JEA Generator Commissioning Checklist

JEA Commissioning Checklist
Project Name: ________________________________________________________________________
Street/Intersection/Address Location: ____________________________________________________
Station: __________________________________
Offset: __________________________________
Check the following as applicable:
Verify diesel tank is sized per JEA W & S standards manual section 472 VII.2 and is fully fueled after manufacturer's
representative has performed load run
Run generator in "manual" mode; check hertz, voltage, etc; verify operation of load bank
Verify certified affidavit of start-up and load testing from manufacturer's representative
Receipt of manufacturer's warranty (5-year)
Test "auto shut-down" on overspeed circuit
Test to see if genset meets decibel requirements of Specifications
Simulate power failure (disconnect main breaker); verify automatic start of genset
Verify automatic transfer of power to emergency source; check for proper time delay between sequences.
Verify fuel tank and generator anchor bolts and related hardware is stainless steel.
Let run for ten (10) minutes
Restore utility power source; verify automatic transfer, cool-down cycle time, and shut down
Test load bank for proper operation
Ensure that separate circuits are provided for battery charger and block heater
Test block heater and battery charger for proper operation
Check for leaks
Check fuel monitoring gauges and interstitial gauges are accurate and working properly.
Check for bent, kinked, or dented supply or return
Check to make sure fuel tank was shipped with a level indicator probe and an inch per gallon laminated fuel level chart.
Verify a handle and step is installed on the control panel door.
Verify the radiator has been coated with a bronze-glow corrosion resistive coating.
Verify the ball valves are installed on the Jacket Water Heater hoses, supply and return.
Verify the Jacket Water Heater hose is a silicone type.
Ensure that there is an oil vapor recovery box installed.
Confirm there is a spill response plan (SPCC) filed and a spill response kit installed on site for tanks larger than 1320
Check for any threaded connections on tank are touched up with the supplied touch up kit. Any and all exposed
uncoated metal should be coated.
External Piping is welded stainless steel
Verify Greenleaf system interface with SCADA for generator run sequences and fuel level.
Digital copies of warranties and Manuals
Inspect fuel filters for dirt, water, or other foreign matter
Check for water in the fuel filter
Inspect the entire air-intake system for openings that could draw in unfiltered air
Inspect dry element type filters and replace if clogged. Inspect for damaged seams and pleats.
Comments: _______________________________________________________________________________________
Contractor Representative: __________________________________________________________________________
Print name
JEA Inspector: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Print name
JEA O&M representative: ____________________________________________________________________________
Print name
Commissioned this date: __________________________