Square wave analyzer for iDaq User guide July 2013 Square Wave Analyzer for iDaq – User Guide 2 TOOLS for SMART MINDS Worldwide technical support and product information: www.toolsforsmartminds.com TOOLS for SMART MINDS Corporate headquarter Via Padania, 16 Castel Mella 25030 Brescia (Italy) Copyright © 2013 TOOLS for SMART MINDS. All rights reserved. 3 Square Wave Analyzer for iDaq – User Guide S UMMARY Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................................ 5 Requirements ..................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Minimum hardware requirements ................................................................................................................................. 5 Minimum software requirements .................................................................................................................................. 5 Installation .......................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Features of Square Wave Analyzer for iDaq ....................................................................................................................... 6 User interface ..................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Running Square Wave Analyzer for iDaq ............................................................................................................................ 9 Select device and channel............................................................................................................................................. 10 Edit communication parameters .................................................................................................................................. 11 Export images and data ................................................................................................................................................ 11 Measurement data ....................................................................................................................................................... 11 Show Raw signal ........................................................................................................................................................... 12 4 TOOLS for SMART MINDS I NTRODUCTION Square Wave Analyzer is an add-on for iDaq and it is the best solution for everyone who needs a quick and easy tool to display and perform measurements on square wave signals. Thanks to iDaq features, Square Wave Analyzer permits to connect with remote and/or local devices. Square Wave Analyzer for iDaq has a simple and easy interface and permits to get measurement data about a square wave signal in a few simple steps. This document illustrates features of Square Wave Analyzer for iDaq and explains how to use this add-on. R EQUIREMENTS In this section requirements for using Square Wave Analyzer for iDaq are listed. M INIMUM HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS Ensure that your computer fulfills the following hardware requirements: Dual core CPU or higher. 2 GB RAM (4 GB is strongly recommended). Display resolution 1024x768 or higher. 200 MB free space on disk required by Square Wave Analyzer for iDaq. Mouse or other pointing device. M INIMUM SOFTWARE REQU IREMENTS Ensure that your computer fulfills the following software requirements: OS: Windows XP/SP3 or higher. .NET Framework 2.0 or higher. iDaq. You can download a free copy of iDaq at http://toolsforsmartminds.com/products/programmable_data_logger.php I NSTALLATION Download Square Wave Analyzer for iDaq from http://toolsforsmartminds.com/products/programmable_data_logger.php and follow the installation steps. Once installation is completed, you can run Square Wave Analyzer for iDaq through the desktop shortcut. All files are installed into <program files>\TOOLS for SMART MINDS\ Square Wave Analyzer for iDaq folder. 5 Square Wave Analyzer for iDaq – User Guide F EATURES OF S QUARE W AVE A NALYZER FOR I D AQ Square Wave Analyzer for iDaq is an easy and quick tool that acquires, displays and performs measurement of square wave signals. This add-on has been designed for square wave signals used to drive motors. In facts, this add-on permits to acquire both the square wave signal and the related current signal. Square Wave Analyzer for iDaq permits to access both to basic and advanced features through a simple user interface. Square Wave Analyzer for iDaq has the following features: Displays single period of the acquired square wave signal. Displays single period of a current signal related to the input square wave. Recognizes if the acquired signal is a square wave or another type of signal Recognizes if the square wave signal is a single, dual or a not standard square wave. Displays measurement data about square wave signal: frequency, duty cycle, amplitude, offset. Displays measurement data about current signal related to the square wave: single-period RMS value and amplitude. Shows raw signals. Show measurement data graphs: duty cycle, frequency and amplitude VS time. Permits to export single period data to CSV files. Permits to save single period plots as image. Provides a simple and intuitive interface. Exploiting iDaq features, Square Wave Analyzer permits to connect and select channels of different devices. 6 TOOLS for SMART MINDS U SER INTERFACE Square Wave Analyzer for iDaq has a simple and intuitive interface that permits users to access both to several basic and advanced functions in ease. The following image shows the main window of Square Wave Analyzer for iDaq. F IGURE 1 – S QUARE W AVE A NALYZER FOR I D AQ , USER INTERFACE The objects available in the main window are: 1. Command panel. It contains the main commands the user can utilise to access to the main features of Square Wave Analyzer for iDaq. The command panel is composed of the following buttons: a. Select square wave signal. It permits to select device and channel for the square wave signal. b. Select current signal It permits to select device and channel for the current signal. This add-on has been designed to acquire and process signals used to drive motors. For this reason, this add-on permits to acquire the current signal related to square wave used to drive your motor. Use a shunt resistor to acquire your current signal and configure iDaq to correctly convert your voltage signal in a current signal. c. Edit credentials. It permits to change the credential to communicate with iDaq. d. Save images to file. It saves plot images to file. e. Export to CSV file. It exports Square Wave Analyzer data to a CSV file. f. Hold. It pauses the communication with iDaq and holds signal, magnitude, and phase plot. g. Show measurement plot. It displays measurement data about square wave signal: frequency, duty cycle, amplitude, offset. 7 Square Wave Analyzer for iDaq – User Guide h. Show raw signals. It displays raw signals. i. Full screen. It enables/disables full screen visualization. j. Exit. It closes your application. 2. Single period plot of the square wave signal. It displays a single period of the acquired square signal. If the acquired signal is not a square wave, an error message is shown on this graph. 3. Single period plot of the current wave signal. It displays a single period of the acquired current signal. 4. Measurement panel of square wave signal. It displays measurement data about acquired signal. This panel is composed of: a. Wave type. It indicated the square wave signal type: dual, single, or not standard wave. b. Frequency. c. Duty cycle. d. Pulse duration. e. Amplitude. f. Offset. 5. Measurement panel of current signal. It displays measurement data about current signal. This panel is composed of: a. RMS value. It show RMS value calculated on a single period. b. Amplitude 6. Trace color of the square wave signal. 7. Trace color of the current signal. 8. Acquisition status. When this indicator blinks, the program is acquiring data from iDaq. 9. Connection status. If it is green, it indicated that connection with iDaq is established. 10. Current session name. 8 TOOLS for SMART MINDS R UNNING S QUARE W AVE A NALYZER FOR I D AQ When Square Wave Analyzer for iDaq starts, the following window appears: F IGURE 2 – PROJECT NAME WINDOW This window requires user to insert a project name for the current project. Moreover, this window show a list of existing project. You can select an existing project or create a new one. With Browse button, you can browse folder of projects. If a new project name is inserted, a folder with the name of the project will be created in c:\iDaq\Addon data\SquareWaveAnalyzer\. In this folder Setup.ini and Credential.SCCT will be saved. Credential.SCCT includes communication parameters to connect with iDaq (server address, port, and password). Setup.ini includes the following configuration parameters: Selected devices. It represents the last selected sources. Selected channels. It represents the last selected channels. Trace colors. It represents trace color for square wave and current signal. When Square Wave Analyzer for iDaq starts and an existing project name is inserted, Credential.SCCT and Setup.ini are loaded; in this way, the communication parameters, together with display options and hardware information are loaded. When Square Wave Analyzer for iDaq starts and a new project name is inserted, default parameters are loaded. By default, Credential.SCCT has the following parameters: Address: localhost Port: 9000 Password: iDaq Once you insert a name project, the application connects to iDaq and receives data from the selected sources. If the input signal is a square wave, Square Wave Analyzer extracts a 9 Square Wave Analyzer for iDaq – User Guide single period of the signals and shows them in the square wave and current plots. Measurement data are immediately available and shown. S ELECT DEVICE AND CHA NNEL To select a new device and/or a different channel for square wave and current signal, click on Select square wave (a) and Select current signal (b) icons, respectively. The following window appears: F IGURE 3 – WINDOW FOR DEVICE AND CHANNEL SELECTION This window shows all the available devices connected to iDaq. Square Wave Analyzer for iDaq allows selecting two different channels of the same source. Moreover, Square Wave Analyzer for iDaq permits to select different sources for the square wave and current signal, respectively. The application does not permit to select the same channel and source for input and output signals; in this case, an error message will appear. 10 TOOLS for SMART MINDS E DIT COMMUNICATION PA RAMETERS To edit communication parameters, click on Edit Credential icon (c). The following window appears: F IGURE 4 - W INDOW FOR EDITING COMMUNICATION PARAMETERS Every time communication parameters are edited, they are stored in Credential.SCCT file. When communication parameters change, Square Wave Analyzer for iDaq must be restarted. Moreover, you can edit Credential.SCCT file to modify communication parameters and load them at the next restart. E XPORT IMAGES AND DAT A To save plots, click on Export as image icon (d). Two bmp files will be saved in the project folder C:\iDaq\Square Wave Analyzer\<ProjectName>. To export Square Wave Analyzer data to CSV file, click on Export to CSV file (e) icon. The CSV file will be saved in the project folder. M EASUREMENT DAT A When Square Wave Analyzer for iDaq acquires a square wave signal, it performs different measurement on the input signals: Square wave o Wave type. It indicates if the acquired signal is a single, dual, or a not standard square wave. If the input signal is not a signal. If the input signal is not a square wave, Wave type field show “Not a square wave” and a warning message appears. o Frequency. o Duty cycle. Square Wave Analyzer for iDaq is able to measure duty cycle from 1 to 99 % o Pulse duration. o Amplitude. o Offset. Current signal o RMS value. It show RMS value calculated on a single period. o Amplitude 11 Square Wave Analyzer for iDaq – User Guide Square wave analyzer for iDaq shows measurement data graphs of duty cycle, frequency and amplitude VS time. To visualize these graphs, click on the related icon (g). The following window appears: F IGURE 5 – M EASUREMENT DATA PLOT : F REQUENCY , DUTY CYCLE , AND AMPLITUDE VS TIME S HOW R AW SIGNAL To show raw signals, click on the show raw signal icon (h). The following window appears: F IGURE 6 – R AW SIGNALS 12