Grid Integration of Large Scale Wind Turbines Equipped with Full Converters: Belgian Case Study Simon De Rijcke, 1 KULeuven simon.derijcke Hakan Ergun, KULeuven hakan.ergun Abstract This paper describes the results of a study regarding the integration of wind power into the Belgian electricity system. The main focus of this study is the contribution of wind power plants to reduce voltage deviations due to load and wind power variations. It is shown, how wind power plants can maintain and improve the voltage in the existing electricity network using their reactive power operation characteristics. To cover a broad variety of study cases, two different locations with different characteristics are analyzed. One location is situated near strong grid points, whereas the second location is situated in a more remote area. Additionally a series of scenarios are applied to these locations to take into account varying wind power generation and variation of the loads for 2020. Study results show that the added value of wind power plant support is strongly related to the connection point for the wind farms. Although wind power plants may contribute to voltage control in every area, they prove to be much more useful for remote areas in which voltage and reactive power problems occur much easier than in the neighborhood of strong connections, especially when a large amount of wind power is integrated into the power system. On top of conventional voltage control on radial feeders, the studied wind power plants are capable to control the voltage in the whole area. Keywords: Wind turbines, voltage deviations, reactive power, Direct-Drives. 1 Introduction Since wind turbines reached the highest number of installed capacity over one year for several years, it is not surprising that this is one of the fastest growing energy generating technologies these days. The first generation principle widely implemented over the world, the Squirrel Cage Induction Generator (SCIG) ______________________________________________ 1 Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Kasteelpark Arenberg 10 Bus 2445, 3001 Heverlee, Belgium Kristof De Vos, KULeuven kristof.devos Johan Driesen, KULeuven johan.driesen with fixed speed, is being overtaken in numbers by the Doubly-Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) and recently the Direct-Drive Synchronous Generators (DDSG) [1]. These units have a higher energy output over the year due to the variable speed and pitch control, but they also offer much more possibilities regarding system support or ancillary services. Moreover, wind turbines have evolved from small distributed generation units, to large units of several megawatts. These units exceed the size of distributed generators and consequently, they are more frequently coupled to the transmission grid, requiring more from generators, compared with distribution grid requirements, as described in grid codes [2]. One of the largest wind turbines being built are DDSG units of 7 MW. Eleven of these wind turbines are being connected to the grid in Estinnes, Belgium in the framework of the European 7-MW-WEC-by-11 project [3]. As it is the first wind farm with turbines of that power class in the world, this prototype project is meant as a first evaluation to assess the introduction of large scale wind turbines in a commercially exploited wind farm, onto the market. With the upcoming high capacity wind farms, onshore and especially offshore, a better understanding of their behavior is essential. Moreover, the possibilities to support the power system are essential with the rising penetration rate of these wind turbines. This study analyses the impact of these large scale wind turbines, equipped with DDSGs, on the power system and to which extent they can support the grid. Therefore, two main case studies are envisaged. The first encloses the current situation of the Belgian grid at which the turbines are connected. Therefore, a reduced grid model of the Belgian grid surrounding the wind turbines installed at Estinnes is modeled. The 7 MW DDSG model is constructed by Enercon [4]. Combining both models, a realistic case study is obtained. A second case study focuses on the performance of large scale integration of wind power. Therefore, a reduced grid model of a more remote area in the Belgian power system is modeled where a relatively large share of wind power is integrated. By this case study, the performance of these wind turbines is assessed as they may help to solve severe voltage deviations in weak network regions. Although it is not the only cause, the lack of reactive power plays an important role, when it comes to voltage instability issues [5]. Therefore tap changing transformers and static reactive power compensation devices are used for thirty years by transmission system operators [6]. On the other hand, wind turbines equipped with DDSG have a flexible and broad active/reactive power operation range in comparison with FSIG and DFIG, which could substitute reactive power compensation devices. Figure 1 shows the flexible active/reactive power characteristic of wind power converters equipped with such turbines [7]. scenarios simulated. Thereafter, sections 3 and 4 discuss the simulations of the scenarios. 2 Scenarios and grid models This section discusses the set of parameters, which the scenarios are based upon. The following parameters are explained in detail in the following subsections: grid topology, time horizon, wind penetration and load level. The last subsection summarizes all parameters in a set of scenarios, which are used for further analysis. 2.1 Grid The study is focused on the Belgian grid. Consequently, the grid snapshots investigated are representative for the Belgium. The study starts with the analysis of a real case study, which is the integration of eleven wind turbines in Estinnes. This area is defined as very strong due to the highly meshed grid and a high short circuit power. Therefore, the impact of wind turbines is rather limited as will be explained by the simulation results. To emphasize the impact of wind turbines equipped with full converters, a second grid case study is defined in which the impact is more severe. Both grid cases are explained in detail in the next two subsections. 2.1.1 Grid Estinnes Figure 1 Active and reactive power capability of a selected wind turbine with two different reactive power options The benefit of this PQ operation range is due to the electric decoupling of the generator from the grid by using power electronics [7]. The extensive reactive power capability may improve reactive power management on the long term and due to the fast acting IGBTs, these wind turbines can be very useful in supporting the power system during grid transients. This study shows how these wind turbines, with their flexible character, can maintain and even improve the stability and operational safety of transmission grids. The focus of this study is to reduce voltage deviations due to load and wind power variations and reactive power balancing in a specified region. The first section discusses the grid topologies and ______________________________________________ 1 Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Kasteelpark Arenberg 10 Bus 2445, 3001 Heverlee, Belgium As explained above, the grid surrounding Estinnes is highly meshed. Figure 2 illustrates the composition of the grid, which is modeled. All wind turbines are connected to the power system by a step-up transformer at a voltage level of 70 kV. From this bus bar, connections to both the 70 kV and the 150 kV grid exist. By exploring the surrounding grid, it becomes clear that two main loops are visible, both with a different voltage level. The loops are interconnected by two tap-changing transformers and one fixed transformer. Further grid connections are represented by Thévénin equivalents. Two capacitor banks are located at the outer ends of the 150 kV loop. 2.1.2 Grid remote area The grid area in the south of Belgium consists of a 70 kV zone which is connected to the high voltage grid by two tap changing transformers and several fixed ratio transformers. The zone contains two switchable capacitor banks. Figure 3 illustrates the topology. [MW] 2010 2020 Estinnes 85 119 Remote 120 630 Table 1 Installed capacity of wind turbines Figure 2 Grid topology around Estinnes Re. Est. [MW] Low wind Low High wind Prod. Load Prod. Load 11 220 134 220 1 High 20 380 142 380 Low 157.5 126 630 126 High 157.5 380 630 380 Base case Prod. Load 41 307 120 253 Table 2 Scenario details 2.4 Figure 3 Grid topology in remote area Major differences occur when comparing both grids. Before simulating, it is worth analysing these differences. First, the grid topology in Estinnes is highly meshed with short lines, has many connection points to the 150 kV grid and much generation in the neighbourhood (not indicated on the figures). In the remote area of Belgium, the grid is mostly at 70 kV, has relatively long lines and few generation units. Secondly, wind penetration changes from low at Estinnes to high in the South, which will be confirmed by numbers in subsection 2.3. 2.2 Time horizon Load level Again, for both time horizons 2010 and 2020, load levels for the whole of Belgium are determined. The load for Estinnes is assumed to be a mix of residential and industrial loads. Therefore, this load is expected to follow the total load in Belgium. The numbers for 2010 are based on load data available from the Belgian TSO [8] and predictions for 2020 are based on predictions by Elia. In the low load case, the load is in 99% of the cases higher than the chosen level. For the high low case, this is the opposite. For the remote area the approach is slightly different. This area is assumed to have mainly residential and to a very small extent industrial loads. The correlation between the total load and the individual load profiles is thus expected to be very high. First the peak load is determined. Thereafter, the low, medium and high load scenarios are calculated by multiplying the peak load respectively with 0.25, 0.50 and 0.75. The simulations are performed both for 2010 and 2020. However, because wind penetration is rather low at 2010 and to keep the results surveyable, only results of 2020 are discussed in this work. Although this the difference in approach between Estinnes and the remote area may change the result details, the general conclusions remain. This is due to the strong grid connections in Estinnes and the relatively higher impact of wind then load variations. 2.3 2.5 Wind integration Installed wind capacity is determined for both time horizons (2010 and 2020) and both locations. Table 1 summarizes all details. For Estinnes, the newly installed wind farm of 77 MW is yet included in the numbers. ______________________________________________ 1 Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Kasteelpark Arenberg 10 Bus 2445, 3001 Heverlee, Belgium Scenarios in numbers All performed simulations are summarized in Table 2. This data set is for 2020. A few remarks clarify the numbers in this table. For 1 The generation level changes between low and high load for Estinnes because of modeling reasons: The conventional production is raised and lowered according to the load level. This is not done for the remote area. This difference does not influence the simulation results. 1,03 1,02 Voltage magnitude [p.u.] each location (Estinnes and remote area), a high and low load level are simulated in combination with high wind and low wind. The load levels coincide with the levels presented in section 2.4. These scenarios can be compared with a base case for both locations. For each scenario, production and load are given. Production covers all kinds of production, including wind. The power factor is generally 0.9, except for wind, power factor equal to 1 is assumed. Load has a power factor of around 0.95. Base Case High wind - high load 1,01 1 0,99 0,98 0,97 0,96 0,95 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 131415 161718 192021 2223242526 Bus number (bus 1-12: 150 kV, 12-26: 70 kV) Figure 4 Voltage magnitudes for base case and case with high load and wind2 Simulations in sections 3 and 4 are performed with these numbers. 1,02 3.1 Simulations without reactive power support of wind turbines Votlage magnitude [p.u.] 3 Simulations – Estinnes 1,01 Base Case Low wind - high load 1 0,99 0,98 0,97 Altogether, differences are small and restricted. Variations in voltage magnitude are between 0.975 p.u. and 1.02 p.u. This is due to several reasons. First, the highly meshed grid and short lines avoid voltage drop on the lines. Secondly, wind penetration is low in comparison with the many generators around Estinnes, which are modeled by Thévénin equivalents. Thirdly, the strong connection between 70kV and 150kV by tap changing transformers allow to control the voltage on the 70kV level. Consequently, voltage variations due to seasonal load variations are easily controlled. 0,95 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Bus number (bus 1-12: 150 kV, 12-26: 70 kV) Figure 5 Voltage magnitudes for base case and case with low wind - high load 1,03 1,02 Voltage magnitude [p.u.] Figure 4 to Figure 7 illustrate the voltage magnitude at all modeled buses around Estinnes for each scenario defined above. Although the combination of load and generation generally determines the final impact on voltage, it is concluded that the small penetration of wind power does not affect the voltage magnitude severely. It is rather the load level, with a relatively higher power contribution, that gives rise to most voltage differences. 0,96 Base Case High wind - low load 1,01 1 0,99 0,98 0,97 0,96 0,95 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011121314151617181920212223242526 Bus number (bus 1-12: 150 kV, 12-26: 70 kV) Figure 6 Voltage magnitudes for base case and case with high wind - low load 1,02 Voltage magnitude [p.u.] This section describes the simulations results for the scenarios described above in the grid area surrounding Estinnes. The planned capacity of wind turbines is relatively low and will impact voltage magnitudes to a rather small extent. To evaluate the impact of the high capacity wind farm installed in Estinnes on grid voltage, all four scenarios summarized in Table 2 are compared with the base case. 1,01 Base Case Low wind - low load 1 0,99 0,98 0,97 0,96 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Bus number (bus 1-12: 150 kV, 12-26: 70 kV) Figure 7 Voltage magnitudes for base case and case with low wind - low load 2 The bars are always positioned in the same way the labels are to avoid confusion. Primarily from left to right and secondarily from up to bottom. ______________________________________________ 1 Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Kasteelpark Arenberg 10 Bus 2445, 3001 Heverlee, Belgium 3.2 Simulations with reactive power support of wind turbines (a) From the former section, one may conclude that there is no immediate need for reactive power support from the wind turbines installed at Estinnes. However, it is investigated how these wind turbines may contribute to voltage control by analyzing two cases in the subsequent sections. 3.2.1 Voltage boost in a remote area The reactive power boost has as consequence a high voltage at the point of injection, which is due to the grid topology and cannot be avoided, unless the tap changing mechanism is enabled. But, with a reactive power injection from the wind turbines, the voltage of the 70 kV can easily be controlled in this area, without the need for tap changing transformers. Without going into juridical and economical issues, this exercise shows that the reactive power capability of wind turbines is able to replace the function of tap changing transformers to boost the voltage. By analyzing the voltages on Figure 9 , one may conclude that the voltage is lifted in the whole 70 kV area. This idea may give rise to a shift from traditional voltage control on distribution feeders [9] by wind turbines to voltage control by wind power plants in areas. The idea of voltage control by distributed units, instead of ______________________________________________ 1 Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Kasteelpark Arenberg 10 Bus 2445, 3001 Heverlee, Belgium (b) (c) Figure 8 Voltage profile from remote bus to bus at Estinnes (a) base case, (b) with tap changers, (c) with reactive power boost by wind turbines. 1,05 Base Case 1,04 Voltage magnitude [p.u.] This section studies how the wind power plant at Estinnes can control the voltage at a remote bus. From all voltage Figures, the lowest voltage occurs in bus 26. It represents the radial feeder at the left bottom in Figure 2. The voltage at this point can be raised by injecting reactive power or by changing the taps of the 70-150kV transformers. Both methods are illustrated in Figure 11. The upper figure (a), illustrates the base case, in which the tap changers control the voltage at their low voltage bus bars. In the second figure (b), the left transformer on Figure 2 is used to set the voltage at the remote bus to 1 p.u. This conventional method works properly, if the second tap changing transformer connected to 150 kV is fixed in order to prevent counteraction and consequently overloading of the tap changing transformer. The third figure (c), shows the voltage profile in case of a reactive power boost of 20 MVar of the wind turbines and with the tap changing transformers fixed to their original state. Using this method, the voltage at the remote bus is also raised to 1 p.u. With Reactive Power Injection 1,03 1,02 1,01 1 0,99 0,98 0,97 0,96 0,95 0,94 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Bus number (70 kV level) 11 12 13 14 Figure 9: Voltage magnitudes before and after reactive power injection by wind turbines at Estinnes keeping the power factor constant, has been investigated earlier and has been proven more effective in view of higher distributed energy penetration [10]. 3.2.2 Substitution banks of capacitor In this subsection, the capacitor bank on the right of Figure 2 is lowered in capacity from 75 MVar to 40 MVar. Therefore, 35 MVar of reactive power is injected by the wind turbines to compensate the missing reactive power. The power flows before (base case) and after the reactive power boost are given in Table 3. The symbols are clarified by Figure 10. Most of the reactive power is evacuated to the 150 kV grid by the tap changing transformer and the fixed transformer. The taps of the left Figure 10 Power flow symbols at the PCC of Estinnes [MW/MVar] To 70 To Tap Q boost 47.2/18.5 0.5/24.7 Base case 45.6/8.9 -0.5/10.9 1.6/9.6 1.0/13.8 To 150 Slack Q boost -42.5/-14.3 0.34/0.55 Base case -39.6/-23.7 0/0 -2.9/9.4 0.34/0.55 Table 3 Power flows before and after a reactive power boost of 77MVar by the turbines at Estinnes.3 and right transformer change respectively from 12 to 13 and 13 to 15 to keep the voltages in between boundaries. The reactive power also partly flows into the 70 kV system. Again, without considering juridical and economical issues, wind turbines may replace other sources of reactive power for steady state purposes in the near area. Moreover, reactive power injection can be set at any preferable set point, compared to the capacitor banks with discrete taps. Active power flows stay almost unaffected. 4 Simulations – Remote Area 4.1 Figure 11 Voltage profiles on two selected feeders for the base case 2020 Simulations without reactive power contribution of wind turbines In this section the simulation results for a remote area in southern Belgium is shown. In this area the wind farms are connected to the transmission grid on the 70 kV level. The planned capacity of wind power for 2020 will exceed the expected peak load in this area. 3 The total difference does not equal 35 Mvar because of losses mainly due to the step-up transformers between the wind turbines and the grid. ______________________________________________ 1 Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Kasteelpark Arenberg 10 Bus 2445, 3001 Heverlee, Belgium Due to changing wind and load conditions situations with high power flows on the 70 kV lines can occur, if the generation and the demand do not match. In such cases reactive power within the zone is required to compensate reactive losses on the lines. On the other hand transport of reactive power causes voltage deviations, which can be high depending on the required reactive power [6]. Figure 11 shows the voltage profile on a selected feeder in the base case of 2020. Because both feeders illustrated have the lowest occurring voltage in the whole area, it can be observed that in this operation scenario no under voltage violations occur. In further analysis with a high degree of wind integration and increasing load (Figure 16), this picture will change and problem situations will appear. In this operation scenario it can be seen that the voltages on these feeders are in a range between 0.99 and 1.002 per unit. Additionally shows Figure 12 that the voltages for the base case are in a range between 0.99 and 1.03 p.u. In case of high wind power generation and low demand, the voltages in the whole area increase. This is not surprising because in this operation point the power injected by the wind turbines is four times higher than the demand. This problem is already emphasized in literature and is one of the most prominent problems of integrating distributed energy sources in remote areas [11]. The voltages in the base case and the high wind – low load case are compared in Figure 12. 1,1 1,03 Base case 1,08 Base case 1,02 Low load - high wind High load - low wind Voltagemagnitude in pu Voltagemagnitude in pu 1,06 1,04 1,02 1 0,98 1,01 1 0,99 0,98 0,96 0,97 0,94 0,92 0,96 A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 D F H1 H2 H3 M1 M2 M3 N1 N1 O R1 R2 S1 S2 T W A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 D F H1 H2 H3 M1 M2 M3 N1 N1 O R1 R2 S1 S2 T W Bus Name Bus Name Figure 12 Voltages at all buses in the base case and the high wind - low load case 1,05 Figure 14 Voltages of all buses for the base case and low wind - high load case 1,05 Base case 1,04 Low load - low wind 1 Voltagemagnitude in pu 1,03 Voltagemagnitude in pu Base case High load - high wind 1,02 1,01 1 0,99 0,98 0,95 0,9 0,85 0,97 0,96 0,8 A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 D F H1 H2 H3 M1 M2 M3 N1 N1 O R1 R2 S1 S2 T W A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 D F H1 H2 H3 M1 M2 M3 N1 N1 O R1 R2 S1 S2 T W Bus Name Bus Name Figure 13 Voltages on all buses in the base case and the low wind - low load case Figure 15 Voltages of all buses in the base case and the high wind - high load case The voltages on the most buses increase in this scenario. At some buses the voltage does not change. The reason for that is that these buses, which are the borders to neighboring areas, are simulated as PV nodes with reactive 4 power limits . This means the bus is modeled as a PV node until a certain reactive power limit is reached and it is modeled as a PQ node when the reactive power limit is reached. In this case it can be seen that on some nodes the reactive power limits are reached and a lack of reactive power occurs, what causes decreasing voltages on these busses. reactive power limits of the PV nodes are not reached. Due to the fact that less active power is exported out of the area, compared to the high wind - low load case, which causes less reactive losses on the lines, less reactive power is required. Figure 13 shows the voltages of the operation scenario low wind – low load. In this case the wind generation is approximately the same as the demand in that region. Due to the fact that there are also other production units, the production is higher than the demand in that region. The voltages in this case are not as high as in the high wind – low load case (Figure 12). It can also be observed that all voltages are equal to or higher than the base case voltages. This means that in this case the 4 The reason for this kind of modeling is that the maximum reactive power, which can be transmitted by the connection points to the neighbouring regions, is unknown. Therefore the maximum transferable reactive power is set to the value of the largest capacitor bank within the region. ______________________________________________ 1 Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Kasteelpark Arenberg 10 Bus 2445, 3001 Heverlee, Belgium In the low wind - high load case, the load in the region is approximately three times the generated wind power. In this operation scenario the voltages decrease on buses with limited reactive power injection (PQ nodes) due to the high loads connected on these buses. Figure 14 shows the voltages for this case. The worst operation scenario concerning grid voltages is the case high wind – high load. In this case the voltages can decrease to values below 0.9 per unit. Figure 15 and Figure 16 show respectively the voltages on all buses compared to the base case and the voltages of two selected feeders (comparison to Figure 11). 1,05 High load - high wind High load - high wind, voltage control without comp. Base case Voltagemagnitude in pu 1 0,95 0,9 0,85 0,8 A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 D F H1 H2 H3 M1 M2 M3 N1 N1 O R1 R2 S1 S2 T W Bus Name In this scenario the buses, which are connected to neighboring areas, reach the limit of exchangeable reactive power and a lack of reactive power occurs in the analyzed area, although two capacitor banks and two tap changing transformers to 380 kV network are existent in this area. In this subsection the wind turbines are operated with a constant power factor. The next subsection shows simulation results, where the wind turbines contribute to voltage control. 4.2 Simulations with power contribution turbines reactive of wind The broad reactive power range of the wind turbines as shown in Figure 1 is used to restore the voltages in challenging operation cases. Depending on their size, wind farms can be able to replace capacitor banks, which are connected close to the wind farm. If for the wind turbines voltage control is used, then for a low wind – high load situation the voltages can take the same values occurring at the base case as shown in Figure 17. In a high wind – high load case the voltages can be kept in a range between 0.97 and 1 p.u. 1,05 High load - high wind High load - high wind, voltage control High load - low wind, voltage control Base case Figure 17 also shows that in the voltages in the high load – high wind case can be restored by using the wind turbines even if both capacitor banks are disabled (green bars). Figure 18 shows the voltages in the base case, the voltages with capacitor banks and without voltage control of the wind turbines respectively the voltages without capacitor banks and with voltage control of the wind turbines. For the low wind - high load case, the voltages can always be kept above 0.95 p.u., if the capacitor banks are disabled and the turbines are voltage controlled. Figure 19 illustrates the voltages for the base case, the low wind - high load case with capacitor banks and without voltage control respectively without compensation and with voltage control. 1,05 High load - high wind High load - low wind, voltage control without comp. Base case 1 0,95 0,9 0,85 0,8 A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 D F H1 H2 H3 M1 M2 M3 N1 N1 O R1 R2 S1 S2 T W Bus Name 1 Voltagemagnitude in pu Figure 18 Voltages with and without capacitor banks resp. without and with voltage control of wind turbines for high wind – high load Voltagemagnitude in pu Figure 16 Voltage profile on two selected feeders with high wind and high load Figure 19 Voltages with and without compensation resp. without and with voltage control of wind turbines for low wind - high load 0,95 0,9 0,85 5 Conclusions 0,8 A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 D F H1 H2 H3 M1 M2 M3 N1 N1 O R1 R2 S1 S2 T W Bus Name Figure 17 Voltages with and without voltage control of wind turbines ______________________________________________ 1 Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Kasteelpark Arenberg 10 Bus 2445, 3001 Heverlee, Belgium This paper investigates the impact of wind turbines equipped with direct-drive synchronous generators, with extensive and flexible reactive power capabilities, on the Belgian grid. Therefore, two case studies with a time horizon of 2020 are simulated: integration of a wind power plant in an area characterized by a meshed grid which is typical for Belgium, and large scale integration of these wind turbines in a remote area in Belgium. From the simulations, the integration of a wind power plant at Estinnes does not cause any difficulties for the grid. There is no immediate need for reactive power capabilities from the wind turbines; however this does not exclude support to the grid. With large scale integration of wind power plants in a remote area, requirements for reactive power from the wind turbines are necessary. Especially in case of high wind power, being four times the load in the studied area, voltages rise to unacceptable values, wherefore reactive power compensation from the wind turbines is required. Because a wind power plant can control the voltage at the terminals, all wind power plants can easily control the voltage in the whole remote area from inside, contrary to traditional voltage control by tap-changing transformers on selected nodes. To conclude with, this study proves that wind power plants equipped with direct-drive synchronous generators can support grid control in both a meshed and remote area. On top of the conventional control at remote/radial feeders, wind power plants are able to control the voltage in a whole area. In remote areas, this support is required to safeguard correct operation and avoid the installation of additional grid supporting elements. References [1] Yi Zhang, Sadrul Ula, "Comparison and Evaluation of Three Main Types of Wind Turbines," in Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition, 2008, 2008. [2] VREG, Technisch Reglement Distributie Elektriciteit Vlaams Gewest, 04.12.2009. [3] (2010, October) 7-MW-WEC-by-11. [Online]. 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