An Ríocht Newsletter - Winter 2013


An Ríocht Region

Winter 2013 Newsletter

Welcome to the January 2013 issue of the Engineers Ireland An Ríocht Newsletter.

This newsletter recaps all of the evening lectures we ran last season with links to where the presentations are available (when provided), the very successful engineers week and publicises the many ways in which members can get involved in our activities.

I would also like to draw your attention to the online blog accessible within our group page of the member’s area of the Engineers Ireland website. This blog allows our members to interact with others in the region.

Finally we welcome suggestions with regard to future content. Contributions can be made by emailing Trevor Barrett


Kenmare Bridge, Co. Kerry. an-riocht-kerry P a g e | 1

An Ríocht Region

Table of Contents

SUMMARY OF PAST EVENTS ................................................................................................................... 4

Lecture 1: Resolving Irelands unfinished housing estates ................................................................ 4

Lecture 2: Presentation of Expert Evidence by Engineers ................................................................ 4

Lecture 3: The role of the Designer under Health and Safety Regulations ...................................... 5

Lecture 4: Low Energy Building Design and Passive Building Design................................................ 5

Lecture 5: The Growth and Success of Engineering Business in Kerry – Altobridge, OES

Environmental, TLI Group & Dairymaster ..................................................................... 6

Lecture 6: Biofuels - The Next Generation ........................................................................................ 6

Lecture 7: Tralee Bypass ................................................................................................................... 7

Lecture 8: The Tralee Wetlands Centre Site Visit & Lecture ............................................................. 7

End of 2011-2012 Season Social Outing ............................................................................................ 7

An Ríocht AGM ................................................................................................................................... 8

ENGINEERS WEEK 2012 ........................................................................................................................... 9

EVENTS FOR 2012-2013 SEASON .......................................................................................................... 11

Lecture 1: Enercon .......................................................................................................................... 11

Lecture 2: The National Inspection Plan for Domestic Wastewater Treatment Systems – A

Proposed Approach ..................................................................................................... 11

Lecture 3: The Implications for Chartered Engineers of the New Building Regulations................. 12

Lecture 4: Building Information Modelling (BIM) Technologies - The Future of Engineering ........ 13

Lecture 5: Progress Update on the Development of Irish Water ................................................... 13

Lecture 6: District Heating Project - Tralee and Killarney ............................................................... 13

Lecture 7: Landmark Structural Presentation by EI An Ríocht and the IStructE ROI Branch .......... 14

Lecture 8: Presentation on recent County Water Treatment Plant Upgrades under the EPA RAL

Programme Followed by Guided Tour of Mid Kerry Regional Water Supply Scheme at

Gearha. ........................................................................................................................ 14

Other Events .................................................................................................................................... 15

SOME CURRENT PROJECTS IN THE REGION .......................................................................................... 15

Development at Liebherr Container Cranes Ltd .............................................................................. 15

Background ................................................................................................................................... 15

Project Overview ........................................................................................................................... 15

CURRENT PROJECTS IN THE WATER SERVICES SECTOR IN KERRY ........................................................ 17 an-riocht-kerry P a g e | 2

An Ríocht Region

Waterville Water Supply and Sewerage Scheme – Design Build and Operate Contract ................. 17

Central Regional Water Supply Scheme – Scart Reservoir .............................................................. 19

County Kerry Drinking Water Quality Improvement Programme - ................................................. 20

LECTURE INFORMATION ....................................................................................................................... 22

AWARDS AND HONOURABLE MENTIONS ............................................................................................. 22


FURTHER INFORMATION ...................................................................................................................... 23

OUTGOING AN RÍOCHT REGION COMMITTEE 2011/2012 ................................................................... 24

INCOMING AN RÍOCHT REGION COMMITTEE 2012/2013 .................................................................... 24

OUR ACTIVITIES ..................................................................................................................................... 25

How Do I Join the Committee? ........................................................................................................ 26 an-riocht-kerry P a g e | 3

An Ríocht Region

Summary of Past Events

Lecture 1: Resolving Irelands unfinished housing estates

On the 25 th

October 2011 John O’Connor, Chief Executive, Housing & Sustainable Communities

Agency discussed the work of the Housing & Sustainable Communities Agency and their efforts to address the legacy of unfinished housing estates in Ireland.

Link to presentation:

2011/2012 opening lecture address by EI An Ríocht Chairperson Nigel Kenny

Lecture 2: Presentation of Expert Evidence by Engineers

On the 23 rd

November 2011 Ciaran Fahy, Chartered Engineer, arbitrator, conciliator, mediator, and expert witness gave a lecture on the writing of expert reports. This lecture dealt mainly with the writing of expert reports and touched on the giving of evidence in court and elsewhere.

Link to presentation: an-riocht-kerry P a g e | 4

An Ríocht Region

Lecture 3: The role of the Designer under Health and Safety Regulations

On the 13 th

December 2011 Niav O’Higgins, Partner and Head of Construction & Engineering Group,

Arthur Cox, provided a great insight into who is considered to be a Designer under current Health and Safety Legislation as well as the requirements of a Designer under the legislation. The talk was useful for any professional whether they be Engineers, Architects, Technicians, Contractors or anyone who is involved in making decisions within the construction industry.

Link to presentation:

Presentation available from the committee.

Lecture 4: Low Energy Building Design and Passive Building Design

On the 24 th

January 2012 John Phelan, Registered Architect reviewed Green Building Design with emphasis on Passive/Solar Design, Energy Efficiency, selection of more environmentally benign materials and compliance with Part L of the Irish Building Regulations.

Link for event:


Full House at Passive Building Design Lecture an-riocht-kerry P a g e | 5

An Ríocht Region

Lecture 5: The Growth and Success of Engineering Business in Kerry –

Altobridge, OES Environmental, TLI Group & Dairymaster

On the 15 th

February 2012 four of Kerry's leading Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) shared their insights on the founding, growth and future plans of their companies. This information-rich event delivered the successes of doing business in Kerry across a spectrum of engineering sectors:

Telecoms (Altobridge), Environment (OES), Energy Networks (TLI Group) and Agriculture

(Dairymaster). The event was chaired by the Engineers Ireland President of the day PJ Rudden. Due to the success of this event in Kerry it was subsequently repeated in Engineers Ireland headquarters at Clyde Road, Dublin.

Link for event:


Four Businesses Speakers: Thomas Fitzmaurice (TLI), Joe Cahill (Altobridge), Edmond Harty (Dairymaster),

Peadar O’Loughlin (OES), Nigel Kenny (EI An Ríocht Chairperson), PJ Rudden (EI President)

Lecture 6: Biofuels - The Next Generation

On 28 th

February, Dr. JJ Leahy, University Limerick discussed obligations under current directives, the limitations of the current feedstock’s and technologies as well as a technical-economic evaluation of the status of the next generation of liquid biofuels.

Link for event: an-riocht-kerry P a g e | 6

An Ríocht Region

Presentation not provided.

Lecture 7: Tralee Bypass

Speakers: KCC, BAM and ARUPS

Date: Tuesday March 20 th


Venue: Solas Building, ITT

About this Event:

Tracy Smith, Chartered Engineer, Project Manager, Kerry Co Council and representatives from the design build team (BAM and ARUPS) talked about the key elements involved in delivering the infrastructural project in terms of design, statutory process, procurement and construction.

Link for event:

Lecture 8: The Tralee Wetlands Centre Site Visit & Lecture

Speakers: John Griffin - Tralee Town Council

Michael O’Donoghue - Malachy Walsh & Partners (Structural Designer)


Tony Mackey - Malachy Walsh & Partners (Mechanical Designer)

Tuesday April 3 rd


Venue: Tralee Bay Wetland Centre, Ballyard, Tralee

This event included a site visit to the new Lee Valley development and a lecture on the background and engineering aspects of the development.

Link for Event:

Presentation not provided.

End of 2011-2012 Season Social Outing

Following the Tralee Wetlands Lecture, a group of Engineers ventured to Skellig Michael for a day trip in May. Lots of fun was had by all on a most picturesque day in the Skelligs. an-riocht-kerry P a g e | 7

An Ríocht Region

Engineers Ireland group that visited Skellig Michael

An Ríocht AGM

The An Ríocht AGM preceded the final lecture on the 3 rd

of April. A treasurer’s report was issued, the outgoing committee were thanked for their efforts and the new committee was elected. Details of the outgoing and incoming committees are listed towards the end of the newsletter. an-riocht-kerry P a g e | 8

An Ríocht Region

Engineers Week 2012

Engineers Week is becoming an established week in the annual calendar and this year a number of events were held in the region. The objective is to promote the profession and raise the awareness of the role that engineers play in society.

Engineers Week is an annual celebration of engineering in Ireland which helps to highlight the profession. It is mainly targeted at primary and post-primary school children but also the general public. Engineers Ireland's STEPS team co-ordinates Engineers Week and typical events include school visits by engineers, engineering related shows for schools and visits to engineering facilities.

In 2012 there were over 25,000 participants in Engineers Week, with almost 300 events nationwide. In our region over 400 primary schools children attended an engineering related show at IT Tralee and Astellas Ireland in Kilorglin facilitated a site visit. This tour for post primary school students focused on renewable energy. Students were guided around a recently installed 800kW Wind Turbine and 1.8MW Wood Chip Boiler.

We hope to exceed these numbers during Engineers Week 2013 – with your help.

How you can help?

Could you facilitate a site visit for the general public or post-primary school students?

If your company or organisation has a suitable facility which would be of interest to either the general public or secondary school students then consider hosting an open day / evening. If you would like to discuss this with the Engineers Ireland / STEPS team please contact Sylvia Leatham on 01-6651331

Volunteer for a school visit.

The An Riocht region gets many requests from schools who would like an engineer to visit their school and talk about engineering. It is mainly primary schools and a number of committee members have developed links with schools over the years. Feedback from both the engineers and the schools has been very positive.

Additional volunteer s would be very welcome because currently we cannot visit all the schools that make a request. Typically volunteers visit one or two schools per year talk about their own experience as an engineer and the school visit lasts about an hour. School visits do not have to an-riocht-kerry P a g e | 9

An Ríocht Region take place just during Engineers Weeks and can take place at any time during the school year.

Engineers Ireland / STEPS have great resources for volunteer engineers including presentations & activities which are appropriate for the students. Training will be provided an initial group of volunteers attended a workshop on Tuesday 13th November 2012 which was facilitated by Kate Cannon from Engineers Ireland / STEPS.

It is an opportunity to help the local region, promote engineering and develop positive links with schools. If you have a particular connection with a local school, then you could link with this school.

For further information please contact:

John Jones, Engineers Ireland (An Ríocht)


Phone: 087 6294595 an-riocht-kerry P a g e | 10

An Ríocht Region

Events for 2012-2013 Season

Lecture 1: Enercon

Date: Tues 23 rd

October 2012



Sólás Building, North Campus, Institute of Technology Tralee


Admission: Free, all welcome

About the event:

Christoph Klimek Managing Director, Enercon Windfarm Service Ireland (and Service Manager North

Europe) gave an overview of wind turbine manufacturer Enercon GmbH and Enercon Windfarm

Services Ireland Ltd., the service company managing works in Ireland in what was a well attended lecture. This included an in depth description of the turbine types and technologies that have established Enercon with more than 20,000 turbines installed worldwide. The company’s Managing

Director discussed the growth and development of the Irish headquarters based out of Tralee, Co.

Kerry. Finally, the lecture finished with an outline of the job profiles of personnel working in the field in Ireland. Christoph also talked about the exciting job figures that Enercon have produced and continue to produce in Ireland as well as their plans for Ireland.

Lecture 2: The National Inspection Plan for Domestic Wastewater

Treatment Systems – A Proposed Approach




Tues 20 th

November 2012

Sólás Building, North Campus, Institute of Technology Tralee


Admission: Free, all welcome

About the event:

On Tuesday 20 th

November, Leo Sweeney from the Environmental Protection Agency gave a summary of the proposed new national inspection plan (NIP) of existing septic tanks and on site wastewater treatment systems to over 60 members.

The speaker outlined the risks posed by domestic wastewater treatment systems, background and main provisions to the Water Services (Amendment Act) and logic of the proposed EPA implementation process. The driving force behind the NIP (the need to comply with the ECJ ruling from 2009) and the concepts behind the

Inspection plan where discussed. Proposed engagement strategies and Risk Assessment

Methodology for inspections were discussed as well as Inspection requirements and protocols. A lively discussion was held after the lecture where many probing questions where discussed by the speaker regarding who will be carrying out an-riocht-kerry P a g e | 11

An Ríocht Region inspections (Local Authorities) , Details of Advisory notes that will be issued and how will homeowners go about making required environmental improvements such that their on-site wastewater treatment system poses no risk to human health. This topic is likely to gather a lot of headlines in the year ahead when the first of these inspections occur and engineers are asked to get involved in what is a very important human health and environmental issue.

See link for copy of lecture notes :


Lecture 3: The Implications for Chartered Engineers of the New Building






About the event:

Tues 11 th

December 2012

Sólás Building, North Campus, Institute of Technology Tralee


Free, all welcome

On Tuesday 11 th

December Cormac Bradley, Chartered Engineer with RPS, Dublin who is also on the

Engineers Ireland committee charged with review of the new 2012 building regulations explained to the large audience (over 80 members) his views on the not yet published regulations and their likely impact on engineers in the future. The speaker prefaced his presentation that as of date the new regulations had not being published and his views on the detail of what will be in the regulations and

Code of Practice may need to be reviewed in the future. During the talk the speaker outlined the views expressed by Engineers Ireland in their submission to the Minister of environment Phil Hogan which was broadly supportive of the initiative and both acknowledged that action was necessary and welcomed the promotion of the Chartered Engineers position within the proposed new regulations.

Reasons why the new regulations are required were outlined i.e. mainly to provide a more robust system of building control and to avoid a repeat of the Priory Hall problem. The implication of the new regulations were outlined (as set out in a new associated Code of Practice) which has many new definitions (e.g.assigned certifier etc) , certification and sign off by individuals, a Inspection

Notification Framework and a potential volunteer register of building contractors. Who will be deemed to be an Assigned Certifier and what stage inspections will be required were discussed as well as areas that are currently undefined in the proposed Code of Practice i.e. insurance implications, compliance with Planning regulations etc. An intense discussion was held after the presentation where many engineers and architects in the audience queried the logic of the new regulations and whether any real change in building certification will occur as the regulations proposed still rely on a system of self certification by the building industry as opposed to independent 3rd party certification. Building compliance certification is a very important area for all engineers and is likely to be a topic we will revisit in future lectures. an-riocht-kerry P a g e | 12

An Ríocht Region

Many thanks to Cormac Bradley for talking about a topic that is sure to stir national debate amongst all engineers in the years ahead.

Lecture 4: Building Information Modelling (BIM) Technologies - The Future of Engineering





About the event:

Tues 29 th

January 2013

Sólás Building, North Campus, Institute of Technology Tralee


Free, all welcome

Paul Sexton, Structural Engineer, is a strong advocate and actively involved in the Construction

Information Technology Alliance (CITA) a group of construction professionals whose mission is to actively encourage the Irish Construction sector to take full advantage of current and emerging

Information and Communications Technologies. Paul will provide an introduction to the practical uses and advantages of Building Information Modelling (BIM) technologies and Integrated Project

Delivery for large, medium size and especially small and single person construction professional companies.

Lecture 5: Progress Update on the Development of Irish Water



Tues 26 th

February 2013

Sólás Building, North Campus, Institute of Technology Tralee



About the event:


Free, all welcome

John Barry, Programme Director for the Development of Irish Water and Managing Director of Bord

Gáis Networks will give an update on the development of Irish Water. He will discuss both the challenges and opportunities this will bring to the Engineering Sector.

Lecture 6: District Heating Project - Tralee and Killarney



Tues 12 th

March 2013

Sólás Building, North Campus, Institute of Technology Tralee



About the event:


Free, all welcome

The talk will be presented by Tony Mackey Chartered Building Services Engineer and Tralee Town

Council. The event will provide an outline on the current on-going pre-feasibility Study on the ambitious proposal to provide District Heating central heat system for both public and domestic an-riocht-kerry P a g e | 13

An Ríocht Region buildings within the Tralee and Killarney Urban Areas. The study involves determining the heat requirements, sourcing reliable heat generation materials and the associated logistics, surveying existing buildings, designing a suitable Biomass woodchip CHP system and determining the requirements for connection to the current electrical network grid.

Lecture 7: Landmark Structural Presentation by EI An Ríocht and the

IStructE ROI Branch





About the event:

Tues 9 th

April 2013

Sólás Building, North Campus, Institute of Technology Tralee


Free, all welcome

The main lecture will be given by Paul Sexton, SCEG Consulting Engineers , who will provide an introduction to the practical uses and advantages of building Information Modelling (BIM) technologies for large, medium and especially small and single person construction professional companies.

John Power, Engineers Ireland Director General , will give an short presentation on Engineers

Ireland Strategic Plan 2012-2015 before the main lecture.

Lecture 8: Presentation on recent County Water Treatment Plant Upgrades under the EPA RAL Programme Followed by Guided Tour of Mid Kerry

Regional Water Supply Scheme at Gearha.




Fri 10 th

May 2013

Kerry County Council Offices, Killorglin



About the event:

Free, all welcome

We will start with a presentation on the recent County Water Treatment Plant Upgrades under the

EPA Remedial Action List (RAL) Programme.

This will be followed by a guided tour of Mid Kerry Regional Water Supply Scheme at Gearha.

We will then finish with a walk around the Lisleibane Loop. This is a moderate walk to suit all levels of fitness. an-riocht-kerry P a g e | 14

An Ríocht Region

Other Events

Omega Finance for Engineers Talk – Tues 23 rd

October 2012

Robert Whelan briefly outlined Omega’s range of services, taxation and day one income protection for engineers.

Registered Titles Information Presentation – Dates to be confirmed

Some Current Projects in the Region

Development at Liebherr Container Cranes Ltd


The company was established in 1958 in Killarney. It was the first Liebherr factory set up outside of

Germany. Initially large Tower Cranes were manufactured and delivered from the factory in

Killarney.This continued up until 1972 at which time Liebherr Container Cranes Ltd.was set up to manufacture container handling equipment. This company is now responsible within the Liebherr group for the world wide marketing, R&D, design, manufacturing, erection and servicing of the current product range. This product range expanded beyond the initial Ship to Shore Crane and now includes Rail Mounted Gantry Stacking Cranes, Rubber Tyred Gantry Stacking Cranes and Straddle

Carriers. Ship to Shore Cranes are used for quayside operations to load and unload containers from ships and vessels. Landside operations such as the transfer and stacking of containers in a port are catered for using the other products in the Liebherr range. The company and workforce has continued to grow throughout the decades and now employs engineers across all the engineering disciplines including structural, mechanical, electrical, control and automation.

Project Overview

Advancing technologies and increasing component size necessitated the expansion of the manufacturing facility. The construction of a new fabrication hall commenced during October 2012 and the contract for the construction of the fabrication hall was awarded to Walls Construction Ltd.

Walls were also the main contractor of a previous development at LCC, the building of a pupose built machining hall, in 2009-2010. Site preparation began with the removal of excess subsoil, forming of a boundary mound to the east of the site and draining and soil filling of a man made lake which was formerly part of the adjacent Lackabane golf course.

The construction of the new fabrication hall will consist of a series of steel portal type frames resting on reinforced concrete pad foundations. The outer layer of the building will be formed using an insulated wall and roof cladding system. The hall measures approximately 169m x 97m providing



of production area. An ancillary building provides an additional 2,175m


of office space.

Walls construction have provided a compressed work programme with hand over expected in

August 2013. This new hall is vital for Liebherr Container Cranes to meet ever increasing customer requirements with regard to the size and weight of the different container crane components. Once an-riocht-kerry P a g e | 15

An Ríocht Region complete the hall will give Liebherr Container Cranes the oppurtunity to reorganise the fabrication process to keep up with the challenging container crane market.

Client: Liebherr Container Cranes Ltd.

Site Location:


Civil/Structural Engineer:

Killarney, Co. Kerry

Gottstein Architects

Brunner Consulting Engineers

Quantity Surveyor:


Contract Duration:

PJ Lynch

Walls Construction Ltd.

40 Weeks. an-riocht-kerry P a g e | 16

An Ríocht Region

Current Projects in the Water Services Sector in Kerry

Waterville Water Supply and Sewerage Scheme – Design Build and Operate


This project involves the construction of:

A Water Treatment Plant – Capacity 2,000m 3 /day (Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) Process located within a stone clad steel frame building

A new 40l/s supplementary water intake, pumping station and rising mains from Lough

Currane to the water treatment plant

UV Disinfection Units

Pre and post chemical dosing and associated process pumps and interconnecting pipework

Conversion of existing structures to blending and backwash storage tanks

Construction of a new 1,640m3 twin cell reinforced concrete clean water storage reservoir at Eightercua

Construction of a new 350m


single cell reservoir at Spunkane

Process instruments, control panels and SCADA System

A 3,000 population equivalent wastewater treatment plant utilizing a 3 stream SBR

(Sequencing Batch Reactor) process

Inlet screens and grit removal

Open channel UV Filters for treated effluent

Control/ Dewater Building

2 wastewater pumping stations

180m long 450mm diameter sea outfall

Client: Kerry County Council

Employer’s Representative: T J O’Connor and Associates


Contract Duration:

EPS Sorensen Joint Venture ( Malachy Walsh and Partners are design partners to the Joint Venture

February 2012 to July 2013 an-riocht-kerry P a g e | 17

An Ríocht Region

Contract Value:

Installation of Sea Outfall

€6M an-riocht-kerry P a g e | 18

An Ríocht Region

Central Regional Water Supply Scheme – Scart Reservoir

This project involves the construction of a 12,500m3 reinforced concrete covered storage reservoir at Scart Farranfore

Client: Kerry County Council

Employer’s Representative: Nicholas O’Dwyer and Partners


Contract Duration:

Coffey Construction Ireland Limited

September 2012 – September 2013

Contract Value: €2.6M

Scart Reservoir under Construction late 2012 an-riocht-kerry P a g e | 19

An Ríocht Region

County Kerry Drinking Water Quality Improvement Programme -

This project involves the upgrade / rationalization and first time provision of barrier treatment to 52 water supply schemes in the county. The largest element of the work in the project involves the construction and commissioning of 34 drinking water treatment plants ranging in size from 50m3/ day to 10,000 m3/day

Client: Kerry County Council

Employer’s Representative: Kerry County Council Water Services Capital Unit


Project Duration:

Various – EPA, Coffey Water, Bowen Water, Glan Agua

September 2008 – December 2013

Project Value: €18.8M

Slow Sand Filter Plant at Ballymore, Dingle

Pressure Filter and UV Plant at An Fheothanach, An Daingean an-riocht-kerry P a g e | 20

An Ríocht Region an-riocht-kerry P a g e | 21

An Ríocht Region

Lecture Information

For information on any of the above lectures, contact any of the committee members.

Thanks to all who attended and contributed to great debate at each of last season’s lectures. Hope to see you at this season’s events.

Awards and Honourable Mentions

Congratulations to Dr. Edmond Harty on his recent outstanding achievement in winning the Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award. It was a just reward for someone who is actively progressing such a successful business on our doorstep here in Kerry.

An Riocht region currently lists 613 members of which the breakdown is as follows:

Associate Engineers – 4

Chartered Engineers – 101

Fellows – 14

Engineering Technicians – 1

Members – 256

Students – 230

Technicians – 7

The following Engineers transferred to chartered status in 2011/2012:




















Wind Prospect Ireland Ltd.

Kerry County Council

Shanahan Planning & Engineering Services

Malachy Walsh and Partners

JBA Consulting

Gael Force Wind Energy

BAM Contractors Ireland

Filtertek BV

The following engineers were directly elected to chartered status in 2011/2012:






OES an-riocht-kerry P a g e | 22

An Ríocht Region

The following engineers were transferred to fellow status in 2011/2012:







In Memory of Departed Friends and Colleagues – An Riocht Region

From January 1, 2012 to October 30, 2012:





Courtney Student

O’Callaghan CEng MIEI

Further Information

Engineers Ireland have confirmed the following details and links to a free software engineering conversion course that maybe of interest to unemployed engineers looking to change their careers.

FREE* Convert to Software Engineering - Short-Term High Level Conversion Programme

This is a unique conversion programme and is free to unemployed engineering or science graduates.

It is a practice based course designed by industry experts to equip you with the skills of a software engineer and enable you to gain direct entry to employment in this field. On completion of the 6 month training programme, an 8 week work placement will be organised in a world class company.

Please view the full details of the programme at the following link before submitting you CV an-riocht-kerry P a g e | 23

An Ríocht Region

Outgoing An Ríocht Region Committee 2011/2012

L-R: Noel O’Murchú, Sean O’Mahony, Brendan Nolan, Róisín O’Mahoney, John Jones, Nigel Kenny (Outgoing chair), Trevor

Barrett, Michael Sheehy, Don Toomey, Debbie Walsh, Giles O’Connor, Cormac Ó Murchadha (missing from photo - Tom


Incoming An Ríocht Region Committee 2012/2013 an-riocht-kerry P a g e | 24

An Ríocht Region

Committee Members: (L-R) : Cormac Ó Murchadha, Róisín O’Mahoney, Don Toomey, Dawn Roberts, Diarmuid O’Regan,

Trevor Barrett (Chair), John Jones, Giles O’Connor, Seán O’Mahony, Nigel Kenny. Missing from photo Michael Sheehy, Noel

Ó Murchú, Tom Flanagan, Brendan Nolan

Trevor Barrett – Chairman

Róisín O’Mahoney – Vice Chair

John Jones – Treasurer

Giles O’Connor – Secretary

066 7123404

064 6633412

066 7144120

087 2306294

Michael Sheehy – Liaison Officer

087 4140651

Sean O’Mahony – PRO/3 rd

Level Rep.

066 7144123

Nigel Kenny

Don Toomey

066 7189035

066 7123404

Diarmuid O’Regan – CPD Liaison Officer

Noel O’Murchú

085 8415697

066 7127235

Brendan Nolan

Cormac Ó Murchadha

Dawn Roberts

Tom Flanagan

087 2505521

066 7123404

087 7753839

087 9793748

Our Activities

Organising meetings and events for the region

Sourcing speakers for events

Sourcing sponsorship for events

Submitting research papers to Engineers Ireland

Promoting Engineers Ireland activities in schools, colleges and universities

Writing articles for the Engineers Ireland Journal

Writing and updating web content

Marketing events to members

Gathering contact information an-riocht-kerry P a g e | 25

An Ríocht Region

All our lectures:

Are free

Take place in Solas Building, I T Tralee, North Campus (unless noted otherwise)

Count towards Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

Start at 6.30pm

Refreshments: Tea / coffee and sandwiches from 6.00pm

Usually talks are approximately 1hr in duration

Offer a chance to meet and network with others engaged in the engineering profession

Notification of events by SMS alert before each event and email. o To sign up for free SMS alerts text the word ENG to 51000. o SMS service Sponsored by:

How Do I Join the Committee?

If you would like to get involved, you can be sure that your time will make a difference. Share with us your interests and experience – we would love to hear from you.

Trevor Barrett

Chairman, An Ríocht

066 7123404 an-riocht-kerry P a g e | 26
