical reactions. Also, the combustion process seemed to start at lower temperatures and pressure than those for conventional CI combustion. Following these two pioneering studies, the operating mode, renamed HCCI, has been demonstrated on a number of two-stroke engines by several researchers. Lida [1994] broadened the stable two-stroke ATAC combustion range by using methanol as the fuel. Later, other alternative fuels such as dimethyl ether, ethanol, and propane were also tested by Lida [1997] to investigate the fuel sensitivity of HCCI operation on two-stroke engines. Honda has proven the reliability of the concept for a production two-stroke engine by placing 5th overall in the Granada-Dakar desert race with a pre-production motorcycle [Yamaguchi, 1997]. A pre-production two-stroke engine employing HCCI has also been shown by Duret and Venturi [1996]. In both cases, HCCI was used to improve combustion stability, reduce HC emissions and improve fuel economy at part load. Honda has a 2-stroke cycle, single-cylinder HCCI engine that operates on gasoline and powers a motorcycle [Ishibashi and Asai, 1996]. This engine operates in 17 HCCI mode at low to moderate loads, and switches to conventional SI operation at high loads. Even though HCCI is used over only part of the duty cycle, the engine has demonstrated considerable advantages in fuel economy, which is 27 percent better than a regular 2-stroke cycle engine under "real-life" riding conditions. Hydrocarbon emissions are also reduced by 50 percent with respect to a regular 2-stroke cycle engine. However, without emission controls, hydrocarbon emissions are still very high compared to the current emissions standards. While efforts on two-stroke HCCI engines have made significant progress, the efforts on four-stroke HCCI engines have achieved only marginal success. The inherently high Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) rate of two-stroke engines helps to control the rate of heat release, and thus the knock intensity of the engine. For a fourstroke engine, controlling the rate of heat release with little or no EGR while maintaining the engine performance is an obstacle to achieving HCCI operation. The first success in applying HCCI combustion to a four-stroke engine was achieved by Najt and Foster [1983]. They successfully conducted HCCI experiments with blends of paraffinic and aromatic fuels over a range of engine speeds and dilution levels in a four-stroke CFR test engine with a variable compression ratio. The intake air was heated to a high level to achieve HCCI operation and mimic the benefit of high internal residuals present in two-stroke engines. Ignition and smooth energy release were obtained by varying the engine operating parameters, such as equivalence ratio, inlet temperature, and EGR rate. They used global autoignition chemistry and kinetics to analyze the experimental results. It was concluded that HCCI ignition is controlled by low temperature (below 950 K) hydrocarbon oxidation (and they recommended the use of 18 a skeletal reaction model proposed by Shell-Thornton Research Labs), and that the energy release process is controlled by the high temperature (above 1000 K) hydrocarbon oxidation kinetics as characterized by Dryer and Glassman [1978]. An empirical equation was also developed based on Dryer and Glassman’s global kinetics, and successfully predicted the average rate of energy release. An early effort to determine the permissible operating parameters of a four-stroke HCCI engine was conducted at Southwest Research Institute by Thring [1989] using gasoline as fuel. Using a Labeco CLR engine, Thring mapped the HCCI operating range by varying equivalence ratio, EGR rate, engine speed, and inlet temperature. In this work, HCCI combustion could only achieve stable operations at conditions of low speed and low load in a four-stroke engine, and the overall HCCI operating range was very narrow. Diesel engine like fuel economy was achieved under selected conditions (ISFC in the range of 180 to 200 g/kWh). High EGR rates (in the range of 13 to 33 percent) and high intake temperatures were necessary for HCCI operation. It is widely accepted that HCCI combustion is dominated by chemical kinetic reaction rates [Najt and Foster, 1983], with no requirement for flame propagation. This notion has been supported by numerous studies, which indicated that the order of radical formation in HCCI combustion corresponds to that of self-ignition instead of flame propagation [Noguchi et al., 1979; Oguma et al. 1997]. Experimental [e.g., Shimazaki et al., 1999] and modeling [e.g., Aceves et al., 1999, 2000, 2001a and b] efforts have also supported this idea. Recent chemical kinetics modeling of HCCI combustion has concluded that HCCI ignition is controlled by hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) decomposition. Hydrogen peroxide is 19 formed as a result of low temperature chemical reactions in the engine charge and at a high enough temperature it decomposes into two OH radicals, which are very efficient at attacking the fuel and releasing energy. Hydrogen peroxide decomposition occurs over a temperature range of 1050-1100 K at the elevated in-cylinder pressures after compression. This fundamental chemistry of HCCI autoignition and combustion is identical to the chemistry of knock in spark-ignition engines. With high-octane fuels, little heat is released prior to this main ignition event at 1050-1100 K; however, with low-octane fuels (e.g., diesel fuel) significant heat-producing reactions begin at temperatures of about 800 K [Kelly-Zion and Dec, 2000]. Although the amount of energy liberated is too small to be considered ignition, these low-temperature reactions quickly drive the mixture up to the 1050-1100 K temperature necessary for H2O2 decomposition and main ignition. It is this effect that requires HCCI operating parameters to be adjusted with changes in fuel type [Kelly-Zion and Dec, 2000]. Active radicals (i.e., reactive chemical compounds, such as H, OH; HO2) present in the exhaust gases do not survive the exhaust and intake strokes and play a very minor role in starting HCCI combustion; however, partial oxidation products formed during fuel decomposition can be carried over and, under proper conditions, sensitize the incoming charge and initiate early pre-ignition reactions. While the HCCI process has been studied intensively over the past several years, the chemical mechanisms that control the combustion process are still far from being completely understood. This statement is based on the observation that no universal and reliable model has been developed for HCCI prediction, in spite of the tremendous efforts that have been made towards these objectives. This is not to say that progress has not been made. Multi-zone detailed chemical kinetic models coupled with CFD codes [Kraft 20 et al., 2000; Aceves et al., 2000] have shown progressively better ability to predict the heat release rate and the onset of HCCI ignition in engines. While these studies are very encouraging, they are limited with respect to experimental conditions and fuels, because the chemical mechanism used in these models were developed under conditions not directly applicable to HCCI conditions. The development of chemical mechanism information for hydrocarbon oxidation under the highly dilute, large percentage of Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR), and pre-heated inlet charge conditions expected in HCCI engines should improve these chemical kinetic models. 2.2.2 Advantages of HCCI Relative to SI gasoline engines, HCCI engines are more efficient, approaching the efficiency of a CI engine due to the following three factors: (1) the elimination of the throttling losses, (2) the use of high compression ratios (similar to a CI engine), and (3) a shorter combustion duration (since it is not necessary for a flame to propagate across the cylinder). HCCI engines also have lower engine-out NOx than SI engines. Although three-way catalysts are adequate for removing NOx from current-technology SI engine exhaust, low NOx is an important advantage relative to direct-injection, spark-ignition (DISI) technology, which is being considered for future SI engines. Relative to CI engines, HCCI engines have substantially lower emissions of PM and NOx. Emissions of PM and NOx are the major challenges for CI engines to meet future emissions standards, and hence controlling these emissions is the focus of extensive current research. The low emissions of PM and NOx in HCCI engines are a result of the dilute homogeneous air and fuel mixture in addition to low combustion 21 temperatures. The charge in an HCCI engine may be made dilute by being very lean, by using Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR), or by some combination of the two. Because flame propagation is not required, dilution level can be much higher than the levels tolerated by either SI of CI engines. Combustion is induced throughout the charge volume by compression heating due to the piston motion, and it will occur in almost any fuel/air/exhaust-gas mixture once the 800 to 1100 K ignition temperature (depending on the type of fuel) is reached. As combustion occurs, the temperature will rise above the ignition temperature, but complete combustion can be achieved at temperatures below those at which significant NOx is produced. In contrast, in CI engines, minimum flame temperatures are 1900 to 2100 K, high enough to make unacceptable levels of NOx [Flynn et al., 2000]. Additionally, the combustion duration in HCCI engines is much shorter than in CI engines since it is not limited by the rate of fuel/air mixing. This shorter combustion duration gives the HCCI engine an efficiency advantage. Another advantage of HCCI combustion is its fuel-flexibility. HCCI operation has been demonstrated for a wide range of fuels [Oguma et al., 1997; Christensen et al., 1997; Gray and Ryan, 1997]. HCCI engines can operate on gasoline, diesel fuel, and most alternative fuels, such as methanol, ethanol, LPG and natural gas etc. However, gasoline is particularly well suited for HCCI operation. High efficiency CI engines, on the other hand, cannot run on gasoline due to its low cetane number. HCCI is potentially applicable to virtually every size-class of transportation engines from small motorcycles to large ship engines which certainly encompasses automobiles and trucks. In fact, the smallest commercially available engines, those for model airplanes, are actually HCCI engines [Heywood and Sher, 1999]. HCCI is also 22 applicable to reciprocating engines used outside the transportation sector such as those used for electrical power generation and pipeline pumping. If we assume that vehicles with HCCI engines would be 25 percent more efficient than their non-HCCI counterparts, large reductions in the demand for petroleum are possible [Epping et al., 2002]. (The 25 percent difference seems reasonable given that current diesel versions of vehicles use 40 percent less fuel than their gasoline counterparts). Even if HCCI engines were to achieve only a 25 percent market penetration, the savings in oil consumption would be significant. Additional savings may accrue from reduced refining requirements for fuels for HCCI engines relative to gasoline for conventional SI technology. HCCI is a potential low emission alternative to CI engines in light-, medium- and heavy-duty applications. Even with the advent of effective exhaust emission control devices, CI engines are currently seriously challenged to meet the future emission standards. Although the actual cost and fuel-consumption penalties of CI emission controls are uncertain, the use of HCCI engines or engines operating in HCCI mode for a significant portion of the driving cycle could significantly reduce the overall cost of operation, thus saving fuel and reducing the economic burden of lowering emissions. SI engines for automotive applications also require intensive design efforts to improve overall vehicle fuel efficiency. It appears that SI engines will require advanced NOx emission control devices similar to those being developed for CI engines. While HCCI engines have several inherent benefits as replacements for SI and CI engines in vehicles with conventional powertrains, they are particularly well suited for use in internal combustion engine/electric series hybrid vehicles. In these hybrids, 23 engines can be optimized for operation over a fairly limited range of speeds and loads, thus eliminating many of the control issues normally associated with HCCI, creating a highly fuel-efficient vehicle. In addition to the on-highway applications discussed above, it should be noted that the benefits of HCCI engines could be realized in most other internal combustion engine applications such as off-road vehicles, marine applications, and stationary power applications. The resulting benefits would be similar to those discussed previously. 2.2.3 The Importance of HCCI Research Although stable HCCI operation and its substantial benefits have been demonstrated at selected steady-state conditions, several technical barriers must be overcome before HCCI engines can be widely used. The main disadvantages of HCCI and efforts to overcome these technical barriers are briefly listed below: • Hard to control ignition timing and combustion rate HCCI ignition is determined by the charge mixture composition and its temperature history (and to a lesser extent, its pressure history). Changing the power output of an HCCI engine requires a change in the fueling rate and, hence, the charge mixture. As a result, the temperature history must be adjusted to maintain proper combustion timing. Similarly, changing the engine speed changes the amount of time for the autoignition chemistry to occur relative to the piston motion. Again, the temperature 24 history of the mixture must be adjusted to compensate. These control issues become particularly challenging during rapid transients. Several potential control methods have been proposed to adjust operational parameters for changes in speed and load. Some of the most promising include varying the amount of hot exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) left in the cylinder after combustion, using a fuel additive to enhance ignition [Flowers et al., 2000; Olsson et al., 2001; Flynn et al., 1999], using a Variable Compression Ratio (VCR) mechanism to alter TDC temperatures [Christensen et al., 1997, 1999; Flynn et al., 1999; Sharke, 2000], and using Variable Valve Timing (VVT) to change the effective compression ratio and/or the amount of hot residual retained in the cylinder [Theobald and Henry, 1994; Kaahaaina et al., 2001; ]. VCR, VVT, and fuel additives are particularly attractive because their time response can be made sufficiently fast to handle rapid transients. Although these techniques have shown strong potential, they are not yet fully proven, and cost and reliability issues must be addressed. The possibility also exists to control HCCI combustion by controlling the temperature, pressure, and composition of the mixture at the beginning of the compression stroke. In this methodology, thermal energy from exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) or compression of the inlet charge is used to vary charge inlet (and subsequent in-cylinder) conditions [Martinez-Frias et al., 2000]. The main advantage of this method is its simplicity. The disadvantage of this method is that it may be too slow to react to the rapidly changing conditions that typically exist in transportation applications. A full transient response analysis of this type of system has yet to be performed and would depend on the specific system used. 25 • High CO and UHC emissions, particularly at lower load conditions HCCI engines have inherently low emissions of NOx and PM, but relatively high emissions of hydrocarbons (HC) and carbon monoxide (CO). Some potential exists to mitigate these emissions at light load by using direct in-cylinder fuel injection to achieve appropriate partial-charge stratification. However, in most cases, controlling HC and CO emissions from HCCI engines will require exhaust emission control devices. Catalyst technology for HC and CO removal is well understood and has been standard equipment on automobiles for many years. However, the cooler exhaust temperatures of HCCI engines may increase catalyst light-off time and decrease average effectiveness. As a result, meeting future emission standards for HC and CO will likely require further development of oxidation catalysts for low-temperature exhaust streams. However, HC and CO emission control devices are simpler, more durable, and less dependent on scarce, expensive precious metals than are NOx and PM emission control devices. Thus, simultaneous chemical oxidation of HC and CO (in an HCCI engine) is much easier than simultaneous chemical reduction of NOx and oxidation of PM (in a CI engine). • Relatively narrow operating range Although HCCI engines have been demonstrated to operate well at low-to- medium loads, difficulties have been encountered at high-loads. Combustion can become very rapid and intense, causing unacceptable noise, potential engine damage, and eventually unacceptable levels of NOx emissions. Expanding the controlled operation of an HCCI engine over a wide range of speeds and loads is a big challenge for HCCI. HCCI starts having NOx problems as load increases (φ = 0.5 to 0.6), and will likely 26 require transitioning to conventional operation at high load. Thus, the biggest problem for HCCI may be the control of the transitions into and out of HCCI. Preliminary research indicates the operating range of HCCI can be extended significantly by producing a broad temperature distribution inside the cylinder and/or by partially stratifying the charge mixture (i.e., SCCI combustion) at high loads to stretch out the heat-release event. Several potential mechanisms exist for achieving this partial charge stratification, including varying in-cylinder fuel injection, injecting water, varying the intake and in-cylinder mixing processes to obtain non-uniform fuel/air/residual mixtures, and altering cylinder flows to vary heat transfer. The extent to which these techniques can extend the operating range is currently unknown, and R&D will be required. Because of the difficulty of high-load operation, most initial concepts involve switching to traditional SI or CI combustion for operating conditions where HCCI operation is more difficult. This dual mode operation provides the benefits of HCCI over a significant portion of the driving cycle but adds to the complexity by switching the engine between operating modes. • Difficulty with cold start and light load At cold start, the compressed-gas temperature in an HCCI engine will be reduced because the charge receives no preheating from the intake manifold and the compressed charge is rapidly cooled by heat transfer to the cold combustion chamber walls. Without some compensating mechanism, the low compressed-charge temperatures could prevent an HCCI engine from firing. Various mechanisms for cold-starting in HCCI mode have been proposed, such as using glow plugs, using a different fuel or fuel additive, and 27 increasing the compression ratio using VCR or VVT. Perhaps the most practical approach would be to start the engine in spark-ignition mode and transition to HCCI mode after warm-up. For engines equipped with VVT, it may be possible to make this warm-up period as short as a few fired cycles, since high levels of hot residual gases could be retained from previous spark-ignited cycles to induce HCCI combustion. Although solutions appear feasible, significant R&D will be required to advance these concepts and prepare them for production engines. 2.2.4 Results Using Different Fuels One of the advantages of HCCI combustion is its intrinsic fuel flexibility. The literature shows that HCCI can be achieved with a range of hydrocarbons [Oguma et al., 1997; Christensen et al., 1997, Gray and Ryan, 1997], including gasoline, diesel fuel, propane, natural gas, and neat or binary mixtures of the SI engine primary reference fuels (PRF), iso-octane and n-heptane. HCCI combustion has little sensitivity to fuel characteristics such as lubricity and laminar flame speed. Fuels with any octane or cetane number can be burned, although the operating conditions must be adjusted to accommodate different fuels, which can impact efficiency, as discussed below. An HCCI engine, in principle, can operate on any hydrocarbon or alcohol liquid fuel, as long as the fuel is vaporized and mixed with the air before ignition. The applicability of typical fuels to HCCI engines is discussed below. Other fuels (methanol, ethanol, and acetone) have also been tried in experiments, but with inconclusive results. 28 Gasoline: Gasoline has several advantages as an HCCI fuel, one being a high Octane Number (ON). ON is used to indicate the resistance of a motor fuel to knock, and it is based on a scale in which isooctane is 100 ON and n-heptane is 0 ON. ON’s are typically in the range of 87 to 92 in the U.S. and up to 98 in Europe, which allows the use of reasonably high compression ratios in HCCI engines. Actual compression ratios for gasoline-fueled HCCI engine data vary from 12:1 to 21:1 depending on the fuel octane number, intake air temperature, and the specific engine design (which may affect the amount of hot residual naturally retained). This compression-ratio range allows gasolinefueled HCCI engines to achieve relatively high thermal efficiencies (in the range of diesel-fueled CI engine efficiencies). A potential drawback to higher compression ratios is that the engine design must accommodate the relatively high cylinder pressures that can result, particularly with high engine loads. Additional advantages of gasoline include easy evaporation, simple mixture preparation, and a ubiquitous refueling infrastructure. Gasoline is a complex mixture of hundreds of hydrocarbons. While the majority of research engine tests utilize full-boiling range fuels, often it is desirable to limit the chemical and/or physical complexity of the fuel to generate insight and understanding into the underlying fundamental processes. This parallels the problem with computational chemistry models of the combustion processes. The need exists for models of the chemistry of real fuels; unfortunately, it is currently not possible to represent the chemistry of all these complex hydrocarbon mixtures with detailed chemical kinetic models. Consequently, it is advisable to develop computational models 29 for simpler mixtures (validated against experimental data) before moving to the complexity of real fuels. The simplest surrogate fuels for gasoline consist of single components, e.g., the use of iso-octane as a gasoline surrogate. Binary blends of n-heptane and iso-octane, the octane rating scale primary reference fuels (PRFs), also find wide-spread use as convenient surrogates for variable RON/MON fuels. Mixtures of these two PRFs are used to define the octane number (ON) scale, specifically by the volumetric percentage of iso-octane in the mixture. Therefore, the present work concentrated on the SI PRFs and their mixtures. nHeptane, which is also used as a representative diesel fuel component, and iso-octane have quite different oxidation chemistries. Studies show that n-heptane autoignition occurs in two stages, while iso-octane autoignition happens in a single stage at higher temperature [Epping et al., 2002]. Further experiments show that HCCI combustion of PRFs and PRF blends in engines is usually characterized by a two-stage heat release process due to the separate contributions of low temperature reactions (LTR) and high temperature reactions (HTR) [Rao et al., 2004]. Research also shows that HCCI operation with pure n-heptane requires a compression ratio of about 11:1 to phase autoignition at TDC without inlet air preheating, while iso-octane and high octane gasoline (RON 98) require compression ratios of 21.5:1 and 22.5:1, respectively [Christensen et al., 1999]. 30 Diesel Fuel: The HCCI combustion of diesel type fuels can be more easily achieved than with gasoline type fuels because of diesel fuels’ lower autoignition temperature. However, overly advanced combustion phasing can cause low thermal efficiency. In addition, mixture preparation is a critical issue. There is a problem getting diesel fuel to vaporize and premix with the air due to its low volatility [Christensen et al., 1999; Peng et al., 2003]. Therefore, to obtain premixed HCCI combustion using diesel fuel, the air-fuel mixture must be heated considerably to evaporate the fuel, and the compression ratio of the engine must be very low (8:1 or lower) to obtain satisfactory combustion, which results in a low engine efficiency. Alternatively, the fuel can be injected in the intake port or in-cylinder but, without air preheating, temperatures are not sufficiently high for diesel-fuel vaporization until well into the compression stroke. This strategy often results in incomplete fuel vaporization and poor mixture preparation, which can lead to PM and NOx emissions. However, one concept for direct injection of diesel fuel, involving late injection (after TDC) with high swirl, has been successful at thoroughly vaporizing and mixing the fuel before ignition at light to moderate loads. Using this method, diesel-like compression ratios of 15:1 to 16:1 can be used resulting in high efficiency. This mode of operation is used in the Nissan MK engine [Kimura et al., 1999 and 2001]. Like gasoline, diesel fuel has an extensive refueling infrastructure. The HCCI operation using diesel fuel was extensively tested at Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) by Ryan and Callahan [1996] and Gray and Ryan. [1997]. For the first time, Knock Intensity (KI) was used to trace knock and determine the acceptable HCCI operating range. According to the definition, knock that is just marginally audible 31 is used to define a KI of 5 on a scale from zero to ten. The rate of pressure rise is measured and used to yield a KI. A KI of 4 was used to identify permissible HCCI operations. The HCCI operating range was tested by varying EGR rate, compression ratio, and inlet temperature. They found that management of EGR rate and equivalence ratio was critical to achieving HCCI. Under 50 percent EGR rate and stoichiometric fresh charge condition, the engine would produce acceptable power output with near total elimination of smoke. A simple empirical model was also proposed by SwRI to predict HCCI ignition delay time: td = 0.021*(O2)-0.53*(Fuel)0.05*(ρ)0.13*exp(5914/T) Where td is the ignition delay time (ms), O2 is the oxygen molar density (moles/m3), Fuel is the fuel molar density (moles/m3), ρ is the density (kg/m3), and T is the air temperature (K). However, the compression ratio had to be lowered from 16:1 to 8:1 to achieve HCCI operation, and the unburned hydrocarbons were very high. Also, they found that it makes little difference whether the dilute mixture was achieved by going very lean (e.g., below the equivalence ratio in which a flame can propagate, φ ~ 0.6 or 0.7) or by adding exhaust gas recirculation. 32 Propane: High efficiencies can be achieved with propane-fueled HCCI engines because propane has a high octane number (105). In addition, because propane is used as a gas, it can be easily mixed with air. Some infrastructure also exists for propane and it has a high energy density during storage, as it is a liquid at moderate pressures. Natural Gas: Because natural gas has an extremely high octane rating (about 110), natural gas HCCI engines can be operated at very high compression ratios (15:1 to 21:1), resulting in high efficiency. However, similar to gasoline or propane, the engine design must accommodate the relatively high cylinder pressures that can result. Natural gas is widely available throughout the U.S. 2.3 Fuel Additives Fuel additives can be grouped into different categories based on functions, such as engine performance, fuel stability, and fuel handing and contaminant control. Engine performance additives discussed here are a class of additives that can improve engine performance usually by changing autoignition characteristics. Historically, the study of fuel ignition-enhancing (or suppressing) additives was motivated by the need for a cetane (or octane) number improver. Cetane Number (CN) is a rating scale used for diesel engines to indicate the tendency of a fuel to autoignite. The 33 rating compares a fuel’s performance in a standard engine with that of a mixture of cetane (CN = 100) and alpha-methyl-napthalene (CN = 0). While the major source of diesel fuel has been straight-run distillates separated from crude oil; however, the increase in market demand for diesel fuel has led to the position where oil refiners are incorporating more cracked distillates into diesel fuels. Diesel fuels derived from cracked distillates generally have a relatively low cetane rating (i.e., poor ignition quality), as the cracking processes result in higher proportions of aromatic molecules in the product. Such fuels normally require higher temperatures to ignite than their straightrun counterparts. In diesel combustion, this results in extended ignition delay periods and faster initial burn and rate of pressure rise, with the consequent effects of greater noise output and rough running. In the 1940s and 1950s, a number of investigations into the potential of additives for diesel fuel ignition quality improvement were carried out [Bogen and Wilson, 1944; Robbins et al., 1951; Anderson and Wilson, 1952; Brien, 1956; Hurn and Hughes, 1956]. During the period of plentiful petroleum supplies (approximately 1950-1970), there seemed to be little need for fuels research and the literature reflects this with relatively few publications. Some of the studies that were performed were engine based [McGreath, 1971; Kamel, 1984] while others were of a more fundamental nature [Salooja, 1962; Dunskus and Westwater, 1961; Satcunanathan and EI-Nesr, 1972; Kirsch et al., 1981]. However, with the oil crisis of the seventies and the then growing use of cracked distillate fuels, there was renewed interest in developing suitable ignition promoting additives [Li and Simmons, 1986; Pishinger et al., 1988; Inomata et al., 1990; Clothier et al., 1990]. 34 The effects of additives on knock in SI engine were also studied by Downs et al. [1951]. Alkyl peroxides, aldehydes and hydrogen peroxide were investigated. The results demonstrated the key role of alkyl peroxides in the knock process. Formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, propionaldehyde, and butylaldehyde were added in molar concentrations of 5% or more to a full boiling gasoline. Interestingly, the formaldehyde acted as an antiknock and the other aldehydes were only slightly pro-knock. As noted, ideally, autoignition in HCCI should occur at the point where the piston reaches top dead center to provide optimum power and efficiency; therefore the timing of the autoignition is critical. Without the help of an external triggering event, HCCI has a problem in controlling the ignition timing. One option for ignition control is to use small amounts of ignition-enhancing additives to alter the ignition properties slightly. Although a large number of ignition additives have been shown to be effective in enhancing the ignition quality of the parent fuel to which they are added, their precise role in promoting ignition remains uncertain. One school of thought is that they modify the physical processes contributing to the delay period. For example it has been suggested that ignition additives may act in much the same way as water, when the latter is introduced into diesel fuels in the form of an emulsion. Being at supercritical pressure, additives may evaporate instantaneously; thereby shattering fuel droplets and assisting atomization [Valdmanis and Wulfhorst, 1970]. Others claim that additives act as heatflux improvers, considerably increasing the heat transfer rate in nucleate boiling and so reducing evaporation time [Dunskus and Westwater, 1961; Satcunanathan and EI-Nesr, 1972]. Another school of thought maintains that the main effect of additives is that of accelerating the autoignition chemistry. Most effective additives are thermally unstable 35 and their thermal decomposition could be expected to yield free radicals. It has been suggested that these are effective in enhancing the chain branching reactions leading to ignition [Hurn and Hughes, 1956; Salooja, 1962]. It has also been claimed that the local temperature rise, caused by the heat release from the thermal decomposition of the additive may be of equal importance in stimulating the autoignition of the fuel [Inomata et al., 1990]. Di-tertiary Butyl Peroxide (DTBP), (CH3)3COOC(CH3)3, is one such additive and it has been suggested as a commercial cetane number improver in diesel engines. DTBP was selected in this study because (1) it is readily available; (2) it has been used by a number of previous workers, permitting cross reference to other tests; and (3) its structure and decomposition mechanism is reasonably well understood. Like most effective additives, DTBP is thermally unstable and its thermal decomposition liberates heat and yields free radicals. Experiments show that DTBP can reduce ignition delay both in rapid compression machines for SI PRFs and PRF blends [Inomata et al., 1990; Tanaka et al., 2003] and in engines for diesel fuels [Ai-Rubaie et al., 1991]. However, it was unclear whether the effect of DTBP is thermal or chemical. The present work is aimed at determining its the mode of action and its effects on HCCI operation. DTBP was adopted as the “reference” additive and the performance of other additives and mixtures were compared to it by Ai-Rubaie et al. [1991]. Experiments show that DTBP can reduce ignition delay both in rapid compression machines for SI PRFs and PRF blends [Inomata et al., 1990; Tanaka et al., 2003] and in engines for diesel fuels [Ai-Rubaie et al., 1991]. In rapid compression studies, the oxidation of 1% DTBP 36 alone in air is capable of raising the compressed gas temperature by 35ºC [Inomata et al., 1990], and with 2% addition of DTBP to PRF90, the ignition delay time was cut in half [Tanaka et al., 2003]. Addition of 1% by volume of DTBP to a diesel fuel with cetane number 40 at an injection temperature of 880 K in an engine caused a 14% reduction of the ignition delay [Ai-Rubaie et al., 1991]. The experimental investigations of DTBP described above were conducted at relatively high temperatures and varying conditions in engines, shock tubes and rapid compression machines. In spite of this work, it remains unclear whether the effect of DTBP on the lower temperature autoignition processes was thermal or chemical. Thus, part of the present work was aimed at elucidating DTBP’s mode of action. The work was carried out primarily in a Pressurized Flow Reactor (PFR) which can effectively simulate the conditions occurring during the critical preignition regime of hydrocarbon oxidation, and involved measurement of CO concentration, serving as a reactivity marker, at 8 atm and 650 K < T < 900 K. Measurements were made for seven PRF fuel blends, with and without DTBP addition. Additional tests were carried out in a CFR engine. The effects of DTBP on primary reference fuels in the PRF and in an engine are reported in Chapters 4 and 5, respectively. 2.4 Models of Hydrocarbon Oxidation Mechanisms Although hydrocarbon combustion properties have been studied for over a century, numerical combustion modeling work did not become an essential part of combustion research and development programs until the 1980s [Dryer, 1991] with the 37 development and advance of computers. There have been two distinctly different approaches to the numerical modeling of hydrocarbon oxidation. One involves explicitly accounting for all possible chemistry detail and the other elects to account for a minimal set of features. Generally mechanisms are classified as detailed, lumped, reduced, skeletal, or global [Zheng et al., 2004]. Detailed models try to include all of the important elementary reactions and individual species using the best available rate parameters and thermochemical data. The other four model types are all driven by the desire to minimize the model size. Their general characteristics are shown in Table 2-2. Table 2-2. Categories of chemical kinetic models (Zheng et al., 2004) Category Description Species Reactions Detailed the latest “comprehensive” reaction set 100’s 1000’s Lumped uses a lumped description for larger species 100’s 1000’s Reduced a subset of the detailed model 10’s 10’s- 100’s Skeletal employs class chemistry and lumping concepts 10’s 10’s Global utilizes global reactions to minimize reaction set <10 <10 Regardless of the type of mechanism, each reaction requires the associated reaction rate coefficients and species thermodynamic properties. Accurate estimation of heats of formation for all radicals and stable species are needed to identify possible pathways and to estimate activation energies and the rates of reversible reactions. As the fuels of interest increase in size and complexity, the estimation becomes more difficult. A detailed description for each category is given below. 38 Detailed Mechanism A detailed mechanism, as its name implies, includes almost all of the important elementary reactions and individual species with available rate parameters and thermochemical data. As the level of understanding and the size of the molecules increase, detailed mechanisms become extremely large. A detailed C7 hydrocarbon mechanism may contain thousands of reactions and hundreds of species [Curran et al., 1998, 2002]. Coupled with CFD and if used in an engine simulation, such a model would require tremendous computational resources. In 1984, Westbrook and Pitz [1984] introduced a comprehensive chemical kinetic mechanism for the oxidation and pyrolysis of propane and propene. This model was later extended to lower temperatures [Smith et al., 1985] and to much more complex fuels [Westbrook and Pitz, 1987]. In a later work by Westbrook et al. [1991], they included low temperature reaction paths involving alkylperoxy radical isomerization in the program and examined the chemical kinetic process leading to knocking in spark-ignition internal combustion engines. Since then there have been efforts to develop detailed models for butane [Green et al., 1987a, b], pentane [Wang et al., 1999] and heavier hydrocarbons such as n-heptane and iso–octane [Curran et al., 1998 and 2002]. Lumped Mechanism Lumped mechanisms typically classify the primary propagation reactions of the parent fuel with a limited set of reference kinetic parameters and group the primary intermediate isomers into a limited number of “lumped” components [e.g., Violi et al., 39 2002; Agosta et al., 2004]. The smaller species are typically treated in a detailed manner nearly identical to the detailed mechanism. The size of a lumped mechanism can vary significantly, but for large hydrocarbon applications they can still encompass thousands of reactions among hundreds of species [e.g., Granata et al., 2003; Nehse and Warnatz, 1996]. Reduced Mechanism A reduced mechanism begins with either a detailed or lumped mechanism. Then the critical reactions and species are selected by one of several “reduction” methods. The more useful techniques for automatic reduction are: Quasi-Steady-State Approximation (QSSA) [Peters and Rogg, 1993], Intrinsic Low-Dimensional Manifolds (ILDM) [Maas and Pope, 1992], Computational Singular Perturbations (CSP) [Lam and Goussis, 1988], Directed Relation Graphs [Lu and Law, 2004], and others. Reduced mechanisms nominally have tens to hundreds of reactions among tens of species. Skeletal Mechanism Skeletal mechanisms are developed from the opposite perspective from the mechanism categories just described. Instead of starting with an all inclusive detailed model, they are assembled with just enough of the chemical skeleton to model the parameters of interest. Normally these mechanisms consist of tens of reactions and tens of species [e.g., Zheng et al., 2001; 2002a, b]. In skeletal mechanisms, the rate parameters and thermochemistry are based on “classes” of reactions. 40 A review of such kinetic models and their applications has been made by Griffiths [1995]. The earliest skeletal kinetic model, based on degenerate-branched-chain and class chemistry concepts, was developed at the Shell Thornton Research Center by Halstead et al. [1975, 1977]. This model consisted of 8 generalized reactions and 5 species with the primary interest being to match the ignition delay behavior, while the phenomenological complexity of hydrocarbon oxidation, such as cool flames, two stage ignition and NTC behavior were considered to be of secondary importance. This work formed the basis for later developments and the model was widely used in engine applications. Cox and Cole [1985] developed a skeletal chemical kinetic model consisting of 15 reactions and 10 active species. The model was tested against the ignition data using isooctane and PRF90 in a rapid compression machine. Hu and Keck [1987] further developed a skeletal chemical kinetic model of 18 reactions and 13 active species. Keeping a better representation of the chemical reactions similar to Cox and Cole model, Hu and Keck model treated exothermicity as enthalpy change in each step reaction. The rate parameters were calibrated using measured explosion limits in a combustion bomb. The fuels studied were C4-C8 straight chain paraffins and iso-octane. The effects of fuel structure are reflected in the rate parameter of the RO2 isomerization reaction. The model was applied to predict selected data of ignition delay measured in a rapid compression machine. Cowart et al. [1990] reproduced the overall trend for ignition delay of specific hydrocarbons of interest with this model. However, significant physical features such as preignition fuel consumption, cumulative heat release, and species concentrations are not included in the model [Li et al., 1996]. These deficiencies were 41 addressed by Li et al. [1992, 1995, 1996] and the basic model was further refined by Zheng et al., [e.g., 2001, 2002a and b] and in the present work. Global Mechanism A global mechanism describes the chemistry in terms of a few principal reactants and products in a small number of functional relations. Typically, global mechanisms have fewer than ten reactions among fewer than ten species. These types of mechanisms are extremely attractive for CFD and other heavy computational applications where “large” mechanisms are computationally expensive. Global models were first developed to describe high temperature chemistry [Dryer, 1991]. Later, a 4-reaction model [Müller et al., 1992] and a 5-reaction model [Schreiber et al. 1994] were developed to describe the full temperature regime. However, neither of these global models can reflect hydrocarbon oxidation behavior in the Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) regime, since NTC behavior inherently involves intermediate species (for example, HOOH) that provide branching at 900-1100 K. Hence these two global models were only used to predict ignition delays, and they are not suitable for prediction of the full HCCI behavior that occurs with PRF fuels. Bourdon et al. [2004] proposed an optimized 5-step model for HCCI applications. Zheng et al. [2004] at Drexel University developed a 7 step model to successfully predict temperature, pressure, ignition delay, combustion duration, and heat release for PRF20 in an engine operating in HCCI mode. The model includes five reactions that represent degenerate chain branching in the low temperature region, including chain propagation, termination and branching reactions and the reaction of HOOH at the second stage ignition. Two 42 reactions govern the high temperature oxidation, to allow formation and prediction of CO, CO2, and H2O. 2.5 Low and Intermediate Temperature Regime Fuel Oxidation Generally, the combustion environment, such as temperature, pressure, and equivalence ratio effects the location of the boundaries between each regime. At one atmosphere, the hydrocarbon oxidation process can be divided along the following approximate boundaries: (1) low temperature, < 650 K (2) intermediate temperature, 650-1000 K (3) high temperature, > 1000 K In engines, fuel spends a relatively long time in the low and intermediate temperature regime (<1000 K), where it decomposes significantly and generates many intermediate species prior to autoignition [Smith et al., 1985; Cernansky et al., 1986; Green et al., 1987 a and b; Leppard, 1987, 1988; Henig et al., 1989]. As illustrated in the in-cylinder end gas temperature - pressure trajectories presented in Figure 2-2, engine autoignition, which is associated with knocking, cold start and misfire, is a low and intermediate temperature phenomenon. 43 1400 CI Engine Inlet CI Engine Cold Start Autoignition SI Engine Inlet SI Engine Autoignition Adiabatic Engine Trajectories Temperature [K] 1200 1000 H+ O2 e nov T ur r High 800 600 400 Intermediate R + O2 2 Turno ver Low 200 10-1 101 100 Pressure [atm] 102 Figure 2–2. Typical SI engine envelope of end gas temperature and pressure histories leading up to the point of autoignition (Wang, 1999) Motored engine experiments are good for studying autoignition, because they can provide the low and intermediate temperature and higher pressure environment conditions, in which autoignition takes place. Green et al. [1987a and b] studied the chemical aspects of autoignition of iso-butane and n-butane using a “skip-fired” technique in a single cylinder research engine. They concluded that low temperature chemistry plays an important role in end-gas autoignition. Leppard [1988] also studied the oxidation of iso-butane using a motored engine and developed a reaction mechanism. Later, Leppard [1989] studied more fuels using the same technique and reported that 44 olefins do not exhibit negative temperature coefficient behavior. (Note: a study at Drexel University found that large olefins do exhhibit NTC behavior [Prahbu et al., 1996]). At Drexel University, initial engine experiments were conducted by Henig et al. [1989] using n-butane, iso-butane and blends using the same skip-fired strategy as Green et al. [1987 a and b] to investigate the effects of fuel structure on autoignition. Products sampled from the end gas in fired cycles confirmed the importance of low and intermediate temperature chemistry prior to autoignition and examined the interaction between n- and iso-butane. The heat release and chemical species in the second motored cycles were examined in a later investigation by Addagarla et al. [1989a]. Chemical pathways were discussed based on the species data. Wilk et al. [1990] modeled the species data using a detailed chemical kinetic model. Addagarla et al. [1989b] measured the critical inlet fuel/air conditions of temperature and pressure which induce autoignition for n-pentane, n-hexane, and the primary reference fuels under motored engine conditions. Then, based on gas composition measurements in the engine prior to ignition, Addagarla et al. [1991] studied the n-pentane mechanism. Filipe et al. [1992a and b] examined the preignition reactivity and autoignition behavior of several PRF blends under motored conditions. Time resolved concentration profiles of fuels and light intermediate species (C≤4) were measured. The experimental results indicated that significant amount (up to 40-50%) of both n-heptane and iso-octane reacted during the cycle. Li et al. [1994, 1995] conducted experiments in a motored research engine fueled with neat PRF’s, an 87 octane blend of PRF’s (PRF87), and PRF87 blended with methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE), ethyl tert-butyl ether (ETBE), methyl tert-amyl ether (TAME), 45 diisopropyl ether (DIPE), methanol and ethanol. Detailed evolution profiles of reactants, molecular intermediates, and products were measured prior to autoignition via in-cylinder sampling combined with gas chromatographic analysis. The results showed that all of the ethers and alcohols were effective in reducing preignition reactivity and retarding autoignition, and mechanistic explanations for the behavior were proposed. Yang [2002] measured species evolution profiles of PRF20 at different equivalence ratio, additives, such as 1-pentene and toluene, and major EGR components, such as CO2 and NO. The results were used to elucidate the chemical kinetics controlling HCCI operation. As noted previously, Zheng et al. [2001, 2002, 2004] has conducted experimental and computational studies on skeletal mechanisms for HCCI operation. Generally, in motored engine experiments, chemical species are typically sampled and analyzed at selected crank angles. When coupling with air flow and fuel mixing, it is difficult to get detailed data on fuel oxidation under desired temperature and pressure conditions. Therefore, it is difficult to deduce and develop reaction mechanisms solely based on experimental data from motored engines. To obtain detailed speciation and species evolution data, flow reactors are often used, especially for those conditions where reactions are very fast. The advantages of flow reactors can be summarized as follows: (1) the reaction temperature and pressure can be well controlled; (2) the reaction time can be controlled over a broad range (tens of milliseconds to a few seconds); and (3) gas samples at different locations along the reactor, which correspond to different reaction times, are easy to withdraw for analysis. Therefore, more detailed reaction information can be obtained from flow reactors. 46 In the past 20 years, flow reactors were utilized extensively by many researchers and their results have significantly contributed to our understanding of combustion chemistry. Dryer and Glassman [1973] applied the flow reactor and studied the CO and CH4 oxidation at high temperature. Cohen [1977] studied the mechanism of ethane oxidation at high temperature. Later, Hautman et al. [1981] used a range of flow reactor data and proposed a multiple-step overall kinetic mechanism for the oxidation of hydrocarbons. Callahan et al. [1996] performed experiments to study the oxidation of primary reference fuels over an initial reactor temperature range of 550 - 850 K and with a constant pressure of 12.5 atm in the Princeton variable pressure flow reactor. Other experimental efforts to provide experimental data using flow reactors include work done by Vermeersh et al. [1991] and Bales-Gueret et al. [1992]. At Drexel University, a pressurized flow reactor has been utilized extensively in investigating hydrocarbon oxidation chemistry. Koert [1990] designed the flow reactor system and employed it to examine the effect of pressure on the oxidation of propane, and then he collaborated on a modeling effort to develop a pressure-dependent kinetic mechanism for propane based on this experimental data [Koert et al., 1996]. In the same facility, Wood [1994] studied the oxidation of n-pentane and 1-pentene in the low and intermediate temperature region. McCormick [1994] studied the C4 hydrocarbon oxidation and developed an FTIR technique to analyze the samples taken from the reactor. Later, Prabhu et al. [1996] investigated 1-pentene oxidation and its interaction with nitric oxide. Wang et al. [1999] employed the pressurized flow reactor to obtain species information of neopentane to develop a detailed model. 47 The oxidation and ignition characteristics of pure alkanes (n-dodecane and isocetane), naphthenes (methylcyclohexane and decalin), and aromatics (α-methylnaphthalene and hexylbenzene) and of their mixtures have been experimentally studied by Agosta [2002]. The analysis of the interactions controlling the ignition of binary, ternary and larger mixtures of the compounds listed above has been applied to the synthesis of a multi-component surrogate for the military aviation fuel JP-8, which is very similar to the commercial aviation fuel Jet-A. The surrogate has been tailored to closely match the hydrocarbon distribution in JP-8: a mixture containing 26% n-dodecane, 36% isocetane, 18% α-methylnaphthalene, 14% methylcyclohexane, and 6% decalin, was shown to accurately reproduce the chemical behavior of JP-8 over different experimental conditions. Oxidation of samples of JP-8 and Jet-A were experimentally studied by Lenhert [2004b]. In his study, a 4-component surrogate of JP-8, with mixture of 43% n-dodecane, 27% iso-cetane, 15% methyl-cyclohexane, and 15% α-methyl-naphthalene was developed to match the ‘average’ JP-8. Neat, binary mixtures of the components, and the full surrogate were oxidized in the PFR and stable intermediate and product species were identified and quantified using permanent gas analyzers, and gas chromatography with mass spectrometry (GC/MS). These detailed studies provided kinetic and mechanistic information in the low and intermediate temperature ranges (600 – 1000 K) and at elevated pressures. 48 CHAPTER 3. EXPERIMENTAL FACILITIES AND GENERAL TEST METHODOLOGY The experimental portion of this work was conducted using the pressurized flow reactor facility and an engine facility in the Frederic O. Hess Engineering Research Laboratories at Drexel University. assembled by Koert (1990). The flow reactor was originally designed and In recent years, the facility has been enhanced by incorporating new a gas analysis system, installing a secondary preheater and upgrading the LabVIEW programmed computer control system. A Cooperative Fuel Research (CFR) engine was recently set up and used to conduct the associated engine experiments. Each of these facilities and the experimental methodology employed is described in the following sections. 3.1 The Pressurized Flow Reactor Facility The PFR facility is a plug flow reactor designed to investigate the effects of pressure and temperature on the oxidation of hydrocarbon species, mainly in the low and intermediate temperature regions at pressures up to 20 atm. The facility was designed such that chemical processes could be examined in relative freedom from fluid mechanics and temperature gradient effects. A detailed description of the design and fabrication of the system can be found in Koert [1990] and Koert and Cernansky [1992]. In the past years, several modifications to the system have been made, such as the addition of a 3 kW heater [Wang, 1999] and the addition of a liquid fuel delivery system [Wood, 1994]. More recent modifications to the PFR were completed by Agosta [2002] and Lenhert [2004b]. These modifications included upgrades to the computer control system and 49 LabVIEW code, replacement of the fuel delivery system, and modifications to the temperature control system, gas sampling systems, sample probe design, and other minor systems. Independent of these modifications, the basic constructs of the reactor have remained unchanged. The detailed description of the facility has been provided elsewhere by Koert [1990] and Lenhert [2004b] and only an overview of the facility will be described here 3.1.1 Reactor Flow Systems The PFR has a temperature range up to 1000 K, which is effective to characterize the low and intermediate temperature regimes, and it is maintained at nearly adiabatic conditions so that the heat transfer effects can be ignored. In the PFR, a stream of prevaporized fuel is diluted in a stream of heated nitrogen. Then, as the fuel/N2 mixture enters the adiabatic quartz reaction duct, it is rapidly mixed with a heated oxidizer stream consisting of nitrogen and oxygen at a concentration consistent with the level of reactivity expected or desired. Moreover, the high flow rate inside the reactor and the cross flow injector establish a turbulent flow regime. The residence time in the reactor is shorter than the time it takes for radicals and other active species to diffuse radially to the wall; therefore surface effects can be neglected. The reactor duct is heated by means of two sets of manually controlled heaters. A computer controlled probe is moved inside the reactor and extracts samples that are delivered to the gas analyzers. A schematic of the PFR facility is presented in Figure 3-1. 50 Nitrogen Oxygen Air 3kW Heater Exhaust Pressure Exhaust Regulating Valve Fuel NDIR FTIR & GC/FTIR Syringe Pump Pressure Transducers 10kW Heater Mixing Nozzle Quartz Reactor Sample Storage Cart Gas Sampling Probe & TC Computer Controlled Probe Positioning Table Probe Cooling System Data Control & Acquisition System Figure 3–1. Schematic of the Pressurized Flow Reactor facility The reactor duct is a 2.25 cm I.D., 40 cm long quartz tube. The temperature is kept as constant as possible along the reactor length by insulation and by the use of multiple bead heaters that can be manually adjusted. As noted by Khan [1998], this multiple heating element system was developed to maintain a relatively flat temperature profile in the PFR facility. The PFR has been divided in three main sections, inlet, test and outlet, and the temperature of each of these sections can be monitored and adjusted by changing the temperature set point on the corresponding bead heater. The current temperature set points for the bead heaters during the experiments are shown in Table 3.1. 51 Table 3-1. Bead heaters temperature set points PFR SECTION SWITCH TEMPERATURE INLET SECTION 1 Æ ON 2 Æ ON 3 Æ ON 700 ºC 700 ºC 700 ºC TEST SECTION 4 Æ ON 5 Æ ON 6 Æ OFF 550 ºC 550 ºC — OUTLET SECTION 9 Æ ON 500 ºC NITROGEN-FUEL SECTION 7 Æ ON 8 Æ OFF 300 ºC — The Nitrogen-Fuel section in Table 3.1 refers to the external line between the mixing nozzle and the fuel delivery system. It is in this line that the liquid fuel delivered by the injection pump is vaporized and mixed with the stream of heated nitrogen to achieve the desired fuel rate and concentration for delivery to the main reactor. Controlling the temperature along this line is of great importance and its temperature set points must be between the fuel boiling point and a temperature where significant decomposition of the fuel occurs. A set point of 300 ºC has been used in this study. The fuel delivery system is one of the most critical components of the PFR system. Accurate, repeatable, and stable delivery of liquid fuels is paramount for the accurate quantification of intermediate oxidation species. A high pressure syringe pump (ISCO 500D syringe pump) was used in this study. This pump has a 500 ml fuel reservoir and is capable of delivering up to 200 ml/min at pressures up to 3,750 psi. This 52 pump provides a constant, highly repeatable flow rate with negligible pressure oscillations. Approximate flow rates for a specified experimental condition, e.g., φ = 0.4, N2 Dilution 75%, 8 atm, are calculated given the fuels’ density and molecular weight. The injection system uses a 1/16th inch OD tube, 0.020 or 0.010 inch ID stainless steel tube. The ID of the injection tube is determined by the syringe pump pressure necessary to deliver the desired flow rate of the fuel. 3.1.2 Sampling Method and Sample Analysis Samples of the reacting gases are obtained at different locations along the reactor via a stainless steel probe whose position is computer controlled. Because of turbulent flow in the reactor and because of the rapid initial mixing of the fuel and the oxidizer, radial gradients in the PFR can be neglected and samples taken along the centerline of the test section characterize the chemistry of the reactions. The probe motion is automatically controlled using the ‘Probe Automove’ LabVIEW code developed by Koert [1990] and modified by Lenhert [2004a]. A pressure drop across the probe orifice and the probe water-cooling system extracts the reacting gases in such a way that further reactions are rapidly quenched. The extraction line is also heated to approximately 70 ºC in order to keep the products at a temperature high enough to avoid condensation of important species such as formaldehyde. The temperature control of this line is realized via heating tapes and it is controlled manually. Continuous samples, extracted from the PFR at constant flow rate, can be analyzed online using either a Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectrometer for a 53 quantitative analysis of the products of combustion or a Non-Dispersive Infrared (NDIR) instrument for CO or CO2 concentrations. The CO concentration is used to map the overall reactivity of the fuel. Samples can also be stored in a constant temperature storage unit capable of holding up to 15 gas samples for later GC/MS analysis. The overall length of the extraction line is approximately 4 m. The volumetric flow rate inside this line is kept constant at 3 l/min and it is regulated by the rotameter of the NDIR. Due to the length of the extraction line, there is a time delay between the measurement of CO and CO2 for a specific sample in the NDIR and the measurement of that specific sample temperature by the thermocouple mounted on the tip of the probe. Applying the equations of ideal fluids without losses, it is possible to calculate the residence time of the gases extracted from the PFR and flowing into the NDIR. This time has been estimated to be less than 5 s. The reactor cooling rate during a typical controlled cool down experiment is on the order of 3 °C/min at the start and end of reaction, while it decreases to approximately 2 °C/min in the temperature region close to the start of NTC – due to the larger amount of heat released. Therefore in the worst case the temperature change during the 5 s time delay is about 0.05 °C, and this is small enough that the CO/CO2 and the temperature measurements can be considered to be simultaneous. 3.1.3 PFR Experimental Methodology Two types of experiments can be performed in the Pressurized Flow Reactor, depending on the type of chemical information that needs to be collected. The first procedure, referred to as Constant Inlet Temperature (CIT) methodology, is particularly 54 suitable for collecting data on the evolution of the intermediate species and final products of combustion. Samples are collected at various locations along the reactor length, each position representing a particular residence time and, in turn, a characteristic reaction time. Therefore, maintaining the reactor at a constant (inlet) temperature, it is possible to follow the evolution of a species as a function of the reaction time providing useful information for establishing and evaluating reaction mechanisms. The second procedure, known as Controlled Cool Down (CCD) or as Constant Residence Time (CRT) methodology, was used in this study. A CCD experiment is specifically designed to study the reactivity of a fuel over a wide range of temperatures while keeping the residence time constant. The data collected during a CCD experiment are usually represented in a plot of the CO production as function of the temperature, creating a “reactivity map” of the fuel. A typical fuel reactivity map is presented in Figure 3-2 where the start and end of reactivity and the NTC region are identified. CO production is an indicator of the overall reactivity of the fuel at low and intermediate temperature. At these temperature regimes, the decrease in CO concentration above 700 K is not due to formation of CO2 but due to reduction of reactivity. Reactivity maps provide useful information on the oxidative behavior of a fuel, including the start and end of reactivity, and the start and width of the NTC region. 55 1400 Low Temperature Region CO Concentration (ppm) 1200 NTC Region Start of NTC 1000 800 600 400 Start of Reactivity End of Reactivity 200 0 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 Temperature (K) Figure 3–2. Typical fuel reactivity map A CCD experiment is performed by heating the reactor up to the maximum temperature that needs to be investigated, i.e., above the end of reactivity temperature shown in Fig. 3-2 as determined by the low-to-intermediate temperature turnover. Depending on the particular fuel studied and on its oxidative behavior, this temperature usually falls in the range 750 K to 850 K. This preheat stage is accomplished by flowing air at one atmosphere from the building compressed air system at the same bulk flow rate as the experimental conditions so that the heat transfer rate remains constant and does not alter the temperature profile. Typically, the duration of the preheat stage takes approximately 6-7 hours for the system to reach nearly isothermal conditions. Near the end of the preheat stage, the temperature profile of the reactor is measured by taking sample point temperature measurements along the length of the reactor, typically every 56 2.5 cm. The bead heaters along the length of the reactor are adjusted until a nearly constant, less than +/- 5 ˚C, profile is achieved. Once the maximum temperature is reached, the air flow is transferred to two nitrogen flow streams, the first is the main “oxidizer” nitrogen stream and the second is the nitrogen stream for fuel vaporization and delivery. Once the nitrogen flow rates are stabilized, the fuel vaporization line is heated to its operating temperature. Next, the reactor is pressurized to the desired operating conditions. At this point, a flow of approximately 56 l/m is continuously extracted to preheat the transfer lines and warmup the online analyzers. Once the system is stabilized at the desired temperature, pressure, and flow rates, fuel is introduced in order to calibrate the fuel flow rate to the desired fuel concentration. A J.U.M. Unburned Total Hydrocarbon (UTHC) is used to calibrate the fuel flow rates. The procedure for calibration of the THC is outlined by Lenhert [2004b]. The initial fuel flow rate is calculated using the fuel density and desired operating conditions. Using this flow rate, the concentration was measured and compared to the calibrated response of the instrument. This flow rate is usually, 10 to 20% higher than desired due to the compressibility of the fuel and errors in the density. As a result, the concentration from a second flow rate is measured at a 40% lower flow rate in order to bracket the desired flow rate. Next, the concentrations from three intermediate flow rates are measured. A calibrated flow rate is then interpolated from the linear least squares fit of the five flow rates and concentrations. This flow rate is verified by measuring its concentration and added it to the linear fit. If the new interpolated flow rate changed by 57 more than 0.010 ml/min, then two or three additional flow rates are used near the interpolated flow rate to achieve an acceptable calibrated flow rate. After calibration, a portion of the main nitrogen steam is transferred over to oxygen and the system is allowed to stabilize. Then the 10 kW and 3 kW heaters are shutdown – with the exclusion of the fuel line heater that is required to vaporize the fuel prior to the injection – starting the cool down process for the entire system. The reactor cooling rate is between 2 and 5 °C/min. During the cool down phase, the CO and unburned hydrocarbons (UHC) were continuously monitored with the Siemens Ultramat 22P NDIR and J.U.M. THC analyzer. During the cooling process, the density of the gases changes as this is a function of the temperature. Therefore the volumetric flow changes and, in order to maintain the constant residence time during the entire experiment, the probe position needs to be continuously adjusted by the computer controlled positioning table. During the CCD experiments, the pressure of the system is maintained at the desired pressure within ± 0.05 atm. 3.2 Engine Facility The HCCI engine experiments in this study were conducted in a newly developed Cooperative Fuel Research (CFR) engine test facility at Drexel University, Fig. 3-3. The engine is a 611.6 cm3, single cylinder, four-stroke, water cooled Waukesha Motor Corporation Model 48D CFR engine direct coupled to a GE CD258AT DC motor/ generator dynamometer. Under firing engine conditions, the dynamometer maintained the speed within ±5 rpm of the set conditions. A flywheel on 58 the other end of the crank shaft dampens and reduces speed variations due to cyclic variability. Exhaust Thermocouple Inlet Thermocouple Pressure Transducer Pressure Transducer Data Control & Acquisition System Pressure Transducer Turbulator Waukesha CFR Engine Oil Thermocouple Fuel Injector Exhaust Gas Analyzers CO, CO2 & NOx Water Thermocouple GE DC Motor Dynamometer Primary air pressure regulator Surge Tank Heated Manifold Air Flow Controller Air Compressor Figure 3–3. Schematic of Cooperative Fuel Research (CFR) engine facility The engine is controlled by a General Electric DV-500 electric controller, with a DV-300 control module. The controller operates on 480 VAC, three phase power, supplied via a laboratory transformer. The control module converts the AC electrical supply, to 300 VDC power. The control module is wired to the General Electric, 20 59 horsepower, 33 ampere, and direct current motor/generator dynamometer with a rated maximum speed of 3000 revolutions per minute. The engine has a 8.255 cm cylinder bore and a 11.43 cm piston stroke with a cylinder head, which allows variation of the compression ratio from 4:1 to 18:1. Detailed engine specifications are shown in Table 3-2. Table 3-2. Cooperative Fuel Research engine geometry 3.2.1 Bore 82.55 mm Stroke 114.3 mm Displacement 611.6 cm3 Compression Ratio 4:1-18:1 Intake Valve Opens 10 deg bTDC Intake Valve Closes 34 deg aBDC Exhaust Valve Opens 40 deg bBDC Exhaust Valve Closes 15 deg aTDC Intake Manifold The intake system refers to the basic air and fuel supply to the engine along with the instruments and controllers to monitor and set the operating parameters. The engine intake system is connected to the Laboratory compressed air system at a pressure of 5-7 atm, Fig. 3-4. The compressed air system is filtered and the moisture content is controlled, which enhances the ability to replicate intake conditions. In addition, the use of a compressed air supply allows the engine to run under supercharged conditions. 60 The main air supply pressure is reduced to 4 atm via the primary intake regulator. The regulated air is routed through a Porter Instruments model 114 mass flow meter. This mass flow meter measures intake flow up to 1000 slpm with an accuracy of ±1 slpm, and allows a maximum engine speed of 3000 rpm. Compressed Air Supply Gas Circulation Heater Primary Pressure Regulator Aux. Gas Supply Port & Mass Flow Controller Experimental Fuel Supply Fuel Injector Mass Flow Meter Temperature Controlled Air/Fuel Mixture Intake Bypass Pressure Transducer Secondary Pressure Regulator Thermocouple Intake Manifold Surge Tank Figure 3–4. Intake system schematic An auxiliary gas supply port was incorporated into the air delivery system for the purposes of simulating the effects of exhaust gas recirculation (EGR). This port operates at 3 atm and flow is maintained by a Porter Instruments model A202 mass flow controller. 61 This controller can meter up to 100 slpm of air with an accuracy of ±0.1 slpm. This auxiliary flow merges with the main flow prior to final pressure regulation and delivery to the engine. The engine intake pressure is controlled by the secondary intake regulator. This regulator, in conjunction with the intake pressure transducer, sets and maintains the desired intake pressure. The maximum intake pressure, limited by the maximum pressure of the intake transducer, is 2 atm. A 24.3 gallon pressure vessel serving as a surge tank was secured in the base of the electrical rack to buffer intake air oscillations from the engine, and allow for accurate mass flow measurement and control. A Chromalox 5 kW gas circulation heater (Model GCHMTI) was used to preheat the inlet air stream. This heater is a single zone immersion heater. This heater reduces the hazards associated with the electrical power distribution, and the immersion heating element allows for uniform intake heating. Air/fuel mixing occurs immediately downstream of the intake heating. The test fuel is injected by a standard 21 lb/hr automotive fuel injector. The fuel injector is operated by a 12 VDC power supply, controlled by a LabVIEW virtual interface. Post injection flow passes through a 17 inch long turbulator. The turbulator contains six sets of oppositely mounted vanes which the intake air and atomized fuel flow through in order to promote and achieve a homogeneous mixture for delivery to the engine. Intake pressure and temperature are recorded prior to cylinder head inlet, via an Omega Engineering 25 psia pressure transducer and 1/16” type-K thermocouple, respectively. The measurements are stored on the laboratory data acquisition system. 62 The intake piping is wrapped with fiberglass insulation to limit the heat loss from the intake flow. This is important since intake temperature is critical in maintaining the vaporization of the fuel. A large temperature drop can cause the fuel to condense in the intake system, resulting in improper mixture delivery to the engine. 3.2.2 Exhaust Manifold The engine exhaust system is composed of two sub-systems, the main engine exhaust and the engine crankcase breather, Fig. 3-5. The main engine exhaust is piped out of the laboratory through the closest roof vent. The breather, which operates at atmospheric pressure, was connected to the exhaust vent that serves as the outlet for the gas analysis equipment. Atmosphere Gas Sample Main Exhaust Crankcase Breather Pressure Transducer Thermocouple Engine Figure 3–5. Exhaust system schematic 63 The main engine exhaust has a probe style gas sampling port. This port allows the gas analysis equipment to withdraw a sample from the center of the exhaust flow, decreasing the wall effects of the exhaust pipe on the exhaust gases. The exhaust gas temperature is measured via a 1/16” type-K thermocouple attached to the cylinder head exhaust port. The exhaust pressure is recorded via a 100 psig Omega Engineering pressure transducer. The moderate range pressure transducer was selected due to the potential for restricted exhaust flow in future experimental setups. The pressure transducer is located two feet away from the engine to reduce temperature effects on the measurement. Two lengths of braided flex hose are used in the exhaust piping, to account for the cylinder head movement, and to reduce the effects of vibration. High temperature, vibration resistant pipe sealing compound, was used to prevent leakage from threaded junctions. 3.2.3 Engine monitoring and data acquisition system A Gurley Precision Instrument Company Model 9125 rotary incremental encoder was used to produce a trigger signal once per revolution and a clock signal of 3600 periods per revolution. The encoder is mounted on a 2:1 reducing gear to provide a resolution of 1/5 crank angle degree (CAD). A Kistler Instruments model 7061B water-cooled pressure transducer was installed in the cylinder head to monitor the in-cylinder pressure of the engine. The transducer is coated with high temperature RTV material to protect against thermal shock. 64 The output of the signal is amplified by a Kistler model 5010B amplifier. The charge amplifier signal is monitored and stored on a PC for the processing. The engine data source map is shown in Fig. 3-6. Intake Assembly • • • • • Waukesha CFR Engine Mass Flow Rate Heater Outlet Temperature Fuel Flow Rate Intake Temperature Intake Manifold Pressure • • • • In-Cylinder Pressure Oil Temperature Coolant Temperature Fast Sampling Valve Exhaust Assembly • Exhaust Temperature • Exhaust Pipe Pressure • Gas Sampling Analysis CO, CO2, NOx and UHC Figure 3–6. Engine data source map With the inclusion of the shaft encoder programming into the data monitoring plan, the core data acquisition system was modified by groups of undergraduate students at Drexel University. The shaft encoder program was developed to run on a common computer platform. An additional workstation was dedicated to handle the monitoring and control of the engine controller, and passive data collection. LabVIEW virtual instruments collected real time data, while serial communication was established with the engine controller and the General Electric Control Toolbox software. 65 3.2.4 Experiment Methodologies and Approaches For the HCCI study, the engine was operated at a speed of 800 rpm, intake manifold pressure 1.0 bar, coolant temperature 80 ˚C and compression ratio at 16:1. The experiments were run at inlet temperatures of 410, 450 and 500 K, which is above the boiling points of the fuel mixtures thus eliminating concerns of fuel condensation. The test fuels were injected into the air stream of the heated inlet manifold well upstream of the intake valve to assure complete vaporization and mixing. The equivalence ratio was pre-selected to one of six values between 0.28 and 0.57. n-Heptane (PRF0) iso-octane (PRF100) and five blends (PRF20, PRF50, PRF63, PRF87 and PRF92) with and without DTBP addition were tested. 3.3 Closure This chapter provided a description of the two experimental facilities and associated experimental techniques and methodologies used in this study. The details of Pressurized Flow Reactor work examining the effect of DTBP on the oxidation of SI primary reference fuels are discussed in Chapter 4. Details of the corresponding engine based studies are provided in Chapter 5. The kinetic model development work associated with both of these experimental activities is discussed in Chapter 6. 66 CHAPTER 4. THE EFFECT OF DTBP ON OXIDATION OF SI PRIMARY REFERENCE FUELS IN A PRESSURIZED FLOW REACTOR * Reactivity maps of Spark Ignition (SI) primary reference fuels and their blends with and without DTBP addition have been measured using the controlled cool down methodology in the Drexel PFR facility. The results from experiments at 8 atm over the range 600K < T <800 K are presented and discussed in this chapter. These results also form the database for later modeling studies, which are discussed in Chapter 6. 4.1 Introduction iso-Octane and n-heptane are the SI engine primary reference fuels (PRFs). The knock resistance of possible fuels is defined by comparing their knock behavior to that of mixtures of iso-octane and n-heptane. The octane number of the fuel is assigned based on the volumetric percentage of iso-octane in the 2 component mixture. n-Heptane, which is also used to represent a diesel fuel, and iso-octane have quite different oxidation chemistries. Therefore, n-heptane, iso-octane and their mixtures are natural test fuels to explore the effect of DTBP on CI and SI fuels. In the present work, the oxidation of the PRFs for the octane number scale, isooctane (PRF100) and n-heptane (PRF0), and their blends, PRF20, PRF50, PRF63, PRF87 and PRF92, has been studied in a pressurized flow reactor. The objective of these * The material in this chapter was the basis for Paper No. C03, presented at the 4th Joint Meeting of the U.S. Sections of the Combustion Institute, Philadelphia, March 2005 [Gong et al., 2005a] 67 experiments was to confirm the negative temperature coefficient (NTC) phenomena of pure PRFs and to observe the effects of the additive di-tertiary butyl peroxide (DTBP) on the oxidation of these fuels and their blends. During the controlled cool down (CCD) reactivity mapping experiments, the reactor was first heated to 800 K, which previous work had shown is higher than the end temperature of NTC regions for all the tested PRFs. After the system had stabilized for 20 minutes, all heaters, except the one for the fuel delivery line, were turned off to let the reactor slowly cool down at a rate of 2-5ºC/min. All experiments were conducted at 8 atm with the test fuels set to different equivalence ratios (φ), nitrogen dilutions and residence times based on their respective reactivity behavior at low and intermediate temperatures, Table 4.1. Table 4-1. Pressurized flow reactor test conditions A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S Reactant Percentage (V/V liquid, %) n-Heptane iso-Octane n-Heptane 100 0 n-Heptane 100 0 n-Heptane + 0.5% DTBP 99.5 0 n-Heptane + 1.0% DTBP 99 0 n-Heptane + 1.5% DTBP 98.5 0 PRF20 80 20 PRF20 + 1.5% DTBP 78.8 19.7 PRF50 50 50 PRF50 + 1.5% DTBP 49.25 49.25 PRF63 37 63 PRF63 + 1.5% DTBP 36.45 62.05 n-Heptane 100 0 PRF87 13 87 PRF87 + 1.0% DTBP 12.87 86.13 PRF92 8 92 PRF92 + 1.0% DTBP 7.92 91.08 PRF92+ 1.5% DTBP 7.88 90.62 iso-Octane 0 100 iso-Octane + 1.0% DTBP 0 99 * [Tanaka et al., 2003] DTBP 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 0.0 1.5 0.0 1.5 0.0 1.5 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.5 0.0 1.0 Oxidizer Comp. (%) N2 Air 85 15 85 15 85 15 85 15 85 15 85 15 85 15 80 20 80 20 70 30 70 30 70 30 70 30 70 30 65 35 65 35 65 35 62 38 62 38 ON φ 0.4 0 0.32 0 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 20 0.4 0.4 50 0.4 0.5 63 0.5 ~0.064 0 0.5 87 0.5 0.6 92 0.6 0.6 0.75 100 0.75 91.2* Reaction Time (ms) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 150 150 200 200 200 200 200 225 225 225 250 250 68 As shown in Table 4-1, iso-octane has the longest residence time (250 ms) and highest equivalence ratio (φ = 0.75) due to its low reactivity within this temperature range. A further explanation of the mixture selections is given when the data are presented in discussion section. The equivalence ratio is defined as: φ= ( Fuel / Oxidizer ) Actual ( Fuel / Oxidizer ) Stoichiometric For each CCD experiment, the residence time was kept constant while reducing the reaction temperature via natural cooling from 800 to 600 K. The extracted gas samples were directed to an online CO/CO2 NDIR (non-dispersive infrared) analyzer and a FID total hydrocarbon (THC) analyzer. The reactivity map for the experiment consists of a profile of carbon monoxide (CO) concentration as a function of reaction temperature at constant pressure. CO concentration is used to characterize the degree of oxidation. The validation of using CO as indicator of oxidation is based on: (1) CO is readily produced from hydrocarbon oxidation in the low temperature regime; and (2) CO is not converted to CO2 at a significant rate in this temperature range. DTBP is known to decompose with a half-life of 10 ms at 550 K and less than 0.1 ms at 700 K [Griffiths et al., 1990]. The primary products of decomposition are methyl radicals and acetone, as shown in Figure 4-1. Acetone is relatively unreactive, 69 and doesn’t oxidize fast enough at temperatures below 900 K to contribute to the development of autoignition. By contrast, the methyl radicals undergo oxidation on a microsecond timescale to yield molecular products (e.g., formaldehyde, methanol and hydrogen peroxide) and to generate heat. There is no direct evidence that chain propagation is initiated from this secondary oxidation of methyl radicals and no chain branching occurs [Griffiths et al., 1990]. The subsequent oxidation of formaldehyde and the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide occur readily at temperatures in excess of 850 K, and these reactions may promote chain initiation. CH3 CH3• O CH3 C O• CH3 C CH3 CH3 DTBP CH3 CH3• O CH3 C O• CH3 C CH3 CH3 Figure 4–1. DTBP thermal decomposition (Griffiths et al., 1990) 70 4.2 4.2.1 Results and Discussion Reactivity of the SI PRFs and Their Blends Reactivity maps for n-heptane, iso-octane and five of their mixtures (A, R, F, H, J, M and O of Table 4-1) are shown in Figure 4-2. For all 7 conditions, the maps exhibit typical negative temperature coefficient behavior. As expected, n-heptane shows significantly more reactivity than iso-octane. When iso-octane experiments were run at the same experimental conditions as n-heptane, no reactivity was observed. Thus, the iso-octane experiments were run at higher equivalence ratio (φ), lower dilution and longer reaction time. Even at a much longer time of 250 ms and φ = 0.75, the CO peak for isooctane was only 250 ppm, while n-heptane produced 1250 ppm at 100 ms and φ = 0.40. The starting temperatures of NTC behavior range from 705 K for n-heptane to 665 K for iso-octane. In general, the temperature for peak CO concentration is lowered as the ON of the reactants increases. It can also be seen that reactivity occurs over a narrower temperature range as the ON increases. n-Heptane has the widest reactivity span, 625 to 775 K, while iso-octane has the narrowest, 630 to 680 K. Figure 4-2 also shows that for blends with even small amounts of n-heptane, e.g., PRF87, the reactivity is much higher than for neat iso-octane. This is due to the faster low and intermediate temperature reactions of n-heptane. To examine the effect of iso-octane on the mixtures, two sets of experiments were conducted. Each set was at the same experimental conditions, e.g. pressure, dilution, and residence time, except for fuel type and concentration. The first set compared reactivity of conditions M and L. In these experiments the n-heptane concentration in the reactants was kept constant. As shown in Fig. 4-3, the presence of iso-octane narrows the 71 temperature range of low and intermediate temperature reactivity. However, maximum CO concentration and the temperature of this maximum are essentially unchanged. Data from a second set of experiments, comparing conditions B and F are shown in Fig. 4-4. The maximum CO concentration for case B and F are unchanged; however, unlike cases M and L, the temperature range of reactivity is unchanged. The iso-octane in these PRF blends act as a radical scavenger over the low and intermediate temperature range, which can explain the observed narrowing of the range for the first case that has higher iso-octane concentration. CO Concentration (ppm) 1400 1200 R:iso-octane H:PRF50 O:PRF92 F:PRF20 M:PRF87 A:n-heptane J:PRF63 1000 800 600 400 200 0 600 625 650 675 700 725 750 775 800 Temperature (K) Figure 4–2. Reactivity maps for n-heptane, PRF20, PFR50, PRF63, PRF87, PRF92 and iso-octane from CCD experiments in a PFR 72 700 M:PRF87 L:n-heptane CO Concentration (ppm) 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 600 625 650 675 700 725 750 775 800 Temperature (K) Figure 4–3. Reactivity maps for PRF87 and n-heptane at a constant nheptane concentration as listed in Table 4-1, cases M and L 1400 B:n-heptane at PRF20 level F:PRF20 CO Concentration (ppm) 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 600 625 650 675 700 725 750 775 800 Temperature (K) Figure 4–4. Reactivity maps for n-heptane, PRF 20 and n-heptane at the PRF20 level as listed in Table 4-1, cases F and B A schematic diagram for the branching pathways of low and intermediate temperature regions is shown in Figure 4-5. 73 -H RH R& + O2 + M RO2 + RH & OH H O& 2 + C = C + RH + O& H Q& OOH +β R& + ROOH + Ether C = C + R ′′CHO + O& H H 2 O 2 + R& + O2 H 2 O + R& . . OO Q OOH ⎯⎯→ O& H + O Q ' OOH ⎯⎯→ O& H + Rs ' C O + RsCHO Figure 4–5. Branching pathways for hydrocarbon oxidation at low and intermediate temperature As noted previously, the oxidation of hydrocarbons can be separated into three temperature regimes, the low, intermediate, and high temperature regimes. The low temperature region is characterized by the reactions of RO2• radicals for smaller hydrocarbon fuels or QOOH• radicals for larger hydrocarbon fuels and by the formation of stable oxygenated hydrocarbons [Cernansky et al., 1986]. The intermediate temperature region is dominated by the reactions of HO2• radicals and the characteristic stable products are alkenes, stable oxygenated hydrocarbons, and methane. When the process reaches the high temperature region, the reactions are dominated by OH•, O•, and H• radicals, and unimolecular decomposition of alkyl radicals, via beta-scission, becomes important [Wilk et al., 1986]. R• + O2 Ù RO2• and RO2• Ù QOOH• play important roles in low and intermediate temperature regions. n-Heptane and iso-octane interact through a radical 74 pool of R• and RO2• in the low temperature region and R• in the intermediate temperature region. Thus, iso-octane affects reactivity over the entire test region. The observation that the maximum CO concentration is the same for both experiments in Fig. 4-3 and the comparable experiments in Fig. 4-4 can be explained by the fact that the CO production in the low and intermediate temperature stage is due almost entirely to reactions involving n-heptane. The effect of fuel concentration on reactivity is checked in experiments A and B. In these experiments the n-heptane concentration in the reactants changed, with experiment B having a lower equivalence ratio (0.32) than experiment A (0.40). As shown in Figure 4-6, the presence of more n-heptane (increase of equivalence ratio) increases the overall reactivity, while the temperature ranges for NTC behavior remain unchanged. 1400 A:n-heptane B:n-heptane with less concentration CO Concentration (ppm) 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 600 625 650 675 700 725 750 775 800 Temperature (K) Figure 4–6. Reactivity maps for n-heptane at different concentration as listed in Table 4-1, cases A and B 75 4.2.2 Effects of DTBP on Fuel Oxidation The effects of the additive DTBP on the oxidation behavior of these PRFs and their blends were also examined over the low and intermediate temperature regions, Figures. 4-7 to 4-13. It can be seen that DTBP has a large effect on iso-octane oxidation. As shown in Figure 4-6, 1.0% DTBP addition to iso-octane by volume increases the peak CO concentration from 250 to 560 ppm. The temperature span of the reaction region broadened from 60 to 110 ºC. This result agrees with data from a rapid compression machine experiment [Tanaka et al., 2003]. 700 R:iso-Octane S:iso-Octane+1.0%DTBP CO Concentration (ppm) 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 600 625 650 675 700 725 750 775 800 Temperature (K) Figure 4–7. Reactivity maps for iso-octane and iso-octane + 1.5% DTBP as listed in Table 4-1, cases R and S However, unlike experimental results from Tanaka et al. [2003], no major effects of DTBP addition on n-heptane and the PRF blends were found even at levels of DTBP addition up to 1.5%, Figure 4-8 to Figure 4-13. 76 900 O:PRF92 P:PRF92+1.0%DTBP Q:PRF92+1.5%DTBP CO Concentration (ppm) 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 600 625 650 675 700 725 750 775 800 Temperature (K) Figure 4–8. Reactivity maps for PRF92 with varying levels of DTBP additive as listed in Table 4-1, cases O, P and Q 700 M:PRF87 N:PRF87+1.0%DTBP CO Concentration (ppm) 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 600 625 650 675 700 725 750 775 800 Temperature (K) Figure 4–9. Reactivity maps for PRF87 and PRF87 + 1.5% DTBP as listed in Table 4-1, cases M and N 77 800 J:PRF63 K:PRF63+1.5%DTBP CO Concentration (ppm) 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 600 625 650 675 700 725 750 775 800 Temperature (K) Figure 4–10. Reactivity maps for PRF63 and PRF63 + 1.5% DTBP as listed in Table 4-1, cases J and K 1200 H:PRF50 I:PRF50+1.5%DTBP CO Concentration (ppm) 1000 800 600 400 200 0 600 625 650 675 700 725 750 775 Temperature (K) Figure 4–11. Reactivity map of PRF50 and PRF50 + 1.5% DTBP as listed in Table 4-1, cases H and I 78 1200 F:PRF20 G:PRF20+1.5%DTBP CO Concentration (ppm) 1000 800 600 400 200 0 600 625 650 675 700 725 750 775 Temperature (K) Figure 4–12. Reactivity maps for PRF20 and PRF20 + 1.5% DTBP as listed in Table 4-1, cases F and G A:n-Heptane D:n-Heptane+1.0%DTBP 1400 C:n-Heptane+0.5%DTBP E:n-Heptane+1.5%DTBP CO Concentration (ppm) 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 600 625 650 675 700 725 750 775 Temperature (K) Figure 4–13. Reactivity maps for n-heptane with varying levels of DTBP additive as listed in Table 4-1, cases A, C, D and E 79 These observations can be explained if DTBP addition acts as a radical scavenger in a mode similar to n-heptane. However, the effects of DTBP are much larger because the activation energies for the initiation reactions are lower than those for n-heptane and therefore it more readily produces the radical scavengers. The effect of DTBP on isooctane seems to show evidence of a direct, free radical chain initiation of hydrocarbon oxidation, and an interaction with iso-octane is possible via the free radicals generated from DTBP, thereby contributing to the initial heat release rate. Methyl radical, the primary product of decomposition of DTBP, undergoes oxidation on a small enough timescale to yield the molecular products formaldehyde, methanol and hydrogen peroxide. With iso-octane, DTBP should not just raise the local temperature by exothermic decomposition, but it also should have a direct chemical impact. For PRF blends, due to the presence of n-heptane and the radical pool between n-heptane and iso-octane, the chemical impact is not as obvious as with neat iso-octane. 4.3 Closure In this chapter, the experimental results of the oxidation of the SI PRFs and their blends in a pressurized flow reactor have been reported, and the effects of the additive DTBP on these fuels were also reported and discussed. All of the PRF components and blends exhibit typical negative temperature coefficient behavior, with n-heptane showing significantly more reactivity than isooctane, as expected. In PRF blends, iso-octane acts as a radical scavenger and the reactivity at low and intermediate temperatures is due almost entirely to reactions of nheptane. 80 DTBP addition was only effective in modifying the reactivity of iso-octane; no changes were observed in the behavior of the n-heptane or the PRF blends tested even with higher DTBP addition. With DTBP addition to neat iso-octane, there is evidence of a radical chain initiation of the hydrocarbon oxidation process. Thus, DTBP’s effect appears to be chemical rather than just thermal. 81 CHAPTER 5. EFFECTS OF DTBP ON THE COMBUSTION OF SI PRIMARY REFERENCE FUELS IN AN HCCI ENGINE* In this chapter, the effects of DTBP on spark ignition (SI) primary reference fuels (PRFs, n-heptane and iso-octane) and their blends (PRF20, PRF50, PRF63, PRF87 and PRF92) were investigated during HCCI engine operation. The results from Chapter 4 are useful in analyzing the observed effects. 5.1 Introduction In HCCI engines, different fuel combustion characteristics might be required/desired in different HCCI operating ranges, e.g., for high load it is desirable to use a fuel with a low cetane rating to delay the ignition to near TDC, while for low load a fuel with a high cetane rating may be desirable. Therefore, understanding the combustion characteristics of typical fuels is extremely important to realizing successful HCCI operations. This need has motivated this part of the study. A key to practical implementation of the HCCI concept is developing methods to control combustion timing. Control methods must be designed to adjust the heat release process to occur at the appropriate time in the engine cycle. One option for ignition control is to use small amounts of ignition-enhancing additives to tailor the ignition properties to the desired load condition. * The material in this chapter was the basis for SAE Paper No. 2005-01-3740, to be presented at the Powertrain & Fluid Systems Conference & Exhibition, San Antonio, Texas, October 24-27, 2005 [Gong et al., 2005b]. 82 The effects of DTBP on the combustion characteristics of the spark ignition primary reference fuels, n-heptane and iso-octane, and their blends were studied for an engine operating in the HCCI mode. Our goal was to see how much DTBP can really affect engine performance. A 611.6 cm3, single cylinder, Waukesha Motor Corporation Model 48D, Cooperative Fuels Research (CFR) engine directly coupled to a GE CD258AT DC motor dynamometer was used in the present study. Detailed engine specifications and a general description of the overall facility are provided in Chapter 3. The compression ratio was fixed at 16:1, the inlet manifold pressure was 1.0 bar and the engine was operated at a constant speed of 800 rpm. The experiments were run at inlet temperatures of 410, 450 and 500 K, which is above the boiling points of the fuel mixtures thus eliminating concerns of fuel condensation. The test fuels were injected into the air stream of the heated inlet manifold well upstream of the intake valve to assure complete vaporization and mixing. Table 5.1 summarizes the test conditions. The equivalence ratio was pre-selected to one of six values between 0.28 and 0.57. n-Heptane (PRF0) iso-octane (PRF100) and five blends (PRF20, PRF50, PRF63, PRF87 and PRF92) were tested. 83 Table 5-1. Engine test conditions Reactant Percentage (V/V liquid, %) n-Heptane iso-Octane n-Heptane 100 0 n-Heptane + 1.5% DTBP 98.5 0 PRF20 80 20 PRF20 + 1.5% DTBP 78.8 19.7 PRF50 50 50 PRF50 + 1.5% DTBP 49.25 49.25 PRF63 37 63 PRF63 + 1.5% DTBP 36.45 62.05 PRF87 13 87 PRF87 + 1.5% DTBP 12.5 86 PRF92 8 92 PRF92+ 1.5% DTBP 7.88 90.62 iso-Octane 0 100 iso-Octane + 0.5% DTBP 0 99 iso-Octane + 1.5% DTBP 0 98.5 iso-Octane + 2.5% DTBP 0 97.5 : Tin = 410 K 5.2 5.2.1 Equivalence Ratio DTBP 0.28 0.35 0.39 0.42 0.49 0.0 1.5 0.0 1.5 0.0 1.5 0.0 1.5 0.0 ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ 1.5 ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ 0.0 ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ 1.5 ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ 0.0 × × × × × 1.0 × × × × × 1.5 × × × × × 2.5 × × × × × ∆: Tin = 410 and 450 K 0.57 ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ × × × × ×: Tin = 410, 450 and 500 K Experimental Results Operating Range Definition HCCI operation is limited by misfire at low loads and knocking at high loads, therefore any study of HCCI must establish criteria determining the stable operating range. At low load, due to reduced average combustion temperature and slow fuel oxidation, engine cycle to cycle variation increases. Hence, engine cycle to cycle variation is used to evaluate the lower limit for HCCI stable operation. Cycle to cycle variations of the combustion process in an engine can be monitored by the fluctuations in both maximum cylinder pressure and the indicated mean effective pressure (IMEP). In this study, IMEP fluctuation was used as a measure of the cycle-to-cycle variations and 84 was expressed as the coefficient of variation (COVIMEP). The COVIMEP for 50 consecutive engine cycles was calculated as the standard deviation ( σ IMEP ) divided by the mean value (IMEP) in percent [Koopmans and Denbratt, 2002]. There are two definitions for IMEP. Net IMEP refers to the entire cycle while gross IMEP refers to the compression and expansion strokes only. Net IMEP is used here; thus, COV IMEP = σ IMEP IMEP × 100% As the load increases, the HCCI combustion rates also increase and intensify, which gradually cause unacceptable noise, potential engine damage, and unacceptable levels of NOx emissions. Therefore, the upper stability limit of HCCI combustion can be defined with respect to the maximum rate of pressure rise in the cylinder. A COVIMEP of 3% -5% is generally used as the stability limit by most researchers. However, in this study, we are interested in showing that the addition of DTBP to SI PRFs has the ability to change the COV in a consistent manner, thus a 10% COVIMEP level was used to define our lower stability limit. A maximum pressure rise of 1.0 MPa/CAD (dP/dφmax = 1.0 MPa/CAD) was chosen as the upper bound. These definitions were used for all fuels and test conditions. Both COVIMEP and dP/dφmax were determined from the recorded cylinder pressure histories. 85 5.2.2 The Effect of Fuel on In-Cylinder Pressure Figure 5-1 shows some typical pressure traces for HCCI operation at φ = 0.42 and Tin = 410 K with the seven different test fuels, with and without DTBP addition. 70 PRF63 Pressure (Bar) 60 50 40 PRF87 PRF50 PRF92 PRF20 30 PRF100 PRF0 20 Motored 10 0 300 315 330 345 360 375 Crank Angle (CAD) 390 405 (a) 70 PRF92 PRF87 Pressure (Bar) 60 50 40 30 20 PRF63 PRF100 PRF50 PRF20 PRF0 10 0 300 Motored 315 330 345 360 375 Crank Angle (CAD) 390 405 (b) Figure 5–1. Typical pressure traces for HCCI operation with the different test fuels at: (a) φ = 0.42 and Tin = 410 K; (b) φ = 0.42, Tin = 410 K and 1.5% DTBP 86 In general, at the same equivalence ratio the lower the octane number of a fuel the shorter its ignition delay time. In our experiments, n-heptane had the earliest ignition timing and iso-octane had the latest, as expected. The two highest octane number fuels tested, PRF92 and PRF100, did not show hot ignition under these experimental conditions. 1.5% DTBP addition promoted oxidation and ignition for all fuels, but particularly so for the higher octane fuels, PRF87, PRF92 and iso-octane. Hot ignitions were observed for all test fuels with the addition of DTBP, as shown in Figure 5-1 (b). Neat n-heptane, PRF20, PRF50 and PRF63 exhibit a two stage ignition behavior, indicated by the early pressure rise preceding the main combustion event. As shown in Figure 5-2 to 5-5, both pure PRF fuels and PRF fuels with DTBP addition show typical two stage ignition at different equivalence ratios. 70 Pressure (Bar) 60 PRF0+1.5%DTBP PRF0 Motored 50 40 30 20 10 0 315 330 345 360 375 390 Crank Angle (CAD) Figure 5–2. Two stage ignition of n-heptane and n-heptane + 1.5% DTBP at φ = 0.39 and Tin = 410 K 87 60 Pressure (Bar) 50 PRF20+1.5%DTBP PRF20 Motored 40 30 20 10 0 315 330 345 360 375 390 Crank Angle (CAD) Figure 5–3. Two stage ignition of PRF20 and PRF20 + 1.5% DTBP at φ = 0.28 and Tin = 410 K 70 Pressure (Bar) 60 PRF50+1.5%DTBP PRF50 Motored 50 40 30 20 10 0 315 330 345 360 375 390 Crank Angle (CAD) Figure 5–4. Two stage ignition of PRF50 and PRF50 + 1.5% DTBP at φ = 0.42 and Tin = 410 K 88 60 Pressure (Bar) 50 PRF63+1.5%DTBP PRF63 Motored 40 30 20 10 0 315 330 345 360 375 390 Crank Angle (CAD) Figure 5–5. Two stage ignition of PRF63 and PRF63 + 1.5% DTBP at φ = 0.35 and Tin = 410 K Pure PRF87 does not clearly exhibit two stage ignition behavior at inlet temperature of 410 K, neither at relatively high equivalence ratio (i.e., Figure 5-6, φ = 0.57) nor at low equivalence ratio (i.e., Figure 5-7, φ = 0.39). However, with the addition of 1.5% DTBP, PRF87 exhibits two stage ignition, Figure 5-6 and 5-7. Similar results are observed at inlet temperature of 450 K too, Figure 5-8 and 5-9. 89 70 Pressure (Bar) 60 PRF87+1.5%DTBP PRF87 Motored 50 40 30 20 10 0 315 330 345 360 375 390 Crank Angle (CAD) Figure 5–6. Two stage ignition of PRF87 + 1.5% DTBP and single stage ignition of PRF 87 at φ = 0.57 and Tin = 410 K 60 Pressure (Bar) 50 PRF87+1.5%DTBP PRF87 Motored 40 30 20 10 0 315 330 345 360 375 390 Crank Angle (CAD) Figure 5–7. Two stage ignition of PRF87 + 1.5% DTBP at φ = 0.39 and Tin = 410 K 90 PRF87+1.5%DTBP PRF87 Motored 60 Pressure (Bar) 50 40 30 20 10 0 315 330 345 360 375 390 Crank Angle (CAD) Figure 5–8. Two stage ignition of PRF87 + 1.5% DTBP and single stage ignition of PRF87 at φ = 0.35 and Tin = 450 K 70 Pressure (Bar) 60 PRF87+1.5%DTBP PRF87 Motored 50 40 30 20 10 0 315 330 345 360 375 390 Crank Angle (CAD) Figure 5–9. Two stage ignition of PRF87 + 1.5% DTBP and single stage ignition of PRF87 at φ = 0.57 and Tin = 450 K 91 Similar to PRF87, PRF92 does not exhibit any two stage ignition behavior. However, unlike PRF87, there is no clear indication of two stage ignition with the addition of DTBP to PRF92 at inlet temperature of 410 K and 450 K, Fig. 5-10 and 5-11. 60 Pressure (Bar) 50 PRF92+1.5%DTBP PRF92 Motored 40 30 20 10 0 315 330 345 360 375 390 405 Crank Angle (CAD) Figure 5–10. Single stage ignition of PRF92 + 1.5% DTBP at φ = 0.42 and Tin = 410 K 70 Pressure (Bar) 60 PRF92+1.5%DTBP PRF92 Motored 50 40 30 20 10 0 315 330 345 360 375 390 Crank Angle (CAD) Figure 5–11. Single stage ignition of PRF92 + 1.5% DTBP and PRF92 at φ = 0.49 and Tin = 450 K 92 The pressure traces and heat release curves for pure iso-octane and iso-octane with 3 different DTBP levels are shown in Fig. 5-12. The thermodynamic model for calculating heat release from measured pressure data was based on the work of Ferguson et al. [1987], Li et al. [1995], and Zheng et al., [2001]. It is a one-zone model in which the boundary layer’s effect is considered. Both pressure and heat release curves indicate that iso-octane only exhibits single stage ignition since there are no obvious pressure and heat release changes presence of a first stage ignition, even with 2.5% DTBP addition. However, the addition of DTBP 35 350 30 300 25 Motored PRF100 PRF100+0.5%DTBP PRF100+1.5%DTBP PRF100+2.5%DTBP M t d 20 15 250 200 150 10 100 5 50 0 0 340 345 350 355 360 Crank Angle (CAD) 365 R ate of H eat R elease (J/C A D ) Pressure (B ar) significantly advanced the ignition timing and shortened the combustion duration. 370 Figure 5–12. The effect of DTBP concentration on iso-octane autoignition at φ = 0.57 and Tin = 450 K 93 5.2.3 The Effect of Equivalence Ratio on In-Cylinder Pressure Figures 5-13 to 5-19 show the effect of equivalence ratio on pressure traces of all 7 test fuels, with and without DTBP addition at Tin = 410 K. As expected, the peak cylinder pressure increases and advances with increasing equivalence ratio, due to the larger energy release and higher cylinder temperature and the resulting accelerated chemical reaction. 70 Pressure (Bar) 60 50 PRF0 Phi=0.49 Phi=0.42 Phi=0.39 Phi=0.35 Phi=0.28 Motored 40 30 20 10 0 315 330 345 360 375 390 Crank Angle (CAD) PRF0+1.5%DTBP 70 Pressure (Bar) 60 50 40 Phi=0.49 Phi=0.42 Phi=0.39 Phi=0.35 Phi=0.28 Motored 30 20 10 0 315 330 345 360 375 390 Crank Angle (CAD) Figure 5–13. The effect of equivalence ratio on PRF0 autoignition at Tin = 410 K 94 PRF20 70 Pressure (Bar) 60 50 40 Phi=0.49 Phi=0.42 Phi=0.39 Phi=0.35 Phi=0.28 Motored 30 20 10 0 315 330 345 360 375 390 Crank Angle (CAD) PRF20+1.5%DTBP 70 Pressure (Bar) 60 50 40 Phi=0.49 Phi=0.42 Phi=0.39 Phi=0.35 Phi=0.28 Motored 30 20 10 0 315 330 345 360 375 390 Crank Angle (CAD) Figure 5–14. The effect of equivalence ratio on PRF20 autoignition at Tin = 410 K As shown in Figures 5-13, 5-14, 5-15 and 5-16, for low octane number fuels, HCCI operation can be realized at relatively low equivalence ratios, such as φ = 0.28 and 0.35. For the high octane number fuels, the in-cylinder charge is hard to ignite at lean conditions, as shown in Figures 5-17, 5-18 and 5-19. 95 PRF50 70 Phi=0.49 Phi=0.42 Phi=0.39 Phi=0.35 Phi=0.28 Motored Pressure (Bar) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 315 330 345 360 375 390 Crank Angle (CAD) PRF50+1.5%DTBP 70 Pressure (Bar) 60 50 40 Phi=0.49 Phi=0.42 Phi=0.39 Phi=0.35 Phi=0.28 Motered 30 20 10 0 315 330 345 360 375 390 Crank Angle (CAD) Figure 5–15. The effect of equivalence ratio on PRF50 autoignition at Tin = 410 K 96 70 Pressure (Bar) 60 50 40 PRF63 Phi=0.49 Phi=0.42 Phi=0.39 Phi=0.35 Phi=0.28 Motored 30 20 10 0 315 330 345 360 375 390 Crank Angle (CAD) 70 Pressure (Bar) 60 50 40 PRF63+1.5%DTBP Phi=0.49 Phi=0.42 Phi=0.39 Phi=0.35 Phi=0.28 Motored 30 20 10 0 315 330 345 360 375 390 Crank Angle (CAD) Figure 5–16. The effect of equivalence ratio on PRF63 autoignition at Tin = 410 K 97 PRF87 70 Pressure (Bar) 60 50 40 Phi=0.57 Phi=0.49 Phi=0.42 Phi=0.39 Phi=0.35 Phi=0.28 Motored 30 20 10 0 315 330 345 360 375 390 Crank Angle (CAD) PRF87+1.5%DTBP 70 Pressure (Bar) 60 50 40 Phi=0.57 Phi=0.49 Phi=0.42 Phi=0.39 Phi=0.35 Phi=0.28 Motored 30 20 10 0 315 330 345 360 375 390 Crank Angle (CAD) Figure 5–17. The effect of equivalence ratio on PRF87 autoignition at Tin = 410 K 98 PRF92 60 Phi=0.57 Phi=0.49 Phi=0.42 Phi=0.39 Phi=0.35 Phi=0.28 Motored Pressure (Bar) 50 40 30 20 10 0 315 330 345 360 375 390 Crank Angle (CAD) PRF92+1.5%DTBP 70 Pressure (Bar) 60 50 40 Phi=0.57 Phi=0.49 Phi=0.42 Phi=0.39 Phi=0.35 Phi=0.28 Motored 30 20 10 0 315 330 345 360 375 390 Crank Angle (CAD) Figure 5–18. The effect of equivalence ratio on PRF92 autoignition at Tin = 410 K 99 PRF100 40 35 Pressure (Bar) 30 25 Phi=0.57 Phi=0.49 Phi=0.42 Phi=0.39 Phi=0.35 Phi=0.28 Motored 20 15 10 5 0 315 330 345 360 375 390 Crank Angle (CAD) 80 70 Pressure (Bar) 60 50 40 PRF100+1.5%DTBP Phi=0.57 Phi=0.49 Phi=0.42 Phi=0.39 Phi=0.35 Phi=0.28 Motored 30 20 10 0 315 330 345 360 375 390 Crank Angle (CAD) Figure 5–19. The effect of equivalence ratio on PRF100 autoignition at Tin = 410 K 100 The pressure traces for PFR87, PRF92 and PRF100 at inlet temperature of 450 K for different equivalence ratios are also shown in Figures 5-20 to 5-22. With the increase of inlet temperature, HCCI operation extends to lower equivalence ratios. PRF87 70 Pressure (Bar) 60 50 40 Phi=0.57 Phi=0.49 Phi=0.42 Phi=0.39 Phi=0.35 Phi=0.28 Motored 30 * 20 10 0 315 330 345 360 375 390 Crank Angle (CAD) 70 Pressure (Bar) 60 50 40 PRF87+1.5%DTBP Phi=0.57 Phi=0.49 Phi=0.42 Phi=0.39 Phi=0.35 Phi=0.28 Motored 30 20 10 0 315 330 345 360 375 390 Crank Angle (CAD) Figure 5–20. The effect of equivalence ratio on PRF87 autoignition at Tin = 450 K 101 80 PRF92 70 Pressure (Bar) 60 50 Phi=0.57 Phi=0.49 Phi=0.42 Phi=0.39 Phi=0.35 Phi=0.28 Motored 40 30 20 10 0 315 330 345 360 375 390 375 390 Crank Angle (CAD) PRF92+1.5%DTBP 70 Pressure (Bar) 60 50 40 Phi=0.57 Phi=0.49 Phi=0.42 Phi=0.39 Phi=0.35 Phi=0.28 Motored 30 20 10 0 315 330 345 360 Crank Angle (CAD) Figure 5–21. The effect of equivalence ratio on PRF92 autoignition at Tin = 450 K 102 70 PRF100 Phi=0.57 Phi=0.49 Phi=0.42 Phi=0.39 Phi=0.35 Phi=0.28 Motored Pressure (Bar) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 330 345 360 375 390 Crank Angle (CAD) PRF100+1.5%DTBP 70 Pressure (Bar) 60 50 40 Phi=0.57 Phi=0.49 Phi=0.42 Phi=0.39 Phi=0.35 Phi=0.28 Motored 30 20 10 0 315 330 345 360 375 390 Crank Angle (CAD) Figure 5–22. The effect of equivalence ratio on PRF100 autoignition at Tin = 450 K 103 The pressure traces for PRF100 at inlet temperature of 500 K are shown in Fig. 5-23. PRF100 70 Pressure (Bar) 60 50 40 Phi=0.57 Phi=0.49 Phi=0.42 Phi=0.39 Phi=0.35 Phi=0.28 Motored 30 20 10 0 315 330 345 360 375 390 Crank Angle (CAD) 70 Pressure (Bar) 60 50 40 PRF100+1.5%DTBP Phi=-0.57 Phi=0.49 Phi=0.42 Phi=0.39 Phi=0.35 Phi=0.28 Motored 30 20 10 0 315 330 345 360 375 390 Crank Angle (CAD) Figure 5–23. The effect of equivalence ratio on PRF100 autoignition at Tin = 500 K 104 5.2.4 The Effect of DTBP Concentration on iso-Octane Figure 5-24 shows the effect of DTBP concentration level on the ignition and combustion behavior of iso-octane at an inlet temperature of 410 K for several equivalence ratios. With the increase of DTBP concentration in the mixture, stable operation was expanded to lower equivalence ratios for iso-octane. Similar effects were also seen for the other inlet temperatures, Figure 5-25 and 5-26. PRF100 40 30 25 Phi=0.57 Phi=0.49 Phi=0.42 Phi=0.39 Phi=0.35 Phi=0.28 Motored 60 50 Pressure (Bar) 35 Pressure (Bar) PRF100+0.5%DTBP Phi=0.57 Phi=0.49 Phi=0.42 Phi=0.39 Phi=0.35 Phi=0.28 Motored 20 15 10 40 30 20 10 5 0 315 0 330 345 360 375 390 315 330 Crank Angle (CAD) 345 (a) 80 40 60 50 Pressure (Bar) Pressure (Bar) 50 30 40 20 10 10 0 330 405 345 360 Crank Angle (CAD) (c) 375 390 390 405 Phi=0.57 Phi=0.49 Phi=0.42 Phi=0.39 Phi=0.35 Phi=0.28 Motored 30 20 315 390 PRF100+2.5%DTBP 70 Phi=0.57 Phi=0.49 Phi=0.42 Phi=0.39 Phi=0.35 Phi=0.28 Motored 60 375 (b) PRF100+1.5%DTBP 70 360 Crank Angle (CAD) 0 315 330 345 360 375 Crank Angle (CAD) (d) Figure 5–24. The effect of DTBP addition on iso-octane autoignition at Tin = 410 K: (a) PRF100; (b) PRF100 + 0.5%DTBP; (c) PRF100 + 1.5%DTBP; (d) PRF100 + 2.5%DTBP 105 70 PRF100 50 40 60 Pressure (Bar) Pressure (Bar) 60 PRF100+0.5%DTBP 70 Phi=0.57 Phi=0.49 Phi=0.42 Phi=0.39 Phi=0.35 Phi=0.28 Motored 30 20 10 50 40 30 Phi=0.57 Phi=0.49 Phi=0.42 Phi=0.39 Phi=0.35 Phi=0.28 Motored 20 10 0 0 330 345 360 375 390 315 330 Crank Angle (CAD) (a) 50 40 60 Pressure (Bar) Pressure (Bar) 70 Phi=0.57 Phi=0.49 Phi=0.42 Phi=0.39 Phi=0.35 Phi=0.28 Motored 60 360 375 390 (b) PRF100+1.5%DTBP 70 345 Crank Angle (CAD) 30 20 10 50 40 PRF100+2.5%DTBP Phi=0.57 Phi=0.49 Phi=0.42 Phi=0.39 Phi=0.35 Phi=0.28 Motored 30 20 10 0 0 315 330 345 360 Crank Angle (CAD) (c) 375 390 315 330 345 360 Crank Angle (CAD) (d) Figure 5–25. The effect of DTBP addition on iso-octane autoignition at Tin = 450 K: (a) PRF100; (b) PRF100 + 0.5%DTBP; (c) PRF100 + 1.5%DTBP; (d) PRF100 + 2.5%DTBP 375 390 106 PRF100 70 50 40 60 Pressure (Bar) Pressure (Bar) 60 PRF100+0.5%DTBP 70 Phi=0.57 Phi=0.49 Phi=0.42 Phi=0.39 Phi=0.35 Phi=0.28 Motored 30 20 10 50 40 Phi=0.57 Phi=0.49 Phi=0.42 Phi=0.39 Phi=0.35 Phi=0.28 Motored 30 20 10 0 0 315 330 345 360 375 390 315 330 345 Crank Angle (CAD) (a) 70 375 390 70 60 50 Pressure (Bar) Pressure (Bar) 40 390 PRF100+2.5%DTBP PRF100+1.5%DTBP 50 375 (b) Phi=-0.57 Phi=0.49 Phi=0.42 Phi=0.39 Phi=0.35 Phi=0.28 Motored 60 360 Crank Angle (CAD) 30 20 10 40 Phi=0.57 Phi=0.49 Phi=0.42 Phi=0.39 Phi=0.35 Phi=0.28 Motored 30 20 10 0 315 330 345 360 Crank Angle (CAD) (c) 375 390 0 315 330 345 360 Crank Angle (CAD) (d) Figure 5–26. The effect of DTBP addition on iso-octane autoignition at Tin = 500 K: (a) PRF100; (b) PRF100 + 0.5%DTBP; (c) PRF100 + 1.5%DTBP; (d) PRF100 + 2.5%DTBP 107 5.2.5 The Effect of DTBP on Ignition Timing Table 5-2 lists the ignition timings for all test conditions, where NI indicates an absence of hot ignition and COV indicates a COVIMEP exceeding 10%. It shows that the addition of DBTP always reduced the ignition delay time, with the maximum of 12.8 CAD for PRF87 at inlet temperature of 410 K and equivalence ratio of 0.42. However, the magnitude and φ dependence of the reduction varied. Table 5-2. DTBP effect on ignition timing T in (K) Fuel n-Heptane n-Heptane + 1.5% DTBP PRF20 PRF20 + 1.5% DTBP 410 PRF50 PRF50 + 1.5% DTBP PRF63 PRF63 + 1.5% DTBP PRF87 PRF87 + 1.5% DTBP PRF87 450 PRF87 + 1.5% DTBP PRF92 410 PRF92+ 1.5% DTBP PRF92 450 PRF92+ 1.5% DTBP iso-Octane iso-Octane + 0.5% DTBP 410 iso-Octane + 1.5% DTBP iso-Octane + 2.5% DTBP iso-Octane iso-Octane + 0.5% DTBP 450 iso-Octane + 1.5% DTBP iso-Octane + 2.5% DTBP iso-Octane iso-Octane + 0.5% DTBP 500 iso-Octane + 1.5% DTBP iso-Octane + 2.5% DTBP 0.28 342.0 336.0 343.2 335.8 345.6 344.2 351.8 348.2 NI COV NI COV NI NI NI COV NI NI NI NI NI NI NI COV NI COV COV 351.0 Ignition timing at different 0.35 0.39 0.42 338.0 337.0 336.0 333.0 332.0 332.0 339.6 337.6 335.4 331.0 329.0 328.1 344.8 345.4 343.2 341.6 341.0 340.0 351.4 349.9 346.4 345.6 343.2 341.6 NI NI 363.8 COV 351.4 351.0 COV 359.2 358.4 348.8 348.4 346.2 NI NI NI COV 355.0 353.8 NI NI COV 351.4 349.4 349.6 NI NI NI NI NI NI NI COV 359.0 COV 355.8 354.8 NI NI NI NI COV COV COV 356.0 354.6 COV 351.8 350.6 COV COV COV COV 351.6 351.4 COV 351.2 350.8 350.0 348.2 347.2 φ’s 0.49 332.0 326.0 334.2 324.8 341.0 336.4 344.8 339.2 354.4 347.8 349.6 344.0 NI 351.4 353.2 346.2 NI NI 357.8 353.6 NI 354.6 351.8 349.4 351.6 348.4 347.4 344.0 (CAD) 0.57 353.8 347.4 348.8 343.8 357.2 351.4 353.4 346.0 NI 362.2 351.0 351.0 357.8 351.8 349.2 346.8 349.8 345.2 345.2 341.8 108 With the increase of octane number, autoignition becomes much more difficult and the stable operating range becomes narrower. iso-Octane did not undergo hot ignition for any tested φ at Tin = 410 K, and the autoignition of pure iso-octane occurred only with φ = 0.57 and Tin = 450 K. Similar instances were also seen in cases of PRF92 and PRF87. Table 5-2 also shows that stable HCCI operation can be reached by a small addition of DTBP for the high octane number fuels at low inlet temperatures and low equivalence ratios. For example, for iso-octane at Tin = 410 K, stable operation can be realized at φ = 0.39 and above with 2.5% volume addition of DTBP. The effect of DTBP on the ignition timing also increases as its concentration in Ignition Timing Reduction (CAD) the fuel mixture increases, as shown in Figures 5-27 and 5-28. 12.0 0.5%DTBP 1.5%DTBP 2.5%DTBP 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 Equivalence Ratio Figure 5–27. The effect of DTBP addition on ignition timing reduction for neat iso-octane at selected φ’s and Tin = 500 K 109 PRF0 PRF20 PRF50 PRF63 Ignition Timing (CAD) 355 PRF0+1.5% DTBP PRF20+1.5% DTBP PRF50+1.5% DTBP PRF63+1.5% DTBP 350 345 340 335 330 325 320 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 Equivalence Ratio Figure 5–28. The effect of DTBP addition on ignition timing at selected φ’s for PRF0, PRF20, PRF50 and PRF63at Tin = 410 K 5.2.6 Effect of DTBP on IMEP and Cycle to Cycle Variations Figure 5-29 shows IMEP as a function of equivalence ratio for all the fuels being considered. The data show that IMEP is not always an increasing function of equivalence ratio at the test conditions, mostly due to the early ignition timing. Significant differences of IMEP are observed for different fuels. High octane number fuels, such as iso-octane and PRF92 have higher IMEP than the lower octane number fuels. As might be expected at compression ratio of 16 and speed of 800 rpm, the low octane number fuels are not practical for HCCI operation since the ignition timings precede TDC. The IMEP for all tested fuels was smaller with the addition of DTBP due to advanced ignition timing. 110 2.5 PRF0 PRF20 PRF50 PRF63 PRF0+1.5% DTBP PRF20+1.5% DTBP PRF50+1.5% DTBP PRF63+1.5% DTBP IMEP (Bar) 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 Equivalence Ratio Figure 5–29. The effect of equivalence ratio on IMEP for PRF0, PRF20, PRF50 and PRF63 at Tin = 410 K Examples of the effects of DTBP on cycle to cycle pressure variations are shown in Figures 5-30 and 5-31. Figure 5-30 shows the pressure traces for eight consecutive cycles for PRF100 at inlet temperature of 450 K and equivalence ratio of 0.49. It clearly indicates major variations between each cycle. It also shows poor combustion in terms of pressure rise (misfire and partial burn, PMax < 30 bar in all cases). With the addition of 1.5% DTBP, Figure 5-31, the pressure trace stability has been improved significantly, and hot ignition occurred with consisting firing and burn of charge (PMax > 60 bar in all cases). Similar behavior was also observed with the other test fuels; Figures 5-32 and 533 show the results for PRF92 at inlet temperature of 450 K and equivalence ratio of 0.49, and Figures 5-34 and 5-35 show the results for PRF87 at inlet temperature of 410 K and equivalence ratio of 0.42. 111 30 1 25 20 1 15 10 5 340 360 380 20 400 10 5 Crank Angle (CAD) 15 2 10 5 1060 1080 1100 30 20 15 3 10 5 1780 1800 6 10 5 3940 3960 3980 4000 Crank Angle (CAD) 30 3 25 6 15 0 3920 1120 1820 7 25 Pressure (Bar) Pressure (Bar) 3280 20 Crank Angle (CAD) 20 10 5 0 4640 1840 7 15 Crank Angle (CAD) 4660 4680 4700 4720 Crank Angle (CAD) 30 30 4 20 15 4 10 5 2500 2520 2540 Crank Angle (CAD) 8 25 Pressure (Bar) 25 Pressure (Bar) 3260 25 Pressure (Bar) Pressure (Bar) 2 20 0 2480 3240 30 25 0 1760 3220 Crank Angle (CAD) 30 0 1040 5 15 0 3200 0 320 5 25 Pressure (Bar) Pressure (Bar) 30 2560 20 15 10 5 0 5360 5380 5400 5420 Crank Angle (CAD) Figure 5–30. Pressure variation for eight consecutive cycles for PRF100 at φ = 0.49 and Tin = 450 K 5440 112 70 70 1 50 40 30 20 10 0 320 340 360 380 50 40 30 20 10 0 3200 400 Crank Angle (CAD) 2 Pressure (Bar) Pressure (Bar) 40 30 20 10 1060 1080 1100 6 40 30 20 10 0 3920 1120 3940 3960 3980 4000 Cr ank Angle (CAD) 70 70 3 50 40 30 20 10 1780 1800 1820 7 60 Pressure (Bar) 60 Pressure (Bar) 3280 50 Cr ank Angle (CAD) 50 40 30 20 10 0 4640 1840 Crank Angle (CAD) 4660 4680 4700 4720 Crank Angle (CAD) 70 70 4 50 40 30 20 10 2500 2520 2540 Cr ank Angle (CAD) 8 60 Pressure (Bar) 60 Pressure (Bar) 3260 60 50 0 2480 3240 70 60 0 1760 3220 Cr ank Angle (CAD) 70 0 1040 5 60 Pressure (Bar) Pressure (Bar) 60 2560 50 40 30 6 20 10 0 5360 5380 5400 5420 Cr ank Angle (CAD) Figure 5–31. Pressure variation for eight consecutive cycles for PRF100 + 1.5% DTBP at φ = 0.49 and Tin = 450 K 5440 113 80 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 320 5 70 Pressure (Bar) Pressure (Bar) 80 1 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 340 360 380 3200 400 Crank Angle (CAD) 80 50 40 30 20 6 60 50 40 30 20 0 0 1060 1080 1100 3920 1120 80 3980 4000 50 40 30 20 10 7 70 Pressure (Bar) Pressure (Bar) 60 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 1780 1800 1820 1840 4640 4660 4680 4700 80 80 4 8 70 Pressure (Bar) 70 4720 Crank Angle (CAD) Crank Angle (CAD) Pressure (Bar) 3960 80 3 70 3940 Crank Angle (CAD) Crank Angle (CAD) 60 50 40 30 20 60 50 40 30 \ 20 10 10 0 0 2480 3280 10 10 1760 3260 70 Pressure (Bar) Pressure (Bar) 60 1040 3240 80 2 70 3220 Crank Angle (CAD) 2500 2520 2540 Crank Angle (CAD) 2560 5360 5380 5400 5420 Crank Angle (CAD) Figure 5–32. Pressure variation for eight consecutive cycles for PRF92 at φ = 0.49 and Tin = 450 K 5440 114 70 50 40 30 20 10 0 50 40 30 20 10 0 320 340 360 380 3200 400 Crank Angle (CAD) 70 3260 3280 50 40 30 20 10 6 60 Pressure (Bar) Pressure (Bar) 3240 70 0 50 40 30 20 10 0 1040 1060 1080 1100 1120 3920 Crank Angle (CAD) 70 3940 3960 3980 4000 Crank Angle (CAD) 70 3 50 40 30 20 10 7 60 Pressure (Bar) 60 Pressure (Bar) 3220 Crank Angle (CAD) 2 60 0 50 40 30 20 10 0 1760 1780 1800 1820 1840 4640 Crank Angle (CAD) 4660 4680 4700 4 8 60 Pressure (Bar) 60 4720 Crank Angle (CAD) 70 70 Pressure (Bar) 5 60 Pressure (Bar) Pressure (Bar) 70 1 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 50 40 30 20 10 0 2480 2500 2520 2540 Crank Angle (CAD) 2560 5360 5380 5400 5420 Crank Angle (CAD) Figure 5–33. Pressure variation for eight consecutive cycles for PRF92 + 1.5% DTBP at φ = 0.49 and Tin = 450 K 5440 115 60 1 50 Pressure (Bar) Pressure (Bar) 60 40 30 20 10 40 30 20 10 0 0 320 340 360 380 3200 400 Crank Angle (CAD) 40 30 20 10 1040 1080 1120 1160 1200 30 20 10 3920 3960 3980 60 3 50 3940 4000 Crank Angle (CAD) 40 30 20 10 7 50 Pressure (Bar) Pressure (Bar) 6 0 1000 60 0 40 30 20 10 0 1780 1800 1820 1840 4560 4600 4640 4680 4720 4760 60 60 4 8 50 Pressure (Bar) 50 4800 Crank Angle (CAD) Crank Angle (CAD) 40 30 20 10 0 2480 3280 40 Crank Angle (CAD) 1760 3260 50 0 960 3240 60 2 50 3220 Crank Angle (CAD) Pressure (Bar) Pressure (Bar) 60 Pressure (Bar) 5 50 40 30 20 10 0 2500 2520 2540 Crank Angle (CAD) 2560 5360 5380 5400 5420 Crank Angle (CAD) Figure 5–34. Pressure variation for eight consecutive cycles for PRF87 at φ = 0.42 and Tin = 410 K 5440 116 70 50 40 30 20 10 0 50 40 30 20 10 0 320 340 360 380 3200 400 Crank Angle (CAD) 70 3260 3280 50 40 30 20 10 6 60 Pressure (Bar) Pressure (Bar) 3240 70 0 50 40 30 20 10 0 1040 1060 1080 1100 1120 3920 Crank Angle (CAD) 70 3940 3960 3980 4000 Crank Angle (CAD) 70 3 50 40 30 20 10 7 60 Pressure (Bar) 60 Pressure (Bar) 3220 Crank Angle (CAD) 2 60 0 50 40 30 20 10 0 1760 1780 1800 1820 1840 4640 Crank Angle (CAD) 4660 4680 4700 50 40 30 20 10 8 60 Pressure (Bar) 4 60 4720 Crank Angle (CAD) 70 70 Pressure (Bar) 5 60 Pressure (Bar) Pressure (Bar) 70 1 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 2480 2500 2520 2540 Crank Angle (CAD) 2560 5360 5380 5400 5420 Crank Angle (CAD) Figure 5–35. Pressure variation for eight consecutive cycles for PRF87 + 1.5%DTBP at φ = 0.42 and Tin = 410 K 5440 117 Figure 5-34 clearly indicates major variations between each cycle for PRF87 at Tin = 410 K. It also shows poor combustion in terms of earlier ignition (i.e., cycle 2 and 7) and partial burn (all the cases). With the addition of 1.5% DTBP, Figure 5-35, the pressure stability has been improved significantly. Comparisons of the peak pressure variations for these same PRF100, PRF92 and PRF87 cases are shown in Figures 5-36, 5-37 and 5-38. The addition of DTBP reduces the peak pressure variation significantly and, as noted previously, actually enables hot ignition in the PRF100 cases. Table 5-3 lists the COVIMEP and IMEP for all tested conditions. In order to have a better understanding of the effect of DTBP on COVIMEP itself, all COVIMEP values are included while NI indicates no hot ignition. As we know, the decrease of the average combustion temperature of HCCI operation at low load leads to an increase in cycle to cycle variations. Thus, the overall COVIMEP at these conditions is relatively large, due to a combination of low IMEP along with the early ignition timing for the low RON fuels. In fact, because of the early ignition timing with the low octane number fuels, the addition of DTBP didn’t result in much improvement with respect to cycle to cycle variations. However, for higher octane number fuels, the addition of DTBP typically reduced the cyclic variability and significantly improved the stability. 118 PRF100 30 P re s s u re (B a r) 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 720 1440 2160 2880 3600 4320 5040 5760 6480 4320 5040 5760 6480 Crank Angle (CAD) PRF100+1.5%DTBP 70 P ressure (B ar) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 720 1440 2160 2880 3600 Crank Angle (CAD) Figure 5–36. Comparison of peak pressure variation for eight consecutive cycles for PRF100 and PRF100 + 1.5%DTBP at φ = 0.49 and Tin = 450 K 119 PRF92 80 P r e s s u r e (B a r ) 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 720 1440 2160 2880 3600 4320 5040 5760 6480 4320 5040 5760 6480 Crank Angle (CAD) PRF92+1.5%DTBP 70 P re s s u re ( B a r) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 720 1440 2160 2880 3600 Crank Angle (CAD) Figure 5–37. Comparison of peak pressure variation for eight consecutive cycles for PRF92 and PRF92 + 1.5%DTBP at φ = 0.49 and Tin = 450 K 120 PRF87 60 P re s s u re ( B a r) 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 720 1440 2160 2880 3600 4320 5040 5760 6480 4320 5040 5760 6480 Crank Angle (CAD) PRF87+1.5%DTBP 70 P re s s u re ( B a r) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 720 1440 2160 2880 3600 Crank Angle (CAD) Figure 5–38. Comparison of peak pressure variation for eight consecutive cycles for PRF87 and PRF87 + 1.5%DTBP at φ = 0.42 and Tin = 410 K 121 Table 5-3. DTBP effect on COVIMEP COV IMEP (%) / IMEP (Bar) at different Equivalence Ratios Tin Fuel n-Heptane n-Heptane + 1.5% DTBP PRF20 410 PRF20 + 1.5% DTBP PRF50 PRF50 + 1.5% DTBP PRF63 PRF63 + 1.5% DTBP PRF87 410 PRF87 + 1.5% DTBP PRF87 450 PRF87 + 1.5% DTBP PRF92 410 PRF92+ 1.5% DTBP PRF92 450 PRF92+ 1.5% DTBP iso-Octane iso-Octane + 0.5% DTBP 410 iso-Octane + 1.5% DTBP iso-Octane + 2.5% DTBP iso-Octane iso-Octane + 0.5% DTBP 450 iso-Octane + 1.5% DTBP iso-Octane + 2.5% DTBP iso-Octane iso-Octane + 0.5% DTBP 500 iso-Octane + 1.5% DTBP iso-Octane + 2.5% DTBP 0.28 0.35 0.39 0.42 0.49 0.57 5.93/1.18 7.07/1.1 4.53/1.15 6.38/1.12 7.16/1.00 9.40/0.61 7.30/0.70 8.83/0.72 8.27/0.63 7.45/0.54 9.18/0.98 5.17/1.02 7.00/1.01 5.90/1.16 9.54/1.04 8.25/0.79 9.41/0.75 9.90/1.04 8.73/1.47 9.10/0.89 7.42/1.13 9.20/1.80 9.40/2.05 9.00/1.50 3.94/1.81 NI NI 20.21/1.67 9.60/2.14 NI 11.5/2.4 10.4/1.66 8.75/1.97 NI NI NI 11.0/2.11 NI NI 16.0/1.81 7.90/2.18 NI NI NI NI NI NI NI 18.5/2.56 NI NI NI NI NI 13.2/2.06 21.3/1.45 14.0/1.97 NI 17.4/2.07 18.0/1.59 14.7/2.00 14.7/1.39 13.5/1.95 10.1/1.76 9.50/2.12 9.10/0.68 7.82/1.5 9.35/1.16 3.61/2.2 3.77/1.78 NI 5.31/2.33 9.50/2.77 8.65/1.94 NI 7.84/2.17 NI 8.60/2.18 NI NI 25.9/2.05 9.81/2.51 NI 16.1/2.26 9.64/2.41 9.41/2.23 12.1/2.30 9.82/2.30 9.32/2.17 9.23/2.32 8.02/0.81 7.17/1.49 7.51/1.16 3.92/2.22 4.07/1.80 4.27/3.14 4.70/2.64 9.6/3.05 5.87/2.20 NI 6.40/2.46 10.8/3.15 8.54/2.42 NI NI 6.35/2.76 9.58/2.72 NI 13.4/2.66 8.72/2.5 9.65/2.58 10.6/2.60 9.02/2.57 8.90/2.28 9.66/2.35 9.40/0.65 8.16/1.42 8.30/1.27 5.19/2.2 5.9/1.80 4.63/3.17 4.86/2.54 8.80/3.01 5.21/2.23 NI 7.25/2.82 8.0/3.31 5.00/2.55 NI NI 7.91/3.13 6.72/3.16 NI 9.50/3.08 8.50/3.04 8.30/3.00 8.31/2.76 9.05/3.04 8.97/2.58 8.00/2.51 5.03/3.48 5.37/2.86 9.0/3.40 6.05/2.36 6.08/3.40 4.25/3.05 9.00/3.41 4.90/2.84 NI 2.50/3.95 6.51/3.73 7.32/3.48 8.6/3.8 9.13/3.38 5.90/3.16 8.04/3.00 8.86/3.30 9.50/3.10 11.9/2.66 9.50/2.54 122 5.2.7 Observation of a Unique Phasing Phenomenon An interesting phenomenon was observed during start up of the iso-octane experiment at φ = 0.57 and Tin = 450 K. As shown in Figure 5-39 (a) - (d), the cycle to cycle cylinder pressure varies in a unique, reproducible pattern. In this case, 200 continuous cycles were recorded. Cycle 1 is defined as the first cycle that pressure changes were observed after the fuel was injected into the inlet port. At the beginning of the cycles (cycle 1 - cycle 17), very small deviations were observed in the pressure traces, which can be associated with the gradually changing in-cylinder gas properties as the fuel is introduced. (a) 70 Pressure (BAR) 21 20 20 15 19 10 18 5 0 320 23 17 340 360 380 (b) 60 22 25 Pressure (Bar) 30 400 50 20 10 340 50 128 12 9 40 30 60 127 126 125 124 20 10 0 320 340 360 380 400 Crank Angle (CAD) 420 70 (c) Pressure (BAR) Pressure (BAR) 60 83 86 87 30 Crank Angle (CAD) 70 84 40 0 320 420 85 360 380 Crank Angle (CAD) 400 420 50 40 30 (d) 146 145 144 143 20 10 0 320 340 360 380 400 Crank Angle (CAD) Figure 5–39. Examples of cylinder pressure “phasing” during iso-octane start up at Tin = 450 K and φ = 0.57 420 123 As shown in Figure 5-39 (a), a multiple-cycle ignition sequence began, starting with cycle 18. Due to low in-cylinder temperature, fuel oxidation was slow and only a small amount of heat was produced. The temperature increase and residuals left from cycle 18 resulted in more heat release for cycle 19. However, due to the low average cylinder temperature, hot ignition was not initiated until cycle 22. If cycles 18 to 22 are called “phase 1”, then, cycle 23 began a new “phase 1” after the consumption in cycle 22 of the residuals from previous cycles. This type of “phasing” continues, with each new sequence producing higher average in-cylinder temperature and pressure, as shown in Figure 5-39 (b) and (c), until stable combustion is reached after almost 150 cycles, Figure 5-39 (d). This unique pattern of ignition and engine stabilization was not observed for isooctane with addition of 0.5% DTBP under these same experimental conditions. With the DTBP addition, the combustion stabilized rapidly within a couple of cycles. However, a similar unique pattern was observed at iso-octane + 1.5% DTBP at a lower equivalence ratio (φ = 0.49) and at a lower inlet temperature of 410 K, which also represents a limiting case for ignition (see Table 5-3). 5.3 Discussion As noted, autoignition plays a critical role in HCCI engines and autoignition is in turn dominated by the fuel’s low and intermediate temperature chemistry. The structure of the low and intermediate temperature kinetic mechanism is based on degenerate chain 124 branching which is illustrated in Fig. 4-5 and described in detail in Appendix A. For convenience, highlights are provided here. For instance, the low temperature region (< 650 K) is characterized by the reactions of RO2• radicals for smaller hydrocarbons or QOOH• radicals for larger hydrocarbons, and by the formation of stable oxygenated hydrocarbons. R• + O2 Ù RO2• is the primary mechanism necessary for simulating Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) behavior, and the isomerization reaction of RO2• Ù QOOH• determines the extent of the preignition reaction. The intermediate temperature region (650 – 900+ K) is dominated by the reactions of HO2• radicals. Another key reaction is HOOH + M = 2OH• + M. This reaction controls the transition from the NTC region to the second stage ignition. Most observed preignition and autoignition behavior, including single and multiple cool flames, can be explained in terms of this generalized mechanism. As mentioned in Chapter 2, n-heptane and iso-octane have quite different oxidation chemistries. n-Heptane auto-ignition occurs in two stages, while iso-octane auto-ignition happens in a single stage at higher temperature. The earlier ignition timing of n-heptane and low octane number fuels is due to the faster low and intermediate temperature reactions of n-heptane. In other words, if the fuel is all iso-octane (PRF100), the amount of heat released by exothermic reactions is very small in the low temperature region. n-Heptane and iso-octane interact through a radical pool of R• and RO2• in the low temperature region and R•, OH•, and HO2• in the intermediate temperature region. The iso-octane in PRFs acts as a radical scavenger over the entire low and intermediate 125 temperature range, which can explain the observed narrower operating range for higher octane number fuels. Methyl radical, the primary product of decomposition of DTBP, undergoes rapid oxidation even at temperatures below 900 K to yield the molecular products formaldehyde, methanol and hydrogen peroxide. The interactions of these products and fuel may lead to greater initial exothermicity, thus having a thermal effect on ignition. However, from studies described in Chapter 4, it is evident that DTBP has the ability to have a chemical effect on ignition. The fuel parameter that determines which effect will dominate a given scenario is octane number. From relevant work on the addition of formaldehyde and methanol to SI Primary reference fuels, it was shown that they have the ability to decrease the reactivity of SI primary reference fuels leading to an increase in ignition delay [Kuwahara et al., 2004]. Formaldehyde acts as an OH• radical scavenger in the low temperature regime via the reaction CH2O + OH• = HCO• + H2O. Since DTBP decomposes to form formaldehyde, if there were a dominant chemical effect, then DTBP should reduce the overall reactivity and cause a delay in ignition timing. In the present study DTBP shows strong evidence of being an ignition promoter. This suggests that for lower octane number fuels, the thermal effect of the DTBP seems to be what is driving the reduction in ignition delay time. Furthermore, the hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), formed during the secondary oxidation of methyl radicals, would be expected to be a very effective accelerant because of its decomposition to form two reactive OH• radicals. However, the bond dissociation energy of H2O2 is high (52 kcal/mole, 217 kJ/mole) corresponding to an activation 126 temperature of 2615 K. This means that H2O2 doesn’t decompose in the compression stroke until the temperature reaches around 900 K. This may explain why stable combustion could not be reached for some cases of iso-octane at inlet temperature of 410 K. Results from Chapter 4 indicated that the effect of DTBP on iso-octane is by direct chain initiation of hydrocarbon oxidation via the free radicals generated from DTBP. In the higher ON blends and with DTBP addition to iso-octane, the radicals from either DTBP or n-heptane reactions increase reactivity. However, in the lower ON PRF blends, the presence of additional radicals from the decomposition of DTBP does not have a significant impact on its overall reactivity and the effect is primarily thermal. Final resolution of the issue of DTBPs mode of operation awaits the definitive set of experiments, i.e., intake temperature sweeps for selected ON PRF blends with and without DTBP in an engine to map the autoignition behavior. However, at this time evaluation of the literature suggests the modes stated above. 5.4 Closure In this chapter, combustion characteristics of the SI primary reference fuels and their blends with and without the addition of DTBP in a CFR engine have been reported. As expected, low octane number fuels have shorter ignition delay times and wider operating ranges, with n-heptane having the earliest ignition timing and iso-octane the latest. Also, at the tested compression ratio and engine speed, the IMEP that can be 127 obtained for low RON fuels is small; lower compression ratio or higher engine speed is required for these fuels to obtain higher IMEP. Experimental results show that ignition delay time, cycle to cycle variation, and stable operating range were all improved with the addition of less than 2.5% DTBP by volume. For example, the addition of DTBP had the following effects: ignition delay time reduction by at least 3 CAD for all tested fuels; COVIMEP improvement to <10% (a 37.5% reduction) for PRF92 at inlet temperature of 450 K and equivalence ratio of 0.49; and extension of stable HCCI operations for relatively high RON fuels to a broader equivalence ratio range and to lower inlet temperatures (e.g., 2.5% DTBP by volume in iso-octane, extended stable operation to an equivalence ratio of 0.39 at inlet temperature 410 K). These results indicated that DTBP can successfully alter the ignition properties of PRFs and their blends, thus improving their HCCI combustion characteristics significantly. With addition of DTBP: (1) The HCCI operating region can be extended. In other words, HCCI operation can be realized over a fairly wide equivalence ratio and low inlet temperature for relatively high RON fuels, like iso-octane. (2) Ignition timing is advanced, and the ignition delay time decreases with DTBP concentration increase. (3) Cycle to cycle variation is improved for higher RON fuels, while low RON fuels did not exhibit the same reduction, mainly due to the reduced IMEP from advanced ignition timing. 128 (4) Possible explanations for the mode of action of DTBP have been proposed. For high ON PRF blends the effect of DTBP is primarily chemical, while for low ON PRF blends the effect of DTBP is primarily thermal. More detailed experiments need to be run in order to be clear on the effect of DTBP on lower ON fuels. A reproducible multi-cycle ignition phenomenon was observed for iso-octane at Tin = 450 K and φ = 0.57 and for iso-octane + 1.5% DTBP at an inlet temperature of 410 K and equivalence ratio of 0.57, where the cycle to cycle cylinder pressure varies in a unique, reproducible pattern during the startup process. In both cases, the experimental conditions represent limiting cases for ignition. This “phasing” behavior is consistent with partial oxidation and the carry over of partial oxidation products enhancing the preignition chemistry in the next cycle. 129 CHAPTER 6. DEVELOPMENT OF A SKELETAL KINETIC MODEL FOR PREDICTION OF PREIGNITION REACTIVITY OF PRFS* Understanding the ignition and oxidation chemistry of typical fuels is extremely important in homogenous charge compression ignition (HCCI) engine operation. A model that correctly simulates fuel oxidation at HCCI conditions would be a useful design tool. This need has motivated the current effort to update an existing skeletal kinetic model for simulation of the autoignition behavior of SI primary reference fuels and their mixtures. In this chapter, the effort to reformulate these skeletal models to be compatible with the standard CHEMKIN package is also reported. 6.1 Introduction As described in Chapter 2, there are five kinds of chemical kinetic models, detailed, lumped, reduced, skeletal and global [Zheng et al., 2004]. Detailed models [e.g., Curran et al., 1998, 2002] try to include all of the important elementary reactions and individual species using the best available rate parameters and thermochemical data. However, there are uncertainties in the selection of reactions and rate parameters and detailed models are often developed for a single hydrocarbon and only validated over a rather limited range of conditions. Nonetheless, detailed models remain the ultimate goal. As a practical matter, however, until computers and algorithms get more efficient there is a place for smaller mechanisms. Lumped mechanisms have evolved as a method * The material in this chapter was the basis for Paper No. 18587, presented at the 37th ACS Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting (MARM), Rutgers University, NJ, May 2225, 2005 [Gong et al., 2005c]. 130 of reducing the overall size and complexity of mechanisms. The size of a lumped mechanism can vary significantly, but usually encompass thousands of reactions among hundreds of species. Detailed models can be culled to produce a third type of model, the reduced model. These models contain the most critical elements of the full mechanism. A fourth form of model is the skeletal model that consists of a sequence of composite kinetic steps representing the reaction progress. These kinetic steps can be elementary, generic, or global reactions. Rate parameters and thermochemistry are based on the best information but represent “classes” of reactions. Global models describe the chemistry in terms of a few of the principal reactants and products in one or more overall functional relations. Studies to develop reliable chemical kinetic models for autoignition have been conducted in our laboratory for several years. In order to interpret our data we have developed models that range from detailed chemical kinetic schemes, to skeletal mechanisms, to a simple seven-step global scheme. Our previous skeletal reaction model has 29 reactions and 20 active species [Li et al., 1992, 1996]. The characteristics of this model are that small species oxidation was considered and a formation path for CO was provided. This model, predicted the ignition delay and the pre-ignition heat release for these fuels to within 15%. The model was modified to reflect the oxidation chemistries of butanes [Wang et al., 1996 a and b]. The results indicate that this reduced model can be applied to predict the preignition reactivity of butanes. The model was further developed and successfully used for predicting HCCI preignition behavior including temperature, pressure, ignition delay and heat release for 131 PRF20 and PRF50 [Zheng et al., 2001]. More recently, this model was extended to incorporate low, intermediate, and high temperature chemistry [Zheng et al. 2002]. This skeletal model (69 reactions and 45 species in this case) was shown to be a useful tool to study HCCI engine operation. However, all these models were based on our in-house programs and tested against selected engine conditions. For flexibility, portability and to use existing sensitivity analysis tools, it is desirable to reformulate these models to be compatible with the standard simulation packages, such as CHEMKIN. The data used in this effort were generated in the Drexel Pressurized Flow Reactor (PFR) facility, as described earlier in Chapters 3 and 4. Results of five test fuels chosen from Chapter 4, namely, n-heptane, iso-octane and PRF20, PRF63 and PRF92 were examined in this effort; detailed experimental conditions are listed in Table 6-1. Table 6-1. Pressurized flow reactor test conditions A B C D E Reactant Percentage (V/V liquid, %) Oxidizer Comp. (%) Air n-Heptane iso-Octane N2 n-Heptane 100 0 85 15 PRF20 80 20 85 15 PRF63 37 63 70 30 PRF92 8 92 65 35 iso-Octane 0 100 62 38 ON φ 0.4 0 0.4 20 0.5 63 0.6 92 0.75 100 Reaction Time (ms) 100 100 200 225 250 132 6.2 Skeletal Modeling Methods Skeletal kinetic models, based on degenerate-branched-chain and class chemistry concepts, were developed in the 1970s for prediction of autoignition delay time [Halstead et al., 1975], and this work formed the basis for later developments [Cox and Cole, 1985; Hu and Keck, 1987; Li et al., 1996]. These skeletal models follow a chemical framework suggested by Benson [1981, 1982], which is essentially represented by R1-R17 and species 1-14 in the model of Li et al. [1996] as shown in Table 6-2. The low temperature and negative temperature coefficient behavior is represented by R1-R8, and transition to the second stage, hot ignition is controlled by R9. In the model of Li et al. [1996] the oxidation of smaller allyl radicals (Rs•) was added to increase heat release without forcing complete consumption of the fuel; Rs• + O2 Ù RsO2•, (R19) RsO2• Ù C=C + HO2•, (R20) RsO2• + RH (or RCHO) => RsOOH + R• (or RCO•), and (R22) RsOOH => RsO• + OH•. (R23) 133 Table 6-2. Skeletal chemical kinetics model of Li et al. [1996] A. 20 Active Species 1. RH 6. OOQOOH• 11. OQ’OOH• 16. RsO2• B. 3. R • 8. OH• 13. C=C 18. RsO• 2. O2 7. OQO• 12. RCHO 17. RsOOH 4. RO2 • 9. HO2• 14. RCO• 19. RO• 5. QOOH• 10. HOOH 15. Rs• 20. ROOH -E/RT 29 Reactions (units: mole, s, kcal) Arrhenius parameters of rate constants k=Ae + Reaction ∆H°300 1. RH+O2 Ù R•+HO2• 2. R•+O2 Ù RO2• 3. RO2• Ù QOOH• n-heptane iso-octane 4. QOOH•+O2 <=> QOOHOO• 5. OOQOOH• => OQ’OOH•+OH• 6. OH•+RH => H2O+R• 7. OQ’OOH• => OQ’O•+OH• 8. HO2•+HO2• => HOOH+O2 9. HOOH+M => 2OH•+M 10. OQ’O• => 2RCHO+RCO• n-heptane OQ’O• => 2RCHO+Rs• iso-octane 11. QOOH• => C=C+RCHO+OH• 12. RO2•+RCHO => ROOH+RCO• 13. HO2•+RCHO => HOOH+RCO• 14. C=C+HO2• =>Epox+OH• 15. HO2•+RH Ù R•+HOOH 16. RO2•+RH Ù ROOH+R• 17. RCHO+OH• =>RCO•+H2O n-heptane iso-octane 18. RCO•+M => Rs•+CO+M 19. Rs•+O2 Ù RsO2• 20. RsO2• => C=C+OH• 21. RCHO+RsO2• =>RsOOH+RCO• 22. RH+RsO2• Ù RsOOH+R• 23. RsOOH => RsO•+OH• 24. RsO•+O2 => Rs’O+HO2• 25. C=C+OH• => 2OXY+OH• 46.4 –30.1 26. ROOH = RO•+OH• 27. RO• => Rs•+RCHO 28. RO2• => C=C+HO2• 29. RO2• => ether+OH• n-heptane iso-octane k- k Equilibrium 46.0 0.0 11.9 11.0 11.5 11.3 13.3 15.6 12.3 16.88 19.0 22.4 0.0 17.0 3.0 40.0 0.0 46.0 –17.5 14.0 15.0 18.5 -3.0 14.0 14.4 15.0 31.0 -0.6 11.45 8.6 -0.6 11.7 8.64 10.95 11.7 11.2 10.0 16.0 16.0 13.22 13.57 16.78 12.0 11.75 0.0 0.0 15.0 0.0 28.9 11.53 8.6 11.28 15.6 10.6 12.72 –0.23 8.0 8.0 -31.5 -31.5 10.7 -31.0 17.5 46.0 -27.4 0.9 0.0 -1.9 8.0 11.24 -27.4 0.9 1.1 -1.4 E E+ log + A 13.5 12.0 7.50 7.50 -30.1 –26.6 -23.5 43.6 -38.5 51.4 Log A 1.5 -1.4 8.0 8.0 -27.4 -0.6 8.0 43.6 -26.5 –75.5 1.18 8.0 43.6 -10.0 4.0 15.6 13.3 9.85 16.0 43.0 2.14 1.04 43.0 15.0 23.0 -25.0 -25.0 9.48 8.78 18.0 18.0 E- log A 12.0 13.4 0.0 27.4 11.0 11.0 13.4 11.0 11.0 27.4 10.8 10.1 8.0 8.0 13.4 27.4 10.1 8.0 134 This improvement allowed the prediction of ignition delay times and the preignition heat release for these fuels to within 15%. This model also considered the chemical path for CO production, which allowed proper prediction of CO concentration. RCO• + M => Rs• + CO, (R18) This extended skeletal model has been successfully applied to PRF87 and PRF63 to predict the ignition delay and the pre-ignition heat release for these fuels to within 15%. The model was further extended to incorporate low, intermediate, and high temperature chemistry by Zheng et al. [2002]. This skeletal model (69 reactions and 45 species in this case) was shown to be a useful tool to study HCCI engine operation. The reactions that are important in low and intermediate temperature regimes are shown in Table 6-3. It is essential that the correct numbers of fuel C and H atoms are carried through to the final products of combustion. As written in Table 6-2 the pre-ignition reaction OQ’O• => 2RCHO + Rs• does not conserve atoms; RCHO and Rs• are considered to represent a class of surrogate species. Measurements show that HCHO and C3H7CHO are primary oxygenates and that C2H3 and C3H5 are primary small hydrocarbons. Therefore, for use in the final model of Zheng et al. [2002], this reaction was rewritten as 135 OQ’O• => HCHO + C3H7CHO + mC2H3 + nC3H5 (R10) which conserves atoms. The values of m and n in the reaction depend on the number of carbons and hydrogens per molecule of fuel. Specifically, for mixtures of the primary SI reference fuels, m and n can be related to the pump octane number (PON) as follows: m = 1 - PON/100 and n = PON/100. 136 Table 6-3. Skeletal model for low temperature, NTC and intermediate temperature regions by Zheng et al. [2002] Reaction ∆H 0 300 + LogA E LogA E + - LogA E - 1. RH+O2<=>R•+HO2• 46.4 1.5 46.0 13.5 46.0 12.0 0.0 2. R•+O2<=>RO2• -31.0 -1.4 -27.4 12.0 0.0 13.4 27.4 7.5 7.5 0.9 0.63 8.0 8.0 11.9 11.63 19.0 19.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 7.5 0.0 11.24 11.0 22.4 11.0 11.0 -31.0 -1.9 -27.4 11.5 0.0 13.4 27.4 -26.6 11.3 17.0 3. RO2•<=>QOOH• n-heptane 20 PRF iso-octane 4. QOOH•+O2 <=>OOQOOH• 5. OOQOOH•=> OQ′OOH•+OH• 6. OH•+RH=>H2O+R• -23.8 13.3 3.0 7. OQ′OOH•=>OQ′O•+OH• 43.6 15.6 40.0 8. HO2•+ HO2•=>HOOH+O2 -38.48 12.3 0.0 9. HOOH+M=> 2OH•+M 51.23 17.08 45.5 ** 14.0 15.0 ** 14.4 31.0 -0.6 11.45 8.6 -0.6 11.7 8.64 -20.28 10.95 10.0 -25.29 10.95 10.0 10. OQ′O•=>HCHO +R*CHO+mC2H3+nC3H5 11. QOOH•=>R*CHO +OH•+mC3H6+nC4H8 12. RO2•+R*CHO=> ROOH+R*CO• 13. HO2•+R*CHO=> HOOH+R*CO• 14. C3H6+HO2•=> C3H6O+OH• 15. C4H8+HO2•=> C4H8O+OH• 16. HO2•+RH<=>R•+HOOH 17. RO2•+RH<=>ROOH+R• 7.92 0.9 8.0 11.7 16.0 10.8 8.0 7.92 1.1 8.0 11.2 16.0 10.1 8.0 13.29 0.0 16.78 15.0 13.4 27.4 10.1 8.0 18. R*CHO+OH•=> R*CO•+H2O 19. R*CO•+M=>R*+CO•+M 12.09 20. R*•+O2<=>R*O2• -31.0 21. R*O2•=>C3H6+HO2• 22. R*CHO+R*O2•=> R*OOH+R*CO• 23. RH+ R*O2<=>R*OOH+R• 24. R*OOH=>R*O•+OH• 25. R*O•+ O2=>R*′O+HO2• 26. C7H14+OH•=>R*CHO+ C2H5CHO+OH• 27. C8H16+OH•=>2C3H7CHO +OH• 28. ROOH=> RO•+OH• 29. RO•=>m R*•+nC4H9+ R*CHO 30. RO2•=>mC7H14+nC8H16+ HO2• 31. RO2•=>ether+ OH• Note: R*=C3H7 and R*’=C3H6. -32.3 12.0 0.0 14.92 11.75 28.9 -0.6 11.53 8.6 11.28 16.0 7.92 -1.4 1.18 -27.4 8.0 43.6 15.6 43.0 -27.12 10.6 2.14 -79.03 12.72 -1.04 -59.4 12.75 -1.04 43.6 15.6 43.0 ** 13.3 15.0 ** 9.85 23.0 -25.0 9.34 18.0 137 6.3 Current Model Development As noted, the models of Li et al. [1996] and Zheng et al. [2002] were used with our in-house kinetic programs, and the current model development focused on reformulating these models to be compatible with the CHEMKIN software package. In order to have each reaction conserve atoms, it was necessary to add 15 species to the existing model. Most of these additions replace a single generic species with several specific species. For example, C=C, representing the alkenes in the Li et al. [1996] model, is now replaced by 4 different molecules C”C-3, C”C-4 and C”C-7 and C”C-8. A complete list of the final active species is provided in Table 6-4. Table 6-4. Active species of current model 1. RH 7. OOQOOH• 13. HO2• 19. RsCO• 25. Rs• 31. Rs'CHO 2. R• 8. Q'OOH 14. CO 20. RsO• 26. Epox 32. Rs'CO• 3. RO2• 9. HOOH 15. CO2 21. RsO2• 27. RO• 33. Rs"O• 4. ROOH 10. N2 16. C"C-3 22. RsOOH 28. ETHE 34. RO• 5. O2 11. OH• 17. Rs• 23. Rs"O• 29. C"C-4 35. Rs" • 6. QOOH• 12. H2O 18. RsCHO 24. C"C-8 30. C"C-7 As noted, Table 6-4 lists the active species in the current model, and Tables 6-5 and 6-6 present the associated skeletal mechanism and the recommended fuel specific rate parameters. In the current model only the rate parameters of three reactions (R3 and R7 and R27) are adjusted to account for variation in the fuel. 138 Table 6-5. Current skeletal model Arrhenius parameters of rate constants k=Ae-E/RT (units: mole, s, kcal) k+ Reaction 1. RH+O2 Ù R•+HO2• 2. R•+O2 Ù RO2• 3. RO2• Ù QOOH• n-heptane PRF20 PRF63 PRF92 iso-octane 4. QOOH•+O2 <=> QOOHOO• 5. OOQOOH• => OQ’OOH•+ OH• 6. OH•+RH => H2O+R• 7. OQ'OOH => RsCHO+Rs'CO•+OH• n-heptane PRF20 OQ'OOH => RsCHO+RsCO•+OH• PRF63 PRF92 iso-octane 8. HO2•+HO2• => HOOH+O2 9. HOOH+M => 2OH•+M 10. QOOH• => C"C-4 (C"C-3)+RsCHO+OH• 11. RO2•+RsCHO => ROOH+RsCO• 12. HO2•+RsCHO => HOOH+RsCO• 13. C"C-4 (C"C-3)+HO2• => Epox+OH• 14. HO2•+RH => R•+HOOH 15 RO2•.+RH => ROOH+R• 16. RsCHO+OH• => RsCO•+H2O 17. RsCO• (Rs'CO•)+M => Rs• (Rs'•)+CO+M 18. Rs•+O2 Ù RsO2• 19. RsO2• => C"C-3+HO2• 20. RsCHO+RsO•=> RsOOH+RsCO 21. RH+RsO2•=> RsOOH+R• 22. RsOOH => RsO•+OH• 23. RsO•+O2 => Rs"O•+HO2• 24. C"C-8+OH•+O2 => 2RsCHO+OH• 25. ROOH => RO•+OH• 26. RO• => Rs'•+RsCHO 27. RO2• => (C"C-7)+HO2• n-heptane PRF20 RO2•=> C"C-8 +HO2• PRF63 PRF92 iso-octane 28. RO2• => ETHE+OH• k- A+ 3.16E+13 1.00E+12 E+ 46.0 0.0 A1.0E+12 2.51E+13 E0.0 27.4 9.80E+11 6.10E+11 1.58E+11 6.00E+10 5.74E+10 3.16E+11 2.00E+11 2.05E+13 18.8 18.9 19.2 20 20.5 0.0 17.0 3.0 1.10E+11 1.10E+11 1.10E+11 1.10E+11 1.10E+11 2.51E+13 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 27.4 9.85E+16 8.10E+16 47.8 47.2 1.62E+16 4.75E+15 6.55E+15 2.00E+12 7.60E+16 2.52E+14 2.82E+11 5.01E+11 8.91E+10 5.01E+11 1.58E+11 1.37E+13 6.05E+16 1.00E+12 2.20E+11 3.39E+11 1.90E+11 3.98E+15 3.98E+10 5.25E+12 3.98E+15 2.00E+13 44.5 42.2 40.8 0.0 46.0 31.0 8.6 8.64 10.0 16.0 16.0 6.31E+10 1.26E+10 8.0 8.0 15.0 0.0 28.9 8.6 16.0 43.0 2.14 -1.04 43.0 15.0 2.50E+13 27.4 1.26E+10 8.0 3.30E+10 2.58E+10 22.20 22.20 1.88E+10 2.15E+10 3.18E+10 3.01E+09 22.2 23.0 23.0 18.0 139 Table 6-6. Key fuel specific reaction parameters in current skeletal model n-heptane Reaction PRF20 PRF63 PRF92 iso-octane A E A E A E A E A E 9.80E+11 18800 6.10E+11 18900 1.58E+11 19200 6.00E+10 20000 5.74E+10 20500 3 1.10E+11 11000 1.10E+11 11000 1.10E+11 11000 1.10E+11 11000 1.10E+11 11000 7 9.85E+16 47800 8.10E+16 47200 1.62E+16 44500 4.75E+15 42200 6.55E+15 40800 3.30E+10 22200 2.58E+10 22200 1.88E+10 22200 2.15E+10 23000 3.18E+10 23000 27 k = A T**b exp (-E/RT) (A units mole-cm-sec-K, E units cal/mole) Most chemical reaction rate parameters in the current model (i.e., the preexponential factor, A, and the activation energy, E) are from published data [Li et al., 1996; Zheng et al., 2002], except for reactions R3, R7 and R27. The thermodynamic properties of different species were chosen from detailed models of Curran et al. [1998, 2002]. For each species in this skeletal model, we found a species in the detailed model that is closest to it. For example, RH thermodynamic properties are chosen from nC7H16 for n-heptane and PRF20, iC8H18 are used for PRF63, PRF92 and iso-octane. For small molecules, such as ETHE, thermo properties were chosen based on the molecular structure and the carbon number necessary to preserve. Following the initial H atom abstraction from the fuel ((R1) in Table 6-5), molecular oxygen addition to the alkyl radical takes place: R• + O2 Ù RO2•. (R2) 140 The reverse of the oxygen addition to the alkyl radical reaction becomes more important at higher temperature resulting in more stable C = C and HO2• being formed such that branching is retarded. This is the primary mechanism necessary for simulating Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) behavior. RO2• Ù QOOH• (R3) For larger hydrocarbons, the QOOH•, isomerization product of RO2•, is also very important for reproducing the temperature dependence of the NTC behavior. The chemical kinetic parameters of this reaction were adjusted slightly for the test fuels to reflect the different octane numbers. Specially, activation energies of 18000, 18900, 19200, 20000 and 20500 cal were chosen for the five different fuels in order of increasing octane number. The values of the forward pre-exponential constant A were adjusted to improve agreement with the CO mole fraction. As shown in Table 6-6, A was varied from 9.80E+11 to 5.74E+10. Such a variation is reasonable because of differences in the pool of C1 to C3 species that scavenge the active radicals, OH• and HO2•, and affect the pre-ignition behavior. In previous skeletal models, carbonylhydroperoxide OQ’OOH• first decomposes to OQ’O• and OH, then OQ’O• continues to decompose to form oxygenated radical species: OQ’O• => RsCHO + Rs’CO• 141 Since OQ’O• appears in these skeletal models only as an intermediary product, without inducing any branching, we eliminated the species OQ’O• and associated reactions to allow OQ’OOH• to form oxygenated radical species and OH• directly. This direct decomposition of carbonylhydroperoxide also has been reported in detailed mechanisms of n-heptane and iso-octane [Curran et al., 1998, 2002]. In both of these mechanisms, reaction parameters were chosen as A = 1.50E+16, b = 0.00, E = 4.160E+04. In the current model, the chemical kinetic parameters of this reaction were adjusted slightly for reference fuels and blends with different octane numbers. Also, Rs and Rs’ here were chosen as C3H7 and C2H5 to ensure that the correct numbers of fuel C and H atoms are carried through to the final products of combustion. Measurements show that HCHO and C3H7CHO are the primary oxygenates. Therefore, for use in the final model the reaction (R7) is written as OQ’OOH• => RsCHO + Rs’CO• + OH• (R7) (for n-heptane and PRF20) and OQ’OOH• => RsCHO + RsCO•+ OH• (R7) (for PRF63, PRF92 and iso-octane) This newly introduced reaction (R7), the direct decomposition of carbonylhydroperoxide, plays a very important role in shifting the NTC regions. The activation energies were chosen as 47800, 47200, 44500, 42200 and 40800 cal for n-heptane, PRF20, PRF63, PRF92 and iso-octane, respectively. This in turn causes the temperature for peak CO mole fraction to shift from 696 K for n-heptane to 662 K for iso-octane, and brings the predictions in good agreement with the experimental data. 142 The intermediate temperature region (650 - 800 K) is dominated by the reactions of HO2• radicals RO2• => C=C + HO2•. This reaction and the following reaction HOOH + M = 2OH• + M control the transition from NTC to the intermediate temperature region. Rate parameters of R27 were slightly changed for different fuels as shown in Table 6-6. 6.4 Experimental Results Reactivity maps for n-heptane, iso-octane and three blends at the conditions listed in Table 6-1 are shown in Figure 6-1. 1400 n-heptane PRF92 1200 PRF20 iso-octane PRF63 [CO] (ppm) 1000 800 600 400 200 0 600 625 650 675 700 725 750 775 800 Temperature (K) Figure 6–1. Reactivity maps for n-heptane, PRF20, PRF63, PRF92 and isooctane from CCD experiments in a PFR For all 5 conditions, the maps exhibit typical negative temperature coefficient behavior. As expected, n-heptane shows significantly more reactivity than iso-octane. The starting temperatures of NTC range from 705 K for n-heptane to 665 K for iso- 143 octane. In general, the temperature for peak CO concentration is lowered as the ON of the reactants increases. It can also be seen that reactivity occurs over a narrower temperature range as the ON increases. n-Heptane has the widest reactivity span, 625 to 775 K, while the iso-octane has the narrowest, 630 to 680 K. Figure 6-1 also shows that for blends with even small amounts of n-heptane, e.g., PRF92, the reactivity is much higher than for neat iso-octane. This is due to the faster low and intermediate temperature reactions of n-heptane. 6.5 Model Validation The plug flow application from Chemkin 3.7.1 was used to perform the calculations. For all experiments, an adiabatic condition was assumed along the length of the flow reactor. To model the CCD experiments, a series of calculations were preformed for inlet temperatures from 600 – 800 K at 5 °C increments. The species, including CO and CO2 were generated with a resolution of 0.5 cm. Calculations were carried out in the geometry shown in Figure 6-2. D = 2.2cm L = 40cm Figure 6–2. The plug flow reactor geometry for CHEMKIN calculations 144 Comparisons of the experimental data with detailed models [Curran et. al., 1998, 2002] and skeletal model predictions are provided in Figures 6-3 to Figure 6-7. In general, the skeletal model successfully predicted the reactivity behaviors in the 600-800 K regions for all five fuels. The detailed model only agrees with the experimental data relatively well for low octane number fuels, i.e., n-heptane, PRF20 and PRF63. For PRF92 and iso-octane, the detailed model predicts much higher CO concentrations than what is observed experimentally and predicted by the skeletal model. Compared to the detailed model, this modified skeletal model reduced the CPU time by almost 3 orders of magnitude. Experiment Detailed Model Skeletal Model 1600 1400 [CO] (ppm) 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 600 625 650 675 700 725 750 775 800 Temperature (K) Figure 6–3. Comparison of n-heptane reactivity measured experimentally and predicated using detailed and skeletal models 145 Experiment Detailed Model Skeletal Model 1600 1400 [CO] (ppm) 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 600 625 650 675 700 725 Temperature (K) 750 775 800 Figure 6–4. Comparison of PRF20 reactivity measured experimentally and predicated using detailed and skeletal models Experiment Detailed Model Skeletal Model 1000 900 [CO] (ppm) 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 600 625 650 675 700 725 750 775 800 Temperature (K) Figure 6–5. Comparison of PRF63 reactivity measured experimentally and predicated using detailed and skeletal models 146 Experiment Detailed Model Skeletal Model 1800 1600 [CO] (ppm) 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 600 625 650 675 700 725 750 775 800 Temperature (K) Figure 6–6. Comparison of PRF92 reactivity measured experimentally and predicated using detailed and skeletal models Experiment Detailed Model Skeletal Model 2000 1800 1600 [CO] (ppm) 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 600 625 650 675 700 725 750 775 800 Temperature (K) Figure 6–7. Comparison of iso-octane reactivity measured experimentally and predicated using detailed and skeletal models 147 6.6 Closure A skeletal chemical kinetic model for the SI reference fuels (PRFs) and their blends has been developed and tested against data from a Pressurized Flow Reactor. The model was developed as an extension of our previous preignition model by modifying several reactions to incorporate recent advances in our understanding of the relevant chemistry. The model was also reformulated to be compatible with the standard CHEMKIN simulation package. Key features of the model include provision for element conservation, choosing thermodynamic properties for relevant species, and adoption of the CHEMKIN package. The current model consists of 28 reactions and 35 species. n-Heptane, iso-octane and three of their mixtures corresponding to PRF20, PRF63 and PRF92 were examined. The reaction rate parameters for the modified model were selected initially as those used in our previous work or based upon similar reactions in the case of the new reactions. The rate parameters were then “tuned” using the PRF data from the flow reactor. These “tuned” reaction rate parameters included only three fuelsensitive reaction rates, which were correlated to the octane number of the specific hydrocarbon mixture. The model was able to satisfactorily reproduce the negative temperature coefficient region and general reactivity behavior observed in the PFR, as well as the measured CO species evolution profiles. Compared to the detailed model, this modified skeletal model reduced the CPU time by almost 3 orders of magnitude. 148 CHAPTER 7. SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS This study investigated the oxidation chemistry of gasoline primary reference fuels and their mixtures, including the effects of Di-tertiary Butyl Peroxide (DTBP) addition. The overall objective was to improve our understanding of the hydrocarbon oxidation process, particularly at low and intermediate temperatures, to elucidate the mode of action of DTBP and to provide insight on HCCI combustion control using fuel additives. The effort involved both experimental and numerical modeling work. The work carried out for this dissertation consisted of three major efforts: (1) characterization of the low and intermediate temperature behavior of the selected fuels in a pressurized flow reactor; (2) characterization of the ignition and combustion processes for these fuels in an HCCI engine; and (3) development of a skeletal model for these fuels based on the PFR data. The results and conclusions, as well as recommendations for further work are summarized in this chapter. 7.1 Results and Conclusions 1. Characterization of low and intermediate temperature behavior in a pressurized flow reactor The oxidation of the primary reference fuels for the octane number scale, iso- octane (PRF100) and n-heptane (PRF0), and their blends, PRF20, PRF50, PRF63, PRF87 and PRF92, has been studied in a pressurized flow reactor. Experiments were run at a pressure of 8 atmospheres over the temperature range 600 to 800 K, for equivalence 149 ratios between 0.4 and 0.75. The effects of the additive DTBP on the oxidation of these fuels were also examined. Samples were extracted and analyzed using standard online CO/CO2 and Total Hydrocarbon analyzers. All of the PRF components and blends exhibit typical negative temperature coefficient behavior, with n-heptane showing significantly more reactivity than isooctane, as expected. In PRF blends, iso-octane acts as a radical scavenger and only contributes a small amount of exothermicity, such that the energy released at low and intermediate temperatures is due almost entirely to reactions of n-heptane. DTBP addition was only effective in modifying the reactivity of iso-octane; no changes were observed in the behavior of the n-heptane or the PRF blends tested even with higher DTBP addition. With DTBP addition to neat iso-ocatane, there is evidence of a radical chain initiation of the hydrocarbon oxidation process. Thus, DTBP’s effect appears to be chemical rather than just thermal. 2. Characterization of ignition and combustion processes in an HCCI engine The experimental results of the SI primary reference fuels and their blends in a CFR engine have been reported, and the effects of the additive DTBP on these fuels were also reported and discussed. As expected, low octane number fuels have shorter ignition delay times and wider operating ranges, with n-heptane having the earliest ignition timing and iso-octane the latest. Also, at the tested compression ratio and engine speed, the 150 IMEP that can be obtained for low RON fuels is small; lower compression ratio or higher engine speed is required for these fuels to obtain higher IMEP. Experimental results show that ignition delay time, cycle to cycle variation, and stable operating range were all improved with the addition of less than 2.5% DTBP by volume. For example, the addition of DTBP had the following effects: ignition delay time reduction by at least 3 CAD for all tested fuels; COVIMEP improvement to <10% (a 37.5% reduction) for PRF92 at inlet temperature of 450 K and equivalence ratio of 0.49; and extension of stable HCCI operations for relatively high RON fuels to a broader equivalence ratio range and to lower inlet temperatures (e.g., 2.5% DTBP by volume in iso-octane, extended stable operation to an equivalence ratio of 0.39 at inlet temperature 410 K). These results indicated that DTBP can successfully alter the ignition properties of PRFs and their blends, thus improving their HCCI combustion characteristics significantly. With addition of DTBP: (1) The HCCI operating region can be extended. In other words, HCCI operation can be realized over a fairly wide equivalence ratio and low inlet temperature for relatively high RON fuels, like iso-octane. (2) Ignition timing is advanced, and the ignition delay time decreases with DTBP concentration increase. (3) Cycle to cycle variation is improved for higher RON fuels, while low RON fuels did not exhibit the same reduction, mainly due to the reduced IMEP from advanced ignition timing. 151 (4) Possible explanations for the mode of action of DTBP have been proposed. For high ON PRF blends the effect of DTBP is primarily chemical, while for low ON PRF blends the effect of DTBP is primarily thermal. More detailed experiments need to be run in order to be clear on the effect of DTBP on lower ON fuels. An interesting reproducible multi-cycle ignition phenomenon was observed for iso-octane at Tin = 450 K and φ = 0.57 and for iso-octane + 1.5% DTBP at an inlet temperature of 410 K and equivalence ratio of 0.49, where the cycle to cycle cylinder pressure varies in a unique, reproducible pattern during the startup process. In both cases, the experimental conditions represent limiting cases for ignition. 3. Development of a skeletal model based on the PFR data. A skeletal chemical kinetic model for spark ignition primary reference fuels (PRFs) and their blends has been developed and tested against data from a Pressurized Flow Reactor. The model was developed as an extension of our previous preignition model by modifying several reactions to incorporate recent advances in our understanding of the relevant chemistry. The model was also reformulated to be compatible with the standard CHEMKIN simulation package. Key features of the model include provision for element conservation, selection of species thermodynamic properties and use with CHEMKIN package. The current model consists of 28 reactions and 35 species. n-Heptane, iso-octane and three of their mixtures corresponding to PRF20, PRF63 and PRF92 were examined. The reaction rate parameters for the modified model were selected initially as those used in our previous work or based upon similar reactions in the case of the new reactions. The rate parameters were then “tuned” 152 using the PRF data from the flow reactor. These “tuned” reaction rate parameters included only three fuel-sensitive reaction rates, which were correlated to the octane number of the specific hydrocarbon mixture. The model was able to satisfactorily reproduce the negative temperature coefficient region and general reactivity behavior observed in the PFR, as well as the measured CO species evolution profiles. Compared to the detailed model, this modified skeletal model reduced the CPU time by almost 3 orders of magnitude. 7.2 Recommendations for Future Work Although substantial work on DTBP effects on oxidation of SI PRFs has been completed and reported in this study, additional work is necessary in both the experimental and modeling areas to further improve the understanding of the chemistry of the additives and their effects. This section recommends the following extensions. 1. Further improvement of our model The model modification in this study has been tested against data from a pressurized flow reactor operating in the low and intermediate temperature regimes. Although the results agree well with the experimental data, further efforts are necessary to extend this model to a high temperature regime with the application to HCCI operation. This extension can be based on the high temperature skeletal model of Zheng et al. [2002]. Model development is also necessary to incorporate the decomposition 153 mechanism of DTBP to further support the experimental results and to help understand the chemistry associated with PRFs and DTBP. 2. In-cylinder critical species measurement in HCCI conditions It is desirable to obtain species evolution information from both the engine and PRF experiments. Stable species that survive the sampling process can be measured with existing GC methods. Obtaining critical radical species information, such as OH, HO2 and RO2 profiles are difficult and will require the use of advanced optical diagnostics. Knowledge of such stable intermediated and radical species can provide detailed insight into the reaction pathways leading to hot ignition and the data necessary for developing and validating chemical kinetic models, or even suggesting alternative low temperature chemistry. Species measurement will also be helpful to determine the effect of DTBP. 3. Study of DTBP effects on more fuels As mentioned, more detailed experiments need to be run in order to be more clear on the effect of DTBP on lower ON fuels. Also, only the oxidation of iso-octane, nheptane and their mixtures with and without DTBP were examined in this. To gain more insight into the preignition chemistry of hydrocarbon fuels and DTBP effects, more fuels including alkanes, alkenes, aromatics and their blends should be tested under the controlled conditions. Examining the effect of DTBP on a real fuel such as gasoline operating in HCCI conditions is appropriate. At this moment, chemical mechanisms are available for primary reference fuels, but not for complex mixtures such as gasoline. 154 However, it would be helpful to explore the effect of DTBP on the combustion phasing of regular gasoline. 155 LIST OF REFERENCES Aceves, S.M., Smith, J.R., Westbrook, C.K. and Pitz, W.J. 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A brief review of the HCCI related hydrocarbon oxidation and autoignition chemistry is given in this Appendix. 1. Introduction Studies of autoignition and hydrocarbon oxidation began in the early 1900’s when knock was identified as a limitation on engine output and fuel efficiency. Over the years, sampling, measurement and analysis techniques have improved and so has our understanding of the fundamentals of autoignition and hydrocarbon oxidation. Historically, some low and intermediate temperature hydrocarbon oxidation phenomena were encountered accidentally. In 1882, Perkin first observed cool flames [Lignola and Reverchon, 1987]. As early as 1920, researchers noticed the differences in the autoignition characteristics of different pure hydrocarbons. A negative temperature coefficient behavior was found when Pease was studying oxidation of propane in a flow reactor in 1929 [Dechaux, 1973). The first evidence of preflame reactions was presented by Rassweiler and Withrow [1933]. In 1948, Lovell published an extensive review and tabulation of the autoignition characteristics of over 325 hydrocarbons [Lovell, 1948]. Notably, Lovell related the chemical structure of hydrocarbons to the tendency of fuel autoignition. However, Lovell did not forward a kinetic or mechanistic explanation for 168 the observed phenomena. It was not until Walsh [1963] proposed a mechanistic link between autoignition tendency and fuel structure that there was a reasonable explanation for the wide differences in knock behavior. Walsh suggested that the isomerization of the RO2• radical (where R is the original fuel molecule, minus one hydrogen atom) plays a critical role in the oxidation of hydrocarbons, since the isomerized radical can lead to a series of chain branching reactions. Thus, an approach to understanding the autoignition behavior of a fuel is to investigate the mechanism of the fuel decomposition and oxidation prior to the point of autoignition. Since Walsh, extensive studies have been conducted on the oxidation of hydrocarbons, greatly increasing the understanding of the combustion process. In general, the combustion process may be described as a series of complex chain branching, carrying, and terminating reactions involving stable and radical species. It is commonly accepted that the hydrocarbon oxidation process may be separated into three distinct temperature regimes. Corresponding to each of these temperature regimes is a dominant branching agent [Wilk, 1986; Koert, 1990; Dryer, 1991], namely alkylperoxy radicals in the low temperature region, hydroperoxy radical in the intermediate temperature region, and hydroxyl, and atomic oxygen and hydrogen radicals in the high temperature region. Generally, the combustion environment, such as temperature, pressure, and equivalence ratio effects the location of the boundaries between each regime. At one atmosphere, the hydrocarbon oxidation process can be divided along the following approximate boundaries: (1) low temperature, < 650 K (2) intermediate temperature, 650-1000 K 169 (3) high temperature, > 1000 K Since many of the reactions in each regime are pressure dependent, the temperature of each regime will shift as the pressure of the combustion process increases. The temperature regime where the autoignition process occurs has been experimentally measured by several researchers [e.g., Gluckstein and Walcutt, 1964; Smith et al., 1985; Griffiths et al., 1997] and although disputed by some researchers, it is generally accepted that the fuel autoignites in the intermediate temperature regime. Since the fuel spends considerable time in the low temperature regime, it becomes critical to understand the oxidation process in both the low and intermediate temperature regimes at elevated pressures in order to understand the autoignition phenomena. 2. Mechanisms of Hydrocarbon Oxidation Mechanisms of hydrocarbon oxidation are evolutionary products and they change with time as new insights are developed. Several general mechanisms of hydrocarbon oxidation at low and intermediate temperatures have been outlined and developed. Semenov [1958] first introduced the concept of degenerate branched chain reactions. The general process is that fuel and oxygen first form a pool of relatively unreactive intermediate species. The intermediates subsequently react along one of two paths to form either stable molecules, which lead to non chain branching, or highly reactive free radicals, which lead to chain branching. The relative importance of either path is influenced strongly by the reaction conditions. Essentially, the oxidation process can be modeled by a sequence of elementary chemical reactions in which radicals are 170 created, propagated, or destroyed. These reactions can be grouped into several fundamental classifications [Pilling, 1997]: a. Primary Initiation: formation of radicals from parent fuel molecule; b. Secondary Initiation: radicals formed from other “stable” intermediates; c. Chain Propagation: reaction where the number of radicals remain unchanged; d. Chain Branching: reaction where the number of radicals increases; e. Termination: removal of radicals from the reactive pool. These general classifications are applicable to any hydrocarbon class, e.g. alkane, alkene, naphthene, or aromatics. The primary initiation can occur by thermal decomposition of the fuel or by chemical reaction with another species. Many factors affect the relative ratio between these two processes, including but not limited to temperature, pressure, and chemical structure. Once the initial radical pool has been established, the radicals can interact with other stable species or radicals. If the reaction increases the numbers of radicals, then the reaction is referred to as a chain branching pathway. For example, the overall temperature dependence and the exothermicity of the reaction process could lead to the very complex kinetic behavior associated with the chemical induction period, cool flames, and the negative temperature coefficient behavior [Bartok and Sarofim, 1991]. This degenerate branching mechanism set the basis for later mechanism development. Benson introduced a general oxidation mechanism for low molecular weight alkanes in the low temperature regime [Benson, 1981]. According to Dryer [1991], this mechanism can be written as follows: 171 RH+ O2+ M = R• + HO2• + M (A-1) R• + O2• = RO2• (A-2) R• + O2 (+M) = olefin + HO2• (+M) (A-3) RH +RO2• = ROOH + R• (A-4) RO2• = R'CHO + R"O (A-5) RH + HO2• = HOOH + R• (A-6) ROOH = RO• + OH• (A-7) OH• + RH = H2O + R• (A-8) R'CHO + O2 = R'CO• + HO2• (A-9) RO2• Æ destruction (A-10) HO2• Æ destruction (A-11) and extended to higher temperature with HOOH + M = OH• + OH• (A-12) and for larger alkanes RO2• = QOOH• (A-13) Olefin + HO2• = epoxide + OH• (A-14) QOOH• + O2 = R'CHO + ketone + 2OH• (A-15) 172 Where RH and R'CHO represent the fuel and aldehydes, respectively, and reactions (A-1) to (A-11) describe the low temperature oxidation mechanism for C2's and C3's alkanes, along with other reactions having to be added as temperature increases (e.g., reaction A-12) and as the initial fuel hydrocarbon molecule larger than 3 carbon atoms (e.g., reactions A-13 to A-15). Some of these reactions are not elementary processes (e.g., reaction A-15) but represent the result of several elementary reactions. A brief description of this mechanism is as follows. In general, alkanes are essentially unreactive below 400 K unless either chemical or photochemical initiators are active. Above 420 K oxidation is initiated by the removal of a hydrogen by molecular oxygen (A-1). However, this step, called an abstraction reaction, is highly endothermic, roughly 45-55 kcal/mol depending on the bond energy of the abstracted H atom. Therefore, as the rate is characterized by activation energy proportional to the endothermicity, it is very slow. Due to the variations in the bond energies, the abstraction process is very selective as to which hydrogen is removed and depending on the abstraction site, a different alkyl radical R• will be formed [Westbrook et al., 1991; Leppard, 1992]. In the low temperature regime, the next step is addition of the oxygen molecule to the alkyl radical R• forming alkylperoxide radicals, RO2• (A-2). RO2• subsequently produces the chain branching agent ROOH (A-4), which decomposes to form two radicals OH• and RO• (A-7). The reactions (A-4) and (A-7) represent small molecule chain branching. For larger hydrocarbon molecules (> C3), reaction (A-13), an important isomerization reaction, will occur and chain branching follows. Reaction (A15) represents the overall result of this branching, the consumption of the parent fuel molecule is accomplished by reactions (A-4), (A-6) and (A-8). Due to the high reactivity 173 of the hydroxyl radical OH•, the fuel is consumed primarily by the attack of radicals such as OH• via (A-8). As temperature increases, reaction (A-2) becomes effectively reversible, and another oxidation path of R• radical, (A-3), becomes important. Since (A-3) produces alkenes and HO2•, relatively stable species at these temperatures, it has an inhibiting effect on the overall reaction rate. The mechanism shift explains the decrease of overall reaction rate with the increase of temperature (due to effectively reversible reaction (A-2) and non-chain branching reaction (A-3)), known as negative temperature coefficient (NTC) behavior. For many hydrocarbons, there is such a NTC temperature range, which is usually between 600 K to 800 K. As the temperature is further increased into the intermediate temperature regime, the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide becomes the dominant chain branching path (A-12) and the reaction again accelerates. 174 APPENDIX B: ATOMIZATION OF LIQUID JETS IN SWIRLING FLOWS USING A LABORATORY GAS TURBINE COMBUSTOR OPERATING IN LEAN DIRECT WALL INJECTION MODEL* Similar to SI and CI engine systems, meeting the environment and energy challenges for gas turbine power plants requires new combustion concepts. In this appendix, an initial study on a new ultra-low-emissions gas turbine combustor concept is reported. As the first stage toward understanding the combustion phenomena in a lean direct wall injection (LDWI) mode, the hydrodynamic behavior of wall-injected liquid jets in a confined cold swirling air flows was investigated. Three vane-type swirlers (with vane angle α = 30°, 45° and 60°) were employed in this study to generate swirling airflows in a circular channel. Liquid jets injected from a simple round orifice were used to characterize the initial breakup and subsequent jet atomization in the swirling airflows. With water as the test liquid, the parameters that affect the atomization phenomena, such as jet diameter, momentum rate ratio of air to jet, liquid jet inclination angle and swirler configurations, which are directly related to swirl number, were experimentally investigated. The atomization phenomena were observed and recorded by photographs and videos. Results indicated that there are optimal jet inclination angles for different swirlers for uniform distribution of droplets (e.g., optimum jet inclination angles were found as 32°, 35° and 42° under swirler vane angles α = 30°, 45° and 60°). Relations between the jet diameter and the optimum momentum * The material in this appendix was the basis for Paper No.E10, presented at the 3rd Joint Meeting of the U.S. Sections of the Combustion Institute, Chicago, IL, March 2003 [Gong et al., 2003] and for a Journal of Propulsion and Power paper by Gong et al. [2005d] which is in press. 175 rate ratio of air to liquid were studied. Also, a dimensionless analysis was conducted to correlate the optimum atomization and the above parameters. B.1. Nomenclature d dv dh D Dr FN L • m Mg • M jet • M air R Rv Rh Rmom SN Vair Vjet x X α θ ρ Φ ∆P = = = = = = = Test Chamber and Swirler Diameter, mm Vane Diameter, mm Inner Hub Diameter, mm Injector Inner Diameter, mm Reference Diameter, 1mm Flow Number, mm2 Length of Injector, mm = Mass Flow Rate, ρvA, g/s = generic functions = Liquid Jet Momentum Rate, ρAVjet, N = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Air Momentum Rate, ρAVair 2, N Radius of Test Chamber and Swirler, mm Vane Radius, mm Inner Hub Radius, mm Momentum Rate Ratio of Air to Liquid Jet Swirl Number Mean Air Velocity, m/s Mean Liquid Jet Velocity, m/s Distance From the Swirler, mm Test Section Length, 254mm Swirler Van Angle, ° Jet Inclination Angle, ° Density, kg/m3 Equivalence Ratio Differential Pressure, Pa B.2. Introduction The environmental and energy challenges for gas turbines require new combustion concepts. The design of a low emission, high thermal efficiency gas turbine combustor consists of a balance between providing enough time and sufficiently high 176 temperatures to complete combustion and keeping time short and temperatures low enough to minimize NOx1. Concepts that have experimentally demonstrated low emission include the lean-premixed-pre-vaporized (LPP), the rich-burn/quick-mix/leanburn (RQL), the lean-direct injection (LDI) and catalytic combustion1, 2. Of these, LPP has received the most attention. Lean-direct injection, in which the fuel is injected directly into the flame zone, has been under consideration as an alternative to LPP, because it does not have a potential for autoignition or flashback, which could be the main disadvantage of LPP. The technique described in this study is called Lean Direct Wall Injection (LDWI) and can be described as when fuel jet is injected from combustor wall directly, without premixed and pre-vaporized, into swirling flow of the main combustor3. Atomization, vaporization and mixing of a liquid into a gaseous medium such as air are generally achieved through the atomization of the liquid into fine droplets or ligaments from the initial bulk liquid and subsequent evaporation of the liquid. The vaporized liquid can then be mixed into the gaseous medium. Ideally, the time and space required for complete vaporization should be minimized. This requires the production of the smallest possible droplets in the gaseous medium. Liquid jet atomization is thus a critical process for LDWI, since the fuel is not premixed and pre-vaporized and the combustion efficiency and NOx emission of this concept depend heavily on the fuel distribution. It will be necessary to produce uniform and rapid atomization of the fuel jet in LDWI in order to form a uniform gaseous phase fuel and air mixture in the practical application. In LDI, traditional central injection results in a rich zone in the central core flow and makes it difficult to obtain uniform fuel-air ratio in a cross-section of 177 combustors 4, 5 . Choi et al.6 compared wall injection with central injection using a visualization technique. It was found that atomization of spray injected coaxially was inferior to the case of wall injection. Experimental results also showed that NOx emissions were reduced significantly by using wall injection 7. Swirling flows have been commonly used and studied for decades due to the stabilization of high-intensity combustion processes that it provides by means of forming recirculation zones and reducing combustion lengths8. Ahmed and Nejad9 experimentally investigated isothermal swirling flow in a dump combustor and showed that the size and the strength of the core recirculation region were dependent on the swirler design and strength. Sheen et al.10 and Young et al.11 experimentally and computationally studied the velocity field and recirculation zones in confined geometry and found that the characteristics of the flow structures are dependent on two dimensionless parameters, the Reynolds number Re and the swirl number SN, and that the length of the recirculation zone varies with flow conditions. Most of the studies on the breakup and atomization of liquid jets were conducted in a cross flow (or transverse flow). The behavior of a liquid jet injected transversely into a high velocity cross flow has been examined in both supersonic and subsonic flows largely through experiment 12-15 . Inamura and Nagai 12 and Baranovsky and Schetz 13 have shown that the fuel distribution is very sensitive to the jet operating conditions such as liquid-to-air momentum ratio and injection angle, and may be controlled through various parameters, such as nozzle diameters and shapes, injectant flow rate and freestream pattern. It was also found that the liquid fuel jet disintegrates into small particles because of the shear force between the fuel jet and the air flow. In general, the 178 jet breaks up into liquid clumps and the liquid clumps then disintegrate into finer particles13. The phenomena associated with angled injection into subsonic crossflows have been studied by Fuller et al.16. It was found that the column fracture is governed by non-aerodynamic breakup, such as a turbulent liquid jet in a quiescent gas for Tb > 1 and by aerodynamic breakup for Tb < 1 (where Tb is a breakup regime parameter). The behavior of a liquid jet in the confined swirling flow of gas turbines is significantly different from that in cross flow. Results from angled injection in the cross flow regime are not directly applicable to the swirling flow regime. The phenomena associated with angled injections into swirling flow and the detailed mechanism of breakup of the liquid fuel jet and atomization phenomena in confined swirling airflow has not been revealed up to this point. In general, the atomization processes in LDWI are complicated, and they are nearly impossible to accurately predict with current computational techniques. Therefore, combustor designers must rely on empirical correlations and extensive databases covering a very wide range of operating conditions and geometrical configurations. It was the purpose of this investigation to examine the effects of atomization factors on the breakup and atomization processes of liquid jets in swirling flow. B.3. Experimental Apparatus and Instruments Figure B-1 shows the detailed schematic of the test facility. Air was supplied by a 3.5 kW centrifugal blower. Uniform air flow was produced through a flow straightener which was located upstream of the swirler. The air velocity was adjusted by a bypass 179 valve installed before the straightener and measured by a pitot static tube with a Dwyer air velocity kit (Model series 400) 254 mm upstream of the swirler. The velocity kit has a range of 0 - 97.5 m/s with an accuracy of ±2%. The transparent test section was constructed of an acrylic tubing, 254 mm long with 76 mm internal diameter and 6 mm wall. Figure B-2 shows the details of the transparent test section. Lens and Mirror Assembly N2 Argon Laser Water Laser Beam (sheet) Tank P CCD Camera Pressure control panel Straightener Transparent Channel Air from Blower Manometer Spray Collector Swirler Beam Dump Figure B-1 Schematic of model gas turbine combustor facility 25.4mm 2Rv D = 76 mm θ 2Rh x X = 254 mm Figure B-2 Test section detail 180 A twenty-gallon stainless steel vessel pressurized with nitrogen was used to provide water. Water was injected into the test section by using five hypodermic injectors with diameters of 1.19, 0.84, 0.60, 0.515 and 0.344 mm, Table B- 1. Table B-1 Injector configurations Diameter, mm 0.344 0.515 0.60 0.84 1.19 L/D 49.4 44.7 41.7 25.0 21.8 FN, mm2 0.078 0.208 0.254 0.548 1.085 Each injector maintained similar exit conditions with lengths chosen to ensure fully developed turbulent flows. Water mass flow rate was controlled by a pressure panel and measured by an A&D ET-300B electronic balance, which has a capability of 310g × 0.01g. Liquid jet velocity and resulting momentum rate was calculated based on this measured mass flow rate. Flow Number (FN, in mm2) for each injector was calculated from the measured mass flow rate and pressure differential between jet and ambient air. FN is defined as fuel flow rate in kg/s divided by the square root of the product of fuel differential-pressure in Pa and fuel density in kg/m3. . FN = 10 6 m[kg / s ] ρ [kg / m ] ∆P[ pa ] 3 [ mm 2 ] (B- 1) 181 In order to visualize the fast motion of jet breakup and atomization in the test section, a green beam of 514.5 nm wavelength from an Argon laser (Coherent Innova 70) was spread into a thin sheet by mirrors and lens. Live images were captured by an SVHS camcorder (Panasonic Model Ag-450U) of which the charged coupled devices (CCD) have 360,000 pixels. This CCD gives a spatial resolution of approximate 300 micron at the experimental optical settings. Three vane-type swirlers with thin vanes of different constant chord and angle were designed in accordance with the dimensions calculated in a computational study17 to produce swirling flow with a recirculation zone. Swirl numbers calculated based on the following equation are 0.49, 0.86 and 1.48, corresponding to the swirler vane angles 30°, 45° and 60°, respectively, Table B- 2, where Rh is hub radius, Rv is Vane radius. 2 1 − ( Rh / Rv ) 3 ] tan α SN = [ 3 1 − ( Rh / Rv ) 2 (B- 2) Table B-2 Swirler configurations Vane angle α, ° 30 45 60 Rh, mm 18.3 18.3 18.3 Rv, mm 27.9 26.15 26.15 SN 0.49 0.86 1.48 182 Table B-3 summarizes the test conditions. Experiments were run at air velocities ranging from 6.6 m/s to 20.8 m/s, and liquid injection velocities ranging from 7.8 m/s to 26.2 m/s. The resulting air-liquid momentum rate ratios varied from 5.94 to 66.6. Table B-3 Experimental conditions D, mm 0.344 0.515 0.60 0.84 1.19 α = 30° 13.99 - 19.79 12.87 - 17.63 12.87 - 17.63 11.58 - 15.68 7.79 - 10.11 Vjet, m/s α = 45° 16.41 - 26.18 15.34 - 20.52 11.82 - 18.16 10.40 - 14.60 8.32 - 11.62 α = 60° 17.84 - 24.24 14.15 - 19.31 12.95 - 17.05 10.40 - 14.25 8.51 - 10.89 Since the jet diameter becomes an important parameter affecting the atomization process, in this study the momentum rate (ρAV2, in units of N) is used instead of momentum flux (ρV2, in units of N/m2), which is used conventionally in most other studies. The momentum rate is defined as the transfer of momentum per unit time. The velocity of the free air stream before entering the swirler was used to calculate the air momentum rate. B.4. Results and Discussion The purpose of these experiments was to assess the impacts of the key parameters on jet atomization in confined swirling flow. As such, criteria for defining the atomization quality had to be established. As mentioned, it is very important in LDWI to 183 produce uniform and rapid atomization of the fuel in order to reduce NOx emission. Therefore, in the present study, optimum atomization was defined as an atomization where, by quick visual, relatively uniform distribution of droplets could be observed within 50.8 mm downstream of the swirler. Flow visualization and image observation were applied to analyze the instantaneous motion of jet breakup and atomization phenomena in r-θ plane of the circular tube. Figure B-3 shows instantaneous photographs of atomization phenomena of the same injector with diameter D = 0.515 mm at different inclination angles at three • • different planes with SN = 0.86 (α = 45°), M air = 0.889 N and M jet = 0.086 N. The photographs show the typical effects of the liquid jet inclination angles at the r-θ plane on the atomization phenomena. The jet atomization phenomena were very sensitive to the liquid jet inclination angle in the r-θ plane. Misalignment of an injector can cause an unbalanced impingement of liquid particles onto the inner wall of the test section, Figure B-3 A and C. In order to find the best injection angle, tests were done for a relatively wide ranges until the θ = 35° was identified as the optimum inclination angle. It was also found that within ±1° of this angle, the distribution of droplets remained relatively uniform. Experiments were conducted for all five injector sizes of interest to check if the injector diameter has an influence on the optimum angle. All experiments show similar results, namely, there is an optimum inclination angle for each specified swirler regardless of injector size. With the swirler vane angle α = 45°, for each diameter of injector, a relatively uniform distribution of droplet can be reached within 25.4 mm 184 downstream of injection at the jet inclination angle θ = 35°, Figure B-3 B. With smaller inclination angle (i.e., θ = 30°) and larger angle (i.e., θ = 40°) in Figure B-3 A and C, non-uniform droplet distributions were observed 25.4 mm downstream of the injection. Similar results were obtained for different swirlers. The optimum inclination angles were found as θ = 42° and 32° for α = 60° and α = 30°, respectively. A: θ = 30˚ B: θ = 35˚ C: θ = 40˚ x/X=0.10 x/X=0.15 x/X=0.20 Figure B-3 The effect of injection angle on atomization at three different axial • • locations with SN = 0.86, M air = 0.889 N and M jet = 0.086 N. Column B of Figure B-3 also shows the evolution of disintegration processes of a liquid jet with respect to distance from the injection plane under constant air-to-liquid 185 momentum rate ratios (Rmom). Primary breakup and peeling-off of ligaments from the surface of the jet took place right after the injection (x/X = 0.10). Near the liquid injector exit, the liquid jet was bent in the tangential direction and downstream. When the jet underwent more downstream bending and disturbance on the surface, it was transformed into a liquid column with larger surface area by the dynamic pressure of swirling air (x/X = 0.15). The shape transformation caused an increasing drag area and larger interaction between the liquid column and swirling air. Therefore, liquid ligaments were peeled off from the core of the jet and evolved into smaller segments and particles while traveling along the streamlines of swirling airflows. The ligaments broke down into discrete segments, forming irregular sized droplets, as they moved into the fully atomized region. Various drop sizes were distributed both in the breakup and fully atomized regions. A B C D E Figure B-4 The effect of liquid jet momentum and air momentum on the mixing • • (D = 0.840 mm, SN = 0.86, θ = 35˚, x/X = 0.2). (A) M air = 0.889 N, M jet = • • • • 0.093 N; (B) M air = 0.889 N, M jet = 0.125 N; (C) M air = 0.889 N, M jet = 0.135 • • • • N; (D) M jet = 0.118 N, M air = 0.622 N; (E) M jet = 0.118 N, M air = 0.889 N. • In A, B and C of Figure B-4, three different liquid jet momentum rates ( M jet = • 0.093 N, 0.125 N and 0.135 N) were applied under the same air momentum rate M air = 186 0.889 N. Because of insufficient or excessive liquid momentum in A and C, respectively, the liquid jets were directed towards the wall and non-uniform droplet distributions were formed. • In D and E of Figure B-4, the liquid momentum rate was fixed as M jet = 0.118 N, • • and two different air momentum rates ( M air = 0.622 N and M air = 0.889 N) were applied. • • The effect of M air / M jet on droplet distribution was obvious. All these results suggested that there should be an optimum momentum rate ratio of air to liquid for these specified conditions (D = 0.840 mm, SN = 0.86, θ = 35˚) in order to achieve a fast and uniform • • atomization. Extended experiments were conducted to find out the optimum M air / M jet for each injector for each swirler. A B C D E • Figure B-5 Optimum atomization at the same air-liquid momentum rate ratio ( M air = • • 9.54 M jet , D = 0.60 mm, SN = 0.86, x/X = 0.2, θ = 35˚). (A) M air = 0.889 N, • M jet • • • • = 0.093 N; (B) M air = 0.854 N, M jet = 0.088 N; (C) M air = 0.753 N, M jet = • • • • 0.079 N; (D) M air = 0.622 N, M jet = 0.066 N; (E) M air = 0.504 N, M jet = 0.054 N. Figure B-5 also shows an example of the effect of air momentum (or air velocity) on the atomization. Air flows with high momentum rate (i.e., Figure B-5A) generated 187 faster radial dispersion and produced smaller size particles in the interesting planes. A liquid jet kept its shape after it exited the injector until certain breakup criteria were satisfied. The breakup criteria varied with the flow details inside the injector as well as air flows outside the injector. Increased air momentum rate enhanced the surface interactions between the air and the liquid jet, which made it easier to attain the breakup criteria. These results verified that the jet breakup and disintegration process was very much dependent on the air motion as long as the necessary momentum rate ratio of air to jet was satisfied. Swirling air flows with higher momentum accelerated jet breakup more effectively and smaller size particles were expected. It was found that if the inclination angle was fixed at this optimum angle, an optimum momentum rate ratio of air to jet was able to be found for each injector to make atomization uniform and rapid. An example is given in Figure B-5. With diameter D = • • 0.60 mm, SN = 0.86, θ = 35˚, and M air = 9.54 M jet , tests were conducted based on the • • following procedure: with a fixed air momentum rate, i.e., M air = 0.889 N in A, M jet was • changed until an optimum atomization was found, M jet = 0.093 N in this case; then, the • air momentum rate was changed to M air = 0.854 N in B, and following the same • • procedure in A, another optimum M jet was found as M jet = 0.088 N; and so on, ultimately, • • an optimum M air / M jet = 9.54 was found for all six air momentum rates. Using the same • • method, M air / M jet = 13.47, 10.28, 7.52 and 5.94 were found for D = 0.344 mm, 0.515 mm, • 0.84 mm and 1.19 mm, respectively. Figure B-6B shows the plotted relation of M air and • M jet for optimum atomization using this swirler with SN = 0.86. 188 2.4 SN = 0.49 2.0 Mair (N) 1.6 D= D= D= D= D= 1.2 0.8 1.19 mm 0.84 mm 0.60 mm 0.515 mm 0.334 mm 0.4 0.0 0 0.04 A) 0.08 0.12 Mjet (N) 1.0 SN = 0.86 Mair (N) 0.8 0.6 D= D= D= D= D= 0.4 0.2 1.19 mm 0.84 mm 0.60 mm 0.515 mm 0.334 mm 0.0 0 0.04 B) 0.08 0.12 0.16 Mjet (N) 0.5 SN = 1.48 Mair (N) 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 6 D= D= D= D= D= 1.19 mm 0.84 mm 0.60 mm 0.515 mm 0.334 mm 0.0 0 C) 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 Mjet (N) Figure B-6. Correlation between nozzle diameter and air-liquid momentum rate ratio with A) SN = 0.49, B) SN = 0.86, C) SN = 1.48 189 Similar results were also found for swirlers with SN = 0.49 and SN = 1.48, as • • shown in Figure B-6A and Figure B-6C, respectively. Correlations of M air and M jet for • • optimum atomization with SN = 0.49 are plotted in Figure B-6A. M air / M jet = 66.6, 36.7, 33.9, 26.0 and 20.6 were found for injector diameter D = 0.344 mm, 0.515 mm, 0.60mm, • • 0.84 mm and 1.19 mm, respectively. Figure B-6C shows the correlations of M air and M jet • • for optimum atomization under SN = 1.48, which are M air / M jet = 8.0, 5.60, 5.21, 3.88 and 3.16 for injector D = 0.344 mm, 0.515 mm, 0.60 mm, 0.84 mm and 1.19 mm, respectively. A B D C E • Figure B-7. Effect of injector diameter (SN = 0.86, θ = 35˚, M air = 0.889 N, x/X = 0.2): • • (A) D=0.344mm, M jet = 0.068 N; (B) D=0.515mm, M jet = 0.088 N; (C) • • D=0.60mm, M jet = 0.093 N; (D) D=0.84mm, M jet = 0.118 N; (E) D= • 1.19mm, M jet = 0.15 N It was found that injector diameter has an important effect on jet breakup and atomization. An example is given in Figure B-7, which shows the mixing images of 190 • different injector with same air momentum rate, M air = 0.889 N, swirler number, SN = 0.86 and inclination angle θ = 35˚. With the increase of injector diameter, more ligament and large size particles were observed at 25.4 mm downstream of the injection (i.e., Figure B-7 E). As already shown in Figure B-6A, B-6B and B-6C, linear correlations of momentum rate ratio of air to jet were found as a function of the injector diameters and swirl number. Under each swirler configuration, the coefficient of Rmom increases with the decreasing of diameter. These correlations indicated that in LDWI, the injector diameter plays an important role on the atomization. It was also observed in our experiments that the swirl number had strong impact on atomization phenomena. Stronger swirling air motion enhanced surface interactions between air and liquid and caused a faster jet breakup and produced smaller size particles. A liquid jet in a higher intensity swirling flow had a much quicker spread-out. However, the pressure drop through the swirler increased with the swirl number, which directly affected the maximum air momentum rate the test system can provide. In our case, all experimental air was supplied by a 3.5 kW blower; increasing the swirl number from 0.49 to 1.48 decreased the maximum air momentum rate from 2.373 N to 0.432 N, almost an 82% drop. Although under the same air momentum rate (0.432 N), the effect of increasing swirler intensity on enhancing jet breakup was obvious. It is noted that use of a large swirl number in future gas turbine combustors is not always desirable due to the pressure drop. The above discussions show that some parameters, such as injection angle, momentum rate ratio of air to liquid, jet diameter and swirl number, have important influences on the jet breakup process. For design and preliminary calculations of LDWI 191 combustion chambers and other applications, it is necessary to have reliable correlations for evaluating the atomization phenomena under the criteria of quick and uniform atomization as a function of these parameters. The following equations were found for each swirler configuration by applying the term of ( Dr )1.5 to each linear relation of Figure B-6A, B-6B and B-6C. The modified D correlations are shown in Figure B-8A, B-8B and B-8C, where Dr = 1 mm is as a reference diameter employed to cancel out units in the right side of the equations. • α=30° M air • M • • M • • M = 6.70 ( DDr )1.5 (B-4) = 3.57( DDr )1.5 (B-5) jet M air α=60° (B-3) jet M air α=45° = 23 .3( DDr )1.5 jet Equations (B-3), (B-4) and (B-5) indicate the correlation between optimum • • atomization and air momentum rates ( M air ), jet momentum rates ( M jet ) and injector diameter (D). The fact that swirler configurations play an important role in the jet breakup process leads us to the following correlation, being expressed as equation (B-6) and plotted in Figure B-9. • M jet • M = 0 . 41 ( air = 0 . 37 ( D ) D r D ) D r 2 / 3 ( SN )1 / 4 (sin α )3 R R 4 [ R 1 − ( R 1 − ( 2 / 3 (cos α ) −1 / 4 (sin α ) 13 / h )3 ]1 v h v ) 2 / 4 (B-6) 192 2.8 Dr = 1 mm SN = 0.49 2.4 Mair (D / Dr) 2/3 2.0 Mair (D / Dr)2/3 = 23.3 Mjet 1.6 D = 1.19 mm D = 0.84 mm D = 0.60 mm D = 0.515 mm D = 0.344 mm 1.2 0.8 0.4 0.0 0 0.04 A) 0.08 0.12 Mjet (N) 1.2 Dr = 1.00 mm SN = 0.86 Mair (D / Dr) 2/3 1.0 0.8 Mair (D / D r) 2/3 = 6.7 Mjet 0.6 D = 1.19 mm D = 0.84 mm D = 0.60 mm D = 0.515 mm D = 0.344 mm 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 0.04 B) 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.12 0.16 Mjet (N) 0.6 Dr = 1.00 mm SN = 1.48 Mair (D / Dr) 2/3 0.5 0.4 Mair (D / Dr) 2/3 = 3.57Mjet 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0 C) 0.04 0.08 Mjet (N) Figure B-8. Modified Correlation between nozzle diameter and air-liquid momentum rate ratio 193 • In Figure B-9, the vertical axis indicates the calculated M jet based on equation (B• 6) and tested M air shown in Figure B-6 and the horizontal axis indicates the measured • experimental M jet . 0.16 D r = 1.0 mm (N) 0.12 Mjet, Calc. 0.08 SN = 1.48 SN = 0.86 SN = 0.49 0.04 0.00 0 0.04 0.08 M jet, Act. 0.12 0.16 (N) Figure B-9. Generalized correlation of air/liquid momentum rate ratio for optimum atomization Similar to the linear correlation between air momentum rate and liquid jet momentum rate, the air mass flow rate also has a linear relation with liquid jet mass flow rate for each specified injector diameter for optimum atomization. For example, for swirl number SN = 1.49, with the increase of diameter from D = 0.344 mm to D = 1.19 mm, the mass flow rates of air to jet decreases from 27.1 to 3.93, which indicates larger liquid jet mass flow rates are needed for larger injector diameter. In order to achieve a lean optimum mixture, it is necessary to use a certain range of injector diameter. The 194 correlation of mass flow rate between air and liquid jet will finally decide the equivalence ratios in a real combustor. Choice of injector diameter should consider a combination of droplet size (small diameter may produce small size droplet) and equivalence ratio. Multiple injectors may be used to maximize the particle dispersion if a certain droplet size range is desired, and to reach the desired equivalence ratio. B.5. Closure The breakup and subsequent atomization of radially injected liquid jets in a swirling flow were investigated by using laser-based flow visualization. The current experimental investigation of liquid jet injection into a confined swirling flow over a wide range of parameters allows us to make the following conclusions: (1) For LDWI, the atomization phenomena are sensitive to the parameters such as jet inclination angle, momentum rate ratio of air to jet, swirl number, and injector diameter. (2) There are optimum jet inclinations angles at which uniform atomization can be quickly reached. In this study, optimum jet inclination angles were found as 32°, 35° and 42° under swirler vane angles α = 30°, 45° and 60°. (3) For the three different swirler configurations tested, each injector exhibited a linear relations between air momentum rate and liquid jet momentum rate for optimum atomization. Five different injectors were tested for each swirler and a modified correlation that collapsed the data for each swirler was found. 195 (4) It was possible to develop a generalized correlation between air momentum rate and liquid jet momentum rate for optimum atomization based on swirler configuration and injector diameter. The atomization phenomena of liquid jets in LDWI were provided in the present study. However, the discussions were only based on image observation and hence are qualitative. Further image processing and analysis is needed to quantitatively determine the atomization parameters in a confined geometry, such as centrality of particles, degree of spread of particles and total area ratio of particles. Droplet size also has a strong impact on the combustor design. 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Since then Xiaohui Gong worked in National Engine Combustion Laboratory located in Tianjing University as a mechanical engineer. In the fall of 1999, Xiaohui Gong came to the United States for his Ph. D. degree in Mechanical Engineering at Drexel University. He started with a study on a new gas turbine combustor concept, and then he spent most of his efforts on the study of the autoignition and oxidation of hydrocarbon mixtures. He has co-authored 7 technical papers (with one currently in press). He is a member of SAE and AIAA. After receiving his Ph. D. degree, Xiaohui Gong plans to work in industry in the area of IC engine. 198