Chapter 19 Magnetism Problem Solutions 19.1 Consid er a three-d im ensional coord inate system w ith the xy-plane in the plane of this page, the +x-d irection tow ard the right ed ge of the page and the +y-d irection tow ard the top of the page. Then, the z-axis is perpend icular to the page w ith the +z-d irection being upw ard , out of the page. The m agnetic field is d irected in the + x-d irection, tow ard the right . (a) When a proton (positively charged ) m oves in the +y-d irection, the right-hand rule num ber 1 gives the d irection of the m agnetic for ce as into the page or in the z-direction . (b) With v in the y-direction , the right-hand rule num ber 1 gives the d irection of the force on the proton as out of the page, in the +z-direction . (c) When the proton m oves in the +x-d irection, parallel to the m agnetic field , the m agnitud e of the m agnetic force it experiences is F qvB sin 0 0 , or there is a zero force in this case. 19.2 (a) For a positively charged particle, the d irection of the force is that pred icted by the right hand rule num ber one. These are: (a’ ) in plane of page and to left (b’ ) into the page (c’ ) out of the page (d ’ ) in plane of page and toward the top (e’ ) into the page (f’ ) out of the page (b) For a negatively charged particle, the d irection of the force is exactly opposite w hat the right hand rule num ber 1 pred icts for positive charges. Thus, the answ ers for part (b) are reversed from those given in part (a) . 217 218 19.3 CH APTER 19 Since the particle is positively charged , use the right hand rule num ber 1. In this case, start w ith the fingers of the right hand in the d irection of v and the thum b pointing in the d irection of F . As you start closing the hand , the fingers point in the d irection of B after they have m oved 90°. The results are (a) 19.4 toward the right (c) toward bottom of page H old the right hand w ith the fin gers in the d irection of v so that as you close your hand , the fingers m ove tow ard the d irection of B . The thum b w ill point in the d irection of the force (and hence the d eflection) if the particle has a p ositive charge. The results are (a) (c) 19.5 (b) into the page toward top of page 180 zero force (b) out of the page , since the charge is negative. (d ) into the page (a) The proton experiences m axim um force w hen it m oves perpend icular to the m agnetic field , and the m agnitud e of this m axim um force is Fmax (b) amax qvB sin 90 1.60 10 1.44 10 12 N 1.67 10-27 kg Fmax mp 19 C 6.00 106 m s 1.50 T 1 1.44 10 12 N 8.62 1014 m s 2 (c) Since the m agnitud e of the charge of an electron is the sam e as that of a proton, the force experienced by the electron would have the same magnitude , but w ould be in the opposite d irection d ue to the negative charge of the electron. The acceleration of the electron w ould be m uch greater than that of the proton because of the m ass of the electron is m uch sm aller. 19.6 From F F qvB sin , the m agnitud e of the force is foun d to be 1.60 10 19 C 6.2 106 m s 50.0 10 6 T sin 90.0 4.96 10 17 N Using the right-hand -rule (fingers point w estw ard in d irection of v , so they m ove d ow nw ard tow ard the d irection of B as you close the hand , the thum b points southw ard . Thus, the d irection of the force exerted on a proton (a positive charge) is toward the south . M agnetism 19.7 219 The gravitational force is sm all enough to be ignored , so the m agnetic force m ust supply the need ed centripetal acceleration. Thus, m v2 r v qvB sin 90 , or v 1.60 10 19 qBr w here r m C 4.00 10 1.67 10 27 8 RE 1000 km=7.38 106 m T 7.38 106 m 2.83 107 m s kg If v is toward the west and B is northw ard , F w ill be d irected d ow nw ard as required . 19.8 The speed attained by the electron is found from v 2e 2 1.60 10 V m 19 1 2 mv 2 C 2 400 V 9.11 10 31 kg q V , or 2.90 107 m s (a) Maxim um force occurs w hen the electron enters the region perpend icular to the field . Fmax q vB sin 90 1.60 10 19 C 2.90 107 m s 1.70 T 7.90 10 12 N (b) Minim um force occurs w hen the electron enters the region parallel to the field . Fmin q vB sin 0 0 220 19.9 CH APTER 19 The m agnitud e of the m agnetic force acting on the electron is F the m agnitud e of the m agnetic field is given by B me a ev 9.11 10 31 1.60 10 kg 4.0 1016 m s2 19 1.5 10 7 C 1.5 10 m s 2 q vB sin90 me a , so T To d eterm ine the d irection of the field , em ploy a variation of right -hand rule num ber 1. H old your right hand flat w ith the fingers extend ed in the d irection of the electron’ s velocity (tow ard the top of the page) and the thum b in the d irection of the m agnetic force (tow ard the right ed ge of the page). Then, as you close your hand , the fingers w ill point out of the page after they have m oved 90°. This w ould be the correct d irection for the m agnetic field if the particle were positively charged. Since the electron is a negative particle, the actual d irection of the field is opposite that pred icted by the right -hand rule, or it is d irected into the page (the –z-direction) . 19.10 The force on a single ion is F1 qvB sin 1.60 10 19 C 0.851 m s 0.254 T sin 51.0 2.69 10 20 N The total num ber of ions present is N 3.00 1020 ions 100 cm3 cm3 3.00 1022 Thus, assum ing all ions m ove in the sam e d irection through the field , the total force is F N F1 3.00 1022 2.69 10 20 N 806 N M agnetism 19.11 221 Gravitational force: Fg mg 9.11 10 31 kg 9.80 m s 2 8.93 10 30 N downward Electric force: Fe qE 1.60 10 19 C 100 N C 1.60 10 17 N upward Magnetic force: Fm qvB sin 4.80 10 Fm 19.12 19.13 1.60 10 17 4.80 10 17 19 C 6.00 106 m s 50.0 10 6 T sin 90.0 N in direction opposite right hand rule prediction N downward H old the right hand w ith the fingers in the d irection of the current so, as you close the hand , the fingers m ove tow ard the d irection of the m ag netic field . The thum b then points in the d irection of the force. The results are (a) to the left (b) into the page (c) out of the page (d ) toward top of page (e) into the page (f) out of the page From F B BI L sin , the m agnetic field is F L I sin 0.12 N m 15 A sin 90 The d irection of B m ust be the the +x-d irection. 8.0 10 3 T z-direction to have F in the –y-d irection w hen I is in 222 19.14 CH APTER 19 (a) F (b) Neither the direction of the magnetic field nor that of the current is given. Both m ust be BIL sin 0.28 T 3.0 A 0.14 m sin90 0.12 N know n before the d irection of the force can be d eterm ined . In this problem , you can only say that the force is perpen d icular to both the w ire and the field . 19.15 Use the right hand rule num ber 1, hold ing your right hand w ith the fingers in the d irection of the current and the thum b pointing in the d irection of the force. As you close your hand , the fingers w ill m ove tow ard the d irection of the m agnetic field . The results are (a) 19.16 (b) into the page (c) toward the right toward the bottom of the page In ord er to just lift the w ire, the m agnetic force exerted on a unit length of the w ire m ust be d irected upw ard and have a m agnitud e equal to the w eight per unit length. That is, the m agnitud e is F m BI sin g giving B m g I sin To find the m inim um possible field , the m agnetic field should be perpend icular to the current 90.0 . Then, Bmin m g I sin90.0 0.500 g 1 kg cm 103 g 102 cm 1m 9.80 m s2 2.00 A 1 0.245 T To find the d irection of the field , hold the right hand w ith the thum b pointing upw ard (d irection of the force) and the fingers pointing southw ard (d irection of current). Then, as you close the hand , the fingers point eastw ard . The m agnetic field should be d irected eastward . 19.17 F BIL sin 19.18 (a) The m agnitud e is F 0.300 T 10.0 A 5.00 m sin 30.0 BIL sin 7.50 N 0.60 10-4 T 15 A 10.0 m sin 90 9.0 10 3 N F is perpend icular to B . Using the right hand rule num ber 1, the orientation of F is found to be 15 above the horizontal in the northward direction . M agnetism (b) F 0.60 10-4 T 15 A 10.0 m sin 165 BIL sin 2.3 10 3 223 N and , from the right hand rule num ber 1, the d irection is horizontal and due west 19.19 For m inim um field , B should be perpend icular to the w ire. If the force is to be northw ard , the field m ust be d irected downward . To keep the w ire m oving, the m agnitud e of the m agnetic force m ust equal that of the kinetic friction force. Thus, BI L sin90 k mg , or B 19.20 k mL g 0.200 1.00 g cm 9.80 m s2 I sin 90 1.50 A 1.00 1 kg 103 g 102 cm 1m 0.131 T To have zero tension in the w ires, the m agnetic force per unit length m ust be d irected upw ard and equal to the w eight per unit length of the cond uctor. Thus, Fm L I BI mg , or L m L g 0.040 kg m 9.80 m s 2 B 3.60 T 0.109 A From the right hand rule num ber 1, the current m ust be to the right if the force is to be upw ard w hen the m agnetic field is into the page. 19.21 (a) The magnetic force must be directed upward and its magnitude must equal mg ,the w eight of the w ire. Then, the net force acting on the w ire w ill b e zero and it can m ove upw ard at constant speed . (b) The m agnitud e of the m agnetic force m ust be BI L sin field 90 . Thus, Bmin mg IL 0.015 kg 9.80 m s2 5.0 A 0.15 m mg , and for m inim um 0.20 T For the m agnetic force to be d irected upw ard w hen the current is tow ard the left, B m ust be d irected out of the page . 224 CH APTER 19 (c) If the field exceed s 0.20 T, the upw ard m agnetic force exceed s the d ow nw ard force of gravity, so the wire accelerates upward. 19.22 The m agnitud e of the m agnetic force exerted on a current-carrying cond uctor in a m agnetic field is given by F BIL sin , w here B is the m agnitud e of the field , L is the length of the cond uctor, I is the current in the cond uctor, and is the angle the cond uctor m akes w ith the d irection of the field . In this case, F 19.23 0.390 T 5.00 A 2.80 m sin (a) If 60.0 , then sin 0.866 and F (b) If 90.0 , then sin 1.00 and F 5.46 N (c) If 120 , then sin 0.866 and F 4.73 N 4.73 N For each segm ent, the m agnitud e of the force is given by F BI L sin , and the d irection is given by the right hand rule num ber 1. The results of applying these to each of the four segm ents are sum m arized below . Segm ent L (m ) ab 0.400 bc cd da 19.24 5.46 N sin F (N ) Direction 180° 0 _ 0.400 90.0° 0.040 0 negative x 0.400 2 45.0° 0.040 0 negative z 0.056 6 parallel to x-z plane at 45° to both +x- and +z-d irections 0.400 2 90.0° The m agnitud e of the force is F BIL sin 5.0 10 5 N 2.2 103 A 58 m sin 65 5.8 N and the right-hand rule num ber 1 show s its d irection to be into the page . 19.25 The torque on a cu rrent loop in a m agnetic field is BIAN sin , and m axim um torque occurs w hen the field is d irected parallel to the plane of the loop ( 90 ). Thus, max 0.50 T 25 10 3 A 5.0 10 2 m 2 50 sin 90 4.9 10 3 N m M agnetism 19.26 The m agnitud e of the torque is NBIAsin , w here is the angle betw een the field and the perpend icular to the plane of the loop. The circum ference of the loop is 1.00 m 1 2 r2 m . and the area is A 2 r 2.00 m , so the rad ius is r 1 0.800 T 17.0 10 Thus, 19.27 225 3 1 A m 2 sin 90.0 4.33 10 3 N m 0.200 m 0.150 m 0.094 2 m2 . Since the field is parallel to the 90.0 and the m agnitud e of the torque is The area is A ab plane of the loop, NBIA sin 8 2.00 10 4 T 6.00 A 0.094 2 m 2 sin 90.0 9.05 10 4 N m The torque is d irected to m ake the left-hand sid e of the loop m ove tow ard you and the right-hand sid e m ove aw ay. 19.28 N ote that the angle betw een the field and the perpend icular to the plane of the loop is 90.0 30.0 60.0 . Then, the m agnitud e of the torque is NBIAsin 100 0.80 T 1.2 A 0.40 m 0.30 m sin 60.0 10 N m With current in the –y-d irection, the outsid e ed ge of the loop w ill experience a force d irected out of the page (+z-d irection) accord ing to the right hand rule num ber 1. Thus, the loop w ill rotate clockwise as viewed from above . 19.29 (a) The torque exerted on a coil by a uniform m agnetic field is BIAN sin , w ith m axim um torque occurring w hen 90 , Thus, the current in the coil m ust be I 0.15 N m max BAN 0.90 T 3.0 10 2 m 5.0 10 (b) If I has the value found above and BIAN sin 0.90 T 0.56 A 2 0.56 A m 200 is now 25°, the torque on the coil is 0.030 m 0.050 m 200 sin 25 0.064 N m 226 19.30 CH APTER 19 The resistance of the loop is R 1.70 10 L A 8 m 8.00 m 1.00 10 4 m2 V R and the current in the loop is I The m agnetic field exerts torque sin 1. Thus, NBIA max 19.31 1.36 10 0.100 V 1.36 10 3 NBIAsin 3 73.5 A on the loop, and this is a m axim um w hen 1 0.400 T 73.5 A 2.00 m 2 118 N m (a) Let be the angle the plane of the loop m akes w ith the horizontal as show n in the sketch at the right. Then, the angle it m akes w ith the vertical is . The num ber of turns on the loop is 90.0 N L circumference 4.00 m 4 0.100 m 10.0 The torque about the z-axis d ue to gravity is s mg cos , w here s 0.100 m is the length g 2 of one sid e of the loop. This torque tend s to rotate the loop clockw ise. The torque d ue to the m agnetic force tend s to rotate the loop counterclockw ise about the z-axis and has m agnitud e m NBIAsin . At equilibrium , m g or NBI s 2 sin mg s cos 2. This red uces to tan Since tan mg 2 NBIs 0.100 kg 9.80 m s2 2 10.0 0.010 0 T 3.40 A 0.100 m cot , the angle the loop m akes w ith the vertical at tan 90.0 equilibriu m is 14.4 cot 1 14.4 3.97 . M agnetism 227 (b) At equilibrium , m NBI s 2 sin 2 10.0 0.010 0 T 3.40 A 0.100 m sin 90.0 3.39 10 19.32 3 3.97 N m (a) The current in segm ent a-b is in the +y-d irection. Thus, by right-hand rule 1, the m agnetic force on it is in the + x-direction . Im agine this force being concentrated at the center of segm ent a-b. Then, w ith a pivot at point a (a point on the x-axis), this force w ould tend to rotate the cond uctor a-b in a clockw ise d irection about the zaxis, so the d irection of this torque is in the z -direction . (b) The current in segm ent c-d is in the y-direction , and the right-hand rule 1 gives the d irection of the m agnetic force as the x-direction . With a pivot at point d (a point on the x-axis), this force w ould tend to rotate the cond uctor c-d counter-clockw ise about the z-axis, and the d irection of this torque is in the z -direction . (c) No. The torques d ue to these forces are along the z-axis and cannot cause rotation about the x-axis. Further, both the forces and the torques are equal in m agnitud e and opposite in d irection, so they sum to zero and cannot affect the m otion of the loop. 228 CH APTER 19 (d ) The m agnetic force is perpend icular to both the d irection of the current in b -c (the +x-d irection) and the m agnetic field . As given by right-hand rule 1, this places it in the y-z plane at 130° counterclockwise from the +y-axis. The force acting on segm ent b-c tend s to rotate it counterclockw ise about the x-axis, so the torque is in the +x-direction. (e) The loop tend s to rotate counterclockwise about the x-axis. (f) IAN 0.900 A 0.500 m 0.300 m 0.135 A m2 1 (g) The m agnetic m om ent vector is perpend icular to the plane of the loop (the x-y plane), and is therefore parallel to the z-axis. Because the current flow s clockw ise around the loop, the m agnetic m om ent vector is d irected d ow nw ard , in the negative z-d irection. This m eans that the angle betw een it and the d irection of the m agnetic field is 90.0 40.0 130 . (h) 19.33 B sin 0.135 A m2 1.50 T sin 130 0.155 N m (a) The m agnetic force acting on the electron provid es the centripetal acceleration, hold ing the electron in the circular path. Therefore, F q vB sin90 me v2 r , or me v eB r 9.11 10 31 1.60 10 kg 1.5 107 m s 19 C 2.0 10 3 T 0.043 m 4.3 cm (b) The tim e to com plete one revolution around the orbit (i.e., the period ) is T 19.34 (a) F (b) a 19.35 distance traveled constant speed qvB sin F m 1.60 10 1.25 10 13 N 1.67 10 27 kg 2 r v 19 2 0.043 m 1.5 107 m s 1.8 10 8 s C 5.02 106 m s 0.180 T sin 60.0 1.25 10 13 N 7.50 1013 m s 2 For the particle to pass through w ith no d eflection, the net force acting on it m ust be zero. Thus, the m agnetic force and the electric force m ust be in opposite d irections and have equal m agnitud es. This gives Fm Fe , or qvB qE w hich red uces to v E B M agnetism 19.36 229 The speed of the particles em erging from the velocity selector is v E B (see Problem 35). In the d eflection cham ber, the m agnetic force supplies the centripetal acceleration, mv m E B mE mv 2 so qvB , or r qB qB qB 2 r Using the given d ata, the rad ius of the path is found to be 26 kg 950 V m -19 2 2.18 10 r 1.60 10 19.37 C 0.930 T 1.50 10 From conservation of energy, KE PE 1 2 mv 2 qV f m 0.150 mm KE PE i , w e find that 0 qVi , or the speed of the particle is 2 q Vi V f v f 4 2q m 2 1.60 10 V 19 C 250 V 2.50 10-26 kg m 5.66 104 m s The m agnetic force supplies the centripetal acceleration giving qvB or 19.38 mv qB r 2.50 10 26 kg 5.66 104 m s 1.60 10 19 C 0.500 T 1.77 10 2 m mv 2 r 1.77 cm Since the centripetal acceleration is furnished by the m agnetic force acting on the ions, mv 2 mv qvB or the rad ius of the path is r . Thus, the d istance betw een the im pact qB r points (that is, the d ifference in the d iam eters of the paths follow ed by the U 238 and the U 235 isotopes) is d 2 r238 2v m238 qB r235 2 3.00 105 m s 1.60 10 or d 3.11 10 2 19 C 0.600 T m 3.11 cm m235 238 u 235 u 1.66 10 27 kg u 230 19.39 CH APTER 19 In the perfectly elastic, head -on collision betw een the -particle and the initially stationary proton, conservation of m om entum requires that mp v p m v m v0 w hile conservation of kinetic energy also requires that v0 the fact that m mp v and vp 0 v vp or v p v v0 . Using 4mp and com bining these equations gives v0 4mp v 3v0 5 v0 4mp v0 or v Thus, v 8v0 5 3v0 5 3 v0 5 3 5 vp 5 8 3 vp 8 After the collision, each particle follow s a circular path in the horizontal plane w ith the m agnetic force supplying the centripetal acceleration. If the rad ius of the proton’ s trajectory is R, and that of the alpha particle is r, w e have v2p mp v p mp v p q p v p B mp or R R qp B eB and 19.40 q v B m v2 r or 4mp 3v p 8 mv q B 2e B 3 mp v p 4 eB 3 R 4 A charged particle follow s a circular path w hen it m oves perpend icular to the m agnetic field . The m agnetic force acting on the particle provid es the centripetal acceleration, hold ing the particle in the circular path. Therefore, F qvB sin90 mv2 r . Since the kinetic energy is K mv2 2 , w e rew rite the force as F for the speed v gives v 19.41 r 2K r , and solving qvB sin90 2K . qBr (a) Within the velocity selector, the electric and m agnetic field s exert forces in opposite d irections on charged particles passing through. For particles having a particular speed , these forces have equal m agnitud es, and the particles pass through w ithout d eflection. The selected speed is found from Fe qE qvB Fm , giving v E B . In the d eflection cham ber, the selected particles follow a circular path having a d iam eter of d 2r 2mv qB . Thus, the m ass to charge ratio for these particles is m q Bd 2v Bd 2 E B B2d 2E 0.0931 T 2 0.396 m 2 8 250 V m 2.08 10 7 kg C M agnetism 231 (b) If the particle is d oubly ionized (i.e., tw o electrons h ave been rem oved from the neutral atom ), then q 2e and the m ass of the ion is m 2e m q 19 2 1.60 10 C 2.08 10 7 kg C 6.66 10 26 kg (c) Assum ing this is an elem ent, the m ass of the ion should be roughly equal to the atom ic w eight m ultiplied by the m ass of a proton (or neutron). This w ould give the atom ic w eight as At. wt. 19.42 m mp 6.66 10 1.67 10 26 27 kg kg 39.9 suggesting that the elem ent is calcium . Since the path is circular, the particle m oves perpend icular to the m agnetic field , and the v2 mv qvB , or B m agnetic force supplies the centripetal acceleration. H ence, m . But qr r the m om entum is given by p mv KE 19.43 1.60 10 2 1.67 10 2m KE qr 1.60 10 27 19 12 J . We then have kg 1.60 10 12 J 10 C 5.80 10 m 7.88 10 12 T Treat the lightning bolt as a long, straight cond uctor. Then, the m agnetic field is B 19.44 1.60 10 19 J 1 eV 10.0 106 eV B 2m KE , and the kinetic energy of this proton is I 2 r 0 4 10 7 T m A 1.00 104 A 2 100 m 2.00 10 5 T 20.0 T Im agine grasping the cond uctor w ith the right hand so the fingers curl around the cond uctor in the d irection of the m agnetic field . The thum b then points along the cond uctor in the d irection of the current. The results are (a) toward the left (b) out of page (c) lower left to upper right 232 19.45 CH APTER 19 The m agnetic field at d istance r from a long cond ucting w ire is B B 1.0 10 I 15 2 rB 2 0.040 m 1.0 10 4 10 7 15 T T mA A Mod el the tornad o as a long, straight, vertical cond uctor and im a gine grasping it w ith the right hand so the fingers point northw ard on the w estern sid e of the tornad o (that is, at the observatory’ s location.) The thum b is d irected d ow nw ard , m eaning that the conventional current is downward or negative charge flows upward . I 2 rB 9.00 103 m 1.50 10 2 4 0 From B r 19.48 10 2.0 10 The m agnitud e of the current is found from B 19.47 I 2 r . Thus, if T at r 4.0 cm , the current m ust be 0 19.46 0 0 8 0 T I 2 r as 675 A 10-7 T m A I 2 r , the required d istance is 10-7 T m A 20 A 4 I 2 B 0 2 1.7 10 3 T 2.4 10 3 m 2.4 mm Assum e that the w ire on the right is w ire 1 and that on the left is w ire 2. Also, choose the positive d irection for the m agnetic field to be out of the page and negative into the page. (a) At the point half w ay betw een the tw o w ires, Bnet or Bnet B1 7 4 10 2 5.00 10-2 m T mA I 2 r2 0 2 0 2 r 10.0 A I1 I2 4.00 10 5 T 40.0 T into the page Bnet (b) At point P1 , Bnet I 2 r1 0 1 B2 4 10 7 B1 B2 0 2 T m A 5.00 A 2 0.100 m I1 r1 I2 r2 5.00 A 0.200 m 5.00 T out of page M agnetism Bnet (c) At point P2 , 4 Bnet 10 7 B1 T mA 2 5.00 A 0.300 m 2 I1 r1 0 B2 233 I2 r2 5.00 A 0.200 m 1.67 T out of page 19.49 The d istance from each w ire to point P is given by r 1 2 0.200 m 2 2 0.200 m 0.141 m At point P, the m agnitud e of the m agnetic field prod uced by each of the w ires is B 4 I 2 r 0 10 7 T m A 5.00 A 2 0.141 m 7.07 T Carrying currents into the page, the field A prod uces at P is d irected to the left and d ow n at –135°, w hile B creates a field to the right and d ow n at – 45°. Carrying currents tow ard you, C prod uces a field d ow nw ard and to the right at – 45°, w hile D ’ s contribution is d ow nw ard and to the left. The horizontal com ponents of these equal m agnitud e contributions cancel in pairs, w hile the vertical com ponen ts all ad d . The total field is then Bnet 19.50 4 7.07 T sin 45.0 20.0 T toward the bottom of the page Call the w ire carrying a current of 3.00 A w ire 1 and the other w ire 2. Also, choose the line running from w ire 1 to w ire 2 as the positive x-d irection. (a) At the point m id w ay betw een the w ires, the field d ue to each w ire is parallel to the y-axis and the net field is Bnet B1 y Thus, Bnet or Bnet B2 y I1 I 2 2 r 0 4 10 2 7 T mA 0.100 m 3.00 A 5.00 A 4.00 T toward the bottom of the page 4.00 10 6 T 234 CH APTER 19 (b) At point P, r1 2 and B1 is d irected at 0.200 m 1 135 . The m agnitud e of B1 is B1 4 I 2 r1 0 1 7 10 2 T m A 3.00 A 2.12 T 0.200 2 m The contribution from w ire 2 is in the –x-d irection and has m agnitud e B2 4 I 2 r2 0 2 10 7 T m A 5.00 A 2 5.00 T 0.200 m Therefore, the com ponents of the net field at point P are: Bx B1 cos135 B2 cos180 2.12 T cos135 and By B1 sin135 Bx2 Therefore, Bnet 1 tan or Bnet 19.51 5.00 T cos180 Bx tan By B2 sin180 By2 1 6.50 T 2.12 T sin135 0 1.50 T 6.67 T at 6.50 T 1.50 T 77.0 6.67 T at 77.0° to the left of vertical Call the w ire along the x-axis w ire 1 and the other w ire 2. Also, choose the positive d irection for the m agnetic field s at point P to be out of the page. At point P, Bnet or Bnet Bnet 4 B1 10 B2 7 2 I 2 r1 0 1 T mA I 2 r2 0 2 7.00 A 3.00 m 0.167 T out of the page 0 2 I1 r1 6.00 A 4.00 m I2 r2 1.67 10 7 T M agnetism 19.52 235 (a) Im agine the horizontal x-y plane being perpend icular to the page, w ith the positive x-axis com ing out of the page tow ard you and the positive y-axis tow ard the right ed ge of the page. Then, the vertically upw ard positive z-axis is d irected tow ard the top of the page. With the current in the w ire flow ing in the positive x-d irection, the right-hand rule 2 gives the d irection of the m agnetic field above the wire as being tow ard the left, or in the y-direction. (b) With the positively charged proton m oving in the –x-d irection (into the page), righthand rule 1 gives the d irection of the m agnetic force on the proton as being d irected tow ard the top of the page, or upward, in the positive z-direction. (c) Since the proton m oves w ith constant velocity, a zero net force acts on it. Thus, the magnitude of the magnetic force must equal that of the gravitational force . (d ) Fz maz 0 qv 0 I 2 d (e) d 19.53 Fg or qvB mg w here B 0 I 2 d . This gives qv 0 I . 2 mg mg , or the d istance the proton is above the w ire m ust be d 1.60 10 qv 0 I 2 mg d Fm 19 C 2.30 104 m s 4 2 5.40 10 2 m 1.67 10 27 10 7 T m A 1.20 10 kg 9.80 m s 6 A 2 5.40 cm (a) From B 0 I 2 r , observe that the field is inversely proportional to the d istance from the cond uctor. Thus, the field w ill have one-tenth its original value if the d istance is increased by a factor of 10. The required d istance is then r 10r 10 0.400 m 4.00 m (b) A point in the plane of the cond uctors and 40.0 cm from the center of the cord is located 39.85 cm from the nearer w ire and 40.15 cm from the far w ire. Since the currents are in opposite d irections, so are their contributions to the net field . Therefore, Bnet B1 B2 , or Bnet I 1 2 r1 1 r2 0 7.50 10 9 T 4 10 7 T m A 2.00 A 2 7.50 nT 1 0.398 5 m 1 0.4015 m 236 CH APTER 19 (c) Call r the d istance from cord center to field point P and 2d 3.00 mm the d istance betw een centers of the cond uctors. 0 Bnet 2 1 1 r d 7.50 10 so r I 10 r 4 T 0 d 10 2 7 I 2d r d2 2 T m A 2.00 A 3.00 10 3 m r 2 2.25 10 6 m2 2 1.26 m The field of the tw o-cond uctor cord is w eak to start w ith and falls off rapid ly w ith d istance. (d ) The cable creates zero field at exterior points, since a loop in Am père’ s law encloses zero total current. 19.54 (a) Point P is equid istant from the tw o w ires w hich carry id entical currents. Thus, the contributions of the tw o w ires, Bupper and Blower , to the m agnetic field at P w ill have equal m agnitud es. The horizontal com ponents of these contributions w ill cancel, w hile the vertical com ponents ad d . The resultant field w ill be vertical, in the y-direction. (b) The d istance of each w ire from point P is r x2 d 2 , and the cosine of the angle that Bupper and Blower m ake w ith the vertical is cos x r . The m agnitud e of either Bupper or Blower is Bwire 0 I 2 r and the vertical com ponents of either of these contributions have values of Bwire y Bwire cos I x 2 r r 0 Ix 2 r2 0 The m agnitud e of the resultant field at point P is then BP 2 Bwire Ix r2 0 y x 0 2 Ix d2 M agnetism 237 (c) The point m id w ay betw een the tw o w ires is the origin (0,0). From the above result for Part (b), the resultant field at this m id point is BP x 0 0 . This is as expected , because right-hand rule 2 show s that at the m id point the field d ue to the upper w ire is tow ard the right, w hile that d ue to the low er w ire is tow ard the left. Thus, the tw o field s cancel, yield ing a zero resultant field . 19.55 The force per unit length that one w ire exerts on the other is F 0 I1I 2 2 d , w here d is the d istance separating the tw o w ires. In this case, the value of this force is F 4 10 2 7 T m A 3.0 A 6.00 10 2 2 3.0 10 m 5 Nm Im agine these tw o w ires lying sid e by sid e on a table w ith the tw o currents flow ing tow ard you, w ire 1 on the left and w ire 2 on the right. Right-hand rule 2 show s the m agnetic field d ue to w ire 1 at the location of w ire 2 is d irected vertically upw ard . Then, right-hand rule 1 gives the d irection of the force experienced by w ire 2, w ith its current flow ing through this field , as being to the left, back tow ard w ire 1. Thus, the force one w ire exerts on the other is an attractive force. 19.56 (a) The force per unit length that parallel cond uctors exert on each other is 2.0 10 4 N m , I1 5.0 A , and d 4.0 cm , the F 0 I1I 2 2 d . Thus, if F current in the second w ire m ust be I2 2 d F 0 I1 4 2 4.0 10 10 7 2 m T m A 5.0 A 2.0 10 4 Nm 8.0 A (b) Since parallel cond uctors carrying currents in the sam e d irection attract e ach other (see Section 19.8 in the textbook), the currents in these cond uctors w hich repel each other m ust be in opposite directions. (c) The result of reversing the d irection of either of the currents w ould be that the force of interaction would change from a force of repulsion to an attractive force . The expression for the force per unit length, F I I 2 d , show s that d oubling 0 1 2 either of the currents w ould double the magnitude of the force of interaction . 238 19.57 CH APTER 19 In ord er for the system to be in equilibrium , the repulsive m agnetic force per unit length on the top w ire m ust equal the w eight per unit length of this w ire. Thus, 0 I1 I 2 2 d F L d 0.080 N m , and the d istance betw een the w ires w ill be 2 4.5 10 19.58 3 m or T m A 60.0 A 30.0 A 2 0.080 N m 4.5 mm 0 I1 I 2 2 c Fnet 4 10 II c a II 2 0 1 2 2 7 0 1 2 1 c T m A 5.00 A 10.0 A 0.450 m 5 N 2.70 10 5 BL 0N 2.0 10 4 3 10 T 6.0 10 7 2 m T m A 30 The m agnetic field insid e of a solenoid is B turns on this solenoid m ust be N BL 0I 9.0 T 0.50 m 4 10 7 1 0.100 m 1 0.250 m N to the left The m agnetic field insid e of a solenoid is B solenoid m ust be I 1 c a 2 2.70 10 19.60 7 10 The m agnetic forces exerted on the top and bottom segm ents of the rectangular loop are equal in m agnitud e and opposite in d irection. Thus, these forces cancel, and w e only need consid er the sum of the forces exerted on the right and left sid es of the loop. Choosing to the left (tow ard the long, straight w ire) as the positive d irection, the sum of these tw o forces is Fnet 19.59 4 II 0.080 N m 0 1 2 T m A 75 A 0 nI 0 N L I . Thus, the current in this 0 N L I . Thus, the num ber of 3.2 A 0 nI 4.8 104 turns M agnetism 19.61 (a) From R L 239 L A , the required length of w ire to be used is 5.00 R A 0.500 10 1.7 10 8 3 m 2 4 58 m m The total num ber of turns on the solenoid (that is, the num ber of tim es this length of w ire w ill go around a 1.00 cm rad ius cylind er) is N L 2 r (b) From B n 58 m 2 0 B 0I 1.00 10 2 9.2 102 m 920 nI , the num ber of turns per unit length on the solenoid is 4.00 10 -7 4 10 2 T T m A 4.00 A 7.96 103 turns m Thus, the required length of the solenoid is L 19.62 N n 9.2 102 turns 7.96 103 turns m 0.12 m 12 cm The m agnetic field insid e the solenoid is B 0 nI1 4 10 7 T m A 30 turns cm 100 cm 1m 15.0 A 5.65 10 2 T Therefore, the m agnitud e of the m agnetic force on an y one of the sid es of the square loop is F BI 2 L sin 90.0 5.65 10 2 T 0.200 A 2.00 10 2 m 2.26 10 4 N The forces acting on the sid es of the loop lie in the plane of the loop, are perpend icular to the sid es, and are d irected away from the interior of the loop. Thus, they tend to stretch the loop but d o not tend to rotate it. The torque acting on the loop is 0 240 19.63 CH APTER 19 (a) The m agnetic force supplies the centripetal acceleration, so qvB mv2 r . The m agnetic field insid e the solenoid is then fou nd to be B (b) From B I 1.60 10 0 kg 1.0 104 m s 19 C 2.0 10 2 m 2.8 10 6 T 2.8 T nI , the current is the solenoid is found to be B 0n 2.8 10 4 8.9 10 19.64 31 9.11 10 mv qr 4 10 A -7 T mA 6 T 25 turns cm 100 cm 1 m 0.89 mA (a) When sw itch S is closed , a total current N I (current I in a total of N cond uctors) flow s tow ard the right through the low er sid e of the coil. This results in a d ow nw ard force of m agnitud e Fm B NI w being exerted on the coil by the m agnetic field , w ith the requirem ent that the balance exert a upw ard force F mg on the coil to bring the system back into balance. In ord er for the m agnetic force to be d ow nw ard , the right -hand rule num ber 1 show s that the m agnetic field m ust be d irected out of the page tow ard the read er. For the system to be restored to balance, it is necessary that Fm F or B NI w mg , giving B mg NIw (b) The m agnetic field exerts forces of equal m agnitud es and opposite d irections on the tw o sid es of the coil. These forces cancel each other and do not affect the balance of the coil. H ence the d im ension of the sizes is not need ed . (c) B mg NIw 20.0 10 3 kg 9.80 m s 2 50 0.30 A 5.0 10 2 m 0.26 T M agnetism 19.65 (a) The m agnetic field at the center of a circular current loop of rad ius R and carrying current I is B 0 I 2R . The d irection of the field at this center is given by righthand rule num ber 2. Taking out of the page (tow ard the read er) as positive the net m agnetic field at the com m on center of these coplanar loops is Bnet B2 I 2r2 B1 (b) To have Bnet I 2r1 0 2 6 5.2 10 T 0 1 4 10 7 T mA 2 3.0 A 5.0 A 2 9.0 10 m 12 10 2 m 5.2 T into the page 0 , it is necessary that I2 r2 I2 r1 I1 r2 19.66 241 3.0 A 12 cm 5.0 A I1 r1 , or 7.2 cm Since the m agnetic force m ust supply the centripetal acceleration, qvB mv2 r or the rad ius of the path is r mv qB . (a) The tim e for the electron to travel the sem icircular path (of length r v t mv v qB 1.79 10 9 9.11 10 m qB s 1.60 10 19 31 kg C 0.010 0 T 1.79 ns (b) The rad ius of the sem icircular path is 2.00 cm . From r the electron is p = mv = qBr, and the kinetic energy is KE KE 1 2 mv 2 mv 5.62 10 r ) is 2 2m 16 J q2 B2 r 2 2m 1.60 10 1 keV 1.60 10 16 J 19 C 2 0.010 0 T 2 9.11 10 3.51 keV mv qB , the m om entum of 31 2 2.00 10 kg 2 m 2 242 19.67 CH APTER 19 Assum e w ire 1 is along the x-axis and w ire 2 along the y-axis. (a) Choosing out of the page as the positive field d irection, the field at point P is B B1 0 B2 2 7 5.00 10 I1 r1 T 4 I2 r2 10 7 T mA 5.00 A 0.400 m 2 3.00 A 0.300 m 0.500 T out of the page (b) At 30.0 cm above the intersection of the w ires, the field com ponents are as show n at the right, w here By I 2 r 0 1 B1 4 10 2 and Bx B2 7 T m A 5.00 A 3.33 10 0.300 m 4 I 2 r 0 2 10 7 2 6 T T m A 3.00 A 0.300 m 2.00 10 6 T The resultant field is B or B 19.68 Bx2 By2 3.89 10 6 T at =tan 1 By Bx 59.0 3.89 T at 59.0 clockwise from +x direction For the rail to m ove at constant velocity, the net force acting on it m ust be zero. Thus, the m agnitud e of the m agnetic force m ust equal that of the friction force giving BIL k mg , or B k mg IL 0.100 0.200 kg 9.80 m s 2 10.0 A 0.500 m 3.92 10 2 T M agnetism 19.69 243 (a) Since the m agnetic field is d irected from N to S (that is, from left to right w ithin the artery), positive ions w ith velocity in the d irection of the blood flow experience a m agnetic d eflection tow ard electrod e A . N egative ions w ill experience a force d eflecting them tow ard electrod e B. This separation of charges creates an electric field d irected from A tow ard B. At equilibrium , the electric force caused by this field m ust balance the m agnetic force, so qvB qE q or v V Bd V d 160 10 6 V 0.040 0 T 3.00 10 3 m 1.33 m s (b) The m agnetic field is d irected from N to S. If the charge carriers are negative m oving in the d irection of v , the m agnetic force is d irected tow ard point B. N egative charges build up at point B, m aking the potential at A higher than that at B. If the charge carriers are positive m oving in the d irection of v , the m agnetic force is d irected tow ard A , so positive charges build up at A . This also m akes the potential at A higher than that at B. Therefore the sign of the potential d ifference does not depend on the charge of the ions . 19.70 (a) The m agnetic force acting on the w ire is d irected upw ard and of m agnitud e Fm ay Thus, ay (b) Using t 4.0 10 BIL sin90 Fy m 3 5.0 10 Fm BIL mg BI m L m T 2.0 A 4 kg m 9.80 m s 2 y v0 y t 1 2 a y t w ith v0 y 2 2 y 2 0.50 m ay 6.2 m s2 g , or 0 gives 0.40 s 6.2 m s 2 244 19.71 CH APTER 19 Label the w ires 1, 2, and 3 as show n in Figure 1, and let B1 , B2 , and B3 respectively rep resent the m agnitud es of the field s prod uced by the currents in those w ires. Also, observe that 45 in Figure 1. At point A , B1 B1 and B3 B2 4 B2 I 3a 4 a 2 or I 2 10 2 0 2 0 7 T m A 2.0 A 0.010 m 10 7 2 2 T m A 2.0 A 0.030 m 28 T 13 T These field contributions are oriented as show n in Figure 2. Observe that the horizontal com ponents of B1 and B2 cancel w hile their vertical com ponents ad d to B 3 . The resultant field at point A is then B1 B2 cos45 BA 53 T directed toward the bottom of the page At point B, and B3 B1 I 2a 0 2 B2 I 2 a 0 B3 53 T , or BA 4 10 2 7 T m A 2.0 A 0.010 m 40 T 20 T . These contributions are oriented as show n in Figure 3. Thus, the resultant field at B is BB B3 20 T directed toward the bottom of the page M agnetism At point C, B1 B2 0 I 2 28 T w hile a 2 B3 40 T . These contributions are oriented 0I 2 a as show n in Figure 4. Observe that the horizontal com ponents of B1 and B2 cancel w hile their vertical com ponents ad d to oppose B 3 . The m agnitud e of the resultant field at C is BC B1 B2 sin 45 B3 56 T sin 45 19.72 40 T= 0 (a) Since one w ire repels the other, the currents m ust be in opposite directions . (b) Consid er a free bod y d iagram of one of the w ires as show n at the right. Fy T cos8.0 mg mg cos8.0 or T Fx or Fm I 0 0 Fm mg tan8.0 . Thus, d mg cos8.0 T sin 8.0 I 2L 2 d 0 sin 8.0 mg tan 8.0 w hich gives m L g tan8.0 2 0 Observe that the d istance betw een the tw o w ires is d I 2 6.0 cm sin8.0 1.7 10 2 1.7 cm , so m 0.040 kg m 9.80 m s 2 tan8.0 2.0 10 7 T mA 68 A 245 246 19.73 CH APTER 19 N ote: We solve part (b) before part (a) for this problem . (b) Since the m agnetic force supplies the centripetal acceleration for this particle, qvB mv2 r or the rad ius of the path is r mv qB . The speed of the particle m ay be w ritten as v 2 KE m , so the rad ius becom es 2 1.67 10 2 m KE r 27 kg 5.00 106 eV 1.60 10 19 J eV 1.60 10-19 C 0.050 0 T qB 6.46 m Consid er the circular path show n at the right and observe that the d esired angle is sin 1 1.00 m r sin 1.00 m 6.46 m 1 8.90 (a) The constant speed of the particle is v 2 KE m , so the vertical com ponent of the m om entum as the particle leaves the field is py mv y or p y mv sin sin 8.90 2 KE m sin 2 1.67 10 8.00 10 19.74 m 21 27 sin 2 m KE kg 5.00 106 eV 1.60 10 19 J eV kg m s The force constant of the spring system is found from the elongation prod uced by the w eight acting alone. F x k mg x 10.0 10 3 kg 9.80 m s 2 0.50 10 2 m 19.6 N m The total force stretching the springs w hen the field is turned on is Fy Fm mg kxtotal M agnetism 247 Thus, the d ow nw ard m agnetic force acting on the w ire is Fm kxtotal mg 19.6 N m 0.80 10 5.9 10 2 2 m 10.0 10 B 19.75 kg 9.80 m s 2 N Since the m agnetic force is given by Fm Fm IL 3 5.9 10 2 N 24 V 5.0 10 2 m 12 Fm V R L BIL sin90 , the m agnetic field is 0.59 T The m agnetic force is very sm all in com parison to the w eight of the ball, so w e treat the m otion as that of a freely falling bod y. Then, as the ball approaches the ground , it has velocity com ponents w ith m agnitud es of vx v0 x 20.0 m s , and v02y vy 2a y y 0 2 9.80 m s 2 20.0 m 19.8 m s The velocity of the ball is perpend icular to the m agnetic field and , just before it reaches the ground , has m agnitud e v vx2 v y2 28.1 m s . Thus, the m agnitud e of the m agnetic force is Fm qvB sin 5.00 10 19.76 (a) B1 (b) F21 (c) B2 (d ) F12 I 2 d 0 1 4 6 C 28.1 m s 0.010 0 T sin 90.0 10 7 2 0.100 m B1 I 2 1.00 10 I 2 d 4 B2 I1 1.60 10 0 2 T m A 5.00 A 10 5 7 T 8.00 A 8.00 10 T m A 8.00 A 2 0.100 m 5 T 5.00 A 1.00 10 5 5 5 6 N T N directed toward wire 1 1.60 10 8.00 10 1.41 10 5 T N directed toward wire 2