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Site at Grey Russett, High Road, Cookham, MAIDENHEAD, SL6 9JT
PINS Reference: APP/T0355/A/14/2218721 LPA Reference: 14/00433
Schedule of Proposed Conditions
In the event that the Inspector is minded to allow this appeal, the LPA would request that
these conditions be included in any decision to grant permission for the development
Such a decision does need to make plain that it relates only to the infill plot dwelling on High
Road as one component part of the proposal considered under [appeal] application
14/00433, hence the reference to it in the Schedule as ‘Plot 5’. And the control drawing for
this single dwelling is 14 HRC P5 Rev. A which was received by the Council on 21st April
The decision as made by the LPA related only to this single dwelling plot, and fresh
applications have since been registered – and separately – for the extensions to Grey
Russett itself [14/01625], and for the four dwellings within the greater part of its present
rear garden which would be served by an access formed as an extension of Lautree Gardens
Time Limit
The development hereby permitted shall be commenced within three years from the date
of this permission.
Reason: To accord with the provisions of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act
1990 (as amended).
External Materials
No development shall take place until samples of the materials to be used on the external
surfaces of the development have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local
Planning Authority. The development shall be carried out and maintained in accordance
with the approved details.
Reason: In the interests of the visual amenities of the area. Relevant Policy: Local Plan - DG1.
Means of Enclosure
The sub-division plot site shall be enclosed by close-boarded fencing in accordance with the
submitted Site Proposals Drawing 14 HRC SP03, and this fencing or other means of
enclosure as may be approved shall be erected before first occupation of the dwelling
unless the prior written approval of the Local Planning Authority to any variation has been
Reason: To ensure the satisfactory resultant appearance and standard of amenity of the site
and the surrounding area. Relevant Policy: Local Plan - DG1.
Slab level
The development shall be constructed in accordance with the slab/DPC level in relation to
ground level (AOD Newlyn) shown on the approved plan.
Reason: In the interest of the visual amenities of the area. Relevant Policy: Local Plan - DG1.
Lifetime Homes
The development shall be constructed to Lifetime Homes standards in accordance with the
approved drawings and retained as such thereafter.
Reason: To ensure that the development complies with the Council's Planning for an Ageing
Population SPD, adopted September 2010.
Water butt provision
Prior to the substantial completion of the development a water butt of at least 120L internal
capacity shall be installed to intercept rainwater draining from the roof of the dwelling, and
it shall subsequently be retained.
Reason: To reduce the risk of flooding and demand for water, increase the level of
sustainability of the development and to comply with Requirement 4 of the RBWM
Sustainable Design & Construction SPD, adopted June 2009.
Compost bin provision
No dwelling shall be occupied until details of the location and size of external composting
facilities for each dwelling have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local
Planning Authority and subsequently provided in full. The approved facilities shall be
Reason: To minimise waste generated by the development, to increase the level of
sustainability of the development and to comply with Requirement 7 of the RBWM
Sustainable Design & Construction SPD, adopted June 2009.
Sustainability measures
The sustainability measures set out in the Design and Access Statement accompanying the
application shall be implemented in accordance with it prior to the first occupation of the
dwelling, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the
commencement of the development.
Reason: To ensure that measures to make the development sustainable and efficient in the
use of energy, water and materials are included in the development and to comply with the
Council's Sustainable Design and Construction SPD, adopted June 2009.
Lifetime Homes
The development shall be constructed to Lifetime Homes standards in accordance with the
approved drawings and retained as such thereafter.
Reason: To ensure that the development complies with the Council's Planning for an Ageing
Population SPD, adopted September 2010.
Construction Management Plan
Prior to the commencement of any works of construction a management plan showing how
construction traffic, (including cranes), materials storage, facilities for operatives and vehicle
parking and manoeuvring will be accommodated during the works period shall be submitted
to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The plan shall be implemented
as approved and maintained for the duration of the works or as may be agreed in writing by
the Local Planning Authority.
Reason: In the interests of highway safety and the free flow of traffic. Relevant Policy: Local
Plan T5.
Hard and Soft Landscape Works
No development shall take place until full details of both hard and soft landscape works,
have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and these
works shall be carried out as approved within the first planting season following the
substantial completion of the development and retained in accordance with the approved
details. If within a period of five years from the date of planting of any tree or shrub shown
on the approved landscaping plan, that tree or shrub, or any tree or shrub planted in
replacement for it, is removed, uprooted or destroyed or dies, or becomes seriously
damaged or defective, another tree or shrub of the same species and size as that originally
planted shall be planted in the immediate vicinity, unless the Local Planning Authority gives
its prior written consent to any variation.
Reason: To ensure a form of development that maintains, and contributes positively to, the
character and appearance of the area. Relevant Policy: Local Plan - DG1.
Flank windows specification
The ground and first floor windows in the east-facing flank elevation of the dwelling shall be
of a permanently fixed, non-opening design, excepting the cloakroom window which shall
have a top opening light that is a minimum of 1.7m above internal floor level, and these
windows shall all be fitted with obscure glass [Level 3 min.]. These windows shall thereafter
not be altered without the prior written approval of the Local Planning Authority.
Reason: To prevent overlooking and loss of privacy to Rowan House. Relevant Policy: Local
Plan - DG1.
Flank windows restriction
No additional windows shall be inserted at first floor level in the east-facing flank elevation
of the Plot 5 dwelling without the prior written approval of the Local Planning Authority.
Reason: To prevent overlooking and loss of privacy to the occupiers of the adjoining
dwelling [Rowan House]. Relevant Policy: Local Plan - DG1.
Vehicle parking provision
No part of the development shall be occupied until the frontage vehicle parking spaces have
been provided, surfaced and marked out in accordance with the approved plan, and these
shall be kept available for parking in association with the development thereafter.
Reason: To ensure that the development is provided with adequate parking facilities in
order to reduce the likelihood of roadside parking which could be detrimental to the free
flow of traffic and to highway safety. Relevant Policies: Local Plan - P4, DG1.
Visibility splays
The infill dwelling on High Road shall not be occupied until visibility splays of 2.1x25 metres
to the west and 2.4x2.4 metres to the east have been provided for its frontage parking area.
All dimensions are to be measured along the edge of the driveway and the back of footway
from their point of intersection. The areas within these splays shall subsequently be kept
free of all obstructions to visibility over a height of 0.6 metres above carriageway level.
Reason: In the interests of highway safety. Relevant Policy: Local Plan - T5.
Refuse and recycling bin storage
The dwelling shall not be occupied until the refuse bin storage area and recycling facilities
have been provided in accordance with the approved drawing. These facilities shall be kept
available for use in association with the development at all times.
Reason: To ensure that the development is provided with adequate facilities that allow it to
be serviced in a manner which would not adversely affect the free flow of traffic and
highway safety and to ensure the sustainability of the development. Relevant Policies: Local
Plan - T5, DG1.
Code for Sustainable Homes (DSR)
No development shall take place until:
(a) evidence that the development is registered with the Building Research Establishment
(BRE) under the Code for Sustainable Homes and a Design Stage Report showing that the
development will achieve Code Level 3 for all of the residential units have been submitted
to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, and
(b) a BRE-issued Interim Code for Sustainable Homes Certificate demonstrating that the
development will achieve Code level 3 for all of the residential units has been submitted to
and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
Note: A completed pre-assessment estimator will not be sufficient.
Reason: To ensure that the development is sustainable and makes efficient use of energy,
water and materials and to comply with Requirement 1 of the RBWM Sustainable Design
and Construction SPD, adopted June 2009.
Code for Sustainable Homes (FCC)
Within 3 months of the completion of the final dwelling a Building Research Establishment
(BRE) issued Final Code Certificate confirming that each residential unit built has achieved a
Code for Sustainable Homes rating of Code Level 3 shall be submitted to the Local Planning
Reason: The Code Assessor can only confirm that the site wide works are satisfactory when
the whole of the development is complete. The Assessor will then write a report and
submit it to the BRE. The BRE can only then verify the submission and issue Final Code
Permitted development rights restriction
Irrespective of the provisions of Classes A, B and E of Part 1 of Schedule 2 of the Town and
Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (or any order revoking and
re-enacting that Order with or without modification) no enlargement, improvement or any
other alteration (including the erection of any ancillary building within the curtilage) of or to
any dwelling house the subject of this permission shall be carried out without planning
permission having first been obtained from the Local Planning Authority.
Reason: The prominence of the site requires strict control over the form of any additional
development which may be proposed. Relevant Policies: Local Plan - H11, DG1.