Der; 11, 192s. s. FuJu l " 1,594,849 KNITTING DEVICE Filed Jan'. 5, 1928 2 sheets-snm 2 IN VEN TOR. ,Stanau u/'l'i ATTORNEY. l i Patented Dec. 11, 1928. 1,694,849 y UNIT-ED STATES PATENT oFFicE. sUNAo r'UlrrI, or HoNoLULu, rn’nurronï Lor HAWAII. KNITTING DEVICE. Application filed January 5, ~`1928. Serial No’. 244;’688. This invention relates to those knitting outward from >the ends of this medial bar. 55 devices wherein the stitch-es are formed upon Disposed ron each side ‘of the medial 'bar l¿10 double rows of pins by looping the yarn are the kbars 14- and 15. Each ‘of these îbars 5 10 from ione pin to the other and thendiÍtin-g the loop soA formed ‘over upon the pins with which the yarn was originally engaged. The general 'object of the present Ainven tion is to provide a very simple and easily operated knitting device of this character which is so constructed that plain or fancy stitches may be readily made, >and which is recessed upon- its face, as at 1‘6, andthe upper wall of this recess is formed with a ally ydisposed bars having upwardly> extend the middle slot a screw 20passes.` Byfthis plurality of transverse ‘apertures 17.' 60 The opposite ends ‘or each bar @are 'pro vided with the angularl members ‘18 which may be conveniently tor-med 'of Á‘sheet metall.I these'mem'bers having co‘a'ctin‘g transversely extendings ‘slots 19, preferably three` in embodies a medially disposed bar having number. Throughjtwo 'of these slots the upwardly extending straight pins and later pins or headed nails lâlpass, while through ing but outwardly ‘curved pins, the laterally means, thevl’aïtera'l‘bars may be adjusted to~ disposed bars being’ so mounted upon the ward or fromth'e medialäly disposed bar fan‘d medial 'bar ytlîra't either "one of the laterally they may 'be held in t‘hlisa’djus'te'd position disposedbars maybe iheld raised in an oper Vby tightening up upon thescr‘ews 2O . 70 ` ative position or lowered, this ,raisingV or Attached to the outer faces 'oit the> barsv lowering ofy the bars being >readily accom~ ~14 and 15 adjacent the 'ends thereof and ex pllishe'd andthe bars, when raised or lowered, tending slightly overv the ends of ‘thev re being held in these positions. - . 75 cesses 16 are> the'plate‘s 21». Each jot these ‘ . A further lobje’r'ot is to provide a. device of plates is bulged outward at its middle where 'this character in which the spacing between it extends inward beyond 'the wall of recess ' the lateral bars and the Imedialbar maybe 16, als ‘at 22, and attached »to the end Wall varied 4so as t’o change the length 'of the is a metallic 4plate‘Q-â’» >|`termed t'o provide -a'n upper tongue '24v and a lower tongue 25 ' A ,j _` , @ther objects ‘will 'appear Ain the course of which project out into fthe space for/med‘by 80 stitches. the follow-ing description. 4so i vthe Íoutward deformation'f22 ’of plate 21 ' Myinvent'ion is illustrated inßth‘e accom (see >Figure 4). , Dis osed within each recess 16 is `apin sa Figure 1 is a side elevation otra knitting,r cïarrying bar 26 rhaving' upwardly project device )constructed vin ‘accordance with my ing pins 27 which are angularly bent at their pany-ing drawings, wherein: » f j f ` invention, partly `broken away.. Í s en'ds, the pins being bent outward vílirom ‘ Fig. '2 ils a top plan vi'ew yof the'struct'ure t‘heïneïnterl row for pins. This pinlcarrying shown in Figureí with the/three bars'eX bar_on its extremity has> ?two Ioutwardly pro lpanded totheirutmost extent. _' 90 jecting studs 28, and "whenv this bar is lifted, ' I Figure 3 ifs a section on the line 3)»3 'of the uppermost fstludï 28l is ` ydisposed above Í«the 40 lug 24 and the lower-,most stud 28- 'is/‘dis-y l j Figure iis a section on um use ¿1_4 of posed below Íthe lug" 221i. When the pin carryin'g bar is> lowered.,` the studs 28 4`are 95 Figure 5 is ‘aïpers'p‘ective yview of the 'disposed ` respectively above and below the _three bars separated from each other. 4 _ -, relatively long, outwardly projecting lug Figure-'6 is a diagrammatic view showing' 425. i Thus means is provided whereby the v Figure 1. » j j j « " pin»carrying bar "26 vmay be held either in Figure 7 lis a diagrammatic view showing ‘a raised orV loweredI position and readily ’ th'e first oper-ation in'lïnitt'ing with " my yde shifted 'from its raised to l'owered position the manner of 'casting on. vice. \ ` ` Referring to these drawings,j1‘0 'designates a 'medially disposed ,bar having upwardly projecting rows of pins 11. The row of. pins is spaced* ‘at its ends'from the `'ends of the 100 or vice versa. ` The lpins'27 areV adapted to extend through the slots 17 formedv in the respective bars 14 `and y1-5 when the pin " carrying bar is raised;l When-thefpinscarry ing bar is depressed,however, ‘the pins will bar. The pins 11' are formed >-’with heads be disposed entirely below these lslots 17 12v 'at their upper'fends, fandr‘pins r3 extend so that the pins' will be 'entirely 'out of the 105 j 1,694,849 way and there will be no danger of catching 2. A knitting device of the character de the `thread upon the pins 27. The pin scribed including three parallel bars, the carrying bars are each provided with a pro middle bar having a longitudinally extend tuberant portion on the sides whereby they ing row of pins, the lateral bars each being may be manipulated. recessed upon its outer face, a pin-carrying I do not Wish to be limited to any particu lar materia] for these three bars or sections and the pin-carrying bars nor to the details of construction except as delined in the ap 70 bar disposed in said recesspand vertically movable to bring the pins thereon into coac tive relation to the pins on the middle bar or out of such coactive relation, and means at pended claims. This device is very simple, the ends of said recess whereby to hold the can be easily operated, and may be used for pin-carrying bar in a raised or lowered knitting a large variety of different stitches. position. The yarn cast on the pins in the same 3. A knitting device of the `character de manner as common in devices of this char scribed including three parallel` bars, the acter, that is a slip knot is made in the yarn middle bar having a longitudinally extend and passed over the first pin on one end of ing row of pins, the lateral bars each being the medial row, the yarn is then drawn left recessed upon its outer face, a pin-carrying to right over the second pin and a turn is bar disposed in said recess and vertically made around this second pin until all but movable to bring the pins thereon into 20 one of the desired number of stitches are coactive relation to the pins on the middle cast on. The-yarn is passed right to left around and between the last two pins of the series. The device is then reversed end for end and the pin-carrying bar on the left 80 85 bar or out of such coactive relation, means at the ends of said recess whereby to hold the pin-carrìfing bar in a raised or lowered position inc uding an outwardly projecting hand side is raised so that the hooks or pins lug at each end of the recess, and pins: pro thereof are even with the pins of the middle jecting from the ends of the pin-carrying bar. The yarn is then passed around the bar engageable above or below said lugs. first hook of the raised bar, then to the sec 4. A knitting device of the character de ond of the middle bar, then to the second scribed including a mediall disposed bar hook of the raised bar, and so on to the end and two lateral bars, the mi dle bar having of the hooks. -The device is then held in the a longitudinally extending series of upright left hand with the end of the yarn firmly pins, each of the lateral bars being recessed held between the fingers, and a hooked nee longitudinally upon its outer face, the upper dle is then used to pick up the yarn between wall of said' recess having openings, a pin 1 the first and second pins of the middle row. carrying bar disposed in each recess and 90 95 100 i The yarn is then slipped over the second pin having a series of upright, slightly angled and in the saine manner the yarn is picked pins, means at the ends of each recess Where 40 45 up between the second and third pins, by the pin-carrying bar may be supported slipped over both these pins, and this opera either in its raised _or its lowered position tion is repeated, slippin it over two pins against accidental movement, angular mem each time to the end of t 1e row. The mov bers attached to the ends of the lateral bars able pin-carrying bar is then dropped so as and extending in overlapping relation across to leave the` formed stitches on the middle the ends of the middle bar, said angular' pins. i members being slotted, and pins on the mid dle bar extending through said slots, one of said pins constituting means whereby the lieved necessary to detail the manner in angular members may be `clamped in ad which this device may be used for plain or justed position to hold the lateral Vbars in fancy knitting, except as before stated. spaced relation to the middle bar. i I claim: 5. A knitting device of the character de 1. A knitting device of the character de scribed comprising a medially disposed bar scribed including three longitudinally ex and two lateral bars, means whereby the tending bars disposed in parallel relation lateral bars may be ad'usted toward or from and adjustable toward or from each other, the medial bar and hel in this adjusted posi the middle bar having a longitudinally ex tion, each of the lateral bars being recessed tending series of upstanding pins, the later upon its outer face and the end walls of ally disposed bars each having a vertically each recess being formed to provide an out movable pin-carrying bar mounted thereon, standin lug, members attached to the outer the pin-carrying bar being shiftable to a lift faces o- the lateral bars at each end thereof ed position with its pins on the same plane as and arching outward over said lug, pin-car the pins of the middlebar or to a lowered rying bars disposed in said recesses, each of position with its pins below the level of the said bars at its ends having outwardly pro Inasn'luch as the use of a device of this 110 character is well understood, it is not be 50 55 60 115 125 upper face of the middle bar, and means for jecting pins, the bars being shiftable out holding the pin-carrying bars in their raised ward and downward or outward and upward or lowered positions. ‘ to carry one of said pins below the lug to 130 1,694,849 3 thereby hold the pin-carrying bar lowered thereby hold the pin-carrying bar -lowered 20 or above the lug to hold the pin-carrying bar kor above the lug to hold the pin-carrying bar raised, the upper wall of each reosss being raised. 6. A knitting device of the character de transversely slotted for the passage of the scribed comprising a niedially disposed bar pins on the pin-carrying bar. and two lateral bars, means whereby the lat-y 7. A knitting device of the character de 25 eral bars may be adjusted toward or from scribed including a _medially disposed bar` the medial bar and held in this adjusted po having~ outwardly extending,~ pins, and lat sition, each of the lateral bars being recessed erally disposed pin-Carrying bars mounted upon its outer face and the end walls of each upon the medially disposed bar for adjust recess being' formed to provide an outstand ment toward or from the medially disposed 30 ing lug, members attached to the outer faces bar and for adjustment upward to bring the of the lateral bars at each end thereof and pins thereon into coactive relation toy the arching' outward ‘over said lug, and pin-car pins on the medial bar or adjustment down rying~ bars disposed in said recesses, each of ward to bring the pins out of‘such coaetive said bars at its ends having outwardly pro relation. jecting pins, the bars being shiftable out~ lIn testimony whereof I hereunto affix my ward and downward or outward and upward signature. to carry one of said pins below the lug to SUNAO FUJII. 35