VOL. 14, NO. 2 REVIEWS OF GEOPHYSICS AND SPACE PHYSICS MAY 1976 Magnetospheric Electric Fields and Their Variation with Geomagnetic Activity MARGARET GALLAND KIVEI•SON Departmentof Geophysics and Space Physicsand Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics Universityof California, Los Angeles,California 90024 Diverse and independentmeasurementsof the variation of particle convectionboundarieswith geomagnetic activity are usedto obtain relations betweenthe magnitude of a large scaleelectric field and the Kp index. The relations are compared with measuredfields and with models and are found to be consistentwith diverseobservationsand probably more reliable than resultspreviouslyobtained. INTRODUCTION The importance of large scaleelectricfields in the dynamics of the magnetospherehas been emphasizedboth in broad reviews fAxford, 1969; Vasyliunas, 1970a; Chappell, 1974; Stern, 1975] and in more specializedstudies[Kavanaghet al., 1968: Chen, 1970; Mozer, 1971;Rycroft, 1971; Volland, 1973; Mozer and Lucht, 1974]. These studiesconcludethat satisfactory qualitative interpretations of varied aspects of magnetosphericdynamicssuchas particle injectionand acceleration, low-energy plasma convection, and the motion of whistler ducts emergefrom analysisof the responseto simple analytic representationsof large scale electric fields. It is apparent, however, that more detailed understanding of the effectsof electricfieldson particle behaviorrequiresfield models of greater complexity, models which provide for localized spatial effects [for example, Wolf, 1970; Mcllwain, 1974], and modelswhich, though still static, vary in an empirically establishedway with the level of geomagneticactivity [Vasyliunas, 1968;Rycroft, 1971; Chenand Grebowsky,1974;Maynard and Chen, 1975]. The present paper addressesthe latter problem, obtaining a relation between the magnitude of a uniform cross-magnetosphere electric field and the Kp index which is compatible with diverse and independent measurementsof particle boundariesin different local time regionsof the magnetosphereand therefore probably more reliable than results previously obtained. In this paper the comparisonswith both theory and observa- tion stresslocaltimesotherthandusk.Thisemphasis is based on the argumentthat the quasi-steadystate convectionmodel alone is not likely to describephenomenanear the stagnation point where the convectionelectricfield is counteractedby the corotarion electricfield.The largescaleele•:tricfieldsin this region may be small with respectto localized and time-varying electric fields. The action of localized and time-varying fields may prevent the plasma from reaching equilibrium in the combined convection and corotation fields in the 'bulge' region near dusk. Correlations between various interplanetary and magnetosphericparametersand the Kp index have been noted in the past, and though the correlationsare crude, they help illuminate the underlyingphysicalprocesses.For example,Snyderet al. [1963] and Vasyliunas[1968] have related Kp to the solar wind velocity, Wilcox et al. [1967] and Schattenand Wilcox [1967] have related it to the magnitude of the interplanetary magnetic field, numerousworkers have expressedthe distance to the plasmapausein terms of this parameter [Carpenter, 1967; Binsack, 1967; Taylor et al., 1968; Bezrukikh, 1970; .....•pyright ¸ 1976by the AmericanGeophysicalUnion. Chappellet al., 1970a;Rycroft and Thomas, 1970], and, more recently, Mauk and Mcllwain [1974] and Freeman [1974] have expressed the local time at which substorm-injected lowenergy particles are observedby a geostationarysatellite in terms of Kp. Analogouscorrelationsfor low-altitude phenomena include the dependenceof the auroral zone boundarieson Kp and closely related indices [Feldstein and Starkov, 1967; Feldstein,1972, 1974] and the dependenceof ionosphericelectric field magnitudeson Kp [Mozer and Lucht, 1974]. By inference from relations discussedabove, Vasyliunas [1968] and Mendillo and Papagiannis[1971] have inferred relations between the solar wind velocity and the magnetosphericelectric field, and Freeman [1974] has inferred the distanceto the inner edgeof the plasma sheetat midnight as a function of Kp. In the next section,the Kp dependences of convectionboundariesin the equatorial plane are used to obtain empirical relations betweenKp and the magnitude of a uniform dawn-dusk electric field, E. The resultsobtained are compared with independent measurementsof the total potential drop acrossthe polar cap [Heppner, 1972] and with low-altitude properties.Results based on a uniform cross-magnetospherefield are compared with thosebasedon more sophisticatedmodels[Volland, 1973; Mcllwain, 1974; Stern, 1975; Maynard and Chen, 1975], and differencesare not large for small Kp. Observations of the plasmapauseduring a geomagnetic storm [Hoffman et al., 1975] show that the relation obtained is consistentwith observations even at very large Kp. In the final section, a relation betweensolar wind velocity and Kp is given, and propertiesof the inner edgeof the plasmasheetat midnight are evaluated. E VERSUS Kp,•ROMEQUATORIAL CONVECTION BOUNDARIES In the presenceof a dawn-duskelectric field the drift orbits of low-energychargedparticleswhich complt/telyencirclethe earth lie insidea boundarycalledthe Alfv0n layer [Schieldet al., 1969]. (Particle orbits and Alfv0n layers in a uniform dawn-dusk field have been discussed by Alfvdn and Fiilthammar [1963], Kavanagh et al. [1968], Schield [1969], Chen [1970], and Kivelson and Southwood[1975].) Nishida [1966] and Brice [1967] recognizedthat this outermostclosed drift orbit (or, equivalently, the last closed equipotential) would, in a static situation, correspond to the plasmapause. Experimentally, the plasmapausemust be defined as the outermost sustainedclosedequipotential contour [Carpenterand Park, 1973; Chen and Grebowsky,1974]. The requirement that a field configurationbe sustainedarisesfor somewhatdifferent reasons when the field increases than when it decreases. In the case of a field increase,filled flux tubes on newly open orbits continue to drift around the earth until they reach the late 189 190 KIvELsON: MAGNETOsPHERIc ELEcTRIc FIELDs AND GEoMAGNETIc ACTIVITY afternoon quadrant, where they drift out toward the magnetopause. As it takes • 1 day for plasma initially in the evening sector to move away from the Alfv6n layer, the new equilibrium plasmapauseposition is achieved only after •1 day. For this reason, in some parts of this paper the average Kp for the previous24 hoursis usedto characterizethe magnetic conditions.On the other hand, freshly injectedparticles on orbits open to the tail appear at the new Alfv•n boundary in the evening-midnightquadrant within hours of the increase in the convectionfield; hence,in the interpretationsbasedon night side injection boundaries,the Kp index for the time of observationis used.In the caseof a decreasing field,flux tubes consideredrepresentativeof the relations which follow from this type of measurement.The functional form of (4) is partially a consequenceof the use of a linear fit to the plasmapause observations.A different form follows from the empirical relation for Loo, the distanceto the plasmapauseat night Loo = 5.64 - (0.78 + O.12)(Kp)•/•' Kp < 6 (5) which Rycroft and Thomas[1970] reportedas an improvement over the linear fit to their data. As their measurements were made at night, we set 4 = 0 in (2) to obtain E = 0.71/[1 - O.14(Kp)•/•']•' kV/Re on newly closedorbits refill completelyonly after 5-8 days (6) [Park, 1970]. For this reason the Alfv6n boundary based on the 24-hour Kp may not correspondto the plasmapauseduring intervals of decreasingactivity. Inward displacementof the plasmapausewith increasing magneticactivity [Carpenter, 1967;Rycroft and Thomas,1970] is consistentwith the existenceof a Kp-related dawn-dusk electric field acrossthe magnetosphere,as noted by Rycroft [1974]. For the earth's dipole magneticfield the positionof the Alfv6n layer in a uniform dawn-dusk electric field is found from the equations Equation (6) givesE = 0.71 and 1.44 kV/Re for Kp = 0 and 5-, respectively, as noted by Rycroft [1974], but the dependencediffers slightly from the linear one he mentions. Equations(4) and (6) are plotted in Figure 1. Also plotted in Figure 1 are two points relating E and Kp obtained by Rycroft [1971] from considerationsof the local time asymmetryof the plasmapause. A relation between E and Kp which agreeswell with the resultsof the plasmapauseanalysis(equation (4)) can be obtained from an analogoustreatment of the observationsof the local time of injection of substorm-associatedparticles at -eEReL(½ ) sin 0 + C/L(½ ) = eEReLs + C/Ls (la) geostationaryorbit. Mauk and Mc!lwain [1974] and Freeman eEReL, = C/L, (lb) [1974] found there is an approximatelylinear relation between Kp and the local time, primarily betweendusk and midnight, [Kivelsonand Southwood,1975], where L(½) is the radig] disat which freshly injected particlesare encountered.Their obtance (inearthradii)totheAifv6nlayerintheequatorial'plane servationsare shown in Figures 2a and 2b. Low-energy parat azimuth 0 (0 measured eastward from midnight), C = ticles, injected in the premidnight region by a crosse•2BoRe •' -• 90 keV with • = 2•r/day, and Bo the equatorial magnetosphereelectricfield associatedwith a substorm,must field strength at 1 Re; L, is the distanceto the flow stagnation be on drift orbits open to the geomagnetictail [Kivelsonand point on the dusk meridian, and E is the magnitude of the Southwood,1975]; that is, they must be outside their Alfv6n dawn-duskelectricfield in the equatorial plane (in kV Re-•). layer L(½), specifiedby (2). This boundary is plotted in Figure Equations(la) and (lb) can be manipulatedto showthat L(½) and E are related by L•'(O)eERe = C/[1 - (1 + sin ½)x/2]/sin0}•' 1.8 (2) The azimuthal variation (or local time dependence)of the distance to the boundary given by (2) has been shown by Rycroft [1971] to agree well with observationsfrom 2100 LT through dawn to noon. Equation (2) can be used in conjunction with one of the empirical relationsbetweenKp and the distanceto the plasmapause to yield a relation between E and Kp. For example, Carpenter [1967], using whistlers to determine the distanceto the plasmapausenear dawn (Lo = L(90ø)), found a linear relation betweenLo and the highest3-hour Kp index in the 24 hours precedinghis measurement.Using the fit to this observation [Carpenterand Park, 1973] Lo -• 5.7 - 0.47Kp Kp < 6 I I I I I 1.4 1.2 (3) .2- with (2), we find E = 0.46/(1 - 0.082Kp)•' kV/Re (4) Kp This relation is relatively insensitiveto the local time assigned 1. Magnitude of a uniform dawn-dusk electric field versus to (3), whichis b•ised on measurements in themidnight-dawnKp.Fig. The dashed line representsdata inferred from Carpenter's [1967] sector. For example, if (3) is taken to representL(45ø), the field of (4) increasesby 10%. As the empirical relations between the plasmapausedistance and Kp obtained by Binsack [1967], Bezrukikh [1970], Gringauz [1969], Chappell et al. [1970a], and Rycroft and Thomas [1970] are quite similar to that of Carpenter [1967] (seethe discussionin the review of Rycroft [1975]), (4) can be measurementsof equatorial distanceto the dawn plasmapause(equation (4)). The solid line is data inferred from Mauk and Mcllwain's [1974] measurementsof the low-energy particle injection boundary (equation (11)). The dotted and dashed line representsdata inferred from Rycroft and Thomas's[1970] measurementsof distanceto night side plasmapause(equation (6)). The two points were found by Rycroft [1971] from studiesof the local time dependenceof the plasmapause. KIVELSON: MAGNETOSPHERIC ELECTRIC FIELDSANDGEOMAGNETIC ACTIVITY I[ I I I I I 0200 I 191 0000 \ ' i 2200 , / ' 0400 2000 0600 1800 0800 1600 x •Kp >2 ß AKp< 2 I000 1200 1400 Fig. 3. Zero energy Alfv6n layers in the equatorial plane for different magnitudesof a uniform dawn-duskelectricfield. The boundaries are labelled with the values of E in kV RE-:, and the orbit of a Fig. 2a. The local time of low-energyparticle injection at geosta- geostationarysatelliteis shownas a circle. In the eveningquadrantthe intersection of the satellite with the Alfv6n layer is seen to occur at tionary orbit by Mauk and Mcllwain [1974], (8). later local times for smaller values of E. 3 for a number of different values of E. Also shown is the approximateorbit of a geostationarysatellite;no corrections [Mauk and Mcllwain, 1974] or have been made for dipole tilt. From the figure it is apparent LT = 27.6 - 1.6Kp Kp < 8(9) that in the late evening quadrant the satellite crossesthe boundary at local times which are earlier the greater the [Freeman, 1974] to obtain a relation betweenE and Kp. strength of the electric field. From (2), with L(½) = 6.6, we. As the naturally occurringtime variable in the model is sin obtain ½, and the time variable in terms of which E is most simply expressed is s = Icos [(½ - 90ø)/211(seeequation(7)), we E= 2.1{[1 -- (1q-sin 4•):/2]/sin 4•]} 2 kV/RE (7) could obtain an algebraicrelation betweenE and Kp if Kp E = 2.1/{ 1 q- 2:/2 Icos[(4>-- 90ø)/211}" kV/RE were correlated with s instead of L T. Accordingly, we have foundthe leastsquarefit to s asa functionof Kp from the data of Mauk and Mcllwain. Having verified that our data set as the relation between the local time (½) at which the first freshlyinjectedparticlesshould appear at geostationaryorbit closelyreproducestheir fit (LT = 25.3 - 1.42Kp,standard and the strengthof the dawn-duskelectricfield. Equation (7) deviation: 1.58), we obtained a fit for s versusKp can be usedin conjunctionwith eitherof the relationsbetween s = 0.825 - 0.148Kp (10) local time of encounter and Kp: LT = ½/15 ø -- 25.5 - 1.5gp gp • 5+ The standarddeviationfor this fit showsit to be comparable to (8) (DEGREES) 0 I 45 i i I .• 6 •.!• ' • 90 I i I I I I I I i Ii I I i ..- Kp =2-FOR PREP/OUR $-HOUR INTEl? VA L7 X.x• 2- HIGHESTKpV ON DAYS WITH ø''• I- • 135 I ø '• eeeee • t I ! I ! ! I I I • • • • • 05t 06• 0708 v I 09I I0J 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2:5 O0 01 02 0304 LOCAL TIME (HOURS) Fig. 25. The local time oœlow-energyparticleinjectionat geostationaryorbit by Freeman[1974],(9). 192 KIVELSON:MAGNETOSPHERIC ELECTRICFIELDS AND GEOMAGNETICACTIVITY the fit for LT versusKp. From (7) and (10), we then find (see TABLE 1. Total Dawn-Dusk Potential Drop in Kilovolts Predicted Acrossa 40-RE MagnetosphereversusKo Figure 1) E - 0.44/[(1 - 0.097Kp)•'1 kV/Re (11) Analogoustreatment of Freeman'sdata is not usefulunless his two pointsat Kp > 6 are excluded,becausethe theoretical model cannot predict the local time of injectionif the electric field is large enough to move the stagnationpoint inside of geostationaryorbit. For the observationsat Kp < 6 the fit s = 0.954 - 0.141Kp EquationNo. 0 2 4 6 4 6 11 13 15 19 28 18 16 32 27 44 27 23 74 42 54 47, 36 116 74 64 101 66 160 (12) COMPARISON yieldsa resultsimilarto that of (4) and (11), i.e., WITH IONOSPHERIC MEASUREMENTS The position of the auroral oval is known to shift equatorwardwith increaseof geomagneticactivity [Feldstein, 1974].Equatorwarddisplacementof the ionosphericboundary The electricfieldsof (11) and (13), deducedfrom observations may be interpreted as the signatureof inward convectionof of the equatorial convectionboundary identifiedat each local the plasmasheetin the equatorial plane, for the inner edgeof time as the minimum distance to which newly injected low- the plasma sheet has been found to coincidewith the equaenergyparticlespenetrateduringa substorm,shouldin a steady torwardedgeof the auroral oval [Vasyliunas,1970b;Lossen, state convection model correspondto the field (4) inferred 1974]. The convectionmodel can then be invoked to provide from the location of the equatorial'plasmapauseidentified an estimateof the equatorial electricfield basedon the auroral (13) E = 0.39/[(1 - 0.086Kp)•'] kV/Re as the radial distanceat whichthe gradientof coldplasma zon.e density increasesrapidly with radial distance. Despite the problems discussedin the introduction of identifying the plasmapausein a time-varying situation and despitethe fact The linear fit to the Kp dependenceof the magneticlatitude (XM) of the equatorwardboundary of the auroral oval shown by Feldsteinand Starkov [1967] satisfies that the two boundaries are measured in different local time sectors,the three equationsare in good agreementover a large range of Kp. For large values of Kp, one might expect the relation found from the plasmapauseposition to be more dependablethan (11) and (13) becausethe convectionboundary, which limits. the inward injection observed by a geostationary satellite, lies increasinglyclose to the 'bulge' region of the plasmapause(seeFigure 3) for increasinglylarge E, and the 'bulge' region is known to be highly variable in structure [Chappellet al., 1970b;Rycroft, 1975]. For E >• 1.5 kV/Rs, small departuresfrom the assumedsymmetry would produce large changesin the local time at which injectionwas first observed.Inspectionof Figure 2a suggests that the linear relation betweenLT and Kp may not be significantfor LT < 1800 or for Kp > 4. Figure 2b, on the other hand, showsthat the only two measurementsat L T < 1800 (Kp = 6+ and 8-) are consistent with the fit obtained from measurements at later local times. We shall return to this point in the next sectionwhere it is suggestedthat, despitethe argumentspresented here, the data for large Kp are somewhat better approximated by (11) than by (4). The electric fields obtained from (4), (6), and (11) agree within a factor of 2 over the entire range 0 < Kp < 5. For Kp < 4.5, the electricfieldsof (6) and (11) are bounded by the values previouslygiven by Rycroft [1971] and by Rycrofi and Thomas [ 1970]. COMPARISON WITH LoW-ALTITUDE measurements. MEASUREMENTS The values of the electric fields found in (4), (6), (11) and (13) can be comparedwith Heppner's[1972] measurementsof polar cap electric fields. Heppner found that the integrated potential drop acrossthe polar cap ranged from 20 to 100 kV, with typical valuesfor moderateKp, near 3, falling in the range 40-70 kV. For comparison, the potential drops across an assumed40-Rs magnetospherepredicted from the equations mentioned are tabulated for severalvaluesof Kp in Table 1. The predictions of (11) appear most closelyconsistentwith Heppner'smeasurements.Equation (6) givesvaluestoo large for small Kp and too small for large Kp. XM = 65.2ø - 1.04øKp (14) in the vicinity of local midnight. To map this to the equator, we note that in the Olson-Pfitzer model, the ATS field line (L = 6.6) at quiet time maps to approximately65.2ø magnetic latitude [Olsonand Pfitzer, 1974]. An estimateof the equatorial L value LA correspondingto the midnight auroral boundary is obtained by normalizing the dipole mapping so that it correspondsto the Olson-Pfitzer model when Kp = 0. It follows that LA = 1.16/[cos•' (65.2ø - 1.04øKp)] (15) If this boundary is also the inner edgeof the plasma sheet, the strength of the electric field can be determined from the convectionmodel. In this model, near the midnight meridian, electron convection boundaries lie at greater radial distances for more energeticparticles [SchieM,1969]. The inner edgeof the plasma sheet should thus correspondto the convection boundary evaluated for the low-energy end of the range of electronenergiesfound in the plasma sheet(100 eV to 10 keV) [Vasyliunas,1970b]. For these 100-eV electronsthe correction to the zero energysolution is negligible[Kivelsonand Southwood, 1975], so (2) may be usedto give E -- 22.5 2 -- 16.7cos 4(65.2 ø-- 1.04 øKp)--kV LA R• (16) and this is plotted in Figure 4. For small values of Kp the correspondencewith the resultsobtained directly from equatorial observations(equation(11)) is close.For largevaluesof Kp the mappingof field linesto the equatoris not realistic,and the discrepanciesare not surprising. Direct measurements of the electric field between 0100 and 0600 LT in the auroral ionospherehave shownthat thoughthe magnitudeof the field increaseswith Kp, local turbulentvariations of the field dominate the weak effect [Mozer and Lucht, 1974]. The ambiguitiesinvolved in mapping electricfieldsbetween the equator and the auroral zone (discussedby Mozer KIVELSON:MAGNETOSPHERIC ELECTRICFIELDSAND GEOMAGNETICACTIVITY TABLE 2. 193 Explorer 45 PlasmapauseObservations, August 2-4, 1972 2.0 Orbit LT L•• E E4 E• (Kp) 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 13.84 13.02 12.04 12.04 11.31 10.19 ßßß 10.42 9.82 10.88 12.64 4.6 4.2 3.5 3.1 2.8 2.3 <2.1 2.2 2.2 2.6 3.8 1.4 1.5 1.8 2.4 3.0 3.5 >4.2 3.7 3.7 3.0 1.7 0.56 0.78 1.1 1.4 2.2 2.5 3.9 3.0 2.5 1.9 1.5 0.56 0.83 1.3 1.8 3.4 4.3 8.8 5.5 4.3 2.8 2.0 1.2 2.8 4.3 5.2 6.6 7.0 8.0 7.4 7.0 6.2 5.5 1.8 1.6 Observationswere by Hoffman et al. [1975]; Lvv is measureddistance to plasmapauseat the local time indicated, E is inferred from (2), (Kp) is the average 3-hour Kp for the previous 24 hours, E4 and E• are obtained from (Kp) and (4) and (11), respectively. polated to the encounter time and found a worse fit if they usedKp for 2 hours postencounter,whereasKp of the 2-hour preencounter time enhanced the scatter somewhat near dusk 0 i 2 3 4 5 6 but improved it slightly in the postmidnight region. These featurescan be interpreted in terms of the assumedmodel. If E Fig. 4. Convection electricfield versusKœ.Solid curve, empirical increaseswhen Kp increases,convection begins immediately; thus freshlyacceleratedparticlesappear at the Alfv6n layer in equation (11) œrominjection boundaries by lidauk and Mcllwgin [1974]. Dashed curve œromthe equatorward boundary of the auroral the evening quadrant with delays of less than 2 hours, as oval [Feldsteinand Starkov, 1967] mapped to the equatorial plane observedby Mauk and Mcllwain [1974] and Freeman [1974]. using (16). On the other hand, adjustment of the plasmapauseto an enhanced electric field can take a full day, for the plasma which lies between the old and new Alfv6n layers must drift and Lucht [1974]) limit the value of detailedintercomparisons, around to the day side before the newly establishedopen drift but typical valuesof quiet time auroral zone fieldsmappedto paths diverge from the initial closed orbits. Only after a full the equator exceed the values obtained by other means by day will all flux tubes have convectedto the day side, and thus factorsof 5-10. This overestimateprobably reflectsthe importhe new boundaries will be established.At the dawn plasmatant contribution to auroral zone measurements of localized pause the new equilibrium should occur with a delay of more turbulent fields which are superimposedon the large scale than 12 hours, which accountsfor Carpenter's result. Plasma convectionfield [Mozer and Manka, 1971; Mozer et al., 1974]. convectingto the day side, having been presentin the critical STORM TIME COMPARISONS Observationsof plasmapauseerosion near local noon during the geomagnetic storm period, August 4-6, 1972, have been describedby Hoffman et al. [1975]. These observations provide a usefultest of the empiricalexpressionof this paper, both becausethey apply to the predictionsat very large Kp, and becausethey were made at local times excluded in the measurementsusedto establishthe relation. Table 2 givesthe observedparametersof the plasmapause,the convectionfield strength required to place the plasmapauseat the observed location (equation (2)), the mean 3-hour Kp in the previous24 hours, and the field strength calculated for this average Kp from (4) and (11). The empirical relations and the values inferred from observationsare plotted in Figure 5. On one orbit the plasmapauselay insideperigee,so only a lower limit for the field is indicated in the table and on the figure. Once again, the agreementwith both (4) and (11) is good, even at very disturbed times. Equation (6), obtained from the results of Rycroft and Thomas[1970], is also plotted in Figure 5 and, as in the previouscomparisonwith polar cap potential drops, appearsto underestimatethe field for high valuesof Kp. One point should be made regardingthe valuesof Kp used in the above analysis.It has beennoted that Carpenter[1967] associatedthe dawn plasmapausewith the largestKp observed in the previous24 hoursbecausethis improvedthe correlation. __M_auk and Mcllwain [1974], on the other hand, usedKp inter- /0 I i i i i I i 6 lower ound Fig. 5. Magnitude of a uniform dawn-duskelectricfield versusKp for very disturbed times. The solid curve represents(11), the dashed curve (4), and the dotted and dashed curve (6) [Rycroft and Thomas, 1970]. The dots are obtained from Explorer 45 observations of plasmapause erosion during a magnetic storm [Hoffman et al., 1975]. 194 KIVELSON: MAGNETOSPHERICELECTRIC FIELDS AND GEOMAGNI:TIC ACTIVITY flow region for most of a day, should be bestcharacterizedby some long-time average of the geomagneticconditions, and hencewe have usedthe stated24-hour averageKp. 2.0 1.8 RELATION OF OTHER MODELS OF THE ELECTRIC FIELD 16 Analytic models of the convection electric field somewhat more complex than the uniform dawn-dusk field have been developed in recent years [Volland, 1973; Stern, 1975], and if the Kp-dependent particle boundaries were interpreted in terms of thesemodels,the empiricalrelationsbetweenKp and field strength would be somewhat different. As a more complex model field varies in space,its magnitudemust be characterized by some averagevalue suchas the total potential drop acrossthe 30-RE width of the magnetospherein the dawn-dusk /// 1.4 1.2 1.0 / iiii .8 .6 meridian. A simplified version of Volland's [1973] field, attributed to Stern, is used by Maynard and Chen [1975]. This VollandStern-Maynard-Chen (VSMC) field is symmetric about the dawn-duskmeridian, and its amplitudeincreaseswith Kp; the Alfvfin layer for Kp -- 3.7 is illustrated in Figure 6. Also shown is the Alfvfin boundary for the uniform field correspondingto Kp - 3.7 in (11) and a portion of the orbit of a geostationary satellite. This diagram indicates that the field strengthsobtained from the local time versusKp fits of (8) and (9) would be only slightly modified by use of the VSMC model, and this point is confirmed by Figure 7, on which the filled circleswere evaluated from the VSMC model by a procedureanalogousto that used to derive (11). Numbers in parenthesesshow the percent deviation of the electric field values from the curve (equation (11)) and are seen to be of the order of 30%. The large separation near dawn of the Alfvfin boundaries of the uniform and VSMC models seen in Figure 6 suggeststhat discrepanciesbetweenthe modelsmay increasepostmidnight. For example, in the VSMC model the dawn plasmapause never movesinsideL -- 4, clearly at variancewith Carpenter's [1967] observations.Consequently,the model does not produce self-consistentrelations between field strength and Kp when usedto interpret observationsin differenttime intervals. For these reasonswe have preferred to use the uniform field model, which seemsreasonablyconsistentwith most observations except very near the dusk meridian. Other field modelswhich have'beengiven by Volland[1973] and Mcllwain [1974] are illustrated in Figures8 and 9, and on .4 i i 1 Kp Fig. 7. Convection electric field versus Kp. Solid curve, (11). Filled circlesinferred from A TS 5 injection boundariesof Mauk and Mcllwain [1974] and the Volland-Stern-Maynard-Chen electric field model describedin the text. The diamond indicatesthe averageelectric field across30 RE in the dawn-dusk meridian for the Volland [1973] quiet time (Kp = 0-1) model; the squareindicatesthe same quantity for the Mcllwain [1974] EH3 model. Numbers in parenthesesare the percentdisagreementof the fields based on the two models. Dashed curve is the fit of Chen and Grebowsky[1974] given in (17), Figure 7 two points are included showing the average field strength of the Mcllwain model and of the Volland 'quiet' model, both basedon data for a Kp rangefrom 0-1. The points fall closeto the curve representing(11). Volland's 'disturbed' field, said to apply for Kp in the range 2-4, correspondsto an averageelectricfield of 2.2 kV/RE, which is much larger than the values given by (11). Note in Figure 8 that Volland's 'disturbed' field placesthe plasmapausenear dawn at L - 3.3, i.e., at a distancenormally expectedfor Kp - 5. The suggestion therefore is that the 'disturbed' field may be better assignedto the range 4-6 for Kp, which would bring its average magnitude into the range of the predictionsof (11). A linear relation between E and Kp used by Chen and Grebowsky[1974] 0000 E = 0.795(1 + •Kp) eostationary Satellite i 0600 // ' kV/Re (17) also plotted in Figure 7, seems to overestimate the field strengthfor all Kp. Roederer and Hones [1974] have developed a model timedependentelectric field to describethe injection of particlesat geostationaryorbit during substorms.In their model the potential drop across 20 Rs in the dawn-dusk meridian plane increaseslinearly for 10 min from 0 to 60 k V, then decreases linearly to 0 in 120 min. The averageelectric field acrossthe dawn-dusk meridian during the 130-min interval containing the model substorm is 1.5 kV/RE, while for a full 3-hour interval spanning an isolated model substorm the average electricfield is 1.1 kV/RE. For E -- 1.1 kV/Rs, (11) givesKp = Fig. 6. Zero energyAlfvfin layersand a portion of geostationary 4-, a value which is frequently regarded as 'moderately dis- orbit. The dashed curve is based on a uniform dawn-dusk electric field of 1.2 kV RE-1, which correspondsto Kp = 3.7 in (11). The solidcurve is based on the Volland-Stern-Maynard-Chenfield describedin the text and is evaluatedfor Kp -- 3.7, which impliesan averagefield of 39 kV RE-1 acrossa 30-RE magnetosphere. turbed.' The Roedeter-Hones isolated substorm electric field is therefore in reasonableagreementwith (11). Kuznetsov[1972] has obtained a linear relation betweenE and Kp by examination of morning-eveningasymmetriesof KIVELSON; MAGNETOSPHERIC ELECTRIC FIELDSANDGEOMAGNETIC ACTIVITY 6h 195 e• Fig. 8. Volland's[1973] equatorialelectricfield equipotentials,includingthe corotationfield. On the left is the quiet time (Kp = 0-1) model. On the right is the disturbed(Kp = 2-4) model which, as describedin the text, may be more correctly associatedwith Kp -- 4-6. the flux of > 35-keV outer belt electrons. The innermost L shell on which asymmetry is detected(L•<) is found to move earthward with increasingKp. Attributing the asymmetry to the presenceof newly acceleratedplasma sheet electronson the morning side, Kuznetsov interprets L•< as the boundary between open and closeddrift orbits for energeticelectrons.The argumentsare similar to those usedto obtain (11), but as the boundaryfor 35-keV electronslieswell outsidethe boundaries for low-energyelectrons,his analysisis more sensitiveto departures from the dipole magneticfield used in both casesto interpret the data. Furthermore, the accelerationof particles by the strongly time-dependentmagnetic fields which frequently occur near midnight during substormswill systematically increasethe electric fields inferred from the morningevening asymmetries.Nonetheless,the relation obtained by Kuznetsov [1972] E = 0.87(1 + 0.71Kp) kV/RE APPLICATIONS From the injection boundariesdescribedby (9), Freeman [1974] inferred the radial distanceat midnight to the inner boundaryof convection(inner edgeof the plasmasheet)by assuming that the particles forming the ATS 1 injection boundary included only particlesof magneticmoment # and greater. His results,basedon the electricfield of Vasyliunas [1968], given here as (19), indicated that electrons of a wide range of magneticmomentscould penetrateto geostationary orbit at midnightfor moderatelydisturbedgeomagneticconditions. We have reexaminedthe midnight plasma sheetboundary, assumingfrom the injection spectrausedby Mauk and Mcllwain [1974] that the injectedparticleshave magneticmoments of >0 and that consequentlythe plasma sheetat midnight is composed of particles convected in as far as their Alfv6n (18) differsfrom (11) only by a factor of <3.2 in the rangeKp from 0600 0to8. Finally, a comparisonwith the pioneer relation betweenE and Kp [Vasyliunas, 1968] should be made. Vasyliunas obtained his expression ELECTRIC MODELS E3H, M2 FIELD POTENTIALS E - (2.$5 kV/RE)/(1 - 0.1gp) 2 (19) by relating the distance to the dusk stagnation point in a uniform field model to the electric field, but for the distance to the stagnationpoint, he usedBinsack's[1967] measurements 20kV of the distanceto the plasmapause averagedover all local times (L = 6 - 0.6Kp). The asymmetryof the Alfv6n layers illustrated in Figure 3 shows that this procedure seriously underestimatesthe distanceto the stagnationpoint. Indeed, Binsack'sexpressi9nis identicalwith the Carpenterand Park IOkV [1973] expression forthedistance tothedawnplasmapause to onesignificant figure. Ontheotherhand,intheuniform field model the ratio of the distancesto the plasmapauseat dawn and dusk is 0.4. As E varies as the inverse square of the OkV distanceto the stagnationpoint, (19) shouldbe modifiedby multiplying it by (,0.4)2, and it would then be approximately the same as (4). (This argument has been given in on unpublished document: A. J. Chen,personal communicotion,i 1800 LOCAL TIME ß 1975•. • '':•.• Fig. 9. Mcltwain's [1974] E3H model ctcctricfield for Kp = 0-1. 196 KIVELSON' MAGNETOSPHERIC ELECTRIC FIELDS AND GEOMAGNETIC ACTIVITY 0.4 boundaries.We have usedthe approximations for finite •t Ay(Re) • (V•w/1000)(1 -- V•/1000) 2 (23) electrons givenby Kivelson andSouthwood [1975]andhave included corotation fields.At midnight for electron• of 90ø whichfor V•w= 500gives•3 Rs forthewidthof themerging pitchangleandsufficiently large•, thedistance totheAlfv6n region. boundaryLM satisfies Kp = 0 LIMIT 0.47B0• 21 Theempirical relation between E andKp(equation (11)) has eERE = L3• -• L3•2 (20)a nonzerolimitforKp-• O,andif thislimitisnotspurious, it is interesting, foritsuggests thepresence ofanelectric wherethe particlekineticenergyis •tBo/L • in keY.(The physically fieldin theabsence of anyothersignificant geomagnetic activcoefficients differslightly when• isverysmall.)ValuesofLM ity. HoweVer, the position of the plasmapause, which we have forsmall• anda range ofKparegiveninTable3,fromwhich usedto determinethe field,cannotbe observed at timesof it is clearthatonlyparticles withextremely smallmagnetic quietconditions asit becomes exceedingly ill demoments canreachgeostationary orbitat midnight forKp -- prolonged fined [Chappell et al., 1970a]. If particle injections occur for Kp 2. Thedifference between ourconclusion andFreeman's isdue = 0, wearemorelikelyto conclude thattheKpindexisnota to the muchsmallerelectricfieldswe have used. of thelevelofactivity thanto believe thatwe An estimate of the dependence of the dawnsdusk electric goodmeasure fieldonthesolarwindvelocity(Vs,o), analogous to thosegiven have learnedsomething aboutconvection fields.Unfortu- nately, present dataareinsufficient to testthesignificance of byVasyliunas [1968] andMendillo andPapagiannis [1971 ],can thelimitingvalueof theconvection electricfield. befoundfrom(4) andtherelation between Vs,o andKpobtained bySnyder etal. [1963], which, if expressed interms of SUMMARY the average3-hourKp in the previous 24 hours,is The empirical expression (equation (11)) E (kV/Rs) -0.44/(1- 0.097Kp) • accords wellwithobservations of the (21) dependence onKpoftheaverage positions ofdiverse particle approximately V•okm/s = 68Kp+ 330 boundaries in themagnetosphere andwithmeasured polarcap electricfieldsfor 0 < Kp •< 8. This relation,whichis From(19)and(11)it follows that approximately thesame asthose givenin (4) and(13),has 0.2 kV R•--1 beenfavored primarily because it agrees somewhat better with E= [(1-- V.w km/s)/1000] 2 (22)polarcapfieldmeasurements andbecause it predicts storm timelocationsof the plasmapause quitewell. Thevalidity, evenina statistical sense, of(22)isrestricted to Naturally, theuniform fieldmodelmustbeused withcare. therange of solarwindvelocities whichSnyder et al. usedto For example, the position of the Alfv6nboundary in the establish (21).In theirwork,330km/s( V•,o( 750km/s,and electric fieldgivenby(11)isnotexpected to correspond to a theaverage val,ue wasV,,o- 504km/s.Obviously then,one clearly defined gradient in theplasma density during intervals shouldconclude neitherthata convection electricfieldexistsin ofdecreasing magnetic activity whenfluxtubes, emptybecause theabsence l•)•f a solarwindnorthattheelectric fieldbecomestheylieoutside a previous Alfv6n layer, havenotyetregained infiniteat V•,o- 1000km/s. It is worthnotingthat (22) equilibrium withtheionosphere. Similarly, because of the absence of a sharpgradientat the plasmapause at low Kp corresponds quiteclosely to a one-pa,rlameter quadratic form (E -- 3.2(Vs•o/l•00) •',kV/Rs), selected togiveagreement forthe average solarwindvelocity previously cited,anddiverges considerably • froman analogously chosen linearform(E = 1.6 [Chappell etal., 1970a], theposition oftheboundary depends sensitively on the criterion usedto defineit (e.g.,density greater than10cm-sor 100cm-S), andthisdependence onan (V•w/1000)). Thisobservation supports th•[heoretical con, arbitrary criterion canpresent problems foranalysis of quiet clusion ofMendillo and Papagiannis [1971 ] that tl-ie convection time properties. electricf•eldvariesmQyenearlyqhadra•teal15 ' thanlinearly Although a relation between theconvection fieldandKpcan bevalidatbestonlyina statistical sense, it should beuseful for From(22),onecanestimate thesizeof thedayside'merg- calculating theexpected driftpathsofparticles duringmagneting'region required to accouht fortheconvection field,again ically active times. Equation (11) may,forexample, beapplied limiting'applications to330km/s_(V•o'• •50km/s. Fora to furtheranalysis of theredistribution of low-energy plasma solarwindmagnetic fieldof •5 'y,w:itha component of the during geomagnetically active timesof thetypeinitiated by orderof 3 'y parallelto theearth'sdipole,thewidthof the ChenandGrebowsky [1974,andreferences therein]. In addimerging region(Ay)across thedaysidescales as tion,thebehavior of particles of nonzero energy, whichare alsoaffected byconvection electric fields, canbestudied by using theestimated fields. Thevariation inthefieldamplitude mayalsoprovide anestimate of thepower in TABLE3. Dista•n9es in EarthRadiito theAlfv6nLayers onthe asKpchanges Midnight Meri•ittn for Electrons of Magnetic Moment # for low-frequency electric fieldvariations which maybeofusein with the solar wind ve16city. different Kp studies of radialdiffusion [Fiiltharnrnar, 1968].However, asKp #, keV/'• 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 0.05 7.5 8.7 6.7 8.0 5.7 7.1 5.0 6.5 4.3 5.9 3.8 5.3 0.1 9.6 8.8 7.9 7.3 6.6 6.1 0.16 10.3 9.6 8.6 7.9 7.3 6.7 is itselfaveraged overbothtimeandspace, it canat best characterize onlylargescale activity andtime-averaged behavior,Accordingly, theelectric fieldsassociated withKpin the results of thispapershould beapplied to theanalysis oftimeaveragedlargescalebehavioronly. Acknowledgments. 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