0412TUSpC1:0412TUSpC1 4/24/12 10:38 AM Page C1 0412TUSpFPads:0412TUSpFPads 4/24/12 10:10 AM Page C2 Visit us at: www.hiokiusa.com 0412TUSpFPads:0412TUSpFPads 4/24/12 10:08 AM Page 1 Visit us at: www.airsystems.com 0412TUSpFPads:0412TUSpFPads 4/24/12 10:08 AM Page 2 Visit us at: www.dura-a-lift.com 0412TUSpFPads:0412TUSpFPads 4/24/12 10:08 AM Page 3 Visit us at: www.ledtronics.com 0412TECp04:0412TECp04 4/24/12 1:21 PM Page 4 Contents 24 6 6 The Ememy Within 10 Big Shop with small shop service! 8 12 14 16 18 20 21 22 24 26 Florida contractor bores more than thirteen hundred holes through rock with new rock pilot bit. Safety Productivity The Smell Repel Wildlife Deterrent The Connection you can count on It’s like a swiss army knife on tracks The Next Wave: Technology and the future of Construction Software 40 Years of Industry Innovations Climbing Devices for any Job Telescoping and Articulating aerial personnel and material handling lifts for many needs 2012 Buyer’s Guide CEO Glen Hobson 205-441-5591 glen@tipsmag.net GROUP PUBLISHER Rick Harless 205-733-1324 rick@theelectriccurrent.com ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER Jim Barnhill 205-733-1343 jim@theelectriccurrent.com CIRCULATION/EDITORIAL Brandon Greenhill 205-733-4343 Brandon@tipsmag.net WEB DESIGN Jacklyn Hobson Jhobson2005@gmail.com OFFICE MANAGER Steven Hobson steven@tipsmag.net H&F Media Executive and Advertising Offices 2070 Valleydale Rd, Suite # 6 Hoover, AL 35244 toll free: 866.981.4511 phone: 205-441-5591 fax: 205-733-1344 www.theutilitysource.net The Utility Source is distributed free to qualified subscribers. U.S. Postage paid at Birmingham, Alabama and additional mailing offices. The Utility Source is distributed to to qualified owners and managers in the electrical industry. Publisher is not liable for all content (including editorial and illustrations provided by advertisers) of advertisements published and does not accept responsibility for any claims made against the publisher. It is the advertiser’s or agency’s responsibility to obtain appropriate releases on any item or individuals pictured in an advertisement. Reproduction of this magazine in whole or in part is prohibited without prior written permission from the publisher. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Utility Source 2070 Valleydale Rd., Suite #6 Hoover, AL 35244 PRINTED IN THE USA Cover Photo provided by Dur-A-Lift 4 The Utility Source • April 2012 0412TUSpFPads:0412TUSpFPads 4/24/12 10:08 AM Visit us at: www.rudchain.com Page 5 0412TUSp06-35#1:0212TECp06-32 4/24/12 10:26 AM Page 6 Feature Story The Ememy Within We are currently in the process of commercializing a radically unique concept in insect, bird, and animal deterrence that uses the organism’s keen sense of smell to deter rather than kill.” History The original research began with the successful development of a product to safely deter a common pest, the woodpecker. (Woodpeckers annually inflict millions of dollars in damage to power company’s wood pole systems throughout the country.) Once proven effective by the U.S. National Wildlife Research Institute, the technology moved rapidly into deterrents for other pests (including squirrels, mice, rats, snakes, raccoons, roaches, ants, spiders, flies, mosquitoes, and birds of many species, these to mention but a few) and into other industries including consumer and retail. Because customers have primarily been power companies, their natural inclination was to see which of their other problem critters it would work on. Over the past 20+ years this led to their testing of various forms of Sniff’n’Stop on fire ants, spiders, wasps, bees, flies, snakes, frogs, mice, rats, squirrels (rats with fuzzy tails), bats, pigeons, monk parakeets, sparrows, scorpions, horses, porcupines, and even bears, these just to mention a few. In each case Sniff’n’Stop has proven to be effective. Because it worked on such a wide variety of organisms we had to research what they all had in common to be able to explain it. The answer was in “pheromones”. Pheromones are present in all living organisms. The Technology n enemy is currently crossing our porous southern borders. Regardless of your political beliefs, this foe will show you no mercy. Unfortunately this enemy is already here. Men, women, children – none are safe and certainly not the unsuspecting electrician that comes too close to one of their base camps in an outdoor electrical box. Killer bees and fire ants can potentially kill you with a barrage of venomous stings. So how do you protect yourself? Actually, Phil Landers has developed an incredibly effective defensive weapon that temporarily confuses them and warns them to stay away. It renders bees completely stunned and harmless for long enough to remove the threat. Fire ants likewise follow this same pattern; they vacate the treated area and stay away. The really neat thing is there are no poisons and it’s safe for people, the environment and other critters. According to Mr. Landers, “It has only been with the Lord’s help that development of these natural products has been possible. A 6 The Utility Source • April 2012 Mr. Landers states, “It has long been known that compared to other species, a human’s sense of smell is one of the least developed of all organisms. What the Lord has shared is a way to activate the mechanism that he uses to protect every insect, bird, and animal’s species, the Warning Pheromone.” A warning pheromone is a chemical that the body gives off when it senses something is wrong or is unexpected. Pheromones, in general, control a significant portion of all organisms’ daily existence from reproduction, to social interactions, to species preservation and beyond. Of the five senses, the sense of smell is one of the most powerful as it is the only sense where the information is fed directly to the brain. Said another way, the organism has no other alternative but to react. An excellent example of the power and range of Pheromones can be found with a female dog in heat. Her body emits a pheromone that drives male dogs crazy AS FAR AS 6 MILES AWAY. While we can’t smell or sense it, they can. Landers says, “One way that has been discovered to release these warning pheromones in any organism is to confuse it. Several methods can be used to accomplish this. The method the Lord has shown us is the use of unnatural combinations of natural 0412TUSp06-35#1:0212TECp06-32 4/24/12 10:27 AM Page 7 food fragrances.” He continues, “All organisms know their foods and what they smell like. They also know which foods go together and, conversely, which ones don’t. Known as Essential Oils, our products combine these natural food fragrances in combinations and concentrations that most organisms have not been able to identify.” For nearly twenty years our research has proven this technology has been proven effective in deterring, not killing, a variety of organisms. The technology, trademarked “Sniff’n’Stop”, has been used successfully for more than 15 years in the power and telecom industries. Major electric companies in this country have already field tested and standardized these eco-friendly products for use as their preferred method of dealing with many of their bird issues. Over the past few years Mr. Landers has concentrated his efforts into “natural pest deterrents” for use in the power and telecom industries and, most recently on more globally-oriented problems such as killer bees, flies, and mosquitoes. “While the Lord has given us the technology to work with, the challenge has been to find economical ways to apply it in such a way as to make it usable even in the most underdeveloped areas,” comments Landers. Sniff’n’Stop-based products are currently available in various forms including, but not limited to, paints, aerosol sprays, timerelease misters, odorant pads, room scent modifying kits, caulks, granules, with many others in the pipeline. The methods of disseminating Sniff’n’Stop’s natural fragrance appear to be limited Visit us at: www.highlineproducts.com only by the imagination. More important than the delivery devices is the “pests” it deters. To discover just which pests Sniff’n’Stop would effectively deter they enlisted the aide of their huge utility customer base. Phil Landers states, “Rather than depending on the classical test-it-in-thelab-then-verify-it-in-the-field development technique, we decided to do our verification testing upfront in the field with real customers and real-world problems. A side benefit of this technique was we were able test these products on the specific pests that our customers were experiencing problems with. In addition, it gave us an invaluable resource, our customer’s experience and creativity. For more than 25 years these customers, many of which are some of the largest electric and telecom companies in America, have proven the effectiveness and safety of Sniff’n’Stop.’ ‘Sniff’n’Stop’s proven applications are WORLD WIDE and are found in virtually every industry and socioeconomic group in virtually every country throughout the world. With the Lord’s help we will continue to work to promote this invaluable technology.” Even though the enemy is already here, Landers states, “the Lord has given us the direction to ways of safely and humanely dealing with these pesty and biting problems.” TUS Visit us at: www.copperwirestripper.com The Utility Source • April 2012 7 0412TUSp06-35#1:0212TECp06-32 4/24/12 10:27 AM Page 8 Feature Story Florida contractor bores more than thirteen hundred holes through rock with new rock pilot bit. he following story tracks how an idea from the field was developed into this incredibly successful rock cutting bit. For those of you who drill holes for utility poles, you know hitting rock can really slow you down. It can chew up bucketfuls of expensive auger teeth and if you have any weaknesses in your equipment, digging through rock will quickly help you find them. Several years back a large electrical contractor got aggravated enough to earnestly search for a solution. Part of the problem was with the round auger teeth that were supposed to rotate in their holders as the auger turned. Rock particles were becoming lodged between the tooth and holder causing it to stop spinning. The combination of pressure and friction against one spot on the tooth would quickly wear it out. If the operator wasn’t careful it could chew through the tooth, the holder and the auger flighting destroying an expensive auger. There had to be a better way . . . They had a number of trenchers and had recently started using a new style tooth in their rock trenchers. The tooth didn’t spin but instead had a huge amount of carbide (a much harder metal than steel) on the cutting edges of the tooth so it didn’t have to rotate. It cut through rock much faster than the old conical cutters. So if it worked so well on the trenchers, wouldn’t that same thing work in an auger? They called Jeff Sager whose family owns an auger manufacturing company based out of Birmingham, Alabama. They wanted to know if there was any way he could mount those teeth on an auger. If anyone could do it, Jeff could. Jeffrey Machine has been a southern, family owned business for over three decades. They have amassed a huge amount of knowledge about augers. They enjoy using that information to help contractors solve auger related problems. To paint a better picture of what these folks are like, their attitude reminds this writer of a certain southern gun manufacturer with a current popular reality TV show. They are tight knit, many of them come from the same town, from the same school and they just click together. New customers are generally surprised when asked questions about the project they’ll be using their tool on, and to learn that the company will custom craft the tool to their application. Even though they have grown into the world’s largest independently owned auger manufacturer, Jeffrey Machine started out as a machine shop. Customizing a tool for the application remains a common practice for them. So, the ones to do it. Jeffrey Machine took on the project to see if the contractor’s idea of using a stationary tooth would work. They hard welded the trencher teeth to the auger just to give it a try. It ended up working beyond expectations. Unfortunately the teeth eventually wear out, even though they far outlasted the standard round ones. With the bits hard welded the contractor had to send the auger back to the factory to change out the teeth. A whole new tooth and holder system would have to be developed so the cutting bits could be easily T 8 The Utility Source • April 2012 replaced. The process took several years and even included a trip to an area of Germany famous for the highest grade carbide. Humorous side note: Jeff was forced to learn some basic German for his travels. One of his English speaking German counterparts laughed when he heard him. He said it was the first time he’d ever heard anyone speak German with an Alabama accent. Most generally projects don’t lead to globetrotting, but Mr. Sager considered this important enough to go as far as it took to make it happen. The end result is a stationary rock drilling bit and holder system designed specifically for use with derrick augers. The “Dragon’s Tooth™” system works incredibly well on a large variety of rock conditions and more than satisfied the contractor’s needs. How effective has it been? One contractor recently ran into some tough rock in Rainesville, Alabama. With standard teeth it took thirty minutes to penetrate six inches. Switching to the bolt on Dragon Tooth system, using the same machinery on the same rock they penetrated twenty four inches in thirty minutes. That’s equates to a four hundred percent increase in productivity with a whole lot less wear and tear on the machine. Oh, also the round teeth were ruined whereas the Dragon Teeth were undamaged. Not bad. Of course, just to be realistic, you may or may not experience the same results or your results might be much better. There’s a whole lot of different types of rock and they all vary when it comes to drilling. There is not a one-size-fits-all solution, but this is definitely one tool system you may want to seriously consider adding to your tool kit. Let’s have a look at the guy that drilled over thirteen hundred holes with a Dragon Pilot Bit. Sam Stoia owns and operates AAA Quality Docks & Boatlifts Of The Keys in Key Largo, Florida. Mr. Stoia keeps a crew pretty busy digging holes along the shore with a derrick drill rig set up on a barge. He uses a standard 18” derrick 0412TUSp06-35#1:0212TECp06-32 4/24/12 10:27 AM Page 9 drilling, Mr. Stoia is the man to contact. www.floridakeysmarineconstruction.com So in summary when companies listen and care enough to go the extra mile, it can become a wonderful source for useful new product ideas. An old-timer in the utility construction industry once told me, “Listen to the guys in the trenches. If you’ll just shut up and listen, they’ll tell you what they need.” His advice has proven to be correct in this case. A successful product developed from the field for the field will typically find a plethora of new applications, just like the Dragon Tooth finding a perfect use cutting holes in sea beds. Kudos to Mr. Sager and his team for listening and coming up with a better rock cutting solution for augers in the Dragon Tooth invention. TUS auger with standard bullet teeth. He has added some punch to it with a Dragon Pilot Bit. The pilot holds four Dragon teeth and a round carbide center point. When questioned about how hard the coral rock is compared to other rock, Sam comments, “There is no soft stuff (Key Largo, FL) to speak of and that’s what your dragon toothed tip has performed wonderfully on. It’s still sharp, it’s still good.” Commenting about the digging conditions through their coral formation, “the friction is immense and we go through the stainless wear bars pretty fast on the outside edges of these things. We go through the bullet teeth too but we haven’t gone through the dragon teeth yet.” At the time of the interview they had punched over a thousand holes with little to no obvious wear on the teeth. I just received word that he’s now drilled over thirteen hundred holes. Sam added, “That Dragon Tooth pilot just keeps working like a son-of-a-*#@!! (sailor talk).” He likes it. So if you have a job around the Keys and need some offshore Visit us at: www.californiaturbo.com The Utility Source • April 2012 9 0412TUSp06-35#1:0212TECp06-32 4/24/12 10:27 AM Page 10 Company Profile Big Shop J with small shop service! effrey Machine Incorporated (www.jeffreymachine.com) has become one of the largest auger manufacturers in the world but they offer the highly personalized service you might expect from a small machine shop. Starting out as a machine shop in 1977 they began designing augers for local contractors. The company experienced an explosion of growth as word spread about the quality tools they were producing. They went from a modest nineteen thousand square foot office and shop to their current 100,000’ state of the art facility. Unlike big corporations that have been repeatedly bought, sold and merged, Jeffrey Machine is privately owned. So essentially all the experience they have acquired hasn’t been lost in a corporate cloud but is available to help with your particular drilling tool needs. Located in Birmingham, Alabama their facility includes a mammoth flighting press with capabilities to press everything up to twelve feet diameter by two inch thick flighting. They have a huge computerized laser/plasma cutting table that will quickly carve up enormous slabs of steel into any type of flighting imaginable. Top notch machinists, welders and every piece of equipment needed to customize anything on the fly has been provided. That of course includes robotic welders, CNC’s, and soon to be added will be a rolling press to roll up to 2” thick plates of steel into barrel formations. These are used for core barrels, clean out buckets, etc. Jeffrey Machine’s skills have branched into all types and kinds of derrick augers, foundation augers, utility vehicle accessories and untold thousands of one of a kind tools crafted for an individual contractor’s needs. Visitors are wowed by how big everything is, how friendly the people are, how clean it’s kept and how efficiently everything is set up. TUS 10 The Utility Source • April 2012 0412TUSpFPads:0412TUSpFPads 4/24/12 10:08 AM Page 11 Visit us at: www.jeffreymachine.com 0412TUSp06-35#1:0212TECp06-32 4/24/12 Company Profile 12 The Utility Source • April 2012 10:27 AM Page 12 0412TUSpFPads:0412TUSpFPads 4/24/12 10:08 AM Page 13 Visit us at: www.ram-mount.com 0412TUSp06-35#1:0212TECp06-32 4/24/12 10:28 AM Page 14 Company Profile the Smell Repel wildlife deterrent F or more than 25 years, I-Corp-I-Foam Specialty Products Corp. has researched and developed systems designed to effectively deter wildlife from utility infrastructure. Phil Landers, director of research and development for I-Corp/I-Foam and president of Sniff’N’Stop Inc is a research scientist and has worked on a number of government and private funded studies specifically for this purpose. It was learned through these studies that animals do not like certain odors. The problem was that the odors they particularly disliked dissipated too rapidly to remain effective for any length of time. Mr. Landers is credited for developing a patented process by which the odors could be contained and released over very long periods of time. This has proven to be far more effective than poisons to keep wildlife off of and out of utility infrastructures. Poisons are typically only effective until they are consumed, thereby requiring constant monitoring for replacement. In contrast, an effective odorant system can continue to repel critters for many years. Poisons typically require special licensing and can be hazardous to personnel, pets, people (including children), the environment, etc. The odorant used in the Sniff ‘N’ Stop products is made of food grade ingredients and therefore requires no special licensing and poses no danger to people, critters or the environment. Mr. Landers has made it his organization’s mission to work closely with utility crews and companies. In this way they can learn what the utility’s particular critter/insect problems are and design appropriate delivery systems for their application. The odorant has been applied with paints, putties, granules, etc. and now in a new aerosol form that effectively wards off bees and wasps. Minor alterations of the odor have broadened the deterrence and new products are constantly being developed for world wide applications in many different market places.TUS 14 The Utility Source • April 2012 0412TUSpFPads:0412TUSpFPads 4/24/12 10:09 AM Page 15 Visit us at: www.sniffnstop.com 0412TUSp06-35#1:0212TECp06-32 4/24/12 Company Profile 16 The Utility Source • April 2012 10:28 AM Page 16 0412TUSp06-35#1:0212TECp06-32 4/24/12 10:28 AM Page 17 Visit us at: www.preformed.com 0412TUSp06-35#1:0212TECp06-32 4/24/12 10:28 AM Page 18 Company Profile It’s like a T Swiss Army Knife on Tracks imes are tough and every organization needs to save money whenever possible. We have all been forced to stretch dollars by reducing fleets and manpower. In the utility industry it’s difficult to imagine a way to safely and effectively improve processes while respecting restrictions created by environmental regulations. It may not be as hard as you’d think. A Linetrac can be the solution to not only cost and environmental needs, but Linetrac’s uniqueness offers many more benefits. So what is a Linetrac? It’s a specialized CAT dozer with a six way blade. A Palfinger compact knuckle boom crane with a reach of 80 feet is then added and is able to fold neatly behind the cab. The Linetrac features two man baskets, auger drive with bit, a boom winch, rear mounted winch, pole tamp, A/C power, hydraulic tool circuit and 30 gallons of water. The auger can dig holes at variable distances up to 20 feet from the rig. That’s impressive, but how about the fact that the remote control allows the operator to perform tasks safely—crane operation, auger control, and dozer start/stop from a distance of 400’. Remote operation improves efficiency and safety on the job site. It 18 The Utility Source • April 2012 allows peace of mind for everyone involved when an operator can maintain a good view of the job and manipulate it from a safe vantage point. Environmentally friendly? YES! At 56,000 lbs there is less than 8 psi evenly distributed over the track surface. As Nathan Bunting, the inventor puts it “Works likes a grizzly bear…walks like a rabbit”. Linetrac works in steep muddy or snowy terrain with ease and it climbs like a homesick angel. This specialized piece of equipment is one track in and one track out with little disturbance to its surroundings. Simply put, Linetrac can clear brush, blade roads, work in steep muddy or snowy terrain, offset lines, dig holes, set poles and anchors, and put a lineman 80 ft in the air to complete the job. As Travis Terry of TVA stated in a utility journal article “Three quarters of the total cost of the machine was paid for [with] the money saved on one four-mile project”. Considering all the different uses for a Linetrac, it would be easier to tell you what it can’t do. Sorry but, it can’t float or fly. Not yet, anyway. But with so many tools and possibilities, the Linetrac really is like a Swiss Army knife on tracks. TUS 0412TUSpFPads:0412TUSpFPads 4/24/12 10:09 AM Page 19 Visit us at: www.linetracinc.com 0412TUSp06-35#1:0212TECp06-32 4/24/12 20 The Utility Source • April 2012 10:28 AM Page 20 0412TUSp06-35#1:0212TECp06-32 4/24/12 1:23 PM Page 21 Company Profile 40 Years of Industry Innovations F or over 40 years, the Sauber Manufacturing name has been synonymous with industry innovations. Pole and reel handling trailers are complimented by substation recovery units, oil-filtration trailers, self-loaders, turret trailers, pullers and flatbeds. All designs focused on the utility-only market. These introductions to the utility industry are universally used as the yardstick for performance, functionality and durability of high quality utility-grade equipment. Common sense engineering has led to dozens of industry firsts, such as galvanized steel finishes, hitting the streets over 25 years ago – literally making rusting fleet equipment an issue of the past. What distinguishes Sauber's products from the pack are the use of non-rusting materials such as galvanized steel, stainless steel, aluminum, bronze, and aluminummagnesium castings. From the very base of the trailer you'll notice a single, bent-tube design that extends from the rear bumper to the front pintle eye without a cut and weld. To back-up the integrity of how well their equipment is built, they offer an unchallenged 10 year warranty. Fleet managers that choose Sauber want to invest in equipment that will be around for years to come. Mechanics praise this equipment because it's simple design makes for easy and less-frequent maintenance. Parts are universal across most models making fleet standardization an even easier task. Sauber offers the resources of an experienced engineering-driven team to help you develop your next piece of equipment from the design stage through to training on your new custom application. The financial strength of this company points to a well run organization that plans on serving it's customers well into the future. Ask around, your peers will point you to Sauber. TUS The Utility Source • April 2012 21 0412TUSp06-35#1:0212TECp06-32 4/24/12 10:28 AM Page 22 Company Profile Climbing Devices for any Job W inola Industrial is a company that is the original manufacture of the McGregor climbing ladder. We produce climbing devices for steel power poles and fiberglass poles. Ladders are the safest way to climb a pole hands down. In addition to already making the safest way to climb a pole, we have now improved it even further. With the addition of our new “tie-offs”, you can further assure yourself that you will not have any problems with potentially falling. Ladders come in two different finishes. These finishes include Galvanized steel or corten steel. These ladders are assembled with step bolts to climb on, and are attached to the pole by clips that welded to the face of the pole. There are two types of ladders, one called the climbing ladder and other called the working ladder. Both of these are used to climb the pole. Visit us at www.winolaindustrial.com TUS 22 The Utility Source • April 2012 0412TUSpFPads:0412TUSpFPads 4/24/12 10:09 AM Page 23 Visit us at: www.winolaindustrial.com 0412TUSp06-35#1:0212TECp06-32 4/24/12 10:29 AM Page 24 Company Profile Telescoping and Articulating aerial personnel and material handling lifts for many needs D ur-A-Lift’s experience, quality & dependability shows in every product that leaves the factory. Dur-A-Lift prides itself on unsurpassed service both during, and after the sale. “At Dur-A-Lift we base our success on our customer’s successes. By fostering mutually beneficial relationships with our customers on a personal level, we gain the ability to truly understand their needs. Only when we truly understand what our customers need to be successful can we succeed in the marketplace” said Loren Top, Product Manager at Dur-A-Lift Inc. With a mission of understanding the needs of the customer as the driving force behind all Dur-A-Lift products, the company rolled out its latest innovation at the recent October ICUEE show in Louisville, Kentucky, the new DPM-52 Series aerial lift. Comments Loren Top of the new lift, “The DPM-52 features 57 feet of working height with a 1000 pound jib capacity and up to 600 pound basket capacity. Dur-A-Lift engineers designed this lift to be mounted on a truck that does not require a CDL license. Couple that with an innovative single set of outriggers which ensures a narrow footprint and low initial cost and you have a very attractive package for the lift market.” The DPM-52 is available with one ton front axle and three ton rear axle payloads as well as shorter wheelbases. 2012 is shaping up to be an exciting year for Dur-A-Lift. Along with the new DPM-52, DurA-Lift is finalizing development on some new products for the international market that should be released later this year. Information on the new DPM-52, or any other Dur-A-Lift product can be requested by contacting Dur-A-Lift via e-mail at sales@dur-a-lift.com, toll-free via phone at 1-877-4DURALIFT, or by contacting your local Dur-A-Lift Distributor. Dur-ALift, Inc. is a division of Diversified Technologies, Inc., a company which traces its roots back to 1888 located in George, Iowa. TUS 24 The Utility Source • April 2012 0412TUSpFPads:0412TUSpFPads 4/24/12 10:09 AM Page 25 Visit us at: www.phase-a-matic.com 0412TUSp06-35#1:0212TECp06-32 4/24/12 10:29 AM Page 26 Buyers Guide 2012 Buyer’s Guide Line Construction & Maintenance Composite Technologies www.triggerfill.com Phone:985-643-3556 FWT LLC www.fwtinc.com Phone:817-255-3060 Altec Industries www.altec.com Phone:205-991-7733 Condux International Inc. www.condux.com Phone:507-387-6576 General Equipment Co www.generalequip.com Phone:507-451-5510 Alturnamats Inc. www.alturnamats.com Phone:814-827-8884 CZ Engineering www.cze.com Phone:573-759-2144 American Hotline LLC www.americanhotline.com Phone:618-234-0001 Danuser www.danuser.com Phone:573-642-2246 General Machine Products (GMP Inc.) www.gmptools.com Phone:215-345-5500 American Polywater www.polywater.com Phone:651-430-2270 Dew Eze www.deweze.com Phone:620-896-7381 Atlas Copco Construction Equipment www.atlascopco.us Phone:800-732-6762 DIS-TRAN www.distran.com Phone:318-448-0274 Atlas Copco Construction Tools LLC www.atlascopco.us Phone:800-760-4049 BelleFlex Technologies LLC www.belleflex.com Phone:724-540-5053 Ditch Witch www.ditchwitch.com Phone:580-336-4402 Diversified Products www.diversified product.com Phone:254-757-1177 Bethea Tool & Equipment Co Inc. www.betheatool.com Phone:205-408-9416 DuraTech Industries International Inc. www.duratech industries.net Phone:701-252-4601 BOMAG Americas Inc. www.gobomag.com Phone:309-853-3571 ECP Utility www.ecputility.com Phone:913-393-0007 Bor-It Manufacturing Co Inc. www.bor-it.com Phone:419-289-6639 Electromark www.electromark.com Phone:800-295-8247 Case Construction Equipment www.casece.com Phone:262-630-6011 CEAttachments Inc. www.ceattachments.com Phone:262-387-1210 Equipment Innovators www.equipment innovators.com Phone:770-427-9467 E-Z Drill www.ezdrill.com Phone:800-272-0121 26 The Utility Source • April 2012 Hastings Fiber Glass Products www.hfgp.com Phone:269-945-9541 HD Electric Co www.hdelectric company.com Phone:847-473-4980 Heath Consultants Inc. www.heathus.com Phone:713-844-1300 Hi-Line Utility Supply Co www.hilineco.com Phone:847-488-1200 Hughes Brothers Inc. www.hughesbros.com Phone:402-643-2991 ICORP-IFOAM Specialty Products Corp www.sniffnstop.com Phone:407-328-8500 IML Inc. www.imldistribution.com Phone:404-451-8152 Jeffrey Machine Inc. www.jeffreymachine.com Phone:205-841-8600 J Harlen Co www.jharlen.com Phone:919-878-5273 Klein Tools www.kleintools.com Phone:847-821-5500 Laminated Wood Systems Inc. www.lwsinc.com Phone:800-949-3526 Pacific Wood Preserving of Oregon www.pacificwood.com Phone:800-540-1322 Schonstedt Instrument Company www.schonstedt.com Phone:304-725-1050 Lewis Manufacturing Co LLC www.lewismfg.com Phone:405-634-5401 Pelco Products Inc. www.pelcoinc.com Phone:405-340-3434 Scott Powerline Utility Equipment www.scottpowerline.com Phone:318-388-9269 Linecat Inc. www.linecatinc.com Phone:530-528-2225 Pengo www.pengo attachments.com Phone:712-845-2540 Line-Ward Corp www.lineward.com Phone:716-675-7373 PowerGrit-ICS Blount www.powergrit.com Phone:855-797-4847 Smi-Carr Inc. www.smicarr.com Phone:325-677-0491 Little Beaver www.littlebeaver.com Phone:800-227-7515 Preformed Line Products www.preformed.com Phone:440-461-5200 Mala GeoScience USA Inc. www.malags.com Phone:843-852-5021 PRESCO www.presco.com Phone:903-870-2131 Stanley Hydraulic Tools www.stanley-hydraulictools.com Phone:503-659-5660 McLaughlin Group Inc. www.mightymole.com Phone:864-277-5870 ProLine Tools LLC www.prolinetools.com Phone:801-972-3910 Metabo Corp www.metabousa.com Phone:800-638-2264 P&R Technologies www.pr-tech.com Phone:503-292-8682 NESCO Sales & Rentals www.nescosales.com Phone:800-252-0043 Rauckman Utility Products LLC www.rauckmanutility.com Phone:618-234-0001 New England Ropes www.neropes.com Phone:508-678-8200 New Holland Construction www.newholland construction.com Phone:262-630-6011 Newmark International Inc. www.newmark.com Phone:713-857-4760 Osmose Utilities Services Inc. www.osmoseutilities.com Phone:716-319-3423 RIDGID www.ridgid.com Phone:440-323-5581 RWF BRON www.bronrwf.com Phone:800-263-1060 Sakura of America www.sakuraofamerica.co m/industrial Phone:800-776-6257 Sauber Manufacturing Co www.saubermfg.com Phone:800-323-9147 Sensorlink www.sensorlink.com Phone:360-595-1000 SubSurface Instruments Inc. www.ssilocators.com Phone:920-347-1788 Super Products LLC www.superproductsllc.com Phone:800-837-9711 Tallman Equipment Co www.tallman equipment.com Phone:630-860-5666 TEC Energy Components Phone:716-930-9541 Terex www.terexmining.com Phone:903-786-2981 Thomas & Betts - Steel Structures Division www.meyersteel structures.com Phone:901-252-8115 3M Telecom Div www.3m.com Phone:512-984-6563 0412TUSpFPads:0412TUSpFPads 4/24/12 Visit us at: www.jonassoftware.com 10:09 AM Page 27 0412TUSp06-35#1:0212TECp06-32 4/24/12 10:29 AM Page 28 Buyers Guide Tiiger Inc. www.tiiger.com Phone:615-758-6046 Arnett Industries www.arnettindustries.com Phone:503-692-4600 Tulsa Power Inc. www.tulsapower.com Phone:918-584-1000 Basler Electric Co www.basler.com Phone:618-654-2341 TVC Communications www.tvcinc.com Phone:888-644-6075 BelleFlex Technologies LLC www.belleflex.com Phone:724-540-5053 US Radar www.usradar.com Phone:732-566-2035 Brooks Utilites Products Group www.brooksutility.com Phone:888-687-3008 Utility Solutions Inc. utilitysolutionsinc.com Phone:828-323-8914 Utility Tool & Trailer Inc. www.utitlity toolandtrailer.com Phone:715-823-3167 The VON Corp www.voncorp.com Phone:205-788-2437 Vulcan Utility Signs www.vulcaninc.com/vus Phone:800-426-1314 William Frick & Co www.fricknet.com Phone:847-918-3700 Winola Industrial Inc. www.winolaindustrial.com Phone:570-378-3808 Yale Cordage www.yalecordage.com Phone:207-282-3396 Bronto Skylift www.bronto.fi Phone:352-895-1109 Meters & Metering Devices AE Products Inc. www.aeproducts.net Phone:866-848-7756 Aggreko Cooling Tower Services www.aggreko-coolingtower-rentals.com Phone:405-224-5301 Ameritec Corp www.ameritec.com Phone:626-915-5441 AMETEK Power Instruments www.ametekpower.com Phone:585-263-7700 AMWEI Thermistor www.amwei.com Phone:86-755-26570111 Budco Inc www.budcocable.com Phone:800-331-2246 CGI Utility Solutions and Services www.cgi.com/en/utilities Phone:514-415-3833 Corix Utilities www.corix.com Phone:414-203-8700 Dranetz Technologies www.dranetz.com Phone:732-287-3680 Draper Inc. www.draperinc.com Phone:765-987-7999 Elan Technical Corp www.elantechnical.com Phone:203-335-2115 Elspec North America www.elspecna.com Phone:815-266-4210 Elster www.elster.com Phone:800-338-5251 E-Mon www.emon.com Phone:215-752-0601 Engineering Unlimited Inc. www.sterlingpadlocks.com Phone:612-522-4040 ERICO www.erico.com Phone:800-813-3378 EXFO www.exfo.com Phone:418 683-0913 EXTECH Instruments www.extech.com Phone:781-890-7440 FireBag www.thefirebag.com Phone:732-381-2255 Fluke Corp www.fluke.com Phone:800-443-5853 28 The Utility Source • April 2012 General Tools & Instruments www.generaltools.com Phone:212-431-6100 Global Power Products www.globalpower products.com Phone:770-736-8232 Hastings Fiber Glass Products www.hfgp.com Phone:269-945-9541 Heath Consultants Inc. www.heathus.com Phone:713-844-1300 Pelsue Co www.pelsue.com Phone:303-936-7432 PowerCET Corp www.powercet.com Phone:408-988-1346 Rauckman Utility Products LLC www.rauckmanutility.com Phone:618-234-0001 Ross Engineering Corp www.rossengineeringcorp. com Phone:408-377-4621 Watthour Engineering Co Inc. www.watthour.com Phone:601-933-0900 Weschler Instruments www.weschler.com Phone:440-238-2550 Pelsue Co www.pelsue.com Phone:303-936-7432 Safety Products ACP International www.acpinternational.com Phone:817-640-0992 Herculock Padlocks www.herculock.com Phone:740-494-2620 RWC Testing & Lab Supplies www.rwctesting.com Phone:915-852-3375 Hi-Line Utility Supply Co www.hilineco.com Phone:847-488-1200 Saft www.saftbatteries.com Phone:33-1-49-93-19-18 Hioki www.hiokiusa.com Phone:609-409-9109 Satec Inc www.oksatec.com Phone:908-686-0510 Inner-Tite Corp www.inner-tite.com Phone:508-829-6361 Schonstedt Instrument Company www.schonstedt.com Phone:304-725-1050 Almetek Industries Inc. www.almetek.com Phone:908-850-9700 Seametrics Inc. www.seametrics.com Phone:253-872-0284 American Hotline LLC www.americanhotline.com Phone:618-234-0001 Sensorlink www.sensorlink.com Phone:360-595-1000 American Safety Utility Corp www.americansafety.com Phone:704-482-0601 KEMA www.kema.com Phone:781-273-5700 Laird Technologies www.lairdtech.com Phone:636-898-6000 LaPrairie Inc www.laprairieinc.com Phone:905-830-9975 Lectrus www.lectrus.com Phone:423-894-9268 McCrometer Inc. www.mccrometer.com Phone:951-652-6811 Measurement Systems International www.msiscales.com Phone:206-433-0199 Neptune Technology Group Inc. www.neptunetg.com Phone:334-283-6555 Nordic Fiberglass Inc. www.nordicfiberglass.com Phone:218-745-5095 Olameter www.olameter.com Phone:800-903-7003 OZ Optics Ltd www.ozoptics.com Phone:613-831-0981 Siemens Energy www.usa. siemens.com/energy Phone:919-365-2405 AFC Industries Inc. www.controland command.com Phone:800-984-3135 Air Systems Int’l www.airsystems.com Phone:800-866-8100 Allmand Bros Inc. www.allmand.com Phone:308-995-4495 American Safety Vest www.american safetyvest.com Phone:401-435-0200 Solid State Instruments www.solidstate instruments.com Phone:970-461-9600 AMWEI Thermistor www.amwei.com Phone:86-755-26570111 S-Products Inc. www.s-products.com Phone:203-331-9546 Andax Industries LLC www.andax.com Phone:800-999-1358 Sumatron Inc. www.sumatron.com Phone:949-360-0386 Arnett Industries www.arnettindustries.com Phone:503-692-4600 SUSI Adapters www.susiadapters.com Phone:770-448-6810 The Bilco Co www.bilco.com Phone:203-934-6363 Taehwatrans www.taehwatrans.com Phone:82-31-315-8161-4 Bronto Skylift www.bronto.fi Phone:352-895-1109 Telkonet Inc. www.telkonet.com Phone:414-223-0473 Buckingham Manufacturing Co Inc. www.buckinghammfg.com Phone:607-773-2400 Utility Solutions Inc. www.utility solutionsinc.com Phone:828-323-8914 Budco Inc. www.budcocable.com Phone:800-331-2246 Bulwark Protective Apparel www.bulwark.com Phone:615-565-5000 Burlington Safety Laboratory Inc. www.burlingtonsafety.com Phone:609-387-3404 Canyonwest Cases LLC www.canyon westcases.com Phone:480-816-9652 Capital Safety www.capitalsafety.com Phone:651-388-8282 Carhartt www.carhartt.com Phone:800-786-3916 Cementex Products Inc. www.cementexusa.com Phone:609-387-1040 Chloride Systems www.chloridesys.com Phone:910-259-1000 Craftworktools.com www.craftworktools.com Phone:877-511-6677 Diamond Rubber Products www.diamondrubber.com Phone:205-925-3791 Dicke Safety Products www.dicketool.com Phone:630-969-0050 ECCO www.eccolink.com Phone:800-635-5900 Electromark www.electromark.com Phone:800-295-8247 Empire Level Manufacturing Corp www.empirelevel.com Phone:262-368-2000 Engineering Unlimited Inc. www.sterlingpadlocks.com Phone:612-522-4040 EngineerSupply.com www.engineersupply.com Phone:800-591-8907 Estex Manufacturing Co www.estexmfg.com Phone:800-749-1224 Gear Keeper/Hammerhead Industries Inc. www.gearkeeper.com Phone:805-658-9922 GE Consumer & Industrial /Multilin www.ge.com Phone:905-201-2035 0412TUSpFPads:0412TUSpFPads 4/24/12 10:09 AM Page 29 Visit us at: www.utilitymetals.com 0412TUSp06-35#1:0212TECp06-32 4/24/12 10:29 AM Page 30 Buyers Guide Gemstar Manufacturing www.gemstarmfg.com Phone:507-263-4770 General Equipment Co www.generalequip.com Phone:507-451-5510 GfG Instrumentation Inc. www.gfg-inc.com Phone:734-769-0573 Global Power Products www.globalpower products.com Phone:770-736-8232 Glove Guard LP www.gloveguard.com Phone:281-426-2714 Golight Inc. www.golight.com Phone:308-278-3131 Grace Industries Inc. www.graceindustries.com Phone:724-962-9231 Hi-Line Utility Supply Co www.hilineco.com Phone:847-488-1200 Hioki www.hiokiusa.com Phone:609-409-9109 Impacto Protective Products Inc. www.impacto.ca Phone:888-232-0031 J Harlen Co www.jharlen.com Phone:919-878-5273 J L Matthews Co Inc. www.jlmatthews.com Phone:817-924-3360 Ketchum Manufacturing Inc. www.ketchum.ca Phone:613-342-8455 Lewis Manufacturing Co LLC www.lewismfg.com Phone:405-634-5401 LightGuard www.lightguard.com Phone:910-259-1131 Metabo Corp www.metabousa.com Phone:800-638-2264 Mobile Awareness LLC www.mobile awareness.com Phone:440-248-5523 NASCO Industries Inc. www.nascoinc.com Phone:812-254-7393 National Safety Apparel www.nsamfg.com Phone:216-941-1111 Outdoors For Life www.outdoors-for-life.com Phone:517-655-8482 Panduit Corp www.panduit.com Phone:708-532-1800 Fluke Corp www.fluke.com Phone:800-443-5853 RWC Testing & Lab Supplies www.rwctesting.com Phone:915-852-3375 Ventry Solutions Inc. www.ventry.com Phone:208-773-1194 AFL www.aflglobal.com Phone:864-486-7361 Vibram USA www.vibram.com Phone:978-318-0000 Aggreko North America www.aggreko.com/ northamerica Phone:877-603-6021 Forestry Suppliers Inc. www.forestry-suppliers.com Phone:800-360-7788 Saf-T-Gard International Inc. www.voltgard.com Phone:847-291-1600 Safway Services, LLC www.safway.com Phone:262-523-6500 Salisbury by Honeywell www.salisburyby honeywell.com Phone:630-343-3800 Sellstrom Manufacturing Co www.sellstrom.com Phone:847-358-2000 Silver Eagle Outfitters www.silvereagle outfitters.com Phone:888-672-6963 Plastic Techniques Inc. www.plastic techniques.com Phone:603-645-6800 Superior Signals Inc. www.superiorsignals.com Phone:913-780-1440 NA/API www.petroflexna.com Phone:940-668-7283 Powerblanket LL Cwww.powerblanket.com Phone:801-506-0198 Preco Electronics Inc. www.previewradar.com Phone:208-323-1000 K-II Enterprises www.kiienterprises.com Phone:315-468-3596 Protective Industrial Products Inc. www.pipusa.com Phone:518-861-0133 Lab Safety Supply www.lss.com Phone:608-754-2345 AE Products Inc. www.aeproducts.net Phone:866-848-7756 Stonehouse Signs www.stone housesigns.com Phone:303-422-2356 PRESCO www.presco.com Phone:903-870-2131 Kunz Glove Co Inc. www.kunzglove.com Phone:312-733-8780 Vaisala Inc. www.vaisala.com Phone:520-806-7300 Pelsue Co www.pelsue.com Phone:303-936-7432 K&H Industries Inc. www.khindustries.com Phone:716-549-0135 K-Sun Corp www.ksun.com Phone:715-247-4440 RUD Chain Inc. www.rudchain.com Phone:319-294-0001 Quantum Marketing Group www.quantum markers.com Phone:714-563-9749 Radar Engineers www.radarengineers.com Phone:503-256-3417 RainBow Technology www.rainbowtech.net Phone:205-733-0333 30 The Utility Source • April 2012 Synergy Technology LLC www.noflaggers.com Phone:704-986-0145 Team Fenex www.teamfenex.com Phone:618-247-3200 Tech Products Inc. www.techproducts.com Phone:718-442-4900 Tech Tool Supply www.techtoolsupply.com Phone:734-207-7700 Terra Tape www.terratape.com Phone:713-507-4251 Thermo Scientific www.thermo scientific.com/aqi Phone:508-520-0430 Tyndale www.tyndaleusa.com Phone:215-766-5660 United Safety Authority www.united-safety.com Phone:330-847-0450 US Radar www.usradar.com Phone:732-566-2035 Vulcan Utility Signs www.vulcaninc.com/vus Phone:800-426-1314 WCT Products www.wctproducts.com Phone:310-822-5212 Westex Inc. www.westexinc.com Phone:773-523-7000 William Frick & Co www.fricknet.com Phone:847-918-3700 Winola Industrial Inc www.winolaindustrial.com Phone:570-378-3808 Work Area Protection Corp www.workarea protection.com Phone:630-377-9100 Workrite Uniform Co www.workrite.com Phone:805-483-0175 American Hotline LLC www.americanhotline.com Phone:618-234-0001 Ameritec Corp www.ameritec.com Phone:626-915-5441 AMWEI Thermistor www.amwei.com Phone:86-755-26570111 Aqua-Tronics Inc. www.aquatronics.com Phone:208-528-8875 Berkeley Nucleonics Corp www.berkeley nucleonics.com Phone:415-453-9955 Bosch Power Tools & Accessories www.boschtools.com Phone:877-267-2499 Garwood Laboratories Inc. www.garwoodlabs.com Phone:562-949-2727 Garwood Labs San Clemente www.garwoodlabs.com Phone:949-361-9189 Gemstar Manufacturing www.gemstarmfg.com Phone:507-263-4770 General Tools & Instruments www.generaltools.com Phone:212-431-6100 GSE Systems Inc. www.gses.com Phone:410-970-7800 HC Controls Inc. www.hccontrols.com Phone:850-398-2188 Hioki www.hiokiusa.com Phone:609-409-9109 Software Campbell Scientific Inc. www.campbellsci.com Phone:435-227-9000 Hipotronics Inc. www.hipotronics.com Phone:800-727-4476 McCormick Systems Inc. www.mccormicksys.com Phone:800-444-4890 Dranetz Technologies www.dranetz.com Phone:732-287-3680 HV TECHNOLOGIES Inc. www.hvtechnologies.com Phone:703-365-2330 Proest www.proest.com Phone:800-255-7407 Electrodata Inc. www.electrodata.com Phone:216-663-3333 Singletouch Corporation www.singletouch.com Phone:623-536-7833 lectro-Rent Corp www.electrorent.com Phone:818-787-2100 IRT Integrated Rectifier Technologies Inc. www.irtrectifier.com Phone:780-447-1114 Vision Infosoft www.visioninfosoft.com Phone:800-258-7752 EngineerSupply.com www.engineersupply.com Phone:800-591-8907 Test & Measurement ENOSERV www.enoserv.com Phone:918-622-4530 Absopulse Electronics Ltd www.absopulse.com Phone:613-836-3511 EO Schweitzer Manufacturing www.eosmfg.com Phone:847-362-8304 Advanced Test Equipment Rental www.atecorp.com Phone:858-558-6500 EXFO www.exfo.com Phone:418 683-0913 AEMC Instruments www.aemc.com Phone:508-698-2115 Flir Systems Inc. www.flir.com Phone:800-727-3547 Megger www.megger.com Phone:214-333-3201 MICO Inc. www.mico.com Phone:507-625-6426 Microlynx Systems Ltd www.microlynx systems.com Phone:403-275-7346 Novinium www.novinium.com Phone:206-529-4828 OMICRON Electronics Corp www.omicronusa.com Phone:713-830-4660 Phenix Technologies Inc. www.phenixtech.com Phone:301-746-8118 0412TUSpFPads:0412TUSpFPads 4/24/12 Visit us at: www.hughesbros.com 10:09 AM Page 31 0412TUSp06-35#1:0212TECp06-32 4/24/12 10:29 AM Page 32 Buyers Guide Power & Telephone Supply Co www.ptsupply.com Phone:901-866-3300 Probewell Lab Inc. www.probewell.com Phone:418-626-1126 PTL Test Equipment Inc. URL:www.ptltest.com Phone:561-747-3647 UtilX www.utilx.com Phone:253-395-0200 ASI www.asi-ez.com Phone:877-650-5160 CS Unitec Inc. www.csunitec.com Phone:203-853-9522 Harbor Freight Tools www.harborfreight.com Phone:800-444-3353 Little Mule www.littlemulecp.com Phone:704-694-2156 The VON Corp www.voncorp.com Phone:205-788-2437 Atlas Copco Construction Equipment www.atlascopco.us Phone:800-732-6762 DCD Design & Manufacturing Ltd www.dcddesign.com Phone:604-232-4445 Heath Consultants Inc. www.heathus.com Phone:713-844-1300 Lowell Corp www.lowellcorp.com Phone:508-835-2900 Atlas Copco Construction Tools LLC www.atlascopco.us Phone:800-760-4049 Dimensions/Sensata Technologies www.dimensions. sensata.com Phone:651-653-7000 Herculock Padlocks www.herculock.com Phone:740-494-2620 Majorpower Corp www.majorpower.com Phone:919-563-6610 Highline Products www.highline products.com Phone:781-328-3220 Master Bond Inc. www.masterbond.com Phone:201-343-8983 Vulcan Utility Signs www.vulcaninc.com/vus Phone:800-426-1314 Red Acoustics Ltd www.redacoustics.co.uk Phone:44-772-722-182 Watthour Engineering Co Inc. www.watthour.com Phone:601-933-0900 RIDGID www.ridgid.com Phone:440-323-5581 Weschler Instruments www.weschler.com Phone:440-238-2550 Ross Engineering Corp www.rossengineering corp.com Phone:408-377-4621 Wyle Laboratories Inc. www.wylelabs.com Phone:256-716-4315 Badger Meter Inc. www.badgermeter.com Phone:414-371-5776 Behlman Electronics Inc. www.behlman.com Phone:631-435-0410 Doosan Portable Power www.doosanportable power.com Phone:800-633-5206 Eberhard Manufacturing Co www.eberhard.com Phone:440-238-9720 Tools & Supplies Bethea Tool & Equipment Co Inc. www.betheatool.com Phone:205-408-9416 AE Products Inc. www.aeproducts.net Phone:866-848-7756 Bigfoot Construction Equipment Inc. Phone:888-743-7320 SAT Infrared Technology Co Ltd www.satinfrared.com Phone:86-20-82229925 ABB Power T&D Co Inc. www.abb.com Phone:919-856-3806 Bosch Power Tools & Accessories www.boschtools.com Phone:877-267-2499 S-Products Inc. www.s-products.com Phone:203-331-9546 Aircraft Dynamics Corp (Robopaks) www.aircraft dynamics.com Phone:800-874-4702 Budco Inc. www.budcocable.com Phone:800-331-2246 Gator Rock Bit Inc. www.rokaway.com Phone:502-348-5309 BURNDY www.burndy.com Phone:603-647-5000 Gear Keeper/Hammerhead Industries Inc. www.gearkeeper.com Phone:805-658-9922 RWC Testing & Lab Supplies www.rwctesting.com Phone:915-852-3375 Storage Battery Systems Inc. www.sbsbattery.com Phone:262-703-5800 Structural Integrity Associates Inc. www.structint.com Phone:877-474-7693 SuperPower Inc. www.superpower-inc.com Phone:518-346-1414 T3 Innovation LLC www.t3innovation.com Phone:805-233-3390 Tecra Tools www.tecratools.com Phone:800-284-0808 Thermo Scientific www.thermo scientific.com/aqi Phone:508-520-0430 TVC Communications www.tvcinc.com Phone:888-644-6075 UHP International Inc. www.uhpintl.com Phone:716-689-1809 US Radar www.usradar.com Phone:732-566-2035 A L Hansen Manufacturing Co www.alhansen.com Phone:847-244-8900 Allmand Bros Inc. www.allmand.com Phone:308-995-4495 Cable Prep www.cableprep.com Phone:860-526-4337 Car-Vir Corp Phone:919-734-1444 Alturnamats Inc. www.alturnamats.com Phone:814-827-8884 Cembre Inc. www.cembreinc.com Phone:732-225-7415 American Eagle Accessories Group www.american eagleacc.com Phone:641-923-3741 Cementex Products Inc. www.cementexusa.com Phone:609-387-1040 American Highway Products Ltd www.ahp1.com Phone:330-874-3270 American Hotline LLC www.americanhotline.com Phone:618-234-0001 American Polywater www.polywater.com Phone:651-430-2270 Arrow Fastener Co LLC www.arrowfastener.com Phone:201-843-6900 32 The Utility Source • April 2012 ERICO www.erico.com Phone:800-813-3378 E-Z Drill www.ezdrill.com Phone:800-272-0121 Fabco Power www.fabcopower.com Phone:845-469-9151 Gemstar Manufacturing www.gemstarmfg.com Phone:507-263-4770 General Equipment Co www.generalequip.com Phone:507-451-5510 General Tools & Instruments www.generaltools.com Phone:212-431-6100 Chuters LLC www.linecarrier.com Phone:503-382-9828 Global Power Products www.globalpower products.com Phone:770-736-8232 Cooper B-Line Systems Inc. www.b-line.com Phone:618-651-2034 Glove Guard LP www.gloveguard.com Phone:281-426-2714 Coxreels www.coxreels.com Phone:480-820-6396 Craftworktools.com www.craftworktools.com Phone:877-511-6677 Gorman Rupp Co www.grpumps.com Phone:419-755-1011 Greenlee Utility www.greenlee.com Phone:815-397-7070 Highway Products Inc. www.800toolbox.com Phone:800-866-5269 Hi-Line Utility Supply Co www.hilineco.com Phone:847-488-1200 Huskie Tools Inc. www.huskietools.com Phone:800-860-6170 IDA Corp www.idaco.com Phone:701-280-1122 ITT Water & Wastewater USA www.flygtus.com Phone:203-712-8999 Jameson LLC www.jamesonllc.com Phone:803-222-6400 J C Whitlam Manufacturing Co www.bluelube.com Phone:330-321-2524 JDV Products Inc. www.jdvproducts.com Phone:201-796-1720 Jenny Products Inc. www.jenny productsinc.com Phone:814-445-3400 J Harlen Co www.jharlen.com Phone:919-878-5273 J L Matthews Co Inc. www.jlmatthews.com Phone:817-924-3360 Maxon Lift Corp www.maxonlift.com Phone:562-464-0099 Mee Industries Inc. www.meefog.com Phone:626-359-4550 Metabo Corp www.metabousa.com Phone:800-638-2264 MTU Onsite Energy Corp www.mtu-online.com Phone:507-625-7973 My-te Products Inc. www.myte.com Phone:317-897-9880 New England Ropes www.neropes.com Phone:508-678-8200 Nordic Fiberglass Inc. www.nordicfiberglass.com Phone:218-745-5095 Outdoors for Life www.outdoors-for-life.com Phone:517-655-8482 Parker Hannifin Corp www.parker.com Phone:216-896-3000 Pengo www.pengo attachments.com Phone:712-845-2540 Phoenix USA Inc. www.phoenixusa.com Phone:931-526-6128 PK Neuses Inc. www.pkneuses.com Phone:847-253-6558 Laminated Wood Systems Inc. www.lwsinc.com Phone:800-949-3526 PowerGrit-ICS Blount www.powergrit.com Phone:855-797-4847 LaPrairie Inc. www.laprairieinc.com Phone:905-830-9975 Power Sources Unlimited www.psui.com Phone:508-384-1419 Lincoln Electric www.lincolnelectric.com Phone:216-481-8100 PRESCO www.presco.com Phone:903-870-2131 0412TUSp06-35#1:0212TECp06-32 Proglass Inc. www.proglassinc.com Phone:253-884-4008 PRYME Radio Products www.pryme.com Phone:714-257-0300 Radiodetection www.radiodetection.com Phone:877-247-3797 RainBow Technology www.rainbowtech.net Phone:205-733-0333 Reelcraft Industries Inc. www.reelcraft.com Phone:260-248-8188 REMA www.rema-usa.com Phone:864-655-8981 RIDGID www.ridgid.com Phone:440-323-5581 Ripley www.ripley-tools.com Phone:860-635-2200 4/24/12 10:29 AM Page 33 TSE International www.tse-international.com Phone:318-929-2368 VMAC www.vmacair.com Phone:250-740-3200 TT Technologies Inc. www.tttechnologies.com Phone:630-851-8200 Whitlam/Plumb-Pro www.whitlamplumbpro.com Phone:330-334-2524 Rycom Instruments www.rycom instruments.com Phone:800-851-7347 Tallman Equipment Co www.tallman equipment.com Phone:630-860-5666 Seatek Co Inc. www.seatekco.com Phone:203-324-0067 Team Fenex www.teamfenex.com Phone:618-247-3200 Sensors and Software Inc. www.sensoft.on.ca Phone:905-624-8909 TEC Energy Components Phone:716-930-9541 UE Systems Inc. www.uesystems.com Phone:914-592-1220 Tecra Tools www.tecratools.com Phone:800-284-0808 US Radar www.usradar.com Phone:732-566-2035 Thermo Scientific www.thermo scientific.com/aqi Phone:508-520-0430 Utility Solutions Inc. utilitysolutionsinc.com Phone:828-323-8914 Serious Thermal Products www.serioustoaster.com Phone:403-671-7393 Snap-on Industrial Brands www.snapon.com/industri albrands Phone:800-446-7404 Speed Systems Inc. www.spdsystems.com Phone:262-784-8701 Stertil-Koni www.stertil-koni.com Phone:410-643-9001 SVE Portable Roadway Systems Inc. www.mudtraks.com Phone:800-762-8267 Visit us at: www.onspot.com Tiiger Inc. www.tiiger.com Phone:615-758-6046 Utility Tool & Trailer Inc. www.utitlity toolandtrailer.com Phone:715-823-3167 Transcube USA www.transcube.net/us Phone:203-847-4300 Vanair Manufacturing Inc. www.vanair.com Phone:800-526-8817 Tripp Lite www.tripplite.com Phone:773-869-1642 Ventry Solutions Inc. www.ventry.com Phone:208-773-1194 Winola Industrial Inc. www.winolaindustrial.com Phone:570-378-3808 Wright Tool www.wrighttool.com Phone:330-848-0600 Yale Cordage www.yalecordage.com Phone:207-282-3396 Air Systems Int’l www.airsystems.com Phone:800-866-8100 Jeffrey Machine Inc. www.jeffreymachine.com Phone:205-841-8600 Training Allied Industrial Marketing www.alliedindustrial marketing.com Phone:262-618-2403 Arcman Corp www.classicmeters.com Phone:570-489-6402 ENOSERV www.enoserv.com Phone:918-622-4530 Global Training Solutions Inc. www.globaltraining solutions.ca Phone:416-806-5777 GSE Systems Inc. www.gses.com Phone:410-970-7800 IEC & Associates www.ieca-inc.com Phone:919-413-1290 Industrial Training Consultants Inc. www.itctrng.com Phone:205-663-4960 Visit us at: www.saubermfg.com The Utility Source • April 2012 33 0412TUSp06-35#1:0212TECp06-32 4/24/12 10:29 AM Page 34 Buyers Guide J J Keller & Associates Inc. www.jjkeller.com/jjk Phone:920-722-2848 Dakota Bodies Inc. www.dakotabodies.com Phone:605-882-1400 The Light Brigade Inc. www.lightbrigade.com Phone:206-575-0404 DUR-A-LIFT www.dur-a-lift.com Phone:712-475-3301 Novinium www.novinium.com Phone:206-529-4828 Equipment Innovators www.equipment innovators.com Phone:770-427-9467 PowerCET Corp www.powercet.com Phone:408-988-1346 Solar Electric www.solarelectricinc.com Phone:307-635-9205 Sumatron Inc. www.sumatron.com Phone:949-360-0386 Supersaturated Environments www.cloudchambers.com Phone:608-238-5068 Utility Vehicle Equipment Technology Inc. (ETI LLC) www.eti1.com Phone:405-755-9703 Fecon Inc. www.fecon.com Phone:513-696-4430 Ford Motor Media www.fordmotormedia.com Phone:313-964-2334 Freightliner Custom Chassis Corp www.freightliner chassis.com Phone:864-206-8638 Adrian Steel www.adriansteel.com Phone:517-266-4418 Freightliner Trucks Phone:503-745-8000 Altec Industries www.altec.com Phone:205-991-7733 Freightliner Trucks www.freightliner trucks.com Phone:803-578-3418 Argo And Centaur Off-Road Utility Vehicles www.argoutv.com Phone:519-662-4000 Gehl Co www.gehl.com Phone:262-334-9461 ArmLift Division of TG Industries Inc. www.armlift.com Phone:712-864-3737 Bedslide www.bedslide.com Phone:541-842-2760 Boomrest LLC www.boomrest.com Phone:509-363-1002 BrandFX Body Co www.brandfxbody.com Phone:817-431-1131 Bronto Skylift www.bronto.fi Phone:352-895-1109 Case Construction Equipment www.casece.com Phone:262-630-6011 General Motors Corp www.gm.com Phone:313-667-4084 Geo-Boy www.geo-boy.com Phone:507-934-8690 Highway Products Inc. www.800toolbox.com Phone:800-866-5269 Hitachi Construction & Mining Products www.hitachi construction.com Phone:866-973-0394 I-80 Equipment www.i80equipment.com Phone:309-949-3701 International Truck & Engine Corp www.navistar.com Phone:630-753-5000 Crysteel Manufacturing www.crysteel.com Phone:800-533-0494 34 The Utility Source • April 2012 Kassbohrer All Terrain Vehicles Inc. www.pistenbullyusa.com Phone:775-857-5000 Kenworth Truck Co www.kenworth.com Phone:425-828-5000 The Knapheide Manufacturing Co www.knapheide.com Phone:217-222-7131 Larson Cable Trailers www.larsonct.com Phone:605-352-9336 Leggett & Platt Commercial Vehicle Products www.leggettcvp.com Phone:800-334-4183 LIFT-ALL www.lift-all.net Phone:260-747-0526 Mattracks Inc. www.mattracks.com Phone:218-436-7000 MGS Inc. www.mgs incorporated.com Phone:717-336-7528 Mobile Tech Trailers Inc. www.mobiletech trailers.com Phone:574-892-5653 Monroe Truck Equipment www.monroetruck.com Phone:608-328-8127 NESCO Sales & Rentals www.nescosales.com Phone:800-252-0043 New Holland Construction www.newholland construction.com Phone:262-630-6011 Palfinger North America Group www.palfingernorthamerica.com Phone:905-374-3363 Parker Hannifin Corp www.parker.com Phone:216-896-3000 Pelsue Co www.pelsue.com Phone:303-936-7432 Plastic Composites Co www.buckettruckparts.com Phone:260-484-3139 Posi-Plus Technologies Inc. www.posi-plus.com Phone:800-758-5717 Reading Truck Body Inc. www.readingbody.com Phone:610-775-3301 Vehicle Accessories Coast Crane of Utah www.coast-crane.com Phone:801-973-7939 RWF BRON www.bronrwf.com Phone:800-263-1060 Adrian Steel www.adriansteel.com Phone:517-266-4418 Datria Systems Inc. www.datria.com Phone:303-728-1300 Scott Powerline Utility Equipment www.scottpowerline.com Phone:318-388-9269 Advanced Construction Products www.advancedconstructio nproducts.com Phone:503-359-4670 Dew Eze www.deweze.com Phone:620-896-7381 Stellar Industries Inc. www.stellarindustries.com Phone:641-923-3741 Super Products LLC www.superproductsllc.com Phone:800-837-9711 Terex Utilities www.terexutilities.com Phone:605-882-4000 TIME Manufacturing Co www.timemfg.com Phone:254-399-2100 Utilimaster Corp www.utilimaster.com Phone:800-582-3454 Utility Equipment Leasing Corp www.uelc.com Phone:262-547-1600 VACMASTERS www.vacmasters.com Phone:303-467-3801 Venco/Venturo Manufacturing Inc. www.venturo.com Phone:800-226-2238 Versatran Inc. www.versatraninc.com Phone:920-262-1800 Watson Inc. www.watsonusa.com Phone:817-927-8486 Odyne www.odyne.com Phone: 800-558-4004 DVECO, Inc. www.dveco.com Phone: 262-547-8500 Utility Equipment Leasing Corp. www.velc.com Phone: 800-558-0999 Roose Manufacturing Company www.roosemfg.com Phone: 641-628-2529 Aeroflash Signal www.aeroflash.com Phone:800-322-2052 AG Body Inc. www.agbody.com Phone:801-355-8054 AICHI USA Inc. www.aichiusa.com Phone:410-590-1134 A L Hansen Manufacturing Co www.alhansen.com Phone:847-244-8900 American Eagle Accessories Group www.american eagleacc.com Phone:641-923-3741 American Power Systems Inc. www.american powerinc.com Phone:563-323-7994 ArmLift Division of TG Industries Inc. www.armlift.com Phone:712-864-3737 Associated Spring Raymond www.asraymond.com Phone:419-891-9292 Auto Driveaway Co www.autodriveaway.com Phone:312-341-1900 Bedslide www.bedslide.com Phone:541-842-2760 Dimensions/Sensata Technologies www.dimensions. sensata.com Phone:651-653-7000 Diversified Products www.diversified product.com Phone:254-757-1177 Eberhard Manufacturing Co www.eberhard.com Phone:440-238-9720 Fabco Power www.fabcopower.com Phone:845-469-9151 Gamber-Johnson www.gamberjohnson.com Phone:800-861-6671 Highway Products Inc. www.800toolbox.com Phone:800-866-5269 IDA Corp www.idaco.com Phone:701-280-1122 INSTA-CHAIN www.insta-chain.com Phone:800-633-0699 Jotto Desk www.jottodesk.com Phone:479-246-6485 Kenworth Truck Co www.kenworth.com Phone:425-828-5000 Kiene Diesel Accessories Inc. www.kienediesel.com Phone:800-264-5950 Behlman Electronics Inc. www.behlman.com Phone:631-435-0410 Leggett & Platt Commercial Vehicle Products www.leggettcvp.com Phone:800-334-4183 Bloom Manufacturing Inc. www.bloommfg.com Phone:800-394-1139 LIFT-ALL www.lift-all.net Phone:260-747-0526 Case Construction Equipment www.casece.com Phone:262-630-6011 Majorpower Corp www.majorpower.com Phone:919-563-6610 CEAttachments Inc. www.ceattachments.com Phone:262-387-1210 Mala GeoScience USA Inc. www.malags.com Phone:843-852-5021 0412TUSp06-35#1:0212TECp06-32 4/24/12 10:29 AM Page 35 Maxon Lift Corp www.maxonlift.com Phone:562-464-0099 My-te Products Inc. www.myte.com Phone:317-897-9880 Preco Electronics Inc. www.previewradar.com Phone:208-323-1000 RUD Chain Inc. www.rudchain.com Phone:319-294-0001 Tripp Lite www.tripplite.com Phone:773-869-1642 VMAC www.vmacair.com Phone:250-740-3200 Measurement Systems International www.msiscales.com Phone:206-433-0199 New Holland Construction www.newholland construction.com Phone:262-630-6011 Premco Products Inc. www.premcoproducts.com Phone:909-392-2170 Scott Powerline Utility Equipment www.scottpowerline.com Phone:318-388-9269 TrynEx International www.snowexproducts.com Phone:248-586-3500 Watson Inc. www.watsonusa.com Phone:817-927-8486 Mentor Engineering Inc. www.mentoreng.com Phone:403-777-3760 North American Lifting Equipment www.efferusa.com Phone:330-916-6461 Stellar Industries Inc. www.stellarindustries.com Phone:641-923-3741 Utility Truck Equipment LLC www.utecequip.com Phone:254-857-8813 Wired Rite www.wiredrite.com Phone:707-838-1122 Stertil-Koni www.stertil-koni.com Phone:410-643-9001 Vacuworx International www.vacuworx.com Phone:918-259-3050 Ramsey Industries www.ramsey.com Phone:918-438-2760 Superior Signals Inc. www.superiorsignals.com Phone:913-780-1440 Vanair Manufacturing Inc. www.vanair.com Phone:800-526-8817 Reading Truck Body Inc. www.readingbody.com Phone:610-775-3301 SVP Manufacturing www.workingmobile.com Phone:602-233-3665 Vanner Inc. www.vanner.com Phone:614-771-2718 Reel-O-Matic Phone:405-672-0000 Terex Utilities www.terexutilities.com Phone:605-882-4000 Venco/Venturo Manufacturing Inc. www.venturo.com Phone:800-226-2238 MICO Inc. www.mico.com Phone:507-625-6426 Mobile Awareness LLC www.mobilea wareness.com Phone:440-248-5523 Mobile Desk www.mobiledesk.com Phone:877-663-3375 Mobile Mark www.mobilemark.com Phone:847-671-6690 Mobile Tech Trailers Inc. www.mobiletech trailers.com Phone:574-892-5653 ONSPOT Automatic Tire Chains www.onspot.com Phone:800-766-7768 Palfinger North America Group www.palfingernorthamerica.com Phone:905-374-3363 Parker Hannifin Corp www.parker.com Phone:216-896-3000 Phoenix USA Inc. www.phoenixusa.com Phone:931-526-6128 Visit us at: www.krenzvent.com Prime Design www.primedesign.net Phone:651-552-8554 RAM Mounting Systems Inc. www.ram-mount.com Phone:206-763-8361 Robotic Lift Systems www.roboticlift systems.com Phone:623-780-3700 Thieman Tailgates Inc. www.thiemantailgates.com Phone:419-586-7727 Jeffrey Machine Inc. www.jeffreymachine.com Phone:205-841-8600 Visit us at: www.arpiusa.com The Utility Source • April 2012 35 0412TUSp36:0412TUSp36 4/24/12 1:14 PM Page 36 Advertisers Index Company Name Air Systems International ARPI California Turbo Cementex Copper Wire Stripper Dee Zee Manufacturing Dexter + Chaney Dur-A-Lift, Inc. Highline Products Hioki USA Hughes Brothers ICORP-IFOAM Jeffrey Machine, Inc. Jonas Software Krenz-Vent LEDtronics Linetrac Onspot Phase- A- Matic Preformed Line Products Rammount Roose MFG. Rud Chain, Inc. Sauber Mfg. CO. Utility Metals Winola Industrial Page Number Website 1 www.airsystems.com 9 www.californiaturbo.com 35 23 7 IBC BC 2 7 IFC 31 15 11 27 35 3 19 33 25 17 13 36 5 33 29 23 www.arpiusa.com www.cementexusa.com www.copperwirestripper.com www.deezee.com www.dexterchaney.com www.dura-a-lift.com www.highlineproducts.com www.hiokiusa.com www.hughesbros.com www.sniffnstop.com www.jeffreymachine.com www.jonassoftware.com www.krenzvent.com www.ledtronics.com www.linetracinc.com www.onspot.com www.phase-a-matic.com www.preformed.com www.ram-mount.com www.roosemfg.com www.rudchain.com www.saubermfg.com www.utilitymetals.com www.winolaindustrial.com Products and Services for Today's Electric, Telecom, and CATV Utilities www.theutilitysource.net Visit us at: www.roosemfg.com 36 The Utility Source • April 2012 0412TUSpFPads:0412TUSpFPads 4/24/12 10:10 AM Page C3 Visit us at: www.deezee.com 0412TUSpFPads:0412TUSpFPads 4/24/12 10:10 AM Page C4 Visit us at: www.dexterchaney.com