2016 APQN Conference & AGM Sustainable Development of Quality Assurance in Higher Education Programme Booklet FHEC 2016 APQN Conference & AGM 26-27 May, Natadola, Nadi, Fiji Conference Theme: Sustainable Development of Quality Assurance in Higher Education Day 0: Wednesday, 25th May, 2016 0800 – 1700hrs 1600 – 1700hrs 1700 – 1800hrs Pre-conference Events Check in and Registration Registration Desk, Water court First Meeting of the Finance Committee (APQN Secretariat Room Finance Committee members only) First Meeting of the Board (APQN Board Secretariat Room members only) Day 1: Thursday, 26th May, 2016, Venue: Natadola 1 & 2, InterContinental Fiji Resort & Spa 0915-0945hrs 0945 – 1005hrs Buffet Breakfast at Respective Hotels Registration for the Conference at the Registration Desk - WaterCourt Welcome from the Chair of the Local Organising Committee Ms Salote Rabuka, Director, Fiji Higher Education Commission Opening Ceremony 0600 – 0730hrs 0800 – 0900hrs 0900 – 0915hrs 1005 – 1020hrs Group Photo at the Meke Lawn Morning Tea Break Mr Rafael Laavori De Micheo, International Director, The National Agency of Quality Assessment and Accreditation of Spain (ANECA) , Spain Keynote Speaker 1 1020 – 1040hrs 1045 – 1120hrs Official Opening Chief Guest:Hon. Dr. Mahendra Reddy, Minister of Education, Heritage & Arts & National Archives of Fiji Address by the President of APQN Dr. Jagannath Patil, Advisor, National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), India Chair and Commentator: Mr Anthony McClaran , CEO Tertiary Education Quality Standards (TEQSA), Australia 1120 – 1200hrs Topic: The Process of the Asia Pacific Quality Register (APQR) Panel : Prof Jianxin Zhang, Ms Malini Nair and Dr Erika Soboleva Chair and Commentator: Dr Jagannath Patil, President APQN Panel Discussion 1 1200 – 1240hrs 1440 – 1540hrs Session A Paper presentations Collaboration Change over Session A Paper presentations Session B Paper presentations Session C Paper presentations Session D Paper presentations Session B Paper presentations Session C Paper presentations Session D Paper presentations Afternoon Tea Panel Discussion 2 1540 – 1600hrs 1600 – 1700hrs accreditation: Panel: Dr. Iring Wasser, Director, European Alliance for SubjectSpecific and Professional Accreditation & Quality Assurance (EASPA), Accreditation Agency Specialized in Accrediting Degree Programs in Engineering, Informatics, the Natural Sciences and Mathematics (ASIIN)e.V, Dr Galina Motova, Deputy Director, National Centre for Public Accreditation (NCPA), Russia, Parallel Sessions 1 1340hrs – 1440hrs Programme Chair and Commentator: Prof Jianxin Zhang, Chief Expert of Yunnan Higher Education Evaluation Centre (YHEEC), Director of Research Sector of Higher Education in Yunnan University, Advisor CHEA International Quality Group (CIQG) in the USA Buffet Lunch at Sanasana Restaurant Parallel Sessions 2 1240 – 1340hrs Topic: Specialised and between Europe and Asia Topic: Trends of QA in south Pacific Panel: Professor Jeanette Baird, Academic Quality Assurance and Accreditation, Divine World University, PNG Mr Lemalu Sanerivi, Educational Quality and Assessment Programme, Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Ms Salote Rabuka, Director, Fiji Higher Education Commission and Dr Grant Klinkum, New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) Chair and Commentator: Dr Milika Sobey, Chairperson, Fiji Higher Education Commission 1700 – 1715hrs Closing Remarks of Day 1 1800 – 1900hrs 1900 – 2100hrs 1930 – 2030hrs Cocktail at the Meke Lawn by the Beach Buffet Dinner at Main Ballroom 2 & 3 APQN Quality Award Ceremony Venue: Main Ballroom 2 & 3 Day 2: Friday, 27th May, 2016, Venue: Natadola 1 & 2, InterContinental Fiji Resort & Spa 0820 – 0910hrs Buffet Breakfast: At the respective Hotels Keynote Speaker 2 0600 – 0730hrs 0910 – 0940hrs HE Professor Mohammad Osman Babury, Deputy Minister for Academic Affairs, Afghanistan Higher Education, Afghanistan. Chair and Commentator: Dr Dato Rujhan Mustafa, CEO, Malaysian Qualifications Agency Special session Topic: New Measures of QA on TNE in China & Latest Progresses in CBHE Inter-Agency Cooperation, CDGDC, Ministry of Education, China Speaker: Dr Chao Ren, Assistant Director of China Academic Degrees and Graduate Education Development Center (CDGDC) 0940 – 1040hrs 1040 – 1100hrs Parallel Sessions 3 Chair and Commentator: Prof. Colin N. Peiris, APQN Board Director, Member QAA Std. Committee of the UGC and Vice Chancellor, Horizon Campus, Sri Lanka. Session A Session B Paper presentations Paper presentations Tea Break Session C Session D Paper presentations Workshop: Internal Quality Assurance Parallel Sessions 4 1200 – 1230hrs Session B Session C Session D Paper presentations Paper presentations Workshop: Quality Label Workshop: Internal Quality Assurance Panel Discussion 3 1100 – 1200hrs Session A Topic: Quality assurance of University governance and management Special Session 1230 – 1300hrs 13:00 – 14:00 Panel: Prof Sid Nair, University of Western Australia , Engr. Salim Ahmed Khan, Riphah International University, Pakistan Chair and Commentator: Dr Mohammed Rafiq Baloch, Higher Education Commission, Pakistan Topic: Building a national support mechanism for external peer review of assessment to assure standards Speaker: Dr Sara Booth, Strategic Advisor, University of Tasmania, Australia Chair and Commentator: Dr Sheelagh Matear, Executive Director, Academic Quality Agency for New Zealand Buffet Lunch at Sanasana Restaurant Topic: Quality Assurance of Transnational Education – Experience from China – A Joint Presentation by CEAIE, QAA and TEQSA Panel Discussion 4 14:00 – 14:30 Panel: Dr Anthony McClaran, CEO, Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA), Dr Fabrizio Trifiro, Deputy Head International, Quality Assurance Agency (QAA), Dr He Pei, Deputy Director, Department of Quality Assurance in Cross-border Education, China Education Association for International Exchange (CHEAIE) Chair and Commentator: Dr Manuel Corpus, CEO, Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP) Topic : CAMPUS ASIA, Collaborative project by Japan, China and Korea Special Session 14.30- 15.00 Speaker: Prof Kazuo Okamoto, Vice President, National Institution for Academic Degrees and Quality Enhancement of Higher Education (NIADUE), Japan Chair and Commentator: Prof Angela Yung-Chi Hou, Fellow Researcher, Higher Education Evaluation & Accreditation Council of Taiwan (HEEACT) & Vice President, APQN Conference Close 15:15 – 15:30 (Comments, feedback, acknowledgements & announcement of the 2017 conference) Chair: Dr. Jagannath Patil, APQN President. 15:30 – 16:00 Afternoon Tea and Registration for the Annual General Meeting (AGM) 16:00 – 17:00 Annual General Meeting(APQN members only) The newly elected APQN Board will take over during AGM 18:00 – 19:00 Post Meeting of the APQN Board in the Secretariat Room Parallel Session Session A Mr Akuila Savu Session B Mr Waisea Rokobera Session Reps Session D Mr Simon Narayan Session C Mr Kushaal Raj Day 1: Thursday, 26 May, 2016 Parallel Session 1: 1340hrs – 1440hrs Session A Session B Sub-theme 1: Quality Assurance and Sustainable Development: the Benefits of Sustaining EQA, IQA, Qualifications Framework and Peer Review System Sub-theme 2: Higher Education Trends and Accountability of QA in Asia Pacific in Terms of Productivity, Equity and Cost Chair: Professor Yung-chi Hou (Angela), Research & Development of Higher Education Evaluation & Accreditation Council of Taiwan, China Chair: Prof. Li Yaogang, Shanghai Education Evaluation Institute (SEEI), China 1. The Ideal Accreditor of the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP): Commendable Practices, Challenges and Reward 1. The impact of external quality assurance on the development of a vocational education institution in Hong Kong Presenter: Prof Nenita I Prado, Central Mindanao University, Philippines 2. Professional Development for External Quality Assurance Officials: An Essential Factor for the Sustainable Development of Vietnam’s Higher Education Presenter: Dr Sandra Wong, Vocational Training Council, Hong Kong 2. The Fijian Funding Model: the transformations in attaining maximum equity to achieve quality education. Session C Sub-theme 3: Quality Assurance on University Governance and Management Session D Subtheme 6: The Internet Generation and its Implication on Higher Education Quality Management (OER, MOOCs, Online Distance Courses Professor and Assessment) Chair: Galina Motova, National Centre for Public Accreditation, Russian 1.Students’ involvement levels in art, music, theatre, sports and organizations at a Pacific Islands’ university Presenter: Mr Jeremy Dorovolomo, University of the South Pacific, Fiji 2. Improving University Governance through External Evaluation Chair: Prof. Jeanette Baird, Academic Quality Assurance and Accreditation, Divine World University, PNG. 1. Blended Leaning courses at School of Dentistry & Oral Health Presenter: Prof. Jayantha Weerasinghe, Fiji National University, Fiji 2. The Internet Generation and its Implication on Higher Education Quality Management (OER, MOOCs, Presenter: Prof Cuong Huu Nguyen, General Department of Education Testing and Accreditation, Vietnam 3. The Quality Assurance of Higher Education in Vietnam: Policies and its Impacts on Quality Assurance Components’ Developments Presenter: Dr. Truong Thi To Nga Thanh, Official, General Department of Education Testing and Accreditation GDETA, MOET, Vietnam. Presenter: Mr Kushaal Raj and Mr Simon Narayan, Fiji Higher Education Commission, Fiji Presenter: Brig ® Engr. Salim Ahmed Khan, Sitara-eImtiaz, Riphah International University, Pakistan 3. Research on the Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes: Practical Exploration of the Review of CHEA/CIQG Quality Platform Provider 3. Assessment of Accreditation in the University of Southern Mindanao Presenter: Prof Jianxin Zhang, YHEEC, China Presenter: Prof Riceli C. Mendoza and Prof Mirasol O. Verona, University of Southern Mindanao, Philippines Online Distance Courses and Assessment) Presenter: Prof Samanthi Wickramasinghe, Prof Colin N. Peiris and Prof Sriyani E. Peiris, Horizon Campus, Sri Lanka 3. OER in Quality Assurance Sustainable Development of Quality Assurance for OER in Higher Education Presenter: Mr Matai Tagicaki, Fiji Higher Education Commission, Fiji 1 Day 1: Thursday, 26 May, 2016 Parallel Session 2: 1440hrs – 1540hrs Session A Sub-theme 1: Quality Assurance and Sustainable Development: the Benefits of Sustaining EQA, IQA, Qualifications Framework and Peer Review System Session B Sub-theme 1: Quality Assurance and Sustainable Development: the Benefits of Sustaining EQA, IQA, Qualifications Chair: Ms. Malini Nair – Framework and Peer Review System Prasad, Fiji Higher Education Commission, Fiji Chair: Prof. Colin Peiris, Quality Assurance and Accreditation Council (QAA Council) and University Grants Commission (UGC), Sri Lanka 1. Guidelines of Good Practices for Internal Quality Assurance Unit for the Sustainable Development of Quality Assurance in Higher Education Institutions. 1. Impact of SelfAssessment Process at University of the Punjab for the Improvement of Quality of Education- A Case Study Presenter: Prof Dhakshika K. Jayakodyarachchi, Prof Husni Hussain, Prof Ananda Samarasekera & Prof Colin N Peiris, South Institute of Technology & Medicine, Sri Lanka 2. Changing Climate for Quality Assured Regional Qualifications in the Pacific: An innovative collaboration (EU-PacTVET & EQAP) Presenter: Mr Sanerivi, Mr Prasad, Dr Martin, Dr Helene Jacot Des Combes, Dr Sarah Hemstock, EUPacTVET & EQAP, Fiji Session C Sub-theme 5: Sub-theme 5: Managing Managing Quality of Quality of Cross-Border Movements in Higher Cross-Border Movements in Education Higher Education Chair: Dr Manuel Corpus, Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines, Philippines 1. Facilitating quality cross-border higher education: The QACHE Toolkit and the QBB Group Presenter: Prof. Dr. Aamir Ijaz, Engr. Muhammad Omer Yasin, University of Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan Presenter: Prof Fabrizio Trifiro and Prof Nitesh Sughani 2. The future of New Zealand’s Evaluative Quality Assurance Framework 2.Joint accreditation as an effective tool for assuring trust in the quality of crossborder education Presenter: Dr Grant Klinkum, Director, NZQA, NZ. Session D Presenter: Dr Galina Motova and Dr Vladimir Navodnov, National Centre for Public Accreditation, Russia Chair: Mohammad Rafiq Baloch, Quality Assurance Agency of Higher Education Commission Islamabad Pakistan, Pakistan 1. Comparison and Analysis on the Evaluation Index system for Higher Education Internationalization Presenter: Prof Zhou Yinyan, Research Institute of Higher Education, Yunnan University, China 2. Glocalizing Higher Education in the Philippines towards Holistic Human Development Presenter: Prof Serafin L. Ngohayon & Prof Julian B. Nangpuhan II, Ifugao State University, Philippines Day 2: Friday, 27 May, 2015 Parallel Session 3: 0940hrs – 1040hrs Session A Sub-theme 4: Assuring standards and quality of higher education : teaching and learning Chair: Professor Yan Wu Higher Education Evaluation Center of the Ministry of Education, China 1. Specialist Pathology Training Program in Fiji: Local Solution for Regional Needs Presenter: Dr Kamal Kishore, Fiji National University, Fiji 2. A new tool for assessment of learning outcomes of Bachelor graduates: Russia’s experience. Session B Sub-theme 1: Quality Assurance and Sustainable Development: the Benefits of Sustaining EQA, IQA, Qualifications Framework and Peer Review System Session C Sub-theme 6: The Internet Generation and its Implication on Higher Education Quality Management (OER, MOOCs, Online Distance Courses and Assessment) & Sustainable Development Chair: Susanna Lee, Hong of Quality Assurance in Kong Council for Higher Education Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ), China 1. Quality Assurance and Its Result Use in Taiwan Higher Education: Implication on Fully Accredited and NonFully Accredited Institutions Chair: Prof Syun Tutiya, National Institution for Academic Degrees and Quality Enhancement of Higher Education (NIADQE), Japan 1. Cloud Gazing: Mapping the Effects of Online Technologies on Higher Education Quality Assurance Presenter: Professor Baird, Divine Presenter: Prof Angela Yung Jeanette Word University, PNG Chi Hou, Prof Tony T. L. Chiang, Prof Ying Chan, Prof Karen Hui-Jung Chen, Prof Chung Lin Jiang, Taiwan 2. Establishing the need for and sustainability of accredited and quality assured TVET qualifications for climate change adaptation and disaster risk management in the Pacific islands region. 2. The Internet Generation and its Implication on Higher Education Presenter: Prof Alexander Presenter: Dr Galina Dias, Fiji National Motova and Dr Vladimir University, Fiji Navodnov, National Centre for Public Presenter: Dr Hemstock Accreditation (NCPA), S.H., Prof Jacot Des Combes Session D Workshop Internal Quality Assurance Facilitators: Prof Sid Nair University of Western Australia and Prof Arun Patil, Deakin University, Australia Russia. 3. Standards and Quality of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education H., Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Fiji 3. Integrating sustainable development and quality assurance at institutional level in Papua New Guinea 3. The Contribution of ‘Best Practices’ to the Quality of Performance of Institutions of Higher Education (IHE) in India Presenter: Dr Prakash Patil, College of Arts, Professor Science and Commerce, Presenter: Jeanette Baird, Divine Word Pradhikaran Nigdi, India Presenter: Dr Ajay M University, PNG Bhamare, Ramanand Arya D.A.V. College Day 2: Friday, 27 May, 2015 Parallel Session 4: 1100hrs – 1200hrs Session A Sub-theme 6: The Internet Generation and its Implication on Higher Education Quality Management (OER, MOOCs, Online Distance Courses and Assessment) & Sub-theme 4: Assuring Standards and Quality of Higher Education: Teaching and Learning Chair: Dr Erika Sobolevu, Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education and Career Development, AKKORK, Russia 1. Establishing Open Educational Resource in Fiji: Quality through Process Presenter: Mr Matai Tagicaki, Fiji Higher Education Commission, Fiji. Session B Sub-theme 1: Quality Assurance and Sustainable Development: the Benefits of Sustaining EQA, IQA, Qualifications Framework and Peer Review System & Sub-theme 3: Quality Assurance on University Governance and Management Chair: Dr Milika Sobey, Fiji Higher Education Commission 1. AACCUP Outcomes– Based Program Accreditation Survey Instrument: Its Development and Validation Presenter: Glenda O AACCUP, Normal Philippines Dr Maria De. Lara, Philippine University, Session C Workshop: Quality Label Facilitators: Dr Jagannath Patil, APQN President, India and Prof Jianxin Zhang, Chief Expert, YHEEC, China Session D Workshop Internal Quality Assurance Facilitators: Prof Sid Nair University of Western Australia and Prof Arun Patil, Deakin University, Australia 2. Sustainable Development of Quality Assurance in Higher Education 2. Needs Assessment on Evaluation Competencies for Program Accreditation of Higher Education in the Fast Changing Environments: Taiwanese Case Presenter: Prof Colin N. Peiris, Prof Samanthi Wickramasinghe and Prof Presenter: Prof Karen Sriyani E. Peiris, Horizon Hui-Jung Chen, Prof Campus, Sri Lanka Yuan-Ching Chang, Prof Chia-Chun Ho, HEEACT, Taiwan 3. Assessment of Accreditation in the University of Southern Mindanao Presenter: Riceli C. Mendoza and Mirasol O. Verona, University of Southern Mindanao, Kabacan, Cotabato 6 2016 APQN Quality Award Categories: APQN Best/Model Internal QA Award APQN Quality Champions Award APQN International Cooperation in QA Award Within the Region APQN International Cooperation in QA Award Outside the Region APQN Strengthening QA Profession Award Time Event 1730hrs 1800 – MC/Host Comments Escort delegates to the Cocktail Venue Cocktail Meke Lawn Live Music Welcome Song 1900hrs 1900 – 2100hrs 1935– 2130hrs Dinner Opening Dance MC Indian Classical Address by APQN Dr Jagannath Patil Address to the audience Dr Jagannath Patil Award Presented/backstage live music Dance performance MC Dance Performance APQN Quality Dr Jagannath Patil Award Presented/ backstage live music Dance performance MC Dance Performance Special Award in Dr Jagannath Patil Award Presented/ backstage live music Live Band Music MC Local Fijian song/island song The Award of Dr Jagannath Patil Award Presented/ backstage live music MC Dance President APQN Best/Model Internal QA Award Champion Award APQN Quality Champion Award APQN Training & Support of Reviewers Dance performance The Award of Dr Jagannath Patil Award presented/ backstage live music APQN International Cooperation in QA 2130hrs Dance performance MC Token of MC Dance To the APQN President and Keynote Appreciation speakers Departure Shuttle departs back to respective hotels Local Organizing Committee experience preparing for the conference Malini Nair- Prasad Setaita Lomani Great experience, lots of challenges yet exciting and amazing journey. Challenging yet exciting! Such an exciting journey which has built so much knowledge and skills on conference handling. This is the beginning of my career; organizing these conferences with my brilliant team has built a strong foundation in terms of recognizing the importance of collaborating as a team! Simon Narayan It’s been a great experience to help organize an international conference. The logistical knowledge gained from the organizing has been immense. Also the effort put in from the team has been tremendous and it has been a real pleasure working with my fellow LOC members. Kushaal Raj Despite the tedious arrangements into the nitty-gritty of the conference, it was a very comforting journey. The organizing committee had an exemplar leadership and quality dialogues throughout which made the programme very vivid and achievable. It was also a platform of discovery and working the extra mile into event management. Local Organizing Committee experience preparing for the conference Waisea Rokobera It is such an awesome experience to be part of a committee that looks after two major international conferences. Being a member of the LOC gives me the opportunity to know how an international forum is organized in terms of programs, logistics, etc. Avneel Singh Challenges I faced while preparing for the conferences: 1. Finishing on Time 2. Lack of Follow-Through on Tasks given to outside suppliers (when getting quotes and liaising with outside party) 3. Environmental Issues – Biosecurity etc. For me, preparing for both conferences has been a real challenge because the only other experience I’ve had in preparing for conferences was the Industry-Academia Collaboration meeting. Frentina Antrea Note below: I have noticed that I have gotten a bit better at organizing and multi-tasking for both conferences, especially since I used to feel overwhelmed by the enormous list of tasks that needed to be done; those were separate from my core work at FHEC. Vuli Vunivola Our first INQAAHE website was attacked by hackers and was totally shutdown and we changed our host with same content and everything was fine until now. ASIA PACIFIC QUALITY NETWORK