GRADE LEVEL AND CONTENT AREA: K/Science Seasons This unit

 This unit is about the four seasons. You will be exploring how trees change over
the season. You will also observe how weather changes over the seasons and
how that influences how we live our lives in what we wear.
A.8. Relate seasonal weather patterns to appropriate choices of clothing and activities.
GRADE-LEVEL CONCEPT:  Daily and seasonal weather conditions affect what
we do, what we wear and how we feel.
1. Changes in weather conditions can be recorded during different times of
day, from day to day, and over longer periods of time (seasonal cycle).
Repeated observations can show patterns that can be used to predict
general weather conditions. For example, temperatures are generally
cooler at night than during the day and colder in winter than in spring,
summer or fall.
2. Weather influences how we dress, how we feel, and what we do outside.
3. Weather affects the land, animals and plants, and bodies of water.
GRADE-LEVEL CONCEPT:  Daily and seasonal weather conditions affect what we do, what we wear and how
we feel.
4. The sun is the source of heat and light that warms the land, air and water. Variations in the amount of
sunlight that reaches the earth cause the weather.
5. Weather conditions can be observed and described as sunny, cloudy, rainy, foggy, snowy, stormy, windy,
hot or cold. Weather observations can be made based on how we feel, what we see or hear, or by using
weather measurement instruments such as thermometers.
6. Changes in weather conditions can be recorded during different times of day, from day to day, and over
longer periods of time (seasonal cycle). Repeated observations can show patterns that can be used to
predict general weather conditions. For example, temperatures are generally cooler at night than during the
day and colder in winter than in spring, summer or fall.
7. Weather influences how we dress, how we feel, and what we do outside.
8. Weather affects the land, animals and plants, and bodies of water.
9. When the temperature is below “freezing,” water outside freezes to ice and precipitation falls as snow or ice;
when the temperature is above freezing, ice and snow melt and precipitation falls as rain.
10. Clouds and fog are made of tiny drops of water. Clouds have different shapes, sizes and colors that can be
observed and compared. Some cloud types are associated with precipitation and some with fair weather.
11. Wind is moving air. Sometimes air moves fast and sometimes it hardly moves at all. Wind speed can be
estimated by observing the things that it moves, such as flags, tree branches or sailboats.
KEY SCIENCE VOCABULARY: weather, season (winter, spring, summer, fall), thermometer, precipitation,
freezing, melt
CONCEPTS: Need To know about …
 Seasons and how they relate to appropriate choices in life and how they relate to
 There are 4 seasons (season occur both on land and in water)
 Each season has it own weather.
 Weather in each season affects choices we make.
 Weather can vary in each season.
 Animals can have different behaviors patterns in different seasons.
SKILLS: Be able to do:
Relate seasonal weather to choices in clothing and activity.
Identify the four seasons and recognize the seasonal weather patterns.
Predict what clothes or activities will be appropriate for a specific season.
Record observations of weather related to clothing, sports, animals (activities).
 The seasons are caused by how far the earth is from the sun. (The seasons are
caused by the tilt of the earth on its axis)
 Seasons only occur on land.
 Seasons only influence people.
KEY SCIENCE VOCABULARY: weather, season (winter, spring, summer, fall),
thermometer, precipitation, freezing, melt
Literature- (fiction and non-fiction)
Significant task
Observation of weather patterns (graphs- professional and class produced.)
Foss Tree Kit: Module: Trees Through the Seasons
INDICATORS/Cumulative questions:
1. Seasons have patterns (weather and calendar).
2. Season influences choices.
3. Seasons influences animal behavior.
4. Seasons are related to weather.
1. How do seasons affect human choices and animals lives?
2. What makes the seasons different from each other?
3. Why are seasons important to know about?
4. What are seasons?
Lesson Plan Outline for Seasons Unit
Lesson Objective/Purpose
Introduction to the 4
Choose clothes
appropriate to the
Chart the weather
Students will learn how to chart the daily
weather on graph. This can become
part of the Saxon meeting.
Foss Kit: Trees: Through
the Seasons
Fall part 1 What Comes
From a Tree
Foss Kit: Trees: Through
the Seasons
Fall part 2 Food from
Foss Kit: Trees: Through
the Seasons
Fall part 3 Visiting
Adopted Trees in Fall
Foss Kit: Trees: Through
the Seasons
Winter part 4 Evergreen
Foss Kit: Trees: Through
the Seasons
Winter part 5 Winter
Foss Kit: Trees: Through
the Seasons
Winter part 6 Visiting
Adopted Trees in Winter
Students observe what falls from trees
and study tree fruits and nuts.
Students will be able to recite the four
seasons and understand that each has
different characteristics that make the
season unique.
Students will recognize that different
seasons will require different clothes.
Students will recognize that fruit comes
from trees and that fruit has a structure.
Students will visit the tree(s) and
recognize its fall characteristics it has in
the fall
Students will recognize that all
evergreens can have different types of
leaves, needles, and scales.
Students will recognize the structure of
a branch in the winter
Students will visit the tree(s) and
recognize its fall characteristics it has in
the winter
Foss Kit: Trees: Through
the Seasons
Spring part 7 Forcing
Students will recognize what happens to
a bud in spring
Foss Kit: Trees: Through
the Seasons
Spring part 8 Bark Hunt
Students will recognize that all bark has
similarities and differences.
Foss Kit: Trees: Through
the Seasons
Spring part 9 Visiting
Adopted Trees in Spring
Culminating Activity
Students will visit the tree(s) and
recognize its fall characteristics it has in
the spring
Students will make a book about the
seasons that they have generated
throughout the school year.
Please use this rubric throughout the unit.
Star or Sticker (2)
Was able to
worksheet on own.
Can verbalize
using correct
vocabulary. Work
or answers are
Smiley Face (1)
Needs some support to
answer questions or
complete worksheets.
Not using vocabulary
correctly, but using
appropriate vocabulary.
Blah Face (0)
Needs help completing
worksheets, unable to
answer questions. Does not
use appropriate vocabulary.
Unable to differentiate
between seasons or make
choices that are appropriate
for the season.
**This unit is taught throughout the year so when you get the Foss Tree Kit (if you are
on the rotation ), you might want to make a copy of the entire Tree Module-Trees
Through The Seasons pages 1-16 and all the center and worksheets and keep it in a
file. It would also be a good idea to keep the kids work in folders marked fall, winter,
spring so at the end it can all be pulled together to make a book of seasons; each
season could be a chapter and the kids could help create a table of contents and
create a graph of the favorite season. (Great end of year project, that last week!!!-also
shows their growth in learning, reading, illustrating and graphing).
Lesson 1: Introduction to the Four Seasons
Objective: Students will be able to recite the four seasons and understand that each
season has different characteristics that make the season unique.
Target: Students will be able to tell and identify the four seasons
o Chart paper: make a four square so you can place information about each
season in a square.
o Markers
o Book on seasons/See if library has one of the following: if not try to find a book
about all four season or a video on united streaming. Gibbons, Gail. The
Seasons of Arnold’s Apple Tree or Rockwell, Anne. Four Seasons make a Year
or McKay, Sindy. About the Season (We Both Read)
I. Teacher will ask students if they know the four seasons and what they know.
Teacher should correct any misconceptions and place correct information in
the appropriate square.
II. Teacher will read the students a story about the season (preferably nonfiction) or show a video.
III. After reading teacher will ask the students what they now know about
season and record correct information on chart paper.
IV. Teacher and students should practice reciting the four seasons together.
Wrap up or closure: Save for end of day
Have a variety of kids recite the four season and 1 fact or piece of information for
Extension or Center Activities:
 Have kids draw pictures of each season (worksheet in resources)
 Have kids write poems using 1st letter to describe the season (worksheet in
 Have kids draw or write about their favorite season.
 Set up a season library center.
Lesson 2: Dressing for the Season
This lesson can be introduced and then done daily at math calendar meeting time. *It
can also be set up as a center, or each child could have their own set. If each child is
going to have their own I suggest sending home the patterns to be colored at home,
maybe even cut out if you are doing one for every student. The contents could be
stored in envelopes or baggies. I would also suggest laminating the class bear(s) and
all the clothes and you could use it year to year. (Great job for the PTO helper or
volunteer parent)
Objective: Students will recognize that different clothes are appropriate for different
Target: Students will be able to appropriate dress the bear for the weather/season
Bear (s) at least one or the set for the class*
Velcro dots to attach the clothes
I. Teacher will review the seasons by asking the students what they know.
II. Teacher may chose to re-read a seasons book or read a new one, a video would
also do.
III. Teacher and students will discuss how they dress for each season.
IV. Teacher will show bear(s) and showcase clothes
V. Teacher can dress the bear and ask the students what season do you think it is?
VI. Teacher could reverse and say season and then have student pick out clothes.
VII. Teacher and students should move through all four seasons.
Wrap up or closure:
Have a few students dress the bear and then tell the season.
During daily math calendar meeting choose a child to dress the bear(s) for the
weather of the day.
Extension or Center Activities:
 Have multiple kits available at centers, put out calendars so they can lay the bear
clothed on the appropriate month.
 Change the pattern to be a kid.
They sell a pre-made bear with clothes for under $10 (punch and go)
Lesson 3: Charting the Weather
Objective: Students will be able to graph the basic daily weather conditions.
Target: Students will first as whole class, and then individually be able to properly
graph the weather and then analyze the data to see a simple weather pattern in each
o Weather graph (1 per month, in the beginning one for class, as time goes on 1
per child). Each child should receive a copy of each months graph for the
Lesson 13 project book.
Procedure: This lesson can be done during math calendar meeting and is also done
as part of the weather unit.
I. Class will look out the window and determine what type of weather they can
observe with their senses.
II. Class will decided with picture best represents the weather outside.
III. Teacher will model (as time goes on students should be able to complete
task on their own) coloring in the appropriate box.
IV. Teacher could have kids predict tomorrow’s weather or recall yesterday’s or
ask about most, least, the same math questions about data on the bar
Wrap up or closure: Teacher or student will review the graph
Extra: You could have graph with words instead of pictures
You could purchase a pre-fabricated weather graph for whole group.
Extension or Center Activities:
 Have kids complete their own graphs
 Have kids make up weather graphs and ask questions to each other
 Have prefabricated graphs and have the kids determine the season
 Let the kids visit www.weatherbug and check the local weather
 Let the kids create their own weather graphs for different areas.
Month _______________________
Season _____________________
Keep the chart daily for each month. In the beginning of the year it could be done whole group at calendar meeting. As
year progresses could be completed independently as morning/arrival task by each student. Copies of whole group
graphs can be placed in their seasons book in the appropriate season.
Weather graph by:
Remaining Lessons are from Foss Tree Kit: Trees Module: Trees Through the Season.
Lesson 4: Fall-What Comes from Trees (part 1)
Objective: Students will identify things that fall from trees and learn vocabulary
Seeds, leaves, and twigs.
Target: Students will sort materials under trees to decide what came from tree and
what did not
Supplies: See page 4
Procedure: See page 4 try doing as whole group or see if gym teacher might be
interested in the lesson.
Wrap up or closure: Let kids share their findings.
Extension or Center Activities:
 Take students to a variety of trees.
 Send the lesson to a teacher in a different state and have them do the same
experiment and then exchange data and pictures (Florida or down south with
palms and evergreens)
 Have kids do this lesson during the different seasons
 Have kids guess how each (seed, leave, or twig ) might travel or what animals or
humans might use them for
 Let the kids take their findings and create a collage or work of art.
Star or Sticker (2)
Was able to
worksheet on own.
Can verbalize
using correct
vocabulary. Work
or answers are
Smiley Face (1)
Needs some support to
answer questions or
complete worksheets.
Not using vocabulary
correctly, but using
appropriate vocabulary.
Blah Face (0)
Needs help completing
worksheets, unable to
answer questions. Does not
use appropriate vocabulary.
Unable to differentiate
between seasons or make
choices that are appropriate
for the season.
Lesson 5: Fall-Food from Trees (part 2)
Objective: Students will make a connection between trees, fruit, and nuts. Students
will understand that trees can provide food for us.
Target: Students will draw a cross section of a piece of fruit and label it, along with
placing the seed from the fruit next to their illustration.
Supplies: see page 5
Procedure: see page 5
Wrap up or closure: Have a few kids share what they learned today.
Extension or Center Activities:
 Take sheets and combine to make a food from trees book that can be read in
centers or during free time.
 Have a kid illustrate the seasons of a fruit tree
 Have kids match fruit to trees (use catalogs from nurseries, easy to get off line or
ask local nurseries for old catalogs. Use school address so you don’t end up on
some mass mailing list)
Star or Sticker (2)
Was able to
worksheet on own.
Can verbalize
using correct
vocabulary. Work
or answers are
Smiley Face (1)
Needs some support to
answer questions or
complete worksheets.
Not using vocabulary
correctly, but using
appropriate vocabulary.
Blah Face (0)
Needs help completing
worksheets, unable to
answer questions. Does not
use appropriate vocabulary.
Unable to differentiate
between seasons or make
choices that are appropriate
for the season.
Lesson 6: Fall-Visiting Adopted Trees in Fall (part 3)
Objective: Students will observations and record data about the chosen tree(s) in fall.
Target: Students will observe and record data about the tree(s) in fall and later
compare to other seasons.
Supplies: see page 6
Procedure: see page 6
Wrap up or closure: A few kids will share their work
Extension/ Center Activities:
 Take a picture of the tree(s)
 Photocopy the picture and have the kids label the parts of the tree
 Photocopy the picture and have the kids write about their tree and trip to visit it
 Have kids write predictions about what they think the tree will look like in the next
season (save to see if they are correct)
 Keep in touch with a classroom in a different part of the country and compare
their trees in different seasons.
 Have the kids write to tell the tree what they like best about the present season
Star or Sticker (2)
Was able to
worksheet on own.
Can verbalize
using correct
vocabulary. Work
or answers are
Smiley Face (1)
Needs some support to
answer questions or
complete worksheets.
Not using vocabulary
correctly, but using
appropriate vocabulary.
Blah Face (0)
Needs help completing
worksheets, unable to
answer questions. Does not
use appropriate vocabulary.
Unable to differentiate
between seasons or make
choices that are appropriate
for the season.
Lesson 7: Winter-Evergreen Hunt
Objective: Students will learn about a variety of evergreen trees and explore their
needles, leaves and scales.
Target: Students will get explore a variety of needles, leaves, and scales from
evergreens and get to make a reference card
Supplies: see page 7
Procedure: see pages 7 and 8
Wrap up or closure: Have a few kids share their needles, leaves or scales and then
explain why they chose it as their favorite.
Extension or Center Activities: (sorting, classifying, graphing/charting, fine motor,
writing, reading)
 Let kids sort the needles, leaves, and scales at a center
 Put leaves, scales and needles at a center with a microscope and magnify
glasses and let them explore and create illustrations
 Make a matching game with pictures or rubbings from the leaves, needles, and
 Make a matching game of matching tree to needles, leaves, and scales.
 Create a book center about evergreens. The FACTs document with the kit lists
plenty of references for creating a great tree/season library.
Star or Sticker (2)
Was able to
worksheet on own.
Can verbalize
using correct
vocabulary. Work
or answers are
Smiley Face (1)
Needs some support to
answer questions or
complete worksheets.
Not using vocabulary
correctly, but using
appropriate vocabulary.
Blah Face (0)
Needs help completing
worksheets, unable to answer
questions. Does not use
appropriate vocabulary. Unable
to differentiate between seasons
or make choices that are
appropriate for the season.
Lesson 8: Winter: Winter Twigs (part 5)
Objective: Students will learn about winter twigs and make a reference page for their
season book.
Target: Students will observe and learn about winter twig parts
Supplies: see page 9
Procedure: see pages 9 and 10
Wrap up or closure: Have students illustrate and label their own winter twig
Extension /Center Activities: (sorting, classifying, graphing/charting, fine motor,
writing, reading)
 Have kids illustrate vocabulary words at a center (twig, branch, leave, needle,
seed, etc)
 Let kids use twigs to create a 3-d collage.
 Ask the art teacher to create works of art or detailed illustrations with the kids.
 Have kids create a Venn diagram or t chart about evergreen twigs and leaf twigs,
they could use pictures or words.
Star or Sticker (2)
Was able to
worksheet on own.
Can verbalize
using correct
vocabulary. Work
or answers are
Smiley Face (1)
Needs some support to
answer questions or
complete worksheets.
Not using vocabulary
correctly, but using
appropriate vocabulary.
Blah Face (0)
Needs help completing
worksheets, unable to
answer questions. Does not
use appropriate vocabulary.
Unable to differentiate
between seasons or make
choices that are appropriate
for the season.
Lesson 9: Winter-Visiting Adopted Trees in Winter
Objective: Students will recognize the difference between the tree(s) in fall and winter
Target: Students will draw their winter tree and compare them to their drawing of their
fall tree
Supplies: see page 11
Procedure: see page 11
Wrap up or closure: Have a few students share and compare their fall and winter
drawings (REMEMBER to save for lesson 13)
Extension or Center Activities :
 Compare winter trees from different areas (south, tropics)
 Have kids illustrate a fruit tree in the winter and then an evergreen
 Make a sorting center: evergreens and deciduous (shed there leaves) trees and
leaves. You could use real photos or pictures from the internet or nursery
Star or Sticker (2)
Was able to
worksheet on own.
Can verbalize
using correct
vocabulary. Work
or answers are
Smiley Face (1)
Needs some support to
answer questions or
complete worksheets.
Not using vocabulary
correctly, but using
appropriate vocabulary.
Blah Face (0)
Needs help completing
worksheets, unable to
answer questions. Does not
use appropriate vocabulary.
Unable to differentiate
between seasons or make
choices that are appropriate
for the season.
Lesson 10: Spring-Forcing Twigs
Objective: Students will learn about forcing buds
Target: Students will help in the process and observe as a bud is forced from a twig
Supplies: see page 12
Procedure: see page 12
Wrap up or closure: Have kids predict what will happen and how long
Extension or Center activities:
 Have kids write and/ or illustrate their predictions at a center
 Have kids keep a daily journal written or illustrated of the buds progress at a
center or every am
 Have the kids try forcing a variety of twigs and compare the results (Venn or t
chart or verbally)
Star or Sticker (2)
Was able to
worksheet on own.
Can verbalize
using correct
vocabulary. Work
or answers are
Smiley Face (1)
Needs some support to
answer questions or
complete worksheets.
Not using vocabulary
correctly, but using
appropriate vocabulary.
Blah Face (0)
Needs help completing
worksheets, unable to
answer questions. Does not
use appropriate vocabulary.
Unable to differentiate
between seasons or make
choices that are appropriate
for the season.
Lesson 11: Spring-Bark Hunt (part 8)
Objective: Students will explore the similarities and differences in tree bark in spring.
Target: Students will make a variety of bark rubbings for either their lesson 13 book or
a class tree book as suggested by Foss.
Supplies: see page 13
Procedure: see page 13
Wrap up or closure: Chose a few kids to compare bark rubbings
Extension or Center Activities:
 Have kids make rubbings in different colors and then make a collage out of them.
(Might even want to get the art teacher involved)
 Find bark (that has already fallen from a tree and let the kids make rubbings at
Star or Sticker (2)
Was able to
worksheet on own.
Can verbalize
using correct
vocabulary. Work
or answers are
Smiley Face (1)
Needs some support to
answer questions or
complete worksheets.
Not using vocabulary
correctly, but using
appropriate vocabulary.
Blah Face (0)
Needs help completing
worksheets, unable to
answer questions. Does not
use appropriate vocabulary.
Unable to differentiate
between seasons or make
choices that are appropriate
for the season.
Lesson 12: Spring-Visiting Adopted Trees in Spring (part 9)
Objective: Students will observe their tree(s) in spring and then compare them to the
exact same trees in fall and winter.
Target: Students will illustrate their tree(s) in spring and compare them to the tree in
other seasons. (Keep for lesson 13)
Supplies: see page 14
Procedure: see page 14
Wrap up or closure: Have a few kids share their tree in their favorite season and
Extension or Center Activities:
 Have them draw their tree on a four grid and label by season
 Have them write about their favorite tree in their favorite season and why
 Make a memory game with tree in all seasons (you need four to win)
 Make a sorting center with trees from all seasons (sort by seasons)
Star or Sticker (2)
Was able to
worksheet on own.
Can verbalize
using correct
vocabulary. Work
or answers are
Smiley Face (1)
Needs some support to
answer questions or
complete worksheets.
Not using vocabulary
correctly, but using
appropriate vocabulary.
Blah Face (0)
Needs help completing
worksheets, unable to
answer questions. Does not
use appropriate vocabulary.
Unable to differentiate
between seasons or make
choices that are appropriate
for the season.
Lesson 13: Significant task/Culminating Activity:
Each child creates a book of their own of seasons including: weather, animals, tree
cycle, clothing choice, sports, and child’s representation of season. Book should be on
a going project and done during each marking period.
This project can also serve a tool for tracking each child’s progress throughout the
year. The book serves as a reference tool/record of child’s progress in coloring,
writing, reading, penmanship and development during the year. The book can be sent
home at the end of the year as a keepsake.
You can use manila folders for the cover and then insert worksheets, drawings, and
materials as completed. At completion of unit all materials can be stapled to make a
book. The front cover could be a picture of themselves playing outside with details of
fall (i.e. colorful leaves on the trees, wind blowing, clouds, playing football, soccer, or
raking leaves). The back cover could be done at the end of the year; students draw
themselves playing outside with details of summer (i.e. green leaves, sunshine,
swimming, at the beach.)
Sample of materials to be included in book:
o Copies of monthly weather graphs (use class generated one)
o Illustration of each season done by student (You could ask Art teacher to create
pictures using different mediums for the books)
o Worksheets on sequencing (animal and trees)
o Student generated/copied poems about each season.
o A season bear for each season that is dressed appropriately.
o A student generated fact sheet about each season.
Star or Sticker (2)
Was able to
worksheet on own.
Can verbalize
using correct
vocabulary. Work
or answers are
Smiley Face (1)
Needs some support to
answer questions or
complete worksheets.
Not using vocabulary
correctly, but using
appropriate vocabulary.
Blah Face (0)
Needs help completing
worksheets, unable to
answer questions. Does not
use appropriate vocabulary.
Unable to differentiate
between seasons or make
choices that are appropriate
for the season.
Child’s name _______________Date ______________________
Seasons Assessment Sheet
Goal/Big Ideas for unit
There are four seasons.
That certain clothes are need for certain
seasons. Can pick out appropriate clothes for
the season.
That tree, animals, and other living organisms
have cycles that coincide with the seasons.
Seasons have similar weather patterns.
Final assessment/Cumulative project grade and comments:
Extension found on last pages of all Foss modules.
Extension worksheets below:
This is my picture of … worksheets:
Have kids illustrate a picture of each season. Have students include:
Ground cover
People (dressed appropriately)
Acoustic poems worksheet
Have students make poems using the beginning letters of each season, (use season
words). Try supply words either on a word bank or file folder word saver and have
them match beginning letters or sounds. Have students complete worksheets as
whole class or individually or at a center with or without help.
This is what I know about…worksheet
Have students complete worksheet for each season writing or illustration (and labeling)
what they have learned.
Weather wheel
Have students create a weather wheel for home or even to give to shut ins, veterans,
kids in the hospital, retirement homes
Sequencing worksheet
Have students complete the worksheets either in centers or as whole group, great sub
project. (Save for lesson 13)
Name _________________________________ Date _________________
This is my picture of summer:
Name _________________________________ Date _________________
This is my picture of fall:
Name _________________________________ Date _________________
This is my picture of winter:
Name _________________________________ Date _________________
This is my picture of spring:
My Fall poem
Written and Illustrated by:
My Winter poem
Written and Illustrated by:
My Spring poem
Written and Illustrated by:
My Summer poem
Written and Illustrated by:
Name ________________________________ Date _____________________
This is what I know about the season called: ____________________________
Weather Wheel
Make your own weather wheel. Color the pictures and
then cut out the wheel and the pointer. Attach the
pointer to the wheel with a brad.
Use this poem at a copying center or use for fluency. Have students illustrate. It is also
great for punctuation and letter hunts.
Isn’t It Raining Yet?!
We’re all prepared for rain this year . . .
Our mothers bought us all the gear
To keep us dry from head to toe,
Even though they really know
We like to get ourselves all wet.
Isn’t it raining yet?!
Other resources:
Websites/general science and this unit:
_print.html *great lesson plan excellent connections to literature *this is what I used for weather
bear, all pattern and lessons are FREE worth a visit!!!
Supporting Literature :
Gibbons, Gail. The Seasons of Arnold’s Apple Tree
Gibbons, Gail. The Reasons for Seasons
Tang, Greg. Math for All Seasons
Hirschi, Ron Ocean Seasons
Rockwell, Anne. Four Seasons make a Year
Lin, Grace. Our Season
Branley, Franklyn M. Sunshine Make the Season.
Stringer, Lauren. Winter is the Warmest Season
McKay, Sindy. About the Season (We Both Read)
Rogers, P. What Will the Weather Be Like Today?
Barrett, J. Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs.
Branley, F. It’s Raining Cats and Dogs.
Gibbons, G. Weather Words and What They Mean
Unitedstreaming: type in either trees or seasons you will get a lot
Check with librarian and gateway
Cross curricular ideas and extensions are dispersed
throughout the lessons.