Mixed-Signal Design Choosing RF CMOS or SiGe BiCMOS in mixed-signal design Deciding what technology to choose for fast-moving targets is not trivial, especially in the commercial space where the price, time to market, and the performance of the chip can make or break a product, and sometimes the company. This article attempts to analyze these issues from the perspective of a fabless design house. It discusses key issues that need to be considered when deciding what technology to choose for mixed-signal or wireless systemon-a-chip design. The article reviews the basic performance criteria and characteristics in an easy to understand language, and describes how they affect the performance of chips. By Adam H. Pawlikiewicz and David Hess O 36 18 Frequency (GHz) 15 Maximum Application ver the last decade, the advances in silicon-germanium (SiGe) BiCMOS technology has been phenomenal. From its humble beginning in the late 1980s when it was looked at as nothing more than a scientific excercise at a few research labs, namely at IBM in the United States and Temic in Europe, to today where it is on the road map of every major semiconductor company. Present-day SiGe BiCMOS processes integrate high-performance heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBTs) with state-of-the-art CMOS technology. With each generation of the technology, the feature size leads to higher speeds and lower power consumption. One of the most quoted figure of merit (FoM) is the cut-off frequency - f T of the HBT that increased from roughly 47 GHz in the 0.5 µm generation BiCMOS process to unheard of 210 GHz in the 0.13 µm process. Usually, the natural progression at the semiconductor companies was to develop a CMOS process first and then add more complex HBT devices that would give the needed performance for the RF applications. That combination was good when the feature sizes of 0.35 µm would give a speed of ~25 GHz on the NMOS device but around 50 GHz from the HBT device. However, with a decrease in the feature size, CMOS device speed improved enormously, as well. For instance, FoM f T increases to more than 60 GHz at 0.18 µm feature size. With such an improvement in NMOS speeds the possibility of designing not only the logic but also the analog blocks of the RF circuits became quite obvious. The majority of today’s applications could be covered with such devices. Moreover, further advances in the logic processes with the CMOS scaling pushes the mixed-signal designers toward these newer CMOS-only processes that provide the minimum speed for the application in mind. However, the speed of the device is not the only FoM the designer has to deal with. Other specs that are as important if not more are maximum frequency of oscillation (fT and fmax) device transconductance (gm), output conductance (go) matching, and 1/f noise and NF characteristics. Dynamic range is also important, along with other economic issues such as time to market, system specs and cost. In subsequent paragraphs, we shall address these aspects from the designer’s point of view. Hopefully, that discussion will help the decision makers select the optimal process for the intended application. In the process, we shall look at the quantifiable variables such as the specs of the RF CMOS with high-quality passive devices compared to SiGe BiCMOS processes that are uniquely fit for the high-speed 12 9 6 SiGe BiCMOS RF CMOS 3 0 500 350 250 180 130 Geometry Size (nm) 90 Figure 1. Maximum application frequency for CMOS and SiGe BiCMOS by transistor size (fT/8). applications. The discussion shall be centered on the high-performance SiGe BiCMOS technologies compared to the advanced CMOS technologies. It is implicitly assumed that in both cases the same number of high-quality passive elements are available. If that assumption is not met, it is not the active device performance but the quality of the passive component that might dictate the choice of the technology, since for mixed signal, or SoC designs, they are extremely important. Technical considerations In today’s environment the choice comes down to either bipolar transistor (in BiCMOS) vs. the field effect transistor (FET) in CMOS. Moreover, since the invention of SiGe HBT, and the exponential growth in their applications, the BiCMOS process providers are almost exclusively concentrated on the SiGe BiCMOS rather than plain Si BiCMOS technologies of the past. One can start the process by comparing the electrical specs of the FET CMOS against the bipolar available in the BiCMOS process. Historically, the shrinking of plain vanilla CMOS processes was motivated by increasing chip complexity and pricing pressures. These forces made the foundry providers shrink the device size, increase the yield and build circuits on larger wafers. With the maturity of the given logic process, and the need for even further scaling to satisfy www.rfdesign.com March 2006 40 130 35 30 Masking Layers 45 40 35 180n 30 25 350 (k$) 20 15 500n 10 5 0 1991 1995 1999 2003 the market for the logic and memory products, came a realization that the older technologies can still be useful for the mixed and analog applications. Thus, came the addtional bipolar modules with highquality passives, that extended the useful life of the technology for analog, mixed-signal applications. In those instances, the bipolar transistors gave the speed required for the mixed and wireless applications, the passives allowed for the SoC integration and the CMOS covered the logic requirements of the chip. Thus, for the first 0.35 µm SiGe BiCMOS process developed at Atmel, the Ft of the HBT device exceeded 45 GHz as compared to the Ft of the 0.35 µm NMOS, which was barely more than 20 GHz. However, with the further shrinking of the analog CMOS process to 0.18 µm, we can deliver the speed at 60 GHz, quite comparable with the speed (70 GHz) of the newer HBTs built on the 0.35 µm process. Such an increase in the speed of the CMOS transistor made it possible to replace the bipolar device and to design the entire analog and digital parts on the CMOS process alone. These two contenders are usually spaced by a two-generational gap, i.e., 0.18 µm RF CMOS vs. 0.35 µm BiCMOS, (or 0.13 µm RF CMOS vs. 0.25 µm SiGe BiCMOS) one has to compare the characteristics of the 0.35 µm HBT transistor to 0.18 µm RF CMOS device. BJT vs. FET A better way to judge a given device as an amplifier is to look at its internal self gain defined as the ratio of transconductance over the output conductance (gm/go). Transconductance is an ability of the device to source the current and the output conductance tells us how well that current is sourced with swings in the output voltage. Due to the exponential relationship between the output current in response to the input voltage of the bipolar device, its transconductance is much better than that of an FET where the relationship is only quadratic. Ultimately, the transconductance (g m) of the bipolar transistor is proportional to the Ic current of the device. gm (BJT) = q * IC/kT (1) whereas the transconductance of the FET is proportional only as the square root of its drain current, gm (FET) = Const * SQRT (ID) (2) Roughly at its peak operating current the BJT achieves about three times the transconductance, and thus three times the drive capability of an FET. Output (Ic vs. Vce or Id vs. Vds) characteritics of the device dictate the output conductance gO. The flatter the current with the output voltage the higher the output resistance and the smaller the output conductance Ro = 1/go. SiGe BiCMOS processes offer quite a few knobs for the device designer to improve that characteristic as well. Ge concentration and then the varying concentration of that modify the electric field across the base and thus the carrier concentration 38 20 15 Sige/BiCMOS CMOS 10 5 0 400 2007 Figure 2. Mask cost trends by CMOS transistor node. 25 350 300 250 200 Geometry (nm) 150 100 Figure 3. At a given node, CMOS typically requires less masking steps than SiGe/BiCMOS. This generally results in lower wafer costs and faster manufacturing cycle times. However, the number of masking steps increases with CMOS scaling and, given the masking cost increase per node, the cost advantage offered by CMOS begins to erode as geometries decrease. that improves the early voltage (flatness of the output characteristics of the device). CMOS devices with gate length 2 generation smaller than the HBT’s leads to higher transconductance and thus speed. However, for analog applications, FET devices need to be modified through addtional processing steps to increase the breakdown voltage (eg., dual oxide technology), as well as additional implants to fight the short channel effects (e.g., halo implants and to control punch through). Ultimately, some of these steps lead to lower gm/go ratio than otherwise could be possible. Nevertheless, as far as the internal self gain is concerned, the bipolar transistor always wins when biased at the same current level as FET, due to its superior transconductance over the FET. FT and Fmax figures of merit The most quoted FoMs between different processes is the cut-off frequency (fT) and the maximum frequency of oscillation (fmax) With each process shrinks, the lateral and vertical scaling led to lower parasitics and thus to faster speeds for the CMOS and BiCMOS devices. Furthermore, SiGe BiCMOS offered additional knobs in modification of the doping SiGe base layer, that led to the increase in the electric field. That combined with the reduction in the graded base width, as well as the addition of carbon to decrease Boron out-diffusion, improved the base transit time—further increasing the device speed. Subsequent reduction in the epi layer thickness led to the decrease in the collector transit time—and thus an increase in fT. The relationship between the device speed – fT and the device transconductance can be described as fT = gm/(2π ∗ (CBEdepletion+ CBEdiffusion + CBC)) (3) for the bipolar device and fT = gm/(2π (CBS+ CGD)) (4) in the FET case. All of these advances resulted in the overall reduction of the parasitics of the bipolar transistor, especially in the base, collector and emitter resistances (RB, RC, RE) and total collector-base capacitance (CCB). Coupled with the increased fT, this reduction in parasitics is expected to lead to an increased fmax (maximum frequency of oscillation), since the relationship between these two figures of merit is described by the following equation. fT = 1/2π * 1/(RE CBE+ RE CBC + τBase + τCol) www.rfdesign.com March 2006 12 15% Normalized die area 10 38% 8 60% 6 4 2 0 Starting node 2 node decrease Area digital (80%) Area analog (20%) Starting node 2 node decrease Area digital (50%) Area analog (50%) Starting node 2 node decrease Area digital (20%) Area analog (80%) Figure 4. Die area reduction achieved for a two-node CMOS geometry shrink for various percent mix of analog and digital in an SoC design. fmax = SQRT (fT /(8π* CCB RB)) (5) Conversely, with each shrink in the critical dimensions (Leff) the field effect device gains current sourcing capability (~Weff/Leff) and then with its transconductance (gm) the speed (fT). CMOS devices have a similar relationship, between fT and fmax, but this time the base/collector capacitance is replaced by the gate/source capacitance and the base resistance is replaced by the source resistance. fmax = fT/2*SQRT ((Ri+Rg+Rs)Gds +2π fTRGCGD)) (6) Properly optimized transistor, of either kind, can deliver higher frequency of oscillation - fmax than the maximum cut-off frequency fT. In many circuits, this is a more important consideration than the actual fT, which does not take into account the need to push and pull currents in the circuits through the loads. Matching using HBTs and FETs Matching is one of the most important FoM in the analog world. In the case of the bipolar devices, the matching of Vbes is determined by the doping profiles of the p/n junctions across the emitter/base. With each technology improvement, these doping levels are increasing and, therefore, the matching improves as well. On the other hand, in the CMOS devices, the equivalent is Vt matching. That parameter depends more on lateral dimensions of the devices, such as L and W of the gate, as well as the doping levels in the active device. These are much less stable from device to device and, therefore, the matching of the bipolar devices is superior as compared to the CMOS devices. That limitation eliminates the application of CMOS-only technologies in high-precision applications such as ADC and DAC converters. However, for the majority, applications where one can live with poorer matching of the CMOS devices the circuits designed in CMOS-only technologies sanction quite alright albeit, with much worse performance. Noise and NF considerations The discussion on noise should be divided between low-frequency noise (1/f or flicker noise) and the high-frequency noise wherein a different type of the FoM is needed, such as NF. Let us start with the 1/f noise. That one is especially important in 40 applications such as LNAs and VCOs where the low-frequency noise is visible at the high frequency due to the mixing. Mixing or subsequent signal processing can shift the low-frequency noise spectrum to the center of the carrier frequency, potentially causing jitter, as well as interfering with adjacent channels, and lowering the final signal to noise ratio (SNR). Bipolar and FET devices have distinctively different areas where the noise generators are located. In bipolar transistors, the 1/f noise is mostly generated in the emitter/base junction. FETs on the other hand are surface conduction devices where the current flow is affected by the properties of the Si/SiO2 interface. The quality of the p/n junction and the quality of the oxide interface dictate the power of the 1/f noise. Present-day HBT devices have a clean Si/SiGe interface and their noise properties are significantly better than the 1/f noise generated in the CMOS devices. Moreover, generation-to-generation scaling in FETs moves oxide interfaces even closer to the active channel, resulting in worsening of 1/f noise performance. When looking at high-frequency noise, another FoM is used, namely NF. That quantity compares the SNR at the output of the amplifier to the same at the input of the device. It gives us the ability of the amplifier to amplify the signal without adding any noise to it. NF depends on the intrinsic properties of the device, namely emitter resistance—RE, base resistance - RB, internal capacitances and transconductance gm.Although complicated, the relationship is such that the lower the parasitics (RE, RB, CCB) and the higher the transconductance the lower the NF. The SiGe bipolar device features several intrinsic properties that make it particularly attractive for low-noise circuits. First of all, the addition of Ge made it possible to heavily dope the base of the device without the increased hole injection into the emitter. Heavier doping decreases the base resistance and, therefore, lowers the thermal noise of the base. That leads to heavier doped in-situ doped poly emitters, which also allows for heavier doping that leads to lower RE. A second source of high-frequency noise in the BJT devices is the shot noise generated by the carriers crossing the p/n junctions. The shot noise in the base depends on the magnitude of the base current (IB) injected into the emitter. Due to the beneficial aspects of the heterojunction, the injection of holes from the base into the emitter is significantly reduced for a given IC current. That minimizes the noise contribution when measuring the S/N ratio on the device input. Furthermore, the high amplification capability of the bipolar devices with even better performance of the HBTs contribute to high power www.rfdesign.com March 2006 gain at typical frequencies of interest. This high gain allows an input signal to be amplified to much larger levels before the addition of thermal and shot noises, therefore, reducing the impact of these noises on the output SNR and thus improving the NF. CMOS devices also exhibit improvement in NF with shrinking due to the same effects. Lower effective gate lengths increase the device transconductance and, therefore, its amplification ability. Moreover, heavier doping of the source and drain regions improve the RS and RD parasitics that degrades the SNR. Ultimately, though, the SiGe HBT device most likely will give a better performance in that aspect as well. Another form of noise, often discussed but somewhat misunderstood, stems from the noise entering the active devices by picking the stray signals traveling through the substrate. These signals are generated somewhere else on the chip by fast digital gates or the output power stage of the analog stage or anywhere else where the drains and the collectors of the transistors are capacitively coupled to the substrate. Noise of that type should be shielded by the addition of the isolation structures, such as trenches, doped poly layers, N+ buried layers and reversely biased junctions. One needs to investigate if the processes under consideration have these additional layers available for isolation of sensitive parts of the circuits. Other technical considerations The holy grail of integration is to have a whole set of different chips integrated into one. Having a high-performance BiCMOS technology enables a designer to create a wide variety of circuit types integrated together on the same chip to form a complete system. Usually, the CMOS devices are used for integrating digital logic functions with highspeed bipolar analog circuits. This allows fully integrated system-on-a-chip products, with the CMOS performing the lower-frequency baseband signal processing. With CMOS-only processes the analog functions need to be done with the FET transistors. As discussed, that is more difficult due to gain, matching and noise. However, in a few instances such as ADCs, they are ideal, since CMOS devices draw no current, a prerequisite for not disturbing the input signal. ESD protection is an important factor in chosing what technology to use for wireless, mixed-signal applications. The BiCMOS process is more complex and, therefore, offers a few layers more that could be tapped as the diodes for the ESD protection. CMOS-only processes have less of those to use but a clever designer can compensate the lack of the layers with a better ESD layout for circuit protection. Economic considerations There have been significant strides made in CMOS and BiCMOS process scaling. CMOS gate lengths have shrunk, gate oxide thickness has decreased, and power supply voltages have dropped. These improvements have provided increased die density, faster transistors and lower power consumption. However, scaled CMOS in analog circuits does not provide as obvious a benefit because the passive components that do not scale. Scaled CMOS does, however, provide a speed advantage. A general guideline for matching the technology speed to the system speed (application frequency) requirement is to choose a technology with an Ft eight to 10 times greater that the system operating frequency. Figure 1 displays fT as a function of transistor size. SiGe-BiCMOS has a speed advantage over CMOS at every node but when CMOS is scaled by two generations, 42 www.rfdesign.com March 2006 its speed is almost equivalent. Though the cost of CMOS scaling can be significant at node introduction, these costs quickly decrease as the node matures. A part of this price significance can be attributed to mask costs. Figure 2 is a linear plot of mask costs for various CMOS nodes, and the projected cost decrease for each node from node introduction to 2006. The figure also shows that, even at maturity, mask costs remain elevated as compared to the prior nodes. At a given node, CMOS typically requires less masking steps than the SiGe/BiCMOS as shown in Figure 3. This generally results in lower wafer costs and faster manufacturing cycle times. However, the number of masking steps increases with CMOS scaling and, given the masking cost increase per node, the cost advantage offered by CMOS begins to erode as geometries decrease. Additionally, CMOS scaling may not proportionally scale with the die. Though the die in a digital CMOS design will shrink by about 50% at each node, die shrink in a mixedsignal SoC due to CMOS scaling depends greatly upon the percent analog-to-digital mix and how much of the analog area is dominated by passive components. Passive components largely consist of inductors, capacitors and resistors. The relationship between inductance, and the radius and number of turns, of an on-chip inductor is . Given this relationship, the inductor design is not dependent upon the factors involved in CMOS scaling. Likewise, capacitors and resistors are area-dependent components. Therefore, the benefit of scaled CMOS in the analog portion of the die depends upon how much of the analog area is dominated by the passive components. The net affect of CMOS scaling on die size for a mixed signal design, as a percentage of digital and analog circuits, can be approximated by assuming the digital portion of the die area of a mixed signal design shrinks by x% for each node, (In this example, x = 50) and assuming the shrink of the analog area is passive component limited. The impact on die size using these assumptions is shown in Figure 4. As shown, while some mixedsignal system designs will show little benefit from CMOS scaling, those systems with large digital areas will benefit the most. Conclusion CMOS and SiGe/BiCMOS technologies are both used in mixed-signal designs. BiCMOS has been used when the system design requires high-performance analog and does not require high density logic. BiCMOS technology offers advantages of high speed combined with high drive capability and low noise. CMOS has appeared in mixedsignal system designs requiring high density logic with smaller analog sections. CMOS has advantages of low power, low wafer cost at a comparable node, and short fab cycle times. While the ultimate selection will be based on system specifications, the noted differences between performance and economics also need to be considered. RFD ABOUT THE AUTHORS Adam H. Pawlikiewicz is a manager of the BiCMOS technology development group at Atmel Corp., Colorado Springs, Colo. He can be reached at apawlik@cso. atmel.com. David Hess is a marketing manager at Atmel Corp., Colorado Springs, Colo. He can be reached at dhess@cso.atmel. com. 44 www.rfdesign.com March 2006