Scheduling bag-of-tasks applications to optimize computation time

Scheduling Bag-of-Tasks Applications to Optimize
Computation Time and Cost
Anastasia Grekioti, Natalia V. Shakhlevich
School of Computing, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, U.K.
Bag-of-tasks applications consist of independent tasks that can be performed in parallel. Although such problems are well known in classical scheduling theory, the distinctive
feature of Grid and cloud applications is the importance of the cost factor: in addition
to the traditional scheduling criterion of minimizing computation time, in Grids and
clouds it also important to minimize the cost of using resources. We study the structural
properties of the time/cost model and explore how the existing scheduling techniques
can be extended to handle the additional cost criterion. Due to the dynamic nature of
distributed systems, one of the major requirements to scheduling algorithms is related to
their speed. The heuristics we propose are fast and, as we show in our experiments, they
compare favourably with the existing scheduling algorithms for distributed systems.
Keywords: scheduling, bag-of-tasks applications, heuristics
An important feature of the Grid and cloud infrastructure is the need to deliver the required
Quality of Service to its users. Quality of Service is the ability of an application to have some
level of assurance that users requirements can be satisfied. It can be viewed as an agreement
between a user and resource provider to perform an application within a guaranteed time
frame at a pre-specified cost. As a rule, the higher the cost paid by the user, the faster
resources can be allocated and the smaller execution time a resource provider can ensure.
While time optimization is the traditional criterion in Scheduling Theory, the cost optimization is a new criterion arising in Grid and cloud applications. In fact the cost- and
time-factors are in the centre of resource provision on a pay-as-you-go basis.
The problem we study arises in the context of Bag-of-Tasks applications. It can be seen
as the problem of scheduling a set of independent tasks on multiple processors optimizing
computation time and cost. Formally, a BoT application consists of n tasks {1, 2, . . . , n}
with given processing requirements τj , j = 1, . . . , n, which have to be executed on m uniform
processors Pk , k = 1, . . . , m, with speed- and cost-characteristics sk and ck . For a BoT
application a deadline D is given, so that all tasks of the application should be completed
by time D.
Each processor may handle only one task at a time. If task j is assigned to processor
Pk , then it should be completed without preemption; the time required for its completion is
τj /sk and the cost of using processor Pk is ck × τj /sk , or equivalently c̄k τj , where ck is the
cost of using processor Pk per second, while c̄k = ck /sk is the cost of using processor Pk per
million instructions. To distinguish between the two types of cost-parameters, we call the
initial given cost-values ck as absolute costs and the adjusted values c̄k = ck /sk as relative
If 0 − 1-variables xkj represent allocation of tasks j, 1 ≤ j ≤ n, to processors Pk ,
k = 1, . . . , m, then the makespan of the schedule Cmax and its cost K are found as
Cmax =
× xkj ,
k=1,...,m 
τj xkj .
The problem consists in allocating tasks to processors so that the execution of the whole
application is completed before the deadline D and the cost K is minimum. Adopting
standard scheduling three-field notation, we denote the problem by Q|Cmax ≤ D|K, where
Q in the first field classifies the processors as uniform, having different speeds, Cmax ≤ D in
the second field specifies that the BoT application should be completed by time D, and K
in the third field specifies the cost minimization criterion. Note that developing successful
cost-optimization algorithms for problem Q|Cmax ≤ D|K is useful for solving the bicriteria
version of our problem, Q||(Cmax , K). Such an algorithm, if applied repeatedly to a series
of deadline-constrained problems with different values of deadline D, produces a time/cost
trade-off which can be used by a decision maker to optimize two objectives, computation
time Cmax and computation cost K.
In this study, we explore the structural properties of the time/cost model. Based on these
properties, we identify the most appropriate scheduling techniques, developed for makespan
minimization, and adopt them for cost optimization. In our computational experiments we
show that our algorithms compare favourably with those known in the area of distributed
computing that take into account processors’ costs, namely [1, 2, 7, 11].
Scheduling algorithms for distributed systems are often developed without recognizing the
link with related results from scheduling theory. In particular, the existing time/cost optimization algorithms do not make use of such scheduling approaches as the Longest Processing
Time (LPT) rule and the First Fit Decreasing (FFD) strategy. Both approaches have been
a subject of intensive research in scheduling literature and they are recognized as the most
successful approximation algorithms for solving problem Q|Cmax ≤ D|−, the version of our
problem which does not take into account processor costs, see, e.g., [3, 4, 8].
Both algorithms, LPT and FFD, prioritize the tasks in accordance with their processing
requirements giving preference to longest tasks first. In what follows we assume that the
tasks are numbered in the LPT-order, i.e., in the non-increasing order of their processing
τ1 ≥ τ2 ≥ · · · ≥ τn .
We adopt the LPT- and FFD-strategy for a selected subset of processors, taking into
account the deadline D.
Algorithm ‘Deadline Constrained LPT’
1. Select unscheduled tasks one by one from the LPT-list (1).
2. Assign a current task to the processor selected from the given subset of processors in
such a way so that the task has the earliest completion time.
3. If allocation of a task violates the deadline D, keep the task unscheduled.
The FFD algorithm, initially formulated in the context of bin-packing, operates with a
fixed ordering of processors (usually, the order of their numbering) and with a list of tasks
in the LPT-order (1). It differs from the ‘Deadline Constrained LPT’ by Step 2, which for
FFD is of the form:
2. Assign a current task to the first processor on the list for which deadline D is not
The above two rules are not tailored to handle processor costs. In order to adjust them
for solving the cost minimization problem Q|Cmax ≤ D|K, we exploit the properties of the
divisible load version of that problem, in which preemption is allowed and any task can be
performed by several processors simultaneously. As shown in [9], there exists an optimal
solution to the divisible load problem in which processors are prioritized in accordance with
their relative costs. If processors are renumbered so that
c̄1 ≤ c̄2 ≤ . . . ≤ c̄m ,
then in an optimal solution to the divisible load problem, processors {P1 , P2 , . . . , Pu−1 } with
the smallest relative cost c̄i are fully occupied until time D, one processor Pu with a higher
cost can be partly occupied while the remaining most expensive processors {Pu+1 , . . . , Pm }
are free. We call such a schedule as a box-schedule emphasizing equal load of the cheapest
In order to solve the non-preemptive version of the problem Q|Cmax ≤ D|K, which
corresponds to scheduling a BoT application, we aim to replicate the shape of the optimal
box-schedule as close as possible achieving the maximum load of the cheapest processors
in the first place. The required adjustment of the FFD algorithm can easily be achieved if
processors are renumbered by (2). We call the resulting algorithm ‘FFD Cost’ (for ‘FFD
with Processors Prioritized by Cost’).
For adjusting the LPT-strategy, notice that it naturally achieves a balanced processor
allocation, which in our case is needed only for a subset of cheapest processors. There are
several ways of identifying that subset. The two algorithms presented below are based on two
different principles of processor selection: in the first algorithm, we group processors with
equal relative cost and apply the LPT-strategy to each group; in the second algorithm, we
consider one group of r cheapest processors {P1 , . . . , Pr }, loading them as much as possible
by the LPT-strategy; the remaining processors {Pr+1 , . . . , Pm } are loaded one by one with
unscheduled jobs. The solution of the smallest cost is selected among those constructed for
different values of r, 1 ≤ r ≤ m.
Algorithm ‘LPT Groups’ (LPT with Groups of Equivalent Processors)
1. Form groups G1 , . . . , Gg of processors putting in one group processors of the same
relative cost c̄i . Keep group numbering consistent with processor numbering (2) so
that the groups with the smallest indices contain the cheapest processors.
2. Consider the groups one by one in the order of their numbering. For each group Gi ,
apply ‘Deadline Constrained LPT’ until no more tasks can be allocated to that group.
Algorithm ‘LPT One Group’ (LPT with One Group of Cheapest Processors)
1. For r = 1, . . . , m,
(a) Select r cheapest processors and apply to them ‘Deadline Constrained LPT’.
(b) For the unscheduled tasks and remaining processors {Pr+1 , . . . , Pm } apply ‘FFD
with Processors Prioritized by Cost’.
2. Select r which delivers a feasible schedule of minimum cost and output that schedule.
Since the LPT and FFD strategies have comparable performance in practice, we introduce the counterpart of the latter algorithm with the FFD strategy applied to r cheapest
processors. In addition, we use the result from [8] which suggests that the performance of
FFD can be improved if the processors in the group are ordered from slowest to fastest.
Algorithm ‘FFD One Group’ (FFD with One Group of Cheapest Processors)
1. For r = 1, . . . , m,
(a) Select r cheapest processors and re-number them in non-decreasing order of their
speeds. For the selected processors, apply classical FFD with processors considered in the order of their numbering.
(b) For the unscheduled tasks and remaining processors {Pr+1 , . . . , Pm } apply ‘FFD
with Processors Prioritized by Cost’.
2. Select r which delivers a feasible schedule of minimum cost and output that schedule.
The above heuristics are designed as a modification of time-optimization algorithms. Below we propose one more heuristic based on the cost-optimization algorithm from [10]. It
should be noted that unlike most of scheduling algorithms, designed for cost functions depending on task completion times, the algorithm from [10] addresses the model with processor
The approximation algorithm developed in [10] is aimed at solving a more general problem
with unrelated parallel machines. This is achieved by imposing restrictions on allocation of
long tasks. Depending on the value of the selected parameter t, a task is allowed to be
assigned to a processor only if the associated processing time of the task on that processor
does not exceed t. We adopt this strategy in the algorithm presented below.
Algorithm ‘FFD Long Tasks Restr.’ (FFD with Restrictive Allocation of
Long Tasks)
1. For each combination of k ∈ {1, . . . , m} and ℓ ∈ {1, . . . , n} repeat (a)-(c):
(a) Define parameter t = τℓ /sk which is used to classify allocation of task j to processor i as “small” or “large” depending on whether τj /si ≤ t or not.
(b) Consider processors one by one in the order of their numbering (2). Repeat for
each processor Pi :
Allocate to Pi as many “small” unscheduled tasks from the LPT-list (1) as
possible, without violating deadline D.
(c) If all tasks are allocated, calculate the cost Kt of the generated schedule, else set
Kt = ∞.
2. Set K =
min {Kt }
t∈{τl /sk }
To conclude we observe that the proposed heuristics are fast (their time complexity
ranges from O(mn) to O(m2 n2 ), assuming n ≥ m) and therefore are suitable for practical
applications. In the next section we evaluate the performance of our heuristics empirically
comparing them with the known cost-optimization algorithms.
Computational Experiments
We have performed extensive computational experiments in order to evaluate the performance of our algorithms and to compare them with the published ones. Fig. 1 represents
the situation we have observed in most experiments.
Figure 1: Algorithm Performance
The experiments are based on two data sets for processors, denoted by PrI and PrII, and
two types of data sets for BoT applications consisting of n tasks, n ∈ {25, 50}. Combining
the data sets for processors with those for tasks we generate four classes of instances, denoted
by PrI-25, PrI-50 and PrII-25, PrII-50. It should be noticed that we have explored the performance of the algorithms on larger instances as well. While the overall behaviour is similar,
the differences in the performance of algorithms become less noticeable. This observation
is in agreement with the theoretical result on asymptotic optimality of the algorithms we
propose. In a recent study [5] on the workloads of over fifteen grids between 2003 and 2010,
it is reported that the average number of tasks per BoT is between 2 and 70 while in most
grids the average is between 5 and 20. In order to analyse the distinctive features of the
algorithms, in what follows we focus on instances with n ∈ {25, 50}.
Data set PrI for processors uses the characteristics of m = 11 processors from [1]; data
set PrII uses the characteristics of m = 8 processors from [6] which correspond to US-West
Amazon EC2.
The data sets for tasks are generated in the same fashion for n = 25 and n = 50. For each
value of n, 100 data sets have been created; in each data set the processing requirements of
the tasks are random integers sampled from a discrete uniform distribution, as in [1, 2], so
that τj ∈ [1 000, 10 000] for j = 1, . . . , n.
The generated processors’ data sets and tasks’ data set are then combined to generate 4
classes of instances, each class containing 100 tasks’ data sets.
Using the data sets for processors and tasks, the instances are produced by considering
each combination of data sets and introducing a series of deadlines D for each such combination. The range of deadlines for each combination is defined empirically making sure that
for the smallest deadline is feasible (i.e., there exists a feasible schedule for it) and that the
largest deadline does not exceed the maximum load of one processor (assuming that all tasks
can be allocated to it). Since the deadline ranges differ, the actual number of instances for
each combination of processors’ and tasks’ data sets varies greatly: there 1579 instances in
class PrI-25, 3093 instances in PrI-50, 861 instances in PrII-25 and 1645 instances in PrII-50.
The comparison is done with the following algorithms known in the context of Grid
- ‘DBC-cA’ for the version of the ‘Deadline and Budget Constrained (DBC) cost optimization’ algorithm by Buyya & Murshed [1], which uses processors’ absolute costs [1],
- ‘DBC-cR’ for the version of the previous algorithm, which uses processors’ relative
- ‘DBC-ctA’ for the version of the ‘Deadline and Budget Constrained (DBC) cost-time
optimization’ algorithm by Buyya et al. [2], which uses processors’ absolute costs,
- ‘DBC-ctR’ for the version of the previous algorithm, which uses processors’ relative
- ‘HRED’ for the algorithm ‘Highest Rank Earliest Deadline’ by Kumar et al. [7],
- ‘SFTCO’ for the algorithm ‘Stage Focused Time-Cost Optimization’ by Sonmez &
Gursoy [11].
We have implemented all algorithms in Free Pascal 2.6.2 and tested them on a computer
with an Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 processor running at 3.00GHz and 6GB of memory. All
heuristics are sufficiently fast to be applied in practice. Considering the heuristics we propose,
the fastest two are ‘LPT Groups’ and ‘FFD Cost’ which solve instances with 50 tasks
in about 0.02 s; the actual running time of heuristics ‘LPT One Group’ and ‘FFD One
Group’ does not exceed 0.41 s for all instances, while ‘FFD Long Tasks Restr.’ has
the highest time complexity and runs on large instances for 4.28 s. As far as the existing
algorithms are concerned, the five heuristics ‘DBC-cA’, ‘DBC-ctA’, ‘DBC-cR’, ‘DBCctR’ and ‘SFTCO’ are comparable with our two fastest heuristics producing results in
0.01-0.02 s; the running time of ‘HRED’ is 1-1.45 s.
The summary of the results is presented in Tables 1-3. In each table, the best results
for each class of instances are highlighted in bold. In Table 1 we present the percentage of
instances for which each algorithm produces no-worse solutions (of a lower or equal cost) and
the percentage of instances for which each algorithm produces strictly better solutions (of a
strictly lower cost) in comparison with any other algorithm; the latter percentage value is
given in the parentheses. For each class of instances we present with bold numbers the best
performance for the known and new algorithms. Notice that the best results are achieved by
algorithms ‘LPT One Group’ and ‘FFD Long Tasks Restr.’.
While Table 1 indicates that the algorithms we propose are in general of better performance, the actual entries in the table do not reflect to which extent the new algorithms are
superior in comparison with the known algorithms.
A general comparison of the two groups of algorithms, the known and the new ones, is
performed in Table 2. In the first column we list 4 classes of instances considered in the
experiments. In the second column we provide the percentage of instances in each class, for
which the best solution (in terms of the strictly lower cost) is found by one of the existing
algorithms. In the third column we provide the percentage of instances in each class, for
which the best solution is found by one of the new algorithms. The last column specifies the
percentage of instances for which the best solutions found by the existing algorithms and the
new ones have the same cost. It is easy to see that the algorithms we propose outperform
the existing ones producing strictly lower cost schedules in more than 85% of instances.
A special attention should be given to instances with tight deadlines. Our experiments
show that the new algorithms fail to produce feasible schedules meeting a given deadline in
less than 0.46% of instances in all classes, while for the existing algorithms the number of
fails range between 0.43% − 100%.
Table 1: Percentage of instances for which algorithms produce no worse solutions and strictly
better solutions, in parentheses
Grid Scheduling Algorithms
DBC-ctA [2]
DBC-ctR [2]
DBC-cA [1]
DBC-cR [1]
HRED [7]
SFTCO [11]
Proposed Algorithms
FFD One Group
LPT One Group
LPT Groups
FFD Cost
FFD Long Tasks Restr.
Table 2: Percentage of strictly lower cost solutions and ties for existing and
Lowest Cost (Existing) Lowest Cost (Proposed)
proposed algoTies
Our next table (Table 3) evaluates the quality of the solutions produced by various
algorithms. It is based on the values of the relative deviation
θ = 100 × (K − LB)/LB,
in percentage terms, of cost K of heuristic solutions from the lower bound values LB. For
each instance, the LB-value is found as the cost of the box-schedule optimal for the relaxed
model with preemption allowed.
The maximum and the average deviation is then calculated over all instances in each
class reflecting the worst and the average performance of each algorithm. The best results
for each class of instances are highlighted in bold for the known and new algorithms. It
should be noted that the entries in the last two columns for algorithm SFTCO are empty as
that algorithm failed to produce deadline feasible solutions in all instances of classes PrII-25
and PrII-50.
The algorithms we propose have average percentage deviation from the lower bound
between 0.03%−1.09%, while the same figures for the known algorithms are between 0.58%−
162%. The worst case performance of algorithms, measured by the maximum percentage
deviation from the lower bound, is between 0.31% − 5.74% for our algorithms and between
4.16% − 287.4% for known ones. Thus in all scenarios our algorithms outperform the known
Grid scheduling heuristics.
Table 3: The maximum relative deviation θ (in percentage) of cost K of heuristic solutions
from LB (the average relative deviation in parentheses)
Grid Scheduling Algorithms PrI-25
DBC-ctA [2]
DBC-ctR [2]
DBC-cA [1]
13.80(2.56) 6.44(0.95) 68.51(29.26)
DBC-cR [1]
HRED [7]
SFTCO [11]
Proposed Algorithms
FFD One Group
LPT One Group
1.04(0.21) 1.79(0.29)
LPT Groups
FFD Cost
FFD Long Tasks Restr.
∗ No feasible solutions found by Algorithm SFTCO in all instances of classes
and PrII-50
One more observation can be done in relation to the asymptotic optimality of our algorithms. Table 3 supports the fact that as the number of tasks increases from 25 to 50, the
solutions found become closer to lower bounds. The proof of the asymptotic optimality of
the algorithms is omitted in the current paper.
The performance of the known algorithms can be summarized as follows. The best
amongst those algorithms are the DBC-algorithms from [1] and [2]. Algorithms DBC-cA
and DBC-ctA load the processors giving preference to those with the lowest absolute cost
ck , while DBC-cR and DBC-ctR give preference to the processors with the lowest relative
cost c̄k , approximating the box-schedule introduced in Section 2. Due to the optimality of
the latter schedule for the preemptive version of the problem [9], it is expected that DBCcR and DBC-ctR should outperform DBC-cA and DBC-ctA. That behaviour is clearly
observed in our experiments with processors’ data set PrII; experiments with data set PrI
are less indicative since in PRI the orderings of processor based on ck and c̄k are very similar.
The algorithms from [1] and [2] consider the tasks without taking into account their
processing requirements, while all our algorithms make use of the LPT task order. The
algorithm from [7] performs task allocation in a fashion similar to the SPT order rather than
LPT, which might explain its poor performance. Finally, the algorithm from [11] prioritizes
the tasks in the LPT order, but the authors use a strange ratio si /c̄i = s2i /ci to prioritize
the processors; the meaning of that ratio and its justification are not provided.
Analysing the performance of our algorithms we conclude that the best performance is
achieved by either LPT One Group or FFD Long Tasks Restr.. In the instances with
tight deadlines, algorithm LPT One Group outperforms the others as it is more successful
in finding deadline feasible schedules. The third best algorithm is FFD One Group. Finally,
a slightly worse performance of algorithms LPT Groups and FFD Cost is compensated
by their faster running times.
In this study we propose new cost optimization algorithms for scheduling Bag-of-Tasks applications and analyse them empirically. Our algorithms are aimed at replicating the shape
of a box-schedule, which is optimal for a relaxed version of the problem. This is achieved
by combining the most successful classical scheduling algorithms and adjusting them for
handling the cost factor.
In comparison with the existing algorithms, new algorithms find strictly lower cost schedules in more than 85% of the instances; they are fast and easy to implement and can be
embodied in a Grid broker.
This research was supported by the EPSRC funded project EP/G054304/1 “Quality of Service Provision for Grid applications via Intelligent Scheduling”.
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