2014-15 Sartorette Charter School Cambrian District The District Governing Board approved this revision of the School Plan on: CDS Code: 43693856046494 Principal: Scott Johnson, Principal Superintendent: Carrie Andrews Address: 3850 Woodford Dr. San Jose, CA 95124-3736 Phone: (408) 979-2560 Email: johnsons@cambriansd.org Website: www.cambriansd.org Sartorette Charter 2014-15 Single Plan For Student Achievement Report Goals and Actions Start Date Completion Date Amount Reading/Language Arts Increase Student Achievement In Reading/Language Arts Interventions 8/20/2014 6/11/2015 $39,433 Response to Intervention/ExCEL 8/20/2014 6/11/2015 $47,288 Library 8/20/2014 6/11/2015 $11,580 Supplemental Instructional Materials 8/20/2014 6/11/2015 $18,849 Professional Development 8/20/2014 6/11/2015 $10,000 GATE 8/20/2014 6/11/2015 $2,500 English Language Instruction 8/20/2014 6/11/2015 $18,000 Differentiated Instruction 8/20/2014 6/11/2015 $0 Interventions 8/20/2014 6/11/2015 $19,847 GATE 8/20/2014 6/11/2015 $1,000 Garden 8/20/2014 6/11/2015 $550 Science Instructor 8/20/2014 6/11/2015 $7,000 FOSS 8/20/2014 6/11/2015 $1,000 Implement PBIS 8/20/2014 6/11/2015 $1,000 Wellness/Physical Education 8/20/2014 6/11/2015 $11,300 Art Vistas 8/20/2014 6/11/2015 $10,465 Music 8/20/2014 6/11/2015 $0 Improving 21st Century Skills 8/20/2014 6/11/2015 $13,600 Mathematics Increase Student Achievement In Mathematics Science Increase Student Achievement In Science School Climate Maintain a Positive, Consistent, and Safe School Climate Total Annual Expenditures for Current Site Plan: $213,412.00 5/20/2015 Powered by SchoolCity, Inc Page 2 of 23 Sartorette Charter 2014-15 Single Plan For Student Achievement Report Goals LEA Goal: Aligned LCAP Goal: Not Aligned Goal Area : Reading/Language Arts School Goal : Increase Student Achievement In Reading/Language Arts By June 2014, 76% of all students in grades Kindergarten through 5th grade will attain grade level proficiency or above in English Language Arts as measure by: K-2 Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA2); Grades 3rd-5th End of Year Curriculum Associates Common Core ELA Assessment. What data did you use to form this goal (findings from data analysis)? ELA CST data from 2012-13; Sited and District ELA Benchmark Assessments; California English Language Development Test (CELDT). How does this goal align to your Local Educational Agency Plan goals? LEAP Goal 1: Proficiency in Reading/Language Arts: All students will reach high standards, at a minimum, attaining proficiency or better in reading and mathematics, by 2016-17. LEAP Goal 2A: AMAO 1 -Annual Progress Learning English: By June 2017, the percentage of English learners learning English will increase from 70.4% to 80%, in order to remain beyond state defined growth expectations as measured by CELDT. LEAP Goal 2B: AMAO 2 - English Proficiency: By June 2017, the percentage of English learners in language instruction educational programs fewer than 5 years attaining English language proficiency will increase from 39.9% to 50%, in order to remain beyond state defined expectations for meeting the CELDT criterion for English-language proficiency. By June 2017, the percentage of English learners in language instruction educational programs 5 or more years attaining English language proficiency will increase from 48.9% to 60%, in order move toward state defined expectations for meeting the CELDT criterion for English-language proficiency LEAP Goal 2C: AMAO 3 - AYP for EL Subgroup: By June 2017, the percentage of English learners attaining proficiency in reading/language arts will be 60%, as measured by: 3rd-8th End of Year ELA Curriculum Associate Benchmark or CAPA, in order to move toward state-defined expectations for proficiency in Reading/Language Arts LEAP Goal 3: Highly Qualified Teachers: All students will be taught by highly qualified teachers by 201415. What did the analysis of the data reveal that led you to this goal? There was an increase of 1% in all students proficient (from 75% to 76%) in ELA for 2013. The 3 major subgroups increased in the percent of students that are proficient from 2011-2012: Hispanic from 50% to 59%, SED from 44% to 51% and EL from 50% to 62%. District benchmark and grade level assessments show evidence over the year of increased student proficiency, especially for students consistently receiving targeted intervention. Which stakeholders were involved in analyzing data and developing this goal? Teachers, School Site Council, Instructional Aides, and District Office Staff Who are the focus students? Target subgroups: Socio-economically Disadvantaged, English Learners, Hispanic/Latino What is the expected growth? 5/20/2015 Powered by SchoolCity, Inc Page 3 of 23 Sartorette Charter 2014-15 Single Plan For Student Achievement Report Projected growth by target subgroups: 47% of Socio Economically Disadvantaged students will achieve grade level proficiency 62% of English Learner students will achieve grade level proficiency Other subgroup: 60 % of Hispanic/Latino will achieve grade level proficiency What data will be collected to measure student achievement? K-2 Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA2) Grades 3rd-5th End of Year Curriculum Associate Common Core Benchmark District Benchmarks District ELA Curriculum Associates Common Core Benchmark Site determined assessments California English Langauge Development Test (CELDT) What process will you use to monitor and evaluate the data? Uisng the Cycle of Inquiry process, all stakeholders will review, analyze, recommend, and implement aactions as outcomes of data collcted at the beginning of the year, and at the end of each trimester throughout the year. Actions to improve achievement to exit program improvement (if applicable). Through ongoing benchmark and formative assessments, teachers will monitor progress of their target students and modify instruction accordingly. Through the RtI regrouping strategy, students who are not meeting grade level standards will be provided appropriate intervention to meet their needs. The emphasis of Professional Development will be best practices and addressing the achievement gap between all students and sub groups. Strategy: 5/20/2015 Powered by SchoolCity, Inc Page 4 of 23 Sartorette Charter 2014-15 Single Plan For Student Achievement Report Action Title: Interventions Means of Achievement: Increased educational opportunity Action Type : Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance. Tasks : Identified students falling below grade level in reading will receive extra assistance through Reading Intervention (grades 1-3) and Prime Time (kindergarten). The learning time may include foundation skills/phonics and use of non fiction to support Common Core. We will use DRA2, district pre and post tests, and grade level assessments in reading/language arts for the initial identification of these students. Throughout the year, teachers will use the measures listed below to monitor progress. Measures : DRA2, benchmark results, Curriculum embedded assessments People Assigned : Teachers, Intervention Teachers, Principal Start Date : 8/20/2014 Completion Date : 6/11/2015 Funding Resources Related Expenditures Estimated Cost LCFF Supplemental Grant Intervention Teachers $10,000 Charter Schools Intervention Teachers $21,433 NCLB: Title I, Part A, Basic Grants Low-Income and Neglected Intervention Teachers $8,000 5/20/2015 Powered by SchoolCity, Inc Page 5 of 23 Sartorette Charter 2014-15 Single Plan For Student Achievement Report Action Title: Response to Intervention/ExCEL Means of Achievement: Alignment of instruction with content standards Action Type : Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance. Tasks : Teachers collaborate to determine the appropriate placement of students during RtI (ExCEL) regrouping for ELA. Students will receive instruction based on grade level standards at the students' reading ability group for 50-60 minutes four days a week (Tuesday through Friday). All students will have equal access to the core curriculum Houghton Mifflin and Common Core standards Curriculum. Assessment will be ongoing to monitor student progress and adjust instruction. ExCEL support staff will push in to the classroom to enhance small group instruction. Differentiated instruction will be provided based at the instructional level of the group (e.g. intervention, benchmark, enrichment). Teachers will integrate the use of Junior Great Books, nonfiction and informational text and GLAD strategies during flexible grouping time. We will continue to use grade level common assessments to determine growth and to facilitate fluid placement of students for RtI (ExCEL) regrouping. We will continue to integrate RSP in to RtI/ExCEL to service students with IEP reading goals including other students with intensive needs. Intensive students will have access to SuccessMaker for 15-20 minutes 4 times a week. Fourth and fifth grade will incorporate the units written and implemented as a result of their CCSS/ExCEL training. This training wil expand to second and third grade. Measures : Theme tests, Theme Skills Tests, District ELA Benchmark Assessments in November and MarchOther assessment tools as determined by grade level People Assigned : Classroom Teachers ExCEL Support Staff Start Date : 8/20/2014 Completion Date : 6/11/2015 Funding Resources Related Expenditures Estimated Cost LCFF Supplemental Grant Support Staff $6,280 NCLB: Title I, Part A, Basic Grants Low-Income and Neglected Support Staff $22,933 Charter Schools Support Staff $18,075 Action Title: Library Means of Achievement: Increased educational opportunity Action Type : Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance. Tasks : All classrooms visit the library weekly for checkout. Additional AR level books need to be leveled. Teachers need to trained for library book check-in/out. Measures : Library schedule People Assigned : Librarian Start Date : 8/20/2014 Completion Date : 6/11/2015 Funding Resources Related Expenditures Donations Librarian $8,580 Charter Schools Librarian $3,000 5/20/2015 Powered by SchoolCity, Inc Estimated Cost Page 6 of 23 Sartorette Charter 2014-15 Single Plan For Student Achievement Report Action Title: Supplemental Instructional Materials Means of Achievement: Improvement of instruction strategies and materials Action Type : Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance. Tasks : Purchase supplemental materials such as leveled books, class sets of novels and non fiction to support differentiation during grade level ExCEL grouping and for other materials for reading/langauge arts. Purchase and demonstrate use of non-fiction leveled materials to create a balance between literature and informational test to support the Common Core. Purchase materials that enhance the core curriculum that support Foundational Skills emphasized in the Common Core: phonological awareness, phonics and word recognition, and fluency. Provide instructional materials to enhance the ELD core curriculum. Measures : Purchase orders grade level supplemental materials list student achievement data that supports need for content of specific instructional materials People Assigned : Grade Level Teams, ELD Teachers, Principal Start Date : 8/20/2014 Completion Date : 6/11/2015 Funding Resources Related Expenditures Estimated Cost Charter Schools Instructional materials $18,849 Action Title: Professional Development Means of Achievement: Alignment of instruction with content standards Action Type : Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance. Tasks : Release time will be provided for GLAD planning. Emphasis of staff development will be best practices and addressing the achievement gap between all students and sub groups in addition to the CCSS professional development provided by the district. Second and third grade teachers will work with our RtI consultant to develop units that incorporate the CCSS. Release time will be provided for teachers to observe each other using technology as a teaching/learning tool. Release time will be provided for teachers in grades K-5 to assess students using the DRA-2 and to analyze results and identify best practices to address their target students. Measures : Implementation level of key GLAD strategies, Implementation level of utilizing technology as a teaching and learning tool, Use of DRA2 results to inform instruction People Assigned : Teachers, Principal, District Office Staff Start Date : 8/20/2014 Completion Date : 6/11/2015 Funding Resources Related Expenditures NCLB: Title I, Part A, Basic Grants Low-Income and Neglected Professional Development $5,000 Charter Schools Professional Development $5,000 5/20/2015 Powered by SchoolCity, Inc Estimated Cost Page 7 of 23 Sartorette Charter 2014-15 Single Plan For Student Achievement Report Action Title: GATE Means of Achievement: Alignment of instruction with content standards Action Type : Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance. Tasks : Provide GATE instruction through in-class differentiation and the RtI (ExCEL) regrouping model, including use of Junior Great Books. Continue to explore/provide carefully selected after school programs such as The Great Ocean Rescue, Slime Lab, Design Challenge, State Bird or Flower Clay Seminar, and Forensics Seminar. Measures : Participation in after school programs and additional enrichment and extension activities within the classroom. People Assigned : Site GATE Coordinator, Teachers, Vendors, Principal Start Date : 8/20/2014 Completion Date : 6/11/2015 Funding Resources Related Expenditures Charter Schools Instructional Materials, Vendors, Personnel Costs Estimated Cost $2,500 Action Title: English Language Instruction Means of Achievement: Alignment of instruction with content standards Action Type : Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance. Tasks : Provide additional standards based instructional opportunities for EL students through differentiated instruction and time with the EL instructional aide, a credentialed teacher. Through a pull out model, the EL instructor will support language acquisition through small group instruction 4 times a week for 30 minutes, determined by students' CELDT levels and teacher input using the selected ELD curriculum. ELD teachers will communicate to classroom teachers student progress. ELD teachers GLAD trained and continue to implement GLAD strategies. We will continue our English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) to involve EL parents in the learning and education of their children. The ELAC will meet 3-4 times during the school year. Measures : CELDT, ELD Program Assessments, Benchmark Assessments, Grade level assessments, People Assigned : Classroom Teachers, ELD Teachers, Principal Start Date : 8/20/2014 Completion Date : 6/11/2015 Funding Resources Related Expenditures LCFF Supplemental Grant ELD Teachers 5/20/2015 Powered by SchoolCity, Inc Estimated Cost $18,000 Page 8 of 23 Sartorette Charter 2014-15 Single Plan For Student Achievement Report LEA Goal: Aligned LCAP Goal: Not Aligned Goal Area : Mathematics School Goal : Increase Student Achievement In Mathematics By June 2014, 79% of all students in grades kindergarten through 5th grade will attain grade level proficiency or above in mathematics as measured by: K-1 End of Year benchmark, 3rd-5th End of Year Curriculum Associates Common Core Math Assessment. What data did you use to form this goal (findings from data analysis)? CST data from 2012-13; Site and District Math Benchmark Assessments; California English Language Development Test (CELDT); MARS Assessment How does this goal align to your Local Educational Agency Plan goals? LEAP Goal 1: All students will reach high standards, at a minimum, attaining proficiency or better in reading and mathematics, by 2016-2017. LEAP Goal 2C: AMAO 3 - By June 2017, the percentage of English learners attaining proficiency in Mathematics will increase from 48.9% to 60%, as measured by: Grades K-1 End of Year Math Benchmark; Grades 2nd-6th End of year Curriculum Associates Math Benchmark; Grades 7th -8th End of Year Mathematics Diagnostic Testing Project (MDTP) Assessment, in order to move toward state defined expectation for proficiency in Mathematics Leap Goal 3: Highly Qualified Teachers - All students will be taught by highly qualified teachers by 2014-15. What did the analysis of the data reveal that led you to this goal? The percentage of All Students proficient increased from 74% in 2011-2012 to 79% in 2012-2013. Hispanic increased from 50% to 59%, SED increased from 52% to 55%, and EL increased from 59% to 64%. District benchmark and grade level assessments show evidence over the year of increased student proficiency, especially for students consistently receiving targeted intervention (e.g. extended day Math Academy). Which stakeholders were involved in analyzing data and developing this goal? Teachers, School Site Council, Instructional Aides, Principal Who are the focus students? Socio-Economically Disadvantaged, English Learners Other Subgroups: Hispanic/Latino What is the expected growth? Expected growth for target subgroups: 69% fo English Language students will achieve grade level proficiency 60% of Socio-Econically Disadvantaged students will achieve grade level proficiency Other subgroups: 64% of Hispanic/Latino students will achieve grade level proficiency What data will be collected to measure student achievement? K-2 End of YEar Math Benchmark, 2nd-5th End of year ELA Curriculum Associates Common Core math Benchmark, District Mathematics Benchmark Assessment (Fall, Winter), Site Assessments, MARS Assessment 5/20/2015 Powered by SchoolCity, Inc Page 9 of 23 Sartorette Charter 2014-15 Single Plan For Student Achievement Report What process will you use to monitor and evaluate the data? Teacher/Grade Level Teams will review student achievement data disaggregated by subgroups. Teachers/Grade Level Teams will monitor student progress using benchmarks and ongoing grade level assessment. Using the Cycle of Inquiry process, all stakeholders will review, analyze, recommend, and implement actions as outcomes of data collected at the beginning of the year, and the end of each trimester throughout the year. Actions to improve achievement to exit program improvement (if applicable). Through ongoing benchmark and formative assessments, teachers will monitor progress of their target students and modify instruction accordingly. We will expand our SuccessMaker Math Academy extended day program to include all grade students who are not proficient. We will also investigate other math intervention models/programs. The emphasis of Professional Development will be best practices and addressing the achievement gap between all students and sub groups. Strategy: Action Title: Differentiated Instruction Means of Achievement: Increased educational opportunity Action Type : Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance. Tasks : All teachers will continue aligning the curriculum and instruction with the Common Core Standards, adapting Pearson Envison as well as using Investigations. Teachers will use small group instruction (flex groups) and SuccessMaker and Scootpad to help meet the individual needs of students. Opportunities will be provided for regrouping of students to facilitate differentiation. Teachers will include critical thinking activities; including the MAC problem of the month prompts. There will be an increased focus on the use of academic language in math. Kindergarten teachers use the ESGI assessment/data collection tool to determine which standards students need extra support. Ongoing targeted and monitoring of students through the use of Data Walls. Expand use of technology as a teaching and learning tool to facilitate differentiation for intervention and enrichment. Measures : Benchmark Results, SuccessMaker Reports, enVision topic tests, MARS prompts People Assigned : K-5 teachers, Principal, Asst. Superintendent of Curriculum & Instruction Start Date : 5/20/2015 8/20/2014 Completion Date : 6/11/2015 Powered by SchoolCity, Inc Page 10 of 23 Sartorette Charter 2014-15 Single Plan For Student Achievement Report Action Title: Interventions Means of Achievement: Increased educational opportunity Action Type : Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance. Tasks : Additional and/or extended learning time will be provided for students who are non proficient in Math. Emphasis will be on identifying target sub groups (ELs and Socioeconomically Disadvantaged). This may include SuccessMaker/Scootpad Math Academy (extended day), other extended day assistance, and push-in or pull out provided by teacher/instructional aides. Measures : Benchmark Results, SuccessMaker and Scootpad Reports, enVision topic tests, MARS People Assigned : Teachers, Principal, Support Staff Start Date : 8/20/2014 Completion Date : 6/11/2015 Funding Resources Related Expenditures Estimated Cost LCFF Supplemental Grant Instructional Aides $14,847 NCLB: Title I, Part A, Basic Grants Low-Income and Neglected Instructional Aides $5,000 Action Title: GATE Means of Achievement: Alignment of instruction with content standards Action Type : Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance. Tasks : Provide GATE instruction through in-class differentiation. Continue to explore/provide enrichment activities. Continue/expand utilizing parent volunteers to assist with grouping students to facilitate differentiation. Provide Math Olympiad as an after school enrichment opportunity. Measures : Participation in after school programs and additional enrichment and extensions activities within the classroom. People Assigned : Site GATE Coordinator, Teachers, Vendors, Principal Start Date : 8/20/2014 Completion Date : 6/11/2015 Funding Resources Related Expenditures Charter Schools Instructional Materials, Vendors, Personnel Costs 5/20/2015 Powered by SchoolCity, Inc Estimated Cost $1,000 Page 11 of 23 Sartorette Charter 2014-15 Single Plan For Student Achievement Report LEA Goal: Aligned LCAP Goal: Not Aligned Goal Area : Science School Goal : Increase Student Achievement In Science By June 2015, the percentage of 5th graders performing at proficient or above will increase from 79% to 84% as measured by the CST. What data did you use to form this goal (findings from data analysis)? 5th Grade CST Science, Curriculum Embedded Assessments How does this goal align to your Local Educational Agency Plan goals? Leap Goal 1: Proficiency in Reading/Langauge Arts and Mathematics - All students will reach high standards, at a minimum, attaining proficiency or better in reading and mathematics by 2016-17 What did the analysis of the data reveal that led you to this goal? Maintaining high passage rate could be attributed to the depth of use of the FOSS Science program and emphasis on integrating ELA. District professional development has been in the area of Science and ELA integration. Which stakeholders were involved in analyzing data and developing this goal? Teachers, School Site Council. Instructional Aides, District Office Staff, District Science Committee Who are the focus students? All 5th grades and their significant subgroups: Socio-Economically Disadvantaged students, English Learners Other subgroups Hispanic/Latino What is the expected growth? The percentage of 5th graders performing at proficient or above will increase from 79% to 84% as measured by the CST. What data will be collected to measure student achievement? 5th Grade CST Science, Curriculum Embedded Assessments (FOSS) What process will you use to monitor and evaluate the data? Teachers/Grade Level Teams review CST student achievement data disaggregated by subgroups. Ongoing monitoring of student progress using benchmarks and curriculum embedded assessments. Actions to improve achievement to exit program improvement (if applicable). Strategy: 5/20/2015 Powered by SchoolCity, Inc Page 12 of 23 Sartorette Charter 2014-15 Single Plan For Student Achievement Report Action Title: Garden Means of Achievement: Alignment of instruction with content standards Action Type : Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance. Tasks : The Garden Committee will facilitate the integration of the FOSS program when appropriate and utilization of the garden by each grade level to support science instruction. Site training will be provided by teachers on how to incorporate the garden and FOSS. Measures : Usage records will be kept by each classroom, increased use of garden People Assigned : Garden Committee, Principal, Teachers Start Date : 8/20/2014 Completion Date : 6/11/2015 Funding Resources Related Expenditures Charter Schools Garden Supplies Estimated Cost $550 Action Title: Science Instructor Means of Achievement: Alignment of instruction with content standards Action Type : Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance. Tasks : A science instructor will implement hands-on FOSS science lessons for grade 4-5 students to support the science curriculum provided by classroom teachers. Measures : Lesson plans, records of hours worked People Assigned : Teachers, Principal Start Date : 8/20/2014 Completion Date : 6/11/2015 Funding Resources Related Expenditures Charter Schools Science Instructor 5/20/2015 Powered by SchoolCity, Inc Estimated Cost $7,000 Page 13 of 23 Sartorette Charter 2014-15 Single Plan For Student Achievement Report Action Title: FOSS Means of Achievement: Alignment of instruction with content standards Action Type : Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance. Tasks : Teachers will integrate FOSS curriculum and instruction throughout the year through other curricular areas using problem based learning and inquiry learning. Teachers will design and implement cross-curricular science lessons to support all disciplines with an emphasis on ELA. Teachers will continue to integrate GLAD and emphasize use of informational texts. New teachers and teachers new to the grade level will receive training in FOSS implementation. Measures : 5th Grade Science CST scores, Participation in Science Fair, FOSS performance based assessments People Assigned : Teachers, Principal, District Educational Services, District Science Committee Start Date : 8/20/2014 Completion Date : 6/11/2015 Funding Resources Related Expenditures Charter Schools FOSS Supplemental Instructional Materials & Supplies 5/20/2015 Powered by SchoolCity, Inc Estimated Cost $1,000 Page 14 of 23 Sartorette Charter 2014-15 Single Plan For Student Achievement Report LEA Goal: Aligned LCAP Goal: Not Aligned Goal Area : School Climate School Goal : Maintain a Positive, Consistent, and Safe School Climate We will sustain a consistent school-wide implementation of Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS) to maintain a positive school culture and foster an inclusive environment. We will continue to offer schoolwide incentives to further build a positive sense of community. The school PBIS team will continue to meet regularly to review SWIS (School-Wide Information System) and involve all staff in identifying and supporting strategies that provide a safe, positive, and healthy environment for all students. What data did you use to form this goal (findings from data analysis)? Office referrals and suspension records, SWIS data (delienate behaviors, frequency of behaviors, time and location), 5th grade PE Fitness Test How does this goal align to your Local Educational Agency Plan goals? LEAP Goal 3: Highly Qualified Teachers By 2013-14, all students will be taught by highly qualified teachers. What did the analysis of the data reveal that led you to this goal? We currently have few office referrals and suspensions. We want this to continue. We do have students with chronic behavior issues and need tools and strategies to assist them. Which stakeholders were involved in analyzing data and developing this goal? PBIS Team and Coach, Leadership Team, Principal, Cornerstone Teachers, All Support staff including Noon Duty Supervisors Who are the focus students? All Students What is the expected growth? The number of office referrals will drop by 50%. Evidence (observational) of students utilizing PBIS strategies such as Talk It Out. Student behavior will align with PBIS expectations. Students will be able to articulate school rules and rationale behind them. What data will be collected to measure student achievement? Office referrals, Suspensions, SWIS Data, What process will you use to monitor and evaluate the data? The staff will review, analyze, recommend, and implement actions as outcomes of data collected at the beginning of year and at the end of each trimester throughout the year. The PBIS Team meets regularly to review SWIS data and communicate any trends. Actions to improve achievement to exit program improvement (if applicable). Strategy: 5/20/2015 Powered by SchoolCity, Inc Page 15 of 23 Sartorette Charter 2014-15 Single Plan For Student Achievement Report Action Title: Implement PBIS Means of Achievement: Alignment of instruction with content standards Action Type : Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance. Tasks : Sustain Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS) through: Continued and consistent staff implementation and participation. Provide consistent schoolwide rules, discipline matrix, guidelines for successful implementation. Maintain a positive incentive program. Provide quarterly opportunities for analysis of data and work with entire staff to determine next steps. Support PBIS committee to ensure our school climate work is systemic. Provide professional development opportunities for staff to successfully implement PBIS. Incorporate Cornerstone, Conflict Resolution ("Talk It Out"), Life Skills, and Cornerstone under the PBIS umbrella. Continue "Check In Check Out". Measures : SWIS data system to monitor student behavior. Results from staff, student, parent surveys. Observations from staff and students. Number of major office referrals will drop by at least 50%. People Assigned : PBIS Team, Principal, PBIS coach, District Office Staff Start Date : 8/20/2014 Completion Date : 6/11/2015 Funding Resources Related Expenditures Charter Schools Supplies, Posters, Prizes for Students Estimated Cost $1,000 Action Title: Wellness/Physical Education Means of Achievement: Alignment of instruction with content standards Action Type : Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance. Tasks : Students will participate regularly in physical education through the district P.E. program. The Motor Skills program will enhance the P.E. program to align with State Standards. Classroom teachers will enhance the P.E. curriculum using the SPARK program. We will continue The Walking Jogging Club where students have incentives to use the track during morning and lunch recess. We will explore how we can encourage parents to bring healthy snacks and healthy food during special events through a school nutrition policy and to be in alignment with the Board adopted wellness policy. Measures : 5th Grade California Physical Fitness Test Results, Records of Track Usage for Walking and Jogging Club People Assigned : Teachers, Principal, Motor Skills Teacher, Parent Volunteers Start Date : 8/20/2014 Completion Date : 6/11/2015 Funding Resources Related Expenditures Donations Motor Skills Teacher $8,300 Charter Schools Motor Skills Teacher $3,000 5/20/2015 Powered by SchoolCity, Inc Estimated Cost Page 16 of 23 Sartorette Charter 2014-15 Single Plan For Student Achievement Report Action Title: Art Vistas Means of Achievement: Alignment of instruction with content standards Action Type : Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance. Tasks : Support continued growth of art opportunities for K-5 during school through the Art Vista program. Site Art Vista coordinator arranges for parent training, orders and monitors supplies for program. Plan and set-up for annual Art Show during Open House. Measures : Establish schedule for all parent volunteers and training designed in the fall. Plan and deliver separate grade level training sessions to articulate lesson goals and procedures. Open House Art Show featuring student work People Assigned : Art Vista coordinator, parent volunteers, teachers, principal Start Date : 8/20/2014 Completion Date : 6/11/2015 Funding Resources Related Expenditures Estimated Cost Arts and Music Block Grant Art Vistas Coordinator $6,898 Charter Schools Art Vistas Coordinator $3,567 Action Title: Music Means of Achievement: Alignment of instruction with content standards Action Type : Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance. Tasks : Provide both choral and instrumental music instruction and opportunities throughout the year for all students in grades K-5. Create and maintain an after school choir and band for students in 4th and 5th grade. Measures : Increased participation of students in programs, end of year and other scheduled performances People Assigned : District Music Teacher, Teachers, Principal Start Date : 8/20/2014 Completion Date : 6/11/2015 Funding Resources Related Expenditures Arts and Music Block Grant District Music Teacher 5/20/2015 Powered by SchoolCity, Inc Estimated Cost $0 Page 17 of 23 Sartorette Charter 2014-15 Single Plan For Student Achievement Report Action Title: Improving 21st Century Skills Means of Achievement: Alignment of instruction with content standards Action Type : Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance. Tasks : We will continue to explore increased opportunities to incorporate 21st Century Skills including technology. Teachers will continue to have opportunities for training on how to integrate technology as a teaching and learning tool. Teachers will participate in the Digital Academy and professional development offered by the Krause Center. Teacher collaboration will continue through regular designated time at Staff Meetings and Site Professional Development days. Release time will be provided for teachers to observe each other. Technology integrated throughout the day will include AR for all grades and Scootpad classrooms. Teacher leaders will continue to model and offer support (e.g. Free App. Fridays). We will continue to offer technical suppport with our SYSOPS in conjunction with the district technology department. Measures : Classroom Observations, Computers on Wheels (COW) checkout log, Teacher lead trainings/support People Assigned : Teachers, Principal, SYSOPS, Technolgy Department Start Date : 8/20/2014 Completion Date : 6/11/2015 Funding Resources Related Expenditures Charter Schools SYSOPS $1,600 Charter Schools Technology Instructional Software, Materials & Supplies $5,000 Charter Schools Professional Development $7,000 5/20/2015 Powered by SchoolCity, Inc Estimated Cost Page 18 of 23 Sartorette Charter 2014-15 Single Plan For Student Achievement Report Funding Programs Included in this Plan Each state and federal categorical program in which the school participates. Total Site Plan Budget : $213,412 Total Annual Expenditures for Current School Plan: ($213,412) Balance: $0 Funding Resource Code 3010 Allocation / Expenditure Funding Source NCLB: Title I, Part A, Basic Grants Low-Income and Neglected $40,933 Action: Interventions ($13,000) Action: Professional Development ($5,000) Action: Response to Intervention/ExCEL ($22,933) Balance: 4600 Charter Schools $99,574 Action: Art Vistas ($3,567) Action: FOSS ($1,000) Action: Garden ($550) Action: GATE ($3,500) Action: Implement PBIS ($1,000) Action: Improving 21st Century Skills ($13,600) Action: Interventions ($21,433) Action: Library ($3,000) Action: Professional Development ($5,000) Action: Response to Intervention/ExCEL ($18,075) Action: Science Instructor ($7,000) Action: Supplemental Instructional Materials ($18,849) Action: Wellness/Physical Education ($3,000) Balance: 6760 Arts and Music Block Grant ($6,898) Balance: $0 Donations $16,880 Action: Library ($8,580) Action: Wellness/Physical Education ($8,300) Balance: 5/20/2015 $0 $6,898 Action: Art Vistas 9010 $0 Powered by SchoolCity, Inc $0 Page 19 of 23 Sartorette Charter 2014-15 Single Plan For Student Achievement Report 9999 LCFF Supplemental Grant $49,127 Action: English Language Instruction ($18,000) Action: Interventions ($24,847) Action: Response to Intervention/ExCEL ($6,280) Balance: 5/20/2015 Powered by SchoolCity, Inc $0 Page 20 of 23 Sartorette Charter 2014-15 Single Plan For Student Achievement Report School Site Council Membership Education Code Section 64001(g) requires that the SPSA be reviewed and updated at least annually, including proposed expenditures of funds allocated to the School through the Consolidated Application, by the school site council. The current make-up of the school site council is as follows: Name Represents Contact Info Reviewed Plan Date Scott R. Johnson Principal 264-4380 4/14/2014 Lisa McConnell Other School Staff 264-4380 4/14/2014 Buddy Butler Parent or Community Member 264-4380 4/14/2014 Jeff Kanowitz Parent or Community Member 264-4380 4/14/2014 Patty Peckham Classroom Teacher 264-4380 4/14/2014 Mele Kent Classroom Teacher 264-4380 4/14/2014 Total Number of Committee Members Number of Members of each Category 5/20/2015 Principal ClassRoom Teacher Other School Staff Parent or Community Member 1 2 1 2 Powered by SchoolCity, Inc Secondary Student Page 21 of 23 Sartorette Charter 2014-15 Single Plan For Student Achievement Report Recommendations and Assurances The school site council (SSC) recommends this school plan and proposed expenditures to the district governing board for approval and assures the board of the following: 1. The SSC is correctly constituted and was formed in accordance with district governing board policy and state law. 2. The SSC reviewed its responsibilities under state law and district governing board policies, including those board policies relating to material changes in the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) requiring board approval. 3. The SSC sought and considered all recommendations from the following groups or committees before adopting this plan. __________________________ Signature Gifted and Talented Education Advisory Committee __________________________ Signature English Learner Advisory Committee 4. The SSC reviewed the content requirements for school plans of programs included in this SPSA and believes all such content requirements have been met, including those found in district governing board policies and in the local educational agency plan. 5. This SPSA is based on a thorough analysis of student academic performance. The actions proposed here in form a sound, comprehensive, coordinated plan to reach stated school goals to improve student academic performance. 6. This SPSA was adopted by the SSC at a public meeting on: 3/14/2013 Attested: Scott Johnson, Principal Typed name of School Principal Signature of School Principal Date Signature of SSC Chairperson Date Jeff Kanowitz Typed name of SSC Chairperson 5/20/2015 Powered by SchoolCity, Inc Page 22 of 23 Sartorette Charter 2014-15 Single Plan For Student Achievement Report 5/20/2015 Powered by SchoolCity, Inc Page 23 of 23