Enhancement of Power Quality using Tapped Inductor FC-TCR R. V. D. RAMA RAO Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Narasaraopeta Engineering College Narasaraopet, Andhra Pradesh, India S. S. DASH Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, SRM University, Chennai, India Abstract: This Paper deals with digital simulation of FC-TCR, which can enhance the Power Quality of a power system. Reactive power is controlled by using tapped inductor system. This system reduces THD in the line current. Smooth variation of reactive power can be obtained by varying the firing angle of TCR. This circuit eliminates switching transients and improves the life of the capacitors. The simulation was performed using MATLAB Simulink and the simulation results are presented. The simulation results are similar to the analytical results. Introduction T closed) to zero (Thyristor valve T open) by the method of firing delay angle control. The fixed capacitor (FC) and the TCR constitute a basic var generator arrangement (FC-TCR). The constant capacitive var generation of C is opposed by the variable var absorption of the TCR. In the control of electric power systems, systems and procedures are used to compensate dynamically the detrimental effects of non-linear loads. The compensation process should be carried out without important alteration of the source signals quality. Some benefits are expected using compensation losses reduction in the distribution lines, harmonic content aminoration, and power factor improvement. The dynamic behavior of industrial loads requires the use of compensator that can be adopted to load changes. Unfortunately, the techniques frequently used for Compensation is based on circuit controllers that alter the waveform of the signals subject to the control. Such is the case of the static compensator, which must perform harmonic cancellation, reactive power compensation, power factor correction, and energy saving. Although the static compensator is commonly used and studied under sinusoidal voltage conditions, waveforms corresponding to the controlled current present high harmonic content. Calculation of the firing angle can be made in the time domain or in the frequency domain, using different approaches. Assuming the supply voltage is sinusoidal, calculation of the firing angle is obtained with minimum complexity. However, the modification of TCR firing angle, increasing from limits � = 0 to ��= � 2 , produces increasing distortion of the current in the TCR branch, and consequently that of the line current. It increases the rms value of the line current and the THD, and deteriorates the power factor. This situation is still more degraded where voltage is not a pure sine wave. This paper focuses on the Thyristor-Controlled Reactor (TCR). The compensator with TCR controls the current in the reactor L from a maximum (Thyristor valve FC-TCR System E-mail: munu_dash2k@yahoo.com, ramrvd@yahoo.com I J E E S R, 3(1) June 2013 In the literature [1] to [20], the simulation of tapped FC-TCR is not presented. In the present work, an attempt is made to simulate Tapped FC-TCR system using MATLAB Simulink software. The FC-TCR System is shown in Fig. 1. Fixed capacitor cannot produce variation in the reactive power .A 9 R. V. D. Rama Rao & S. S. Dash thyristor controlled reactor is connected in parallel with the capacitor to produce variation in the reactive power. Voltage and Current waveforms of TCR are shown in Fig. 2. performance is improved if the fixed capacitor is substituted by an LC branch tuned to a value close to the fundamental frequency of the network voltage . Thyristors T1& T2 can select different inductance values of the TCR, maintaining simultaneously high PF and low THDI values. In fig. 3 L min is selected to limitthe short circuit when the tags are reduced.The capacitor across the load is for reactive power compensation. The reactive power variation can not be obtained using fixed capacitor. Thyristor controlled reactor is used to obtain variation in the reactive power. Further variation can be obtained by using tapped reactor system. Step variation of inductance can be obtained using the M 1, M 2 & M 3. 3. Simulation Results Figure 1: FC-TCR Basic Circuit Figure 2: TCR Waveforms The thyristor current is as follows R� � � � �t 2V i1 � (sin(�t � �)) � sin (� � �)e L � � � Z Extinction angle bcan be obtained by the relation sin (� � �) � sin (� � �) e � R � � ��� � � �� � � L �� � � 2. Tapped Inductor FC-TCR Tapped inductor FC-TCR simulation circuit is shown in Fig. 4. Pulses required by the IGBTs are generated using the sources V2, V3, V4 & V5. The switches I1 to I4 produce stepped variation in the current. Each choke is modeled as a series combination of resistance & its inductance. The input current waveform time in seconds and current in amperes for x and y axis respectively is shown in Fig. 5, The switching pulses for M1 & M2 between time in seconds and current in amperes for x and y axis respectively are given in Fig. 6. The voltage across tapped reactor between time in seconds and voltage in volts for x and y axis respectively is shown in Fig. 7. The switching pulses for the switches I1 to I4 are shown time in seconds and current in amperes for x and y axis respectively in Fig.8, at different instances the pulses are given to study the variation of current. The current through TCR between time in seconds and current in amperes for x and y axis respectively is shown in Fig. 9. It can be seen that inductance is cut out by closing the respective switch. This increases the current in stepped manner. Output current time in seconds and current in amperes for x and y axis respectively and voltage waveforms time in seconds and voltage in volts for x and y axis respectively are shown in Figs. 10 & 11 respectively. The variation of Active time in seconds and power in watts for x and y axis respectively and Reactive power time in seconds and power in kvar for x and y axis respectively is shown in Fig. 12. Basic TSR TCR circuit is shown in Fig. 3. when the FC-TCR is supplied with a non-sinusoidal voltage, the 10 I J E E S R, 3(1) June 2013 Enhancement of Power Quality using Tapped Inductor FC-TCR Figure 3: The Basic FC-TCR Circuit Figure 4: Simulink Circuit Diagram of FC-TCR I J E E S R, 3(1) June 2013 11 R. V. D. Rama Rao & S. S. Dash Figure 5: Input Current Figure 9: Current Through TCR Figure 6: S1 & S2 Switching Pulses for TCR Figure 10:Output Current Figure 7: Voltage Across Tapped Reactors Figure 11: Output Voltage Figure 8: Switching Pulses for Controlled Reactors 12 Figure 12:Active and Reactive Power I J E E S R, 3(1) June 2013 Enhancement of Power Quality using Tapped Inductor FC-TCR Conclusion Reactive power compensation using Tapped inductor FCTCR was studied. Circuit model for tapped inductor FCTCR system was developed. It is used for simulation studies using Matlab Simulink. The variation in reactive power was smoother when using FC-TCR as compared to Thyristor switched capacitors. The ability of this system is that it can adjust the inductance to maintain the power quality Thus the FC-TCR system is a viable alternative to the thyristor switched capacitor bank. The hardware is reduced since fixed capacitor does not require any controlled switches. The value of THD for the input current is reduced. 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