ACADEMIC RESEARCH COOLING OUT The next step in understanding the laws of nature: Thermal simulation helps to design a new generation of magnets for the Large Hadron Collider. By Slawomir Pietrowicz, Associate Professor, Department of Thermodynamics Wroclaw University of Technology, Wroclaw, Poland © 2014 ANSYS, INC. © CERN P hysicists and engineers are addressing some of the unsolved questions of physics using the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the world’s largest and highest energy particle accelerator. The researchers accelerate particles to high levels of energy and then create collisions between them. Considered by some to be one of the great engineering milestones of mankind, the LHC’s inner triplet of superconducting quadrupole magnets is responsible for focusing particle beams just before the collision point. The current magnets operate at the limits of wellestablished niobium-titanium (Nb-Ti) technology. Plans are to replace the existing magnets with niobium-tin (Nb3Sn) magnets that support higher magnetic fields. Nb3Sn magnets present many technical challenges, perhaps the greatest being maintaining the component at the very low temperatures required for superconducting conditions. Researchers use ANSYS computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software to simulate thermal and mass transfer within potential magnet designs as part of the process to optimize the new generation of LHC magnets. Developing cutting-edge equipment — such as the LHC, which will expand our knowledge of the laws of nature — requires researchers to push the current limits of simulation. The LHC lies in a tunnel 17 miles (27 kilometers) in circumference and as mean deep as 328 feet (100 meters) beneath the French–Swiss border near Geneva, Switzerland. Since going live in 2008, the LHC already has helped to discover two previously unknown particles: Chi_b (3P) and a large subatomic particle called a boson that is now suspected to be the elusive Higgs boson. The accelerator was instrumental in recovering the first LHC interconnection observations of the decay of the BS meson particle into two muons. An upgrade to the LHC is planned for the next few years. The upgraded accelerator will be called the Super Large Hadron Collider (SLHC). The upgrade aims at increasing luminosity of the machine by a factor of 10, providing a better chance to see rare processes and improving Developing cutting-edge equipment — such as the Large Hadron Collider — requires researchers to push the limits of simulation. statistically marginal measurements. Accelerator luminosity is a measure of the number of particles that pass through a given area each second multiplied by their opacity or the ability of a detector to see them. NEW APPROACHES TO MAGNET DESIGN A superconducting magnet is an electromagnet that consists of superconducting wire coils. These coils must stay at cryogenic temperatures during operation. At these low temperatures, the electrical resistance of the coils drops to near zero, enabling the wire to conduct very large currents and generate intense magnetic fields. The proposed upgrade would subject the inner triplet of superconducting magnets to higher levels of radiation and heat than they currently are designed to withstand. The magnets already operate at the limits of the Nb-Ti alloy technology that is responsible for their super-conducting properties, so their replacements ANSYS ADVANTAGE Volume VIII | Issue 1 | 2014 ACADEMIC RESEARCH are expected to be made of Nb3Sn alloy, another superconducting material, which supports higher magnetic fields and higher temperatures. The greater expense and unique properties of Nb3Sn require new approaches to magnet design and fabrication that present considerable engineering challenges. For proper operation of a superconducting magnet, the coils need to be maintained at temperatures below the point at which the Nb-Ti or Nb3Sn alloys become superconducting. The difference between operating and critical temperatures must be maintained at a certain level for the conductors to function properly. To facilitate this, the coils are generally covered with an insulator and immersed in superfluid helium coolant, which occupies the spaces between them. In the superfluid state, helium has almost zero viscosity and zero entropy; it is subject only to its own inertia, so it flows without friction through pores and obstructions. This keeps any viscous heating due to fluid flow to a minimum. Heat generated in the coils flows through the insulation surrounding the coils to the helium. The speed of heat loss to the helium is governed by the thermal conductivity of the insulation and the thermal resistance to the flow of heat across the helium–solid boundary. ADAPTING THE PROBLEM TO CFD The thermal performance of superconducting magnets cannot be accurately simulated with off-the-shelf CFD software because solving the flow of a superfluid requires six (scalar) equations with independent variables — such as pressure, temperature, density and two velocity fields — as opposed to the three equations used for conventional fluids. Several researchers have developed custom software to predict thermal performance of superconducting magnets. However, due to convergence limitations and numerical instability, these codes are generally limited to one- or two-dimensional systems with a small number of elements. Designing a practical Nb3Sn magnet requires a three-dimensional simulation with millions of elements. In the European Union, the development of advanced magnet technology is currently being coordinated through the High Field Magnet (HFM) program of the European Coordination for Accelerator © 2014 ANSYS, INC. Model of Fresca2: a) general view with boundary conditions; b) details of geometry and mesh; c) cross section along z-direction through solid and helium domains a) Computational domain with boundary conditions for validation model; b) details of mesh for validation model Validation of the numerical model against an analytical solution for turbulent heat flux was done in a 2-D domain with symmetry boundary conditions for all surfaces parallel to the X–Y plane. The geometry consists of two rectangular domains: a solid domain representing the insulation layer and a fluid domain representing the superfluid helium. Research and Development (EuCARD). EuCARD researchers addressed these challenges, simplifying the original two-fluid model by making several assumptions that reduce the system of equations to the point that they could be implemented in a commercial CFD code. The group selected ANSYS CFX because of its excellent scripting capabilities and the researchers’ experience in obtaining excellent correlation to physical tests with the software. Using ANSYS CFD and FORTRAN™, researchers added terms to the Navier–Stokes and energy equations to account for superfluid properties. A simplified CFD model of a solid and fluid domain was generated and compared to the turbulent heat transfer equation. Error in the heat flux predicted by the model was at 1.7 percent or lower throughout the computational domain [1]. ANSYS ADVANTAGE Volume VIII | Issue 1 | 2014 ACADEMIC RESEARCH Streamlines and velocity field for a) total velocity; b) superfluid; c) normal fluid components SIMULATING A REALISTIC Nb3Sn MAGNET DESIGN Researchers then modeled the proposed Fresca2 Nb3Sn magnet design. The Nb3Sn magnet structure is cylindrical, and the conductors are symmetrical, so the calculation was reduced to a quarter model. The mesh for the geometry had 2 million hexahedral elements and about 2.5 million nodes. Researchers applied both a thermal resistance with a bath temperature of 1.9 K at the external boundaries and symmetry conditions to the internal boundaries. They set the initial pressure at 101.3 kPa. The heat load on each conductor in the magnet generated by alternating current losses is about 0.2 W for the whole coil. Researchers first modeled the magnet without superfluid helium to evaluate thermal performance in a worst-case situation. The calculations were carried out for steady-state and transient heat and mass transfer. This model took about two hours to solve on a single computing node. The team performed another analysis with superfluid helium inside the magnet. This model took about 10 days to solve due to complexity added by the superfluid terms. Adding superfluid helium to the model lowered temperatures by about 17 percent. The maximum temperature increase in the coil was predicted to be 0.193 K, which is well below the target temperature of 5.8 K. The simulation provided the temperature distribution in the magnet, as well as velocity contours and streamlines for the total, superfluid and normal fluid velocity components. ANSYS CFD has demonstrated its ability to accurately predict heat and mass transfer processes in the Nb3Sn magnet and will help produce the detailed design for the next-generation magnet in the SLHC. © 2014 ANSYS, INC. Cross section and horizontal section of proposed Fresca2 magnet design. Superfluid helium occupies about 4.67 percent of the total magnet structure volume, filling the space between the yoke and vertical pad inter-laminations and the spaces between horizontal and vertical pads and iron yoke. Temperature profiles along symmetry axis of validation model show close correlation between CFD and physical testing. Temperature contour field for bath temperature of 1.9 K Reference [1] Pietrowicz S.; Baudouy B. Numerical Study of the Thermal Behavior of an Nb3Sn High Field Magnet in He II. Cryogenics, 2013, V53, pp. 72–77. ANSYS ADVANTAGE Volume VIII | Issue 1 | 2014