Twisted-pair distributed transmission-line parameters For more accurate modeling of twisted-pair transmission-line distributed parameters, you must take into account several important factors. Material and structural make-ups, twist pitch, skin effect, and proximity effect all playa role. By T Kien Truong, The Boeing Co importance. Using MathCAD, we will explore the of the many so- of a lossy transmission line. frequency-dependent Abstract Both called unshielded-twisted-pair twisted-pair (STP) used from your avionics both types of address find using the explain (hence, reflection) for magnetic this geometry only textbooks parallel the when the the effect you the lumped for dlnates or transceiver). parameters that The coordinates. after Most transmission series structural make-up, of twist, the parallel environment with wire a can provide for simple the usIng and uniform replace dielectric. are unsuitable particularly or for applications in which integrity at every point along the the twisted models frequency the ~eometry, the .CartesIan model model. of can compute model Circuit the rather modeling line will be the article. parameters line length) not of frequency analyses You distributed transmission characteristic account cable the and line as a function fidelity. ladder Transmission-line take into and the effects coaxIal attenuation of an upcoming of usIng the model distributed are separated wires, ~Ire can using function of bus i~peda~ce the the twisted-pair topic modeling. of high than parameters (wave material the With ohms, R, and a polar purely make-up energy jwL)/ (a+ the resistance common for resistive situation and is line distortionless transmission when Zo becomes in unit inductance L, G. line conductor loss, = Ro +jXo only which c, ,£:~{'[~fi~ specified;t{r~,.;b reactance for a given the impedance independent transmission is a loss). is that true .It (per the geometry misconception example, a transmission storage, and of conductance after jwC) air the bus is of high shunt of These at high the signal series loss, and radiation ZO=12O.0., This C, quantity parameters are modeled propagation, both ZO, is a complex resistance capacitance and impedance, distributed shunt coorpair the These Zo = ~(R+ as parallel With accurate with response Introduction s~ch for calculation frequency line dielectric derivation terms in the transmission twisted-pair textbooks SPICE and of current-carrying transmission-line most dispersion on skin depth resistance. Most standard for frequency-dependent twisted impedance but also the pitch dispersion, accurate physical dimension, constants the proximity dielectric analyze parameters the measured bus (current-mode we pair. configuration in the wires accurately .These and material wire can but you the are necessary parameters, often on twisted model change coupling article, more for these types, guidance allow to parameters and anyone simulation, don't more for high-frequency cable, Concerning models of references lines "constants" that usage transmission or coax most cannot In on practical example, reflect lines, the equations find to safety-critical universal especially Papers can rarely are widely of the twisted-pair microstrip readily pair Ethernet transmission missing, applications. and shielded- lines Despite calculation are mostly For office's applications. accurate (UTP) transmission behaviors of for is frequency. a R=G=O line in which r-;-;-;;; .. '\I L / C , WhICh IS real. lossless or for R/L=G/C a In general, we have a lossy twisted-pair transmission line for which the parameters R, L, C, and G are nonzero and are themselves functions of frequency. What we need is the characterization of a bus cable that shows the variation of its magnitude and phase with frequency. It is only if the impedance remains fairly constant over our frequency range of interest that we can treat the characteristic impedance as a constant, We then can specify the load impedance to match the transmission line for that particular range of The same is true for the permeability of the conductor, which is a complex number and frequency. changes with frequency: 1.1=l.1rI.10=1.1'+jl.1", UTP impedance calculation However, I.1r can change drastically at the low (kilohertz) level of frequency. At the megahertz Below are the constants and specification for a given 1200 UTP used in this analysis (all units in level, the relative permeability of both copper (0,999991) and silver (0.99998) is practically unity, and thus we will use 1.10in the equations mks). (Reference 1). In general, the permittivity of a dielectric is a complex number and changes with frequency: E=ErEO=E'+jE", However, between 1 and 100 MHz, the permittivity of PTFE (polytetrafluorethylen, or Teflon) is almost constant at 2.1, whereas its dissipation factor is 0.0002 (Reference 1). Wirelength: WireSpocing: I := 50 D := 2.11' 10-3 If you use the virgin dielectric constant, er=2,1, for PTFE, you would miscalculate the impedance C d using d on to uc or ' t lome er: Virgin PTFEdielectric constont: := 112 .' 10 -3 the simple parallel wire-over-ground-plane . geometry that most textbooks lIst. e r := 2.1 Measuredeffective UTPpermitivityet Air permitivity: := 1.56 p e 0 := 8.854 ,10-12 In this example, the conductor for the twisted pair consists of 19 silver-plated strands of copper and multiple layers of dielectric with different material .. D.leIect rlc permlob'III'ty: 11:= 4 ' It , 10-7 constants as the fi gure below illustrates: Copperconductivity: (JI := 5.8 .107 Silver (plating) conductivity: (J2 := 6.17 ,107 Frequency: 3 4 7 f := 10 , 10 ..10 Nominalfrequency: , .-4 Dielectricloss tangent: fo := 6.106 Numberof twists (/m): T := 20 p f := 2.10 All equations, calculations, and plotting in this. analysis use MathCAD software which is a powerful and easy-to-use math w~rksheet. After establishing the equations, you can substitute the transmission-Iine values with your own twistedpair parameters and watch all the calculated results and plots change instantly. , .. The calculatIon for the helIcal pItch angle of twist (Referenc~ 2) plus the b~s length (before twisting) and velocIty of propagatIon are: 9 := atan{T'1t'O) 9= 7,55odeg 10:=T,I,1t'O,~ 10= 50,44 jl-r~ v 1 ,- v P'-- p = 0,8 F:;: Using the twist angle as a factor to compensate for the equivalent dielectric constant and with q as the twist correction factor, the expression for the equivalent dielectric constant, eeq=I +q( er-1), is based on the facts that eeq=l for all air (er=1) and eeq=er for all dielectric (q=l). The parallel equivalent of these layers should match the measured overall dielectric constant of 1.56. We can calculate the impedance of the twisted pair (still assuming losslessness)as follows: ( -3 q := 0,45 + 1,10 180 q = 0,51 Rdc:={1,15)'-' (19) 25 e eq = 1,56 -11 C eq = 3,47-10 ~ 2 r(d\2 (d )2 l1t' \ 2) 1 ,a 2 J Rdc=0,029 At high frequency, the sk,in ef~ect forces mo~t of the propagation of electrical sIgnal to the sIlver ,- ( 11'e 0' e eq eq ,C eq ) L eq = 4 99 -10-7 , Z eq := C eq plating. You commonly use silver for better conductivity and better corrosion resistance. The setup for the equivalent dielectric constant as a function of the twist pitch is as follows: ~ Z eq = 119,83 eq Unlike 1 ~ e eq := 1 + q , ( e r -1 ) L ~{ f) := 2 ' 9'- (1t'eo'eeq) For this lossy twisted-pair line, you calculate the skin depth and dc resistance as follows (taking into account the proximity factor and the conductor area ratio as a good approximation): ) 1t C eq := As the bus-core figure illustrates, the diameter of each strand is about one-fifth of the overall conductor diameter. The cross-sectional area of each strand is therefore 1125the overall conductor area. coaxial cable, the twisted-pair ~ := 0 , 5 " 60 bus has two adjacent conductors that give ris~ t~ th~ pro~imity effect in which the current dIstributIon IS not e r := 2,1 { ~) := 0,45 + 1,10-3,{ ~) 2 q uniform as the next figure illustrates. e eq { ~) := 1 + q { ~) , (e r -1 Lumping all of the wire strands together, the proximity correction factor for two wires that are right next to each other is P=1.15 (Reference 3), This setup results in the following ) plot: y=a+j13=.J(R+ jwL)o(G+ The MathCAD constant is: jwC). 20 expression for the propagation IX!) 1 y(f) := (1.RdC.d.~ + j .2.7t.f.Le~ .J( (2-1t.foPf.Ceq + j .2.1t.f.Ce~ ) Depending on whether the cases are lossless, low loss, or distortionless, the attenuation and phase factors can be approximately constant or linear with frequency. The phase velocity , or velocity of propagation (vp=ro/13), is constant only if13 is You can calculate the effect of the twist the impedance as follows: approximately following Z(" plot a linear function shows the of attenuatIon ~e JD acos,\~ ) :=. In 1t ) ~ ( o -.o~ II:\ \ \ e a e eq( " ) ) decibels/meter: 140 a(f) (~ := Re(y(f». In( 10) ) 12 Z(~) 0.0155 10 8 0.010 a(!) 60 0 0.00 ~ 0 0 5.1rf> f The phase shift in degrees/meter is: 13(f) := Im(y (f» .~ 1t 1.107 The impedance of the twisted pair is fairly constant with a fixed twist angle. Nonuniformity in conductor diameters and dielectric thickness, together with variation in the twist angle, can significantly affect the bus impedance. Intuitively, you can see why the impedance increases when the twisted wires are separated for current-mode transceiver coupling: As.the wires are separated to form an eye, the capacItance decreases, and the inductance increases. The following plot shows the impedance variance with O.OOl-in. manufacturing tolerances on the c~nductor diameter, d, and the overall dielectric diameter, t: ):;f:J;;' " Using the theoretical ,,~~, constant,-,?,C propagation calculate the characteristic impedance impedance as functions of frequency: and input " , 130 """ 'z ," Y2(f) Zd1(t) e-E7-e Z d2( t ) := (R(f) +j '2-7[ ,pC)" 125 120 Z ( f ) ,- O ,- ~ R(f) 0,0021 115 0,00215 (): 20 a 2(f) , '2-7['f'L, , + J -2 '7[ 'f'C 0,0022 ( := Re y2(f» t , W1th thlS plot m mmd, you can see that the bus terminator need not exactly match the specified bus impedance because the impedance likely varies by a small percent- Because the resistive termination swamps any small presence of reactive load, it has to match only to a nominal busimpedance value in the middle of the above impedance band. Even at 5% mismatch, the reflection coefficient would be (126-120)/ (126+ 120)=2.4%, which results in reflected power := Zo(f)- '"",CC""'""" """""'C',c' c"'C',"C'C',""",c ' ," "c ""c' In( 10) + Zo(f)'Sin~y2(f).I) . Zo(f)-cos~y2(f)-I) + ZL-sin~y2(f).I) Although MathCAD can calculate all the complex math functions, it is useful to find an easy way to calculate some real numbers for simple comparison- You can calculate the bus impedance, Z, and propagation constant, y, for a particular frequency from the distributed RLCG parameters as follows: of only 0.12%. r = .J(R + jOJL)(G + jaJC) Armed with this information, you can first analyze the input impedance as a function of frequency at a bus length of 50m and a 5% mismatched load at 1260. I := 50 Z L := 126 = ( -OJL)( , "..1'"'\ (1+ J JLV'-'J ~ jOJL )( 1 ~ + jOJC ) f := 1 '106 , 1.1 '106 " 10 .106 For high-quality, low-Ioss cable at high frequencies (more than a few megahertz), in which oJL> > R and aJC> > G, you can use the following simplification for the characteristic impedance: R(f) := 0,06 + 4,69 -10-4,[r Z= G(f) := 6,17 .10-12,f L := 4,99 '10-7 C := 3-47 .10 -II ',"" ) -'c' (ZL-COS~Y2(f)-I) Zinif) ,, ',:",,;",,:' +J G( f) , ", " +-t-+ , '2'7[-f'L)-(G(f)'+j ~ V(G+ =f§ jaJC) C Also, by using the approximation (l+a)(l +b)=(l +a+b) and Jl+-;; = 1 + c /2 for a,b,c « I, you can manually evaluate the propagation constant as follows: ) STP bus References: As for STP, the shield now contains the electric field, and this distribution represents additional shunt capacitance from each twisted wire to the shield. For the differential mode of transmission, the equivalent effect is increased distributed capacitance, C; decreased impedance; and longer propagation delay. The extra dielectric insulation between the shield and the already-insulated UTP also increases the distributed conductance, G, which represents dielectric loss. I. Note that the shield has no effect on the magnetic field. With differential mode of propagation, the shield carries no net current (except for commonmode noise current that results from the transmission-line imbalance). The parameters for STP are therefore similar to those of UTP, except for the increased capacitance and conductance. The dc resistance, Rdc, and skindepth resistance, Rac, also change due to the proximity effect (change in surface current distribution) from the shield. Summary Using MathCAD, this article has constructed the frequency-dependent equations of the many socalled constants of a lossy transmission line. You need to be careful to find out all of the assumptions; be careful not to take a given component constant at its surface value. Manufacturers' specifications usually associate with a specific test condition. It is common to find published data measured only at one frequency (I MHz typical). This article plots the changes in the impedance, attenuation, and phase as functions of frequency, twist pitch, load mismatch, material make-up, and dimensional tolerance of the twisted pair. With accurate calculations for the distributed parameters, you can build an accurate model for the twisted pair that reflects real transmission-line behavior for a range of frequencies. "Reference Data for Radio Howard Sams & Co, 1956. 2. Lefferson, Peter, "Twisted Transmission Line," 1971. Engineers," Magnet Wire 3. Magnuson, Phillip, "Transmission Line & Wave Propagation," 1981. 4. Brown et al, "Lines, Waves, and Antennas," 1973. Author's Biography T Kien Truong has been an engineer with the Boeing Co (Seattle) since 1985. He is a graduate of Iowa State Univ- -: ersity (Ames, IA). His professional experience includes working with antenna and RF , fiber-optic sensors, and faulttolerant computer design. In his free time, Kien enjoys the freedom of telemark skiing and sailing. You can reach him at Boeing Commercial Airplane Group, PO Box 3707, M/S 19-HM, Seattle, W A 98124.