International Journal of Extension Education

ISSN : 2319-7188 (Print)
International Journal of Extension Education
November 2012
ICT in Indian Agriculture: Learnings and A Way Ahead
P. Adhiguru and S. Vimala Devi
Adoption of Improved Mustard Production Technology in Pali District of Rajasthan
Aishwary Dudi and M.L. Meena
Impact of Sugarcane Production Technologies as Perceived by Sugarcane Farmers
in Chittoor District of Andhra Pradesh
S. Ramalakshmi Devi, P. V. Satya Gopal, V.sailaja and S.V. Prasad
Women’s Participation in Watershed Development Programme :
A Case Study of Antisar Watershed of Gujarat
G. L. Bagdi
‘‘e-Velanmai’ – An ICT Enabled Agricultural Extension Model
C. Karthikeyan
Determinants of Participation of Leaders and their Role Performance in SHG Activities
Padma.S.R, and T. Rathakrishnan
Watershed Technology in Arid Zone of Rajasthan: Constraints Analysis
M.L. Meena and N.K. Sharma
Impact and Yield Gap Analysis of Trainings and FLD's Regarding Scientific Practices of Chick pea (Cicer arietinum).
Nikulsinh M. Chauhan
Constraints Experienced by the Onion Growers from Gulbarga District of Karnataka, India.
Patil Nanagouda and A. H. Rajasab
10. Knowledge and Adoption of Export Oriented Practices Followed by the Mango Growers
S.K. Kota, V.J. Tarde and M.S. Babar
11. Participation of Rural Women in Decision Making Process in Agriculture
V. S. Tekale
12. Training Need Assessment of Officers Working in Agricultural Marketing in India
K. C. Gummagolmath, Purushottam Sharma and Shalendra
13. Knowledge and Adoption of Farmers about the Management of Pod Borer Complex in Pigeon Pea
G. R. Tidke, M. K. Rathod and R. P. Mandve
14. Socio-Economic Impact of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee
Scheme (MGNREGS) on Beneficiaries: A Case Study in Coimbatore District of Tamil Nadu
K. Mohanraj and C. Karthikeyan
15. Reasons for Decline of Ber Orchards in Solapur District
Syed Shakir Ali, L. B. Kalantri and Anita S. Deshmukh
16. Farmers' Suicide : A Ground Level Study
C. Satapathy and B.Mishra
International Society of Extension Education
Department of Extension Education, College of Agriculture,
Nagpur - 440 001. Maharashtra, India
Web :
International Journal of Extension Education
Department of Extension Education, College of Agriculture, Nagpur - 440 001.
Maharashtra, India
Dr. R. Dwarakinath Former Vice-Chancellor, UAS, Bangalore
Dr. Burton E. Swanson Emeritus Professor of Rural Development, University of Illinois, USA
Dr. A. W. van den Ban Consultant in Agril. Extension Wageningen, The Netherlands
Dr. G. Trivedi Former Vice-Chancellor, RAU Bihar
Dr. R.P.Singh Former Vice-Chancellor, MPUAT Udaipur
Dr. A.G. Sawant Former Vice-Chancellor, BSKKV, Dapoli &Former Member ASRB, ICAR, New Delhi
Dr. R.R.Sinha Former Director of Extension, Dr. PDKV Akola, Maharashtra
Dr. K.D.Kokate Deputy Director General (Agril. Extension), ICAR New Delhi
Dr.K.Narayana Gowda Vice-Chancellor, UAS Bangalore
Dr. P.N. Mathur Former Deputy Director General (Agril. Extension) ICAR, New Delhi
Prof. V.Veerabhadraiah Former Director of Extension UAS, Bangalore
Dr. B. P. Sinha Former Head, Division of Agricultural Extension, IARI, New Delhi
Secretary- General Capt. Dr. L.B.Kalantri Former Director of Sericulture Government of Maharashtra, Nagpur
Dr. V.R.Kubde Former Director of Extension Education, Dr. PDKV, Akola, Maharashtra
Joint Secretaries
Dr. B.S. Hansra Professor & Ex-Director, IGNOU, New Delhi
Dr. V.S. Shirke Professor of Agril. Extension, MPKV, College of Horticulture, Pune
Dr. L.V. Hirevenkana Goudar Former HOD Agril. Extension, UAS, Dharwad
Dr. P. Adhiguru Sr. Scientist (Agri. Extension) ICAR, New Delhi
Dr. Vishnukant S. Tekale Associate Professor of Extension Education
Dr. PDKV, College of Agriculture, Nagpur
Dr. S. Prabhu Kumar Zonal Project Director Zone-VIII , MRS Hebbal, Bangalore
Dr. A.K.Singh Zonal Project Director Zone-IV, Kanpur
Dr. M.C. Mudukwe, Nigeria
Dr. Abdul Hameed, Bangladesh
Dr. K. Vijayaraghavan Joint Director of Extension, IARI, New Delhi
Dr. J.P.Sharma Head, Division of Agricultural Extension IARI, New Delhi
Dr. C. Sathpathy Former Director of Extension OUAT, Bhubaneswar
Dr. G. Eswarappa Former Director of Extension & Coordinator CBTMPCS UAS, Bangalore
Dr. Dileep Kumar Guntuku Global Leader, Knowledge Sharing and Innovations, ICRISAT, Hyderabad
Dr. M.S.Nataraju, Professor and Coordinator Regional Centre National Afforestation and Eco-Development
UAS, Bangalore
Dr. Sreenath Dixit Principal Scientist (Agril. Extension) CRIDA, Hyderabad
Dr. Bharat Sontakki, Principal Scientist (Agril. Extension) NAARM, Hyderabad
Dr. R.N.Padaria Principal Scientist (Agril. Extension) Division of Agril. Extension IARI, New Delhi
Dr. Ahmed Razvan Far Associate Professor of Agril. Extension University of Tehran Karaz, Iran
Dr. Agwu Ekwe Agwu Professor of Agril. Extension University of Nigeria
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International Journal of Extension Education
Department of Extension Education, College of Agriculture, Nagpur - 440 001.
Maharastra, India
Web :
International Journal of
Extension Education
Volume 8
November, 2012
International Society of Extension Education
Department of Extension Education, College of Agriculture, Nagpur - 440 001.
Maharashtra, India
Web :
International Journal of Extension Education
Dr. R.Dwarakinath, Former vice-chancellor, UAS Banglore, india and FAO Export
Dr. P.V. Salvi, Former vice-chancellor, BSKKV, Dapoli, Dist. Ratnagiri, India
Dr. C. Prasad, Former Dy. Director general (Agri, Extn.), ICAR, New Delhi, India.
Dr. T.S. Sohal, Former Head, division Dairy Extension, NDRI, Karnal, India
Dr. Van den Ban, Consultant in April. Extension, Wageningen, the Netherlands
Dr. Burton E. Swanson, Emeritus Professor of Rural Development, University of illinois, USA
Dr. Ch. Shankaraiah, Australia
Dr. S.N. Singh, Former Joint Director (Extension) IARI, New Delhi, India.
Dr. P.N. Mathur, Former Dy. Director General (Agril.Extn.) ICAR, New Delhi, India
Dr. Paul Mundey, IIRR, Silang, Philippines
Dr. K. D. Kokate, Dy. Director General (Extension) ICAR, New Delhi, India
Dr. V.R. Kubde, Former Director of Extension Education, Dr. PDKV, Akola, India
Dr. V.S. Tekale, Associate Professor of Extension Education, College of Agriculture, Nagpur, India.
Dr. Im. Sang Bang, Seoul, South Korea
Dr. James W. King, Extension Specialist, University of Nebrasaka, USA
Dr. A. J. Nirban, Former Head, Dept. Of Extension Education, BSKKV, Dapoli, India
Dr. B. Vijayabhinandana, Prof. & Head, Extension Education COA (ANGRAU), Baptla (A.P.)
Dr. V.S. Shirke, Professor of Extension Education, College of Agriculture, Pune,