Dual Language Essentials: Creating and Sustaining a High Quality Program California Associa-on for Bilingual Educa-on San Francisco, California March 23-­‐26, 2016 – 10:30-­‐11:45am BR-­‐Con-nental Ballroom 3 Lore,a Booker: DLeNM Board Co-­‐Chairperson lbooker@sfps.k12.nm.us David Rogers: DLeNM Execu-ve Director david@dlenm.org Leslie Sánchez: DLeNM Director of Development and Finance leslie@dlenm.org www.dlenm.org Dual Language Educa-on of New Mexico Program Support www.DLeNM.org dlenm.org ² Dual Language Educa-on of New Mexico ² Educa-onal Non-­‐profit ² Mission: To develop, support, and advocate for high-­‐quality dual language enriched educa-on in New Mexico, and the United States ² Strategic Goals: ² Transforma-ve leadership & advocacy ² Clearinghouse for dual language resources – www.dlenm.org ² Development K-­‐12 dual language model programs with Partner Schools Dual Language Educa-on of New Mexico Program Support www.DLeNM.org ² Host of Annual La Cosecha Conference Purpose: www.DLeNM.org To explore together the essen-al components of sustaining a dual language educa-on program. Dual Language Educa-on of New Mexico Program Support Agenda • Introduc-ons 1. A common understanding of dual language educa-on goals, program components, and mo-va-ons for implementa-on 3. Essen-al components to effec-vely sustain a DLE program • Ques-ons & Answers 4 Dual Language Educa-on of New Mexico Program Support www.DLeNM.org 2. Instruc-onal needs of second language learners Dual Language Educa-on -­‐ Quick Review Defini-on(s): Dual Language Educa-on is a PreK-­‐12 bilingual educa-on model, that develops high academic bilingual/biliterate proficiency and cross-­‐ www.DLeNM.org cultural competencies in two (or more) languages. 5 Dual Language Educa-on of New Mexico Program Support Dual Language Programs... • use two languages in two ways: • Two languages are used for instruc-on • Two groups of students are involved • Na-ve speakers of Spanish or other “partner” language * One group means “One Way” TWI Toolkit Brown Educa-on Alliance, and the Center for Applied Linguis-cs -­‐ 2005 Dual Language Educa-on of New Mexico Program Support www.DLeNM.org • Na-ve English speakers Motivations 1. Build upon the linguis-c and cultural capital of our communi-es, and preserve our heritage 2. Prepare a multilingual/multicultural citizenry that can serve and compete locally and globally Dual Language Educa-on of New Mexico Program Support www.DLeNM.org 3. Close the achievement gap for English Language Learners and na-ve English speakers 7 Dual Language Program Goals Secondary Level Elementary Level All students will develop: 1. Abain high academic abili-es in both English and partner language 1. Bilingual and biliterate proficiencies 2. High academic achievement 3. Develop mul-cultural competence 3. Posi-ve cross-­‐cultural aatudes and competencies 4. Promote student leadership v Prepare students for global careers and global ci-zenship Taken from DLeNM Basic DefiniAon Taken from an Ysleta ISD presentaAon Dual Language Educa-on of New Mexico Program Support www.DLeNM.org 2. Become bilingual and bi-­‐literate Dual Language Education Non-­‐negotiable Program Components • A minimum of 50% to a maximum of 90% of instruction in the target language Middle School • • Separate spaces for languages instruction (no translation) • K-­‐12th grade commitment (min. of K-­‐5 • if the district does not yet have DL at the feeder middle or high school) • High School Required to take language arts in the target language from 6th through 8th grade in addition to another core content course taught in the target language each year from 6th through 8th grade • A minimum of 8 credits in the target language over the course of 9th-­‐12th grade with a min. of 4 credits in core content areas (math, science, social studies & language arts) • Strict separation of Separation of instruction-­‐100% of instruction-­‐100% of class class taught in target taught in target language language K-­‐12 commitment • K-­‐12 commitment Dual Language Educa-on of New Mexico Dual Language Educa-on of New Mexico Program Support www.DLeNM.org Elementary School Curriculum Articulation Plan – CAP The CAP: • is not a prescribed program; • is tailored to Curriculum and Instructional mandates, as well as student demographics; • respects all dual language non-negotiable components; • requires periodic revision in order to strengthen the program, and; • is guided by Guiding Principles for DLE (www.cal.org). Dual Language Educa-on of New Mexico Program Support www.DLeNM.org • needs school community leadership and stakeholders to make it come to life; Key Points -­‐ Guiding Principles for Dual Language: • Curriculum is coordinated within and across grade levels. (GP 2.3.C) • Academic content is provided in both program languages. (GP 3.1.A) • Instruc-on incorporates appropriate separa-on of languages according to program design. (GP 3.1.D) DLeNM La Siembra Planning Retreats -­‐ 2015 Dual Language Educa-on of New Mexico Program Support www.DLeNM.org • Explicit language arts instruc-on is provided in both program languages. (GP 3.1.B) www.DLeNM.org Sample CAP (50:50) Dual Language Educa-on of New Mexico Program Support www.DLeNM.org Sample CAP (80:20) Dual Language Educa-on of New Mexico Program Support Present U-­‐46 – CAP Average of 315 instructional minutes per day (lunch not included) U-46Dual DualLanguage Language Curriculum Curriculum Alignment Alignment Plan U-46 Plan 80:20One-Way One-Way or or Two-Way Two -Way Dual Dual Language Language Programs Programs 80:20 2015-2016 2015-2016 For a copy of the Dual Language Sixth Grade sample schedule, please visit the ELL Department section on the U-46 Intranet: http://intranet.u-46.org Content-based ESL aligned with English Language Content-based ESL aligned Development (ELD) Standards U-46 Balanced Literacy Framework aligned with Spanish Language Arts Standards (WIDA) and CCSS Average of 315 instructional minutes per day (lunch not included) APPROXIMATE TIME GRADE-LEVEL TIME APPROXIMATE ALLOCATION TIME GRADE-LEVEL TIME ALLOCATION Spanish 155 min U-46 Balanced Literacy Framework aligned with Spanish Language Arts Standards (WIDA) and CCSS 40 minutes 60 minutes Language Block Content and Language Objectives Morning Meetings/Daily News Phonics Shared Reading/Interactive Read Aloud Word Study Academic Vocabulary/Text Talk/Cognates 45 minutes Language Block (The BRIDGE followed by extension activities: after a concept is learned or at the end of the unit) English 160 min Spanish 155 min Spanish 160 min English 160 min English Spanish min 155160min English 155 min 50 minutes Reader’s Workshop Content and Language Objectives Mini Lesson Literacy Rotations: All focused on student interaction with literature. Guided Reading – 2-3 groups/day Independent Reading Conferencing/Reflecting Group Share Content and Language Objectives Mini Lesson Guided/Shared Writing Independent Writing Conferencing/Reflecting Group Share Alternate language following U-46 ELL Department “Language of the Week” calendar 60 minutes Reader’s Workshop of Cognates, Strategies for SUCCESS with English Language Learners – ASCD Action Tool, ELL Curriculum Alignment/ ELL Thematic Units, technology, interactive word walls, anchor charts, visuals, realia, etc. Department List of Cognates, Strategies for SUCCESS with English Language Learners – ASCD Action Tool, ELL Curriculum Alignment/Thematic Units, technology, interactive word walls, anchor charts, visuals, realia, etc. 40 minutes 60 minutes OBJECTIVES Reading BY children ELD Standard 3 – Language of Mathematics Content and Language Objectives Content and Language Objectives (Science/Social Studies BRIDGE followed by 60 minutes extension activities: after minutes a concept is learned or at 60 Writer’s Workshop Content-based ESL Science/Social the end of the unit) Math Literacy-based ESL Word Study Writing FOR children Studies and Arts Literacy-based ESL Word ELD Standard 2 – Language of Language Writing WITH children Eureka Math Modules, Words Their Way, Moving into English, Strategies for SUCCESS with Language of English Language Learners – ASCD Action Tool, U-46 ELLStudy Department List of Cognates, technology, Writing BY children – ASCD Action Tool, U-46 ELL Department List of Cognates, ELL Curriculum Alignment/ ELL Thematic Units, technology, interactive word walls, anchor charts, visuals, realia, etc. visuals, etc. List of Cognates, Senderos Cognate Wall by Lessons, Strategies for SUCCESS with English Language Learners – ASCD Action Tool, ELL Curriculum Alignment/ ELL Thematic Units, technology, interactive word walls, anchor charts, visuals, realia, etc. Phonics Shared Reading 45Interactive minutes Read Aloud Language Block Word Content andStudy Language Objectives MorningTalk Meetings/Daily News Text Phonics Shared Reading/Interactive Read Aloud Academic Vocabulary Word Study Cognates Academic Vocabulary/Text Talk/Cognates Resources: interactive word walls, anchor charts, visuals, realia, etc. Language of Instruction: ENGLISH 50 minutes 65 minutes Language of Instruction: Language of Instruction: CONTENTESL ANDMath LANGUAGE OBJECTIVES Workshop SPANISH/ENGLISH Writer’s SPANISH/ENGLISH Content-based Content and Language Objectives ELD Standard 3 – Language of Mathematics Oral Language Development: Lesson Alternate language according to Songs, poems, rhymes, guessing and musical games, language experience Alternate language according toMini U-46 Guided/Shared Writing Content activities, and Language Objectives movement, music, gestures, visuals, etc. Department “Language Oral Language Development ELL Department “Language of Independent the WritingU-46 ELL Conferencing/Reflecting Oral & Writing Genres transferred from U-46 Balanced Literacy of the Week” Calendar Group Share Framework U-46 ELLactivities: Curriculum Alignment/ELL Thematic (Math BRIDGE followedand by extension after a concept is learned orUnits at the Week” Calendar end of the unit) Theme organized : Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing Alternate language following U-46 ELL Department “Language of the Week” calendar Literacy-based ESL - Language Arts - during English weeks Resources: Bookrooms and/or classroom libraries, leveled readers, iOpeners, Senderos, U-46 ELL Cognate Wall by Lessons, ELL Curriculum Alignment/ ELL Thematic Units, Content and Language Objectives Conferencing / Guided Reading – 2-3 groups/day Mini Lesson Reflecting Guided/Shared Writing Independent Reading Independent Writing Conferencing/Reflecting Group Share Conferencing/Reflecting Group Share @ ELL website/Teachers ResourcesAlternate Clicklanguage HEREfollowing U-46 ELL Department “Language of the Week” calendar Literacy-based ESL -Literacy-based Language Arts - during ESL English-weeks Language Group Share 40 minutes Instruction: SPANISH 60 minutes Science/Social Studies 40 minutes CONTENT AND LANGUAGE Spanish Language Development Standards Content and Language Objectives OBJECTIVES (Science/Social Studies BRIDGE followed by extension activities: after a concept is learned or at the end of the unit) ESTÁNDARES DEL DESARROLLO DEL LENGUAJE ESPAÑOL (HERE) Resources: FOSS- Next Generation Science Standards, Harcourt Estudios Sociales – Estados y Regiones, Strategies for SUCCESS with English Language – Estándar 3: ElLearners lenguaje de las ASCD Action Tool, Leveled Readers, iOpeners, ELL Curriculum Alignment/ ELL Thematic matemáticas Units, bookrooms, Los bilingües emergentes U-46 ELL Department List of Cognates, technology,comunican información, ideas y conceptos para el éxito interactive word walls, anchor charts, visuals,necesarios realia, etc. Content-based ESL Science/Social Studies académico en el área de las matemáticas. 40 minutes ELDS (HERE) Ejemplos del contexto para el uso del lenguaje ELD Standard 4 – Language of Science Spanish Language Development Standards Los estudiantes determinan las posiciones de objetos en ELD Standard 5 – Language of Social Studies ELD STANDARD 4: The Language of SCIENCE Content and Language Objectivesprovista de manera audio-visual. Content Topical and Language Objectives planos de información Vocabulary: Students at all levels of English language proficiency interact with grade-level Oral Language Development words and expressions, such as: Earth’s rotation, phases of the moon. (Math BRIDGE followed by extension activities: after Oral & Writing Genres transferred from U-46 Balanced Literacy Framework and the ELL Curriculum Alignment and ELL Cognitive Function: Students at all levels of English language proficiency ANALYZE the effectsaofconcept isFunción Losunit) estudiantes en todos los niveles Thematic Units learned cognoscitiva: or at the end of the Earth’s rotation. Theme organized: Listening and/or Speaking and/or Reading and/or Writing desempeño del español COMPRENDEN información. Alternate language following U-46 ELL Department “Language the Literacy-based ESL -ofLanguage ELD STANDARD 5: The Week” calendar Literacy-based ESL - Language Arts - during English weeks Language of SOCIAL STUDIES de Resources: Eureka Math Modules, U-46 ELL Studies BRIDGE followed by extension activities: after a concept is Arts - during English weeks (Science/Social Topical Vocabulary: Students at all levels of English language proficiency interact with grade level Department List of Cognates, Strategies for Lenguaje temático: Los estudiantes en todos los niveles de learnedwords or at the of the unit) and end expressions, such as: colonization, explorers/exploration, discover/discovery, Resource: Being a Writer, Senderos, Strategies for SUCCESS with English Arts - during SUCCESS with Englishdel Language desempeño españolLearners aprenden–palabras y expresiones tales Language Learners – ASCD U-46 Action Tool, U-46 ELL Department List of Cognates, conquer/conquest. Resources / Teacher-created Literacy-based ESL Word Study Senderos Cognate Wall by Lessons, ELL Curriculum Alignment/ ELL Thematic Units, Tool, interactive Cognitive Function: Students at all levels of English language proficiency EVALUATE effects ofASCD Action como: eje technology, x, eje y, coordenadas, horizontal y vertical. Resources: Being a Writer, Senderos, U-46 technology, interactive word walls, anchor charts, visuals, realia, etc. ELD Standard 2 – Language of Language Arts exploration on history. word walls, anchor charts, visuals, realia, etc. ELL Department List of Cognates, Senderos Resources: Bookrooms and/or classroom libraries, leveled readers, iOpeners, Senderos, U-46 (Path: www.u-46.org - English language Learners English weeks ELL Department List of Cognates, Senderos Cognate Wall by Lessons, Strategies for SUCCESS with Resources: Senderos, Making Meaning, U-46 ELL English Language Learners – ASCD Action Tool , ELL Curriculum Alignment/Thematic Units, webpage – Classroom resources – Teacher resources) Department List of Cognates, Senderos Cognate Wall by Lessons, technology, interactive word walls, anchor charts, visuals, realia, etc. Strategies for SUCCESS with English Language Learners – ASCD U-46 Resources / Teacher-created Resources: Action Tool, ELL Curriculum Alignment/ ELL Thematic Units, U-46 Resources / Teacher-created Resources: technology, interactive walls, anchorU-46 charts, visuals, realia, Senderos, Makingword Meaning, ELL Department List of etc. Cognates, Senderos Cognate Wall by Lessons, U-46 ELL 45 minutes minutes Curriculum Alignment/ELL Thematic Units (U-4660 Intranet), Resources: FOSS- Next Generation Science Standards, Harcourt Estudios Sociales – Comunidades, Strategies for SUCCESS with English Language Learners – ASCD Action Tool, Leveled Readers, iOpeners, ELL Curriculum Alignment/ ELL Thematic Units, bookrooms, U-46 ELL Department List of Cognates, technology, interactive word walls, anchor charts, visuals, realia, etc. technology, interactive word walls, anchor charts, visuals, realia, etc. Resources: Eureka Math Modules, Words Their Way, Moving into English, Strategies for SUCCESS with Mini Lesson Mini Lesson English Language Learners – ASCD Action Tool, U-46 ELL Department List of Cognates, technology, interactive word walls, anchor charts, visuals, realia, etc. Guided/Shared Writing Literacy Rotations: All focused (The BRIDGE followed by extension activities: after a concepton is learned or at the end of the unit) Independent Writing60 minutes 50 minutes 60 minutes student interaction with literature Content-based ESL Science/Social StudiesMath Writer’s Workshop Reader’s Workshop Content and Language Objectives Mini Lesson Literacy Rotations: All focused on student interaction with literature. Guided Reading – 2-3 groups/day Independent Reading Conferencing/Reflecting Group Share (The BRIDGE followed by extension activities: after a concept is learned or at the end of the unit) ELD Standard 2 – Language of Language Arts Department List of Cognates, Senderos Cognate Wall by Lessons, Strategies for SUCCESS with English Language Learners – ASCD Action Tool , ELL Curriculum Alignment/Thematic Units, technology, interactive word walls, anchor charts, visuals, realia, etc. 60 minutes 40 minutes Mathematics (Math BRIDGE followed by extension activities: after a concept is learned or at the end of the unit) CONTENT AND LANGUAGE (Theactivities, BRIDGE followed by extension activities: after a concept movement, music, gestures, Alternate language following U-46 ELL Department “Language of the Week” calendar Resource: Being a Writer, Senderos, Strategies for SUCCESS with English Language Literacy-based ESL Word Study OBJECTIVES is learned or at the end of the unit) Literacy-based ESL - Language Arts - during EnglishLANGUAGE weeks Learners – ASCD Action Tool, U-46 ELL Department List of Cognates, Senderos CONTENT AND OBJECTIVES Resources:: Senderos, Making Meaning, U-46 ELL Department 60 minutes Science/Social Studies Spanish Language Development Standards Oral Language Development (The BRIDGE followed by extension activities: after a concept is learned or at the end of the unit) Language Block Reader’s Workshop Content and Language Objectives Content and Language Objectives Mini Lesson Morning Meetings/Daily News Literacy Rotations: All focused on student interaction with literature. Phonics Poems, Guided Reading – 2-3 groups/day Shared Reading/Interactive Read Aloud rhymes, guessing and musical games, Independent Reading Word Study Academic Vocabulary/Text tongue twisters, Talk/Cognates language experienceConferencing/Reflecting Group Share Morning Meetings/Daily News Oral Language Development- 50 minutes Development Content-based ESL Math Literacy-based ESL - Language Arts - during English weeks Resources: Being a Writer, Strategies for SUCCESS with English Language Learners Reading FOR children Alternate language following U-46 ELL Department “Language of the Week” calendar Literacy-based ESL - Language Arts - during English weeks Language of Instruction: SPANISH Resources: Bookrooms and/or classroom libraries, leveledWITH readers, iOpeners, Lectura, U-46 ELL Reading children Resources: Lectura, Making Meaning, U-46 ELL Department List CONTENT AND LANGUAGE with English Language (ELD) Standards 65 minutes Writer’s Workshop Cognate Wall by Lessons, U-46 ELL Resources: Literacy-based ESLWORD STUDY Moving into English, leveled readers, Strategies for SUCCESS with English Language Learners – ASCD Action Tool , ELL Curriculum Alignment/Thematic Units, leveled readers, FOSS- Next Generation Science Standards, U-46 ELL (MATH BRIDGE followed by extension activities: after a concept is learned or at Curriculum Alignment/ Thematic Units, technology, interactive wordspecials) walls, anchor charts, (The BRIDGE followed by extension activities: after a concept is learned or at Curriculum the end of the Alignment/ELL unit) timeELL will be adjusted on days without Thematic UnitsDepartment List of Cognates, ELL(Instructional Bookrooms and/or classroom libraries, leveled readers, visuals, realia, etc. (U-46 Intranet), Strategies for SUCCESS with Senderos, U-46 ELL Department List of Cognates,50 Senderos ELD Standard 2: Language of LANGUAGE ARTS minutes 60 minutes 60 minutes 40 minutes the end of the unit) Cognitive Function: Students at all levels of English language proficiency EVALUATE writing. Cognate Wall by Lessons, U-46 ELL Curriculum Alignment/ELL Language Block Reader’s Workshop Writer’s WorkshopEnglish Language Learners – ASCD Action Content-based Math ESL Science/Social Topical Vocabulary: Students at all levels of EnglishStudies language proficiency are exposed to grade-level words and Strategies for Language SUCCESS Objectives with English Language Learners – LanguageThematic Tool, technology, interactive word walls, Content and Objectives Units (U-46 Intranet), Strategies for SUCCESS Content and Objectives Content and withLanguage U-46 Resources / Teacher-created expressions, such as: of edit,Science revise, delete, paraphrase, reword, elaborate, details. ELD Standard 4 – Language ASCD Action Tool, technology, interactive word walls, anchor Mini Lesson anchor charts, visuals, realia, etc. Mini Lesson Spanish Language Development Standards Morning Meetings/Daily News English Language Learners – ASCD Action Tool, technology, Resources: Eureka Math, U-46 ELL Department ELD Standard 5 – Language of Social Studies Guided/Shared Writing (SCIENCE AND SOCIAL STUDIES BRIDGE followed by extension activities: charts, visuals, realia, etc. Literacy Rotations: All focused on student interaction with literature. Phonics Content and Language Objectives interactive word walls, anchor charts, visuals, realia etc. Standards: Common Core State Content and Language Objectives Independent Writing Spanish 160 min List of Cognates, Strategies for SUCCESS with English Language Learners – ASCD Action Tool, technology, interactive word walls, anchor charts, Resources: Eurekarealia, Math Modules, U-46 ELL visuals, etc (Science/Social BRIDGE followed by extension activities: after a concept is learned or at the end of the unit)Strategies NextStudies Generation Science Standards, U-46 ELL Department List of Cognates, Shared Reading/Interactive Aloud after a concept is learned or at the end of the unit) Oral Language Development Standards: Common Read Core State StandardsGuided for Reading – 2-3 groups/day Conferencing/Reflecting Standards for Language Arts, ELDS,Oral & Writing Genres transferred from U-46 Balanced Literacy Framework and the ELL Curriculum Alignment and ELL Standards: Common Core State Standards for Independent Reading Word Study Group Share Language Arts, Spanish Language Arts Standards Academic Vocabulary/Text Talk/Cognates (The BRIDGE followed by extension activities: after a concept is CAN DO Descriptors, Spanish Conferencing/Reflecting Language Arts, ELDS, CAN DO Descriptors, Spanish Alternate language following U-46 ELL Department “Language of the Language Arts Standards Group Share Week” calendar Language Arts Standards Alternate language following U-46 ELL Department “Language of the Week” calendar Literacy-based ESL - Language Arts - during English weeks or at the end of the unit) Literacy-based ESL - Language Arts - during English weeks Additional ELL availablelearned resources: Resource: Being a Writer, Senderos, Strategies for SUCCESS with English Language Resources: Bookrooms and/or classroom libraries, leveled readers, Senderos, U-46 ELL Department List Learners – ASCD Action Tool, U-46 ELL Department List of Cognates, Senderos Cognate Wall Resources: Senderos, Making Meaning, U-46 ELL of Cognates, Senderos Cognate Wall by Lessons, Strategies for SUCCESS with English Language Learners – ELL website: http://www.u-46.org by Lessons, ELL Curriculum Alignment/ ELL Thematic Units, technology, interactive word Department List of Cognates, Senderos Cognate Wall by Lessons, ASCD Action Tool , ELL Curriculum Alignment/ ELL Thematic Units, technology, interactive word walls, anchor walls, anchor charts, visuals, realia, etc. Strategies for SUCCESS with English Language Learners – ASCD charts, visuals, realia, etc. ELL intranet: English http://intranet.u-46.org Action Tool, ELL Curriculum Alignment/ ELL Thematic Units, technology, interactive word walls, anchor charts, visuals, realia, (The BRIDGE followed by extension activities: after a concept is learned the end of the 155 min (The BRIDGE followed by extension activities: after a concept isor atlearned orunit) at the end of the DL videos: U-46 V-Drive etc. unit) Green: SPANISH-language of instruction Green: SPANISH-language of instruction Blue: ENGLISH-language of instruction Blue: ENGLISH-language of instruction (Math BRIDGE followed by extension activities: after U-46 Resources / Teacher-created Resources: Keys to Learning (Newcomers), a concept is learned or at the end of the unit) Thematic Units ThemeStar, organized: Listening and/or Speaking Reading and/or Writing Shining Leveled Readers, ELL and/or Curriculum Alignment/ELL Thematic Units, FOSS- Department List of Cognates, Strategies for Standards: Common State Standards SUCCESS with English Language LearnersCore – forTool, Math, Spanish Language Development ASCD Action technology, interactive Standards word walls, anchor charts, visuals, realia, etc. for SUCCESS with Literacy-based ESLEnglish WordLanguage Study Learners – ASCD Action Tool, technology, interactive word2 walls, anchor charts, visuals, realia, etc. ELD Standard – Language of Language Arts Resources: Keys to Learning (Newcomers), Shining Star, leveled readers, Strategies for SUCCESS with English Language Standards: Common Core State Standards, ELDS, 2012 Learners – ASCD Action Tool , ELL Curriculum Alignment/Thematic Units, Leveled Readers, FOSS- Next Generation Science Standards, Amplification U-46 ELL Department List of ELL Curriculum Alignment/ Thematic Units, technology, word ofCognates, the ELDS, CAN DO ELL Descriptors, Nextinteractive Generation walls, anchor charts, visuals, realia, etc. Science Standards, C 3 Social Studies Framework Pink: Alternate language of instruction – English or Spanish – Please follow U-46 ELL Department “Language of the Week” Calendar Pink: Alternate language of instruction – English or Spanish – Please follow U-46 ELL Department “Language of the Week” Calendar Dual Language Educa-on of New Mexico Program Support www.DLeNM.org Fourth Grade 50:50 Sixth Grade 50:50 School District District U-46 U-46 School ELL Educational Services ELL Educational Services Instructional Needs of the Second Language Learner Guiding Principle 3.2.A – Teachers integrate language and content instruc-on. – Teachers use sheltered instruc-on strategies to facilitate comprehension and promote second-­‐language development. (GP 3.2.B) hRp://www.dlenm.org/index.php/resources/soleado-­‐newsleRers Dual Language Educa-on of New Mexico Program Support www.DLeNM.org Guiding Principle 3.2.B “Good teaching is good teaching.” • Consider the adage “good teaching is good teaching.” • This does not ring true for the teaching of bilingual students. If that were the case, linguis-cally and culturally diverse students would not be demonstra-ng such a tremendous gap in achievement with their na-ve-­‐English speaking peers. Dual Language Educa-on of New Mexico Program Support www.DLeNM.org • Develop a short list of the essen-al components of “good teaching.” Instruc-on for ELLs is not only “good teaching”. It is “good teaching” plus: • The ability to support ELLs in accessing, par-cipa-ng in and succeeding with content through lesson design. • Awareness of assessment approaches and accommoda-ons for ELLs. • Knowledge of second language acquisi-on research/theory • A focus on assessing students’ prior knowledge and educa-onal resources, iden-fying and closing gaps in content knowledge. • Con-nuing to learn and grow as a professional educator. Dual Language Educa-on of New Mexico Program Support www.DLeNM.org • Ability to integrate language development into instruc-on Sheltering: “Many content area teachers s-ck by the belief that good teaching is good teaching and that the strategies and approaches they had used to great success in prior years and with other diverse groups of students would yield the same posi-ve results. But, the con-nued achievement gap among linguis-cally and culturally diverse students and their English-­‐speaking counterparts point to a very different reality.” Soleado, Fall 2014 Dual Language Educa-on of New Mexico Program Support www.DLeNM.org An umbrella term for mul-ple teaching and learning strategies teachers use to provide L2 learners access to content What does the language learner need? • Valida-on of home language and culture • Comprehensible input • Opportuni-es for interac-on • Contextualized language • Opportuni-es for ac-ve involvement 10:2—Think of a -me in your own experience as a teacher or language learner when many of these needs were addressed. What did this look like? Dual Language Educa-on of New Mexico Program Support www.DLeNM.org • Strategies and grouping techniques that reduce anxiety www.DLeNM.org Safety and Access Dual Language Educa-on of New Mexico Program Support What can the teacher do to support the second language learner? • Maintain the language of instruc-on • Teach target language speakers how to help • Adhere to rou-nes www.DLeNM.org • Shelter Dual Language Educa-on of New Mexico Program Support • Focus on language • Make text accessible • Plan for peer interaction • Develop student learning strategies • Support meaning with realia • Bridge the two languages • Activate prior knowledge and/or create shared knowledge • Af[irm identity (linguistic, cultural, individual) Dual Language Educa-on of New Mexico Program Support www.DLeNM.org DLeNM’s 8 Components of Sheltering www.DLeNM.org Sheltered Instruction in Action Dual Language Educa-on of New Mexico Program Support A summary of experimental research found that short-­‐term professional development experiences of 14 hours or less appear to have no effect on teachers’ effec-veness, while a variety of well-­‐designed content-­‐specific learning opportuni-es averaging about 49 hours over a 6-­‐ to 12-­‐month period of -me were associated with sizable gains… So what does this mean for dual language programs? Dual Language Educa-on of New Mexico Program Support www.DLeNM.org -­‐ Linda Darling-­‐Hammon The Flat World and Educa-on P.204 AIM4S3 Math Framework PD Plan Cohort Follow Up – 2 to 3 days School-­‐ based Follow Up Administra-ve Support Dual Language Educa-on of New Mexico Program Support www.DLeNM.org Level I Ini-al Training – 3 days • Sustainability What is the plan for suppor-ng new teachers in geang the training? • Capacity How are we building capacity to support follow up at the school site? A high-­‐quality dual language program has a professional development plan in place. Dual Language Educa-on of New Mexico Program Support www.DLeNM.org Instructional Expectations and Professional Development Guiding Principle 4.2.A-­‐D • The program has a quality PD plan (GP 4.2) • A long-­‐term PD plan exists that is inclusive, focused, and intensive. • PD is aligned with competencies needed to meet dual language program standards • All staff are developed as advocates for dual language programs Dual Language Educa-on of New Mexico Program Support www.DLeNM.org • Ac-on plans for PD are needs based, and individual staff plans are aligned with the program plan Staffing Plan • The program recruits and retains high quality dual language staff (GP 4.1) • A recruitment plan exists (GP 4.1.A) • Selec-on of new instruc-onal, administra-ve, and support staff takes into considera-on creden-als and language proficiency (GP 4.1.B) • Staff members receive support (GP 4.1.C) • Staff evalua-ons are performed by personnel who are familiar with dual language educa-on (GP 4.1.E) Dual Language Educa-on of New Mexico Program Support www.DLeNM.org • Retaining quality staff is a priority (GP 4.1.D) Severe Lack of Qualified Teachers: 7-­‐12 # Sec. EL Students # Teachers # Teachers % % Not Bil./TESOL Bil./TESOL Endorsed Endorsed Endorsed Not Endorsed STATEWIDE 6262 15716 1314 4948 21.0% 79.0% ALBUQUERQUE 1936 4409 407 1529 21.0% 79.0% CLOVIS 150 267 17 133 11.3% 88.7% GADSDEN 283 1370 163 120 57.6% 42.4% GALLUP 240 1356 48 192 20.0% 80.0% LAS CRUCES 462 690 53 409 11.5% 88.5% SANTA FE 270 993 48 222 17.8% 82.2% Source: 2014-­‐2015 NMPED 2014-­‐15 Secondary (7-­‐12) EL Teacher Endorsements (Source: NMPED) Dual Language Educa-on of New Mexico Program Support www.DLeNM.org District Name # Sec. EL Teachers Staffing Plan – Consejos Mul-ple Approach • Accept student teachers into you dual language classrooms • Present to a Pre-­‐Service classroom • Sell your program and your school community • Encourage new teachers to see their language and culture as an asset • Pipeline programs – high school educa-on career pathway • In-­‐Service, In-­‐Service, In-­‐Service – develop a pd plan: • that responds to the needs of your students, and • transforms the instruc-on of your teachers Dual Language Educa-on of New Mexico Program Support www.DLeNM.org • Tell them you have a job for them Program Evaluation Plan • An effec-ve process exists for con-nual program planning, implementa-on, and evalua-on (GP 5.5) • The program is adaptable (GP 5.5.A) www.DLeNM.org • The program is ar-culated within and across grades (GP 5.5.B) Dual Language Educa-on of New Mexico Program Support CommunicaTon Plan • The program views and involved parents and community members as strategic partners -­‐ advisory structure -­‐ takes advantage of community language resources (GP 6.3) www.DLeNM.org Dual Language Educa-on of New Mexico Program Support A Communica-on Plan…Why? • Do we know our stakeholders? • Do we know the percep-ons of our program? • Do we have some control over how we are perceived? • people we immediately serve; and the • people who observe, evaluate, or ques-on what we do? Dual Language Educa-on of New Mexico Program Support www.DLeNM.org • How do we ensure a consistent and research-­‐based message is provided to the: • Ongoing professional development is also likely to be needed to help all staff, but par-cularly English-­‐only staff, learn strategies that can support English acquisi-on for DLLs, help them understand that a strong home-­‐language base makes it easier to learn English, and help them understand the length of -me most children need to abain age-­‐appropriate proficiency in English. hbp://illinoisearlylearning.org/faqs/dll.htm Dual Language Educa-on of New Mexico Program Support www.DLeNM.org Quotes from Research Quotes from Research • It may also be necessary to provide professional development that addresses the nega-ve aatudes that some staff have about minority languages and the mispercep-ons of many teachers about the cogni-ve benefits of maintaining the child’s home language www.DLeNM.org (Rodríguez, 2010). Dual Language Educa-on of New Mexico Program Support Quotes from Research • In many cases, staff will also need to help families recognize the advantages of bilingualism—that if their child knows more than one language, she may do beber in school (NAEYC, 2009). • Barriers between school and home can too owen be created by a lack of understanding on the part of teachers or by parents’ expecta-ons. hbp://illinoisearlylearning.org/faqs/dll.htm Dual Language Educa-on of New Mexico Program Support www.DLeNM.org • Making parents aware of what research has shown regarding how proficiency in one’s na-ve language supports English language learning, as well as the challenges involved in becoming bilingual, is also important (Rodríguez, 2010). Communica-on Plans Example Materials Review • DLeNM Family Survey & Findings • Grade Level Expecta-on Lebers • Welcome Leber and Presenta-on • Community DL 101 Presenta-ons • Informa-on Fliers 37 of New Mexico Program Support Dual Language Educa-on www.DLeNM.org • District and School Brochures for Promo-on What Who When Plan Cross-Cultural Awareness Family Events Parent Liason w/grade level representatives June meeting with stipend Revise K parent orientation session and put summary in staff handbook K teachers Goal Team Meeting Revise Adobe Acres beginning of year letters for SY07-08 DL 1st – 5th Grade level representatives Staff Meeting Plan DL new staff orientation session for August in-service DL team leader & voluntary staff Goal Team Meeting 38 of New Mexico Program Support Dual Language Educa-on www.DLeNM.org Example Communica-on Plan www.DLeNM.org Questions and Answers Dual Language Educa-on of New Mexico Program Support FUENTE365 – www.dlenm.org • Quarterly Newsleber: Soleado – Promising Prac-ce from the Field • Digital Vignebes – for Professional Development and Instruc-onal Support • Job Pos-ng • Webinars • Program and professional development supports • Discounts for abendance to La Cosecha Dual Language Conference Dual Language Educa-on of New Mexico Program Support www.DLeNM.org • Publica-ons: monographs, books, presenta-ons La Cosecha Dual Language Conference 2016 November 9-­‐12, 2016 Santa Fe, New Mexico Call for Proposals now OPEN! Dual Language Educa-on of New Mexico Program Support www.DLeNM.org www.lacosecha.dlenm.org www.DLeNM.org Like us on Facebook Dual Language Educa-on of New Mexico Program Support Dual Language Educa-on of New Mexico Program Support www.DLeNM.org Please visit us the DLeNM Table in the Exhibitors Hall Thanks for abending today’s session. Have a wonderful day!