Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: Title: Workshop Guide Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: Title: Integrating Educational Technology Into Teaching Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: Title: Foss Science Stories: Pebbles, Sand, and Silt--Grades 1-2 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: Title: An Elementary Insights Hands-On Inquiry Science Curriculum: Foss Science Stories Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: Title: Foss Science Stories: Solids and Liquids--Grades 1-2 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 1 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: Title: Teaching Math A Video Library, K-4 Guidebook Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: Title: Science Activity Kits Grade K Description: 18 Trade Books (Good Morning, Little Pets, The Picnic, Rain Rain Go Away!, We Can Eat a Rainbow, Hello, A Picture, The Pancake Place, At the Petting Zoo, All Kinds of Plants, Plant Parts, All Kinds of Rocks, What Sinks? What Floats?,What’s in the Soil?, Toys That Move, Our Desert Home, A Favorite Season ), McGraw-Hill Activity Bank with Answer Key, Assessment Book, School To Home Activities, Cross Curicular Activities, Activity Notebook Blackline Masters with Answer Key, Unit Theme Learn About Your World, Learn About Plants, Learn About Animals, A Home Called Earth, Weather and Seasons, Make Things Move, Activity Card Sampler, Vocabulary Card Sampler, Teacher's Multimedia Edition Media Type: Kit Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: Title: DSM II: Color and Light Teacher's Edition Description: Students use prisms to investigate the full range of colors in white light, called the visible spectrum. They experiment with subtractive color mixing and discover the significance of the primary pigments. Students separate pigments with paper chromatography, then combine colors by blending filtered light beams. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: Title: Professional Development Workshops Guide Mathematics: What's the Big Deal? Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 2 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: Title: Science First Hand Models in Physical Science (Viewing Guide) Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: Title: Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: Title: An Elementary Insights Hands-On Inquiry Science Curriculum: Balance and Motion Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: Title: An Elementary Insights Hands-On Inquiry Science Curriculum: Insects Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: Title: An Elementary Insights Hands-On Inquiry Science Curriculum: New Plants Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 3 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: Title: An Elementary Insights Hands-On Inquiry Science Curriculum: Pebbles, Sand and Silt Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: Title: Professional Development Workshop: Private Universe Project in Mathematics Workshop Guide Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: Title: Everyday Mathematics--Grade 6 Description: Teacher's Lesson Guide Vol. 1, Teacher's Lesson Guide Vol. 2, Assessment Book, Teacher's Reference Manual, Home Connection Handout--A guide for administrators and teachers, Minute Math, Student Refernece Book, Math Masters, Student Math Journal Vol. 1, Student Math Journal Vol. 2 Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: Title: Everyday Mathematics--Grade 5 Description: Teacher's Lesson Guide Vol. 1, Teacher's Lesson Guide Vol. 2, Assessment Book, Teacher's Reference Manual, Home Connection Handout--A guide for administrators and teachers, Minute Math, Student Refernece Book, Math Masters, Student Math Journal Vol. 1, Student Math Journal Vol. 2 Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 4 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: Magnets and Motors--Student Activity Book Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: Floating and Sinking--Student Activity Book Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: Food and Chemistry--Student Activity Book Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: Title: Everyday Mathematics--Grade 4 Description: Teacher's Lesson Guide Vol. 1, Teacher's Lesson Guide Vol. 2, Assessment Book, Teacher's Reference Manual, Home Connection Handout--A guide for administrators and teachers, Minute Math, Student Refernece Book, Math Masters, Student Math Journal Vol. 1, Student Math Journal Vol. 2 Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 5 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: Title: Everyday Mathematics--Grade 3 Description: Teacher's Lesson Guide Vol. 1, Teacher's Lesson Guide Vol. 2, Assessment Book, Teacher's Reference Manual, Home Connection Handout--A guide for administrators and teachers, Minute Math, Student Refernece Book, Math Masters, Student Math Journal Vol. 1, Student Math Journal Vol. 2 Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: Title: Everyday Mathematics--Grade 2 Description: Teacher's Lesson Guide Vol. 1, Teacher's Lesson Guide Vol. 2, Assessment Book, Teacher's Reference Manual, Home Connection Handout--A guide for administrators and teachers, Minute Math, Student Refernece Book, Math Masters, Student Math Journal Vol. 1, Student Math Journal Vol. 2 Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: A1-1 Title: Investigations in Numbers, Data, and Space: Mathematical Thinking in Kindergarten Description: Students learn about some of the processes and materials they will be using in mathematics. Students are introduced to four classroom routines that can be used as ongoing activities throughout the year: daily attendance, calendar, survey questions, and a counting jar. Students explore mathematics using a variety of material, including interlocking cubes, pattern blocks, Geoblocks, and color tiles. Suggestions to teacher for organizing and managing the classroom environment are included. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: A1-10 Title: Investigations in Numbers, Data, and Space: Quilt Squares and Block Towns Grade 1 Description: Students use the Shapes software, pattern blocks, and Geoblocks to explore relationships among shapes. They build and sort their own boxes. They draw and build other three dimensional constructions as they plan and create their own town. They examine the connection between two dimensions and three dimensions, using Geoblocks and other manipulatives to match faces and solids. Students explore geometric patterns in depth. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 6 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: A1-11 Title: Investigations in Numbers, Data, and Space: Number Games and Story Problems Grade 1 Description: Students continue to deepen their understanding of the number system to solve a variety of addition and subtraction problems. Throughout the unit they have many opportunities to represent numbers and number relationships with manipulatives, visual patterns, and equations; to develop meaning for addition and subtraction and to develop, share, and record their own strategies for solving addition and subtraction problems. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: A1-12 Title: Investigations in Numbers, Data, and Space: Bigger, Taller, Heavier, Smaller Grade 1 Description: Students work with linear measurement, comparing objects of various sizes (Is this object bigger or smaller than my pencil?) as well as literating units (e.g., How many hands long is this desk? How many cubes long is this object?). They explore volume and capacity (e.g., How many of these containers fill that bigger one? Which two of five bottles hold the same amount of water?). They look at area, covering outlines of shapes with pattern blocks and creating their own sets of blocks that fit inside a certain shape outline. Finally, they explore weighing and balancing as they determine which of two objects is heavier, using their sense of weight (comparing objects in their hands) as well as balance scales. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: A1-13 Title: Investigations in Numbers, Data, and Space: Assessment Sourcebook Grade 1 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: A1-14 Title: Investigations in Numbers, Data, and Space: Assessment Sourcebook Grade 2 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 7 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: A1-15 Title: Investigations in Numbers, Data, and Space: Mathematical Thinking at Grade 2 Description: Students are introduced to some of the content, processes,and materials they will be using. They count quantities by groups and by ones, compare two amounts, explore coin values and play equivalency trading games. Students sort, classify, count and record data collected from themselves and their families. Using Geoblocks and pattern blocks, students describe attributes of 2-D and 3-D shapes, categorize them, and explore symmetry. The Shapes software program is introduced. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: A1-16 Title: Investigations in Numbers, Data, and Space: Coins, Coupons, and Combinations Grade 2 Description: Students develop a sense of numbers and begin to look for patterns and relationships that exist in our number system. They work with addition combinations summing to ten, doubles (4+4), and doubles plus or minus one (4+5, 4+3). They count by 2s, 5s and 10s and use these counting strategies to keep track of large amounts. They work with combining and separating problems and are encouraged to develop strategies that make sense to them for adding and subtracting numbers. Students are encouraged to use calculators, coins, and the 100 chart as tools for solving problems. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: A1-17 Title: Investigations in Numbers, Data, and Space: Does It Walk, Crawl or Swim Grade 2 Description: Students learn to organize categorical data, investigating similarities and differences in sets of related objects, people or data. They classify groups according to particular attributes and sort the members of the group accordingly. Real data is collected. Students construct their own categories for sorting data, represent data in a variety of ways, use categories to describe and compare data sets, and formulate hypotheses and build theories about what is represented by the data.. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 8 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: A1-18 Title: Investigations in Numbers, Data, and Space: Shapes, Halves, and Symmetry Grade 2 Description: Students investigate 2-D and 3-D shapes. Using pattern blocks, Geoblocks, square tiles, and the Shapes software, students explore the structure of shapes and how they can be decomposed or put together into other shapes. They work with rectangular arrays; find halves of rectangles and other 2-D and 3-D shapes; and explore symmetry, making symmetrical designs and pictures. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: A1-19 Title: Investigations in Numbers, Data, and Space: Putting Together and Taking Apart Grade 2 Description: Students develop strategies for solving addition and subtraction problems. Students continue counting by 5s and 10s as they play games involving cubes, coins, and 100 charts. Students write equations that equal 100, break 100 into multiples of 5 and 10, and write stories about 100 based on an equation they have written consisting of 4-6 addends. Students solve worked problems that involve combining, separating, and comparing two digit numbers. Strategies are recorded with words, numbers, and pictures fostering mathematical communication. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: A1-2 Title: Investigations in Numbers, Data, and Space: Pattern Trains and Hopscotch Paths Grade K Description: Students investigate what makes a pattern and how patterns give us information in order to predict what will come next. They have many opportunities to copy, create, and extend linear patterns using a variety of math materials (color tiles, pattern blocks, cubes) and common objects (buttons, keys). Students also create rhythmic pattern using their bodies. In the second half of the unit, students work with more complex patterns, such as geometric, nonlinear, and growing patterns. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: A1-20 Title: Investigations in Numbers, Data, and Space: How Many Pockets? How Many Teeth? Grade 2 Description: Students explore linear measurement using direct and indirect comparison, nonstandard units and the GeoLog software. They explore the relationship between the size and the unit and the number of units needed. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 9 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: A1-21 Title: Investigations in Numbers, Data, and Space: Timelines and Rhythm Patterns Grade 2 Description: Students explore concepts of time and rhythm. They assemble a time line of the life of Dr. Seuss, and later they create a time line of important events in their own lives. Students compare time intervals (e.g., Do you sleep for a longer time than you swim?). Students explore mathematical patterns expressed in rhythms they invent that use body actions (such as clapping) and then develop ways of recording the rhythms on paper. Students look at traditional musical notation and compose their own two-part rhythm music. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: A1-22 Title: Investigations in Numbers, Data, and Space: Exploring Solids and Boxes Grade 3 Description: Students sort, build, and describe different kinds of polygons and common geometric solids. They build polygons and polyhedra by analyzing pictures and verbal descriptions of the shapes. They work with the concept of volume. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: A1-23 Title: Investigations in Numbers, Data, and Space: Fair Shares Grade 3 Description: Fractions concepts are introduced through problems involving items, such as brownies that can be shared equally and items that cannot be shared equally, such as balloons. They develop a class chart of "fraction facts," such as, 3/4=1/2+1/4 or 1/6+1/3=1/2. Calculators are used to make the connection between fraction and decimal notation. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: A1-24 Title: Investigations in Numbers, Data, and Space: Turtle Paths Grade 3 Description: Students explore problems involving paths--lengths of paths, perimeter and turns. Using Geo-Logo, they write commands, such as Forward 5, left turn 90, to move a turtle, use the turtle turner (protractor) to estimate and measure turtle turns in multiples of 30 degrees, and draw triangles with the Geo-Logo turtle. The unit ends with each student writing procedures to design a face on the computer. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 10 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: A1-25 Title: Investigations in Numbers, Data, and Space: Combining and Comparing Grade 3 Description: Students develop their own addition and subtraction strategies and use estimation and multiple strategies to double check their work. Real-world problems involving the comparison of two sets of data form the basis of much of the work. Students solve problems with multiple addends in which a total measurement or total amount of money is given and they must figure out a set of numbers to make that sum, such as, "Which three items can I buy for $2.50?" Students also solve problems involving comparisons on the calendar, for example, figuring out the number of days until a particular event takes place and determining how much longer children in other countries spend in school than they do. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: A1-26 Title: Investigations in Numbers, Data, and Space: Up and Down the Number Line Grade 3 Description: Students investigate ideas about addition and subtraction, numbers below zero, net change, the opposite effects of addition and subtraction, and the many ways to use addition and subtraction to reach a given answer. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: A1-27 Title: Investigations in Numbers, Data, and Space: An Elementary Landmarks in the Hundreds Grade 3 Description: Students build their understanding of the base ten number system up to 1000 by using landmarks in that system--numbers that are familiar landing places, that make for simple calculations, and that can be related easily to other numbers. Students find factors of different numbers, including all of the factors of 100. They solve problems involving multiplication and division. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: A1-28 Title: Investigations in Numbers, Data, and Space: Flip, Turns and Area Grade 3 Description: In this unit, which can be done with or without computers, students explore shape, area, and geometric motions (slides, flips, and turns). On geoboards or dot paper, they use squares and triangles of unit and half unit sizes to create manu (noncongruent) shapes with an area of four square units. They explain how they found the area of a shape that is 5, 6, or 7 square units. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 11 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: A1-29 Title: Investigations in Numbers, Data, and Space: Things That Come in Groups Grade 3 Description: Students become familiar with the multiplication tables up to the 12s, identify patterns, in the multiplication tables, and develop their own strategies for doing multiplication and division problems. Students discuss the different actions suggested by division and multiplication story problems and writhe and solve each other's story problems. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: A1-3 Title: Investigations in Numbers, Data, and Space: Collecting, Counting and Measuring Grade K Description: Students explore numbers and number relationships through a variety of counting experiences. They count sets of classroom materials, make counting books, and count and compare the letters in their names. They play mathematical games and solve mathematical problems that involve counting and accumulating amounts. Repeated opportunities to count in real ways help students build their knowledge of the counting sequence and of the quantities those numbers represent. Students begin to explore ways to use pictures, numerals, objects and words to represent the quantities they count. Students explore the concept with counting and measurement in this unit provides the foundation for future work with these same topics in the unit How Many In All? Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: A1-30 Title: Investigations in Numbers, Data, and Space: Mathematical Thinking at Grade 3 Description: This unit gives an overview of several of the lessons students will be doing in the other grade 3 units. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: A1-31 Title: Investigations in Numbers, Data, and Space: Assessment Sourcebook Grade 3 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 12 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: A1-32 Title: Investigations in Numbers, Data, and Space: Assessment Sourcebook Grade 4 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: A1-33 Title: Investigations in Numbers, Data, and Space Curriculum: Money, Miles and Large Numbers Grade 4 Description: This unit focuses on addition and subtraction of decimal numbers and numbers in the hundreds and thousands. Students solve problems related to money, distance in miles and tenths of a mile, and use a map of their city or town to plan a tour of the area. Students discuss strategies for combining and comparing large numbers, and they plan a trip around the United States. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: A1-34 Title: Investigations in Numbers, Data, and Space Curriculum: Changes Over Time Grade 4 Description: Students explore the ways things change over time and looks at ways to represent these changes. They make charts and line graphs to show changes in speed,heights of plants and population. They interpret a variety of graphical shapes, describing in words how the graphs relate to the situations. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: A1-35 Title: Investigations in Numbers, Data, and Space Curriculum: Packages and Groups Grade 4 Description: A continuation of how to build understanding of multiplication and division, extending concepts and skills studied earlier in Arrays and Shares. Students discuss strategies for estimating and solving two-digit multiplication problems. They solve multistep problems that represent both multiplication and division. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 13 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: A1-36 Title: Investigations in Numbers, Data, and Space Curriculum: Sunken Ships and Grid Patterns Grade 4 Description: This unit introduces work on a coordinate grid with ordered pairs of numbers, both positive and negative. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: A1-37 Title: Investigations in Numbers, Data, and Space Curriculum: Three out of Four Like Spaghetti Grade 4 Description: Students extend work with categorical (non-numerical) data. They use fractions to describe and compare their findings (9/28 of the class wear watches) and find familiar fractions that are more appropriate for reporting their data (about 1/3 of the class wear watches). Students collect and classify data about games and food and the like. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: A1-38 Title: Investigations in Numbers, Data, and Space Curriculum: Mathematical Thinking at Grade 4 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: A1-39 Title: Investigations in Numbers, Data, and Space Curriculum: Arrays and Shares Grade 4 Description: This unit works of facts up to 12x1. Students solve multiplication and division problems that involve 2digit times 1-digit factors and explore the relationship between multiplication, division, and the standard notation. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 14 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: A1-4 Title: Investigations in Numbers, Data, and Space: Counting Ourselves and Others Grade K Description: Students use counting, sorting and classifying to collect, organize, and represent information about themselves, their classmates, and their environment. Students make representations of the number of people in their class. They collect data about their favorite part of their lunches and collect information form their classmates by conducting their own surveys. In addition they solve a mathematical problem based on the daily attendance data. Throughout the unit students engage in a variety of activities that involve describing objects and sorting and classifying them according to common attributes. These experiences contribute to their work with organizing the data they collect. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: A1-40 Title: Investigations in Numbers, Data, and Space Curriculum: Seeing Solids and Silhouettes Grade 4 Description: Concrete materials are used to explore the relationship between 3-D objects and their 2-D representations and also to see what objects look like from different perspectives. Students investigate the shapes and silhouettes of cube buildings as viewed from different perspectives. They write instructions that tell others how to put together simple cube buildings and then evaluate the effectiveness of different types of building instructions. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: A1-41 Title: Investigations in Numbers, Data, and Space Curriculum: Landmarks in the Thousands Grade 4 Description: Students explore the structure of our number system up to 10,000 through activities involving landmarks-numbers that are familiar landing places, such as multiples of 10 or 25, that make for simple calculations and to which other numbers can be related. Students find factors and multiples of 100 and 1000 and use landmarks to solve addition and subtraction problems. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: A1-42 Title: Investigations in Numbers, Data, and Space Curriculum: Different Shapes, Equal Pieces Grade 4 Description: This unit represents fractions, find equivalent fractions, and orders fractions using an area model. Students explore relationships between 1/2s, 1/4s, and 1/8s as well as 1/3s, 1/6s, and 1/12s. Students practice finding equivalent fractions and ordering fractions . Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 15 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: A1-5 Title: Investigations in Numbers, Data, and Space: How Many In All? Grade K Description: Students deepen their understanding of numbers and number relationships. They play mathematical games in which they count, combine, and compare amounts; they solve problems in which they find number combinations (e.g., 6 is 3 and 3, or 2 and 3 and 1); they practice counting quantities as they use objects to measure length and distance; and they begin using their growing understanding of numbers to solve addition and subtraction story problems. Throughout the unit student explore a variety of different ways to represent quantities, such as manipulatives and other objects, with numerals, and with pictures. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: A1-6 Title: Investigations in Numbers, Data, and Space: Making Shapes and Building Blocks Grade K Description: Students are introduced to geometry by looking at 2-and 3-dimensional shapes in their classroom. Using a variety of materialism including pattern blocks, Geoblocks, clay and the Shapes software, students observe, describe, construct, and represent 2-D and 3-D shapes. Through pattern-block puzzles, bloc structures, and a game called Fill the Hexagon, students explore how shapes can be combined to make other shapes. In addition, students begin to work with 2-D representations of 3-D objects as they try to match Geoblocks to 2-D outlines of the block faces. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: A1-7 Title: Investigations in Numbers, Data, and Space: Mathematical Thinking Grade 1 Description: Students use mathematical tools and materials (interlocking cubes, pattern blocks, and Geoblocks) as they count, combine numbers, play math games, solve problems, investigate patterns, represent results of surveys they take and create their own designs and constructions. They engage in critical mathematical processes, such as sharing strategies; using pictures, numbers, and words to show their work; working with peers. This unit includes suggestions for organizing the classroom environment and for establishing classroom routines. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 16 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: A1-8 Title: Investigations in Numbers, Data, and Space: Building Number Sense Grade 1 Description: Students build their understanding of numbers and number relationships to solve addition and subtraction problems. They explore different ways to represent numbers (such as with manipulatives, dot patterns, and equations) as they play mathematical games I which they combine and compare numbers; find number combinations; represent patterns with numbers and manipulatives; work with the counting sequence up to 100; and solve a variety of addition and subtraction problems, including story problems (their own and invented problems). Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: A1-9 Title: Investigations in Numbers, Data, and Space: Survey Questions and Secret Rules Grade 1 Description: Students identify and describe attributes of various objects and data that students have collected. Creating representation of sorted objects sets as well as data surveys are a further emphasis of the unit. Students begin by describing attributes of shapes, buttons, lids and each other and they play a variety of Guess My Rule games. They invent their own representations to show the results of a class survey and then the results of data they have collected. Students organize a class birthday graph that helps them figure out whose birthday comes next. Students represent information about the ages of classmates and family members comparing several categories of data. Their work concludes with a look at their class attendance data over a period of time. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: A2-1 Title: Delta Education SCIS 3+ Teacher's Guide: Beginnings Grade K Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: A2-10 Title: Delta Education SCIS 3+ Teacher's Guide: Energy Sources Grade 5 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 17 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: A2-11 Title: Delta Education SCIS 3+ Teacher's Guide: Communities Grade 5 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: A2-12 Title: Delta Education SCIS 3+ Teacher's Guide: Scientific Theories Grade 6 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: A2-13 Title: Delta Education SCIS 3+ Teacher's Guide: Ecosystems Grade 6 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: A2-2 Title: Delta Education SCIS 3+ Teacher's Guide: Organisms Grade 1 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: A2-3 Title: Delta Education SCIS 3+ Teacher's Guide: Material Objects Gradel 1 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 18 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: A2-4 Title: Delta Education SCIS 3+ Teacher's Guide: Life Cycles Grade 2 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: A2-5 Title: Delta Education SCIS 3+ Teacher's Guide: Interactions and Systems Grade 2 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: A2-6 Title: Delta Education SCIS 3+ Teacher's Guide: Subsystems and Variables Grade 3 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: A2-7 Title: Delta Education SCIS 3+ Teacher's Guide: Populations Grade 3 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: A2-8 Title: Delta Education SCIS 3+ Teacher's Guide: Environments Grade 4 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 19 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: A2-9 Title: Delta Education SCIS 3+ Teacher's Guide: Relative Position and Motion Grade 4 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: A3-1 Title: Issues Evidence and You Teacher's Guide Vol. 1 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: A3-10 Title: Risk Comparison (Two sets of dice included) Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: A3-11 Title: Investigating Groundwater:The Fruitvale Story Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: A3-12 Title: Benchmarks for Science Literacy Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 20 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: A3-13 Title: Benchmarks for Science Literacy Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: A3-14 Title: Science for All Americans Description: This ambitious summary of learning goals will stimulate you to find out what students already think about major topics and change incorrect ideas; to make sure females, minorities, and the disabled are fully engaged in class; and to understand the habits of mind so essential to science literacy. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: A3-15 Title: Atlas of Science Literacy Description: This new educational tool from AAAS's Project 2061 graphically depicts connections among the learning goals established in Benchmarks for Science Literacy and Science for All Americans. The Atlas is a collection of 50 linked maps that show exactly how students from kindergarten through 12th grade can expand their understanding and skills toward specific science literacy goals. They also show the connections across different areas of mathematics, technology, and science--including gravity, evolution and natural selection, the structure of matter, and the flow of matter and energy in ecosystems. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: A3-2 Title: Issues Evidence and You Teacher's Guide Vol. 2 Description: The teacher's guide contains detailed teaching plans, complete materials lists, suggestions for advance preparation, a glossary, a full assessment package, activity extensions and links to technology and literacy. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 21 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: A3-3 Title: Science and Sustainability Teacher's Guide Vol. 1 Description: The teacher's guide contains detailed teaching plans, complete materials lists, suggestions for advance preparation, a glossary, a full assessment package, activity extensions and links to technology and literacy. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: A3-4 Title: Science and Sustainability Teacher's Guide Vol. 2 Description: The teacher's guide contains detailed teaching plans, complete materials lists, suggestions for advance preparation, a glossary, a full assessment package, activity extensions and links to technology and literacy. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: A3-5 Title: Science and Life Issues Teacher's Guide Vol. 1 Description: The teacher's guide contains detailed teaching plans, complete materials lists, suggestions for advance preparation, a glossary, a full assessment package, activity extensions and links to technology and literacy. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: A3-6 Title: Science and Life Issues Teacher's Guide Vol. 2 Description: The teacher's guide contains detailed teaching plans, complete materials lists, suggestions for advance preparation, a glossary, a full assessment package, activity extensions and links to technology and literacy. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 22 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: A3-7 Title: Science and Life Issues Description: Science and Life Issues is an issue-oriented, integrated course emphasizing content and related issues in the life sciences. The course focuses on three process-oriented components: scientific thinking, personal and societal decision making, and science and technology as professions. The course includes units on scientific methods and approaches to problem solving, the human body, the cellular basis of life and the microbial causes of infectious disease, genetics, evolution, ecology, and human use of tools and ideas to enhance survival and quality of life. Strategies for developing students' ability to design and perform invetstigations, use evidence to make decisions, communicate scientific information, and interact within groups are built throughout the materials. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: A3-8 Title: Science and Sustainability Description: Science and Sustainability takes a fresh approach to high school environmental science. Students encounter topics from chemistry, biology, earth science, and physics using examples that connect with their own lives and relate to their local and global communities. Students participate in a wide range of activities, including hands on labs, current and historical readings, role play and debats. The student book is used alongside another core resource, the Material World, a photographic portraits of families and their homes around the world to provide a global perspective. The activities will help students to become more confident, competent, and independent in the design, analysis, communication, and use of issue oriented science activities. Students will be challenged to connect the various components of the course as they analyze risks, assess trade-offs, and make decisions that are based on scientific data. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: A3-9 Title: Issues Evidence and You Description: Issues, Evidence and You is the final course of study for middle level students. With content taken primarily from the physical sciences, the program highlights environmental issues and programs highlights environmental issues and problems relevant to students and their communities. This approach motivates and engages them to want to learn scienc, while supporting the content goals and objectives of most school science programs. A major goal of the first section of the course is to build a "tool box" of critical thinking skills, content knowledge, processes related to chemistry and the nature and practice of science. This information is later applied in selected in depth envirnonmental case studies. Knowledge and experience accumulates, and by the end of the course students are tackling such topics as solar energy, intergrated waste management, and groundwater pollution. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 23 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: B1-1 Title: Investigations in Numbers, Data, and Space Curriculum: Assessment Sourcebook Grade 5 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B1-10 Title: Investigations in Numbers, Data, and Space: Data: Kids, Cats, and Ads Grade 5 Description: This unit provides students with additional tools for working with data. Students have several opportunities to compare two data sets, using "typical" values such as the median, and calculating what fraction of each data set is above or below a particular value. Students work with samples, beginning to experience how samples can be informative yet not provide all the information a population would. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B1-11 Title: Connected Mathematics: How Likely Is It? (Probability) Teacher's Edition Grade 6 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B1-12 Title: Connected Mathematics: Data About Us (Statistics) Teacher's Edition Grade 6 Description: Is Anyone Typical? Students apply what they have learned in the unit to gather, organize, analyze, interpret, and display information about the "typical" middle school student. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 24 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: B1-13 Title: Connected Mathematics: Bits and Pieces I (Understanding Rational Numbers) Teacher's Edition Grade 6 Description: The investigations in Bits and Pieces I ask students to make sense of fractions, decimals, and percents in different contexts. The many different and powerfil interpretations of and models for rational numbers can make grasping ideas about such numbers difficult. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B1-14 Title: Connected Mathematics: Ruins of Montarek (Spatial Visualization) Teacher's Edition Grade 6 Description: Design a Building--Students create a set of plans and sketches for a building and then write a report explaining the benefits of their building. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B1-15 Title: Connected Mathematics: Bits and Pieces II (Using Rational Numbers) Student Edition Grade 6 Description: Ordering from a Catalog: Students select items from a catalog and fill out an order form, calculating shipping tax, and discounts. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B1-16 Title: Connected Mathematics: Covering and Surrounding (Two-Dimensional Measurement) Student Edition Grade 6 Description: Plan a Park: Students create scale drawings for a park that meet given constraints and submit a written proposal highlighting the features of their parks. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 25 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: B1-17 Title: Connected Mathematics: Shapes and Designs (Two-Dimensional Geometry) Teacher's Edition Grade 6 Description: What I Know About Shapes and Designs: Students create representations of what they have learned about various polygons, the relationships of their sies and angles, and where these shapes can be found in their world. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B1-18 Title: Connected Mathematics: Prime Time (Factors and Multiples) Teacher's Edition Grade 6 Description: My Special Number: Students choose a "special number" and use all they have learned in the unit to describe mathematical properties and real world applications or occurences of their numbers. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B1-19 Title: Connected Mathematics: Prime Time (Factors and Multiples) Student Edition Grade 6 Description: My Special Number: Students choose a "special number" and use all they have learned in the unit to describe mathematical properties and real-world applications or occurences of their numbers. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B1-2 Title: Investigations in Numbers, Data, and Space Curriculum: Mathematical Thinking at Grade 5 Description: This unit explores the relationships among landmark numbers up to 10,000 to develop strategies for solving computation problems involving the four basic operations. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 26 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: B1-20 Title: Connected Mathematics: How Likely Is It? (Probability) Student Edition Grade 6 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B1-21 Title: Connected Mathematics: Data About Us (Statistics) Student Edition Grade 6 Description: Is Anyone Typical-Students apply what they have learned in the unit to gather, organize, analyze, interpret, and display information about the "typical" midddle school students. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B1-22 Title: Connected Mathematics: Bits and Pieces I (Understanding Rational Numbers) Student Edition Grade 6 Description: Understanding Rational Numbers: Moving among fractions, decimals and percents; comparing and ordering rational numbers. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B1-23 Title: Connected Mathematics: Getting to Know Conneted Mathematics Implementation Guide Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B1-24 Title: Connected Mathematics: Shapes and Designs (Two-Dimensional Geometry) Student Edition Grade 6 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 27 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: B1-25 Title: Connected Mathematics: Bits and Pieces II (Using Rational Numbers) Student Edition Grade 6 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B1-26 Title: Connected Mathematics: Ruins of Montarek (Spatial Visualization) Student Edition Grade 6 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B1-27 Title: Connected Mathematics: Variables and Patterns (Introducing Algebra) Teacher's Edition Grade 7 Description: Introducing Algebra: Variables; representations of relationships, including tables, graphs, words and symbols. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B1-28 Title: Connected Mathematics: Variables and Patterns (Introducing Algebra) Student Edition Grade 7 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 28 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: B1-29 Title: Connected Mathematics: Stretching and Shrinking (Similarity) Teacher's Edition Grade 7 Description: Students enlarge or shrink a drawing or photograph by hand. They then analyze the relationships among the lengths, areas, and angle measurements of the original and those of the new drawing. All Similar Shapes--Students analyze a variety of shapes to determine which shapes are always mathematically similar to other shapes of the same kind. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B1-3 Title: Investigations in Numbers, Data, and Space Curriculum: Picturing Polygons Grade 5 Description: Students focus on constructing, applying, discussing, and evaluating mathematical definitions of polygons. Students analyze the properties of polygons so they can draw them on coordinate grids on and off the computer; they investigate properties of triangles, quadrilaterals, and regular polygons, asking which remain constant and which change when making similar shapes. They write procedures for regular polygons using Geo-Logo turtle commands, measure lengths and angles of polygons off computer, and look at patterns in sums of angles and of turns. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B1-30 Title: Connected Mathematics: Stretching and Shrinking (Similarity) Student Edition Grade 7 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B1-31 Title: Connected Mathematics: Comparing and Scaling (Ratio, Proportion, and Percent) Teacher's Edition Grade 7 Description: Students look at several simplified pool tables to determine the number of hits a ball will make before it goes into a pockeg and which pocket it lands in. They use their results to make predictions for other tables. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 29 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: B1-32 Title: Connected Mathematics: Comparing and Scaling (Ratio, Proportion, and Percent) Student Edition Grade 7 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B1-33 Title: Connected Mathematics: Accentuate the Negative (Integers) Teacher's Edition Grade 7 Description: Understanding and modeling intergers, interger operations, four quadrant graphing. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B1-34 Title: Connected Mathematics: Accentuate the Negative (Integers) Student Edition Grade 7 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B1-35 Title: Connected Mathematics:Moving Straight Ahead (Linear Relationships) Teacher's Edition Grade 7 Description: Recognizing and representing linear relationships in tables, graphs, words and symbols; solving linear equations. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B1-36 Title: Connected Mathematics:Moving Straight Ahead (Linear Relationships) Student Edition Grade 7 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 30 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: B1-37 Title: Connected Mathematics: Filling and Wrapping (Three-Dimensional Measurement) Teacher's Edition Grade 7 Description: Volume and surface area of various solids; volume and surface area relationships. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B1-38 Title: Connected Mathematics: Filling and Wrapping (Three-Dimensional Measurement) Student Edition Grade 7 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B1-39 Title: Connected Mathematics: What Do You Expect? (Probability and Expected Value) Teacher's Edition Grade 7 Description: The Carnival Game: Students design carnival games and analyze the probabilities of winning and expected values. They then submit a written report explaining why their ganes should be included in the school carnival. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B1-4 Title: Investigations in Numbers, Data, and Space Curriculum: Name That Portion Grade 5 Description: This unit uses different models (grids, arrays, number lines, and clocks) to find fraction, percent, and decimal equivalencies; to play games; and to solve word problems. Students collect and analyze data using fractions, percents, decimals, and circle graphs. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 31 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: B1-40 Title: Connected Mathematics: What Do You Expect? (Probability and Expected Value) Student Edition Grade 7 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B1-41 Title: Connected Mathematics: Data Around Us (Number Sense) Teacher's Edition Grade 7 Description: Is Anyone Typical: Students apply what they have learned in the unit to gather, organize, analyze, interpret, and display information about the "typical" middle school student. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B1-42 Title: Connected Mathematics: Data Around Us (Number Sense) Student Edition Grade 7 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B1-43 Title: Connected Mathematics: Lesson Planner Grade 7 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B1-44 Title: Connected Mathematics: Getting to Know Connected Mathematics Implementation Guide Grade 8 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 32 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: B1-45 Title: Connected Mathematics: Thinking with Mathematical Models (Representing Relationships) Teacher's Edition Grade 8 Description: Introduction to functions and modeling; slope and finding the equation of the line. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B1-46 Title: Connected Mathematics: Thinking with Mathematical Models (Representing Relationships) Teacher's Edition Grade 8 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B1-47 Title: Connected Mathematics: Looking for Pythagoras (The Pythagorean Theorem) Teacher's Edition Grade 8 Description: The Pythagorean Theorem, irrational numbers, connecting coordinates, slope, distance and area. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B1-48 Title: Connected Mathematics: Looking for Pythagoras (The Pythagorean Theorem) Student Edition Grade 8 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B1-49 Title: Connected Mathematics: Growing, Growing, Growing (Exponential Relationships) Teacher's Edition Grade 8 Description: Half-Life: Students use dice to simulate the radioactive decay of a substance and estimate its half-life. They then create a new situation involving radioactive decay and design and carry out their own simulation. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 33 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: B1-5 Title: Investigations in Numbers, Data, and Space Curriculum: Between Never and Always Grade 5 Description: This unit describes the probability of various events occurring, first using words such as uncertain and impossible as reference points on the line, and later the numbers 0 and 1 and simple fractions. Students work with a variety of spinners and investigate a number of games, determining whether or not they are "fair games," and if not, modifying them to make them fair. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B1-50 Title: Connected Mathematics: Growing, Growing, Growing (Exponential Relationships) Student Edition Grade 8 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B1-51 Title: Connected Mathematics: Frog, Fleas, and Painted Cubes (Quadratic Relationships) Teacher's Edition Grade 8 Description: Quadratic Relationships: Recognizing and representing quadratic functions in tables, graphs, words, and symbols. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B1-52 Title: Connected Mathematics: Frog, Fleas, and Painted Cubes (Quadratic Relationships) Student Edition Grade 8 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 34 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: B1-53 Title: Connected Mathematics: Say It With Symbols (Algebraic Reasoning) Teacher's Edition Grade 8 Description: Counting Cubes: Students observe a sequence of building made from unit cubes. They look for patterns and then apply what they have learned about writing algebraic expressions to describe patterns that they observe and about verifying the equivalence of those expressions. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B1-54 Title: Connected Mathematics: Say It With Symbols (Algebraic Reasoning) Student Edition Grade 8 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B1-55 Title: Connected Mathematics: Kaleidoscope, Hubcaps, and Mirrors (Symmetry and Transformations) Teacher's Guide Grade 8 Description: Creating Tessellations: Students analyze the symmetries of various tessellations and create their own tessellations. Making a Wreath and a Pinwheel-Students make an origami wreath and transform it into a pinwheel. They investigate and describe the symmetries of their creation at various stages. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B1-56 Title: Connected Mathematics: Kaleidoscope, Hubcaps, and Mirrors (Symmetry and Transformations) Student Guide Grade 8 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 35 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: B1-57 Title: Connected Mathematics: Samples and Populations (Data and Statistics) Teacher's Edition Grade 8 Description: Safe Water and Life Expectancy-Students analyze data and write a report summarizing the relationship between life expectancy and access to safe drinking water. Estimating Populations-Students develop methods for estimating populations of geese and employ their techniques to test several models. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B1-58 Title: Connected Mathematics: Samples and Populations (Data and Statistics) Student Edition Grade 8 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B1-59 Title: Connected Mathematics: Clever Counting (Combinatorics) Teacher's Edition Grade 8 Description: Writing a Detective Story-Students write a detective story that involves the various counting strategies developed in the unit. Making Trains-Students use Cuisenaire rods or paper strips of different lengths to investigate the number of ways different-sized train cars can be configured to create trains of various lengths. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B1-6 Title: Investigations in Numbers, Data, and Space Curriculum: Building on Numbers You Know Grade 5 Description: A focus on computation and estimation with multiplication , division, subtraction, and addition. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 36 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: B1-60 Title: Connected Mathematics: Clever Counting (Combinatorics) Student Edition Grade 8 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B1-61 Title: Connected Mathematics: Lesson Planner Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B1-7 Title: Investigations in Numbers, Data, and Space Curriculum: Measurement Benchmarks Grade 5 Description: This unit includes measures of time, the metric and US standard measures of weight, volume, length, and distance. Students estimate measurements, and they take actual measurements with metric sticks, balance scales, liter measures, and other measuring tools. They compare estimates and measurements; compare the sizes of measurements in different systems; calculate with measurements; compare the sizes of measurements in different systems; calculate with measurements; analyze measurement data they have collected; and investigate ways measurement is used in their everyday lives. Students find and use benchmarks--familiar things that are about the same size as units of measure. For example, two dollar bills placed end to end measure about foot. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B1-8 Title: Investigations in Numbers, Data, and Space: Patterns of Change Grade 5 Description: Concrete experiences are used to look at the patterns in square numbers, triangular numbers, multiples of two, and powers of two, describing how they change and distinguishing among growth/shrinkage/oscillation as well as between steady and accelerated growth. Students learn to identify correspondences between number tables, graphs, and stories. Students use the TRIPS software to analyze the inverse relationship between step size and frequency of steps and to investigate the relationship between graphs of position vs. time and graphs of step size vs. time. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 37 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: B1-9 Title: Investigations in Numbers, Data, and Space: Containers and Cubes Grade 5 Description: An exploration in the concept of volume investigates the volume relationship between cylinders and cones and between pyramids and prisms with the same base and height. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B2-1 Title: Learning Math Patterns, Functions, and Algebra: 1. Algebraic Thinking Description: Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B2-10 Title: Learning Math Patterns, Functions, and Algebra: 10. Classroom Case Studies (60 minutes) Description: Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B2-11 Title: Learning Math Patterns, Functions, and Algebra: Course Guide Description: Media Type: Kit Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B2-12 Title: Learning Math Patterns, Functions, and Algebra Course Guide Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 38 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: B2-13 Title: Learning Math Patterns, Functions, and Algebra: 1. Algebraic Thinking Description: Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B2-14 Title: Learning Math Patterns, Functions, and Algebra: 2. Patterns in Context Description: Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B2-15 Title: Learning Math Patterns, Functions, and Algebra: 3. Functions and Algorithms Description: Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B2-16 Title: Learning Math Patterns, Functions, and Algebra: 4. Proportional Reasoning Description: Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B2-17 Title: Learning Math Patterns, Functions, and Algebra: 5. Linear Functions and Slope Description: Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 39 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: B2-18 Title: Learning Math Patterns, Functions, and Algebra: 6. Solving Equations Description: Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B2-19 Title: Learning Math Patterns, Functions, and Algebra: 7. Non Linear Functions Description: Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B2-2 Title: Learning Math Patterns, Functions, and Algebra: 2. Patterns in Context Description: Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B2-20 Title: Learning Math Patterns, Functions, and Algebra: 9. Algebraic Structure Description: Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B2-21 Title: Learning Math Patterns, Functions, and Algebra: 10. Classroom Case Studies (60 minutes) Description: Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 40 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: B2-22 Title: An Elementary Insights Hands-On Inquiry Science Curriculum: Myself and Others Grades K-1 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B2-23 Title: An Elementary Insights Hands-On Inquiry Science Curriculum: Myself and Others Grades K-1 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B2-24 Title: An Elementary Insights Hands-On Inquiry Science Curriculum: Balls and Ramps Grades K-1 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B2-25 Title: An Elementary Insights Hands-On Inquiry Science Curriculum: Lifting Heavy Things Grades 2-3 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B2-26 Title: An Elementary Insights Hands-On Inquiry Science Curriculum: Lifting Heavy Things Grades 2-3 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 41 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: B2-27 Title: An Elementary Insights Hands-On Inquiry Science Curriculum: Circuits and Pathways Grades 4-5 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B2-28 Title: An Elementary Insights Hands-On Inquiry Science Curriculum: Circuits and Pathways Grades 4-5 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B2-29 Title: An Elementary Insights Hands-On Inquiry Science Curriculum: There Is No Away Grade 6 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B2-3 Title: Learning Math Patterns, Functions, and Algebra: 3. Functions and Algorithms Description: Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B2-30 Title: An Elementary Insights Hands-On Inquiry Science Curriculum: Structures Grade 6 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 42 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: B2-31 Title: Video in Science Education: Case Studies Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B2-32 Title: Minds of Our Own Teacher's Guide Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B2-33 Title: Minds of Our Own Teacher's Guide Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B2-34 Title: Minds of Our Own Teacher's Guide Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B2-35 Title: How to Use Action Research in the Self-Renewing School Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 43 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: B2-36 Title: Teaching Grades K-12 with the Internet (Internet Lesson Plans and Classroom Activities) Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B2-37 Title: Plugging In (Choosing and Using Educational Technology) Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B2-38 Title: How to Create Successful Internet Projects Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B2-39 Title: Integrating Educational Technology Into Teaching Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B2-4 Title: Learning Math Patterns, Functions, and Algebra: 4. Proportional Reasoning Description: Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 44 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: B2-40 Title: The Online Classroom (Teaching and Learning with the Internet) Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B2-41 Title: Integrating Computer Technology into the Classroom Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B2-42 Title: Decisions, Decisions-The Environment Description: CD-ROM, pamplets included Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B2-43 Title: Real World Math with Computers Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B2-44 Title: Real World Math with the CBL 2 and Lab Pro Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 45 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: B2-45 Title: PrimeTime Math: Cliffbound (Real-world math in a dramatic context) Description: CD-ROM included Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B2-46 Title: Science Court Explorations Description: Media Type: Kit Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B2-47 Title: Science Court (to serve and observe)-Work and Simple Machines Description: CD-ROM included Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B2-5 Title: Learning Math Patterns, Functions, and Algebra: 5. Linear Functions and Slope Description: Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B2-6 Title: Learning Math Patterns, Functions, and Algebra: 6. Solving Equations Description: Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 46 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: B2-7 Title: Learning Math Patterns, Functions, and Algebra: 7. Non Linear Functions Description: Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B2-8 Title: Learning Math Patterns, Functions, and Algebra: 8. More Non-Linear Functions Description: Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B2-9 Title: Learning Math Patterns, Functions, and Algebra: 9. Algebraic Structure Description: Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B3-1 Title: FOSS: Electronics Teacher's Guide Description: Students will learn fundamental electrical circuitry and basic electronic principles. They make simple and complex circuits, quantify electrical interactons and properties (current, voltage, resistance), and discover how different components affect circuits (resistors, diodes, LED's, capacitors, transistors). They make and read schematics, and construct solid-state devices. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 47 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: B3-10 Title: FOSS: Trees Teacher's Guide (Grade K) Description: Using real and representational materials students adopt schoolyard trees, observe tree parts, investigate leaves, and keep scrapbooks. Then comes the special treat: Students plant a tree on the school grounds. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B3-11 Title: FOSS: Pebbles, Sand, and Silt Teacher's Guide (Grades 1 and 2) Description: Throughout the activities in this module students learn about rocks by sorting, washing, comparing and separating them. They separate mixtures of rocks with screens and then investigate clay and soil. In the end, they do projects that demonstrate how people use earth materials in their daily lives. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B3-12 Title: FOSS: Earth Materials Teacher's Guide (Grades 3 and 4) Description: The investigations in this module encourage students to research and identify the characteristics of rocks and minerals. Students use the tools and methods geologists use to determine the minerals in rocks, and they learn technique for identifying several specificc rocks and minerals, including calcite, quartz, and granite. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B312a Title: Foss Science Stories: Earth Materials--Grades 3-4 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 48 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: B3-13 Title: Full Option Science System Description: Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B3-14 Title: FOSS: Planetary Science Teacher's Guide (Grades 5-6) Description: Students study the Earth as a celestial object before progressing to lunar science and lunar explorations, and then on to the solar system. Activities explore the origin of the Moon, celestial motions, Moon phases, lunar geology, cratering processes, imaging technologies, scaling and space explortion. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B314a Title: Planetary Science Lab Notebook Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B314b Title: Planetary Science Resources (Images, Data, and Readings) Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B3-15 Title: FOSS: Magnetism and Electricity Teacher's Guide (Grades 3 and 4) Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 49 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: B3-16 Title: FOSS: Variables Teacher's Guide (Grade 5 and 6) Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B3-17 Title: FOSS: Animals Two By Two Teacher's Guide (Grade K) Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B3-2 Title: FOSS: Human Brain and Senses Teacher's Guide Description: Students investigate how the brain and senses acquire, interpret, and respond to information. An emphasis on vision and touch leads to investigations of the structure and function of the sensory organs and the brain itself. Imaging techniques (MRI and EEG) are used to reveal brain anatomy and activity. Students also explore learning, memory, and sensory dysfunction. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B3-3 Title: FOSS: Diversity of Life Teacher's Guide Description: Students observe and maintain protists, plants, and animals in the classroom and study their characteristic features. The study processes from macroscopic to microscopic observation to discover the fundamental unit of life, the cell. Students then investigage orgnaisms subsystems and behaviors, and consider their diversity of adaptive structures and strategies. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 50 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: B3-4 Title: FOSS: Earth History Teacher's Guide Description: Students investigate rocks and fossils to discover clues that reveal Earth's history. They explore sedimentary rocks and fossils from the Grand Canyon, consider the processes that created them, and compare evidence discovered in the rocks to present-day geologic processrs and contemporary life forms. The students use these data to make inferences about past organisms, environments, and events that occurred in Earth over it's history. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B3-5 Title: FOSS: Landforms Teacher's Guide (Grades 5 and 6) Description: Students observe and maintain protists, plants, and animals in the classroom and study their characteristic features. The study processes from macroscopic to microscopic observation to discover the fundamental unit of life, the cell. Students then investigage orgnaisms subsystems and behaviors, and consider their diversity of adaptive structures and strategies. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B3-5a Title: Foss Science Stories: Landforms--Grades 5-6 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B3-6 Title: FOSS: Environments Teacher's Guide (Grades 5 and 6) Description: Barley, bugs, beetles, and brine shrimp-these are just a few of the living organisms that students work with in this module, whose investigations introduce basic concepts of environmental biology. Relating what they see in the experiments, students come to appreciate that living things are dependent on the conditions of their environments. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 51 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: B3-6a Title: Foss Science Stories: Environments--Grades 5-6 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B3-7 Title: FOSS: Physics of Sound Teacher's Guide Description: This module helps students learn that sound originates from a vibrating source; individual sounds can be discriminates and matched; sound is energy that can travel through solids, liquids, and gases; the pitch of a sound is related to the physical properties of the sound source; and more. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B3-7a Title: Foss Science Stories: Physics of Sound--Grades 3-4 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B3-8 Title: FOSS: Insects Teacher's Guide (Grades 1 and 2) Description: In this module, students observe and compare the structures and behaviors of insects-darkling beetles, milkweed bugs, wax moths, silk moths, painted lady butterflies, crickets, and ants--in different stages of the life cycle. They also witness insect metamorphosis and learn about the diversity of animal life. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 52 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: B3-8a Title: Foss Science Stories: Insects--Grades 1-2 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B3-9 Title: FOSS: Balance and Motion Teacher's Guide (Grades 1 and 2) Description: Students put the world into motion in this module, balancing cardboard shapes and pencils, investigating motion with tops, zoomers, and whirlers, and studying wheel-and-axle systems and rolling cups. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: B3-9a Title: Foss Science Stories: Balance and Motion--Grades 1-2 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C1-1 Title: Kentucky Core Content Test Math Elementary School Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C1-10 Title: Principles and Standards for School Mathematics (An Overview) Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 53 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: C1-11 Title: Quadice (A Challenging Mathematics Game for Grades 4-8) Teacher's Edition Description: This original and challenging mathematics game encourages students to perform mental calculations, handle fractions with confidence and explore probability. The game format enables skills practice, mental arithmetic and strategic thinking to take place within an existing context. Using a special set of four easily made dice, teams play 12 rounds that can involve additions, subtractions, divisions, and multiplication. A cooperative version enables students to work together to solve problems. The guide also contains mystery puzzles to solve and encourages players to create puzzles of their own. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C1-12 Title: Quadice (A Challenging Mathematics Game for Grades 4-8) Teacher's Edition Description: This original and challenging mathematics game encourages students to perform mental calculations, handle fractions with confidence and explore probability. The game format enables skills practice, mental arithmetic and strategic thinking to take place within an existing context. Using a special set of four easily made dice, teams play 12 rounds that can involve additions, subtractions, divisions, and multiplication. A cooperative version enables students to work together to solve problems. The guide also contains mystery puzzles to solve and encourages players to create puzzles of their own. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C1-13 Title: 24 Game: Decimals Edition (Ages 11 and Up) Description: The "24" Games are simple to learn and fun to play. These fast paced games help students improve computation skills and reinforce mental math, problem solving, concentration, and crititcal thinking. Three levels of difficulty ensure early success and build students' confidence. Perfect for individual or group work. Each set includes 96 double-sided game cards. Media Type: Other Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 54 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: C1-14 Title: 24 Game Primer: 1,2,3 Dot Multiply/Divide (Ages 8 and up) Description: The "24" Games are simple to learn and fun to play. These fast paced games help students improve computation skills and reinforce mental math, problem solving, concentration and critical thinking. Three levels of difficulty ensure early success and build students' confidence. Perfect for individual or group work. Each set includes 96 double sided game cards. Media Type: Other Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C1-15 Title: 24 Game: Algebra Edition (Ages 13 and up) Description: The "24" Games are simple to learn and fun to play. These fast paced games help students improve computation skills and reinforce mental math, problem solving, concentration, and critical thinking. Three levels of difficulty ensure early success and build students' confidence. Perfect for individual or group work. Each set includes 96 double sided game cards. Media Type: Other Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C1-16 Title: 24 Game Primer: 1,2,3 Dot Add/Subtract (Ages 6 and up) Description: The "24" Games are simple to learn and fun to play. These fast paced games help students improve computation skills and reinforce mental math, problem solving, concentration, and critical thinking. Three levels of difficulty ensure early success and build student's confidence. Perfect for individual or group work. Each set includes 96 double-sided game cards. Media Type: Other Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C1-17 Title: 24 Game Primer: 1,2,3 Dot Add/Subtract (Ages 6 and up) Description: The "24" Games are simple to learn and fun to play. These fast paced games help students imprve computation skills and reinforce mental math, problem solving, concentration, and critical thinking. Three levels of difficulty ensure early success and build student's confidence. Perfect for individual or group work. Each set includes 96 double sided game cards. Media Type: Other Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 55 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: C1-18 Title: 24 Game Primer: 1,2,3 Dot Add/Subtract (Ages 6 and up) Description: The "24" Games are simple to learn and fun to play. These fast paced games help students imprve computation skills and reinforce mental math, problem solving, concentration, and critical thinking. Three levels of difficulty ensure early success and build student's confidence. Perfect for individual or group work. Each set includes 96 double sided game cards. Media Type: Other Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C1-19 Title: 24 Game Primer: 1,2,3 Dot Add/Subtract (Ages 6 and up) Description: The "24" Games are simple to learn and fun to play. These fast paced games help students imprve computation skills and reinforce mental math, problem solving, concentration, and critical thinking. Three levels of difficulty ensure early success and build student's confidence. Perfect for individual or group work. Each set includes 96 double sided game cards. Media Type: Other Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C1-2 Title: Kentucky Core Content Test Math High School Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C1-20 Title: 24 Game Primer: Fractions Edition (Ages 9 and up) Description: The "24" Games are simple to learn and fun to play. These fast paced games help students improve computatiom skills and reinforce mental math, problem solving, concentration, and critical thinking. Three levels of difficulty ensure early success and build students' confidence. Perfect for individual or group work. Each set includes 96 double sided game cards. Media Type: Other Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 56 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: C1-21 Title: TesselMania! Deluxe (CD included) Grades 3-12 Description: Inspired by the artwork of M.C. Escher, this interdisciplinary program lets students explore transformational geometry while creating interlocking, puzzle-like designs called "tessellations." Students can turn their works of arts into puzzles, projects, and gifts. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C1-22 Title: Principles and Standards for School Mathematics Description: Media Type: Kit Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C1-23 Title: Middle Grade Math Project Description: Books included-- Mouse and Elephant: Measuring Growth, Factors and Multiples, Similiarity and Similar Equivalent Fractions, Spatial Visualization, and Probabilty also included are manipulatives to go with the books. Media Type: Kit Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C1-24 Title: Graphing Calculators in Middle Grades Mathematics: A Resource Guide for the Classroom and for Professional Development Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 57 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: C1-25 Title: The Graph Club: A Sensational Graphing Tool for Elementary Grades (Mac/Win CD ROM included) Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C1-26 Title: Fizz & Martina's Math Adventures Elementary (Mac/Win CD-ROM included) Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C1-28 Title: Priciples and Standards for Mathematics Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C1-29 Title: The Super Source Measurement Grades 7-8 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C1-3 Title: Kentucky Core Content Test Math Middle School Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 58 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: C1-30 Title: Navigating through Algebra Grades Pre K-2 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C1-31 Title: Navigating through Algebra Grades 3-5 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C1-32 Title: Navigating through Algebra Grades 6-8 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C1-33 Title: Navigating through Algebra Grades 9-12 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C1-4 Title: Navigating through Geometry in Prekindergarten-Grade 2 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 59 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: C1-5 Title: Navigating through Geometry in Grades 3-5 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C1-6 Title: Navigating through Geometry in Grades 6-8 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C1-7 Title: Navigating through Geometry in Grades 9-12 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C1-8 Title: Measurement the Super Source Grades 7-8 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C1-9 Title: Explorations Data Collection Activities for the Middle Grades with the TI-73, CBL, and CBR Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 60 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: C2-1 Title: The Science of Teaching Science/Preparing to Teach Science (Tape 1) Description: K-8 teachers prepare to teach new topics Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C2-10 Title: A Private Universe Teacher's Workshop/Biology: Lesson pulled from thin air Description: Focuses in the need for conceptual learning Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C2-11 Title: A Private Universe Teacher's Workshop/Physics: A Switch to Light a Mind Description: Explores obstacles to conceptual thinking Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C2-12 Title: A Private Universe Teacher's Workshop/Chemistry: A House With No Foundation Description: Questions reasoning behind teaching younger students the fundamentals of science Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C2-13 Title: A Private Universe Teacher's Workshop/Vision: Can We Believe Our Eyes? Description: Investigates how experience can work for or against learning when students start to disbelieve what they have learned Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 61 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: C2-14 Title: A Private Universe Teacher's Workshop/Energy: Where Should We Start? Description: Examines conceptual learning when student's experience is not consistent with science Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C2-15 Title: A Private Universe Teacher's Workshop/Environmental Science: Taking a Risk Description: How can educators create a place for innovation? Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C2-16 Title: A Private Universe Teacher's Workshop/Progressive Education: Finding Realistic Strategies Description: Displays common issues that should be addressed with reform Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C2-17 Title: A Private Universe Teacher's Workshop/Constructivism: A Vision for the Future Description: Forsees what the "upcoming" classroom might look like and the obstacles inevitable along the way Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C2-18 Title: The Private Universe Teacher Workshop Guide Workshops 1-9 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 62 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: C2-19 Title: The Brain and Mathematics: Making Number Sense I Description: Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C2-2 Title: The Science of Teaching Science/Eliciting Students' Prior Knowledge (Tape 2) Description: Explores content mapping, and student demonstrations Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C2-20 Title: The Brain and Mathematics: Classroom Applications II Description: Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C2-21 Title: The Brain and Mathematics: Facilitator's Guide Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C2-3 Title: The Science of Teaching Science/Creating a Context for Learning: Observing Phenomena (Tape 2) Description: Relating scientific phenomena to everyday lives Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 63 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: C2-4 Title: The Science of Teaching Science/Supporting Good Data (Tape 4) Description: Displays useful strategies for helping students collect data carefully Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C2-5 Title: The Science of Teaching Science/Summarizing, Comparing, Interpreting Results (Tape 5) Description: Shows methods of discussion and when each style is appropriate Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C2-6 Title: The Science of Teaching Science/Special Considerations (Tape 6) Description: Specific classroom management for a variety of student backgrounds and learning differences Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C2-7 Title: The Science of Teaching Science/Specific Instructional Strategies (Tape 7) Description: Exhibits how problem-based learning can bring out interest in students Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C2-8 Title: A Private Universe Teacher's Workshop/Facilitator's Video Description: Includes additional planning recommendations for using the series Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 64 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: C2-9 Title: A Private Universe Teacher's Workshop/Astronomy: Eliciting Student Ideas Description: Introduces constructivism by exploring student beliefs about seasons and different phases of the moon Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C3-1 Title: DSM II: Chemical Interactions Description: Activity sheets become lab reports as young chemists, hypothesize, test, and draw conclusions about the nature of matter. In this chemistry primer, students calculate liquid densities and apply filtration and evaporation to suspensions and solutions. They measure gas volumes and pressures to demonstrate Boyle's law. They investigate atomic structure and learn to read the Periodic Table. With three dimensional models and corresponding chemical equation, students explore the covalent and ionic molecular bonds of compounds, including double bonds of fats. Then they conduct three experiments: a neutralization reaction between bases and acids, an oxidation reaction that produces rust, and a double replacement reaction to form a precipitate. Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C3-10 Title: DSM II: Looking At Liquids Description: In twelve activities that build on one another, students investigate the properties of liquids beyond how they look, smell, and feel. Your class will operationally define concepts such as cohesion, adhesion, absorption, density, water pressure, and evaporation. Students will examine the sizes and shapes of different drops, design an apparatus to compare "skin" on liquids' surfaces, and predict how soap will affect surface tension. Using balances and batons, they explore liquid density and its effect on buoyancy. To conclude, students use litmus paper to categorize liquids as acidic, basic or neutral on a pH scale. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 65 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: C3-11 Title: DSM II: Magnets Description: Students discover the Law of Magnetic Attraction and much more about the principles that govern magnetic behavior and interaction. They experiment with magnets of various sizes and shapes, even our planet sized magnet, to explore this invisible but observable force. Students find out which materials are attracted to magnets and which can block the passage of nangetic force. They demonstrate magnetic fields and polarity using iron fillings. Then they make compasses that align with the Earth's magnetic poles. They model temporary magnetism and from a simple circuit and a steel nail create an electromagnet. A Space Shuttle video challenges students to consider the applications of magnets in our technological society. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C3-12 Title: DSM II: Measuring Description: Students begin by expressing measurements in units of length, width, and distance. They make metric rulers and gain experience working with centimeters and millimeters. Add depth (or height) to the equation, and students discover how to calculate area in square units, and volume in cubic units. Their mathematical work is supported by hands on activities with geoboards and centimeter cubes. With an equal arm balance, students experiment with nonstandard weights and then with grams. They also construct thermometers to measure the rise and fall of temperature and become familiar with scales measured in degrees. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C3-13 Title: DSM II: Newton's Toy Box Description: In Newton's Toy Box, students experiment freely with familiar toys and objects. As they explain their observations, they prove Newton's three laws of motion. The path of a tossed basketball, the flip of a grasshopper toy, and the endless swing of clackers reinforce the concepts of inertia, gravity, acceleration, mass, force, and momentum. Students engage in races, games, and challenges that emphasize the laws of motion which governs everyday tasks and cosmic interactions. The kit includes a video of real astronauts in space using some of the same toys. Students use the video to compare the behavior of the toys on Earth with their behavior in microgravity environment. By dealing with scaled down applications, middle school students master these laws and the vocabulary of physics with confidence. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 66 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: C3-14 Title: DSM II: Properties Description: To make sense of the world, a child must develop the capacity to classify and sort. Because students love to explore things with their hands, free play with kit contents is the first step in every session. Students use their hands and eyes to classify and sort by color, size, shape, and texture. They work with balances and other equipment to compare and contrast objects by weigh, buoyancy, magnetic attraction, and material composition. As they practice distinguishing and grouping objects, they also build two vital vocabulary skills: describing and explaining. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C3-15 Title: DSM II: Powders & Crystals Description: Your classroom doubles as a chemistry lab when students must identify six unknown substances that their senses tell them are very similar. First they view the white particles with Pocketscopes and differentiate between the powders and the crystals. After comparing the substances to named samples, students apply several tests to discover the chemical properties of each: the water test, vinegar test, iodine test, BTB test, and heat test. Activity sheets provide detailed instructions for conducting each analysis and recording the results. These test data help students complete the next challenges: deducing the two or three ingredients in four Mystery Mixtures and exploring three new unknown white particle substances. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C3-16 Title: DSM II: Simple Machines Description: By measuring force as they lift, push and pull loads your class will determine the mathematical relationship between force and work. Students build and/or operate classroom versions of the six simple machines: lever, wheel and axle, pulley, inclined plane, wedge, and screw. They investigate how (and how much) each one makes work easier by magnifying, modifying, transferring, or changing the direction of the applied force. By calculating such factors as gear ratios and the negative effects of friction, students discover the trade off between force and distance. Students even identify and explore some household simple machines to find out what makes simple machines simply indispensable. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 67 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: C3-17 Title: DSM II: Sink or Float Description: In Sink or Float, your students are on a mission to answer the title question. And the answer is, "It depends." First, students discover and define buoyancy and surface tension. They use the experimental method to find out what factors (including material, size, shape, density, and kind of liquid) affect buoyancy, and how. Then they give their Sink or Float knowledge a practical application. They test the capacity of vessels of various shapes, sizes and materials to arrive at an understanding of what makes a good boat. The unit concludes with a cargo contest. Your master builders design and construct boats to see whose can carry the most cargo--without sinking. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C3-18 Title: DSM II: Sound Description: Sounds surround us--in fact, students will discover that they cannot create silence. They use tuning forks to see and feel the vibrations that are sound waves. Next, students make ear trumpets to catch and amplify sounds just as ears do. They experiment with echoes to see which surfaces absorb or reflect sound waves. They even get a chance to make music. Students model percussion string and wind instruments as they create sound by striking, plucking, and blowing. They learn to vary pitch and volume by varying string thickness and tension. For a concluding concert, students tune an orchestra of original instruments. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C3-19 Title: DSM II: States of Matter Description: Help your students begin to see-and classify- the objects in the world around them, not as primary school children but as young scientists. Students use hands on experiences with blocks, balloons, and beakers to identify the distinctive properties of the three common states of matter. With a variety of lab tools they observe, explore, and measure solids, liquids, and gasses and investigate the processes by which one changes into another. As students conduct melting, freezing, evaporation, and condensation experiments, they learn the importance of controlling variables and keeping records. To conclude the unit, the class can celebrate it by making ice cream for a "Matter Matters" party. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 68 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: C3-2 Title: DSM II: Chemical Interactions Description: Activity sheets become lab reports as young chemists, hypothesize, test, and draw conclusions about the nature of matter. In this chemistry primer, students calculate liquid densities and apply filtration and evaporation to suspensions and solutions. They measure gas volumes and pressures to demonstrate Boyle's law. They investigate atomic structure and learn to read the Periodic Table. With three dimensional models and corresponding chemical equation, students explore the covalent and ionic molecular bonds of compounds, including double bonds of fats. Then they conduct three experiments: a neutralization reaction between bases and acids, an oxidation reaction that produces rust, and a double replacement reaction to form a precipitate. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C3-20 Title: DSM II: Animal Behavior Description: What students learn about Animal Behavior is enriched by what they learn about asking questions and pursing answers in controlled experiments. Working in your classroom life-science laboratory, students evaluate behavior as a response to environmental stimuli. Students first observe how their mealworm lab specimens move and find food. Then they design setups for discovering how mealworms react to ten different types of condition, including light, heat, wind, water, surface, barriers, and forced turn and Tmazes. Students combine curiosity and experience to conduct original experiments that investigate their own question. By the end of the unit, students are repeating the process with pupae and adult beetles. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C3-21 Title: DSM II: Butterflies and Moths Description: From tiny larvae on beds of food to fluttering adults in a mesh tower, butterflies and moths grow and develop with your student's care. Teams of two raise a painted lady butterfly and a wax moth, observing metamorphosis from larva to pupa to adult. When adults emerge from chrysalis and cocoon, students study their features and behaviors. Some may even see a new generation of larvae hatch. Students record observations in logbooks and learn about survival adaptations--camouflage and ultra-sensitivity to odors. The unit includes a field trip to collect and identify wild larvae, and hints for distinguishing between butterflies and moths at every life cycle stage. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 69 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: C3-22 Title: DSM II: Classroom Plants Description: Twelve hands on investigations deepen your students' knowledge of the variety, complexity, and importance of plants. Students work with gardening partners to compare the sizes, shapes and arrangements of seeds in assorted fruits and vegetables. They prepare the seeds and plant them, along with kit grasses, peas, and beans. Sprouts soon follow. Experiments with soil, water and light help students determine the optimum growing conditions. As plants progress, students discover the functions of roots and stems. In time, they do the same with leaves and flowers and learn how pollination drives the cycle to begin again. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C3-23 Title: DSM II: Dinosaur Classification Description: Your students will stimulate the way real scientists learn about dinosaurs--by examining their fossils and their footprints. After spanning the millenia with a geological time line, students create, bury and unearth imitation fossils, the backbone of dinosaur research. They try to reconstruct dinosaur skeleton models and speculate about the animals' appearance and behavior, based on their bones. They investigate their own dinosaur footprints, and make inferences about size, speed and stride. Using dinosaur figurines, students become familiar with various dinosaurs' physical features, and they develop a classification system and learn the meanings of dinosaur names. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C3-24 Title: DSM II: DNA--From Genes to Proteins Description: Modeling activities combined with microslide images to help students decipher the codes of life. Students trace the characteristics of their own features to proteins, and then even further to the genetic material inside the nucleus in every cell in their bodies. Students identify cell structures and functions, and the chromosomes and genes that determine unique traits. Using base-pair models of double helix DNA molecules, they explore DNA replication and DNA transcription to messenger RNA. They investigate how and where mutations can occur, and compare human cells to bacteria and virus cells. Then the perspective changes, and students consider some cutting edge applications of biotechnology: genetic engineering, DNA fingerprinting, and the Human Genome Project. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 70 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: C3-25 Title: DSM II: From Seed to Plant Description: Students turn your classroom green as they explore how plants grow. Fourteen hands on investigations introduce students to ten different types of flowering plants. Working with both collective and individual planters, students observe the parts of a seed and, in time the parts of the plant. As their vegetables, beans, grasses, and flowers develop shoots and roots, then stems and leaves, students discover the link between structure and function. They learn what plants need to grow and, and as pods and seeds appear, how the life cycle continues. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C3-26 Title: DSM II: From Seed to Plant Description: Students turn your classroom green as they explore how plants grow. Fourteen hands on investigations introduce students to ten different types of flowering plants. Working with both collective and individual planters, students observe the parts of a seed and, in time the parts of the plant. As their vegetables, beans, grasses, and flowers develop shoots and roots, then stems and leaves, students discover the link between structure and function. They learn what plants need to grow and, and as pods and seeds appear, how the life cycle continues. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C3-27 Title: DSM II: Fungi--Small Wonders Description: Students compare various fungi with plants by extracting pigments to test for chlorophyll. They discover that fungi, with no seeds, roots, stem, leaves, or flowers, are in a class (actually a kingdom) by themselves. They dissect mushrooms to investigate spore reproduction. Students also grow mold gardens in different cultures to test fungicides. Many activities focus on the one celled fungi, yeast. Students observe yeast growth, budding, and fermentation (and yeast at work in pretzel dough) while controlling food and temperature variables. Based on the activities and research, students debate the benefits and hazards of fungi. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 71 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: C3-28 Title: DSM II: Insect Life Description: Careful observations of three kinds of insects introduce students to the ABCs of Insect Life: attributes, behavior, and cycles. First, students examine the unique characteristics common to all insects and, with the help of a Scientific Key, learn to identify many species. They conduct experiments to determine insects' environmental preferences and adaptive features, such as camouflage and mimicry. Finally, over extended periods of time, students observe the simple metamorphosis of crickets (egg-nymph-adult) and the complete metamorphosis of mealworms and butterflies (egg-larva-pupa-adult). To apply their knowledge of insects, students consider how these numerous and diverse organisms, living in every environment, can be both helpful and harmful. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C3-29 Title: DSM II: Observing An Aquarium Description: Your class will build and maintain aquariums that become, over several weeks diverse underwater ecosystem. Students can observe food chains, populations change, and life cycles unfold. One by one, organisms are introduced into freshwater habitats: two types of aquatic plants, tropical fish, pond snails, algae, and tiny crustaceans called daphnia. Students examine each one to discover how it is suited to life under water. By the time they take an end-of-unit field trip to a local pond, they are experienced observers who will recognize meaningful similarities and differences between their classroom aquariums and the natural environment. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C3-3 Title: DSM II: Color & Light Description: Students use prisms to investigate the full range of colors in white light, called the visible spectrum. They experiment with subtractive color mixing and discover the significance of the primary pigments. Students separate pigments with paper chromatography, then combine colors by blending filtered light beams. Experiences with both subtractive and additive mixing help students understand the role of the eyes and brain in perceiving color. That understanding is extended as students identify the dot patterns in printed pictures and manipulate color filters to make colors disappear. Students also explore afterimages and phantom images, turn two dimensional drawing 3-D, and demonstrate persistence of vision. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 72 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: C3-30 Title: DSM II: Observing An Aquarium Description: Your class will build and maintain aquariums that become, over several weeks diverse underwater ecosystem. Students can observe food chains, populations change, and life cycles unfold. One by one, organisms are introduced into freshwater habitats: two types of aquatic plants, tropical fish, pond snails, algae, and tiny crustaceans called daphnia. Students examine each one to discover how it is suited to life under water. By the time they take an end-of-unit field trip to a local pond, they are experienced observers who will recognize meaningful similarities and differences between their classroom aquariums and the natural environment. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C3-31 Title: DSM II: Plant and Animal Life Cycles Description: In this research based unit, students are fully responsible for the maintenance of two populations: pea plants and fruit flies-through their life cycles. Parallel activities with the plants and animals introduce students to the concept of progression through developmental stages. They trace the growth of the peas from germination to flowering plants that produce new seeds. Simultaneous, they observe fruit fly larvae become pupae and see emerging adults lay the eggs of a new generation. They use their own charted data to compare the life cycles of plants and animals, and analyze one plant's biotic potential versus it reproductive activity. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C3-32 Title: DSM II: Pollution Description: Students start from the ground up, learning about litter and landfills. They sort schoolyard trash and calculate how quickly a classroom would fill with waste paper. They practice one way to recycle, and brainstorm others. Next, they observe particulate matter in air and consider the implications. They create a filtration system, examine water pollutants, and try to clean an oil spill, After testing the hardness alkalinity, and acidity of water samples, students observe the effects of acid rain. Finally, they define noise pollution bases on opinion surveys and noise level tests. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 73 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: C3-33 Title: DSM II: Pond Life Description: Classroom aquariums simulate freshwater pond ecosystems in this observation oriented ecosystem. Students learn how, when, where to look at organisms interacting with each one another and their environment. Just as important, they develop the ability to interpret what they see. With different magnifying lenses, students study microscopic pond organisms in their aquariums and in a hay infusion. Then they examine the structure and behavior of several macroscopic organisms, including the food chains that connect them. Separate activities on snails, fish, and duckweed, help students identify their adaptive features and responses to environmental stimuli. Finally they pose an original Pond Life question, propose a hypothesis and experiment to find the answer. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C3-34 Title: DSM II: Small Things & Microscopes Description: In Small Things and Microscopes, students discover that magnification not only makes objects appear larger but also brings details into view that the unaided eye cannot see. After observing patterns in crystals and the vital variety of plant and animal cells, students draw important conclusions about living and nonliving things. They study the tiny world of one-celled protistsm and grow and observe colonies of bacteria. In the process, students enlarge their repertoire of scientific skills, learning to focus a magnifier, adjust a microscope, make a wet mount, and stain a slide Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C3-35 Title: DSM II: Amazing Air Description: From a simple beginning--a balloon inflated with a sealed syringe-to a sophisticated conclusion-a glider based on aerodynamic life-students compile an encyclopedia of air. Hands on experiments demonstrate that air takes up space, has weight, exerts pressure, and is always in motion. Students draw conclusions from their observations that air displaces water and shrinks when cooled. They investigate air resistance and air speed. Students also construct several instruments, including a balance, a barometer, and a device showing the Bernoulli effect. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 74 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: C3-36 Title: DSM II: Astronomy Description: Students use a set of twelve SkyCaps-a tool created by Dr. Carolyn Sumners of Housing Museum of Natural History-to experience observational astronomy in the classroom. Experimenting with SkyCaps and other kit tools, students discover how Earth's motion relates to day and night, the annual seasons and the predictably changing night sky. They reproduce constellation patterns and build a three dimensional model to explore stellar distances and magnitudes. Color transparencies from Hubble images and Shuttle training programs support student investigation of the life cycle of the stars, the shapes of the galaxies, and the size of the universe. Students also build instruments to experience celestial navigation. Astronomy brings the expanse of the cosmos and centuries of ideas about it into the reach of student understanding. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C3-37 Title: DSM II: Earth, Moon & Sun Description: This unit helps students distinguish between the apparent motions of Sun and Moon versus the actual motion of the Earth. In Solar and Luanr journals, students record daily observations about time and position of sunrise and sunset, moon shape, daytime visibility, and elevation. Their data point to interactions among the Earth, Sun, and Moon that explain day and night, seasons, moon phases, length of day, tides, and more. Scale models of the Solar system dramatize its massive distances and its planets' relative sizes. The final activity puts students on board famous ocean voyages, relying on celestial navigation to stay on course. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C3-38 Title: DSM II: Finding the Moon Description: Students engaged in Finding the Moon discover the Earth's nearest neighbor in space is far more interesting than any storybook Moon. Through direct observations and modeling exercises, students learn that the moon is visible night and day, that it rises and sets, appears to change shape, casts shadows, reflects light, and lacks air and water. Students record daily drawings of the full lunar cycle in a four week Moon Journal. Then they demonstrate the phases of the Moon, and its far side. Students also form craters on a "moon dust" surface and handle substances very similar to moon soil and rocks. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 75 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: C3-39 Title: DSM II: Finding the Moon Description: Students engaged in Finding the Moon discover the Earth's nearest neighbor in space is far more interesting than any storybook Moon. Through direct observations and modeling exercises, students learn that the moon is visible night and day, that it rises and sets, appears to change shape, casts shadows, reflects light, and lacks air and water. Students record daily drawings of the full lunar cycle in a four week Moon Journal. Then they demonstrate the phases of the Moon, and its far side. Students also form craters on a "moon dust" surface and handle substances very similar to moon soil and rocks. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C3-4 Title: DSM II: Electrical Connections Description: After detecting static charges with electroscopes, students differentiate between static and current electricity. The rest of the unit focuses on the transfer of electrical energy by electric current. Students build, operate and analyze circuits, becoming skilled in assembling bulbs, batteries, wires and switches. They explore concepts of energy sources, receivers, an converters. Student built galvanometers detect the presence, direction, comparative amount, and conservation of current in series and parallel circuits. Students also experiment with factors, like resistance, that influence current, and convert electrical to kinetic energy to operate a motor. The final current activities focus on three way and dimmer switches. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C3-40 Title: DSM II: Rocks & Minerals Description: From castle walls to classroom chalk, the uses of rocks and minerals are far reaching and fantastic. Your class builds a unit long list of such uses, and along the way investigates assorted stony specimens. Students begin by creating rocks embedded with fossils and growing salt crystals to model minerals. Then they practice geology by performing four standard field tests on ten different samples: testing luster, hardness, and true color and for the presence of calcium carbonate. The collected data show the distinguishing properties of each type and help students become expert identifiers. Students also explore the three ways rocks are made and infer the origins of the kit specimens. As on-site geologists, they collect samples and test findings in the field. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 76 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: C3-41 Title: DSM II: Oceans Description: Students investigate our watery planet with a graphic model that compares water to land, salt to fresh water, oceans to seas, Atlantic to Pacific. Then they get their hands wet investigation several ocean phenomena: saltiness, wave action, and currents. Students use ocean depth data to create a 3-D model of the ocean floor, make hydrometers to measure water density, and assemble a tidal dial to explore the seas' rise and fall. Students model adaptive features of fish and marine mammals, and use sea specimens to study an assortment of mollusks and other creatures of the intertidal zone. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C3-42 Title: DSM II: Soil Science Description: In Soil Science, students take to the school yard with trowels in hand. Several weeks later, they are familiar with sampling techniques and soil components, weathering and erosion, minerals and nutrients, and more. Students separate soil into particle layers and classify soil types according to estimated proportions. Once they understand what soil is, they find out how it is made by modeling plant and water weathing. Next, students observe how earthworms mix and enrich the soil. They discover that nutrient rich soil helps plants grow, and plants in turn help soil resist erosion. Grass gardens, pollution detectors, worm farms, and erosion models offer strong hands on experiences. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C3-43 Title: DSM II: Solar Energy Description: The assignment: harness the energy of the sun to power a motor and purify water. First students discover the concept of energy transfer from a source (the sun) to a receiver (solar collector). Then, in a series of heat exchange experiments, they test the variables that affect energy retention: covers, colors, water levels, exposure times, angles of presentation, types of solution, and uses of reflectors. They also convert solar to electrical energy and control the speed of their solar powered motors. In other activities, teams investigate insulation and build an apparatus that distills water. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 77 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: C3-44 Title: DSM II: Sunshine & Shadows Description: From a simple definition of shadow to a full fledged original performance in a shadow theater, this module explores shadows from every possible angle. Once students identify what is needed to make a shadow-a light source, a solid object, and a surface they are off and running. In both indoor and outdoor activities, students make predictions about how shadows change position, size, length, and even become multiples or disappear. From their experiments they draw conclusions about the variables, like the sun's movement, that affect shadow shapes. They also create silhouettes to explore shadow properties, and sundials to put shadows to work telling time. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C3-45 Title: DSM II: Sunshine & Shadows Description: From a simple definition of shadow to a full fledged original performance in a shadow theater, this module explores shadows from every possible angle. Once students identify what is needed to make a shadow-a light source, a solid object, and a surface they are off and running. In both indoor and outdoor activities, students make predictions about how shadows change position, size, length, and even become multiples or disappear. From their experiments they draw conclusions about the variables, like the sun's movement, that affect shadow shapes. They also create silhouettes to explore shadow properties, and sundials to put shadows to work telling time. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C3-46 Title: DSM II: Weather Forecasting Description: In twelve hands on activities, students discover the importance of accurate weather forecasting and record keeping, and how to do both. Student partners build weather stations that are the headquarters of their unit work. Reading by reading, they fill the station with temperature, rainfall, and wind data. Then they add barometric pressure and relate it to weather conditions. After plotting fronts and other large scale factors, students differentiate cloud formations and learn the weather they bring. Students search weather folklore for grains of truth. With the help of videos they delve into severe weather-hurricanes and tornadoes-for which forecasting is especially valuable. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 78 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: C3-47 Title: DSM II: Weather Forecasting Description: In twelve hands on activities, students discover the importance of accurate weather forecasting and record keeping, and how to do both. Student partners build weather stations that are the headquarters of their unit work. Reading by reading, they fill the station with temperature, rainfall, and wind data. Then they add barometric pressure and relate it to weather conditions. After plotting fronts and other large scale factors, students differentiate cloud formations and learn the weather they bring. Students search weather folklore for grains of truth. With the help of videos they delve into severe weather-hurricanes and tornadoes-for which forecasting is especially valuable. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C3-48 Title: DSM II: Weather Watching Description: Teach your students how to observe, describe, and measure aspects of weathering using key science vocabulary, weather instruments, and most important, scientific understanding. After brainstorming why weather changes from day to day, season to season, and place to place, students tackle temperature and wind strength. They construct rain gauges, lightning rods, and wind socks. They learn which cloud formations predict which weather patterns. They explore the casual conditions for such phenomena as rainbows, thunderstorms, and snowflakes. They even model tornadoes, track hurricanes and interpret weather maps. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C3-49 Title: DSM II: If Shipwrecks Could Talk Description: Students dive into the world of marine archeology and find it linked to a huge body of science in If Shipwrecks Could Talk. By probing maritime shipping routes, students trace currents and plot depth profiles. To understand why ships sink, they simulate a shipwreck and speculate what happens in terms of buoyant force. They build a floating compass and assemble a quadrant, then navigate them. They investigate the water and air pressures that add risk to marine archaeologist's work environment. Students also consider what makes an object an artifact and interpret shipwreck artifacts. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 79 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: C3-5 Title: DSM II: Flight & Rocketry Description: To understand the fundamentals of flight, students must first grasp the properties of air, especially that air exerts pressure. They assemble a hangar full of flying machines. Parachutes, kites, and hot-air balloons demonstrate air resistance, wind and angle and lighter than air flight. Paper airplane trials prove that shape determines flight path and duration. Next, students discover how the airfoil design of both fixed wings and helicopter rotors creates lift. They construct propeller driven and jet vehicles to explore plane power and they learn to control flight by adding ailerons, elevators, rudders to gliders. Students cap off the unit by building and launching fuel powered model rockets. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C3-51 Title: ACES II: Level P-1 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C3-52 Title: ACES II: Level P-2 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C3-53 Title: ACES II: Level P-3 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 80 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: C3-54 Title: ACES II: Level P-4 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C3-55 Title: ACES II: Level 4 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C3-56 Title: ACES II: Level 5 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C3-57 Title: Region 8 Science Academy: Focus Earth Science Strand--Topic: Soil Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 81 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: C3-6 Title: DSM II: Investigating Water Description: Challenge your class to find out as much about water as possible, and give them tools for the task. After using their senses to determine some of water's properties, students pour, mix, filter, and freeze water. They watch water climb, bubble, condense, and take different shapes. They learn how to use pipets, and wire wands, vials and funnels becoming familiar with scientific procedures and equipment. Experimental setups and trials help your water detectives operationally define such scientific vocabulary as sink, float, dissolve and evaporate. They also compare water to other liquids and experiment with filtering muddy water. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C3-7 Title: DSM II: Investigating Water Description: Challenge your class to find out as much about water as possible, and give them tools for the task. After using their senses to determine some of water's properties, students pour, mix, filter, and freeze water. They watch water climb, bubble, condense, and take different shapes. They learn how to use pipets, and wire wands, vials and funnels becoming familiar with scientific procedures and equipment. Experimental setups and trials help your water detectives operationally define such scientific vocabulary as sink, float, dissolve and evaporate. They also compare water to other liquids and experiment with filtering muddy water. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: C3-8 Title: DSM II: Length & Capacity Description: Tap your students natural desire to learn how big, how far, how much with this introduction to measurement. Students explore linear measures of length, width, and height by ordering sets of sticks, rectangles, and blocks according to size. Meter sticks and metric rulers are used to measure classroom distances. Students compare and measure the capacities of different shaped containers in liters and milliliters. Not only do they find out how far and how much, they learn the importance of uniform standard units of measure. In addition to proficiency with measuring tools and seriation, they gain the invaluable skill of estimation. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 82 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: C3-9 Title: DSM II: Lenses & Mirrors Description: By creating such devices as pinhole viewers and mirror mazes, your students manipulate images and shed light on the otherwise mysterious concepts of reflection and refraction. Students experiment with a variety of mirrors and lenses: flat, hinged, concave, and convex. They test hypothesis about the size, position, and orientation of images and even whether the images are real or virtual. As a practical application, students investigate the ultimate optical instrument, the human eye, and test one another's eyesight. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: CA-1 Title: Texas Instruments Calculator Based Ranger (CBR) Description: Media Type: Other Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: CA-10 Title: TI-73 Kit Description: TI-73 kit includes 32 manuals, 34 calculators, 1 Graph Link Media Type: Kit Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: CA-11 Title: TI-73 View Screen Packet Description: View screen and calculator that attaches to it Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 83 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: CA-11 Title: A Guide for Teachers TI-10 Description: This guide comes along with a TI-10 calculator Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: CA-13 Title: A Guide for Teachers TI-15 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: CA-14 Title: A Guide for Teachers TI-15 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: CA-2 Title: Texas Instruments Calculator Based Ranger (CBR) Description: Media Type: Other Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: CA-3 Title: Texas Instruments CBL 2 Description: Media Type: Other Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 84 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: CA-4 Title: Texas Instruments CBL 2 Description: Media Type: Other Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: CA-5 Title: The Educator: TI-15 Overhead Calculator Description: This calculator can be used with any standard overhead projector. The projected image can be viewed by students in any size classroom. Media Type: Other Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: CA-6 Title: Texas Intruments TI-15 Description: Activity book for the TI-15 Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: CA-7 Title: A Guide for Teachers TI-10 Description: This guide comes along with a TI-10 calculator Media Type: Other Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: CA-8 Title: A Guide for Teachers TI-15 (plus calculators) Description: There are 23 calculators available to be checked out. Media Type: Kit Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 85 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: CA-9 Title: TI Interactive Software Description: Media Type: Other Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: CL Title: Everyday Mathematics--Grade 1 Description: Teacher's Lesson Guide Vol. 1, Teacher's Lesson Guide Vol. 2, Assessment Book, Teacher's Reference Manual, Home Connection Handout--A guide for administrators and teachers, Minute Math, Student Refernece Book, Math Masters, Student Math Journal Vol. 1, Student Math Journal Vol. 2 Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: CL-1 Title: Gems Kits: Paper Towel Testing Description: In a series of experiments, students rank the wet strength and absorbency of four brands of paper towels. Students gain important skills and understandings as they eagerly investigate. Based on their findings and the cost of each brand, they determine which brand is the "best buy." Media Type: Kit Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: CL-10 Title: DSM II: Earth Science-Earth Processes Description: Media Type: Kit Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 86 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: CL-11 Title: DSM II: Earth Science-Earth Processes Description: Media Type: Kit Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: CL-12 Title: DSM II: Earth Science-Earth Processes Description: Media Type: Kit Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: CL-2 Title: Everyday Mathematics--Grade K Description: Mathematics at Home (3 copies), Teacher's Guide to Activities, Minute Math, Assessment Book, Program Guide and Masters, Teacher's Reference Manual Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: CL-2 Title: Middle Grades Mathematics--Book 1 Description: Spanish Resources, Teacher's Edition, Teacher's Resource Book Module 1 and 2, Teacher's Resource Book Module 3 and 4, Teacher's Resource Book Module 5 and 6, Teacher's Resource Book Module 7 and 8, Professional Development Handbook Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 87 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: CL-2 Title: Gems Kits: Mystery Festival Description: This exciting and popular GEMS Kit provides all the materials needed to present two imaginative and compelling mysteries, one for younger and one for older students. Students observe the "crime scene" then conduct crime lab tests on the evidence at classroom learning stations, analyze the results and try to solve the mystery. Crime lab tests include thread tests, powder tests, DNA, chromatography, fingerprinting and many more. Mystery Festival combines careful experimentation and logical thinking with real-life connections to forensic science. Media Type: Kit Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: CL-2 Title: Middle Grades Mathematics--Book 3 Description: Spanish Resources, Teacher's Edition, Teacher's Resource Book Module 1 and 2, Teacher's Resource Book Module 3 and 4, Teacher's Resource Book Module 5 and 6, Teacher's Resource Book Module 7 and 8, Professional Development Handbook Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: CL-2 Title: Middle Grades Mathematics--Book 2 Description: Spanish Resources, Teacher's Edition, Teacher's Resource Book Module 1 and 2, Teacher's Resource Book Module 3 and 4, Teacher's Resource Book Module 5 and 6, Teacher's Resource Book Module 7 and 8, Professional Development Handbook Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: CL-3 Title: Gems Kits: The Real Reasons for the Seasons Description: This GEMS Kit is aimed at helping students arrive at a clear understanding of seasons as they investigate the connections between the Sun and Earth. Along the way, students take a "Trip to the Sun," determine the real shape of the Earth's orbit, evaluate actual data on world temperature and hours of sunlight in different locations and model how the angle at which sunlight hits the Earth affects its concentration. A CD-ROM, included with the teacher's guide, offers a rich collection of helpful resources, software programs and web links. Media Type: Kit Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 88 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: CL-4 Title: Gems Kits: School Yard Ecology Description: The schoolyard, be it rural green or urban asphalt, is the environment to be investigated. Students learn biological sampling techniques; mapping and related mathematical skills are developed. Based on their observations and findings, students select a small area as their favorite location. Environmental writing about their favorite location crowns the closing activity. Media Type: Kit Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: CL-5 Title: NRSC Kit: Weather Description: Media Type: Kit Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: CL-6 Title: NRSC Kit: Microworlds Description: Media Type: Kit Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: CL-7 Title: DSM II: Physical Science-Force and Motion Description: Media Type: Kit Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: CL-8 Title: DSM II: Earth Science-Oceans Description: Media Type: Kit Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 89 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: CL-9 Title: DSM II: Earth Science-Oceans Description: Media Type: Kit Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D1-1 Title: Teaching Math 9-12/Introduction Description: Overview of library and its components Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D1-10 Title: Teaching Math 9-12/Connections (Tape 10) Description: Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D1-11 Title: Teaching Math 5-8/Fraction Tracks, Hexominoes (Tape 1) Description: Numbers and reasoning/ Geometry and Communication Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D1-12 Title: Teaching Math 5-8/The Location, Building Viewpoints (Tape 2) Description: Statistics, connections, reasoning/ Spatial sense, geometry, connections Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 90 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: D1-13 Title: Teaching Math K-4/Introduction (Tape 1) Description: Shows how to use library for training Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D1-14 Title: Teaching Math K-4/Number Sense and Numeration (Tape 3) Description: (K)-Ants Go Marching & Math Buddies, (1)-Place Value Centers, (1-2)-Pumpkin Seeds, (4-5)-Animals in Yellowstone Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D1-15 Title: Teaching Math K-4/Concepts for Whole Number Operations (Tape 4) Description: (K)-Cubes and Containers, (1)-Amazing Equations, (1-2)-Domino Math, (2)-Marshmallows, (3)-What's the Price? Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D1-16 Title: Teaching Math K-4/Concepts of Whole Number Operations (Tape 5) Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D1-17 Title: Teaching Math K-4/Whole Number Computation (Tape 6) Description: (K)-Dino Math, (1)-Window Puzzle, (1)-Wheel Problem, (2)-This Small House, (4)-Choose a Method Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 91 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: D1-18 Title: Teaching Math K-4/Geometry and Spatial Sense (Tape 9) Description: (1)-Thanksgiving Quilt, (2)-Pattern Blocks, (2-3)-Shapes from Squares, (4)-A Rocket Shape, (4-5)Circumference/Diameter Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D1-19 Title: Teaching Math K-4/Measurement (Tape 10) Description: (1)-Windows, Dino, and Ants,(1)-How Long is a Minute, (2-3)-Balloon Travel, (3-4)-Meter Cords, (4)Pencil Box Staining Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D1-2 Title: Teaching Math 9-12/Alice to the Moon, Group test, Exploring Functions (Tape 2) Description: Algebra, functions, functions Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D1-20 Title: Teaching Math K-4/Measurement (Tape 11) Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D1-21 Title: Teaching Math K-4/Statistics and Probability (Tape 12) Description: (1)-Lady Bugs, (1-2)-Woodpecker Habitat, (3)-Bubble Gum Contest, (4)-Dice Toss, (4-6)-Questioning Data Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 92 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: D1-22 Title: Teaching Math K-4/Statistics and Probability (Tape 13) Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D1-23 Title: Teaching Math K-4/Patterns and Relationships (Tape 17) Description: (K)-People Patterns, (K-1)-All Sorts of Buttons, (2)-Story Based Centers, (4)-Products and Sums, (4)Valentine Exchange Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D1-24 Title: Teaching Math K-4/Estimation (Tape 18) Description: (K)-Beans, Beans, Beans, (1)-How Many People Will Fit, (2)-Cranberry Estimation, (3)-Buffalo Estimation, (4)-The White Pages Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D1-25 Title: Teaching Math K-4/Estimation (Tape 19) Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D1-26 Title: Teaching Math K-4/Problem Solving (Tape 20) Description: Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 93 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: D1-27 Title: Teaching Math K-4/Communication (Tape 21) Description: Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D1-28 Title: Teaching Math K-4/Reasoning (Tape 22) Description: Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D1-29 Title: Teaching Math K-4/Connections (Tape 23) Description: Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D1-3 Title: Teaching Math 9-12/Bungee Jump, Staircase Problem, Ferris Wheel Description: Functions, functions, functions Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D1-30 Title: Teaching Math K-4/Mathematical Connections Description: Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 94 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: D1-31 Title: Teaching Math K-4/Classrooms Over Time (Tape 24) Description: Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D1-32 Title: Teaching Math A Video Library, K-4: Guidebook Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D1-33 Title: Teaching Math A Video Library 9-12: Guidebook Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D1-4 Title: Teaching Math 9-12/Properties of Parallelograms, Finding Proof, Exploring Congruence (Tape 4) Description: Geometry synthetic, geometry synthetic, geometry synthetic Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D1-5 Title: Teaching Math 9-12/Enveloping Functions, Calculator-based Lab, Taxi Cabs (Tape 5) Description: Trigonometry, statistics, probability Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 95 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: D1-6 Title: Teaching Math 9-12/Fish Derby, Maximizing Profit, Conjectures through graphing (Tape 6) Description: Discrete Math, calculus Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D1-7 Title: Teaching Math 9-12/Problem Solving (Tape 7) Description: Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D1-8 Title: Teaching Math 9-12/Communication (Tape 8) Description: Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D1-9 Title: Teaching Math 9-12/Reasoning (Tape 9) Description: Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D2-1 Title: A Private Universe in Mathematics/Following Children's Ideas in Mathematics (Tape 1) Description: Explores a study by Rutgers University about mathematical development among students Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 96 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: D2-10 Title: Principles for Principals/Math/Science Skills-What's Important? (Workshop 3) Description: Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D2-11 Title: Principles for Principals/Reworking the Curriculum (Workshop 4) Description: Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D2-12 Title: Principles for Principals/Fostering Effective Professional Development for Teachers (Workshop 5) Description: Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D2-13 Title: Principles for Principals/Professional Development for Principals (Workshop 6) Description: Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D2-14 Title: Principles for Principals/Building a Plan for Reform (Workshop 7) Description: Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 97 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: D2-15 Title: The Merrow Report/Promises, Promises (Program 30) Description: Details what schools can do to catch up to society in technology use Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D2-16 Title: FOSS: Magnetism and Electricity Description: Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D2-17 Title: Brain Based Learning feat. Dr. David A. Sousa Description: Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D2-18 Title: Teachers Guide To Astronomy Visualization Description: Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D2-19 Title: The Launch and Deployment of Hubble Space Telescope Description: Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 98 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: D2-2 Title: A Private Universe in Mathematics/Are You Convinced? (Tape 2) Description: Shows how two kinds of proof naturally grow out of the need to convince others Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D2-20 Title: "Good Morning Miss Toliver" Description: Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D2-21 Title: For the Classroom Teacher: How To Engage Students in Critical Thinking Description: Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D2-22 Title: For the Classroom Teacher: How To Use Graphic Organizers to Promote Student Thinking Description: Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D2-23 Title: An ASCS Professional Inquiry Kit: Constructivism Description: Media Type: Kit Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 99 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: D2-24 Title: Mathematics What's The Big Deal: 1. Patterns and Functions: What Comes Next? Description: Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D2-25 Title: Mathematics What's The Big Deal: 2. Data: What Comes Next? Description: Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D2-26 Title: Mathematics What's The Big Deal: 3. Geometry: Castles and Shadows Description: Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D2-27 Title: Mathematics What's The Big Deal: 4. More Geometry: Quilts and Palaces Description: Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D2-28 Title: Mathematics What's The Big Deal: 5. Whole Numbers: Memory and Discovery Description: Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 100 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: D2-29 Title: Mathematics What's The Big Deal: 6. Ratio and Proportion: When Is a Third More Than a Half? Description: Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D2-3 Title: A Private Universe in Mathematics/Inventive Notations (Tape 3) Description: Learn how to appreciate students notations and their creativity Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D2-30 Title: Mathematics What's The Big Deal: 7. Algebra: It Begins in Kindergarten Description: Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D2-31 Title: Mathematics What's The Big Deal: 8. The Future of Mathematics: Ferns and Galaxies Description: Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D2-4 Title: A Private Universe in Mathematics/Thinking Like a Mathematician (Tape 4) Description: Parallels what a mathematician does in real life with the creative thinking of students Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 101 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: D2-5 Title: A Private Universe in Mathematics/Building on Useful Ideas (Tape 5) Description: Focuses on the teacher's role in fostering thoughtful mathematics Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D2-6 Title: A Private Universe in Mathematics/Possibilities of Real-Life Problems (Tape 6) Description: Students come up with strategies to build their understanding of calculus, before they've taken the class Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D2-7 Title: A Private Universe Description: Brings into focus why even the brightest students don't grasp basic science concepts Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D2-8 Title: Principles for Principals/What's This All About (Workshop 1) Description: Designed for, by, and about principals working to improve student achievement in mathematics and science Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D2-9 Title: Principles for Principals/Creating Communities That Learn Together (Workshop 2) Description: Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 102 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: D3-1 Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: The Life Cycle of Butterfies Description: This unit introduces students to the concept of life cycles by inviting them to investigate one organism-the Painted Lady butterfly (Vanessa cardui). During an eight week period, students observe, record, and describe the metamorphosis from caterpillar to chrysalis and from chrysalis to butterfly. Characteristics of organisms, the life cycle, and organisms in their environment are the focus of this unit. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D3-10 Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: Comparing and Measuring Description: In this unit, students explore the concepts that underlie the science skills of comparing and measuring. The lessons are based on a developmental sequence that includes three activities: comparing, matching, and measuring. This units emphasizes observation, description, and relative measurement. It also introduces standard units. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D3-11 Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: Changes Description: In this units, students expand their understanding of solids, liquids, and gases by exploring changes in state. They investigate freezing, melting, evaporation, and condensation of water. This unit focuses on the foundations of scientific inquiry as students conduct simple investigations to observe everyday changes. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D3-12 Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: Changes Description: In this units, students expand their understanding of solids, liquids, and gases by exploring changes in state. They investigate freezing, melting, evaporation, and condensation of water. This unit focuses on the foundations of scientific inquiry as students conduct simple investigations to observe everyday changes. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 103 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: D3-13 Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: Balancing and Weighing Description: This unit introduces students to the relationship between balance and weight. Experiences with a beam balance introduce students to the concept that amount of weight, position of weight, and position of fulcrum affect balance. Work with an equal-arm balance challenges students to place objects in serial order on the basis of weight and to appreciate that weighing is the process of balancing an object against a certain number of standard objects. This unit provides students with a variety of experiences and materials that help them build conceptual models for further investigations in physical sciences. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D3-14 Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: Balancing and Weighing Description: This unit introduces students to the relationship between balance and weight. Experiences with a beam balance introduce students to the concept that amount of weight, position of weight, and position of fulcrum affect balance. Work with an equal-arm balance challenges students to place objects in serial order on the basis of weight and to appreciate that weighing is the process of balancing an object against a certain number of standard objects. This unit provides students with a variety of experiences and materials that help them build conceptual models for further investigations in physical sciences. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D3-15 Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: Sound Description: Third graders use tuning forks, slide whistles, strings, and other sound producing objects to investigate the characteristics of sound. Students learn that sound is caused by vibrations, and they explore how sound travels. Students investigate objects of differing length, thickness, and tension as they vibrate and produce different pitches. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D3-16 Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: Motion and Design Description: This unit invites students to explore the physics of motion and to apply these concepts to technological design. Using plastic construction materials, weights, rubber bands, and propellers, students design and build vehicles. This unit emphasizes the application of scientific data and concepts to technological design. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 104 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: D3-17 Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: Motion and Design Description: This unit invites students to explore the physics of motion and to apply these concepts to technological design. Using plastic construction materials, weights, rubber bands, and propellers, students design and build vehicles. This unit emphasizes the application of scientific data and concepts to technological design. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D3-18 Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: Electric Circuits Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D3-19 Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: Electric Circuits--Student Activity Book Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D3-2 Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: Weather Description: This uint introduces first graders to the concept of weather and how it affects their lives. Using a variety of tools, students observe, discuss, measure and record data on cloud cover, precipitation, wind, and temperature. Throughout this unit, students use science tools to extend their senses. Students engage in scientific inquiry by setting up several simple investigations on the effect color has on temperature and heat absorption. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 105 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: D3-20 Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: Chemical Tests Description: This unit introduces thrid graders to the science of chemistry by challenging them to explore and determine the identify of five common household chemicals: sugar, alum, talc, baking soda, and cornstarch. This unti focuses on the properties of materials that can be observed and investigated with simple physical and chemical tests. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D3-21 Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: The Life Cycle of Butterfies Description: This unit introduces students to the concept of life cycles by inviting them to investigate one organism-the Painted Lady butterfly (Vanessa cardui). During an eight week period, students observe, record, and describe the metamorphosis from caterpillar to chrysalis and from chrysalis to butterfly. Characteristics of organisms, the life cycle, and organisms in their environment are the focus of this unit. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D3-22 Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: Weather-- Student Notebook Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D3-23 Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: Soils-- Student Notebook Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 106 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: D3-24 Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: Organisms--Student Notebook Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D3-25 Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: Solids and Liquids--Student Notebook Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D3-26 Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: Comparing and Measuring--Student Notebook Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D3-27 Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: Changes--Student Notebook Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D3-28 Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: Balancing and Weighing--Student Notebook Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 107 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: D3-29 Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: Chemical Tests--Student Activity Book Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D3-3 Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: Soils Description: In this unit, students investigate the chief components of soil--sand, clay, and humus--and explore the relationship between soil and plant growth. Students investigate the physical properties of three major soil components and then extend their investigations to observations of plant growth in various soil mixtures. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D3-30 Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: Motion and Design--Student Activity Book Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D3-31 Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: Electric Circuits Description: In this unit, students are first introduced to the basic properties of electricity as they learn about electric circuits and the parts of a light bulb. Electric Circuits builds fundamental concepts in the physical sciences through direct experience with batteries and bulbs and through technological design projects. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 108 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: D3-32 Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: Rocks and Minerals Description: Students explore the differences and similiarities between rocks and minerals by investigating samples of these earth materials, performing a series of tests similar to geologist's field tests, and reading about rocks and minerals and how they are used. Students investigate the properties of earth materials using techniques similar to those of a geologist. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D3-33 Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: Rocks and Minerals Description: Students explore the differences and similiarities between rocks and minerals by investigating samples of these earth materials, performing a series of tests similar to geologist's field tests, and reading about rocks and minerals and how they are used. Students investigate the properties of earth materials using techniques similar to those of a geologist. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D3-34 Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: Land and Water Description: In this unit, students investigate the interaction between land and water. Using a stream table as their model, students observe how runoff causes stream formation; how ground water forms; how soil is eroded, transported, and deposited; and how water shapes land. Modeling complex systems in order to investigate the relationships between the life, earth, and physical sciences is at the core of this unit. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D3-35 Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: Land and Water Description: In this unit, students investigate the interaction between land and water. Using a stream table as their model, students observe how runoff causes stream formation; how ground water forms; how soil is eroded, transported, and deposited; and how water shapes land. Modeling complex systems in order to investigate the relationships between the life, earth, and physical sciences is at the core of this unit. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 109 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: D3-36 Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: Plant Growth and Development Description: In this unit, students have the opportunity to observe each stage in the life cycle of a simple plant. Working with Wisconsin Fast Plants (Brassica rapa), which germinate, mature, and go to seed within a 40-day period, students plant seeds and watch the seedlings emerge. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D3-37 Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: Plant Growth and Development Description: In this unit, students have the opportunity to observe each stage in the life cycle of a simple plant. Working with Wisconsin Fast Plants (Brassica rapa), which germinate, mature, and go to seed within a 40-day period, students plant seeds and watch the seedlings emerge. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D3-38 Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: Animal Studies Description: By caring for and observing three animals from different habitats--the dwarf African frog, the fiddler crab, and the land snail--students learn about what animals need to survive, the primary parts of their anatomical structure, and the ways in which they are suited for life in a particular environment. This unit enhances students' sensitivity to and awareness of the diversity of life, the interdependence of living and nonliving things, and the ways in which creatures are adapted to life in particular envirnoments. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D3-39 Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: Animal Studies Description: By caring for and observing three animals from different habitats--the dwarf African frog, the fiddler crab, and the land snail--students learn about what animals need to survive, the primary parts of their anatomical structure, and the ways in which they are suited for life in a particular environment. This unit enhances students' sensitivity to and awareness of the diversity of life, the interdependence of living and nonliving things, and the ways in which creatures are adapted to life in particular envirnoments. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 110 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: D3-4 Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: Soils Description: In this unit, students investigate the chief components of soil--sand, clay, and humus--and explore the relationship between soil and plant growth. Students investigate the physical properties of three major soil components and then extend their investigations to observations of plant growth in various soil mixtures. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D3-40 Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: Rocks and Minerals--Student Activity Book Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D3-41 Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: Animal Studies--Student Activity Book Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D3-42 Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: Plant Growth and Development--Student Activity Book Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D3-43 Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: Land and Water--Student Activity Book Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 111 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: D3-44 Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: Microworlds Description: In Microworlds, students examine everyday objects as well as microorganisms with a variety of magnifying devices. This unit provides an experiential introduction to lenses, microscopes, and microorganisms. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D3-45 Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: Microworlds Description: In Microworlds, students examine everyday objects as well as microorganisms with a variety of magnifying devices. This unit provides an experiential introduction to lenses, microscopes, and microorganisms. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D3-46 Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: Ecosystems Description: Students begin the unit by setting up a terrarium in which they grow grass, mustard, and alfalfa plants. They then add crickets and isopods. They also set up an aquarium into which they introduce snails, guppies, elodea, algae, and duckweed. By connecting he terrarium and aquarium bottles to create an "ecocolumn," students are able to observe the relationship between the two environments and the organisms living within them. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D3-47 Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: Ecosystems Description: Students begin the unit by setting up a terrarium in which they grow grass, mustard, and alfalfa plants. They then add crickets and isopods. They also set up an aquarium into which they introduce snails, guppies, elodea, algae, and duckweed. By connecting he terrarium and aquarium bottles to create an "ecocolumn," students are able to observe the relationship between the two environments and the organisms living within them. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 112 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: D3-48 Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: Experiments With Plants Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D3-49 Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: Experiments With Plants Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D3-5 Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: Organisms Description: In this unit, students observe and compare living things to identify their characteristics and resource needs. This unit provides hands-on experience that help students develop an understanding of and sensitivity to living things. Students create and maintain a woodland habitat containing pine seedlings, moss, pill bugs, and Bess beetles and millipedes. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D3-50 Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: Measuring Time Description: In the first part of this unit, "Keeping Time with the Sun and the Moon," students explore the use of natural phenomena, such as the phases of the moon, to keep time. Students engage in active and extended scientific inquiry as they construct water clocks; assemble, troublshoot, and improve a working clock escapement; and engage in other activities related to measuring time. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 113 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: D3-51 Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: Measuring Time Description: In the first part of this unit, "Keeping Time with the Sun and the Moon," students explore the use of natural phenomena, such as the phases of the moon, to keep time. Students engage in active and extended scientific inquiry as they construct water clocks; assemble, troublshoot, and improve a working clock escapement; and engage in other activities related to measuring time. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D3-52 Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: Measuring Time--Student Activity Book Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D3-53 Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: Microworlds--Student Activity Book Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D3-54 Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: Experiments With Plants--Student Activity Book Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D3-55 Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: Ecosystems--Student Activity Book Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 114 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: D3-56 Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: The Technology of Paper Description: This unit gives students an opportunity to explore the properties of paper, to make paper by hand, and to understand how the properties of paper relate to how it is used. By testing six types of paper for smoothness, tear-resistance, opacity, water-resistance, and ink receptivity, students deepen their understanding of the relationship between the properties of a certain type of paper and its intended uses. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D3-57 Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: The Technology of Paper Description: This unit gives students an opportunity to explore the properties of paper, to make paper by hand, and to understand how the properties of paper relate to how it is used. By testing six types of paper for smoothness, tear-resistance, opacity, water-resistance, and ink receptivity, students deepen their understanding of the relationship between the properties of a certain type of paper and its intended uses. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D3-58 Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: Magnets and Motors Description: Magnets and Motors, which builds on the knowledge that students gained in the STC Electric Circuits unit, offers students the opportunity to explore the properties of magnets and the magnetic properties of magnets and the magnetic propeties of electric currents. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D3-59 Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: Magnets and Motors Description: Magnets and Motors, which builds on the knowledge that students gained in the STC Electric Circuits unit, offers students the opportunity to explore the properties of magnets and the magnetic properties of magnets and the magnetic propeties of electric currents. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 115 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: D3-6 Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: Organisms Description: In this unit, students observe and compare living things to identify their characteristics and resource needs. This unit provides hands-on experience that help students develop an understanding of and sensitivity to living things. Students create and maintain a woodland habitat containing pine seedlings, moss, pill bugs, and Bess beetles and millipedes. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D3-60 Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: Food Chemistry Description: In Food Chemistry, students explore basic concepts related to food and nutrition. They set up their own laboratory and perform physical and chemical tests to identify the presence of starch, glucose, fats, and proteins in common foods. This physical science unit allows students to explore chemistry in a familiar context. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D3-61 Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: Floating and Sinking Description: In this unit, students investigate the phenomenon of buoyancy. They began by making a spring scale with which they weigh various objects. This unit emphasizes the unifying concepts of evidence, models and measurement. Model building allows students to engate in the process of technological design. Using models, the students have multiple opportunities to investigate floating and sinking. These experiences introduce students to physical science concepts such as buoyancy and force. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D3-62 Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: The Technology of Paper--Student Activity Book Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 116 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: D3-63 Title: NRSC Human Body Systems Teacher's Guide Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D3-64 Title: Properties of Matter/Changes in Matter/Water and Solutions Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D3-65 Title: Foundations of Physical Science Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D3-66 Title: Foundations of Physical Science Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D3-67 Title: Foundations of Physical Science Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 117 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: D3-68 Title: Foundations of Physical Science (Student Workbook) Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D3-69 Title: Investigations Foundations of Physical Science (Student Workbook) Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D3-7 Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: Solids and Liquids Description: In this unit, students investigate the similiarities and differences in a variety of common solids, and liquids. First, they observe, describe, and compare a collection of solid objects, focusing on such properties as color, shape, texture, and hardness. They also perform tests to determine whether the objects roll or stack and float or sink, as well as whether they are attacted to magnets. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D3-70 Title: Investigations Foundations of Physical Science (Student Workbook) Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D3-71 Title: Foundations of Physical Science: Reference Teacher's Guide Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 118 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: D3-72 Title: Foundations of Physical Science: Unit 6 Properties of Matter, Unit 7 Changes in Matter, Unit 8 Water and Solutions-- Teacher's Guide Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D3-73 Title: Foundations of Physical: Reference Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D3-74 Title: Foundations of Physical Science: Unit 9 Heating and Cooling-- Teacher's s Guide Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D3-75 Title: Foundations of Physical Science: Unit 6 Properties of Matter, Unit 7 Changes in Matter, Unit 8 Water and Solutions-- Teacher's Guide Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D3-76 Title: Foundations of Physical Science: Unit 4 Sounds and Waves, Unit 5 Light and Optics--Teacher's Guide Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 119 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: D3-77 Title: Foundations of Physical Sciences: Unit 3 Electricity and Magnetism--Teacher's Guide Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D3-78 Title: Foundations of Physical Science: Unit 1 Forces and Motion, Unit 2 Work Energy--Teacher's Guide Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D3-79 Title: Foundations of Physical Science Description: Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D3-8 Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: Solids and Liquids Description: In this unit, students investigate the similiarities and differences in a variety of common solids, and liquids. First, they observe, describe, and compare a collection of solid objects, focusing on such properties as color, shape, texture, and hardness. They also perform tests to determine whether the objects roll or stack and float or sink, as well as whether they are attacted to magnets. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: D3-80 Title: Foundations of Physical Science Description: Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 120 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: D3-9 Title: NRSC Science and Technology for Children: Comparing and Measuring Description: In this unit, students explore the concepts that underlie the science skills of comparing and measuring. The lessons are based on a developmental sequence that includes three activities: comparing, matching, and measuring. This units emphasizes observation, description, and relative measurement. It also introduces standard units. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E1-1 Title: Investigating Classrooms/Intro (K-6) Description: (40 Minutes) Media Type: Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E1-10 Title: Learning Science Through Inquiry/What Is Inquiry and Why Do It? (Tape 1) Description: Presents an overview of why inquiry is so useful in teaching and learning science Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E1-11 Title: Learning Science Through Inquiry/Setting the Stage: Creating a Learning Community (Tape 2) Description: Explores what is needed for building the needed foundation and preparing students for inquiry investigations Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 121 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: E1-12 Title: Learning Science Through Inquiry/The Process Begins: Launching the Inquiry Exploration (Tape 3) Description: Shows how to encourage students to share and discuss what they already know and to explore materials and phenomena in an open-ended manner Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E1-13 Title: Learning Science Through Inquiry/Focus the Inquiry: Designing the Exploration (Tape 4) Description: Looks at design process and how to help students plan and begin their investigations Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E1-14 Title: Learning Science Through Inquiry/The Inquiry Continues: Collecting Data and Drawing Upon Resources (Tape 5) Description: Displays how inquirers collect and record data Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E1-15 Title: Learning Science Through Inquiry/Bring It All Together (Tape 6) Description: Looks at the rationale for processing, and strategies that can help students construct new mental frameworks Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E1-16 Title: Learning Science Through Inquiry/Assessing Inquiry (Tape 7) Description: Examines a variety of assessment strategies and explores the purposes each can serve Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 122 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: E1-17 Title: Learning Science Through Inquiry/Connecting Other Subjects to Inquiry (Tape 8) Description: Explains the benefits of learning science through inquiry and explores the "next steps" along the inquiry journey Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E1-18 Title: Science Images/Series Overview Description: Demonstrates how the series components can be used Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E1-19 Title: Science Images/1st grade- Darlene Norfleet Description: Working through a unit on the human body, students compare and contrast features of their own bodies. Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E1-2 Title: Investigating Classrooms/Parent's Open House (K-6) Description: (40 Minutes Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E1-20 Title: Science Images/3rd grade- Chris Collier Description: A class engages in a variety of activities and keeps journals of data and their thoughts while examining the five senses. Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 123 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: E1-21 Title: Science Images/4th grade- Mark Heuer Description: Students research water facts and the water cycle, including where their town gets and purifies its water. Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E1-22 Title: Science Images/5th grade- Linda Hallenbeck Description: Population data that students collect from gravestones in the local cemetery help them examine the processes of scientific inquiry. Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E1-23 Title: Case Studies in Science Education/Jeanie(K), Patricia(1), Jean(3), Donna(5) (Tape 1) Description: (K)-Designing grade-level-appropriate science activities, (1)-Increasing students' role in learning, (3)Searches for ways to meet the needs of diverse learners, (5)- Builds backgrounds of students into science activities Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E1-24 Title: Case Studies in Science Education/Elsa(K), Ingrid(1), Richard & JoAnn(2), Terez(4) (Tape 2) Description: (K)-Implements discovery activities to make learning more active, (1)-Works with students' ideas while keeping focus, (2)- Integrating both math and science in classroom, (4)- Develops more student-oriented assessment strategy Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 124 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: E1-25 Title: Case Studies in Science Education/Najwa & Pat(1), Linda (2-4), Sarah(5), Tom(5) (Tape 3) Description: (1)-Teaching special needs in integrated classroom, (2-4)-Specialist works with teachers to help students build ideas, (5)-Ensuring that students understand core concepts, (5)-Assesses students' understanding. Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E1-26 Title: Case Studies in Science Education/Erien(5), Erien(7), Dotty(7), Nancy(8), Margarita(5-8) (Tape 4) Description: (5)-Striving to include and manage class discussions, (7)-Increasing students' high-level thinking, (7)Incorporates technology in teaching, (8)-Developing more autonomy and critical-thinking skills, (5-8)Working with non-English speaking students in accelerate science skills Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E1-27 Title: Case Studies in Science Education/Greg(6), Paul(6), Raquel(7), Pat(8) (Tape 5) Description: (6)-Designing hands-on activities for class, (6)-Involving students in minds-on components of science tasks, (7)-Involving girls and students of color in science, (8)-Focusing on inquiry oriented science activities Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E1-28 Title: Case Studies in Science Education/Jeff(6), Mike(7), Audrey(7), Audrey(8) (Tape 6) Description: (6)-Exploring problem-centered learning, (7)-Involving gifls and their understanding, (8)-Develops an approach that empowers students, (7)-Helps develop critical thinking sculls Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 125 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: E1-29 Title: Science First Hand/Structures Description: 7th graders explore forces, tension, and compression by designing Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E1-3 Title: Investigating Classrooms/All Sorts of Leaves (K-6) Description: First grade class studies biodiversity by taking a closer look at leaves Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E1-30 Title: Science First Hand/Tops and Yo-yos Description: 7th graders experiment with rotational movement, places students in researcher role. Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E1-31 Title: Science First Hand/Water Wheels Description: 8th graders build water wheel that lifts 10 nails Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E1-32 Title: Minds of Our Own/Can We Believe Our Eyes (Pt1, Pt2) Description: Explores many assumptions that we hold about learning to show that education is based on a series of myths Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 126 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: E1-33 Title: Minds of Our Own/Lessons from Thin Air (Pt1, Pt2) Description: Shows that we often teach without regard to what children really need to know Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E1-34 Title: Minds of Our Own/Under Construction (Pt1, Pt2) Description: Portraits of six teachers working to revamp teaching in their schools Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E1-35 Title: Science Images Visions of Effective Science Instruction-Facilitator's Guide Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E1-36 Title: Science Images Visions of Effective Science Instruction-Leadership Team Guide Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E1-37 Title: Science Images Visions of Effective Science Instruction- Viewer's Guide Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 127 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: E1-38 Title: Investigating Classrooms Guidebook Science K-6 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E1-4 Title: Investigating Classrooms/Completing the Circuit (K-6) Description: Fourth grade class studies electrical circuits Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E1-5 Title: Investigating Classrooms/Food for Thought (K-6) Description: Fifth grade class studies food chemistry Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E1-6 Title: Investigating Classrooms/Conversation about Teaching: All Sorts of Leaves (K-6) Description: (55 Minutes) Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E1-7 Title: Investigating Classrooms/Conversation about Teaching: Completing the Circuit (K-6) Description: (55 Minutes) Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 128 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: E1-8 Title: Investigating Classrooms/Conversation about Teaching: Food for Thought (K-6) Description: (55 Minutes) Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E1-9 Title: Investigating Classrooms/Teacher's Workshop (K-6) Description: Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-1 Title: LHS Gems: Microscopic Explorations Description: This unit GEMS guide features 10 learning stations and an eleventh Discovery Quilt summary station. The stations represent a wide spectrum of scientific investigation. This interdisciplinary richness assists student comprehension of modern science and research, and appreciation for the world around us is enhanced. The Microscopy Society of America (MSA), which sponsored for volunteers and to assit teachers in obtaining microscopes. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-10 Title: LHS Gems: Group Solutions Too: Cooperative Logic Activities Teacher's Guide Description: This second substantial volume of cooperative logic activities takes advantage of the same cooperative format of the Group Solutions activities, but the content explored is distinct and logical thinking skills are focused in new ways. The mathematical strnads of discrete mathematics and geometry are emphasized. The popular Searches family is extended and deepened. Then, get your students ready for four all new and challenging families: Create A Creature, What's Cookin'?, Get into Shapes, and Bears on the Move. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 129 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: E3100 Title: LHS Gems: Of Cabbages and Chemistry Teacher's Guide Description: Students explore acids and bases using the special indicator properties of red cabbage juice. The colorchange game Presto Change-o helps students discover the acid-neautral-base continuum. They learn that chemicals can be grouped by behaviors, and relate acids and bases to their own daily experience. An "Acid and Aliens from Outer Space" extension activity can be presented to reinforce student learning or as an assessment. The unit is an excellent lead-in to the GEMS guide Acid Rain. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3101 Title: LHS Gems: Schoolyard Ecology Description: This guide is designed to nurture curiosity about the patterns and interactions in nature, beginning with the immediate environment--the schoolyard. Students learn biological samplikng techniques; mapping and related mathematical skills are developed. In addition to temporarily collecting samples in "shake boxes," special investigations focus on ants and spiders. Students discover that a bush may be a home to a "community" of interesting plants and animals. Based on their observations and findings, students select a small area as their favorite locations. Envirtonmental writing about this location crowns the closing activity. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3102 Title: LHS Gems: Schoolyard Ecology Description: This guide is designed to nurture curiousity about patterns and inteactions in nature, beginning with students' immediate environment: the schoolyard and its inhabitants. Students develop sampling, mapping, and related math and environmental-writing skills, A great life science companion to Animals in Action and Terrarium Habitats. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 130 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: E3103 Title: LHS Gems: Learning about Learning Teacher's Guide Description: Students gain insight into the process and purpose of their own learning. First, they challenge and coach each other to learn tactile mazes, analyze what helps and hinders learning, and discuss learning differences. Several activities provide insight into how the community of humans learns what is safe for survival. Students learn about the human nervous systems and investigate two real-life mysteries involving nerve damaging chemicals. They simulate historic brain research on the effects of enriched in impoverished environments. Students debate the ethics of human, animal, and in vitro experimentation, and take part in a play to summarize their learning. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3104 Title: LHS Gems: Learning about Learning Teacher's Guide Description: Students gain insight into the process and purpose of their own learning. First, they challenge and coach each other to learn tactile mazes, analyze what helps and hinders learning, and discuss learning differences. Several activities provide insight into how the community of humans learns what is safe for survival. Students learn about the human nervous systems and investigate two real-life mysteries involving nerve damaging chemicals. They simulate historic brain research on the effects of enriched in impoverished environments. Students debate the ethics of human, animal, and in vitro experimentation, and take part in a play to summarize their learning. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-11 Title: LHS Gems: Fingerprinting Teacher's Guide Description: Students explore the similarities and variations of fingerprints in these "fingers-on" activities. They take their own fingerprints, devise their own classification categories, then apply their classification skills to solve a crime. The mystery scenario, Who Robbed the Safe? Includes plot and character sketches. The fingerprinting technique does not involve ink, but a simple method using pencil and transparent tape. Makes a good "partner in crime" to Crime Lab Chemistry and an excellent preparatory activity for Mystery Festival. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 131 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: E3-12 Title: LHS Gems: Fingerprinting Teacher's Guide Description: Students explore the characteristics of fingerprinting in these "fingers-on" activities, devising their own classification categories and applying their skills to solve a "crime." (The techniques uses pencil and tape, not ink.) Makes a good "partner in crime" to Crime Lab Chemistry and an excellent opener for Mystery Festival. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-13 Title: LHS Gems: Paper Towel Testing Teacher's Guide Description: Students experiment to rank the wet strength and absorbency of four branches of paper towels. Based on their findings and the cost of each brand, they determine which bran is the "best buy." These activities provide a stimulating introduction to consumer science and the concept of controlled experimentation. Students can go on to devise their own experiments, tests for their consumer items, or advertisements for paper towels based on their test results. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-14 Title: LHS Gems: Paper Towel Testing Teacher's Guide Description: Students experiment to rank the wet strength and absorbency of four branches of paper towels. Based on their findings and the cost of each brand, they determine which bran is the "best buy." These activities provide a stimulating introduction to consumer science and the concept of controlled experimentation. Students can go on to devise their own experiments, tests for their consumer items, or advertisements for paper towels based on their test results. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 132 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: E3-15 Title: LHS Gems: Bubble-ology Teacher's Guide Description: Students combine intense enjoyment with important concepts in chemistry and physics through imaginative experiments with soap bubbles. They devise an ideal bubble-blowing instrument; test dishwashing brands to see which makes the biggest bubbles; determine the optimum amount of glycerin needed for the biggest bubbles; employ the Bernoulli principle to keep bubbles aloft; use color patterns to predict when a bubble will pop; and create bubbles that last for days. This guide is packed with solid scientific, technological, and mathematical content and learning. An extensive background section on bubbles is included. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-16 Title: LHS Gems: Bubble Ology Teacher's Guide Description: Imaginative experiments with soap bubbles introduce students to solid science, technology, and math content. Students have a ball as they learn important concepts in chemistry and physics, devising a number of experiments, and drawing conclusions. Builds nicely on Bubble Festival. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-17 Title: LHS Gems: Buzzing a Hive Description: Students learn about the complex social behavior, communication, and hive environment of the honeybee through activities that mix art, literature, role-play and drama. They learn about bee body structure and metamorphosis. They role-play bees in a beehive drama, perform bee dances, and learn how bees communicate directions. Students also learn about bee predators and honey robbers, hear a "Bee Enemies" story, and make a paper skunk. They role-play guard bees and learn how bees work together to protect the hive. Posters of bee anatomy and life stages are included. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 133 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: E3-18 Title: LHS Gems: Buzzing a Hive Description: Students learn about the complex social behavior, communication, and hive environment of the honeybee through activities that mix art, literature, role-play and drama. They learn about bee body structure and metamorphosis. They role-play bees in a beehive drama, perform bee dances, and learn how bees communicate directions. Students also learn about bee predators and honey robbers, hear a "Bee Enemies" story, and make a paper skunk. They role-play guard bees and learn how bees work together to protect the hive. Posters of bee anatomy and life stages are included. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-19 Title: LHS Gems: Bubble Festival Description: This guide includes 12 classroom table-top, learning station activities with set-up instructions. From Bubble Shapes and Bubble Measurement to Bubble Skeletons and Body Bubbles, intriguing bubble activities are featured. The guide features a detailed introduction to assist teachers in flexibly presenting the activities, including tips on classroom logistics, ways to further explore mathematical and scientific content, and writing and literature extensions. A section on setting up an all-school Bubble Festival is included. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-2 Title: LHS Gems: Microscopic Explorations Description: This unit GEMS guide features 10 learning stations and an eleventh Discovery Quilt summary station. The stations represent a wide spectrum of scientific investigation. This interdisciplinary richness assists student comprehension of modern science and research, and appreciation for the world around us is enhanced. The Microscopy Society of America (MSA), which sponsored for volunteers and to assit teachers in obtaining microscopes. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 134 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: E3-20 Title: LHS Gems: Bubble Festival Description: This guide includes 12 classroom table-top, learning station activities with set-up instructions. From Bubble Shapes and Bubble Measurement to Bubble Skeletons and Body Bubbles, intriguing bubble activities are featured. The guide features a detailed introduction to assist teachers in flexibly presenting the activities, including tips on classroom logistics, ways to further explore mathematical and scientific content, and writing and literature extensions. A section on setting up an all-school Bubble Festival is included. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-21 Title: LHS Gems: Investigating Artifacts Description: This rich unit introduces children to the concepts of inference and evidence with activities relating to anthropology, archaeology, and diverse Native American and world cultures. Students sort and classify natural objects, make masks and create "myths," and excavate a shoebod midden. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-22 Title: LHS Gems: Investigating Artifacts Description: This rich unit introduces children to the concepts of inference and evidence with activities relating to anthropology, archaeology, and diverse Native American and world cultures. Students sort and classify natural objects, make masks and create "myths," and excavate a shoebod midden. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-23 Title: LHS Gems: Penguins and Their Young Description: Children learn about the emperor penguin, its body structure, its cold home of ice and water, how it keeps warm, what it eats and how parents care for their young. A life-size poster, included with the guide, invites students to compare their heights and body structures to those of this four-foot tall bird. They experience a penguin's icy home by playing with cork penguins in a tub of "icebergs" and water. Using paper-bag penguins, children create dramas on a paper ocean scene. Important math concepts and skills are developed as children pretend to be hungry penguins and "catch" fish crackers in multi-sensory math games. They top off their explorations with ice investigations and tasty ice treats. Throughout the unit, life science, mathematics, and physical science are integrated with language activities. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 135 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: E3-24 Title: LHS Gems: Penguins and Their Young Description: Children learn about the emperor penguin, its body structure, its cold home of ice and water, how it keeps warm, what it eats and how parents care for their young. A life-size poster, included with the guide, invites students to compare their heights and body structures to those of this four-foot tall bird. They experience a penguin's icy home by playing with cork penguins in a tub of "icebergs" and water. Using paper-bag penguins, children create dramas on a paper ocean scene. Important math concepts and skills are developed as children pretend to be hungry penguins and "catch" fish crackers in multi-sensory math games. They top off their explorations with ice investigations and tasty ice treats. Throughout the unit, life science, mathematics, and physical science are integrated with language activities. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-25 Title: LHS Gems: Oobleck: What do scientists do? Description: Students investigate and analyze the properties of a strange green substance, Oobleck, said to come from another planet. The class holds a scientific convention to discuss experimental findings. Students design a spacecraft to land on an ocean of Oobleck. In the final session, the methods the students used to analyze Oobleck are compared to those of professional scientists, such as those on the Mars Viking mission. A large poster illustrating the Mars Viking mission is included. One of the all-time most popular GEMS guides, Oobleck Is not only a great hands-on experience for all ages, it provides students authentic insight into the realy work of scienctists. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-26 Title: LHS Gems: Oobleck: What do scientists do? Description: Students investigate and analyze the properties of a strange green substance, Oobleck, said to come from another planet. The class holds a scientific convention to discuss experimental findings. Students design a spacecraft to land on an ocean of Oobleck. In the final session, the methods the students used to analyze Oobleck are compared to those of professional scientists, such as those on the Mars Viking mission. A large poster illustrating the Mars Viking mission is included. One of the all-time most popular GEMS guides, Oobleck Is not only a great hands-on experience for all ages, it provides students authentic insight into the realy work of scienctists. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 136 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: E3-27 Title: LHS Gems: On Sandy Shores Description: These marine activities allow students to deepen their understanding of sand, animals, biological and ecological interactions, and personal responsibilty for the environment. Designes to be used in culturally diverse classrooms and with English-language learners. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-28 Title: LHS Gems: On Sandy Shores Description: These marine activities allow students to deepen their understanding of sand, animals, biological and ecological interactions, and personal responsibilty for the environment. Designes to be used in culturally diverse classrooms and with English-language learners. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-29 Title: LHS Gems: Moons of Jupiter Description: Your students re-enact Galileo's historic telescopic observations of Jupiter's moons. They observe and record moon orbits over time and learn why these observations helped signal the birth of modern astronomy. Students experiment to learn how craters are formed; make scale models to better understand size and distance; and take a grand tour of the Jupiter systems as viewed by the Voyager spacecraft. Then students work in teams to create, from and assortment of common materials, a settlement on one of the moons of Jupiter. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-3 Title: LHS Gems: Messages From Space Description: This exciting unit opens when your class receives a simulated binary-coded message from space. As they begin to decipher it, a journey through our own solar system and beyound begins. Activities explore how other star systems and their planets may have formed, and model what sientists have inferred about the "life zones" of different types of stars. Students model size and distance, then design tourist brochures for travel to the planets of solar system. Later they respond to the original message and create science fiction stories. Students can evaluate scientifically the possibilities for extraterrestrial life. Message from Space builds upon a collaboration done with ehe SETI (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) Institute. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 137 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: E3-30 Title: LHS Gems: Moons of Jupiter Description: Your students re-enact Galileo's historic telescopic observations of Jupiter's moons. They observe and record moon orbits over time and learn why these observations helped signal the birth of modern astronomy. Students experiment to learn how craters are formed; make scale models to better understand size and distance; and take a grand tour of the Jupiter systems as viewed by the Voyager spacecraft. Then students work in teams to create, from and assortment of common materials, a settlement on one of the moons of Jupiter. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-31 Title: LHS Gems: Terrarium Habitats Description: These activities bring the natural world into your classroom and deepen student understanding of and connection to all living things. After an exploration of soil, students design and construct terrariums. Sow bugs, earthworms, and crickets are placed in the habitat, and students observe and record changes over time. There are detailed instructions on setting up and maintaining the terrariums, along with concise biological information on small organisms that can become terrarium inhabitants. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-32 Title: LHS Gems: Terrarium Habitats Description: These activities bring the natural world into your classroom and deepen student understanding of and connection to all living things. After an exploration of soil, students design and construct terrariums. Sow bugs, earthworms, and crickets are placed in the habitat, and students observe and record changes over time. There are detailed instructions on setting up and maintaining the terrariums, along with concise biological information on small organisms that can become terrarium inhabitants. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 138 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: E3-33 Title: LHS Gems: Sifting Through Science Description: Three free-exploration learning stations build to a whole-class activity where students directly apply what they've learned. At the stations students investigate properties of objects, including (1) materials that sink or float (2) magnetic and non-magnetic objects; and #3) a sand and bean mixture, with tools to sift and separate the elements in the mixture. Then each student is given a mini garbage dump and challenged to separate the "garbage" using the knowledge, tools, and techniques from the previous activities. Mathematics is integrated throughout; graphing and other data analysis deepen the learning. Students discuss their work in the context of recycling, adding real-life relevance. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-34 Title: LHS Gems: Sifting Through Science Description: Three free-exploration learning stations build to a whole-class activity where students directly apply what they've learned. At the stations students investigate properties of objects, including (1) materials that sink or float (2) magnetic and non-magnetic objects; and #3) a sand and bean mixture, with tools to sift and separate the elements in the mixture. Then each student is given a mini garbage dump and challenged to separate the "garbage" using the knowledge, tools, and techniques from the previous activities. Mathematics is integrated throughout; graphing and other data analysis deepen the learning. Students discuss their work in the context of recycling, adding real-life relevance. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-35 Title: LHS Gems: Earth, Moon, Stars Grades 5-9 Description: Students learn a great deal about the Earth and astronomy with modeling and observation activities that focus on gravity, the shape of our planet, moon phases, and eclipses, and the stars. A questionnaire on the Earth's shape and gravity makes an excellent pre- and post-assessemnt tool. See also Messages from Space and Moons of Jupiter. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 139 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: E3-36 Title: LHS Gems: Vitamin C Testing Description: This guide is a stimulating introduction to chemistry experiments and nutrition. The students performa simple chemical test using a vitamin C indicator to compare the vitamin C content of different juices and then graph the results. Older students can examine the effects of heat and freezing on vitamin C content. Students enter the realm of consumer science as they use chemistry to evaluate various juices. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-37 Title: LHS Gems: Vitamin C Testing Description: This guide is a stimulating introduction to chemistry experiments and nutrition. The students performa simple chemical test using a vitamin C indicator to compare the vitamin C content of different juices and then graph the results. Older students can examine the effects of heat and freezing on vitamin C content. Students enter the realm of consumer science as they use chemistry to evaluate various juices. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-38 Title: LHS Gems: Aquatic Habitats Description: This guide features a selection of highly involving life science activities, conveying key environmental concepts and beautifully illustrating Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-39 Title: LHS Gems: Aquatic Habitats Description: This guide features a selection of highly involving life science activities, conveying key environmental concepts and beautifully illustrating the interactive nature of living ecosystems. Student groups set up and observe living models of a pond in the classroom. Accessible plants and organisms used include Elodea, Tubifex worms, and mosquito fish. An optional culminating activity is a field trip to a nearby pond or stream. This unit is an excellent complement to the GEMS unit. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 140 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: E3-4 Title: LHS Gems: Messages From Space Description: This exciting unit opens when your class receives a simulated binary-coded message from space. As they begin to decipher it, a journey through our own solar system and beyound begins. Activities explore how other star systems and their planets may have formed, and model what sientists have inferred about the "life zones" of different types of stars. Students model size and distance, then design tourist brochures for travel to the planets of solar system. Later they respond to the original message and create science fiction stories. Students can evaluate scientifically the possibilities for extraterrestrial life. Message from Space builds upon a collaboration done with ehe SETI (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) Institute. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-40 Title: LHS Gems: Color Analyzer- Investigating Light and Colors Grades 5-8 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-41 Title: LHS Gems: Color Analyzer- Investigating Light and Colors Grades 5-9 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-42 Title: LHS Gems: Eggs, Eggs Everywhere Description: This unit introduces children to the wonders of eggs and develops developmentally appropriate concepts in biology and life science. Activities combine literature, role-playing, drama, and art with observation of eggs, as children learn about the diversity of animals that come from eggs. They use small plastic animals for sorting, classifying, and graphing activities. Students also explore the movement of plastic eggs and other objects on flat and inclined surfaces. These activities are noteworthy for interweaving literature, mathematics, and the physical sciences with life science. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 141 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: E3-43 Title: LHS Gems: Eggs, Eggs Everywhere Description: This unit introduces children to the wonders of eggs and develops developmentally appropriate concepts in biology and life science. Activities combine literature, role-playing, drama, and art with observation of eggs, as children learn about the diversity of animals that come from eggs. They use small plastic animals for sorting, classifying, and graphing activities. Students also explore the movement of plastic eggs and other objects on flat and inclined surfaces. These activities are noteworthy for interweaving literature, mathematics, and the physical sciences with life science. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-44 Title: LHS Gems: Earthworms Description: Earthworm heartbeat patterns are safely investigated in living earthworms, as students observe blood vessels in worms, and observe and record their pulse rates. The students experiment to discover the responses of earthworms to different temperatures, and graph the results. In discussing why earthworms respond as they do, students learn about "cold-blooded" (or poikilothermic) animals, the concept of adaptation, and circulatory systems. A background section provides concise biological information on earthworms, and an essay highlights the interconnectedness of all life. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-45 Title: LHS Gems: Earthworms Description: Earthworm heartbeat patterns are safely investigated in living earthworms, as students observe blood vessels in worms, and observe and record their pulse rates. The students experiment to discover the responses of earthworms to different temperatures, and graph the results. In discussing why earthworms respond as they do, students learn about "cold-blooded" (or poikilothermic) animals, the concept of adaptation, and circulatory systems. A background section provides concise biological information on earthworms, and an essay highlights the interconnectedness of all life. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 142 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: E3-46 Title: LHS Gems: Ladybugs Description: This popular unit uses the char of ladybugs to present key science and math concepts relating to animal adaptation, ecology, and interdependence. Children learn about ladybug body structure, symmetry, life cycle, defensive behavior, and foods. Use of live ladybugs is optional. Great with Buzzing a Hive and Hide a Butterfly. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-47 Title: LHS Gems: Ladybugs Description: This popular unit uses the char of ladybugs to present key science and math concepts relating to animal adaptation, ecology, and interdependence. Children learn about ladybug body structure, symmetry, life cycle, defensive behavior, and foods. Use of live ladybugs is optional. Great with Buzzing a Hive and Hide a Butterfly. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-48 Title: LHS Gems: Hot Water and Warm Homes from Sunlight Description: Students build model houses and hot water heaters to discover more about solar power. They conduct experiments to determine the effects of size, color, and number of windows on the amount of heat produced from sunlight. An introductory activity is an on-paper experiment about growing plants that defines the concepts of a controlled experiment, variable, and outcome. Newly revised information on the "greenhouse effect" connects to the GEMS guide Global Warming. A section on solar ovens is also included. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-49 Title: LHS Gems: Hot Water and Warm Homes from Sunlight Description: Students build model houses and hot water heaters to discover more about solar power. They conduct experiments to determine the effects of size, color, and number of windows on the amount of heat produced from sunlight. An introductory activity is an on-paper experiment about growing plants that defines the concepts of a controlled experiment, variable, and outcome. Newly revised information on the "greenhouse effect" connects to the GEMS guide Global Warming. A section on solar ovens is also included. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 143 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: E3-5 Title: LHS Gems: Mapping Fish Habitats Description: Students learn about and apply the field-mapping techniques of aquatic biologists as they chart the movements of fish in a classroom aquarium. They plan experiments to determine the effects of an environmental change on the home ranges of the fish. Students apply a useful technique to map the movements of individual fish as they feed, defend themselves, and establish their territory within the aquarium. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-50 Title: LHS Gems: Involving Dissolving Description: In this series of highly "involving" activities, students learn about the concepts of dissolving, evaporation, and crystallization. Using familiar substances, they create homemade "gelo," colorful disks, and crystals that emerge on black paper to make a "starry night." does the substance disappear? If not, where does it go? Could it ever come back? As you students ponder these ideas and gain experience mixing and observing differing solutions, they benefit from this very positive early experience with chemistry. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-51 Title: LHS Gems: Involving Dissolving Description: In this series of highly "involving" activities, students learn about the concepts of dissolving, evaporation, and crystallization. Using familiar substances, they create homemade "gelo," colorful disks, and crystals that emerge on black paper to make a "starry night." does the substance disappear? If not, where does it go? Could it ever come back? As you students ponder these ideas and gain experience mixing and observing differing solutions, they benefit from this very positive early experience with chemistry. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 144 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: E3-52 Title: LHS Gems: Animals in Actions Description: While watching animals in a large classroom corral, the class adds different stimulus objects to the "corral environment" and observes the animals' responses. Students generate hypotheses, conduct experiments, and hold a scientific convention to discuss findings. Investigations students can do include: How do animals move? What do they prefer to eat? How do they respond to light and sound? These questions are addressed through behavior experiments that students conduct with rats, crickets, guinea pigs, cardboard boxes, and common classroom objects. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-53 Title: LHS Gems: Animals in Actions Description: While watching animals in a large classroom corral, the class adds different stimulus objects to the "corral environment" and observes the animals' responses. Students generate hypotheses, conduct experiments, and hold a scientific convention to discuss findings. Investigations students can do include: How do animals move? What do they prefer to eat? How do they respond to light and sound? These questions are addressed through behavior experiments that students conduct with rats, crickets, guinea pigs, cardboard boxes, and common classroom objects. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-54 Title: LHS Gems: Treasure Boxes Description: This guide features a veritable treasure chest of activities, interweaving mathematics and literature with cooperative learning and the interest engendered by collections of small everyday objects (the "treasures"). Student enthusiasms is off the scale--and so is the rainbow of mathematical and scientific concepts that students experience! Mathematics strands explored include discrete mathematics, statistics, number, logic and language. The educational sequence of these activities is designed to build real-life understandings of graphing, sorting, and classification while encouraging cooperation and appreciation for the many ways we can recycle and reuse materials. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 145 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: E3-55 Title: LHS Gems: Treasure Boxes Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-56 Title: LHS Gems: River Cutters Teacher's Guide Description: Students create river models using a dripper system and diatomaceous earth. They acquire geological terminology, see rivers, as dynamic, ever-changing systems, and begin to comprehend geologic time. The concepts of erosion, pollution, toxic waste, and human manipulation of rivers are explored. Students gain understanding of models and experimentation and the unit can be used as the springboard for full investigations. A collaborative effort between GEMS and Project 2061 of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), revised River Cutter to meet major benchmarks and align with the National Science Education Standards. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-57 Title: LHS Gems: River Cutters Teacher's Guide Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-58 Title: LHS Gems: Hide a Butterfly Teacher's Guide Description: Children create camouflaged butterflies, hungry birds, and a meadow of flowers to enact The Butterfly Play and learn the basic concepts of protective coloration. They learn to identify parts of a flower, make flowers and grass for a mural, then talk about small animals they've seen in real grass or on flwoers. They decorate paper butterflies and make bird puppets, then act out the behavior of birds and butterflies. Children also learn about real butterflies and their means of protective coloration. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 146 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: E3-59 Title: LHS Gems: Hide a Butterfly Teacher's Guide Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-6 Title: LHS Gems: Mapping Fish Habitats Description: Students learn about and apply the field-mapping techniques of aquatic biologists as they chart the movements of fish in a classroom aquarium. They plan experiments to determine the effects of an environmental change on the home ranges of the fish. Students apply a useful technique to map the movements of individual fish as they feed, defend themselves, and establish their territory within the aquarium. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-60 Title: LHS Gems: Chemical Reactions Teacher's Guide Description: An ordinary ziplock bag becomes a safe and spectacular laboratory, as students mix chemicals that bubble, change color, get hot, and produce gas, heat and an odor. They experiment to determine what causes the heat in this chemical reaction. This exciting activity explores chemical change, endothermic and exothermic reactions, and is a great introduction to chemistry. Has often been adapted for lower grade levels. This "GEMS Classic" continues to be one of the most popular GEMS activities. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-61 Title: LHS Gems: Chemical Reactions Teacher's Guide Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 147 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: E3-62 Title: LHS Gems: Height-O-Meters Teacher's Guide Description: Students are introduced to the principle of triangulation by making simple cardboard devices called "HeightO-Meters." They measure angles to determine the height of the school flagpole, and compare how high a styrofoam and rubber ball can be thrown. Height-O-Meters is a pre-requisite for GEMS rocketry activities. "Going Further" activities relate triangulation to real-life work of forest rangers and astronomers and introduce the tangent function of trigonometry. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-63 Title: LHS Gems: Height-O-Meters Teacher's Guide Description: Students are introduced to the principle of triangulation by making simple cardboard devices called "HeightO-Meters." They measure angles to determine the height of the school flagpole, and compare how high a styrofoam and rubber ball can be thrown. Height-O-Meters is a pre-requisite for GEMS rocketry activities. "Going Further" activities relate triangulation to real-life work of forest rangers and astronomers and introduce the tangent function of trigonometry. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-64 Title: LHS Gems: Elephants and Their Young Description: In these playful and interesting activities, young children learn all about the African elephant, its unique body structure, and its fascinating social behaviors. Activities on elephant tusks, trunks, feet, and families involve young children in learning basic science conepts through art, drama, and role-playing. Mathematics and physical science concepts include measurement, weight, volumen, and comparisons of many kinds. Children also learn about elephant conservation efforts. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 148 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: E3-65 Title: LHS Gems: Elephants and Their Young Description: In these playful and interesting activities, young children learn all about the African elephant, its unique body structure, and its fascinating social behaviors. Activities on elephant tusks, trunks, feet, and families involve young children in learning basic science conepts through art, drama, and role-playing. Mathematics and physical science concepts include measurement, weight, volumen, and comparisons of many kinds. Children also learn about elephant conservation efforts. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-66 Title: LHS Gems: Animal Defenses Description: Children add defensive structures to an imaginary defenseless animal. Then, in classroom dramas, their defended animals encounter a Tyrannosaurus rex. In the second sessions, the children learn about the defenses of modern-day animals. Overhead projection of the dramatic encounters adds even more excitement and learning energy. This unit is an excellent way to introduce biological concepts of predator/prey and help young students understand the distinction between defensive structures and defensive behaviors. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-67 Title: LHS Gems: Animal Defenses Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-68 Title: LHS Gems: Convection- A Current Event Description: Students explore this important physical phenomenon by observing and charting the convection currents in a liquid. Through this experience, students gain understanding of one of the three main ways that heat moves, then go on to apply their understanding to other settings. They learn that convection is also one of the primary motivating forces that influences the movements of the Earth's crust and volcanic eruptions, the weather, the wind, and many other natural events. Students also explore convection in air and generalize their findings to describe wind patterns. A background section for the teacher is provided. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 149 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: E3-69 Title: LHS Gems: Convection- A Current Event Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-7 Title: LHS Gems: Group Solutions Description: The more than fifty highly involving cooperative logic activities in this exceedingly popular guide are designed for groups of four students. Each receives a clue to a problem and needs to share the information with all other group members to find the solution. The entire group is responsible for the solution, and it can ONLY be discovered by connecting information from ALL the clues. Introductory sections discuss cooperative learning and logic in the classroom, including a section on bilingual presentation. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-70 Title: LHS Gems: Experimenting With Model Rockets Teacher's Guide Description: Controlled experimentation is introduced in this series of exciting rocketry activities whose educational effectiveness has been demonstrated in research studies. Students experiment to see what factors influece how high a model rocket will fly by varying the number and placement of fins or the length of the body tube. Because students are "Height-O-Meters" to measure rocket altitudes, it is necessary to complete that GEMS unit before doing these rocketry activities. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-71 Title: LHS Gems: Experimenting With Model Rockets Teacher's Guide Description: Controlled experimentation is introduced in this series of exciting rocketry activities whose educational effectiveness has been demonstrated in research studies. Students experiment to see what factors influece how high a model rocket will fly by varying the number and placement of fins or the length of the body tube. Because students are "Height-O-Meters" to measure rocket altitudes, it is necessary to complete that GEMS unit before doing these rocketry activities. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 150 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: E3-72 Title: LHS Gems: Build It! Festival Description: A wide assortment of classroom learning station activities focus on mathematics relating to construction, geometric challenges, and spatial visualization. Activities connect to the real world and potential careers. Free exploration sets the stage for such mathematical challenges as Create-A-Shape, Dowel Designs, Polyhedra, Symmetry, Tangrams, and What Comes Next? Background on geometry is provided. Special materials required include pattern blocks and polyhedra. Template patterns for folding and constructing shapes and creating tangrams are provided. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-73 Title: LHS Gems: Build It! Festival Description: A wide assortment of classroom learning station activities focus on mathematics relating to construction, geometric challenges, and spatial visualization. Activities connect to the real world and potential careers. Free exploration sets the stage for such mathematical challenges as Create-A-Shape, Dowel Designs, Polyhedra, Symmetry, Tangrams, and What Comes Next? Background on geometry is provided. Special materials required include pattern blocks and polyhedra. Template patterns for folding and constructing shapes and creating tangrams are provided. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-74 Title: LHS Gems: Mystery Festival Teacher's Guide Description: This wildly popular unit features two imaginative and compelling mysteries, one for younger and one for older students. Students observe the "crime scene" then conduct crime lab tests on the evidence at classroom learning stations, analyze the results, and try to solve either Who Borrowed Mr. Bear? or The Mystery of Felix. Many key content areas are explored, and the important distinction between evidence and inference is emphasized. Crime lab tests include thread tests, powder tests, DNA, chromatography, fingerprinting, and many more. Student understanding of science deepens as they experience the ways that science is like the process of detection. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 151 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: E3-75 Title: LHS Gems: Mystery Festival Teacher's Guide Description: This wildly popular unit features two imaginative and compelling mysteries, one for younger and one for older students. Students observe the "crime scene" then conduct crime lab tests on the evidence at classroom learning stations, analyze the results, and try to solve either Who Borrowed Mr. Bear? or The Mystery of Felix. Many key content areas are explored, and the important distinction between evidence and inference is emphasized. Crime lab tests include thread tests, powder tests, DNA, chromatography, fingerprinting, and many more. Student understanding of science deepens as they experience the ways that science is like the process of detection. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-76 Title: LHS Gems: More than Magnifiers Teacher's Guide Description: In this ingenious unit, students use the same two lenses in different ways to create optical instruments, and in so doing find out how lenses are used in magnifiers, simple cameras, telescopes, and slide projectors. They learn that lenses have certain measurable properties that can help determine which lenses are best for specific purposes. This guide brings into practical "focus" important understandings related to physics, optics, and light, and makes a great connection to the GEMS guides Color Analyzers and Microscopic Explorations. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-77 Title: LHS Gems: More than Magnifiers Teacher's Guide Description: In this ingenious unit, students use the same two lenses in different ways to create optical instruments, and in so doing find out how lenses are used in magnifiers, simple cameras, telescopes, and slide projectors. They learn that lenses have certain measurable properties that can help determine which lenses are best for specific purposes. This guide brings into practical "focus" important understandings related to physics, optics, and light, and makes a great connection to the GEMS guides Color Analyzers and Microscopic Explorations. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 152 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: E3-78 Title: LHS Gems: In All Probability Teacher's Guide Description: Students play games that involves coins, spinners, dice, and Native American game sticks. They investigate chance and probability with materials, gather and analyze data, make predictions, and draw conclusions. As they gain experience, they also build confidence in their ability to explore probability and statistics. Background information is provided. These activities provide a solid basis for the development of muchneeded real-life understandings and skills. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-79 Title: LHS Gems: In All Probability Teacher's Guide Description: Students play games that involves coins, spinners, dice, and Native American game sticks. They investigate chance and probability with materials, gather and analyze data, make predictions, and draw conclusions. As they gain experience, they also build confidence in their ability to explore probability and statistics. Background information is provided. These activities provide a solid basis for the development of muchneeded real-life understandings and skills. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-8 Title: LHS Gems: Group Solutions Description: The more than fifty highly involving cooperative logic activities in this exceedingly popular guide are designed for groups of four students. Each receives a clue to a problem and needs to share the information with all other group members to find the solution. The entire group is responsible for the solution, and it can ONLY be discovered by connecting information from ALL the clues. Introductory sections discuss cooperative learning and logic in the classroom, including a section on bilingual presentation. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-80 Title: LHS Gems: Crime Lab Chemistry Teacher's Guide Description: Challenged to determine which of several black pens was used to write a ransom note, students learn and use paper chromatography, as they explore the concepts of solubility, pigments, and separation of mixtures. Several mystery scenarios are suggested, with intriguing characters. Many teachers have created their own mystery scenarios, sometimes involving themselves and/or the principal as suspects. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 153 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: E3-81 Title: LHS Gems: Crime Lab Chemistry Teacher's Guide Description: Challenged to determine which of several black pens was used to write a ransom note, students learn and use paper chromatography, as they explore the concepts of solubility, pigments, and separation of mixtures. Several mystery scenarios are suggested, with intriguing characters. Many teachers have created their own mystery scenarios, sometimes involving themselves and/or the principal as suspects. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-82 Title: LHS Gems: Dry Ice Investigations Teacher's Guide Grades 6-8 Description: This unit features student investigations into dry ice, whose intriguing and "sublime" behavior makes for a totally memorable learning experience. High interest and the captivating nature of the substance provide a strong motivational framework for students to construct essential understandings of inquiry, as well as deeper age-appropriate concepts of matter, gases, chemistry, and carbon dioxide itself. The unit is designed to meet the dual educational challenge of providing compelling student-centered experience in scientific investigation and experimentation while introducing aspects of the particulate theory of matter, phase change, nature of gesso, and the history of science. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-83 Title: LHS Gems: Dry Ice Investigations Teacher's Guide Grades Description: This unit features student investigations into dry ice, whose intriguing and "sublime" behavior makes for a totally memorable learning experience. High interest and the captivating nature of the substance provide a strong motivational framework for students to construct essential understandings of inquiry, as well as deeper age-appropriate concepts of matter, gases, chemistry, and carbon dioxide itself. The unit is designed to meet the dual educational challenge of providing compelling student-centered experience in scientific investigation and experimentation while introducing aspects of the particulate theory of matter, phase change, nature of gesso, and the history of science. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 154 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: E3-84 Title: LHS Gems: Math on the Menu Description: This unit provides strong mathematics learning experiences in a real-world context. The Rosada family asks your students for help as they open a Mexican restaurant. Students plan the menu, determine different combinations of tostado ingredients, analyze costs, set prices, expand into combination plates, and figure out the best ways to arrange tables and chairs in a new location. Throughout the unit students gain increasingly sophisticated understandings of combinations. They have many opportunities to work with date organization and analysis, and to explore aspects of statistics. The unit also strengthens number sense, addition/multiplication abilities, and understandings of money in the real world. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-85 Title: LHS Gems: Math on the Menu Description: This unit provides strong mathematics learning experiences in a real-world context. The Rosada family asks your students for help as they open a Mexican restaurant. Students plan the menu, determine different combinations of tostado ingredients, analyze costs, set prices, expand into combination plates, and figure out the best ways to arrange tables and chairs in a new location. Throughout the unit students gain increasingly sophisticated understandings of combinations. They have many opportunities to work with date organization and analysis, and to explore aspects of statistics. The unit also strengthens number sense, addition/multiplication abilities, and understandings of money in the real world. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-86 Title: LHS Gems: Mapping Animal Movements Description: Students apply field biology techniques, using a sampling and mapping system, to quantify and compare the movements of hamsters and crickets. Students plan and conduct experiments, graphing changes in movement pattersn when food and shelter are added to the environment. There are special sections on mapping the movements of Tule Elk, animal care, food, housing, handling, and the NSTA Code of Practice on Use of Animal in Schools. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 155 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: E3-87 Title: LHS Gems: Mapping Animal Movements Description: Students apply field biology techniques, using a sampling and mapping system, to quantify and compare the movements of hamsters and crickets. Students plan and conduct experiments, graphing changes in movement pattersn when food and shelter are added to the environment. There are special sections on mapping the movements of Tule Elk, animal care, food, housing, handling, and the NSTA Code of Practice on Use of Animal in Schools. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-88 Title: LHS Gems: Frog Math Teacher's Guide Description: In an artful interweaving of mathematics and literature, these activities jump off from a sell-known "Frog and Toad" story, "The Lost Button." The story leads to free exploration of buttons then sorting and classifying. Students design their own buttons and use a graphing grid to organize data. They also "guesstimate" the number of small plastic forgs in a jar and lima beans in a handful to develop the valuable life skill of estimating. A Frog Pong game helps students develop strategic thinking skills. The Hop to the Pond Game focuses on probability. In the revised guide, all grade levels play the fair version of Hop to the Pond with six frogs. Then grades 1-3 play the unfair version with 12 frogs. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-89 Title: LHS Gems: Frog Math Teacher's Guide Description: In this artful interweaving of math and literature, this unit begins with free exploration of buttons and leads to age-appropriate sorting, classifying, and graphing activities. The children develop strategic-thinking skills and are introduced to the concept of probability. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 156 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: E3-9 Title: LHS Gems: Group Solutions Too: Cooperative Logic Activities Teacher's Guide Description: This second substantial volume of cooperative logic activities takes advantage of the same cooperative format of the Group Solutions activities, but the content explored is distinct and logical thinking skills are focused in new ways. The mathematical strnads of discrete mathematics and geometry are emphasized. The popular Searches family is extended and deepened. Then, get your students ready for four all new and challenging families: Create A Creature, What's Cookin'?, Get into Shapes, and Bears on the Move. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-90 Title: LHS Gems: Secret Formulas Description: Students eagerly investigate the properties of substances as they make their own personal brands of paste, toothpaste, cola and ice cream. The activities have been designed to convey key science/mathematics skills and concepts, provide motivating real-life experiences with chemistry, and build comprehension of cause nad effect, central to later understanding of controlled experimentation. Secret Formulas speaks to the need expressed by many primary school teachers for more high-quality physical science activities. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-91 Title: LHS Gems: Secret Formulas Description: Students eagerly investigate the properties of substances as they make their own personal brands of paste, toothpaste, cola and ice cream. The activities have been designed to convey key science/mathematics skills and concepts, provide motivating real-life experiences with chemistry, and build comprehension of cause nad effect, central to later understanding of controlled experimentation. Secret Formulas speaks to the need expressed by many primary school teachers for more high-quality physical science activities. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 157 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: E3-92 Title: LHS Gems: Global Warming and the Greenhouse Effect Description: Students explore this crucial topic through a wide variety of formats, from science activities and experiments to a simulation game, analysis of articles, a story about an island threatened by rising sea levels, and a world conference on global warming. The unit presents scientific theories and evidence and helps students see environmental problems from different points of view. Extensive background for the teacher is provided. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-93 Title: LHS Gems: Global Warming and the Greenhouse Effect Description: Students explore this crucial topic through a wide variety of formats, from science activities and experiments to a simulation game, analysis of articles, a story about an island threatened by rising sea levels, and a world conference on global warming. The unit presents scientific theories and evidence and helps students see environmental problems from different points of view. Extensive background for the teacher is provided. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-94 Title: LHS Gems: Liquid Explorations Teacher's Guide Description: In this series of fun and fluid activities, students explore the properties of liquids. They play a classification game, observe how food coloring moves through different liquids, then create secret salad dressing recipes and an Ocean in a Bottle. The Rain Drops and Oil Drops activity can prompt discussion of environmental issues such as oil slicks, and was used in many Alaska schools to educate students about the 1989 oil spill. A great way to introduce younger students to the properties of matter and an excellent physical science unit for primary grades. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 158 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: E3-95 Title: LHS Gems: Liquid Explorations Teacher's Guide Description: In this series of fun and fluid activities, students explore the properties of liquids. They play a classification game, observe how food coloring moves through different liquids, then create secret salad dressing recipes and an Ocean in a Bottle. The Rain Drops and Oil Drops activity can prompt discussion of environmental issues such as oil slicks, and was used in many Alaska schools to educate students about the 1989 oil spill. A great way to introduce younger students to the properties of matter and an excellent physical science unit for primary grades. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-96 Title: LHS Gems: Math Around the World Teacher's Guide Description: With a wide range of games and other challenges from many continents, Math Around the World sets mathematics within a multicultural and international context. Each game can be presented as a two or three session activity or at a stand-alone learning station. Complete presentation instructions help make the mathematical concepts more explicit and powerful for all students. Games included are: NIM, Kalah, Tower of Hanoi, Shongo Networks, Magic Squares, Game Sticks, Games of Alignment and Hex. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-97 Title: LHS Gems: Earth, Moon and Stars Teacher Guide Grades 5-9 Description: In this research-based unit, students learn a great deal about the Earth, gravity, and astronomy. Sections focus on the shape of the Earth and gravity, moon phases and eclipses, and the stars. Students ponder questions such as..If the Earth is a ball why does it look flat? Why does the moon change its shape? How can I find constellations and tell time by the stars? Activities include observing and recording changes in the sky and creating models to explain observations. A challenging questionnaire on the Earth's shape and gravity can be used as a pre-and post assessment tool. This wide-ranging interdisciplinary unit also connects to world cultures through its exploration of myths about the rising and setting of the sun. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: E3-98 Title: LHS Gems: Math Around the World Teacher's Guide Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 159 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: E3-99 Title: LHS Gems: Of Cabbages and Chemistry Description: Students explore acids and bases using the special indicator properties of red cabbage juice. The colorchange game Presto Change-o helps students discover the acid-neautral-base continuum. They learn that chemicals can be grouped by behaviors, and relate acids and bases to their own daily experience. An "Acid and Aliens from Outer Space" extension activity can be presented to reinforce student learning or as an assessment. The unit is an excellent lead-in to the GEMS guide Acid Rain. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: F3-1 Title: LHS Gems: Acid Rain Description: In this substantial unit, students gain scientific inquiry skills as they learn about acids and the pH scale, make "fake lakes," determine how the pH of the lakes changes after an acid rainstorm, present a play about the effects of acid rain on aquatic life, and how a town meeting to discuss solutions to the problem. Students are encouraged to analyze complex environmental issues for themselves and to consider the elements that go into making environmental decisions. Extensive background information is provided. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: F3-10 Title: Teaching Physics with Toys Description: In this book, you'll find teacher tested, motivating activities that draw students in with toys, gadgetry, fun-todo experiments, and observations of scientific phenomena in everyday events. Each activity contains a list of the key science topics covered and process skills used, estimated time commitment, materials list, safety and disposal procedures, step-by-step instructions, extension suggestions, and reproducible handouts, Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: F3-11 Title: Prime Science Middle School Teacher's Guide Level A Description: The teacher's guide contains lesson-by-lesson descriptions of the chapters for that grade; provides a solid foundation for planning a science course to suit both teacher and learner; identifies key teaching points, and relates them to key ideas in other chapters, gives detailed descriptions of a wide variety of teaching and learning strategies; offers alternative teaching strategies; includes a Test Bank computer disk. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 160 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: F3-12 Title: Prime Science Middle School Level A Description: Level A is comprised of eight different chapters covering a wide variety of interesting themes including ecology, space, electricity/electronics, processes of birth and hygiene. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: F3-13 Title: Prime Science Middle School Teacher's Guide Level B Description: The teacher's guide contains lesson-by-lesson descriptions of the chapters for that grade; provides a solid foundation for planning a science course to suit both teacher and learner; identifies key teaching points, and relates them to key ideas in other chapters, gives detailed descriptions of a wide variety of teaching and learning strategies; offers alternative teaching strategies; includes a Test Bank computer disk. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: F3-14 Title: Prime Science Middle School Level B Description: Nine new and exciting chapters comprise Level B, including explorations of fire, toy design, market gardening, our skin, hair, and teeth, making music, and how minerals are put to use. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: F3-15 Title: Prime Science Middle School Teacher's Guide Level C Description: The teacher's guide contains lesson-by-lesson descriptions of the chapters for that grade; provides a solid foundation for planning a science course to suit both teacher and learner; identifies key teaching points, and relates them to key ideas in other chapters, gives detailed descriptions of a wide variety of teaching and learning strategies; offers alternative teaching strategies; includes a Test Bank computer disk. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 161 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: F3-16 Title: Prime Science Middle School Level C Description: In Level C, through ten chapters, you and your students can explore the process of photosynthesis, astronomy, oxidation, motion, physical/intellectual/emotional development, structure of metals, and electromagnetism. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: F3-17 Title: Hands On Science Series: Our Solar System Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: F3-18 Title: Move With Science: Energy, Force and Motion Description: Using rolling chairs, bicycles, and other familiar objects, this book connects the basic concepts of physics and human biology to the sights, sounds, and physical sensations that students experience every day. Move with Science uses real world situations to reperesent concepts such as inertia, stability, and the relationships between mass, energy, and motion. It brings concepts into the classroom through analogous hands-on activities and background reading sections. This book also focuses on the physics and biology of transportation safety and provides an understanding of physics that will show students the consequences of design and behavior. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: F3-19 Title: National Science Education Standards Description: The one book every science teacher must have! This book is the definitive source for science teaching, professional development, assessment program, and content standards. In short, this is the road map to reform in science education, as well as a detailed outline of what's expected these days--from you and your students. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 162 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: F3-2 Title: LHS Gems: The Real Reasons For Seasons (Sun-Earth Connections) Grades 6-8 Description: This unit has been carefully developed to help students overcome persistent misconceptions about the causes of the seasons. A sequence of hands-on and modeling activities builds student understanding and conveys a great deal of astronomical knowledge. Sponsered by NASA's Sun-Earth Connection Education Forum, the unit features a supplementary CD-ROM with a wide selection of photgraphs, films, web sites, simulations, and software. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: F3-20 Title: Middle School Science with Calculators Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: F3-21 Title: How To... Teach Measurement in Elementary School Science Description: This booklet focuses on the importance of measurement in communicating information. Hands-on activities help teachers guide students to a solid understanding of measurement, the metric system, and standardized units. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: F3-22 Title: How To…Ask the Right Questions Description: Questions are your stock and trade. Are you asking the right ones? This booklet will help you analyze your questioning techniques and greatly improve them. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 163 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: F3-23 Title: How To…Write to Learn Science Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: F3-24 Title: Profiles in Science: A Guide to NSF Funded High School Instructional Materials Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: F3-25 Title: Mostly Magnets: AIMS Activities Grades 2-8 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: F3-26 Title: Watersheds: A practical handbook for healthy water Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: F3-27 Title: The Local Environment Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 164 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: F3-28 Title: Matter and Energy in the Biosphere Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: F3-29 Title: Change Over Time Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: F3-3 Title: LHS Gems: Tree Homes Description: These activities encourage appreciation for trees and animals that live in tree homes, stimulating children's interest in the world around them and emphasizing the biological need for warmth and shelter. Children become familiar with a living tree, then build a child-size tree from cardboard boxes, paper, and cardboard tubes. The class role-plays a mother bear and cubs, raccoons, and a family of owls and their tree homes. Students make paper models of raccoons and owls. Sorting/classifying and measurement deepen mathematical learning. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: F3-31 Title: Developmental Approaches in Science, Health, and Technology (DASH) Description and Overview Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 165 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: F3-32 Title: DASH-Sampler Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: F3-33 Title: Alignment of the DASH Program with the National Science Education Standards Grades K-4 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: F3-34 Title: Alignment of the DASH Program with the AAAS Benchmarks for Science Literacy K-5 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: F3-35 Title: DASH- A Summary of Evaluations Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: F3-36 Title: Alignment of FAST and DASH with the AAAS Benchmarks for Science Literacy Grades 6-8 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 166 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: F3-37 Title: Alignment of FAST with the National Science Education Standards Grades 5-8 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: F3-38 Title: FAST- A Summary of Evaluations Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: F3-39 Title: Alignment of FAST with the AAAS Benchmarks for Science Literacy Grades 6-8 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: F3-4 Title: LHS Gems: Ant Homes Under the Ground Description: These activities delve into many aspects of these fascinating social insects. Students learn about ant body structure, jobs, and homes by observing ants in nature and in an ant farm. They role-play ants following a scent trail and dragging food through a tunnel-like structure. A large Ant Nest poster, included with the guide, is assembled in stages to highlight tunnels, ant food, social structure, and life cycle. A culminating cooperative logic game called "Fill the Hill" brings ant knowledge together with mathematical and cooperative skills. The natural integration of science and math is a strength of this unit. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 167 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: F3-40 Title: FAST and the Marine Science Studies Programs with AAAS Benchmarks for Science Literacy Grades 9-12 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: F3-41 Title: Alignment of FAST Program with the Hawaii Content Standards Middle School Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: F3-42 Title: FAST and the Marine Science Studies Programs with the National Science Education Standards Grades 912 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: F3-43 Title: Measuring Earthquakes (Real World Mathemataics Through Science) Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: F3-44 Title: Using the Learning Cycle to Teach Physical Science Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 168 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: F3-45 Title: Wonderwise (Integrated Hands-on Science) Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: F3-46 Title: The Exploratorium Guide to Scale and Structure (Activities for the Elementary Classroom) Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: F3-47 Title: The Art and Science Connection (Hands-on Activities for the Intermediate Student) Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: F3-48 Title: Rising to the Challenge of the National Science Education Standard: The Process of Science Inquiry Primary Grades Description: Easier said than done? Not necessarily. The standards state that all students should develop inquiry skills-an ambitious goal, best reached by numerous little steps--that these two books take you through. With dozens of activities, both books also include fill-in-the-blank student worksheets and transparency masters. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 169 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: F3-49 Title: Rising to the Challenge of the National Science Education Standard The Process of Science Inquiry Grades 5-8 Description: Easier said than done? Not necessarily. The standards state that all students should develop inquiry skills-an ambitious goal, best reached by numerous little steps--that these two books take you through. With dozens of activities, both books also include fill-in-the-blank student worksheets and transparency masters. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: F3-5 Title: LHS Gems: Mother Opossum and Her Babies Description: Mother Opossum and Her Babies focuses on the intriguing behavior of the Virginia Opossum. Children role play opossums sniffing in the night. They measure themselves next to a life-size poster of a mother opossum, and compare their hands and feet to an opossum's paws. Throughout, mathematics is centrally integrated with life science. Students learn about the opossum's pouch and the development of baby opossums. Through dramas, children learn about the famous trick of "playing 'possum," and are challenged to identify mystery foods by smell. After making their guesses, the class enjoys a snack of "opossum foods." Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: F3-50 Title: Organizing Wonder: Making Inquiry Science Work in the Elementary School Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: F3-51 Title: Science and Technology Concepts for Middle Schools Description: Media Type: Other Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 170 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: F3-52 Title: Foundations (A monograph for professionals in science, mathematics, and technology education) Inquiry, Thoughts, Views and Strategies for the K-5 Classroom Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: F3-53 Title: Kentucky Core Content Test Science High School Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: F3-54 Title: Kentucky Core Content Test Science Middle School Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: F3-55 Title: More Universe At Your Fingerprints: Astronomy activities and resources Description: Because the original was so popular, the geniuses behind Project ASTRO have created an additional volume of activities. These 25 activities explore and explain mysteries of the universe: the moon's phases, the reasons for the seasons, comets and meteors, stars, and space exploration. Also designed in loose leaf format, More Universe…is a great supplemental to the original, or a perfect sampler if you want to start small. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 171 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: F3-56 Title: Chemicals, Health, Environment and Me (CHEM) Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: F3-57 Title: Active Chemistry Teacher's Guide Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: F3-58 Title: Investigating Earth Systems: An Inquiry Earth Science Program--Rocks and Landforms Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: F3-59 Title: Investigating Earth Systems: An Inquiry Earth Science Program--Soil Description: Media Type: Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 172 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: F3-6 Title: LHS Gems: Environmental Detectives Description: Students learn that fish and other wildlife near Synchrony City and its rural surroundings have been dying. The "scene of the crime" is the "Gray Area," including forests, a city and town, a coast, rivers, a lake and a pond. Possible "suspects" include a water slide, a toy factory, a golf course, loggers, hunters and fishers, a cow ranch, oil tanker, automobiles, and households. Your students--the environmental detectives--perform chemical and biological tests to figure out what is causing the problems. Among content areas are: chlorine pollution, acid rain, erosion, and sediment pollution, predator-prey relationships, phosphate pollution/algal blooms and oil pollution. Students become aware of the interconnectedness of the natural world, the complexity of environmental problems, and how major impacts can be triggered by one seemingly small change. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: F3-60 Title: LHS Gems: Stories in Stone Description: Stories in Stone is an earth science unit that deepens understanding of the processes that lead to the formation of igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks. Working with a set of ten rock and mineral samples students learn the distinction between rocks and minerals, classify the samples and attempt to classify "mystery rocks." They observe formation of salt crystals and make models of crystal shapes. A crystallization experiment, using salol at different temperatures, models processes in the formation of igneous rocks. Unique clay modeling activities with geological narratives provide students with "hands-on" insight into the rock cycle and plate tectonics. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: F3-61 Title: Alignment of DASH and FAST with the National Science Education Standards Grades 5-8 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: F3-62 Title: Foundational Approaches in Science Teaching (FAST) Description and Overview Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 173 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: F3-7 Title: LHS Gems: Environmental Detectives Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: F3-8 Title: LHS Gems: Stories in Stone Description: Stories in Stone is an earth science unit that deepens understanding of the processes that lead to the formation of igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks. Working with a set of ten rock and mineral samples students learn the distinction between rocks and minerals, classify the samples and attempt to classify "mystery rocks." They observe formation of salt crystals and make models of crystal shapes. A crystallization experiment, using salol at different temperatures, models processes in the formation of igneous rocks. Unique clay modeling activities with geological narratives provide students with "hands-on" insight into the rock cycle and plate tectonics. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: F3-9 Title: Discovering Density Description: In a very involving and colorful activity, students attempt to layer liquids in a straw, leading them to explore the concept of density. The teacher introduces the mathematical equation for mull sheets, while reinforcing their practical understanding of this important concept in the physical sciences. Why does a scoop of ice cream float in root beer? A number of such Puzzling Scenarios encourage students to explore real-life connections to density. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: have Title: Science and Technology Concepts for Middle Schools: Properties of Matter Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 174 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: have Title: Teaching High School Science: Chemical Reactions (Tape 3) Description: Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: have Title: Teaching High School Science: Investigating Crickets (Tape 4) Description: Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: have Title: Teaching High School Science: Exploring Mars (Tape 5) Description: Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: have Title: Teaching High School Science: The Physics of Optics (Tape 6) Description: Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: have Title: Delta Education: Discovery Guide Dinosaurs (Pre K) Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 175 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: have Title: Delta Education: Discovery Guid Trees (Pre K) Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: have Title: Craters! (CD-ROM included) Description: An intergrated science guide to cratering, Craters! Includes 20 ready-to-use, hands-on acitivities that use cratering to teach key concepts in physics, astronomy, biology, and Earth Science. Special features include custom CD-ROM packed with supplemental images for classroom activities, an exclusive summary of research on the comet Shoemaker Levy 9's encounter with Jupiter, and a detailed background section for teachers. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: have Title: Delta Education: Discovery Guide Insects and Spiders (Pre K) Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: have Title: Teaching High School Science: Introduction (Tape 1) Description: Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 176 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: have Title: LHS Gems: Stories in Stone Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: have Title: 24 Game Primer: 1,2,3 Dot Multiply/Divide (Ages 8 and up) Description: The "24" Games are simple to learn and fun to play. These fast paced games help students improve computation skills and reinforce mental math, problem solving, concentration and critical thinking. Three levels of difficulty ensure early success and build students' confidence. Perfect for individual or group work. Each set includes 96 double sided game cards. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: have Title: 24 Game Primer: 1,2,3 Dot Add/Subtract (Ages 6 and up) Description: The "24" Games are simple to learn and fun to play. These fast paced games help students improve computation skills and reinforce mental math, problem solving, concentration, and critical thinking. Three levels of difficulty ensure early success and build student's confidence. Perfect for individual or group work. Each set includes 96 double-sided game cards. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: have Title: 24 Game Primer: 1,2,3 Dot Add/Subtract (Ages 6 and up) Description: The "24" Games are simple to learn and fun to play. These fast paced games help students improve computation skills and reinforce mental math, problem solving, concentration, and critical thinking. Three levels of difficulty ensure early success and build student's confidence. Perfect for individual or group work. Each set includes 96 double-sided game cards. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 177 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: have Title: 24 Game: Decimals Edition (Ages 11 and Up) Description: The "24" Games are simple to learn and fun to play. These fast paced games help students improve computation skills and reinforce mental math, problem solving, concentration, and crititcal thinking. Three levels of difficulty ensure early success and build students' confidence. Perfect for individual or group work. Each set includes 96 double-sided game cards. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: have Title: Delta Education: Discovery Guide Oceans (Pre K) Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: have Title: Britannica Mathematics in Context: Packages and Polygons Description: Packages and Polygons introduces students to the exploration of two and three dimensional shapes. The unit begins with an investigation into geometrical shapes, such as prisms and pyramids, in real world objects. Students create nets and construct models of regular and semi regular polyhedra. They use their models and nets to investigate the relationship between vertices, edges, and faces. Students solve problems by constructing, visualizing, and reasoning about polyhedra. At the end of the unit, students design their own packages in the shapes of polyhedra. Also included is the Student Edition Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: have Title: Balanced Assessment: Elementary Grades Assessment (Package 1) Description: Balanced Assessment provides a set of extensively classroom tested performance tasks. Each package contains a collection of these tasks with guidance on how to use the tasks which is illustrated by several renderings of typical work, and rubrics and commentary to help you evaluate each student's work. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 178 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: have Title: Britannica Mathematics in Context: Ratios and Rates Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: have Title: Atlas of Science Literacy Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: have Title: Vernier LabPro Description: Media Type: Kit Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: have Title: KCCT Math PracTests Grade 5 Description: Student and Teacher books Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 179 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: have Title: Britannica Mathematics in Context: Patterns and Figures Description: Patterns and Functions is about numberical and visual patterns. Students investigate patterns and describe them in words and with mathematical expression. Regular patterns are studied in the context of patterns in geometrical shapes and in sequences of numbers. Students learn to use different representations such as tables, number strips, and formulas to describe patterns. Special attention is paid to arithmetic (linear) sequences and non-arithmetic sequences (such as square numbers and triangular numbers). Also included is the Student Edition Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: have Title: Learning Science Through Inquiry: Workshop Guide Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: have Title: Britannica Mathematics in Context: Dealing with Data Description: In this unit, students are introduced to different ways of organizing and interpreting large sets of data. Students learn how to use different statistical graphs, including scatter plots, stem-and-leaf plots, histograms, and box plots, and they learn about such statistical measures as mean, median, and mode. They also begin to learn the importance of representative sampling and how to use statistical arguments to make decisions. Also included is the Student Edition Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: have Title: Teaching High School Science: Thinking Like Scientists (Tape 2) Description: Media Type: Video Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 180 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: have Title: Britannica Mathematics in Context: Teacher Resource and Implementation Guide Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: have Title: Britannica Mathematics in Context: Ups and Downs Description: In Ups and Downs , students are informally introduced to a variety of real life situations involving growth patterns. Throughout the unit, students learn how to describe these patterns of increase and decrease using tables of values, graphs, and formulas expressed as word formulas, arrow strings, or with letter symbols. The mathematics in Section A focuses on examining patterns of increase and decrease in tables and graphs. Graphs are analyzed and interpreted in greater depth here than in previous units, as students are challenged to find the differences in growth in a graph and relate tables of values to various graphs of straight lines and curves. In later sections, periodic functions, linear functions, and exponential growth and decay are introduced. Students use both recursive and direct formulas to describe linear growth patterns, while exponential growth is described using only recursive formulas. In each growth pattern context, the relationships between a formula's table of challenged to give the meanings of the variables and numbers in specific formulas and explain the origin of some formulas. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: have Title: Science Court-- Fossils Description: CD included Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: have Title: Science Court-- Soil Description: CD included Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 181 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: have Title: Teaching High School Science Guidebook Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: have Title: Balanced Assessment: Elementary Grades Assessment (Package 1) Description: Balanced Assessment provides a set of extensively classroom tested performance tasks. Each package contains a collection of these tasks with guidance on how to use the tasks which is illustrated by several renderings of typical work, and rubrics and commentary to help you evaluate each student's work. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: have Title: Britannica Mathematics in Context: Per Sense Description: Per Sense introduces students to experiences that will enrich their understanding of percents. The interrelationship between fractions, percents and ratios is implicit throughout the unit. Students should develop an intuitive understanding of the concept of percent and its use as a standardization in order to make comparisons between different quanities. The major focus is on percent as a standardization of fractions and ratios in terms of parts per hundred. To build this understanding, students use percent bars and ratio tables. Also included is the Student Edition Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: have Title: KCCT Math PracTests Grade 8 Description: Student and Teacher books Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 182 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: have Title: Atlas of Science Literacy Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: have Title: Science and Technology Concepts for Middle Schools: Properties of Matter Teacher's Guide Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: have Title: Balanced Assessment: High School Assessment Package 1 Description: Balanced Assessment provides a set of extensively classroom tested performance tasks. Each package contains a collection of these tasks with guidance on how to use the tasks which is illustrated by several renderings of typical work, and rubrics and commentary to help you evaluate each student's work. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: have Title: Workshop Guide Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: have Title: Benchmarks for Science Literacy Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 183 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: have Title: Atlas of Science Literacy Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: have Title: Atlas of Science Literacy Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: have Title: Earth Comm: Earth System Science in the Community-Earth's Dynamic Geosphere Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: have Title: Atlas of Science Literacy Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: have Title: KCCT Math PracTests Grade 8 Description: Student and Teacher books Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 184 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: have Title: KCCT Math PracTests Grade 5 Description: Student and Teacher books Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: have Title: Hands on Physics Activities with Real Life Applications Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: have Title: Balanced Assessment: Middle Grades Assessment Package 2 Description: Balanced Assessment provides a set of extensively classroom tested performance tasks. Each package contains a collection of these tasks with guidance on how to use the tasks which is illustrated by several renderings of typical work, and rubrics and commentary to help you evaluate each student's work. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: have Title: Balanced Assessment: Middle Grades Assessment Package 1 Description: Balanced Assessment provides a set of extensively classroom tested performance tasks. Each package contains a collection of these tasks with guidance on how to use the tasks which is illustrated by several renderings of typical work, and rubrics and commentary to help you evaluate each student's work. Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 185 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: have Title: Attaining Excellence A TIMSS Resource Kit Description: Media Type: Kit Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: have Title: Atlas of Science Literacy Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: have Title: What is Inquiry and Why Do It? (Tape 1) Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: have Title: Science and Technology Concepts for Middle Schools: Properties of Matter Student Guide and Source Book Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: have Title: 24 Game: Fractions Edition (Ages 11 and Up) Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 186 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: have Title: Navigating through Geometry Grades 6-8 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: have Title: Navigating through Geometry Grades 6-8 Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: have Title: Setting the Stage: Creating a Learning Community (Tape 2) Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: have Title: The Process Begins: Launching the Inquiry Expolration (Tape 3) Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: have Title: Focus the Inquiry: Designing the Exploration (Tape 4) Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 187 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: have Title: The Inquiry Continues: Collecting Data and Drawing Upon Resources (Tape 5) Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: have Title: Assessing Inquiry (Tape 7) Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: have Title: Connecting Other Subjects To Inquiry (Tape 8) Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: have Title: Atlas of Science Literacy Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: have Title: Atlas of Science Literacy Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 188 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: have Title: Bring It All Together (Tape 6) Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: have Title: Middle School Algeblocks Description: Media Type: Book Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: T1-1 Title: McGraw Hill Science Activity Kit: Grade K Description: Activity Bank with Answer Key, Assessment Book, School to Home Activities, Cross Curricular Projects, Activity Notebook Blackline Masters with Answer Key, Unit Theme Learn About Your World, Learn About Plants, Learn About Animals, A Home Called Earth, Weather and Seasons, Making Things Move, Activity Card Sampler, Vocabulary Card Sampler, Picture Card Sampler, Teacher's Multimedia Edition, Trade Books (Good Morning, Little Pets, The Picnic, Rain, Rain Go Away!, Rita and Ed Build, We Can Eat a Rainbow, Hello, A Picture, The Pancake Place, At the Petting, All Kinds of Plants, Plant Parts, All Kinds of Rocks, What Sinks? What Floats?, What's in the Soil?, Toys That Move, Our Desert Home, A Favorite Season) Media Type: Kit Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: T1-2 Title: McGraw Hill Science Activity Kit: Grade 1 Description: Textbook, Reading in Science Resources, Activity Resources, Assessment Book, School to Home Activities, Cross Curricular Projects, Test Preparation and Practice by the Princeton Review, Transparency Sampler, Vocabulary Card Sampler, Picture Card Sampler, Center Card Sampler, Teacher's Edition Life Science Unit A and B, Teacher's Edition Earth Science Units C and D, Teacher's Edition Physical Science Units E and F, Trading Cards(My Big Fall, Beavers Make Dams, Good-bye Mr. Snowman!, Ann's Wagon, Under the Night Sky, Our Busy Tree, The Big Little Boy, My Kite, Planting Seeds, Bit By Bit, Wet Walk, How Do You Make A Rainbow?, The Lost Balloon, Anna Paints, Wings of Paper, Going for a Walk, Where Did They Go?, What's New?), CATS:Test Preparation and Practice with Reading and Math Test Practice, Kentucky Lesson Planner with Correlations to the Core Content for Science Assessment Media Type: Kit Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 189 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: T1-3 Title: McGraw Hill Science Activity Kit: Grade 2 Description: Textbook, Reading in Science Resources, Activity Resources, Assessment Book, School to Home Activities, Cross Curricular Projects, Test Preparation and Practice [by The Princeton Review], Transparency Sampler, Vocabulary Sampler, Picture Card Sampler, Life Science Unit A and B Teacher's Edition, Earth Science Units C and D Teacher's Edition, Physical Science Units E and F Teacher's Edition, Center Card Sampler, Trade Books (River Home, All About Eggs, Sunset Surprise, Dreams on Wheels, A Science Project for George, The Well-Loved Lama, Every Sunday Morning, A Winning Team, Save Our Animals, Standing Up Country: A Land of Surprises, Fossil Fuels Keep Us Warm, The Ride Inside, Ride a Floating Train, When Zeke Is Home Alone, Juan's Vegetable Garden, Thomas Alva Edison, Mr. Hobso's Garden), CATS:Test Preparation and Practice with Reading and Math Test Practice, Kentucky Lesson Planner with Correlations to the Core Content for Science Assessment Media Type: Kit Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: T1-4 Title: McGraw Hill Science Activity Kit: Grade 3 Description: Textbook, Reading in Science Resources, Activity Resources, Assessment Book, School to Home Activities, Cross Curricular Projects, Test Preparation and Practice [by The Princeton Review], Transparency Sampler, Vocabulary Sampler, Life Science Unit A and B Teacher's Edition, Earth Science Units C and D Teacher's Edition, Physical Science Units E and F Teacher's Edition, Trade Books (The Refrigerator Raider, Edward Jenner and the Smallpox Vaccine, Mars Discovery, Steal Away Night, A Ride Over the Serengeti, Machines That Build, Get a Grip, Claws and Wings and Other Neat Things, Ben Franklin, There and Back, Then and Now, Acoma:The Sky City, Up, Up, and Away:The Mae Jemison Story, Rescue at First Encounter Beach, Supersonic Shake, The Wolves' Winter, Kit Foxes, The Hurricane Hero, The Old Swimming Hole, I Can't Believe My Eyes, Sharks, The Winter Goose), CATS:Test Preparation and Practice with Reading and Math Test Practice, Kentucky Lesson Planner with Correlations to the Core Content for Science Assessment Media Type: Kit Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 190 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: T2-1 Title: McGraw Hill Science Activity Kit: Grade 4 Description: Textbook, Reading in Science Resources, Activity Resources, Assessment Book, School to Home Activities, Cross Curricular Projects, Test Preparation and Practice [by The Princeton Review], Transparency Sampler, Vocabulary Sampler, Life Science Unit A and B Teacher's Edition, Earth Science Units C and D Teacher's Edition, Physical Science Units E and F Teacher's Edition, Trade Books (Fair Play at the Olympics, Emergency! A Trip to the Hospital, The Water Watchers, Tracking the Tides, Magnets Everywhere, Lewis Howard Latimer:An Inventive Mind!, The Polar Bear and the Jaguar, Do You Feel Earth Moving?, Rocks Don't Just Sit There, How the Lever Changed the World, A Chemist in the Kitchen, Julia Morgan: Master Architect, The Future Is Now, It's Alive!, The Wild World of Animal Friends and Foes, The Angel Food Cake Disaster, Why Tortoise Have A Shell, Penguins Birds That Swim, Sylvia Earle: She's In Deep Water, Ballet Yuck!, The Pack Rat, CATS:Test Preparation and Practice with Reading and Math Test Practice, Kentucky Lesson Planner with Correlations to the Core Content for Science Assessment Media Type: Kit Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: T2-2 Title: McGraw Hill Science Activity Kit: Grade 5 Description: Textbook, Reading in Science Resources, Activity Resources, Assessment Book, School to Home Activities, Cross Curricular Projects, Test Preparation and Practice [by The Princeton Review], Transparency Sampler, Vocabulary Sampler, Life Science Unit A and B Teacher's Edition, Earth Science Units C and D Teacher's Edition, Physical Science Units E and F Teacher's Edition, Trade Books (A Watery Wonderland, Trouble At Forest Park, The Great Johnstown Flood, Insight, Moon Landing That Never Was, Dinosaur, Quinto's Volcano, The Eagles Are Back, Wildfire Battling the Westhampton Fire, Antarctica, People Making A Difference: Dr. Errol Crook, A Special Strength, Jonathan Chapman The Appleseed Man), CATS:Test Preparation and Practice with Reading and Math Test Practice, Kentucky Lesson Planner with Correlations to the Core Content for Science Assessment Media Type: Kit Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 191 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: T2-3 Title: McGraw Hill Science Activity Kit: Grade 6 Description: Textbook, Reading in Science Resources, Activity Resources, Assessment Book, School to Home Activities, Cross Curricular Projects, Test Preparation and Practice [by The Princeton Review], Transparency Sampler, Vocabulary Sampler, Life Science Unit A and B Teacher's Edition, Earth Science Units C and D Teacher's Edition, Physical Science Units E and F Teacher's Edition, Trade Books (My Body Is Changing Now What Do I Do?, Skates, Bikes, and Rockets What Makes Them Move?, Galileo's Secret, The Big Bang and the History of the Universe, Volcano Diary:Mount Saint Helens, The Code of Life The Story of DNA, Cells At Work:The Laboratory of Dr. Serafin Pinol-Roma, A Superman's Quest, Dino Flight, Perpetual Motion Machines, Einstein Newton and Gravity, Marie Curie, History Under Their Feet, Digging in the Sun, ZZZZZZ, Time Machines Past and Present, Sky-High, Flight of the Monarch, To Jupiter and Beyond, Tropical Rain Forest) CATS:Test Preparation and Practice with Reading and Math Test Practice, Kentucky Lesson Planner with Correlations to the Core Content for Science Assessment Media Type: Kit Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: T2-4 Title: Active Physics Description: Teacher's Edition Sports, Teacher's Edition Home,Activity Book Home, Medicine, Sports, Communication, Predictions, Transportation, Introduction/Overview Folder Media Type: Kit Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: T2-5 Title: Cuisenaire Materials: Math By All Means Place Value Grade 2 Kit Description: Overhead Dice, Learning with Snap Cubes, Learning with Color Tiles Media Type: Kit Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: T2-6 Title: Cuisenaire Materials: Math By All Means Multiplication Grade 3 Kit Description: Overhead Dice, Learning with Snap Cubes, Learning with Color Tiles, Learning with Cuisenaire Rods Media Type: Kit Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 192 of 193 Materials Available For Loan from the University of Kentucky ARSI Resource Collaborative Material ID: T3-1 Title: Cuisenaire Learning Materials-- Math By All Means: Money Grades 1-2 Description: Media Type: Kit Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: T3-2 Title: Cuisenaire Learning Materials--Math By All Means: Geometry Grade 3 Description: Media Type: Kit Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Middle Science High Other Material ID: T3-3 Title: An ASCD Professional Inquiry Kit: Constructivism Description: Media Type: Kit Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: Math Thursday, March 18, 2004 Middle Science High Other Page 193 of 193