REVIEW ARTICLE Department of Ayurveda Varsha / IJIPSR / 4 (7), 2016, 862-865 ISSN (online) 2347-2154 International Journal of Innovative Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research AMLAPITTA: IT’S REVIEW IN REFERENCE WITH AYURVEDIC MANAGEMENT 1 Dr.Tanmane C.S., 2 Dr.Varsha Makode* 3 Dr.Avinash Karambhe 1 Professor & head, Dept. Of Kayachikitsa Bhausaheb Mulak Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur, INDIA 2 MD (Sch.) Dept. of Kayachikitsa Bhausaheb Mulak Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur, INDIA 3 MD (Sch.) Dept. of Kaumarbhrutyatantra, Bhausaheb Mulak Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur, INDIA Abstract Ayurveda places the great emphasis on prevention and encourages the maintenance of health through close attention to balance in one’s life, right thinking diet, lifestyle and use of herbs for various illness. Due to fast food of modern era the incidence of Amlapitta is more, nowadays as the nidan (causative factors) of Amlapitta mentioned in the classics are most common. The signs and symptoms of Amlapitta are very similar to Hyperacidity. According to conventional medical science the most common cause of Hyperacidity are H. Pylori infection and prolonged use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS). Hence there is need to understand the concepts along with first line treatments to cure this disease. Keywords : Amlapitta, hyperacidity, nidan, h. pylori. Corresponding Author: Dr.Varsha Makode MD (Sch.) Dept. of Kayachikitsa Bhausaheb Mulak Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur, INDIA Email: Phone: +91-9890035167 Available online : www. July Issue 862 REVIEW ARTICLE Department of Ayurveda Varsha / IJIPSR / 4 (7), 2016, 862-865 ISSN (online) 2347-2154 INTRODUCTION Aahar (Diet) has got major role in the management health status and also improper diet results in malnutrition like condition. Due to lot of stress, lack of self awareness and improperly following Rutucharya (Daily regimen) i.e. faulty dietic habits results in the disease Amlapitta which is a disease originate from Annavaha Stroas ( Elementary canal). As Aacharyas says ‘Roga Sarwepi Mandganai’ i.e. Vitiation of Agni is the main pathophysiological factor in all disease. In Amlapitta also due to Mandagni (weak power of digestion) the ingested food become Vidagdha-paka and then the Pachaka-pitta attains excessive Amlata and cause Vidaha(burning senasation) [1]. Table 1: Classification of Amlapitta [2,3] Sr. No. Type Direction Symptoms 1 Urdhawaga Amlapitta Upward Vomiting, Headache, burning sensation, loss of appetite. 2 Adhoga Amlapitta Downward Thirst, Burning Sensation, fainting rashes on skin etc. 3 Vata Predominant - Tremors, delirium, fainting, darkness before cyes. 4 Kapha predominant - Salivation, Sweet sensation in mouth, 5 Pitta predominant - Weakness, coldness, vomiting, loss of appetite Headache. Treatment for Amlapitta [4,5,6] Ayurveda has effectual remedy available in the management of Amlapitta. Improvement in digestion is the main key for treating Amlapitta. It is needed to avoid eating spicy foods, excess amount of garlic, Salt, oil, chillies etc. One should follow the meal times during daily riutine. Drinking warm water,juicy fruits like apples, pears, grapes, grapefruit, oranges, pineapple, peaches, melons are also useful remedies which maintain the acid base balance in our body. Medicated water with ushira (wala), Coriander seeds, or laja(Puffed rice), Shatavari Kalpa mixed with water is also fruitful for Amlapitta. Shodangadaka(Water medicated with musta, parpatak, ushira, Chandan, Udichya and Suntha) is useful in Amlpitta, daha (burning sensation), Triushna (thirst). Available online : www. July Issue 863 REVIEW ARTICLE Department of Ayurveda Varsha / IJIPSR / 4 (7), 2016, 862-865 ISSN (online) 2347-2154 Table 2: Some Ayurveda Medicines for Amlapitta [7,8,9] Formulation Description Indication Dose Patoldi Kashya It is an ayurvedic medicine in liquid form. It is herbal water decoction. It used in the treatment of Skin disease. Skin disease, pittashamak. 10-20 ml before food. Twice a day as directed by Physician. Avipattikara Chaorna It is a choorna (powder form) preparation mostly used in constipation. It also helps to relive hyper acidity quickly. Constipation 1 to 5 gm suggested to be taken at starting of meals and in between meals or as directed Physician. Bhunimbadi kadha Bhunimbadi kadha is a very wellknown Ayu. Medicine in liquid form for fever. It decrease aggravated pitta dosha. Balanced pitta 12-24 ml before food or as directed by Physician. Hingwashata ka Choorna It contains safe and easily available herbal spices. Balanced vata pitta and increase pitta 1-3 gm Aamalaki Choorna Aamalaki choorna have Rasayana property. Balances kapha and pitta dosha in body. Balanced pitta. 5 to 6 gm DISCUSSION Amplittam Checfi amlagaouno dirktam pittam means the pitta attains amlata (sourcess) excessively and causes vidaha (burning sensation in chest). This condition is known as Amlapitta. It is a disease that affects the human being due to excessive consumption of amla, tiksha, vidahi, ahara, faulty dietic habits i.e fast food like burger, pizza’s, cold drinks, addictions like alcohol, smoking, tea, coffee and other psychological factor including stress strain, anger, anxiety are major causative factors responsible for the Amlapitta. People usually takes a glass of milk in their diet , although someone have tendency to have trouble in a absorbing milk. This is because the larger amount of acid present and it results into hard curds combined with proteins of the milk which often vomited. Yet milk is excellent in this condition for quick relief. It also helpful to drink warm water because, it has been found by physiological experiments that cold water increase the amount of acid secreted in the stomach. Insufficient mastication of food will aggravate by causing gastric irritation. So, mastication should always be moderate in this particular condition. It is not important to overeat but take a small amount of meals thrice a day. Available online : www. July Issue 864 REVIEW ARTICLE Department of Ayurveda Varsha / IJIPSR / 4 (7), 2016, 862-865 ISSN (online) 2347-2154 CONCLUSION The appropriate quality and quantity of good food consume help to prevent hyperacidity. One should also take food considering own capacity of digestion. Remedies which described in discussion helps to produce soothing effect on inner layer of the stomach, controls digestive secretions by which hyperacidity can be tackled. Conflict of Interest: None declared Source of Support: Nil REFERENCES 1. 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