Fundamentals of the Electric Grid

Stanford Summer Energy School
Fundamentals of the Electric Grid
Kevin Tomsovic
CTI Professor and EECS Department Head
Overview – Part 1
Broad overview of power grid fundamentals
• DC vs. AC
• Edison and Westinghouse (Edison may yet win)
• Three phase systems
• Power concepts
• Traditional generation technologies
• Synchronism as the foundation of operation
• Load – Frequency control
• Load following – frequency control
• The power system in the steady-state
• Transmission system and power flows
• Reactive power/voltage and real power/phase
• Power system reliability
• Security vs. adequacy
Components of the Grid
• Generation
• Transmission
– 115 kVolts 765 kVolts
– Networked
• Distribution
– 4 kVolts to 69 kVolts
– Radial
• Load|15
DC vs. AC
• Direct current (DC)
– DC machines
– Batteries
– Fuel cells
– Photovoltaic
i (t ) = I
• Alternating current (AC)
– AC machines
– Power electronic converters
– 60 Hertz in the US
i(t ) = I sin(2πft )
Edison vs. Tesla/Westinghouse
• DC
– Pushed by Thomas Edison (GE)
– Could not change voltage levels (no transformer) so cannot
transmit over long distances
– DC generator (high maintenance)
– Difficult to interrupt high currents (no zero crossing)
• AC
– Nikola Tesla (moved from Edison to Westinghouse)
– Can efficiently change voltage levels (transformer) and so
transmit over long distances (high voltage)
– Induction and synchronous machines
– Easier to interrupt high currents
DC actually has many advantages
Frequency and Phase
• The number of “cycles” per second (Hertz)
– Zero for DC
– Many options for AC
– Grid - 60 in the US, 50 in Europe, both in Japan
– Aircraft – 400, Some trains in Europe – 16.67
• Phase – relative relationship between two signals
– Usually measured in degrees (easy to translate to time)
– 30 degrees or 1.4 msec
i1 (t ) = I sin(2πft )
i2 (t ) = I sin(2πft − π / 6)
• Need a simpler notation and all that matters is
magnitude and relative phase if single
• Define
i(t ) => I∠δ
• We properly do this using Euler’s identity
e j 2πft + jδ = cos(2πft + δ ) + j sin(2πft +Oδ )
• with j an imaginary number or 90
Three phase power
an extremely useful trick
• All large scale power applications
i!a (t ) = I sin(2πft )
i!b (t ) = I sin(2πft − 2π / 3)
i!c (t ) = I sin(2πft − 4π / 3)
i!a (t ) + ib (t ) + ic (t ) = 0
• No need for return line to carry current
Electric power
• By definition
p(t ) = v(t )i(t )
i(t ) = I sin(2πft )
v(t ) = V sin(2πft + π / 6)
• Average power is what does useful work
• P
P = ∫ p(t )dt
oftenT called
Three phase electric power
another major benefit
• Assume balanced in all three phases
p ( t ) = p a ( t ) + pb ( t ) + p c ( t )
• Constant power output – far more efficient
Apparent Power S
calculation using phasors
• By definition
S = VI * = P + jQ
P – real part of S
Q – imaginary part of S, reactive power
What is reactive power?
And why should we worry about it?
• The part of p(t) which does no work on average (but it may
be needed to get work done)
• Analogies
– Pressure in a water hose
– Foam on the beer (just takes
up room in glass)
• Physically
– Primarily line charging (magnetic fields) associated with
transmission lines and motor windings
• Practically
– Needed to maintain voltage for long distance transmission and to
supply induction machines
P (Watts – you pay for this)
Energy Conversion
Three phase synchronous Machines
• DC supplied to rotor which is driven at some constant speed of
rotation (say 3600 RPM for two pole machine resulting in 60
• Three phase windings spaced by 120 degrees
• Power is produced only at this frequency (else p(t)=0)
• Relative angle between fields determines real power output
Generator mix
80% Thermal (nuclear, coal, gas, etc.)
20% Hydro
Essentially all synchronous
Steam Turbine/Generator
Hydro Units at
Since most generation is from synchronous machines, the
interconnected power system swings together.
• To maintain frequency, load and generation (minus losses) must balance
• An increase in load decreases frequency so generators respond to frequency dip by
increasing output
• Coordination from control centers results in a simple but very effective means of
load following
• Load frequency control
• Inputs – scheduled and actual tie line flows (difference is area control errors), frequency
deviation (also frequency response characteristic)
• Output – generator set point adjustments around once every 4 seconds
North American Control Areas
Frequency Monitoring
(FNET – Yilu Liu, UT)
Frequency Monitoring
(FNET – Yilu Liu, UT)
Frequency Event
Nigeria – Shows system dependence
Summary Comments and Opinions
• Electricity grid is central to solving energy problems
• Wind has perhaps the greatest potential – difficulty of
variability may have been overstated by media and
• Appropriate control methods need to be developed
with greater demand side response and new storage
• Shifting of greater load to grid has benefits both for
reduced emissions and for easier control
• A few useful websites
• Some general introductory power texts
Bergen and Vittal, Power Systems Analysis, Prentice Hall, 2000.
El-Sharkawi, Electric Energy: An Introduction, CRC Press, 2005.
Reference List
•Energy Information Administration, Electric Power Annual, online at:
•F. Giraud and Z.M. Salemeh, “Steady-state performance of a grid-connected rooftop hybridwind-photovoltaic power system with battery storage,” IEEE Transactions
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•C.W. Gellings, M. Samotyj, and B. Howe, “The future's smart delivery system ,” IEEE Power and Energy Magazine, Vol. 2, No. 5, Sept.-Oct. 2004, pp. 40-48.
•K. Tomsovic and M. Venkatasubramanian, “Power System Operation and Control,” Electrical Engineering Handbook, Elsevier Academic Press, 2005, pp. 761-778.
•K. Tomsovic, D. Bakken, V. Venkatasubramanian and A. Bose, “Designing the Next Generation of Real-Time Control, Communication and Computations for Large
Power Systems,” Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 93, No. 5, May 2005, pp. 965- 979.
•H. Sira-Ramirez, S.K. Agrawal, Differentially Flat Systems, CRC, 2004.
•V.N. Chetverikov, “Controllability of Flat Systems,” Differential Equations, Vol. 43, No. 11, 2007, pp. 1558-1568.
• X. Yu and K. Tomsovic, “Application of Linear Matrix Inequalities for Load Frequency Control with Communication Delays,” IEEE Transactions on Power
Systems, Vol. 19, No. 3, Aug. 2004, pp. 1508-1515.
•D. Logue, P. T. Krein, “The power buffer concept for utility load decoupling,” Proc. IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 2000, pp. 973-978.
•R. S. Balog, W. W. Weaver, P. T. Krein, “The load as an energy asset in a distributed architecture,” Proc. IEEE Electric Ship Technologies Symposium, 2005, pp.
•H. Qi, W. Zhang, L. M. Tolbert, "A Resilient Real-Time Agent-Based System for a Reconfigurable Power Grid," International Conference on Intelligent Systems
Application to Power Systems, November 6-10, 2005, Arlington, Virginia.
•J. Sun, “AC Power Electronic Systems: Stability and Power Quality,” Proceedings of IEEE 2008 COMPEL (Control and Modeling for Power Electronics) Workshop,
August 2008, Zurich, Switzerland.
•R. Mookherjee, B.F. Hobbs, T. Friesz and M.A. Rigdon, “Dynamic Oligopolistic Competition on an Electric Power Network with Ramping Costs and Joint Sales
Constraints,” Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, Vol. 4, No. 3, Aug. 2008.
•D. Shawhan, D. Mitarotonda, and R. Zimmerman. "A regional incentive-based carbon dioxide emission regulation in the power sector: Impacts predicted using an
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•C. Taylor, Power System Voltage Stability, IEEE Press, 1993.
•B.A. Renz, A.J.F Keri, A.S. Mehraban, J.P. Kessinger, C.D. Schauder, L. Gyugyi, L.J. Kovalsky and A.-A. Edris, “World’s First Unified Power Controller on the AEP
System,” CIGRE Meeting, Paper 14-107, Paris, 1998.
•B. Fardanesh, B. Shperling, E. Uzunovic, and S. Zelingher, “Multi-Converter FACTS Devices: the Generalized Unified Power Flow Controller (GUPFC),”
Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE PES Winter Power Meeting, Vol. 2, pp. 1020-1025, July 2000.
•E. V. Larsen and J. H. Chow, “SVC Control Design Concepts for System Dynamic Performance,” in IEEE Power Engineering Society Publication 87TH0187-5-PWR
“Application of Static Var Systems for System Dynamic Performance,” 1987.
•E. V. Larsen, J. J. Sanchez-Gasca, and Joe H. Chow, “Concepts for Design of FACTS Controllers to Damp Power Swings,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol.
10, pp. 948-956, 1995.
Reference List
•N. G. Hingorani and L. Gyugyi, Understanding FACTS: Concepts and Technology of Flexible AC Transmission Systems, IEEE Press, 2000.
•X. Wei, J. H. Chow, B. Fardanesh, and A.-A. Edris, “A Common Modeling Framework of Voltage-Sourced Converters for Loadflow, Sensitivity, and Dispatch
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•X. Jiang, X. Fang, J. H. Chow, A.-A. Edris, E. Uzunovic, M. Parisi, and L. Hopkins, “A Novel Approach for Modeling Voltage-Sourced Converter Based FACTS
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•W. D. Jones, “Blackout a Turn-on for Long Island Cable,” IEEE Spectrum, Oct. 2003.
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•X. Jiang, J. H. Chow, A-A. Edris, B. Fardanesh, and E. Uzunovic, “Transfer Path Stability Enhancement by Voltage-Sourced Converter-Based FACTS Controllers,”
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