lu5\,{)cc Physics48 (Fail 2All) Chapter22: Electric Fields \./ /.:===--' 6t/ " Whether you thinkyou canor thinkyou can't,you're usuallyright." - HenryFord "It is our attitudeat the beginningof a dfficult taskwhich, more than anythingelse,will afect ir outcone." -William James successful 's "Thefirst and mostimportantsteptowatd successis thefeeling thal we can succeed." NelsonBoswell Reading: pages580- 596 Outline: , S/ = electricfield introduction = electricfield of a point charge = eiectricfield lines (PowerPoint) = electricfield from a dipole binomialexPansion = electricfield calcuiations continuouschargedistribution line of chmge chargeddisk > point chmgein an electricfield + dipole in an electricfieid (Readon your own) ProblemSolvingTechniques You shouldknow how to computethe electric freld ofa collection of point charges.Rememberthat the sum of the individual fields is a vector sum.Add the x componentsto get the x componentof the sum;addthe y componentsto getthe y componentof the sum.The magaitudeof the electricfield producedby a singlepoint chargeq, at a point a distancer away,is given by E = lql/4nesf. This must be multiplied by the sineor cosineof an angleto obtaina component.You must alsodetermine the sign of the component. Someproblemsdeal with electricfield lines. You shouldknow that the electric fie1dat aay point is tangert to the line throughthat poinl that the numberof lines per unit areapassingtt['ough al area perpendicularto the lines is proportionalto the magritudeof the field, andthat iines emanatefrom positivechargeandendat negativecharge. r.\_-, '=.' You will alsoneedto know that the force on a chargein an eiectric fieid is given by the productof the chargeandthe field. For a positivecharge,it is in the direction ofthe field while for a negative chargeit is directedoppositeto the field. You shouldknow how to calculatethe electric field ofa continuousdistribution of charge.Usethe linear or areachargedensityto write an expressionfor the chargein an infinitesimal region,then ,^, carry out an integrationover tlre entirechargedistribution.Don't forgetthat the field is a vectorand V. \-// you mustevaluatean integralfor eachcomponentor, in specialcases,usesymmetryto showa fie1d vanishes. component Someproblemsdeal with the trajectoriesof chargesin electric frelds.If the field is uniform, the accelerationofthe chargeis cohstantandyou may usethe kinematicequationsof constantmotion. The problemsarequite similar to projectile motion problems;however,the accelerationis now due to the forceof electric field ratherthanto gravity. You shouldknow how to calculatethe torque ofa uniform electricfieid on an electric dipole andthe potentialenergyofa dipole in an electricfield. ln somecases,you areaskedfor the work that is doneby the field on a dipole whenthe dipole tums. This is the negativeof the changein the potentialenergy. Questions and Example Problems from Chapter 22 QuestionI The figure below showstwo protonsand an electronthat areevenlyspacedon an axis. Whereon the axis (otherthan at an infinite distance)is therea point at which their net electric field is zero:to the left of the particles,to their righ! betweenthe lwo protons,or betweenthe electronandtle nearer proton? ^ " <- Y'ff pe-------+ P' T"PP la. Question2 In the figure below, two particlesof charge-q arearrangedsymmetricallyaboutthe y axis; each producesan electric field at point P on that axis. (a) Arc the magnitudesof the fields at P equal? (b) Is eachelectricfield directedtowardor awayfrom the chargeproducingit? (c) Is the magnitude of the net electricfield at P equalto the suurof the magnitudesE of the two field vectors(is it equal to 2E)? (d) Do the x componentsof thosetwo field vectorsadd or cancel?(e) Do their y components addor cancel?(f) Is the directionof the net field at P that of the cancelingcomponentsor the adding components?(g) What is the directionof ttre net field? (") A))) ( b ) -'=.t.n;.z.'J\t /c\ 1}4 rJ) tt,c.nn! (") 44 (f ) WW t?) -1 olA,o-&"1 I 7 d' Question3 The figure bplow showsthreenonconductingrods,onecircular andtwo straight.Eachhas a uniform chargeof magnitudeQ alolg i151ephalf and anotheralongits bottom half. For eachrod, what ig the direction ofthe net electric field at point P? -t . - 1 (a) \ \ t-,O\.tal,Ottz,l (r) - (.) -/\|LO'J ta^tzh ) Question4 The figure below showstwo disksand a flat ring, eachwith the samer:niform chargeQ. Rank the objectsaccordingto the magnitudeof the electric field they createat points P, geatest first. d,D^a".. M"**4 E =h. fa..;,;'. v o, b,c (b) {d) Problem 1 In the figwe below,the four particlesarefixed in placeandhavechargesqr = !tr2= +5e, q3: +ls, md q+: -12e.Distanced: 5.0 pm. Whatis the magnitudeof the netelectricfield at point P dueto theparticles? -) -$-c-. a &r".f <9,o-o* "" E =iA"'+" - l2,e +seqqr ^ ,,,P,,, -o'Fr, Y)(., ,,\,r f^ o + ct\aL?a r-};,.,r^-,*l'a o{ - , @ro'a k^t Fp*;") I'ar,"Xt -) Fr -8-n /: v' t#q q, w".* n a <-a.n^a9**^>f1 *r; +5e \, I I \-., 4rit.L *--. A^;=c / t-ra"l- iJal ) (aa)' ,-*" (31, J'/ - 3\t) - o Problem 2 In the figure below, the three particles are fixed in place and have chargesql = q2-; +e and qz: +2e. Distancea: 6.00 pm. What arethe (a) magnitudeand (b) direction of the net electricfield at point P i.* dueto the particles?g__i _-_, /_ ,) \\ T+.t \ ,l L .;oi -) ) A"tt 4"" o', -b.i/io?t'4'ta-'';t"*' -l 1Ii\ *'A E At' *"A A, E^'ton"'"Lq"o"s ^ t''n"'Q)^"\ fue' ^J xru a,wvq )^*"#.g-2'^,-. _ 1-= a' c-oai56 t #"4'a-h^q^-*#€; E = l.60,.goaNr/. /r \ n I (5) ' )?@^ln.o\l.o."M/\) y}ec;4nAte Problem 3 - 4-;,a Zr.t O=?5" ;t The figure below showsan electricdipole. What arethe (a) magnitudeand @) direction(relativeto the positive directionof the x axis) of the dipole's electricfieid at point P, locateda distancer >> d? F \4 2 l- t -,t3' X -tau'"y"n E+ G 4\r.a- @v^+a^Yd! UM., Ne"fur! K^"I^"'Ji "AA E c.oeO 'll ----J \o "* (t/t)" j'v"g -- c/.) 5ld"r" 1- -->' E+ Etno AL JJxn O lr\2 ^'.' f | =L,,.'r] J L+fied Lca("a/ E^rx I 4'rt" &r, F>>J (^) (b) ffi21,1'./>' f r\ (16;'1:7' .-- t%d rr€. f .j1 J t/a: LI ?, rI - I 14 4rt. c'*(d/)" Problem4 In the figwe below, two'curvedplasticrods,one of charge+q andthe other of charge-q, form a circle ofradius R = 8.50 cm in an xy plane.The x axis passest}rough both of the connectingpoints, andthe chargeis distributeduniformly on both rods.Ifq = i 5.9 Oa, what arethe (a) magnitudeand (b) direction (relativeto the positive directionof the x axis) of the electric field producedat P, the center of the circle? r- )l- - = -..P- r-" lTQ- lr- d.E--_---- \= %/t = 4/s Jq r r ---)dg= aos 3= )s --:' l\l )ds qfie- + lo)" 4^"f b"ot "t -q'pa : t t3:@ 4 X ,<nAtarrv'ta r.'dnz.La '=: )' -,1,v-'eJ S )^ rcvi*^blta r\ ) &-m'0'^^ rr^Ar*"") S =AErT li F = -'t"t l<. "7 tt ?o q Tre" A 4^ \ --- 4lrL" E' 4;t!) +.a,1 rt^-.) 'E n"l- A= t:^rde =( i;"( !)) ltl o ,^^,fP'"-y ,*,tutrA ( -3) *g',ra /\4\y\eaa ufi,pnaaA "A 4 cAa^4 / -r f--JL {rrc." \ --\l R).J O,o?Sorr. _ \= %/r:+A= \f -w"olu/ / ,/ L a = _r_- p- -[-r- (r)]= + \7 "r :2 l>;ry \^-.D"OAJo ) o '. -1 / 5'o.ldra c rl(o"or5o r"r)-- 5,6^/ 1i_" c/^ '...-...-' ( ra.r N/.)C3) = ts_*).t;'%l' [-J) o.ogSofr) Problem5 In the figure'below,positive chargeq: 7.81pC is spreaduniformly alonga thin nonconductingrod of iengti L = 14.5cm. What arethe (a) magnitudeand(b) direction (relativeto the positive direction ofthel axis)of the electricfield at poinl P, at distanceR: 6.00cm fiom the rod alongits bisector? perpendicular r-- -Jdtr - 4rrt- dI r\ l,--.L - \,- l/t----:X=\L dtr \dx qnt. r\ JX='\J* c'axuaA, X -lraw'1.^luO c.-. +---& Afiv.;! F= tJ4 = ;il. .. F= t,a...,?-t tb d,Ad \l X dK-&MqO F J xaB- _/A.l/n C, = ) - = t-\ E R r 3N 4t€- ( dx i ("'*) . X ^?. x 16 t-+g1 XA Lln €" ' ( \ ) - ,/r, L/x 4x =(^)*L f ffi2" Jx dx ---.-.- r*1st)% E= !)j- 4t€. \R 4-nt. / \, -3"r.^ )v'.,3-.*t*Jt.t -,r^tltffith:a X=qtq\& S: ?.f lx1c,?C | = o' l'l5r"r | L 4^(r'tB -l-J 4^d*,hfr,t ,'l/ L i{Lz,6h)'^ 4" = AtU I E,4: D.ot.orr ^^^!)-b": X){-)O --> 4nt- A L7,r,4^ E = lX."f N/c ^r"fu.rrd"d (rr.rN7") 5' 7 Problem 6 A disk of radius2-5 cm hasa surfacechargedensityof 5.3 1tC/m2on its upperface.What is the magnitudeofthe electric field producedby the disk at a point on its cenualaxis at distance z: 12cm from the disk? It A= 2-5t, = o.ox 5r'r Z= l3.tcr'= O.lO.rn E=*e,(,-ft") f = 5,3* iu' cl*+ : D,larq s.3"lo "%n') [ , -'[^= (,(*fic"%_,) L' 6ffi [ ^--:Y'rJ J -'1 , Problem 7 At what distancealongthe centralperpendicularaxis ofa uniforrniy chargedplastic disk of radius 0.600m is the magnitudeofthe electricfield equalto one-halftle magrdtudeofthe field at the centerof the surfaceof the disk. r!l d/4A I Z -o ao E -- /aL. =) o* c-Jth at br^5"4'.6 fl E= V^,-(r-/ra;) -l:-z,,&. L +& ", "l*^tqA ,,* *r"^i z zotrl,.l E= t/x(7'..) -' r-3-I r---a< It = '/x + - /l-J Z | 214' ----r1l 7ae-(t-A) o.,z'--nEia-t -. : '/r(Y^r) a 4 z^= E\ R z"= B7s---4 z= Ytrg -=}$lr {z'rA" Problem8 O.396r, A chargedcloud systemp.roducesan electricfield in the air nearEarth'ssurface.A particle of charge -2.0 x 10-eC is actedon by a downwardelectrostatic forceof 3.0 x 10-6N whenplacedin this field. (a) What is the magnitudeof the electricfield? What arethe (b) magrdtudeand (c) direction of the electrostaticforceFelexertedon a protonplacedin this field? (d) What is the magnitudeofthe gravitationalforce F, on the proton?(e) What is the ratio of F"1/F in this case? /^\ /-. = - ^F --. EF-P^=t3'"ij9't)3 - ,/\' (aJ %b _a'Oio* c --) tc/ v '".) ( l.uoa'.'to ('PtN/.) i \ J' (a"q,.to 'nn) i I^\ ( J) h " = Y ) q --/|| r-r. r^-)^7 v.\tr.b'l" ( 'to lO--'fh)11.8o-ls'): t") Fy'Fu = E-Q.5o " tD9nr,/ef 4 6. LI i' u r n - l b r . r lv l\ l.6q *l.5toN /,5 * lo'o |,rr1* ld"N ),^tt ^,"4 \ \ ,\ Problem9 A 10.0g blockwith a chargeof +8.00x 10-5C is placedin electricfield E=(SOOOi-OO}hN/C . -^ What arethe (a) magnitudeard (b) direction (relativeto the positive directionof the x axis) of the \J. = (d) y (c) are its x and the origin at t 0, what is released from rest at Ifthe block force on the block? coordinates at t = 3.00s? f] -OF.^ _ 0rvv,lL) L_ : f? "oox i n / N E 1.; I (u) {.'tt- ('-oo.lo'rVt)1 io}rr/c)i;l %E = ( 7.oo*ldEc] f( z.oo*tolub)e- {c.oo,. E- (o.avo1.r) ? - (c.o+:,x;i = &= r'& \ o.a,roN/ = -,l1"3"I la-----;6-D tr=m=@ = c:)J".=*u o#,fi' ?:;fr= -o'T:;8;+ ( d) =-'1!&' at = i LLlo t:;3J"1, P"obl"mi6 E/n= t- -, / - D'o'r6N \ ' X = X"* Vo*f *'lactyi,"' a = l^(ll"t1)'(3.oo')a { = lD8ro 3"oos =J:e1.6. j \/ l _=t/a.aot^ -4 An electronwith a speedof 5.00x 108cmlsentersan electricfieid of magnitude1.00x 103N/C, -t traveling alongthe fieid lines in the directionthat retardsits motion. (a) How far will flre electron travel in the field beforestoppingmomentarilyand(b) how muchtime will haveelapsed?(c) If the region with the elec.tricfreld is only 8.00mm long (too shortfor the electronto stopwithin it), rn'hat fraction of the electron'sinitial kinetic energywill be lost in that region? V : 5"oo^lobh/s Vj* ),a (x-x") --- E -- l" ooi loaN// X - Xo: -u]/^o o /" tr/^: l4l= ( i . r l xt o - q K ' t) lql= l.?6*lo'q'e/s*--, y-Xo= - (5.oo"tou.1s)' (- t' ?{, t o'e"/s9 " 712'* lo-ettt - 5 . o o { l o Lo f 5 \ DJ (c) e = - 1 " ? 6 rl o ' e r / s r - 1.11n16't*7r' " -DIL-z KF. AfgC = 7a'n(av)" .= 4-' '/a 7e'"'1| V'.-voa = e.e(nx) AV._. ?.4(nx) \t- tVo' ' tU , -\ . A ( -"" I o'l"r/s ") ( t.oo^ toa^) ' f -*lo-es ( E.oox loo "/s") - rr f az | lb Q r/6