T H E M A S T E R O F A L L B O A R D S B Y Masterboardfi is manufactured under a quality management system certified in accordance with ISO 9001. Masterboardfi is a calcium silicate board reinforced with selected fibres and fillers. It is formulated without asbestos or any other inorganic fibres. It does not contain formaldehyde. The board is semi-compressed and cured in a high pressure steam autoclave. This provides the board with high dimensional and chemical stability, accompanied by low alkalinity. Masterboardfi is a versatile building board suitable for use in a wide range of internal and semi-exposed external applications. It is offwhite in colour and has a smooth finish on one face with a slightly textured reverse. Masterboardfi is plain or perforated (to order). It can be easily decorated with paints, wallpapers or tiles, or left in its natural state if preferred. The information in this document is issued in good faith. Intumex Asia Pacific can accept no responsibility for omissions or errors in content or interpretation. Intumex Asia Pacific has a policy of continuous improvement and reserves the right to change specifications, designs and products at any time without prior notice. Local authorities must be consulted for compliance with local building fire regulations. © 2003 Intumex Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. I N S I D E ABOUT THE BOARD Page 2-3 FOR CEILINGS Page 4-7 FOR PARTITIONS Page 8-11 SEMI-EXPOSED EXTERIAL APPLICATIONS Page 12-15 OTHER CONSTRUCTIONS Page 16-23 WORKING WITH THE BOARD Page 24 DECORATING THE BOARD Page 25 HEALTH & SAFETY / HANDLING & STORAGE Page 26 TECHNICAL PROPERTIES Page 27 Masterboardfi THE WELL KNO 2 F I R E P E R F O R M A N C E I N S U L A T I O N FLEXIBLE COMPATIBILITY Masterboard is non combustible when tested in Masterboard can provide a degree of thermal accordance with the criteria of BS 476: Part 4: 1970. insulation, depending on system and product Masterboardfi is compatible with most commonly used building materials. Masterboardfi will not cause corrosion (it is alkali in nature), it is non caustic, and does not cause any adverse reaction when in contact with bituminous materials. Masterboardfi can be decorated using most commonly available materials. fi This product is also classified as a Class ‘0’ material T H E R M A L fi thickness. Masterboardfi provides an ideal support for thermal insulation materials, and is resistant to in accordance with Building Regulations Definitions. continuous operating temperatures up to 80 C. BIOLOGICAL PERFORMANCE E Masterboardfi has a high pH, it is immune to attack from insects or vermin. Masterboardfi will not support mould or fungal growth. Masterboardfi is non toxic and does not emit smoke or toxic fumes under fire conditions. Masterboardfi is flexible yet robust, it is easily worked using conventional wood working tools. Boards can be nailed or screwed into position, depending on substrate. For most instances, pre-drilling is not required provided fixings are a minimum of 50mm from corners and 12mm xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxfrom board edges. A S Y T O U S E WN FACTS DIMENSIONAL STABILITY Masterboardfi has good dimensional stability and is eminently suitable for use in areas of high humidity. It can withstand both high temperatures and frequent temperature changes. It has very low movement in relation to temperature changes. E F F E C T O F M O I S T U R E Masterboardfi is resistant to the effects of moisture, will not physically deteriorate when used in damp or humid conditions. It will absorb water causing some loss of strength, which is fully recovered on drying. Moisture will not cause leaching or efflorescence and has no permanent effect on the board. C H E M I C A L L Y B A L A N C E D Masterboardfi is resistant to brine and dilute chlorine solution, resistant to low concentrations of most acids and alkalis. Surface pH value of Masterboardfi is between 7 to 10. EXCELLENT DURABILITY The base of Masterboardfi contains no water soluble additives. Under normal conditions, un-decorated Masterboardfi will not degrade, rot or deteriorate physically. Masterboardfi FOR CEILING A proven high performance material for your ideal ceiling systems, Masterboardfi is widely used in both concealed and exposed grid ceiling systems. 4 FOR CEILINGS Masterboardfi Masterboardfi can be installed as full size sheets, giving architects and designers the ultimate solution for achieving smooth, flush joints. The unique formulation of Masterboardfi results in a material that is lightweight and has high performance in terms of moisture resistance and dimensional stability. Curved ceiling construction S In the event of a leakage above the ceiling, Masterboardfi panels will allow water to pass through, indicating that a leak has occurred. The wet panels will have a slightly reduced flexural strength, but full strength will be regained once they are allowed to dry out. The dried panels can be reinstalled once leakage has been repaired. Any staining on the panels caused by the leakage can be easily resolved by painting over. Masterboardfi offers versatility in ceiling designs. The inherent strength and flexibility allows the board to be bowed to achieve a curved ceiling without flexing back or breakage of the material. Simply cutting Masterboardfi to a desired shapes and size can create inventive ceilings with circular, stepping effect. Holes can be punched to incorporate down lights for better effects and atmosphere. Strong and contrasting colours can also be used to enhance the ceiling. Masterboardfi is easy to install and can be left un-decorated without risk of deterioration. The material is moisture tolerant and will demonstrate minimal sag, even when used in high humidity environments. Concealed grid suspended ceiling system with expressed joints Architectural ceiling Masterboardfi SUSPENDED CONCEALED GRID & CONCEALED CEILINGS CEILING The Masterboardfi concealed grid comprises standard galvanised steel sections. The system is composed of primary channel sections, at maximum 1800mm centres, supported from the substrate using steel strap hangers. To the underside of the primary channels are fixed galvanised steel furring sections (MF sections) positioned at nominal 610mm centres. The Masterboardfi is fixed to the MF sections using screws at nominal 300mm centres. It should be noted that centres of the primary channel sections and the hangers are dependent on a number of factors, e.g. span of channels, centres of hangers, weight of cladding systems etc. Please consult Intumex Asia Pacific for precise installation details. Masterboardfi can be supplied with tapered edges to facilitate joint filling to provide a smooth soffit, or with bevelled edges to provide shadow line features. TIMBER JOISTED CEILING Masterboardfi can be installed directly to the underside of timber framed ceilings. The Masterboardfi is nailed or screwed to the joists. A 50mm x 50mm timber noggin should be positioned as backing to the transverse joints. Masterboardfi can be supplied with tapered edges to facilitate joint filling to provide a smooth soffit. For fire resistant constructions, please consult Intumex Asia Pacific for pertinent fixing details and minimum joist dimensions, centres etc. EXPOSED GRID CEILING Masterboardfi can be used as the infill panel to decorate exposed grid ceiling systems, and can be used as part of a system for acoustic or thermally efficient ceiling construction. Masterboardfi can be used in panel dimensions of 595mm x 595mm (for a 600mm grid) or 1195mm x 595mm (for a 1200mm x 600mm grid) without risk of sagging etc occurring. 6 SUSPENDED & CONCEALED Masterboardfi CEILINGS ALTERNATIVE CONCEALED GRID (1) When using a concealed grid system, Masterboardfi can be secured to the furring (MF) channels using No.8 self-tapping screws at 300mm centres. The furring channels run at 610mm centres and can be secured to the primary channels using a clip holder. ALTERNATIVE CONCEALED GRID (2) Board joints should coincide with framing sections, additional framing may need to be introduced to coincide with transverse joints. This is especially important where tapered edges are employed to facilitate joint filling for a flush finish. Failure to fix all board edges correctly could result in joint fillings showing hairline cracks. Perimeter edges can be finished with angles or beads for aesthetic purposes. For full size boards, 2440mm x 1220mm, framing generally required at nominal 610mm centres. Please consult Intumex Asia Pacific for precise installation details. EXPOSED GRID (LAY-IN) Masterboardfi is eminently suitable for use in areas of intermittent high humidity, and can be used in lay-in grid systems without risk of the boards sagging. Care should be taken to match the requisite panel dimensions, length/width, to a thickness commensurate with the flatness tolerances required, e.g. the larger the panel dimension, the greater thickness is required. In general a 1200mm x 600mm or 600mm x 600mm grid presents no problems. 7 Masterboardfi FOR PARTIT Flexible and lightweight systems that are faster to construct and practical for today s buildings. 8 TIONS FOR PARTITIONS Masterboardfi Masterboardfi partition systems offer many benefits over conventional masonry. Whether it is new construction or refurbishment, Masterboardfi partition systems offer greater flexibility in construction and relocation. Unlike conventional masonry, they are faster to construct and hence reduce delay to other trades. Because it weighs less than twenty percent of a conventional masonry wall, the system reduces the building dead load. The system is also slimmer and the reduced thickness allows for more rentable space, which in turn increases the rental income potential. Semi exposed external wall system Masterboardfi is ideal for use in areas which are permanently damp or humid, such as wash rooms, kitchens or semi-exposed locations. Masterboardfi is a non-combustible material to BS 476 : Part 4 : 1970 thus can be used for construction of a half-hour and one-hour fire rated partition systems. Masterboardfi can be supplied with tapered edges to facilitate joint filling where a flush finish is required. The unique characteristics of autoclaved calcium silicate mean that Masterboardfi without special treatment is naturally moisture tolerant. Hence, the partition can be constructed early before wet trades are finished and even before the building is weather tight. Wet trades can be continued without fear of damaging the partition. External wall system (internal view) Masterboardfi TIMBER STUD INTERNAL PARTITIONS FRAMING Details of annotations: M 6mm thick Masterboardfi N 60mm thick x 20 kg/m3 mineral wool (optional) O Mineral wool padding underneath (optional) P 50mm x 63mm softwood timber studs at 610mm centres Q Minimum 50mm x 63mm softwood horizontal timber at 2440mm centres R 38mm long nails at 200mm centres or 25mm screws at 300mm centres S Non combustible fixings at nominal 500mm centres Timber stud framing can be quickly and easily installed to create partitions for heights in excess of 20m without the problems sometimes associated with steel stud constructions. The dimensions of the timber studs should be such that they will adequately support the required loadings, including any internal wind loads which may be present in high bay warehouses for example. See BS 5268 for details. All framing should be constructed using dry, straight sections of timber. The vertical studs are of nominal 610mm centres, with horizontal noggins at 2440mm centres, i.e. to coincide with the horizontal joints between the boards. 10 The top and bottom plates should be secured to the substrate using non combustible fixings at nominal 500mm centres. The Masterboardfi can be nailed or screwed to the framing. Predrilling of the boards is not a pre-requisite, provided fixings are at least 12mm from the edges of the boards, and at least 50mm from the corners. Masterboardfi can be used for the construction of fire resistant partitions for up to 60 minutes integrity and insulation. Mineral wool infill is required for these applications. Masterboardfi partitions can be used for the construction of acoustic walls. Please consult Intumex Asia Pacific for details of the board thickness and cavity infill materials to provide the requisite performance. INTERNAL Masterboardfi PARTITIONS STEEL STUD FRAMING Details of annotations: M 9mm thick Masterboardfi N 60mm thick x 23 kg/m3 mineral wool (optional) O 35mm x 48mm x 35mm x 0.5mm thick vertical steel studs at 610mm centres P No.8 self-tapping screws at 300mm centres Q Steel channel section fixed to substrate using non combustible fixings at nominal 500mm centres. NOTE: The above framing dimensions are suitable for partitions up to 3000mm in height. For constructions in excess of this, please consult Intumex Asia Pacific for minimum frame specification. Masterboardfi steel stud partitions can be constructed for heights in excess of 12m, provided attention is paid to selecting the correct dimensions of steel studs. Where partitions are required to withstand additional requirements e.g. high impact within warehouse environments etc, these additions should be taken into account when selecting your framing sections. The top and bottom channels should be fixed to the substrate using non combustible fixings at nominal 500mm centres. If the substrate is uneven, a mineral wool gasket can be placed between the substrate and the face of the channel framing members. In general, the vertical studs are positioned at 610mm centres. For extreme or aggressive environments it may be necessary to reduce these centres to provide additional support against impact etc. Masterboardfi can be used for the construction of fire resistant partitions for up to 60 minutes integrity and insulation. Mineral wool infill is required for these applications. In addition, the Masterboardfi partitions can be used for the construction of acoustic walls. Please consult Intumex Asia Pacific for details of the board thickness and cavity infill materials to provide the requisite performance. 11 Masterboardfi SEMI-EXPOSED EXTERNAL APPLICATIONS The good dimensional stability of Masterboardfi makes it an excellent product in such applications. Changes in temperature or humidity will not cause swelling, shrinking or warping of the board. 12 F O R E A V E S & Masterboardfi S O F F I T S Masterboardfi is moisture resistant and will not deteriorate in wet or humid conditions. In semi-exposed applications such as eaves, soffits, gable overhangs, porches, awnings and canopies, the continuous exposure to atmospheric moisture does not permanently affect its physical properties. Masterboardfi is lightweight for easy handling and installation. It can also be cut or drilled using conventional wood-working tools. The boards, when left un-decorated, will not degrade, rot or deteriorate physically. If painting is required, it can be applied directly without the need for special preparation such as an alkaline resistant primer. Where large areas of external soffits are to be butt jointed, expansion joints must be provided at 4200mm centres to allow for movement of the building. Fascia boards Gable linings F O R B A C K I N G P A N E L S Masterboardfi has also been used as a backing to vitreous enamel and porcelain enamel panels for many years. Bonding Masterboardfi to the back of the panel ensures that these panels remains flat. Masterboardfi will not warp, swell or decay unlike most plywood or gypsum boards. Backing to architectural wall EAVES & SOFFITS Masterboard fi has a greater resistance to moisture than most plywood and gypsum boards. Hence, it becomes a natural choice of material to be used in continually damp environments such as underground tunnels and railway stations. Masterboardfi 13 Masterboardfi SOFFIT APPLICATIONS CONSTRUCTION Masterboardfi is widely used in semi-exposed applications such as eaves and soffits. The moisture resistance and dimensional stability are the key criteria in selecting the right board for such applications. Secure galvanised steel angles or timber battens securing to the masonry wall and fascia board. Cross-battens or furring channels are used and fixed to the L-angle at 610mm centres, these are only required where the width of the board exceeds 400mm. 14 SEMI-EXTERNAL A 9mm thickness of Masterboardfi is recommended in this application. The board should be fastened to the angles/furring channels/timber battens using No.8 self-tapping screws at 300mm centres. To allow for structural movement, an expansion joint should be used in accordance to the architects’ recommendation. SEMI-EXTERNAL Masterboardfi APPLICATIONS ROOF TILE UNDERLAY Masterboardfi is widely used as underlay to roofs, in order to provide a non combustible lining over rafters which will assist in preventing fire spread. The Masterboardfi should be laid over the rafters and secured in position by use of nails into the rafters. If roofing battens are being used, the Masterboardfi only needs tacking into position as the batten fixings will properly secure the board when they are applied. If battens are not being used, then the Masterboardfi underlay should be fixed using nails at 300mm centres. Ideally all joints between boards should coincide with rafter positions to prevent sagging at the joints, Cross noggins at transverse centres are not necessary unless the rafters exceed 900mm centres. It should be noted that Masterboardfi is NOT a loadbearing material and thus is cannot withstand foot traffic. Use crawling boards or keep to the roof battens. EXTERNAL WALL SHEATHING Masterboardfi is an ideal solution for providing sheathing to the external walls of timber frame constructions. The Masterboardfi is unaffected by moisture and will not rot, degrade or support mould or fungal growth. Masterboardfi can also provide racking strength where required, the loading dependent on board thickness and nail patterns used. Masterboardfi should be used in conjunction with a proprietory vapour barrier to ensure condensation problems can be avoided. The Masterboardfi is simply nailed or screwed to a timber framing, which is composed of stud dimensions appropriate to meet the requisite loadings. Maximum framing centres 610mm, maximum fixing centres 300mm. Overcladding with timber or fibre cement sidings is possible, simply affix the sidings through the Masterboardfi , into the timber framing, in accordance with the siding manufacturers’ recommendations. 15 Masterboardfi OTHER CONSTRUC 16 Masterboardfi CASING FOR PIPES & SERVICES Masterboardfi can be used for boxing-in hot and cold water pipes, boiler flues, and waste piping as well as electrical and gas services. Casings can be easily and neatly constructed using Masterboardfi fixed to timber battens or to metal corner angles. The edges of the boards can be planed, or sanded to form neat edge and tidy corner joint. Joints can be filled and sanded to provide a smooth finish. WET AREAS/ TILE BACKER Masterboardfi is ideal as a backing board for tiles in showers, bathrooms, kitchen and utility rooms where moisture can cause problems. The board has good strength even when saturated with water and the tiles remain firmly bonded and will not detach. INDUSTRIAL & WALL LININGS TIONS Masterboardfi is an ideal lining material for any industrial building. It is lightweight and has high light reflectance (about 65% for undecorated board). It has high moisture resistance and can be installed to provide a smooth surface, improve insulation, overcome problems of damp in renovation work and as support for thermal insulation. Masterboardfi can assist in condensation control because it can absorb up to about 60% of its own weight in water without dripping, particularly in areas where steam is produced. Masterboardfi is non-combustible and will withstand continuous temperatures up to 80 C. It is therefore ideal as a backing or as a lining to boiler cupboards. Masterboardfi CASING FOR OTHER PIPES & SERVICES Masterboardfi is fixed to timber battens or steel angles to form the enclosure. The edges of the board can be planed to give a neat corner, or sanded to form a rounded edge. Joints can be filled and sanded to provide a smooth finish. Mineral wool or fibre glass can be included within the encasement to improve acoustic properties and thermal insulation where necessary. CONCRETE/TIMBER COLUMN CLADDING Masterboardfi is widely used as an overcladding for concrete or timber columns or framing sections. Masterboardfi can be used to provide a smooth surface to concrete work, ready for decoration and hiding unsightly marks left on the concrete from framework etc. Depending on the thickness of board used, Masterboardfi can be fixed directly to the concrete, or to a transverse of light gauge galvanised steel angles or channels. Please consult Intumex Asia Pacific for further details. Masterboardfi can also be used as a cladding to timber framework, especially useful for areas where a non combustible finish is required, or where a Class 0 surface is specified. Masterboardfi is also used to improve the impact resistance of timber framing, in order to avoid unsightly lumps be gouged out of the wood etc. Masterboardfi can also be used to enhance the fire resistance of timber columns and beams etc. Please consult Intumex Asia Pacific for details. 18 CONSTRUCTIONS OTHER Masterboardfi CONSTRUCTIONS CAVITY WALL FOR SERVICES Unlike conventional masonry, the Masterboardfi partition system allows for flexibility of housing unsightly cables, pipes and services within the cavity for improved aesthetic appeal. The Masterboardfi when mounted on furring channels can also replace plaster or cement rendering on masonry walls, allowing smooth and seamless finishes, while providing cavities for routing all services, thus eliminating messy hackings. CAVITY WALL WITH SANITARY FITTINGS The inherent moisture resistance performance of Masterboardfi makes it the ideal choice for partitioning in toilets, bathrooms, kitchens and other wet areas. The board can confidently be used to conceal sanitary services. Wherever sanitary fittings will be fixed to the wall, it is advisable to incorporate additional framing members behind the Masterboardfi , to which the fittings will be fixed, thus the framing is supporting the load, and not the Masterboardfi . Please consult Intumex Asia Pacific for details. 19 Masterboardfi INDUSTRIAL OTHER & WALL LININGS Masterboardfi can be used as an overcladding onto masonry or concrete walls in order to provide a smooth surface or decoration, avoiding the need to apply a plaster or cement render. The Masterboardfi can be supplied with bevelled or tapered edges to facilitate joint filling for a smooth surface finish. The Masterboardfi is screwed to metal furring sections, which in turn have themselves been fixed to the substrate. For normal conditions, the MF sections are positioned at nominal 610mm centres, and fixed to the substrate 20 CONSTRUCTIONS using non combustible fixings at nominal 500mm centres. The Masterboardfi is fixed to the MF sections using screws at nominal 300 centres. For use in high impact areas or aggressive environments, e.g. sports halls, it may be necessary to reduce the centres of the MF profiles. The cavity between the masonry and the Masterboardfi can be filled with mineral wool to improve the acoustic and thermal insulation, or the cavity can be used to run services. OTHER Masterboardfi CONSTRUCTIONS TILE UNDERLAY FOR FLOORS Masterboardfi can be used as a tile underlay for floors. The Masterboardfi is applied to ensure the floor has a flat and level surface prior to laying of floor tiles. The Masterboardfi should be fixed with nails or screws at the following positions. Around perimeter of the board, 75mm centres. Nails or screws must be a minimum of 75mm from the corners of the boards, and 20mm from the edge of the boards. Once the perimeter has been fixed, apply nails or screws in a grid 150mm x 150mm throughout the centre of the boards. For a panel 2440mm x 1220mm, this would provide a grid of 16 rows down the length of the board (starting 20mm in from each end) and 8 rows across the board. Tiles should be applied using adhesives, primers and application methods as recommended by tile manufacturers as suitable for calcium silicate boards. 21 Masterboardfi WET AREA OTHER USAGE Masterboardfi is eminently suitable for use in wet areas, its resistance to rot, mould or fungal growth makes for an ideal solution where a durable long lasting, hard wearing backing board is required. The following are just a couple of examples of usage for Masterboardfi . As an enclosure to sanitary units, bath housings etc. The Masterboardfi can be simply fixed to a framing consisting of light gauge steel sections or timber framework. Once installed the Masterboardfi is easily decorated. If tiling is to take place, please refer to the drawing on opposite page. Masterboardfi , in 15mm or 20mm thickness, makes an ideal base for vanity units, basin enclosures etc. The Masterboardfi used in this application can easily be tiled to provide a clean and sanitary environment with aesthetic appeal. 22 CONSTRUCTIONS OTHER Masterboardfi CONSTRUCTIONS WET Masterboardfi can be applied over a steel or timber framework as a tile underlay. When used in this application, the framing should be at 400mm centres both vertically and horizontally. fi Use minimum 9mm thick Masterboard . Seal the front face with watered down tile adhesive, and the back face with chlorinated rubber sealer or PVA sealer at the weight of 150g/m2. Sheets must be dry when installed. Fasten panels into position using 32mm long, No.8 stainless steel screws. Ensure fixing centres are a maximum of 200mm. Screw heads must be sunk below the surface of the boards. AREA USAGE At corner and floor joints, bed Masterboardfi into mastic to seal joints. At all times, the tile and adhesive manufacturers’ recommendations for tiling onto calcium silicate board substrates should be followed. Do not have ceramic tile joints in line with joints between sheets of Masterboardfi except at movement joints. At butt joints between sheets, no filling is required. At maximum 3660mm centres vertically and horizontally, expansion joints of minimum 5mm width should be included through tiles and boards. Support boards each side of such joints. 23 Masterboardfi CUTTING & WORKING SAWING WITH THE BOARD NAILING Use a fine-toothed saw. For shaped cuts use a pad, keyhole or coping saw. Work fair face up and support the board throughout. A power saw can be used, with a tungsten carbide tipped blade. When nailing, position not less than 12mm from board edge without pre-drilling. Galvanised wire nails are recommended. Do not use lost head nails or panel nails. Boards can also be stapled, but not for fire resistance applications. DRILLING FIXING Use a hand drill or high speed power drill (not the percussion type); bits should have HSS tips. When drilling, always provide support to the back of the board to prevent break out. For non-fire resisting applications, boards should be supported at 610mm centres and fixed to supports at 300mm centres. In normal areas, cross noggins are required only at board joints. If increased impact resistance is required, 400mm support centres should be used with cross noggins at 1220mm centres. PLANNING & SANDING The edges of the boards can be planed or smoothed with a surform, rasp or file. Use conventional papers for sanding. 24 SCREWING When screwing, do not countersink 6mm boards. Pre-drilling is not necessary. Use wood or self-tapping screws. Screws should be at minimum of 12mm from board edges and 50mm from board corners. DECORATING THE PAINTING BOARD & Masterboardfi PAPERING TILING Any conventional points can be used. Alkali resistant primers are not necessary. Water based paints (with a watered down first coat) or oil based paints can be applied to all products using proprietary primer/top coat systems as recommended by paint manufacturers. Minimum 9mm thick boards should fixed, textured side out. Supports should be maximum 400mm centres with cross noggins at transverse board joints. Seal the boards with P.V.A. Countersunk corrosion resistant screws should be used to fix boards at 200mm centres. Fix tiles in strict accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations. When papering Masterboardfi , size to seal against suction and improve slip, then hang papers or vinyl in the normal way. PLASTERING If a skim finish is desired, fix textured side out, apply a sealing coat of universal primer and allow to dry. Follow with a second coat. Apply plaster while this coat is wet and tacky. At all times strictly follow plaster/jointing compound manufacturers’ instructions for applying to fibre cement boards. 25 Masterboardfi HEALTH & SAFETY No special precautions are necessary in handling or working. When power sawing or sanding in a confined space, dust extraction equipment must be used to control dust levels. Care should be taken to prevent injury from sharp edges and corners. prevent any mis-use which could result in personal injury or damage to boards. In the event of injury obtain proper medical treatment. The materials and the packaging used for distribution do not incorporate any substances considered to be hazardous to health. Do not leave boards lying about on site, on scaffolding or in high traffic areas, where risk of damage or injury is increased, and Masterboardfi is NOT a loadbearing material and should not be used to floor walkways, apertures in floors etc. HANDLING & STORAGE fi Carry boards on edge, and do not drop on their corners. Masterboard should be stored under cover on a flat base, clear of the ground. If stored in the open, the stack should be fully protected from the weather. If stored on racks, boards should be fully supported across their width at not more than 1m centres. The following recommendations must be always taken into account when handling Masterboardfi . 26 LIFTING PROTECTION Always lift boards off the board below, never slide board on board or drag the stack. Boards should be stored under cover for protection against inclement weather on a covered dry-level ground, away from the working area of the mechanical plant. STACKING CARRYING Boards should be a maximum of 800 high, on firm level ground. If two or more pallets are stacked, the total stack height must be not more than 3500mm. Always carry the boards on edge but do not store on edge. TECHNICAL Masterboardfi PROPERTIES PROPERTIES DESCRIPTIONS UNITS VALUES Thickness mm 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 20 Width* mm 610 / 1220 Length* mm 610 / 1220 / 1830 / 2440 Weight (approx.) kg/m2 6 for 6mm board 9 for 9mm board 11 for 12mm board 14 for 15mm board 19 for 20mm board Normal dry density kg/m3 910 (± 10%) Flexural strength, across grain MN/m2 9 2 The Board Density Strength Flexural strength, along grain MN/m 6 Maximum allowable compressive load MN/m2 17 Flexural Modulus of Elasticity, dry GN/m2 5.5 Sag when suspended at 600mm span mm 1.5 for 6mm board 1 for 9mm board 1 for 12mm board Along grain mm 4800 for 6mm board 7200 for 9mm board 9600 for 12mm board Across grain mm 5400 for 6mm board 8200 for 9mm board 10900 for 12mm board % 0.40 Ex work % 10 to 15 In situ at EMC % 3 to 5 W/m.K 0.210 Thermal movements (100-25 C) m/m.C 2.4 x 10-6 Thermal shrinkage (4 hr/300OC) % 14 Minimum bending radius for board at ambient: Bending Radius Moisture movement (ambient to saturated) Effect of Moisture Nominal moisture content: Thermal conductivity Thermal Performance Fire Performance O Surface spread of flame (BS476: Part 7) Class 1 Building Regulations Classification (BS476: Part 6) Class 0 Manufacturing tolerances: Length mm ±5 Width mm ±5 Thickness mm ± 0.5 for 6mm board ± 0.5 for 9mm board ± 0.5 for 12mm board mm Max. 3 Tolerances Difference of diagonals *Equivalent metric sizes are available and a maximum length of 3050mm and width of 1250mm can be produced to special order. 27 O U R C O M Intumex Asia Pacific’s commitment to technical excellence is the driving force behind our company. Intumex Asia Pacific unrivalled expertise in the manufacturing of calcium silicate boards and cement-bonded particleboards continues to place it at the forefront of building board technology. The expertise that has made Intumex Asia Pacific a market leader in the Asia Pacific is now recognised in many countries across the world. Intumex Asia Pacific commitment in technical excellence, is equally concern for quality in all its forms – quality of materials, quality of production, quality of its people, even quality of the environment. M I T M E N T S Intumex Asia Pacific has long been involved in establishing standards for the performance of building systems worldwide, working closely with British and international bodies. The result is a range of tested and proven products and systems that show exceptional performance characteristics – fire protection, moisture resistance, hygiene performance, impact resistance, acoustic performance. Intumex Asia Pacific products are ideal for use in many applications including ceilings, partitioning, wall lining, roofing, flooring, structural steel protection, ducting and external wall cladding. Literature explaining the use of Intumex Asia Pacific products and systems in these areas is available from Intumex Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. March 2006 Intumex Asia Pacific HONG KONG Room 1011, C.C. Wu Building 302-308 Hennessy Road Wanchai Tel: +852 2895 0265 Fax: +852 2576 0216 AUSTRALIA Unit 1, 175 Briens Road Northmead, NSW 2152 Tel: +61 (2) 9683 2872 Fax: +61 (2) 9630 0258 SINGAPORE 10 Science Park Road #03-14 The Alpha Singapore Science Park II Singapore 117684 Tel: +65 6292 7888 Fax: +65 6294 2576 Email: info@intumex-ap.com www.intumex-ap.com Your local supplier