ATTACHMENT 11 LUDWIGIA REPENS INTERFERENCE PLANT COMPETITION STUDY PREPARED BY Center for Reservoir and Aquatic Systems Research Baylor University Waco, Texas 76798 BIO-WEST, Inc. 1812 Central Commerce Court Round Rock, Texas 78664 March 2015 1 ATTACHMENT 11 STUDY PLAN Objective The overall objective of our proposal is to evaluate the competitive interactions between the desirable native plant Ludwigia repens and two widespread and aggressive non-native species Hygrophila polysperma and Hydrilla verticillata. Additional objectives include evaluating competitive ability of Hygrophila polysperma under two light regimes in Landa Lake to better understand the competitive outcome under shaded conditions common due to riparian shading of the rivers. Evaluation of growth and competitive ability will be assessed between different locations within each river so we best understand the likely competitive outcomes along the length of these rivers. Study Sites Sites for the Hygrophila competition study will consist of field study sites located on the Comal River in Comal County, Texas in Landa Lake, Upper Spring Run and the Old Channel. The Hydrilla competition study will be conducted on the San Marcos River in Hays County Texas with two sites, one site upstream and one site downstream of Rio Vista dam. Introduction The San Marcos and Comal Rivers have unique aquatic plant communities that support a wide variety of native and endemic wildlife including several listed species. Non-native aquatic plant species such as Hydrilla verticillata and Hygrophila polysperma are becoming increasingly abundant in these systems (Lemke, 1989; Bowles and Bowles, 2001) and pose a threat to efforts in reestablishing beneficial native aquatic vegetation (Bormann, 2012). The ability to predict and anticipate changing dynamics and community structure in these plant communities is essential for understanding how listed species could be impacted and to help guide the development of the submerged aquatic vegetation module of the HCP Ecological model. Data and Literature Review Success of a plant species in competition with another plant species is driven by species characteristics. These include growth rate, plant architecture, reproductive vigor and susceptibility to herbivory (Spencer and Bowes, 1985) and in certain cases chemical defenses (Gross, 2003). Non-native species may excel at one or several of these characteristics which allow them full advantage over native species. Invasive aquatic plant species are well known for their ability to spread rapidly via fragmentation of stems, basal rooting structures, such as stolons, tubers or corms, or specialized structures, such as turions, which can detach and move downstream or float on currents into new locations colonizing in rapid fashion (Sculthorpe, 1967; Langeland and Sutton, 1980). Typically aquatic plants reproduce asexually (Arbor, 1920; Haynes, 1988) and vegetative structures are primed for growth upon settling into new habitat 2 ATTACHMENT 11 with root structures or leaves still attached (Sutton, 1996). As a consequence, in many cases, invasion of an aquatic species into new areas can take very little time (Santamaria, 2002). For example, Eurasion watermilfoil, Myriophyllum spicatum, a widespread problematic submersed aquatic plant has been documented to establish and dominate littoral zones of lakes within two to three years after introduction (Aiken et al., 1979; Newroth, 1985). A North American native Elodea nuttaalii has spread rapidly in Japan’s largest lake covering the lake bottom within a few years after introduction there (Kadono, 2004). Closer to home in the San Marcos system the exotic plant Cryptocoryne becketti was documented to quickly establish and spread within 2 years after initial discovery with a recorded expansion rate of 80% a year (Doyle, 2001) and annual mapping by BIO-WEST has shown the dramatic expansion of Hygrophila polysperma in the Old Channel Study Reach of the Comal River (BIO-WEST, 2010) With recent documented expansions of invasive aquatic plants within the San Marcos and Comal systems data is needed to suggest how native plants may respond. Few studies regarding native versus non native aquatic plant competition have been conducted with regard to either of these systems. In one particular study Doyle et al. (2003) conducted a static container (35 gallon barrels) within an outdoor raceway experiment to study the competitive ability of Ludwigia repens against Hygrophila polysperma. Our experiment will expand upon that of Doyle et al (2003) to help further understand the competitive outcome under more realistic environmental flow and ambient light conditions. In their experiment Doyle et al. (2003) found that Hygrophila polysperma had significant interference with the growth of Ludwigia repens across all trials. Hygrophila polysperma plant stems were longer and more highly branched and the relative growth rate for Hygrophila polysperma was not significantly affected by the presence of Ludwigia repens while the relative growth rate of Ludwigia repens was significantly impacted by Hygrophila polysperma. While the 2003 study indicated the species’ ability to dominate Ludwigia repens it was conducted under static conditions, as a container experiment. For our competition study an in situ experiment is proposed. An in situ experiment provides for different conditions and exposure to real ambient factors such as ambient light levels, consistent CO 2 and consistent water flow, which may be more favorable towards Ludwigia repens growth. Also an in situ experiment minimizes transport and handling of plants which can cause stress to plant propagules. For this study plant propagules will only be handled when collecting and repotting otherwise they will grow much like wild plants. For our study three plant species will be utilized. One native plant Ludwigia repens and two non native species Hygrophila polysperma and Hydrilla verticillata. Ludwigia repens J.R. Forst. (Red Ludwigia) is an obligate amphibious aquatic macrophyte native to the San Marcos and Comal rivers and is common in many other water ways across Texas (BONAP, 2014). In the past Red Ludwigia has been common to the San Marcos and Comal Rivers (Doyle pers comm.) but recent mapping has shown its decline in aerial cover. Red 3 ATTACHMENT 11 Ludwigia is considered important habitat for the endangered fountain darter and is currently being propagated and planted as part of a large scale restoration effort in both systems. Hygrophila polysperma (Roxb) T. Anders (Hygrophila) is an exotic invasive plant introduced to the San Marcos and Comal Rivers (Angerstein and Lemke, 1994). While morphologically similar to Red Ludwigia (Doyle et al., 2003) it is not closely related. Hygrophila is an obligate amphibious aquatic plant native to Eastern Asia. Popular in the aquarium trade it has been introduced into several Florida waterways and is currently present in at least three waterways in Texas and found in several locations in Mexico (Moro-Olivo et al., 2008). Hygrophila has increased in abundance in both systems over the years. Recent system wide mapping of both rivers by the Meadows Center (Williams 2010) and BIO-WEST (2013) has shown that Hygrophila is wide spread in the San Marcos River found from Spring Lake to the confluence of the Blanco River as well as in the Comal system where it can be found from the Upper Spring Run to the confluence with the Guadalupe River (BIO-WEST, 2013). Hygrophila is commonly found as a submersed perennial although it can grow as an emergent or terrestrially in wet locations (Sutton and Dingler, 2000). It commonly reproduces and spreads by fragmentation or nodal rooting. It is most often found in areas with slow to medium velocities and is easily scoured in high flow events (Fast et al., 2008). It has a shallow lightly developed fibrous root system. Hydrilla verticillata (L.F.) Royle (Hydrilla) is an exotic invasive plant commonly problematic in many waterways across Texas including the San Marcos River. Only one small colony of Hydrilla exists in an off-channel pool of the Comal River and it has not expanded in over a decade (Doyle pers. com.). This species is much more abundant in the San Marcos, and was until recently common throughout the system. Now Hydrilla is mostly limited to below Spring Lake dam as efforts to remove the plant from Spring Lake over the past 12 years have been mostly successful (Williams et al., 2011). Hydrilla is an obligate submersed aquatic plant native to Central Africa and Asia. Perhaps one of the most notorious aquatic invasive plants in North America it can be found in many lakes and reservoirs across the United States. Hydrilla commonly reproduces via fragmentation. It can also produce specialized structures called turions which allow for dispersed vegetative reproduction (Madsen and Smith, 1999). Hydrilla also produces tubers (subterranean turions) within the sediment which can stay viable for extremely long periods of time (Owens et al., 2012) allowing for the plant to survive harsh conditions such as drawdown, and scouring (Van and Steward, 1990). Hydrilla shoots emerge from a root crown and are attached to well-developed rooting structures. It produces a thick canopy structure at the water surface and is known to “bolt” in response to low light conditions giving it a quick advantage over other native aquatic plants (McFarland and Barko, 1987). 4 ATTACHMENT 11 Materials and Methods Two separate studies will be conducted to compare the competitive interactions of Red Ludwigia with Hygrophila and Hydrilla. The Hygrophila competition study will be within the Comal System which provides ideal conditions since recreation disturbances are limited in Landa Lake, Upper Spring Run and the Old Channel. Since Hydrilla does not occur in the Comal system this study will be conducted separately in the San Marcos River, even though higher recreation and public use may impact that experiment. Basic Competition Study Design. The proposed experiments document initial establishment and growth of colonizing fragments in three competitive environments (empty pots, pots with fragments of a competitor species, pots with established plants of the competitor species). In addition, it allows for evaluation of the continued growth of established plant communities with and without invasion by fragments of a competing species. For the Red Ludwigia versus Hygrophila or Hydrilla experiments seven treatments are proposed (Table 1). This basic experimental design will be used at each location where an experiment is conducted. Our treatment nomenclature utilizes lower case letters to designate fragments of a species and capital letters to designate established plants. The first three treatments utilize only plant fragments planted in to previously empty pots of sediment. These include freshly collected Red Ludwigia fragments planted in monoculture into empty pots (ll), Hygrophila (or Hydrilla) fragments planted in monoculture into empty pots (hh), a 50/50 mix of Red Ludwigia fragments and Hygrophila (or Hydrilla) fragments (llhh). The use of newly sprigged fragments in empty pots will provide information on the colonization potential of both species when free of competitive pressures (ll and hh). The 50/50 fragment mixture (llhh) will provide information on the competitive outcome of “equal start” low-competition environments. Four treatments are proposed that utilize established plants of both species (Figure 1). Fragments of the competitor species will be planted into the pots containing established plants (llHH, hhLL) while other pots will allow the continued growth of the established plants without any competitive pressure from invading fragments of the other species (HH, LL). The use of these established plants in the experiment will allow us to understand the ability of an established plant colony to resist invasion by a competitor (arriving as a viable fragment) and vice versa the ability of a plant fragment to invade an established colony of the other species (high-competition environment). 5 ATTACHMENT 11 Table 1. Treatments proposed for Ludwigia vs. Hygrophila (or Hydrilla) competition experiment. Symbol Treatment Count ll Ludwigia fragments into empty pot 8 hh Hygrophila (or Hydrilla) fragments into empty pot 8 ll hh 50 / 50 mix Ludwigia and Hygrophila (or Hydrilla) fragments into empty pots 8 ll HH Ludwigia fragments planted into pots of established Hygrophila (or Hydrilla) 8 hh LL Hygrophila (or Hydrilla ) fragments planted into pots of established Ludwigia 8 HH Continued growth of established Hygrophila (or Hydrilla) plants 4 LL Continued growth of established Ludwigia plants 4 Figure 1. Red Ludwigia growing in MUPPTs establish in only 3-4 weeks. 6 ATTACHMENT 11 Our experimental design will utilize Mobile Underwater Plant Propagation Trays (MUPPTs) designed by BIO-WEST to allow culture of aquatic plants in situ for restoration work. Treatments will be replicated 8 times except for the established monospecific treatments (HH and LL) which will be replicated only four times. Space limitations within the MUPPTs limit the total number of pots to 48 (see below). Since we anticipate less variability in the continued growth of the established plots over time we have elected to lower the number of replicates for those treatments. The MUPPTs each hold four plastic nursery trays containing 12 nursery pots each for a total of 48 quart pots per MUPPT. However, to allow room for growth over the experimental growth period without undue crowding, we will spread out the pots into alternate cells within the MUPPTs. Two MUPPTs will be placed side by side at each location (Figure 2). The pots will be assigned a location within the MUPPTs based on a stratified random design such that each plastic tray receives one pot from each of the first 5 treatments (hh, ll, llhh, llHH, hhLL) and one pot of either HH or LL. The pots used in the MUPPTs are 10.16 cm diameter X 10.16 cm tall pots, referred to as “quart pots” in the plant nursery trade, with a maximum volume of 900 mL of soil. Figure 2. Alternating placement of plants within two MUPPTs. Each MUPPT holds four plastic trays of 12 quart pots. Pots with plants (green circles) will be distributed such that each plastic tray holds six pots. 7 ATTACHMENT 11 Hygrophila Competition Study Design (Comal River) The Red Ludwigia vs. Hygrophila competition study will be conducted at four sites on the Comal River (Table 2). We propose to conduct replicates of the competition study at three main locations in the River (Landa Lake, Upper Spring Run and Old Channel). At these locations we will select sites with as much sun as available (=full sun). In Landa Lake we will select both a full sun site as well as a restricted light site. Using the three locations in the river will allow us to understand the likely competitive outcomes under differing environmental conditions within the river while having both a full-sun site and a restricted light site in Landa Lake will allow us to understand if the competitive outcome will differ in more light-restricted areas such as near tall riparian trees that currently shade significant portions of the river. Hygrophila’s shade tolerance is suspected but not widely investigated (Spencer and Bowes, 1985) and the possibility for the species to be more shade-tolerant than native aquatic plant species means that a competitive outcome may differ in light-restricted environments. Sites with similar depth will be selected. However water flow, riparian canopy shade and perhaps other environmental factors will vary. Table 2. Experimental design diagram for the Hygrophila vs. Red Ludwigia interference study. Comal River Landa lake Full Sun MUPPT MUPPT I II 4 ll 4 ll 4 hh 4 hh 4 llhh 4 llhh 4 llHH 4 llHH 4 LLhh 4 LLhh 2LL 2 LL 2 HH 2 HH Upper Spring Run Restricted Light MUPPT MUPPT I II 4 ll 4 ll 4 hh 4 hh 4 llhh 4 llhh 4 llHH 4 llHH 4 LLhh 4 LLhh 2 LL 2 LL 2 HH 2 HH Full Sun MUPPT MUPPT I II 4 ll 4 ll 4 hh 4 hh 4 llhh 4 llhh 4 llHH 4 llHH 4 LLhh 4 LLhh 2 LL 2 LL 2 HH 2 HH 8 Old Channel Full Sun MUPPT MUPPT II 4 ll 4 ll 4 hh 4 hh 4 llhh 4 llhh 4 llHH 4 llHH 4 LLhh 4 LLhh 2 LL 2 LL 2 HH 2 HH ATTACHMENT 11 Hydrilla Competition Study Design (San Marcos River) Two locations will be selected in the San Marcos System with one location upstream of Rio Vista dam one location downstream (Table 3). Full-sun locations with similar depth will be selected at these sites. Table 3. Experimental design diagram for Hydrilla versus Red Ludwigia San Marcos River above Rio Vista MUPPT I MUPPT II 4ll 4ll 4hh 4hh 4llhh 4llhh 4llHH 4llHH 4LLhh 4LLhh 2LL 2LL 2HH 2HH below Rio Vista MUPPT I MUPPT II 4ll 4ll 4hh 4hh 4llhh 4llhh 4llHH 4llHH 4LLhh 4LLhh 2LL 2LL 2HH 2HH Experiment Implementation. Native sediment from either the Comal or the San Marcos Rivers will be used for these experiments. For established plants (LL or HH) healthy 20 cm apical stem fragments will be planted and allowed a three to four week long pre-emptive grow out period. This growth period has been shown to allow robust plant establishment and growth for Red Ludwigia (Figure 1) and a similar establishment period is expected to suffice for the rapidly growing exotics as well. Ten pots of established plants will be randomly selected at the beginning of the experimental growth periods to quantify the initial biomass of these established pots as described below. Two MUPPT frames will be secured side by side at a selected site at each location (Figure 2). Sites with as much sunlight as available at the location will be selected. Treatments will be assigned to the MUPPTs using the stratified random design explained above. Viable 20 cm long freshly-collected apical fragments of the appropriate species will be collected and utilized to initiate the experiments. Ten randomly selected apical fragments will also be harvested to quantify the initial biomass of the fragments used in the experiments after drying to constant weight at 60 °C (approx. 72 hours). Monitoring Experiments are expected to run for 10-12 weeks. This should allow sufficient time for the plants to fill the pots and for the outcome of initial competitive interactions to be evident. During this time, photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) will be measured continuously at 9 ATTACHMENT 11 each site at 5 minute intervals throughout the day using deployable data recorders. Each site will also be visited at least twice per week and each pot will be visually assessed for evidence of disturbance or death/loss of the plants. At least once per week velocity will be measured with a Marsh McBirney water velocity meter and pH, conductivity and temperature will be measured with an YSI multiparameter sonde. Harvesting and Processing of Plants After 10-12 weeks of growth the plants will be harvested and processed for biomass and morphology data. The plants in each pot will be separated by species and the total number of stems and length of each stem will be measured. Dry weight biomass data will be generated by separating the samples of each species into above and below ground tissues and drying to a constant weight at 60 °C for 72 hrs. Data Analysis Data analysis will follow that used by Doyle et al. (2003). Data will be tested for normality using Cochran’s C test and transformed as needed to meet normality requirements. The interference competition biomass and morphology data for each species will be analyzed separately. A two-factor ANOVA (location X competition level) will be used to analyze the results of the three-level interference competition for Ludwigia, Hygrophila or Hydrilla fragments growing under varying levels of competitors (ll, llhh, llHH or hh, hhll, hhLL). A separate two-factor ANOVA (location X invasion status) will be used to analyze the results continued growth of the established plants with and without invasion by fragments of the competitor species (LL, hhLL or HH, llHH). Conclusion In reality, as an in situ experiment conducted at differing locals within two different systems each study location will be subjected to certain “location factors” such as differences in depth, water velocity and PAR that cannot be controlled. These factors may actually provide insightful data on how these plants grow and interact with each other in different locations of the river. If for example Red Ludwigia can hold its own against Hygrophila under flowing conditions in the Old Channel but can be easily outcompeted in more static conditions such as the Upper Spring Run this will further improve our ability to predict the makeup of the plant community in those locations as well as provide managers better data on the restorative ability of the system. 10 ATTACHMENT 11 Literature Reviewed and Literature Cited Aiken, S. G., P. R. Newroth and I. Wile. 1979. The biology of Canadian weeds. 34. Myriophyllum spicatum L. Can. J. Plant Sci. 59: 201-215. Angerstein, A. B., and D. E. Lemke. 1994. First records of the aquatic weed Hygrophila polysperma (Acanthaceae) from Texas. Sida 16: 365-371. BIO-WEST. 2004. Comprehensive and critical period monitoring program to evaluate the effects of variable flow on the biological resources in the Comal River aquatic ecosystem. 2003 annual report. Edwards Aquifer Authority. 30p BIO-WEST. 2014. 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Littell and K. A. Langeland. 1980. Intraspecific competition of Hydrilla verticillata. Weed Science. 425-428. Sutton, D.L. and P.M. Dingler. 2000. Influence of sediment nutrients on growth of emergent Hygrophila. J. Aquat. Plant Manage. 38: 55-61. Van Dijk, G.M., D. D. Thayer, W. T. Haller. 1986. Growth of Hygrophila and Hydrilla in flowing water. J. Aquat. Plant Manage. 24: 85-87. Van, T.K. and K. K. Steward. 1990. Longevity of monoecious Hydrilla propagules. J. of Aquat. Plant Manage. 28: 74-76. Williams, C.R., K. Tower and T. Hardy. 2010. San Marcos River Aquatic Vegetation Survey and Inventory. River Systems Institute. San Marcos, TX. 21p. Williams, C.R., K. Tower and T. Hardy. 2011. Spring Lake Aquatic Vegetation Mapping Project and Historical Assessment. River Systems Institute. San Marcos, TX. 10p. 13