norma farnell - Riverside Presbyterian Day School

For the past twenty years Mrs. Farnell has served Riverside Presbyterian Day School as both a
Kindergarten teacher and a PreK 4 teacher. To some people twenty years of teaching might
seem like an eternity, but not to Mrs. Farnell. She remains as steadfast to her RPDS students,
parents and colleagues as she always has been.
Her excellence in the classroom begins with the thoughtful way she plans her instruction. Mrs.
Farnell’s attention to the little details is her signature quality. To Mrs. Farnell in the world of the
little people, within the Early Learning Center, it is the little details that matter. Mrs. Farnell’s
planning is steeped in tradition and combined with a sound understanding of
the developmental needs of her students.
The lessons and activities Mrs. Farnell prepares are taught to her students through a teaching
style of clarity and intention towards student success and growth. Mrs. Farnell’s
experience and wisdom as an early learning teacher makes her
a respected mentor and leader to her RPDS family.
RPDS thanks you Mrs. Farnell for your service, commitment and excellence in teaching.
God has blessed us with twenty years of your grace.
Norma Farnell
20 Year Recognition
May 8, 2014
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