Chapter 6 Engr228 Circuit Analysis Dr Curtis Nelson Chapter 6 Objectives • Know and be able to use the equations for voltage, current, power, and energy in an inductor. • Know and be able to use the equations for voltage, current, power, and energy in a capacitor. • Know that current must be continuous in an inductor and voltage must be continuous in a capacitor. • Be able to correctly combine inductors with initial conditions in series and parallel to form a single equivalent inductor with an initial condition. • Be able to correctly combine capacitors with initial conditions in series and parallel to form a single equivalent capacitor with an initial condition. Engr228 - Chapter 6, Nillson 9E 1 Real Inductors Practical Definition of Inductance • Inductance is the property of an electrical circuit causing voltage to be generated proportional to the rate of change in current in a circuit. This property also is called self inductance to discriminate it from mutual inductance, describing the voltage induced in one electrical circuit by the rate of change of the electric current in another circuit. • The term 'inductance' was coined by Oliver Heaviside in February 1886. It is customary to use the symbol L for inductance, possibly in honor of the physicist Heinrich Lenz. The SI unit of inductance is the henry (H), named after American scientist and magnetic researcher Joseph Henry. • Inductance is caused by the magnetic field generated by electric currents according to Ampere's law. To add inductance to a circuit, electronic components called inductors are used, typically consisting of coils of wire to concentrate the magnetic field and to collect the induced voltage. Engr228 - Chapter 6, Nillson 9E 2 Inductors • Faraday’s law states that a voltage is induced in an ideal conductor if a changing current passes through it. • The induced voltage is proportional to the time rate of change (derivative) of the current. • The physics behind this is governed by Maxwell’s equations. • As a result, energy is stored in the magnetic field surrounding the wire. Inductors • The inductor is often called a coil because physically coiling a wire greatly increases its inductance. • The governing voltage and current relationship is vL (t ) = L Engr228 - Chapter 6, Nillson 9E di (t ) dt 3 DC Characteristics of Inductors • The inductor acts like a “short circuit” at DC because the rate of current change is equal to zero. vL (t ) = L di (t ) dt Inductor Example From the circuit shown at the right, find i(t). v(t ) = L di (t ) dt 1 1 v ( t ) dt = A sin ωtdt L∫ L∫ A A − cos ωt = ∫ sin ωtdt = L L ω π A A = (− cos ωt ) = (sin ωt − ) ωL ωL 2 i (t ) = Engr228 - Chapter 6, Nillson 9E 4 Voltage-Current Relationship in an Inductor i (t ) = A π (sin ωt − ) ωL 2 Phase shift of -90º i (t ) = A (sin ωt ) R ωL is known as the inductive impedance Voltage-Current Relationship in a Resistor • Voltage and current in a resistor are in phase as shown below. The amplitudes may vary due to Ohm’s Law, but the phase is the same for the current and the voltage. Engr228 - Chapter 6, Nillson 9E 5 Voltage-Current Relationship in an Inductor • Current and voltage in an inductor are not in phase with each other. For sinusoidal waves, the voltage across an inductor leads the current through it by 90º. (In other words, the current lags the voltage by 90º.) For instance, in the diagram below, the tall blue waveform represents the voltage across an inductor, and the short purple waveform represents the current through the inductor. Do you agree that the voltage waveform leads the current waveform by 90º? Power in an Inductor p = vL iL = LiL diL dt • Instantaneous power is measured in Watts (W). Engr228 - Chapter 6, Nillson 9E 6 Energy Storage in an Inductor • Energy is the integral of power over a time interval. • Energy is stored in the magnetic field surrounding the inductor. • Energy can be recovered by the circuit. • Energy is measured in Joules (J). t wL (t ) = ∫ pdt t0 wL (t ) = 1 2 LiL 2 Inductor Example • Find the maximum energy stored in the inductor. wL = 1 2 πt Li = 216 sin 2 2 6 p R = i 2 R = 14.4 sin 2 wR = 6 2 πt 0 6 ∫ 14.4 sin πt 6 = 43.2 J • Energy is stored in the inductor from 0 to 3 seconds where it reaches its peak value, and then begins to leave the inductor. • The energy dissipated as heat in the resistor from 0 to 6 sec is about 20% of the peak value. Engr228 - Chapter 6, Nillson 9E 7 Capacitors • Like the inductor, the capacitor is an energy storing device. • The capacitance (C) is a measure of the capacitor’s potential to store energy in an electric field. • Physically, a capacitor is constructed of two conducting plates separated by an insulator. Real Capacitors Engr228 - Chapter 6, Nillson 9E 8 Practical Definition of Capacitance • In electromagnetism and electronics, capacitance is the ability of a body to hold an electrical charge. Capacitance is also a measure of the amount of electrical energy stored for a given electric potential. A common form of an energy storage device is a parallel-plate capacitor. In a parallel plate capacitor, capacitance is directly proportional to the surface area of the conductor plates and inversely proportional to the separation distance between the plates. If the charges on the plates are +Q and −Q, and V gives the voltage between the plates, then the capacitance is given by C = Q/V • The SI unit of capacitance is the farad; 1 farad is 1 coulomb per volt. More on Capacitance • The capacitance of the majority of capacitors used in electronic circuits is several orders of magnitude smaller than the farad. The most common subunits of capacitance in use today are the milli-farad (mF), microfarad (µF), nano-farad (nF), pico-farad (pF), and femto-farad (fF). • The capacitance can be calculated if the geometry of the conductors and the dielectric properties of the insulator between the conductors are known. For example, the capacitance of a parallel-plate capacitor constructed of two parallel plates both of area S separated by a distance d is approximately equal to the following: C = εRε0(S/d) • C is the capacitance • S is the area of overlap of the two plates • εr is the relative static permittivity (sometimes called the dielectric constant) of the material between the plates (for a vacuum, εr = 1) • ε0 is the electric constant (ε0 ≈ 8.854 10−12 Fm–1) • d is the separation between the plates × Engr228 - Chapter 6, Nillson 9E 9 Capacitors • The unit in which capacitance is measured is the Farad (F). • 1 F = 1 Amp-Second/Volt = 1 Coulomb/Volt. • Capacitance is related to charge (Q) through the following equation: Q(t) = CVC(t). • The governing voltage and current relationship is iC (t ) = C dvC (t ) dt DC Characteristics of a Capacitor • The capacitor acts like an “open circuit” at DC because the time rate of change of voltage is zero. iC (t ) = C Engr228 - Chapter 6, Nillson 9E dvC (t ) dt 10 Capacitor Example From the circuit on the right, find i(t). dv(t ) d ( A sin ωt ) =C dt dt = AωC (cos ωt ) i (t ) = C = π A sin(ωt + ) 2 1 ωC Phase shift of +90º Impedance of the capacitor (reactance). Voltage-Current Relationship in a Capacitor • Current and voltage in a capacitor are not in phase with each other. For sinusoidal waves, the voltage across an capacitor lags the current through it by 90º. (In other words, the current leads the voltage by 90º.) For instance, in the diagram below, the tall purple waveform represents the current through a capacitor, and the short blue waveform represents the voltage across a capacitor. Do you agree that the voltage waveform lags the current waveform by 90º? Engr228 - Chapter 6, Nillson 9E 11 Power and Energy in a Capacitor • Power in a capacitor pC = vC iC = CvC dvC dt • Energy in a capacitor t wC (t ) = ∫ pdt t0 1 2 wC (t ) = CvC 2 Capacitor Example • Find the maximum energy stored in the capacitor of the circuit below, and the energy dissipated in the resistor over the interval 0 < t < 500 ms. wC = 1 2 Cv = 0.1sin 2 2πt 2 wCmax = 0.1 J pR = wR = ∫ 0.5 v2 = 0.01sin 2 2πt R 0.01sin 2 2πt dt = 2.5 mJ 0 Engr228 - Chapter 6, Nillson 9E 12 Inductor Combinations Leq = L1 + L2 + K + LN (d) (c) 1 1 1 1 = + +K+ Leq L1 L2 LN Capacitor Combinations (c) (d) 1 1 1 1 = + +K+ C eq C1 C 2 CN Engr228 - Chapter 6, Nillson 9E Ceq = C1 + C 2 + K + C N 13 Application of Capacitors Application of Capacitors Engr228 - Chapter 6, Nillson 9E 14 Chapter 6 Summary • Showed how to calculate voltage, current, power, and energy in an inductor. • Showed how to calculate voltage, current, power, and energy in a capacitor. • Showed that current must be continuous in an inductor and voltage must be continuous in a capacitor. • Showed how to correctly combine inductors with initial conditions in series and parallel to form a single equivalent inductor with an initial condition. • Showed how to correctly combine capacitors with initial conditions in series and parallel to form a single equivalent capacitor with an initial condition. Engr228 - Chapter 6, Nillson 9E 15