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Investment Plan for
Global Education Group Limited
PDF Created on
18 February 2015 03:01 p.m.
Group Overview ................................................................................................................................................ 3
Strategic Intent .................................................................................................................................................. 4
Delivering skills for industry .............................................................................................................................. 5
New Zealand’s hospitality industry and its relevance to NSIA’s funding provision .......................................... 6
Getting at-risk young people into a career ....................................................................................................... 9
Boosting the achievement of Maori and Pasifika learners ............................................................................... 9
Improving adult literacy and numeracy .......................................................................................................... 10
Strengthening research-based institutions ..................................................................................................... 10
Growing international linkages ....................................................................................................................... 10
Improving our Performance ............................................................................................................................ 11
Meeting the needs of our stakeholders .......................................................................................................... 12
Targeted Review of Qualifications (TRoQ) ...................................................................................................... 12
Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................................... 13
Intueri Education Group | 100 Symonds St Grafton | Auckland 1010 | 09 442 3456 |
Intueri Education Group (IEG)
Investment Plan for NSIA
(Global Education Group Ltd trading as North Shore International Academy)
2015 – 2017
Group Overview
The Intueri Education Group (IEG) is a publicly listed group of Private Training Establishments (PTEs). The group is
listed on the NZX and is the only organisation of its kind in New Zealand.
IEG’s family of Schools
The Cut Above Academy
Elite International School of Beauty and Spa Therapies
Design and Arts College of New Zealand (D&A)
New Zealand School of Commercial Diver Training (NZSOS Ltd trading as NZSCDT)
NSIA (Global Education Group Ltd trading as North Shore International Academy)
Quantum Education Group Ltd
Quantum Education Group ES Ltd
Quantum Education Group QT Ltd
IEG, through the schools listed above delivers NZQA-accredited programmes across a broad range of disciplines;
Culinary and Hospitality, Business and Computing, Hairdressing and Barbering, Special Effects Make-up and Make-up
Artistry, Commercial Diving, Beauty Therapy, Design and Arts, Travel and Tourism, Professional Counselling, and
Overall, through this diverse mix of provision, the high quality student outcomes achieved, the relevant skills and
knowledge students acquire and the resulting impact on their employment prospects IEG schools contribute
significant value to the wider New Zealand community and the economy in general, which is consistent with the
Government’s goals, vision and strategic direction as set out in the Tertiary Education Strategy.
Even though each entity within the group is separately accredited by NZQA and funded by TEC, they operate under a
single unified governance and overarching management structure.
IEG has a highly experienced governance and executive team whose focus is on the leadership, development and
implementation of coherent strategic goals across the group. With the current group structure relatively embryonic,
the focus to date has been the establishment of effective systems covering finance, IT and accounting, sector and
student engagement, international and domestic recruitment, compliance and reporting, academic quality and
evaluation and human resources with the goal of meeting the operational needs of the organisation, supporting
students, ensuring IEG is operating at best practice, and delivering relevant quality outcomes for all stakeholders.
Intueri Education Group | 100 Symonds St Grafton | Auckland 1010 | 09 442 3456 |
IEG aspires to lead the innovation of high quality, accessible and relevant tertiary education which enhances the lives
of New Zealanders including those whose needs are not well met by the existing tertiary provision.
IEG’S exciting future is strongly grounded in its core values:
Always doing the right thing
All of us together
Embrace our differences
Focus on the learner
Pursue growth
Love what you do
Strategic Intent
Our mission, role and functions, and how these relate to the outcomes we intend to achieve:
North Shore International Academy, here after referred to as NSIA, is a leading provider of industry-specific, NZQA
accredited training for Hospitality Management and Culinary Arts in Central Auckland. NSIA was originally founded in
2001 as a language school and three years later, in 2004, received accreditation to deliver programmes in Hospitality
Management and Culinary Arts.
The core purpose of the Academy is to equip domestic and International students with valuable skills to gain
qualifications in Hospitality Management, Professional Cookery and Culinary Arts. On completion, these students
can progress to further studies or enter directly into relevant employment.
All courses are delivered full-time, in an environment that simulates industry standards. The use of industry
equipment, designed to meet the needs of the industry as well as a strong commitment to providing a real work
environment is a priority in order for students to practice skills and gain confidence. The skills gained by our students
are transferable across a range of industry opportunities as well as employment and small business opportunities.
The Academy delivers outstanding educational performance with excellent employment outcomes. In 2013, our
course completion rate was 94% and our qualification completion rate was 100%. Nearly 60% percent of our
students in 2013 were under 25 years of age with over 85% from the International market. Performance for these
groups are in line with our excellent overall performance and above most other parts of the tertiary sector. Over the
last 10 years, thousands of learners have gained skills, achieved qualifications and secured fulfilling, sustainable jobs.
The Academy is constantly reviewing its processes to ensure that we meet the needs of our learners and other
stakeholders and has focused on further improving its performance and ensuring that its graduates are also
successful in the workforce thanks to the support given by the Connect department. NSIA has well-established and
successful relationships with key industry representatives and other stakeholders, including other tertiary
institutions and schools. These relationships continue to shape our strategic direction, influence our programmes
and our delivery. The relationship the school maintains with its active alumni association also allows us to do
ongoing self-reflection and implement any necessary improvements from the feedback we get from students who
are moving into full time employment.
Intueri Education Group | 100 Symonds St Grafton | Auckland 1010 | 09 442 3456 |
In the July 2012 External Evaluation and Review (EER), the Academy was assessed by NZQA as ‘Confident’ for both
Educational Performance and Self-Assessment with ratings of excellence for the value of outcomes for key
stakeholders including learners, meeting the needs of learners and stakeholders with our programs and activities
including guidance and support of learners. The EER noted that “The programmes offered at NSIA prepare students
for success in gaining employment or to pathway to further study. NSIA ensures that learning outcomes are relevant
to industry needs. The value of outcomes for the students is further confirmed by the employment of graduates often
leading to permanent residency status which is one of the preferred outcomes for students.”
Our academic teaching staff are all industry professionals who keeps abreast with industry trends, technology and
developments worldwide. NSIA has won the National Training Excellence Award at the New Zealand National
Culinary Fare for 8 consecutive years (2006 to 2013) where our students compete against their peers, as well as
industry professionals. This amazing achievement is proof of the quality of our tutors, their ability to maintain
professional relevance within the sector at the highest level as well as the capabilities of our dedicated students.
One of the findings in the 2012 EER report stated that “NSIA has been awarded the National Training Excellence
award for 6 years in succession. This can be attributed to NSIA’s training programmes which have produced highly
capable students whose skill levels have been proven to be higher than those of other providers as shown by their top
students’ success at the Annual National Culinary Fare. These students are highly sought after by employers.”
Delivering skills for industry
The Academy strives to align its activities to the Tertiary Education Strategy 2015-2019 priorities as demonstrated
In 2012 and 2013, NSIA delivered 49 EFTs on average per year for domestic learners. Being strongly focused on
international students, this number is very low in comparison to the number of international students who gained
qualifications from NSIA in the same period of time. The Hospitality Industry has a demand for a larger number of
domestic students and it is our goal to meet these needs as best we can within the limitations of our funding. NSIA is
one of the largest PTEs in New Zealand, specialising in Culinary Arts and Hospitality training, and delivering skilled
workers to the hospitality industry in New Zealand and worldwide.
Our focus for our students is:
Intueri Education Group | 100 Symonds St Grafton | Auckland 1010 | 09 442 3456 |
NSIA is a learner centric PTE where we guide and support our learners not just academically, but also with regards to
work experience and employment outcomes. Often, part time work during study can lead to full time or permanent
employment opportunities once learners have completed their formal studies. The Connect department offers our
learners guidance, assistance and training on CV building, interview techniques, job opportunities as well as
voluntary work for charity organisations within our community, as well as industry events.
Many of our students, with the skills and training given by Connect, often find their own part-time work within the
Industry. During the June 2013 to June 2014 period, the Connect department assisted 1,034 students to create
resumes. During the same period, 1,246 candidates were referred to employers. A total of 1,598 vacancies were
advertised by the department. They conducted workshops for 116 groups of students. Connect has successfully
placed 298 part-time students and 109 work experience students during this period as well as assisted graduates in
finding full-time employment. They also arranged interviews for another 218 students.
New Zealand’s hospitality industry and its relevance to NSIA’s funding provision
The Restaurant Association reported in their 4th annual Hospitality Report 2014 on the growth over various
sectors, as well as the contributions to the New Zealand economy, for the year ended March 2014.
For the period 2013 – 2014, the club sector grew by 14.7% (or $41.7 million), the restaurant and café sector had
the most significant growth with 9.8 %, and takeaway food service reported a 3.1% increase to surpass the $1.6
billion in annual sales. The pubs, taverns and bars sector reported a 2.6% increase.
In one year, the number of employees are expected to increase by 2,300 to 107,000 (2013 104,700) and the
Industry also lists the lack of skilled employees as the no. 3 challenge that they are facing as a whole.
Marisa Bidois, CEO of the Restaurant Association of New Zealand, mentions in her outlook for 2015, “While
consumer confidence is rebounding we know that there are interest rate rises on the bottom and house prices
and household debt remain of concern to many New Zealanders.” “We’re forecasting a growth of 4%, and a total
revenue for the sector of nearly $8 billion. We also expect the Auckland and Christchurch hospitality markets to
dominate the sector’s employment growth which next year will see more than 111,000 hospitality employees
working in more than 15,000 outlets.”
The Restaurant Association of New Zealand Hospitality Report listed labour costs as the expected challenge for 2014.
This was a direct consequence from the lack of skilled workers available on the market (which was the top challenge
in 2012 and 2013). This will translate into significant additional demand for the types of skilled graduates with
qualifications from the academy.
At NSIA, we have an onsite café and training restaurant in order to provide a RWE (real work environment) to ensure
that students have the opportunity to practice the skills they learn during their studies by serving real paying
customers. Most of our students are also employed part time while studying to enhance their knowledge,
experience and skills. This onsite training, simulating the workplace, together with their studies, part time work and
work experience programmes that our students participate in, assist them to develop core industry skills, as well as
capabilities in areas of inter personal relationships; self-management; creativity; cross cultural awareness and
emotional intelligence. All of this and more is done in preparation for the New Zealand workforce.
Intueri Education Group | 100 Symonds St Grafton | Auckland 1010 | 09 442 3456 |
NSIA tutors are heavily involved with professional associations such as the Auckland
and New Zealand Chef’s Associations, The Restaurant Association of New Zealand, HANZ and IATTP. Engagement
with industry and employers is an effective way for us to maintain contact with key stakeholder requirements in the
relevant sectors and to ensure currency and relevance of all programmes at NSIA. In association with these bodies,
NSIA often participate in festivals and community activities.
Our Industry Advisory Group has contributed greatly to our new (post TRoQ) programme development and their
feedback and input was invaluable.
In the Short-term Employment Prospects: 2014 – 2016, published by MBIE, it is confirmed that the employment
demand is rising strongly in response to the stronger economic growth, mainly in Canterbury due to the rebuild over
the next three years. The second strongest employment growth region is Auckland due to the number of industries
that are concentrated in the region.
Employment growth by region, three years to March 2016
2014-16 (000)
Bay of Plenty
East Coast
Source: MBIE – Labour, Short-term employment model and regional decomposition. * AAPC – Annual Average Percentage
Employment is forecasted to increase by about 180,700 in the three years to March 2016 according to the Shortterm Employment Prospects: 2014-2016. This forecasted growth excludes job opportunities that will arise due to
workers who will retire. This could increase the employment forecast by another 50 000 jobs per year.
Intueri Education Group | 100 Symonds St Grafton | Auckland 1010 | 09 442 3456 |
Employment growth by aggregated industry, March years
(ANZSIC06 based)
Primary sector
Primary processing
Other manufacturing
Construction and utilities
Wholesale & Retail Trade
Transport and Storage
Other Private services6
Core government sector
Heath and education
2015 (000)
2.8% 2.1
2.1% 9.8
2.5% 0.6
Other Public services7
2016 (000)
2.0 2.3
9.3 1.4
2.6 %
Source: MBIE, Short-term employment model.
The EER confirmed that “Students are gaining employment and jobs that reflect the skills they learnt. This evidence is
reinforced by the outcomes from the substantial data gathered from the graduate and employer survey and
evidenced during evaluator discussions with employers and graduates.”
The EER further confirms that “Anecdotal and formal feedback to NSIA from employers outlines the success of the
students in being able to meet the needs of industry with regards to professional attitudes and knowledge. Feedback
is very positive from those businesses working with NSIA students and similarly the students outline their enjoyment
and commitment to their appointments.”
NSIA undertakes ongoing review of the delivery of all programmes at the end of each term to ensure the content and
delivery is as practical and interactive as possible to maintain interest and motivation of learners and increase the
quality of teaching and learning.
The EER noted that “Students were very complimentary about their teachers and their ability to engage them in their
learning and commented favourably on balance of theory and practice.” “Changes made as a result of student
feedback show the proactive nature of the teaching teams. An example of this was given by both staff and students
regarding changes to the method of delivery of a new teacher following feedback from students and a consequent
discussion with the Quality Assurance Manager and team leaders. Staff are engaged in systematic performance
review processes which include student feedback, peer evaluation of teaching and planning, formal classroom
observations and lesson observations carried out by management and/or team leaders.”
Intueri Education Group | 100 Symonds St Grafton | Auckland 1010 | 09 442 3456 |
Getting at-risk young people into a career
NSIA provides pastoral care for both domestic and international students. We are also contracting a counsellor to be
onsite twice a week as of next year.
As part of our overall drive to align more closely with TEC strategy goals, IEG has engaged with the Ministry of
Education Youth Guarantee working group with a focus on developing effective approaches to vocational pathways
targeted at young New Zealanders.
Whilst in the early stages of development, NSIA is currently building relationships with secondary schools in the
Auckland region to facilitate closer ties for pathways into the hospitality sector, with the NSIA Head of School
offering workshops and demonstrations to students at the schools.
Boosting the achievement of Maori and Pacifika learners
Tim Aspinall, our Head of School, has a Kaiawhina role. He is presently establishing links in schools with a strong
Maori focus. This will be a key focus area for us over the next three years.
NSIA is further committed to responding to the TES priorities by engaging more effectively with the local community.
NSIA employs a number of Maori tutors. We have recently employed a Samoan chef tutor for the training restaurant.
Tim Aspinall, our Head of School, is our Kaumatua.
Post TRoQ our new level 4 qualification, the New Zealand Certificate in Cookery Level 4, will be attractive to this
demographic as it will prepare them with the necessary practical skills for suitable employment and earning
opportunities, as well as self-employment opportunities.
NSIA will also be working closely with a Maori and Pacifika board that is being established by Quantum Education
Group, one of the schools in the Intueri Education Group.
Intueri Education Group | 100 Symonds St Grafton | Auckland 1010 | 09 442 3456 |
Improving adult literacy and numeracy
NSIA does not deliver SAC Level 1 and 2 at this stage. We are endeavouring to get more tutors qualified for assessing
adult literacy and numeracy over the next three years. There has been a lot of interest voiced by newly employed
teaching staff at NSIA to achieve unit standards relevant to adult literacy and numeracy. This is part of our
professional development plan for the teaching staff.
The ESOL department provides support classes for students who have difficulty with the language aspect or the
academic demands of the course. These classes provide students with the necessary linguistic and academic skills to
be successful in the classroom as well as in the kitchen.
Strengthening research-based institutions
NSIA is not actively involved in a research function as such, but we draw on research of others and apply it to all
forms of teaching within the academy. We place a high priority on innovative teaching and assessment capabilities,
as well as innovation with the subsequent fields of study that we deliver and draw from relevant material
accordingly. However several members of staff at NSIA are pursuing their own studies independently of the school,
these are all higher qualifications, some of which involve research. The results and conclusions are often shared with
the academic team and any relevant material is shared between peers.
Growing international linkages
NSIA attracts international students from over 30 nationalities each year. The income generated contributes to the
New Zealand Government Strategy for the sector, doubling the economic value of international education. The
Government is aspiring towards an economic value of $5 billion over the next 15 years.
NSIA also contributes to the transition rate from study to residence for international students and give international
students the necessary knowledge and skills to live and work in a multicultural environment.
As an Academy with a mainly International focus historically, the Recruitment team is very experienced in this area
and also recruits international students for other schools under the Intueri Education Group umbrella.
Students that graduate from NSIA and return to their home countries are often ambassadors for New Zealand as well
as our Academy.
NSIA also delivers English language programmes for international students who would like to enrol at NSIA or study
elsewhere in New Zealand. These students, as well as our diploma students, are encouraged to integrate and stay
with host families. This cultural interaction will benefit both the domestic and the international students. The Code
of Practice for Pastoral Care of International Students is well implemented within NSIA and reviewed annually. Our
student support services within NSIA are robust and our staff compliment also covers a range of nationalities and
languages to further assist in our support functions. NSIA recently received NZQA accreditation to assess English
Language Proficiency for other category 1 and 2 providers. This additional service for other schools of the IEG group
and outside allows other schools to grow their international student numbers and provide quality export education
for wider industries.
Intueri Education Group | 100 Symonds St Grafton | Auckland 1010 | 09 442 3456 |
The New Zealand education system is highly regarded internationally and Jane von Dadelszen, Deputy Chief
Executive - Quality Assurance Division at NZQA, has recently presented the New Zealand Qualifications Framework at
a conference in Europe. In future, NSIA will investigate options for delivering New Zealand qualifications (or part
thereof) off shore to attract students to come to New Zealand to complete the rest of their qualifications here.
NSIA has MOU’s with several institutes which enable our students to explore further study and pathways into higher
Improving our Performance
The Academy will build on its existing strengths to further improve its already excellent student outcomes. Key
initiatives underway include:
Improved moderation system and cross campus moderation with QEG.
Cross campus systems for SDR reporting and course disaggregation
Introduction of appropriate e-learning and mixed medium teaching and learning modules as well as a blended
learning approach
Better aligning of IT with business processes. IEG is researching the best system that can be used across all five of
its PTEs that will allow effective cross-school and campus data transfer and communication, in order to give as
much information as possible for both internal and external analysis and benchmarking.
Archiving Student Records electronically - Data Management
Intueri Education Group | 100 Symonds St Grafton | Auckland 1010 | 09 442 3456 |
Meeting the needs of our stakeholders
NSIA strives to continuously improve relationships with industry and community stakeholders and holds advisory
meetings with industry employers and representatives at least once a year. Feedback is also sought on an individual
and ad hoc basis in relation to student skills and abilities and current industry needs. Our annual industry survey by
the Connect Department gives us true and accurate feedback on students and graduates working in the industry.
NSIA is a founding member of HEPF (Hospitality Education Provider’s Forum) where we collaborate from an
academic and compliance point of view and share best practices amongst providers.
One of our key goals is to provide the industry with qualified, skilled, competent graduates. The Restaurant
Association is engaging directly with tertiary education providers, as per its 2014 report, to engage with potential
future workers as 60% of the restaurants surveyed said it was extremely difficult to recruit new chefs. 96% of
businesses considered it unacceptably difficult to recruit chefs. Due to this, we will be working more closely with the
industry to ensure we are able to help fill this shortage.
Targeted Review of Qualifications (TRoQ)
NSIA has been collaborating with another PTE on the development of the new New Zealand Qualifications for
Cookery Level 4 and Culinary Arts Level 5. The submission for the New Zealand Certificate in Cookery Level 4 has
been submitted to NZQA and the applications for the Diploma in Cookery L5 will be submitted by mid-August. NSIA
is delighted by the review of the qualifications and we are confident that the new programmes will have even better
outcomes for leaners. The consistency arrangements will further assist PTEs to deliver better and consistent
graduates outcomes where both the provider and the learner will be confident in the skill set gained throughout the
Intueri Education Group | 100 Symonds St Grafton | Auckland 1010 | 09 442 3456 |
NSIA would like to apply for funding for the following programmes:
Diploma in International Cookery and Patisseries
Diploma in International Culinary Arts
Diploma in Professional Cookery
Diploma in Hotel, Hospitality and Management
Diploma in Hospitality Management
The next few years are an important time for NSIA. As part of the Intueri Education Group, we would like to further
assist the Government in achieving their goals and strategies as set out in the TES 2015 -2019.
We will be exploring various activities such as curriculum diversification for example bakery courses, internships and
E-learning. Part of the Intueri Education Group portfolio is OCA (Online Courses Australia) who we intend to work
with closely in the future. Technology is evolving fast and plays an important role on interactive training and the
Academy intends to keep up with the latest trends and through the other schools in the group, be at the forefront of
certain innovative techniques.
Some short courses and master classes might also be on offer to graduates who would like to up-skill in future.
NSIA is an award winning Hospitality Training Academy with a student and staff compliment who are culturally
diverse. This is where our passion for the Industry meets our love for education and people, by offering quality
vocational training to our students in order to achieve their career goal.
Intueri Education Group | 100 Symonds St Grafton | Auckland 1010 | 09 442 3456 |