The Plant P as a S System in its Enviro onment (thhe plant as a holobion nt) – its pootential for agricultuure The Reesearch Cluster C “RECON “ NSTRUC CT” funded by tthe Germ man Min nistry off Educattion and Researcch (BMB BF) annoounces 1 Techniccian posittion (100% %, EG 8 TV-L -L), 1 PhD D position (50%, EGG 13 TV-öD)) and 7 Postdocc position ns (100%, EG E 13 TV-L L/ TVöD) to be filled f for up too three years (eextension possible) startingg earliest in Seeptember 2016 6. Innov vative Strateegies for Croop Improvem ment The keey crop modell maize (Zea mays m L.) thriv ves by interactting with an a astoundingg number of microbes m which in turn aff ffect maize growth and hhealth. Soil tyype and root exudates e reguulate soil microbial comm munity compoosition and div versity. The loong term project p goal inn RECONSTR RUCT is the knowledge-ba k ased breedin ng of maize lines that can interact with w functionaally robust beneficial miicrobiomes, leeading to high fitness and yiield on agrricultural soils with low nutrient n availaability. Empirrical omics data generatiion will addreess the impacct of soil fertiility includiing microbial consortia on maize producctivity. Integraated constraaint-based ggenome-scale modelling will addrress metabo olite fluxes annd the microbbial communiity in interacttion with plant p and soil. Experimentss with synthettic soils and ccore microb bial communiities under coontrolled cond ditions will seerve model refinement. We W invite applications forr the followiing projects: - Soil propertties and plantt yield perforrmance in thee field and in microcosms (Mansfeldt laab, Cologne Univ., http:///www.geograpphie.uni-koeln; 2 yr postdoc,, TV-L) - Plant-micro obiome relatioonships in fieeld and synth hetic ecosystems (Bucher ( lab, C Cologne Univ v., http://www. bucherlab.un; 3yrr postdoc, TV-L, 3 yr teechnician) - Metabolic changes in maaize associateed with soil ab, Erlangen-N Nuremberg Unniv., properties (Sonnewald lab; 3 yrr http://www.b postdoc, TV-L) - Plant-micro obiome relatioonships in fieeld and synthetic ecosystems (Schhulze-Lefert lab, l MPI Cologne, http p:// hulzelefert; 3 yr postdoc, TVöD D) - Metabolite content c and fl fluxes in maizze and its exometabolo ome relative tto soil quality y (Fernie lab, MPI Golm/P Potsdam, http:///www.mpimp p-golm.mpg.dde/ 2410/fernie; 3 yr postdoc, TVöD) - RUCT databaase developm ment and RECONSTR modelling (U Usadel lab, Jüllich Forschun ngszentrum, http://www.u; 3 yr PhD D student) - Constraint-b based modellling for integrration of omiccs data with genomee-scale metabbolic models of o maize (Nikolowski lab, MPI Golm lm/Potsdam, h pimpgolm.mpg.dee/ 13248/Zoran an_Nikoloski; 2 yr postdoc, TVöD) - Maize genom mics to bridgge the phenoty ype to genotype div vide in field aand greenhou use grown maize (Schn neeberger lab, MPI Colognee, http://www.. mpipz.mpg.d de/schneebergger; 2 yr postd doc, TVöD) Whatt We Offer Futuree candidates pparticipate in the t 3-year “N National Reseaarch Strateg gy BioEconoomy 2030” Program P (2x3 yrs extenssion possible) which is based on ressearch and in nnovation as the foundaations for a knowledge- and biobased d economy. T The prograam aims at pproviding our postdoctoral fellows with the best possible p reseearch envirronment to develop thheir scienttific kills andd expertise in interdiscipllinary researrch underr field and greenhouse conditions including soil science, molecularr plant physiiology, plantt and microbbial genom mics, biodiverssity, mathemattical modellin ng. We arre looking foor talenteed, highly motivated appliccants with a degree as BTA A or CTA (technician ( poosition), or witth a PhD degrree and a masster or diplloma degree aand a strong background b in n molecular pllant sciencees, genetics, quantitative biology, bioiinformatics oor a related d discipline. The pllace of employyment varies by b the respective research pproject. Paymeent will be acco ording to TV-L L (German civil service pay scale). Qualiffied candidatess should send their applicatiions (cover lettter describing g their qualificcations and reesearch interessts, curriculum m vitae, contacct info of two rreferences, traanscripts) by indicating i the acronym RECONSTRUC CT-2016 no laater than 27.0 06.2016 by e-m mail as one sin ngle pdf-file too: All participating innstitutions aree equal opportu unity employeers. Applicatio ons from wom men are expresssly welcome. Women withh comparab ble qualificatioons will receive particular consideration,, unless anoth her applicant displays d comppelling reason ns to prefer this person. Applications A ffrom suitably qualified sev verely disabledd persons or disabled d persons regarded aas being of equ ual status accoording to Bo ook IX of thhe German Social S Legal Code (SGB – Soziales Gesetzbuch) G are encouragedd. Disabled persons p with equal qualifications willl be given prioority.