XVIII Congresso Brasileiro de Automática / 12 a 16 Setembro 2010, Bonito-MS. INFLUENCE OF CONTROL STRATEGIES ON DFIG-BASED WIND FARMS INTEGRATION IN THE POWER SYSTEMS Romeu Reginatto∗, Carlos da Rocha∗ ∗ Center for Engineering and Applied SciencesWestern Paraná State University - UNIOESTE - Brazil Emails: romeu@unioeste.br, rrocha@hotmail.com Abstract— In this paper the integration of wind farms equipped with DFIG-based wind turbines in the power system is considered. The effect of wind farm control policies on the maximum power that can be connected to a given grid point is analyzed. Reactive power regulation, power factor regulation and terminal voltage regulation are considered as control policies. The maximum integration level is determined on the basis of 3 interconnection criteria: acceptable terminal voltage variation, power transfer margin, and acceptable range for the internal voltage angle. Analytical and numerical results are provided to illustrate the advantages and drawbacks of each control strategy with regard to the integration level. Keywords— 1 Wind power; DFIG; Integration level; DFIG control. tions, a minimum active power margin relative to the maximum power transferable to the grid, and an acceptable range for the internal voltage angle. The satisfaction of such interconnection criteria was referred to as a safe interconnection, and conditions for it were numerically determined for a particular wind farm. Further results were given in (Reginatto et al., 2009) in which the individual effect of each interconnection criterion on the integration level was considered. It was seen that the tolerance on voltage variation has a major impact on such limits. The present paper concentrates on the effect of the DFIG-VSWT control strategy on the wind power integration level. Three different control strategies are considered for the DFIG-VSWT: (i) reactive power regulation; (ii) power factor regulation; (iii) terminal voltage regulation. The analysis is performed by means of both analytical developments and numerical results. The characterization of such effects is provided in terms of the safe integration region concept introduced in (Reginatto et al., 2009; Reginatto et al., 2008). The results provide a first general view of how control strategies impact on the DFIG-VSWT integration in the power system. The paper is organizes as follows. Section 2 introduces modeling, systems and control considerations for DFIG-VSWT. The same section also discusses interconnection issues. The main results on the analysis of the influence of the control strategy on wind power integration level are given in section 3. Section 4 provides concluding remarks Introduction Wind energy integration into the power systems is continuously growing. Penetration levels of 20% to 30% have been reached in certain regions in Europe (Soder et al., 2007) and this continuous growth has demanded for advancements in several directions in order to guarantee a safe interconnection of wind energy in the network. Integration of wind farms into the power system is subject to technical regulation which usually specify operating characteristics that wind farms have to comply with (Matevosyan et al., 2005; Ackermann, 2005). Several factors influence those operating characteristics and thus the amount of wind power that can be integrated at a given grid point, for instance, wind energy conversion system technology, the control policy adopted, and characteristics of the point of common connection (PCC). Among the different technologies, the doubly-fed induction generator variable speed wind turbine (DFIG-VSWT) has interesting advantages regarding the control flexibility and low converter losses(Ackermann, 2005), allowing active power regulation (Tarnowski and Reginatto, 2007), reactive power and/or voltage control (Pálsson et al., 2003; Cartwright et al., 2004) (see also (Le and Santoso, 2007)). The integration level has been analyzed in (Lundberg, 2000) for fixed-speed wind turbines with squirrel-cage induction generators with respect to point of common connection (PCC) parameters, namely the short-circuit power (Ssc ) and the X/R ratio. In that case, terminal voltage variations and voltage flicker were taken to assess interconnection properties. In (Reginatto et al., 2008) the analysis was extended to the DFIG-VSWT case with reactive power regulation, besides considering the influence of reactive power compensation in the SQIG-FSWT case. Moreover, a set of 3 criteria was employed to characterize the interconnection of a wind farm to the grid, namely: acceptable terminal voltage varia- 2 Modeling and System Considerations Figure 1 shows a simplified representation of the connection of a wind farm to the grid, here represented as a single DFIG-based wind turbine (DFIG-VSWT). The local wind turbine transformer is represented by T r1 while the wind farm connecting transformer is represented by T r2. 2570 XVIII Congresso Brasileiro de Automática / 12 a 16 Setembro 2010, Bonito-MS. Figure 1: Wind farm connection to the network simplified view. Figure 2: DFIG equivalent circuit representation. The network viewed from the PCC is taken as its static equivalent (infinite bus with a series impedance) and represented by its short-circuit power (Ssc ) and X/R ratio. Let the nominal power of the wind farm be represented by Pn and define the ratio Pn (1) ρ= Ssc rated generator power so as to allow approximately 30% speed variation around rated speed. Active power flow from the rotor to the grid for supersynchronous speeds and from the grid to the rotor for subsynchronous speeds(Ackermann, 2005; Müller et al., 2002). This structure allows different control policies to be employed with a DFIG-VSWT(Anaya-Lara et al., 2007; Cartwright et al., 2004; Müller et al., 2002). Typically, the GSC is operated with unity power factor. Reactive power is then exchanged only through the stator. With balanced active power flow through both converters and assuming a unitary power factor for the GSC, the current flowing from the converter to the network is given by Pr 6 θs (9) I˜g = Vs where Pr is the rotor active power and Vs 6 θs is the stator voltage. The effect of the GSC in steady state can then be captured by a controlled current source, as shown in Figure 2, which is an equivalent circuit representation for the system of Figure 1. The RSC is represented by an ideal voltage source. The sharing of active power by the stator and rotor of the DFIG is determined by the generator slip frequency (Müller et al., 2002; Tarnowski, 2006), according to Pr = −sPs , where s is the slip, and Ps is the stator active power. Then, the total generated active power is as the wind power integration level. The DFIG can be represented by its 3rd order simplified model given in the synchronous reference frame by (Feijóo et al., 2000; Holdsworth et al., 2003) ωs Xm −1 Ed − (X − X ′ )Iqs + sωs Eq − Vqr To Xr −1 ωs Xm Ėq = Eq + (X − X ′ )Ids − sωs ed + Vdr To Xr 1 ω̇r = (Tmg − (Eq Iq + Ed Id ) − F ωr ) 2H Ėd = (2) (3) (4) and Vds Vqs = = Ed − Rs Ids + X ′ Iqs Eq − Rs Iqs − X ′ Ids (5) (6) where To = Xr /ωs Rr , s = 1 − ωr , X = Xs , X2 X ′ = σXs , σ = 1 − Xs m Xr ; Xs , Xr and Xm are the stator, rotor, and magnetizing reactance, respectively; Rs , Rr are the stator and rotor resistance; H is the inertia constant; F is the damping; Tmg is the mechanical torque; Vdr , Vqr are rotor voltage components; Vds , Vqs , Ids , Iqs are stator voltage and current components, respectively. Letting Ẽ = Ed +jEq to represent the internal voltage and similar notation for the stator and rotor voltages and currents, the following equation can be derived from (2)-(6) Ṽs = (7) sXr Ẽ Xm Ẽ − (Rs + jX ′ )I˜s = Ṽr + Rr I˜r (8) 1−s Pr (10) s The generated active power depends on the available wind speed. In order to maximize the generated active power, in general the maximum power tracking (MPT) (Amenedo et al., 2002) strategy is employed, in which the generated active power is maximized for the available wind speed by allowing the wind turbine speed to vary in accordance with the wind speed. Active power can also be regulated within the available wind power (Tarnowski and Reginatto, 2007). P = Ps + Pr = (1 − s)Ps = − Control of DFIG main variables is performed by acting on the rotor-side converter (RSC) while the grid-side converter (GSC) keeps a constant DC link voltage (Müller et al., 2002; Pena et al., 1996). In general, the converters are rated 30% of the 2571 XVIII Congresso Brasileiro de Automática / 12 a 16 Setembro 2010, Bonito-MS. By acting on the rotor side converter, the reactive power delivered by the stator can be controlled (Tarnowski, 2006; Tarnowski and Reginatto, 2007). Under the assumption that the grid side converter power factor is unitary, the total reactive power delivered by the generator to the grid is (Müller et al., 2002; Tarnowski, 2006) Q = Qs 3 For a given X/R ratio, a given tolerance on each interconnection criterion limits the wind power integration level ρ. The maximum integration level satisfying all three criteria defines the boundary of the safe integration region (Reginatto et al., 2009; Reginatto et al., 2008). The safe integration region concept is brought to this paper as a means to characterize the influence of different control strategies applied to DFIG-VSWT’s on the wind power integration level. Analytical derivations are presented for each control strategy considered: (i) reactive power regulation; (ii) power factor regulation; (iii) terminal voltage regulation. Then, numerical results are given to illustrate the potential and drawbacks of each control strategy regarding the maximum attainable wind power integration level. Due to space limitation, the numerical results are given for specific operating conditions, which are representative of actual cases. A wind farm with 10 generators of 2MW is considered, whose equivalent model has the following parameters: 690V , 50Hz, 4 poles, H = 3.5s, Xm = 3.95pu, Xs = Xr = 4.04pu, Rs = 0.00488pu, Rr = 0.0047pu. Base values are: Vb = 690V and Pb = 20M W . An individual 0.69/11kV transformer is connected to each turbine, with 5.9% leakage reactance (Tr1). The whole wind farm is connected to the grid by a 11/33kV transformer with leakage reactance 10% (Tr2). The following considerations are made regarding the wind farm electric and control structure: (11) where Qs is the stator reactive power. By acting on the stator reactive power, power factor and terminal voltage control can also be regulated (Anaya-Lara et al., 2009; Cartwright et al., 2004; Pálsson et al., 2003). 2.1 Analysis of Control Strategies for DFIG-VSWT Wind farm interconnection The goal in this paper is to analyze how control strategies influence the amount of wind power that can be connected to a given grid point (integration level). Three control strategies are considered for a DFIG-VSWT: (i) reactive power regulation; (ii) power factor regulation; (iii) terminal voltage regulation. To assess the integration level, 3 criteria are considered as measures of the interconnection quality, all of them related to static characteristics of the system(Reginatto and da Rocha, 2009; Reginatto et al., 2009; Reginatto et al., 2008): 1. Voltage variation. A range of allowable terminal voltage variation, given in terms of the inequality Vmin ≤ Vt ≤ Vmax , where Vmin and Vmax are given constants. • The grid static equivalent representation is taken from the high-voltage side of the wind farm grid connection transformer (33kV level). 2. Power transfer margin. The maximum power transferable to the network (Pk ) at the PCC is sufficiently larger than the nominal power of the wind farm Pn , as given by the relation Pk ≥ (1 + MP ) Pn , where MP is a given margin. • All regulated variables are considered at the high voltage side of the wind farm transformer (33kV level). 3. Internal voltage angle. The value of the internal voltage angle, δ, should lie within the range 0 ≤ δ ≤ δmax , where δmax is a given constant. In the sequel, the following notation is used: Ṽt is the voltage at the high-voltage side of the wind farm transformer (bus bar 2); I˜t = I˜s + I˜g . The maximum integration level is determined considering the following tolerances for the interconnection criteria: Vmax = 1.1pu, Vmin = 0.9pu, MP = 1, δmax = 40o . The apparent power of each generator is considered limited 1.12 times the nominal active power. Besides the 3 criteria defined above, maximum line losses are also evaluated as a comparative measure of the control strategies influence on the integration level. Since the active power generated by the wind farm depends upon the available wind speed and since the wind speed may vary substantially, it is necessary to consider a wide operating range for the generated active power. So, a criteria is considered satisfied if it holds for all possible operating conditions in which the generated active power lies in the range of 0.1 to 1.05 per unit of the nominal active power. 3.1 DFIG-VSWT with Reactive Power Regulation When the DFIG-VSWT is operated with reactive power regulation, active power is determined by the available wind speed and control settings whereas reactive power is determined by control 2572 XVIII Congresso Brasileiro de Automática / 12 a 16 Setembro 2010, Bonito-MS. settings. In this situation, the generator bus bar can be viewed as a PQ bus. Let S = P + jQ be the complex power transfered from the generator to the network, measured at bus bar 2, then S = Ṽt I˜t∗ = (Ṽt Ṽt∗ −Ṽt V∞ )/(R− jX). Solving this equation, the terminal voltage Ṽt = Vtr + jVti is found to satisfy the relation 0.6 0.5 0.4 ρ 4 3 0.3 2 Vtr2 Vti V∞ − P X + QR = − V∞ Vtr + Vti2 − (P R + QX) = 0 (12) 0 (13) " β + β2 X/R 2 # 4Q 1 2Q 1+ + β Pcc X/R Pcc (14) 6 8 X/R 10 12 14 p 1 + (X/R)2 X/R and the following fact has been used 2 V∞ 4 Figure 3: Integration level for DFIG-VSWT with reactive power regulation: (1) Q = −0.5pu; (2) Q = −0.25pu; (3) Q = 0pu; (4) Q = 0.25pu; (5) Q = 0.5pu. s where β= 1 0.1 The maximum power transfer to the network Pk can be found from (13) as the limiting value for which a real solution for Vsr exists. This value is computed as Ssc Pk = 2 5 0.2 0.6 p = Ssc R 1 + (X/R)2 3 0.5 Known the solution of (12)-(13), the generator internal voltage Ẽ can be found by 2 0.4 ρ 1 0.3 Ẽ = Ṽt −(Rtr +jXtr )I˜t −(Rs +jX ′ )(I˜t − I˜g ) (15) 4 5 0.2 where Rtr + jXtr is the total transformer impedance (Tr1 and Tr2). Finally, active power loss on the network can be calculated as 0.1 2 Ploss = RIt2 (16) Figure 3 shows the limit of the integration level that can be obtained with a DFIG-VSWT operated with reactive power regulation, as the reactive power is varied. A negative reactive power means that the wind farm is absorbing reactive power from the grid. The curve 3 shows the zero reactive power case, which is commonly applied in wind farms (Ackermann, 2005). As the wind farm absorbs more reactive power from the grid, the integration level diminishes for large X/R ratios while it increases for low X/R ratios. It is seen that the pick of the integration level curve moves to the left (toward lower values of X/R ratio). The opposite effect tends to occur as the wind farm delivers more reactive power to the grid, as it can be seen from curves 4 and 5. The integration level reduction that occurs for small X/R ratio, however, can be quite significant and extend over a wide X/R range, as curve 5 shows, ending up reducing the integration level over all practical values of X/R. 4 6 8 X/R 10 12 14 Figure 4: Integration level for 10% network losses with reactive power regulation: (1) Q = −0.5pu; (2) Q = −0.25pu; (3) Q = 0pu; (4) Q = 0.25pu; (5) Q = 0.5pu. Figure 4 shows the integration level that is compatible with an active power loss on the network corresponding to 10% of the nominal wind farm active power. The figure considers the maximum power loss for all operating conditions considered. In general, the integration level increases as the wind farm absorbs less from or delivers more reactive power to the grid. This means that losses are smaller when the wind farm delivers reactive power to the grid. Also, the power losses are larger when the X/R ratio is smaller, due to higher line resistance, which is compatible with a smaller integration level shown in the figure for such range of X/R. 2573 XVIII Congresso Brasileiro de Automática / 12 a 16 Setembro 2010, Bonito-MS. 3.2 factor is less significant than in the reactive power regulation case. When the wind turbine operates with positive power factor (delivering reactive power to the grid) the integration level diminishes unless for large values of X/R ratio. Such influence is due to the terminal voltage that tends to increase in such condition. In order to comply with the 10% variation tolerance, the integration level has to decrease. As the power factor gets lower, such effect extends over the whole range of practical values of X/R (curve 5). DFIG-VSWT with Power Factor Regulation Another operating control polity for DFIG-VSWT is the power factor regulation. This case can be treated as a special case of reactive power regulation in which the reactive power is varied according to the generated active power. Let F P be the a given power factor, then the generator reactive power has to satisfy √ 1 − FP2 P =fP (17) Q= FP The generator can still be considered as a PQ bus, similarly as the reactive power regulation case. The terminal voltage can be determined from (12)-(13) considering the reactive power given by (17). The maximum power transfer, in this case, can be computed as " # p Ssc (1 + f X/R + βF ) 1 + (X/R)2 (18) Pk = 2 (f − X/R)2 0.6 3 0.5 0.4 2 ρ 1 0.3 4 5 where 0.2 βF = p (1 + f X/R)2 + (f − X/R)2 0.1 2 The internal voltage angle and power losses can be computed by (15) and (16), respectively. 4 6 8 X/R 10 12 14 Figure 6: Integration level for 10% network losses with power factor regulation: (1) P F = −0.9; (2) P F = −0.95; (3) P F = 1; (4) P F = 0.95; (5) P F = 0.9. 0.6 0.5 0.4 4 ρ The power losses on the network are illustrated in Figure 6 for the power factor regulation case. Again, the figure shows the integration level that is compatible with a 0.1Pn power loss on the network. Since the curves take into account the maximum power loss for all generated active power of the wind farm, the overall figure is similar to the reactive power regulation case. 0.3 3 5 0.2 2 1 0.1 2 4 6 8 X/R 10 12 14 3.3 DFIG-VSWT with Voltage Regulation Terminal voltage of a DFIG-VSWT can be regulated by acting on the reactive power delivered/absorbed from the grid. In this operating policy, active power is determined by the available wind speed and control settings whereas the terminal voltage is determined by control settings. Thus, as long as voltage regulation is possible, the generator bus bar can be seen as PV bus. The generated active power, in this case, satisfies the relation Figure 5: Integration level for DFIG-VSWT with power factor regulation: (1) P F = −0.9; (2) P F = −0.95; (3) P F = 1; (4) P F = 0.95; (5) P F = 0.9. The limits of the integration level attainable with DFIG-VSWT operated with power factor regulation are shown in Figure 5. In this case, a negative power factor means that the wind farm is absorbing reactive power from the grid. Curve 3 coincides with curve 3 of Figure 3 since it is for unity power factor. The overall influence is similar to the case of power factor regulation. Here, however, the increase in the integration level for lower values of the X/R ratio for negative power P = Ssc 1 Vt V∞ βX/R Vt X − cos(θt ) + sin(θt ) V∞ R (19) where Ṽt = Vt 6 θt . The terminal voltage angle θt varies according to the generated active power, 2574 XVIII Congresso Brasileiro de Automática / 12 a 16 Setembro 2010, Bonito-MS. while Vt is regulated and V∞ is considered constant. The corresponding angle for a given active power is given by 0.8 0.7 0.6 θt = −θz + cos P V∞ Vt cos(θz ) − V∞ Ssc Vt 1 (20) −1 where θz = tan (X/R). Taking the derivative of P with respect to θt , in (19), and equating to zero, the maximum power transfer to the network can be deduced as Pk = Ssc Vt V∞ Vt 1 p +1 V∞ 1 + (X/R)2 # 3 4 5 0.4 0.3 0.2 1 0.1 5 4 3 5 2 4 2 " 2 0.5 ρ −1 4 6 8 X/R 10 12 14 (21) Figure 7: Integration level for DFIG-VSWT with voltage regulation: (1) Vt = 0.95; (2) Vt = 0.975; (3) Vt = 1; (4) Vt = 1.025; (5) Vt = 1.05. which occurs for θt = π − θz . In the case of voltage regulation, the generator rating limits to deliver/absorb reactive power play a major role. Both generator apparent power rating and converter maximum current limits impact on the generator capacity to regulate terminal voltage. To take this effect into account, the region where terminal voltage regulation can be achieved is found and used as an integration criterion, replacing the terminal voltage variation criterion. Such region is determined on the bases of the generator capacity to regulate terminal voltage as restricted by the generator apparent power rated value Sn = 1.12pu. Moreover, instead of the internal voltage angle, the terminal voltage angle is considered, since the terminal voltage is kept constant. 0.8 0.7 5 0.6 4 3 ρ 0.5 2 0.4 1 0.3 0.2 0.1 2 Figure 7 shows the integration level obtained for a DFIG-VSWT with terminal voltage regulation. Recall that, in this paper, the terminal voltage is measured at the high-voltage side of the wind farm transformer (bus bar 2). Integration levels that comply with the interconnection criteria considered belong to the region inside the curves of the figure. The left and lower limits of the integration level are mainly due to apparent power rating limits of the generators. Beyond those integration levels, the generator is not able to maintain voltage regulation. 4 6 8 X/R 10 12 14 Figure 8: Integration level for 10% network losses with voltage regulation: (1) Vt = 0.95; (2) Vt = 0.975; (3) Vt = 1; (4) Vt = 1.025; (5) Vt = 1.05. The integration level compatible with 0.1Pn network power loss is shown in Figure 8 for the same values of terminal voltage regulation as in Fig. 7. As the terminal voltage is increased so is the integration level, representing a power loss reduction. Compared to the reactive power and power factor regulation cases, power loss is worse for low X/R ratio (below 2) but is better for medium to high values (greater than 3). It is seen that as the terminal voltage value is increased (from 0.95 to 1.05) while the infinite bus voltage is kept constant at 1pu, the region of safe integration levels tends to enlarge at the top (large integration levels) and to shrink at the bottom (low integration levels). For larger terminal voltage values, small integration level are not possible since in such cases the network impedance would be too small for the wind farm to be able to deviate its voltage at PPC with respect to the infinite bus. That’s the reason why the curves 4 and 5 in Figure 7 impose a lower boundary for the integration level. 4 Concluding Remarks The effect of the DFIG control strategy on the integration level of wind farms equipped with DFIGVSWT was analyzed for 3 cases: reactive power regulation; power factor regulation; and terminal voltage regulation. The wind power integration level was determined so as to comply with 3 inter- 2575 XVIII Congresso Brasileiro de Automática / 12 a 16 Setembro 2010, Bonito-MS. connection criteria: a tolerance on terminal voltage variation; a power margin relative to the maximum power transferable to the grid; and a maximum value for the internal voltage angle. The reactive power regulation and power factor regulation cases have shown similar influences on the integration level. Absorbing reactive power from the grid (or negative power factor) tend to reduce the integration level for medium to large X/R ratios and to increase for low X/R ratios. In general it is not possible to take advantage of such increase since network power losses would be too high for such integration levels and X/R ratios. Delivering reactive power to the grid (positive power factor) is advantageous only for large X/R ratios. After a certain amount of reactive power (power factor) the integration level falls bellow the zero reactive power (unitary power factor) case over all practical values of X/R. Terminal voltage regulation differs significantly from the other two cases. Here the voltage regulation capability of the wind farm becomes an issue. Apparent power rating imposes limitation on the integration level for low X/R ratios. 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