LY New Zealand Balance of Payments Statistics Vessels and Aircraft Questionnaire Quarter Ended 30 June 2013 Please correct any errors in this label. Fax: Free fax: BP/QO/10 +64 9 920 9195 0508 111 102 Phone: 0800 333 105 Overseas: +64 9 920 9103 For Help and Information: ) 2 : Email: * E N O Return Date Please return the completed questionnaire in the freepost envelope provided by: 12 July 2013 PL Purpose This survey provides information for New Zealand’s Balance of Payments statistics, which are a record of New Zealand’s international economic transactions. Dallas Welch Acting Government Statistician SA M Compulsory Requirement The Minister of Statistics has approved the taking of this survey. The return of this questionnaire duly filled in and signed, is a compulsory requirement under the Statistics Act 1975. Mail:Statistics New Zealand Freepost 10007 Private Bag 92003 Auckland 1142 New Zealand Confidentiality of Information Only people authorised by the Statistics Act 1975 are allowed to see your individual information, and they must use it only for statistical purposes. Your information will be combined with similar information to prepare summary statistics. As Government Statistician I thank you for completing this survey. Your information contributes to statistics available for business decision-making. To find out how Statistics New Zealand can help your business grow, contact our information centre on 0508 525 525. 16/05/2013 9:29:41 AM BPQO10-2_Jun13.indd 3 In correspondence please quote this reference number Balance of Payments Instructions: 2 PL M SA E O N LY 1. Please keep track of the time it takes you to provide the information asked for in this questionnaire. Later, we ask for the time taken. 16/05/2013 9:29:41 AM BPQO10-2_Jun13.indd 4 BP/QO/10 Section 1 - Purchases Instructions: Cost of delivery is only required for vessels and aircraft handed over in New Zealand. 1. 2. Purchase price excludes delivery costs. Purchase Price $NZ(000) No Date of Change of Ownership No Date Tick Column Customs Entry Number (eg AKS2000001) Sea/Air Port of Arrival SA M PL Yes 3 E Yes Cost of Delivery $NZ(000) N Country of Purchase Customs Entry Form Completed O Name of Vessel or Type of Aircraft Handed Over in NZ (Tick Column) LY Explanation: The aim of this section is to collect information on those purchases from overseas of vessels and aircraft which constitute imports, but which are not included in external trade statistics. Also, timing adjustments to the external trade statistics may be required in that the recording in external trade statistics (based on customs entries) is not necessarily equivalent to the change of ownership convention adopted for balance of payments statistics. BPQO10-2_Jun13.indd 3 16/05/2013 9:29:41 AM BP/QO/10 Section 2 - Sales Explanation: The aim of this section is to collect information on those sales to overseas of vessels and aircraft which constitute exports, but which are not included in external trade statistics. Also, timing adjustments to the external trade statistics may be required in that the recording in external trade statistics (based on customs entries) is not necessarily equivalent to the change of ownership convention adopted for balance of payments statistics. Sale Price $NZ(000) No Date of Change of Ownership No Date Tick Column Customs Entry Number (eg AKS2000001) Sea/Air Port of Departure SA M PL Yes 4 E Yes Cost of Delivery $NZ(000) N Purchasing Country Customs Entry Form Completed O Name of Vessel or Type of Aircraft Handed Over in NZ (Tick Column) LY Instructions: Cost of delivery is only required for vessels and aircraft handed over overseas. 1. 2. Sale price excludes delivery costs. BPQO10-2_Jun13.indd 4 16/05/2013 9:29:41 AM BP/QO/10 Section 3 - Progress/Post Payments Instructions: 1. Record all progress payments and post payments separately. Post Payment $NZ(000) Country of Recipient (if Payment Made from NZ) Country of Remitter (if Payment Made to NZ) N Progress Payment $NZ(000) Date of Payment Instalments (eg Monthly etc.) Date of Expected Final Payment SA M PL 5 E O Name of Vessel or Type of Aircraft LY Explanation: A progress payment occurs when an importer makes an instalment payment to the supplier of a capital good before possession of the good is taken. Therefore, in balance of payments statistics, a progress payment from New Zealand represents an increase in overseas assets. A post payment occurs when an importer makes an instalment payment to the supplier of a capital good after possession of the good has been taken. Therefore, in balance of payments statistics, a post payment from New Zealand represents a decrease in overseas liabilities. BPQO10-2_Jun13.indd 5 16/05/2013 9:29:42 AM - 6 Section 4 - Leasing Transactions Financial Leasing from Overseas Financial Leasing to Overseas Operational Leasing from Overseas Operational Leasing to Overseas LY Table 4.1 Table 4.2 Table 4.3 Table 4.4 The aim of this section is to collect information on financial and operational leases to and from overseas. The section is split into four tables. Definitions The definitions below are from the New Zealand Society of Accountants’ SSAP­‑18 “Accounting for Leases and Hire Purchase Contracts”. N Lease: an agreement whereby the lessor conveys to the lessee in return for rent, the right to use an asset for an agreed period of time. O Finance lease: a lease that transfers substantially all the risks and rewards incident to ownership of an asset to the lessee. Title may or may not eventually be transferred. This definition of a finance lease includes contracts for the hire of assets which contain a provision transferring title to the asset upon the fulfilment of agreed conditions. E Operating lease: a lease other than a finance lease. PL Inception of the lease: the earlier of the date of the lease agreement or of commitment by the parties to the principal provisions of the lease. SA M Lease term: the non-cancellable period for which the lessee has contracted to lease the asset. Also to be included are any further terms for which the lessee has the option to continue to lease the asset, with or without further payment, when, at the inception of the lease, it is reasonably certain that the lessee will exercise the option. Instructions Please refer to these instructions when completing the four tables in this section. a) If the vessel or aircraft is operated internationally, please enter ‘International’. If the vessel or aircraft is operated domestically, ie only in one country, please name the country. Territory where Vessel or Aircraft is operated b) Date of Arrival/Departure Please complete this column at the beginning and the end of a lease. The date of arrival/departure is only required at the end of the lease if the vessel or aircraft is returned to the lessor. 16/05/2013 9:29:42 AM BPQO10-2_Jun13.indd 6 BP/QO/10 Table 4.1 -­Financial Leasing FROM Overseas Please complete this table for all vessels and aircraft under financial lease, where your company is the lessee. Territory where Vessel or Aircraft is Operated (2) Lease Term (3) (4) Date of Inception of Lease Lease Payments during the Three Months $NZ(000) (5) Interest Principal (6) (7) Date of Arrival/Departure (8) SA M PL 7 E O N (1) Country of Lessor LY Name of Vessel or Type of Aircraft under Financial Lease BPQO10-2_Jun13.indd 7 16/05/2013 9:29:42 AM BP/QO/10 Table 4.2 -­Financial Leasing TO Overseas Please complete this table for all vessels and aircraft under financial lease, where your company is the lessor. Territory where Vessel or Aircraft is Operated (2) Lease Term (3) (4) Date of Inception of Lease Lease Receipts during the Three Months $NZ(000) (5) Interest Principal (6) (7) Date of Arrival/Departure (8) SA M PL 8 E O N (1) Country of Lessee LY Name of Vessel or Type of Aircraft under Financial Lease BPQO10-2_Jun13.indd 8 16/05/2013 9:29:42 AM BP/QO/10 Table 4.3 -­Operational Leasing FROM Overseas Please complete this table for all vessels and aircraft under operational lease, where your company is the lessee. Country of Lessor Territory where Vessel or Aircraft is Operated Lease Term (1) (2) (3) (4) Date of Inception of Lease Lease Payments during the Three Months $NZ(000) Date of Arrival/Departure (5) (6) (7) SA M PL 9 E O N LY Name of Vessel or Type of Aircraft under Operational Lease BPQO10-2_Jun13.indd 9 16/05/2013 9:29:42 AM BP/QO/10 Table 4.4 -­Operational Leasing TO Overseas Please complete this table for all vessels and aircraft under operational lease, where your company is the lessor. Country of Lessee Territory where Vessel or Aircraft is Operated Lease Term (1) (2) (3) (4) Date of Inception of Lease Lease Receipts during the Three Months $NZ(000) Date of Arrival/Departure (5) (6) (7) SA M PL 10 E O N LY Name of Vessel or Type of Aircraft under Operational Lease BPQO10-2_Jun13.indd 10 16/05/2013 9:29:42 AM 11 About how long did it take you to fill in this questionnaire? LY : minutes Count: • time spent reading the instructions and notes, working on the questions and getting the information; and • time spent by all employees in collecting and providing this information. hours PL Fax ( ) M ) Day Month SA E O N Please make any comments that you have on this questionnaire or that would clarify any of the information that you have given. Area Code ( Signature Thank you your time and effort. Details of the person supplying thefor information: Name (please print) Position (eg manager, accountant) Telephone number Signature and date Email address Please take a copy of the completed questionnaire for your own records Return this questionnaire in the post-free envelope provided Thank you for your time and effort Year 16/05/2013 9:29:42 AM BPQO10-2_Jun13.indd 11