CY8CKIT-007 PSoC® 3 Precision Analog Voltmeter Demo Kit Guide Spec. # 001-51794 Rev. *B Cypress Semiconductor 198 Champion Court San Jose, CA 95134-1709 Phone (USA): 800.858.1810 Phone (Intnl): 408.943.2600 Copyrights Copyrights © Cypress Semiconductor Corporation, 2009-2011. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. Cypress Semiconductor Corporation assumes no responsibility for the use of any circuitry other than circuitry embodied in a Cypress product. Nor does it convey or imply any license under patent or other rights. Cypress products are not warranted nor intended to be used for medical, life support, life saving, critical control or safety applications, unless pursuant to an express written agreement with Cypress. Furthermore, Cypress does not authorize its products for use as critical components in life-support systems where a malfunction or failure may reasonably be expected to result in significant injury to the user. The inclusion of Cypress products in life-support systems application implies that the manufacturer assumes all risk of such use and in doing so indemnifies Cypress against all charges. Any Source Code (software and/or firmware) is owned by Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (Cypress) and is protected by and subject to worldwide patent protection (United States and foreign), United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions. Cypress hereby grants to licensee a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to copy, use, modify, create derivative works of, and compile the Cypress Source Code and derivative works for the sole purpose of creating custom software and or firmware in support of licensee product to be used only in conjunction with a Cypress integrated circuit as specified in the applicable agreement. Any reproduction, modification, translation, compilation, or representation of this Source Code except as specified above is prohibited without the express written permission of Cypress. Disclaimer: CYPRESS MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH REGARD TO THIS MATERIAL, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Cypress reserves the right to make changes without further notice to the materials described herein. Cypress does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit described herein. Cypress does not authorize its products for use as critical components in life-support systems where a malfunction or failure may reasonably be expected to result in significant injury to the user. The inclusion of Cypress’ product in a life-support systems application implies that the manufacturer assumes all risk of such use and in doing so indemnifies Cypress against all charges. Use may be limited by and subject to the applicable Cypress software license agreement. PSoC Designer™, and PSoC® Creator™ are trademarks and PSoC® is a registered trademark of Cypress Semiconductor Corp. All other trademarks or registered trademarks referenced herein are property of the respective corporations. Flash Code Protection Cypress products meet the specifications contained in their particular Cypress PSoC Data Sheets. Cypress believes that its family of PSoC products is one of the most secure families of its kind on the market today, regardless of how they are used. There may be methods, unknown to Cypress, that can breach the code protection features. Any of these methods, to our knowledge, would be dishonest and possibly illegal. Neither Cypress nor any other semiconductor manufacturer can guarantee the security of their code. Code protection does not mean that we are guaranteeing the product as "unbreakable." Cypress is willing to work with the customer who is concerned about the integrity of their code. Code protection is constantly evolving. We at Cypress are committed to continuously improving the code protection features of our products. 2 CY8CKIT-007 PSoC 3 Precision Analog Voltmeter Demo Kit Guide, Spec. # 001-51794 Rev. *B Contents 1. Introduction 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Kit Contents .................................................................................................................5 CD Installation .............................................................................................................5 PSoC Creator ..............................................................................................................6 Example Projects.........................................................................................................6 Document Revision History .......................................................................................7 Documentation Conventions .......................................................................................7 2. Kit Operation 2.1 2.2 2.3 15 ADC_DelSig...............................................................................................................17 Analog Multiplexer (InputSourceMux)........................................................................18 Opamp .......................................................................................................................19 Segment LCD ............................................................................................................20 CapSense ..................................................................................................................21 A. Appendix A.1 A.2 A.3 A.4 11 System Block Diagram and Theory of System Operation .........................................11 Functional Description – All Components ..................................................................12 Button and Connector Functions ...............................................................................13 Power Supply Options ...............................................................................................13 4. Firmware 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 9 Power Supply.............................................................................................................10 Voltmeter Measurement ............................................................................................10 Thermocouple............................................................................................................10 3. Hardware 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 5 25 Schematic ..................................................................................................................25 Bill of Materials ..........................................................................................................26 PCB Layout and Silkscreen .......................................................................................29 Assembly Drawing .....................................................................................................31 CY8CKIT-007 PSoC 3 Precision Analog Voltmeter Demo Kit Guide, Spec. # 001-51794 Rev. *B 3 Contents 4 CY8CKIT-007 PSoC 3 Precision Analog Voltmeter Demo Kit Guide, Spec. # 001-51794 Rev. *B 1. Introduction The CY8CKIT-007 PSoC® 3 Precision Analog Voltmeter Demo Kit showcases PSoC's 20-bit Delta Sigma Analog to Digital Converter. This kit contains a PSoC CY8C3866, which is connected to voltmeter leads and a precision reference (in this case a thermocouple). The kit has the following features: ■ 20-Bit High Precision Delta Sigma ADC. ■ Input DC Voltages Range from -30V to 30V. ■ Type K Thermocouple. ■ CapSense Button to Select Between Sources: Voltmeter Leads or Thermocouple. The kit operates from a pack of two AA batteries (which is included in the kit). The measurement is displayed on the segment LCD, which is directly driven by the PSoC device. PSoC provides superior integration and high precision analog for the most demanding customer applications. The CY8CKIT-007 PSoC 3 Precision Analog Voltmeter Demo Kit is based on the PSoC 3 family of devices. PSoC is a Programmable System-on-Chip platform for 8-, 16-, and 32-bit applications and combines user programmable 20-bit precision analog and digital logic with a high-performance 8051 single cycle per instruction pipelined processor achieving 10X the performance of previous 8051 processors. With this PSoC you can create the exact combination of peripherals and integrated proprietary IP to meet the needs of their applications. You are no longer constrained by what you can find in a catalog. 1.1 1.2 Kit Contents ■ Voltmeter Board (with Thermocouple) ■ Resource CD ■ Mini-Hook Leads for Voltmeter Measurement ■ Pack for powering the Voltmeter (includes two AA batteries and USB mini-B connector) ■ Quick Start Guide CD Installation To install the Voltmeter kit software, do as follows: 1. Insert the Voltmeter Kit CD into the CD drive of your PC. The CD is designed to auto-run and Voltmeter Kit menu appears. 2. The installation allows user to install the following software: ❐ ❐ ❐ ❐ ❐ PSoC Creator™ PSoC Programmer Documentation for the Voltmeter Kit Firmware for the Voltmeter Kit Hardware for the Voltmeter Kit CY8CKIT-007 PSoC 3 Precision Analog Voltmeter Demo Kit Guide, Spec. # 001-51794 Rev. *B 5 Introduction Note: If auto-run does not execute, do double click the cyautorun.exe on the root of the CD. You can also browse the documents inside the Voltmeter kit folder with Windows Explorer. Figure 1-1. Double Click cyautorun.exe 1.3 PSoC Creator Cypress's PSoC Creator software is a state-of-the-art, easy-to-use software development IDE that introduces a game-changing, hardware, and software co-design environment based on classical schematic entry—a revolutionary embedded design methodology. With PSoC Creator, you can: ■ Automatically place and route select components and integrate simple glue logic normally residing in discrete muxes or 22V10s ■ Trade-off hardware and software design considerations allowing you to focus on what matters, getting to market fast PSoC Creator also enables you to tap into an entire tools ecosystem, with integrated compiler tool chains, RTOS solutions, and top production programmers to support both PSoC 3 and PSoC 5. 1.4 Example Projects This kit is designed as a demonstration kit only. It is not designed to have detailed source code guidance. If you desire to learn more about the voltmeter firmware project or the code, do refer to kit CD. 6 CY8CKIT-007 PSoC 3 Precision Analog Voltmeter Demo Kit Guide, Spec. # 001-51794 Rev. *B Introduction 1.5 Document Revision History Table 1-1. Revision History 1.6 Revision PDF Creation Date Origin of Change Description of Change ** 09/15/2009 AESA *A 02/01/2010 AESA New Kit Guide. Updated Section 4.2 and Chapter 4 Images. *B 01/05/2011 SASH Updated images in Section 4.1 to Section 4.4. Modified text in Section 4.3. Documentation Conventions Table 1-2. Document Conventions for Guides Convention Usage Courier New Displays file locations, user entered text, and source code: C:\\icc\ Italics Displays file names and reference documentation: Read about the sourcefile.hex file in the PSoC Designer User Guide. [Bracketed, Bold] Displays keyboard commands in procedures: [Enter] or [Ctrl] [C] File > Open Represents menu paths: File > Open > New Project Bold Displays commands, menu paths, and icon names in procedures: Click the File icon and then click Open. Times New Roman Displays an equation: 2+2=4 Text in gray boxes Describes Cautions or unique functionality of the product. CY8CKIT-007 PSoC 3 Precision Analog Voltmeter Demo Kit Guide, Spec. # 001-51794 Rev. *B 7 Introduction 8 CY8CKIT-007 PSoC 3 Precision Analog Voltmeter Demo Kit Guide, Spec. # 001-51794 Rev. *B 2. Kit Operation The CY8CKIT-007 PSoC 3 Precision Analog Voltmeter Demo Kit demonstrates the precision of the CY8C3866 Delta-Sigma 20-bit ADC. It measures an external voltage with range of -30V to +30V. This kit can also measure the voltage of a thermocouple sensor generated by the different temperature of the two terminals. The measurement is displayed on the LCD continuously at a rate of 2.08 Hz. The thermocouple is used for precision reference and showcases the 20-bit resolution of the ADC. It does not measure temperature. Users can implement temperature measurement depending on their design-specific requirements. Figure 2-1. CY8CKIT-007 PSoC 3 Precision Analog Voltmeter Demo Kit Program/Debug Interface - MiniProg3 Power Source Selector External Voltage Input Test Lead Connectors Red is + Black is - USB Voltage Input Source Selector Thermocouple Voltage Reference CY8CKIT-007 PSoC 3 Precision Analog Voltmeter Demo Kit Guide, Spec. # 001-51794 Rev. *B 9 Kit Operation 2.1 Power Supply The Voltmeter kit is powered through a USB connector from a pack of two AA batteries. How to connect: 1. Switch SW1 to the USB position (right). 2. Connect the USB mini-B connector attached to the AA battery pack to the USB female connector on the board. Refer to 3.4 Power Supply Options for different power supply options. 2.2 Voltmeter Measurement 1. After you connect the power, D1 LED is ON. The LCD displays the firmware version number briefly and the voltmeter measurement begins. 2. To reset the Voltmeter reading to ZERO, touch and hold the SOURCE button CSB1 for more than 2 seconds. 2.3 Thermocouple 1. To switch the voltage source between the Voltmeter and Thermocouple, touch and release the SOURCE button CSB1 quickly. When thermocouple is selected, D2 LED is ON. The thermocouple measurement is not in temperature unit. It provides high resolution relative voltage measurement on the thermocouple output. 2. To reset the offset of the thermocouple reading to ZERO, touch and hold the SOURCE button CSB1 for more than 2 seconds. You touch the tip of the thermocouple with a hot object or hand. The display shows the change of the temperature in a relative high resolution in voltage. 10 CY8CKIT-007 PSoC 3 Precision Analog Voltmeter Demo Kit Guide, Spec. # 001-51794 Rev. *B 3. 3.1 Hardware System Block Diagram and Theory of System Operation A single CapSense® button is used to select the signal source. The LEDs D1 and D2 are used to indicate the selected signal source between the Voltmeter and Thermocouple respectively. CY8C3866 drives the LCD segment directly without external driver. The voltmeter or thermocouple data is displayed on a 8 digit LCD, which is driven directly by the CY8C3866 itself. Figure 3-1. Voltmeter Kit Block Diagram USB MiniProg3 Thermo-couple PSoC CY8C38xx Voltmeter Leads Character LCD LEDs CapSense Button In the voltmeter input, a resistor network is used to scale down the voltage to suitable input voltage for the Delta Sigma ADC. TL_BIAS is from PSoC internal voltage reference source of Vdd/2. It provides a bias to the circuit so that it can accept negative voltage. CY8CKIT-007 PSoC 3 Precision Analog Voltmeter Demo Kit Guide, Spec. # 001-51794 Rev. *B 11 Hardware Figure 3-2. Circuit Diagram Delta Sigma ADC Note: TL_BIAS = Vdd /2 The differential input of the resistor networks is: = (V1 - V2) / (K+1) where K=1M / 34.8k = 28.74. The resistor network successfully divides the input by a ratio of (28.74+1) = 29.74. 3.2 Functional Description – All Components Table 3-1. Voltmeter Kit Components No. 1 List of Device Features Description 8 Digit LCD display (segment display) Voltmeter provides resolution to 0.00006V for a source between -30V to +30V. It also displays the Thermocouple voltage 12 2 Removable mini-hook clips For connecting target voltage measurement 3 Type K thermocouple The short type K thermocouple is connected to P2 and P3 to provide the current for temperature sensing. 4 Source selecting button The button (CSB1) selects the voltage source between the voltmeter and the thermocouple. The voltage of the selected source will be displayed on the LCD and on the PC. 5 LED D1 and D2, placed next to sources LED D1 indicates Voltmeter is selected. 6 Battery pack The kit can be powered by one AA battery. 7 USB mini-B connector To connect to PC or dual cell AA battery pack for power. 8 MiniProg3 (JTAG) connector Allow programming, trace, and debug. LED D2 indicates thermocouple is selected. CY8CKIT-007 PSoC 3 Precision Analog Voltmeter Demo Kit Guide, Spec. # 001-51794 Rev. *B Hardware 3.3 Button and Connector Functions Symbol 3.4 Description CSB1 Signal Source Selection between Voltmeter leads and Thermocouple J1 Voltmeter input - J2 Voltmeter input + J3 MiniProg3 P1 USB connector Type mini-B P2 Thermocouple + P3 Thermocouple - SW1 Power Source Selection between battery and USB Power Supply Options The kit can be powered in the following ways. The switch SW1 is used to select the source. No. Description Typical Voltage Connection SW1 1 Direct external power 3.3V TP1, TP2 Don’t Care 2 Dual cell AA battery pack 3.3V P1 Right 3 USB Power 5.0V P1 Right 4 MiniProg3 5.0V or 3.0V J3 Right Make sure that only one voltage source is connected to the kit at a time. CY8CKIT-007 PSoC 3 Precision Analog Voltmeter Demo Kit Guide, Spec. # 001-51794 Rev. *B 13 Hardware 14 CY8CKIT-007 PSoC 3 Precision Analog Voltmeter Demo Kit Guide, Spec. # 001-51794 Rev. *B 4. Firmware The design is based on PSoC 20-bit Sigma Delta ADC with differential input selected from either voltmeter or thermocouple input. An LED is used to indicate the source of the ADC signal. The firmware keeps reading the ADC input and outputting the value at the LCD. PSoC also monitors the SOURCE button continuously for user selection of the source and zero the offset of the thermocouple. Zero point calibration is to make the LCD output to display ‘0’ and get the offset to add to the further voltage reading. Thus, the final voltage displayed will be equal to actual voltage added to the zero point offset. The LCD displays Null for zero point calibration when the button is pressed more than two seconds. Figure 4-1. Firmware Flow Diagram main () (Entry Point) Init() Initialization Code Button Press Yes Press time >2s? No Short press <2s Read ADC count Change Amux input (voltage/ themocouple) Sustained Press > 2 s Read zeo-point offset correction and save. Calculate voltage Display result CY8CKIT-007 PSoC 3 Precision Analog Voltmeter Demo Kit Guide, Spec. # 001-51794 Rev. *B 15 Firmware Figure 4-2. PSoC Creator Top Level Design for Voltmeter Project Firmware PSoC Creator offers a very flexible software tool for user to create and configure the programmable peripherals. 16 CY8CKIT-007 PSoC 3 Precision Analog Voltmeter Demo Kit Guide, Spec. # 001-51794 Rev. *B Firmware 4.1 ADC_DelSig The Delta-Sigma ADC is the core component used in the Voltmeter. The ADC is used to sample an input voltage, takes the voltage from the Voltmeter mini-hook leads or thermocouple. Because the ADC is used to sample a differential input, the count returned is a 2's complement, 32-bit value. The count is then converted to a voltage value by the Voltmeter firmware. Figure 4-3. Delta-Sigma ADC Component Configuration CY8CKIT-007 PSoC 3 Precision Analog Voltmeter Demo Kit Guide, Spec. # 001-51794 Rev. *B 17 Firmware 4.2 Analog Multiplexer (InputSourceMux) The ADC samples a differential input provided by the two analog multiplexers. Output of InputSourceMux1 is connected to +ve input of the ADC and InputSourceMux2 output is connected to -ve input of ADC. The input to multiplexers can be selected between two voltage inputs: voltage probes or a thermocouple. Figure 4-4. Analog Multiplexer1 Component Configuration Figure 4-5. Analog Multiplexer2 Component Configuration 18 CY8CKIT-007 PSoC 3 Precision Analog Voltmeter Demo Kit Guide, Spec. # 001-51794 Rev. *B Firmware 4.3 Opamp The opamp is used to provide a reference for the ADC. It uses the internal reference Vdda/2 in follower mode. The opamp output is routed to port 3, pin 7, which is a common-mode reference for the voltmeter probe inputs. Figure 4-6. Analog Buffer Component Configuration CY8CKIT-007 PSoC 3 Precision Analog Voltmeter Demo Kit Guide, Spec. # 001-51794 Rev. *B 19 Firmware 4.4 Segment LCD The segment LCD component is used to display the voltage values computed by the voltmeter software. The component provides all analog and digital signals necessary to drive a thirty two segment, eight digit liquid crystal display using four common lines and thirty-two segment drive lines. As a stand-alone meter, this is the only output mechanism provided. Figure 4-7. Segment LCD Component Configuration 20 CY8CKIT-007 PSoC 3 Precision Analog Voltmeter Demo Kit Guide, Spec. # 001-51794 Rev. *B Firmware 4.5 CapSense The CapSense component is used to sense the presence of a touch on a circular touchpad area on the front of the voltmeter board. The capability required is minimal: a simple button press. CapSense button is used to select between sources: voltmeter leads or thermocouple. Figure 4-8. CapSense Component Configuration CY8CKIT-007 PSoC 3 Precision Analog Voltmeter Demo Kit Guide, Spec. # 001-51794 Rev. *B 21 Firmware Figure 4-9. CapSense Clock Source Tab Configuration Figure 4-10. CapSense Button Configuration 22 CY8CKIT-007 PSoC 3 Precision Analog Voltmeter Demo Kit Guide, Spec. # 001-51794 Rev. *B Firmware Figure 4-11. CapSense Scan Slots Configuration CY8CKIT-007 PSoC 3 Precision Analog Voltmeter Demo Kit Guide, Spec. # 001-51794 Rev. *B 23 Firmware 24 CY8CKIT-007 PSoC 3 Precision Analog Voltmeter Demo Kit Guide, Spec. # 001-51794 Rev. *B C18 R2 USB MINI B 1 2 3 4 5 2 1 0402 C3 0.1 uFd 8H-8G-8L-8M 8A-8B-8C-8DP 7H-7G-7L-7M 7A-7B-7C-7DP 6H-6G-6L-6M 6A-6B-6C-6DP 5H-5G-5L-5M 5A-5B-5C-5DP 4H-4G-4L-4M 4A-4B-4C-4DP 3H-3G-3L-3M 3A-3B-3C-3DP 2H-2G-2L-2M 2A-2B-2C-2DP 1H-1G-1L-1M 1A-1B-1C-1DP COM1---COM2-- 100K 0.01 uFd R3 24 ohm 1 2 R4 24 ohm 1 2 PD-878 LCD VBUS R14 ZERO R23 NO LOAD R8 ZERO 1.5K R6 1210 6mmx6mm USB_DP 1210 C2 22 uFd 10V VBUS R17 NO LOAD 0603 R37 6.8K C19 2200 pFd 4.7K R16 1 5.6K R36 2 For polling to function correctly, pin P1_2 drive mode must be set by FW to high impedance digital, and the P1_2 input buffer must be configured by FW for LVTTL input thresholds. FW can poll port pin P1_2 (VBUS SENSE) to detect a connection to a USB host. 2 CapSense 10 uH LCD_8H LCD_8A LCD_7H LCD_7A LCD_6H LCD_6A LCD_5H LCD_5A LCD_4H LCD_4A LCD_3H LCD_3A LCD_2H LCD_2A LCD_1H LCD_1A COM1 COM2 USB_DM 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 L1 C1 22 uFd 10V 1 6 XRES 4 TMS TCK TDO TDI nTRST 1.5K 3 R7 Boost Regulator 100K R5 Low Voltage LCD 9X-8F-8E-8D 8I-8J-8K-8N 8X-7F-7E-7D 7I-7J-7K-7N 7X-6F-6E-6D 6I-6J-6K-6N 6X-5F-5E-5D 5I-5J-5K-5N 5X-4F-4E-4D 4I-4J-4K-4N 4X-3F-3E-3D 3I-3J-3K-3N 3X-2F-2E-2D 2I-2J-2K-2N 2X-1F-1E-1D 1I-1J-1K-1N ---COM4 --COM3- U2 NEG POS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 VBUS DM DP ID GND P1 LCD_9X LCD_8I LCD_8X LCD_7I LCD_7X LCD_6I LCD_6X LCD_5I LCD_5X LCD_4I LCD_4X LCD_3I LCD_3X LCD_2I LCD_2X LCD_1I COM4 COM3 2 4 6 8 10 50MIL KEYED SMD 1 3 5 7 9 0402 1 0402 2 1 0402 2 1 0402 5 L2 15 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 XRES TMS TCK VBUS_SENSE TDO TDI nTRST INPUT2_A INPUT2_B 53 54 67 68 4 5 29 30 16 17 18 19 31 32 33 34 89 90 91 92 6 7 8 9 LCD_8X LCD_8I LCD_9X LCD_8H LCD_2A LCD_1H LCD_1A COM1 COM2 LCD_4A LCD_4H 95 96 97 98 99 1 2 3 1 VDDio1 VDDio2 ZERO R1 2 P12_0 I2C1_SCL P12_1 I2C1_SDA P12_2 P12_3 P12_4 I2C0_SCL P12_5 I2C0_SDA P12_6 P12_7 P5_0 P5_1 P5_2 P5_3 P5_4 P5_5 P5_6 P5_7 P1_0 P1_1 P1_2 P1_3 P1_4 P1_5 P1_6 P1_7 XRES P6_0 P6_1 P6_2 P6_3 P6_4 P6_5 P6_6 P6_7 P2_0 P2_1 P2_2 P2_3 P2_4 P2_5 P2_6 P2_7 U1 C7 1 uFd C9 1 uFd C10 C17 VDD 1 uFd VDDio1 VDDio2 VDDio0 VDDio3 0402 VDDio3 VDDio1 NC1 NC2 NC3 NC4 NC5 NC6 NC7 NC8 P15_0 P15_1 P15_2 P15_3 P15_4 P15_5 DP P15_6 DM P15_7 P3_0 P3_1 P3_2 P3_3 P3_4 P3_5 P3_6 P3_7 P4_0 P4_1 P4_2 P4_3 P4_4 P4_5 P4_6 P4_7 P0_0 P0_1 P0_2 P0_3 P0_4 P0_5 P0_6 P0_7 40 41 57 58 59 60 61 62 42 43 55 56 93 94 35 36 44 45 46 47 48 49 51 52 69 70 80 81 82 83 84 85 71 72 73 74 76 77 78 79 C14 C11 C13 1 uFd 1 uFd C12 0.1 uFd VDDio0 VDDio2 CY8C38XXAXI-0XX TQFP100 0.1 uFd C16 C8 1 uFd 0.1 uFd C15 C5 C6 Power Source Selector LCD_7A LCD_6H LCD_6A LCD_5H LCD_5A LCD_3H LCD_3A LCD_2H C4 0.1 uFd FERRITE 500mA SW1 DPDT 10K 2 0402 0402 R24 1 2 0402 13 10 11 12 JTAG BATTHLDR 1XAA BH1 6 7 S1 S2 65 63 VDDa VCCa 0402 0402 J3 0402 VPROG 0603 0603 S3 S4 0402 8 9 37 39 VDDd VCCd 0402 0402 26 VDDio1 0402 0402 0402 1 0603 2 1 0402 2 100 VDDio2 VBUS 0805 0402 75 VDDio0 0402 VSSa 50 VDDio3 0402 0402 0402 THERM_LED 0402 330 ohm R10 1 2 2 C21 1 uFd 330 ohm R9 1 THERM_LED LCD_8A LCD_7H USB_DP USB_DM TC_DETECT TL_BIAS VOLT_LED TC_BIAS LCD_4X LCD_3I LCD_5X LCD_5I LCD_6X LCD_6I LCD_7X LCD_7I LCD_1I COM4 COM3 LCD_4I LCD_3X LCD_2I LCD_2X 1 uFd 1 uFd 1 uFd 1 uFd VOLT_LED 0402 2 2 0402 0603 1 LED GREEN 0603 D2 LED GREEN 1 560 ohm R20 R31 34.8K 0.1% R12 34.8K 0.1% 10K 1 TL_BIAS 1 1 P2 1M 0.1% R30 10K 0402 R33 0805 1 1M 0.1% R11 TP5 1 R35 10K TP4 1 TP-43R TP3 1 1 P3 THERMOCOUPLE BINDING POST 1 THERMOCOUPLE BINDING POST 2 R32 348K 0.1% NO LOAD NO LOAD R13 348K 0.1% 0805 2 1 1M 0.1% R28 NO LOAD 10K 0402 R29 0805 1 1M 0.1% NO LOAD 0805 NO LOAD R25 2 2 Sensor CSB1 Shield 2 2 1 J1 2 TP2 TP1 CYPRESS SEMICONDUCTOR © 2009 VDD R19 150 1% R18 49.9K 1% TC_BIAS R22 100K TC_DETECT Pin Jack Black BLACK RED CY8CKIT-007 PSoC 3 Precision Analog Voltmeter Demo Kit Guide, Spec. # 001-51794 Rev. *B Size Custom Document Number REF-14921 Rev ** CY8CKIT-007 PSoC®3 Precision Analog Voltmeter Demo Kit Title PCA: 121R-51100 PCB: PDCR-9511 CapSense Button 9mm Round 1 J2 Pin Jack Red 1 TP-43R TP-43R Attach negative lead of Type K thermocouple to P3. R21 10K R27 34.8K 0.1% NO LOAD NO LOAD R26 34.8K 0.1% C20 1000 pFd 2 C22 NOLOAD DNP R15 1 D1 0402 INPUT2_B INPUT2_A 1 0805 2 2 1 1 0805 2 2 1 1 0805 2 2 1 88 86 VDDd VCCd VSSd VSSd VSSd VSSd 0402 Vbat VSSb Ind Vboost 0805 VPROG 0603 0402 VDD 0603 64 0402 14 38 66 87 1 0603 2 0805 1 0805 0402 0603 0402 0805 0402 0603 A.1 2 A. Appendix Schematic 25 A.2 Item Bill of Materials Quantity Reference Description Manufacturer Manufacturer Part Number PCB Cypress PDCR-9511 REV** 1 2 C1,C2 CAP CER 22UF 10V 10% X5R 1210 Kemet C1210C226K8PACTU 2 5 C3,C4,C15,C16, C17 CAP .10UF 10V CERAMIC X5R 0402 Kemet C0402C104K8PACTU 3 11 C5,C6,C7,C8,C9, C10,C11,C12,C1 3,C14,C21 CAP 1 uF 6.3V CERAMIC X5R 0402 Panasonic ECJ-0EB0J105M 4 1 C18 CAP 10000PF 16V CERAMIC 0402 SMD Panasonic ECG ECJ-0EB1C103K 5 1 C19 CAP CER 2200PF 50V 5% C0G 0603 Murata GRM1885C1H222JA01D 6 1 C20 CAP 1000PF 50V CERAMIC X7R 0402 Panasonic ECG ECJ-0EB1H102K 7 2 D1,D2 LED GREEN CLEAR 0603 SMD Lite-On Trading USA, Inc. LTST-C190GKT 8 1 J1 JACK TEST HORZ LOW PRO BLACK AU Keystone Electronics 6062 9 1 J2 JACK TEST HORZ LOW PRO RED AU Keystone Electronics 6061 10 1 J3 CONN HEADER 10 PIN 50MIL KEYED SMD Samtec FTSH-105-01-L-DV-K 11 1 L1 COIL PWR CHOKE 10UH 1A SMD Panasonic ECG ELL-6PM100M 12 1 L2 FERRITE CHIP 120 OHM 500MA 0603 SMD TDK Corporation MMZ1608S121A 13 1 P1 CONN USB MINI B SMT RIGHT ANGLE TYCO 1734035-2 14 2 P2,P3 Mini Binding Post Keystone Electronics 8730 15 1 R1 RES 0.0 OHM 1/10W 5% 0805 SMD PanasonicECG ERJ-6GEY0R00V 16 3 R2,R5,R22 RES 100K OHM 1/16W 5% 0402 SMD Panasonic ECG ERJ-2GEJ104X 17 2 R3,R4 RES 24 OHM 1/16W 5% 0603 SMD Panasonic ECG ERJ-3GEYJ240V 18 2 R6,R7 RES 1.50K OHM 1/16W 1% 0402 SMD Panasonic ECG ERJ-2RKF1501X 26 CY8CKIT-007 PSoC 3 Precision Analog Voltmeter Demo Kit Guide, Spec. # 001-51794 Rev. *B Reference Description Manufacturer Manufacturer Part Number Item Quantity 19 2 R8,R14 RES ZERO OHM 1/16W 0402 SMD Panasonic ECG ERJ-2GE0R00X 20 2 R9,R10 RES 330 OHM 1/16W 5% 0603 SMD Panasonic ECG ERJ-3GEYJ331V 21 2 R11,R30 RES 1.0M OHM 1/8W .1% 0805 SMD Susumu Co Ltd RG2012P-105-B-T5 22 2 R12,R31 RES 34.8K OHM 1/8W .1% 0805 SMD Susumu Co Ltd RG2012P-3482-B-T5 23 1 R15 RES 560 OHM 1/16W 5% 0402 SMD Yageo Corporation RC0402JR-07560RL 24 1 R16 RES 4.7K OHM 1/10W 5% 0805 SMD Panasonic ECG ERJ-6GEYJ472V 25 1 R18 RES 49.9K OHM 1/10W 1% 0603 SMD Panasonic ECG ERJ-3EKF4992V 26 1 R19 RES 150 OHM 1/10W 1% 0603 SMD Panasonic ECG ERJ-3EKF1500V 27 5 R20,R21,R24,R3 3,R35 RES 10K OHM 1/16W 5% 0402 SMD Yageo RC0402JR-0710KL 28 1 R36 RES 5.6K OHM 1/16W 5% 0402 SMD Panasonic ECG ERJ-2GEJ562X 29 1 R37 RES 6.8K OHM 1/16W 5% 0402 SMD Panasonic ECG ERJ-2GEJ682X 30 1 SW1 SW SLIDE DPDT 6VDC 0.3A PCMNT C&K Components JS202011AQN 31 1 TP1 TEST POINT 43 HOLE 65 PLATED RED Keystone Electronics 5000 32 1 TP2 TEST POINT 43 HOLE 65 PLATED BLACK Keystone Electronics 5001 33 1 U1 PSoC 3 Mixed-Signal Array Cypress Semiconductor CY8C38XXAXI-0XX 34 1 U2 LCD 14SEG 8DIG 0.275" REFL STD Pacific Display Devices PD-878-DP-RC-S-LV-6 35 1 LABEL PCA and Serial Number Barcode Label CY8CKIT-007 PSoC 3 Precision Analog Voltmeter Demo Kit Guide, Spec. # 001-51794 Rev. *B 27 Item Quantity Reference Description Manufacturer Manufacturer Part Number NO LOAD Components 36 1 TC1 OMEGA Thermocouple Type K OMEGA CHAL-020 37 2 N/A STANDOFF HEX 1.000/4-40THR NYLON Keystone Electronics 1902E 38 2 N/A SCREW MACH PHIL 4-40X3/8 NYLON Building Fasteners NY PMS 440 0038 PH 39 1 BH1 HOLDER BATTERY 1CELL AA PC MNT Keystone Electronics 2460 40 1 C22 CAP 0402 NO LOAD NA NA 41 2 R13,R32 RES 348K OHM 1/8W .1% 0805 Susumu Co Ltd RG2012P-3483-B-T5 42 1 R17 RES NO LOAD 0603 SMD NA NA 43 1 R23 RES NO LOAD 0402 SMD NA NA 44 2 R26,R27 RES 34.8K OHM 1/8W .1% 0805 SMD Susumu Co Ltd RG2012P-3482-B-T5 45 2 R25,R28 RES 1.0M OHM 1/8W .1% 0805 SMD Susumu Co Ltd RG2012P-105-B-T5 46 1 R29 RES 10K OHM 1/16W 5% 0402 SMD Yageo RC0402JR-0710KL 47 1 CSB1 CapSense Button 9mm Round NA NA 48 3 TP3,TP4,TP5 TEST POINT 43 HOLE 65 PLATED NA NA 28 CY8CKIT-007 PSoC 3 Precision Analog Voltmeter Demo Kit Guide, Spec. # 001-51794 Rev. *B A.3 PCB Layout and Silkscreen Figure A-1. Primary Side CY8CKIT-007 PSoC 3 Precision Analog Voltmeter Demo Kit Guide, Spec. # 001-51794 Rev. *B 29 Figure A-2. Secondary Side 30 CY8CKIT-007 PSoC 3 Precision Analog Voltmeter Demo Kit Guide, Spec. # 001-51794 Rev. *B A.4 Assembly Drawing Figure A-3. Primary Side Figure A-4. Secondary Side CY8CKIT-007 PSoC 3 Precision Analog Voltmeter Demo Kit Guide, Spec. # 001-51794 Rev. *B 31 32 CY8CKIT-007 PSoC 3 Precision Analog Voltmeter Demo Kit Guide, Spec. # 001-51794 Rev. *B