LIGHTING DESIGN & APPLICATION W ith the energy crisis and its effects experienced since January 2008, the need for good quality compact fluorescent lamps became more urgent. Compulsory performance requirements for compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) In support of the national energy saving drive it was clear that these lamps must comply with not only safety standards, but also with acceptable minimum performance standards. We are all aware of the claims made for the light output (luminous flux) and life of these lamps, but we also know that in many cases the lamps have very low light output values and the life of the lamps do not come close to the claimed values. The consumer also experiences regular problems with the starting of the lamps. It has been proposed that a specification including both safety and performance requirements like lamp efficiency, lumen maintenance, power factor, starting, EMI and life are declared compulsory to protect the consumer and to support the general effort to save energy. The performance requirements and test methods included in the draft specification as well as the motivation to include the specific requirement and the test method will be discussed in this paper. Standards South Africa (STANSA) has proposed to amend the South African standard SANS 60901/IEC 60901 "Single-capped fluorescent lamps – performance specifications" to include the national requirements for energy efficiency. The details of the national modifications will be given in an annex with the title: National Annex AA (normative), South African requirements for efficiency of lamps. by Margaret Budzinski and Elsie Coetzee, National Metrology Institute of South Africa (NMISA) The following paragraph has been added to the national foreword of SANS 60901 (due to the inclusion of national requirements the dual numbering of the standard falls away): “To encourage users to replace incandescent lamps with compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs), committee SC64A decided to modify the international standard Fig. 1: IESSA delegates to CIE 2007 visiting the IEC 60901 to include energy ELI Quality Certification Institute at the China Standard Certification Centre. efficiency requirements suitable for South African conditions. National Amendment 1 to SANS 60901/ The international standard allows the IEC 60901 "Single-capped fluorescent manufacturer to select his own ratings lamps – performance specifications" are and the lamps are then tested to those discussed in this section. ratings. The national modifications Most of the requirements on energy require the tests to be conducted at the efficiency included in the amendment SA standard voltage and specify specific are based on the Efficient Lighting values for starting, luminous efficacy Initiative (ELI) technical specification for and life.” CFLs. ELI is a voluntary international The Regulatory Department of the SABS programme for certifying the quality will compile a standard that refers to the and efficiency of lighting products. A South African performance requirements working group of IESSA investigated the included in Annex AA in SANS 60901 national requirements to be included in a and the standard on the safety of CFLs compulsory standard and decided that the SANS 61199. This standard will be ELI requirements were the most suitable. submitted to the Minister of Trade and Requirements Industry to be declared compulsory. National requirements for energy efficiency The national requirements as in draft June 2008 - Vector - Page 22 AA.1 Starting At the test voltage the lamp shall start within 1,5 s. One of the most common problems experienced with compact fluorescent lamps is the starting of the lamps especially during winter or rainy weather. It is not possible to simulate all the different weather conditions in a laboratory. In accordance with IEC standards, fluorescent lamps are tested at the following temperatures: l For testing the starting characteristics of single-capped and double-capped fluorescent lamps, these standards require an ambient temperature of between 20°C and 27°C. l Fo r t e s t i n g t h e p h o t o m e t r i c characteristics of single-capped and double-capped fluorescent lamps, these standards require an ambient temperature of 25°C ± 1°C. The humidity of the laboratories is maintained between 35% and 65%. The minimum of 35% (in accordance with the SANAS requirements for photometry and radiometry laboratories) is usually specified as a minimum, because at values less than 35% problems are experienced with static electricity. Generally a maximum of 65% humidity is specified where electrical measuring 1 2 Lamp power rating W Lamp efficacy lm/W, Min <15 45 >15 55 <14 with translucent cover 40 15 – 19 with translucent cover 48 >20 with translucent cover 50 Table AA.1: Lamp efficacy. instruments are used, because corrosion could develop on the electrical contacts inside the instrument as well as on the external connections. The test voltage for the starting test is 230 V – 10 % (207 V). The South African standard voltage is 230 V + 10% and it is therefore required that the lamp shall start at the minimum supply voltage. AA.2 Luminous flux The lamp efficiency, calculated from the initial luminous flux and initial power measurements, shall be as given in table AA.1 In most of the standards e.g. SANS 60901/IEC 60901 requirements for the initial luminous flux and initial power are stipulated separately. The Fig. 2: Compact fluorescent lamps in the cap-up position. Fig. 3: Power factor correction vector diagram. luminous flux is usually stated as a minimum percentage (e.g. 90% min) of the rated value as per the data sheet. As far as the initial power is concerned, the requirement is also stipulated in terms of the rated wattage. In SANS 60901/IEC 60901 it is stated that the initial power reading shall not exceed the rated power by more than 5% (+ 0,5 W). Since lamp efficiency became critical in the energy saving drive, requirements for minimum lamp efficacy, expressed as lumen per watt, make more sense. It also simplifies the determination of compliance criteria for testing laboratories. Claims regarding the CFL efficiency versus the efficiency of incandescent lamps made by CFL suppliers and even by government are in many cases not true. Ridiculous statements like “8 x more light” are quite common. In practice we know that we have a different situation and that the light output of many CFLs is far below the claimed values. Some results obtained in the laboratory are given in Table AA1. It is not uncommon to get efficacies June 2008 - Vector - Page 24 as low as 32 lumens per watt for CFLs (15 - 22 lm/W for incandescent lamps). In cases like this the incentive to replace an incandescent lamp with a CFL is lost especially if the price difference is taken into consideration. The drive to convince the consumer to fit luminaires with CFLs loses momentum at an early stage if low illuminance levels are obtained and the energy saving performs far below the optimum targets that could be achieved. As far as the test method for luminous flux is concerned, it is proposed that the CFLs are tested in an integrating sphere after an aging period of 100 hours with the lamp in the vertical cap-up position that is the normal operating position for these lamps. The measurements are done at 230 V. AA.3 Power factor The power factor of a lamp shall be 0,5 or higher. Leading power factors varying between 0,52 and 0,56 were measured on wellknown trade name self-ballasted CFLs. least 50% of the lamps in the sample shall remain burning. Fig. 4: Lumen depreciation versus burning hours. The problem with leading power factor in installations is that consumer power systems are designed and constructed assuming lagging power factors. Installations so designed which are suddenly changed from a resistive circuit to a capacitive circuit usually experience problems characterised by switching problems as a result of large inrush currents and switching oscillations. This stresses the installation reducing the lifetime of components including capacitors which are commonly used in most appliances and UPS systems as well as contactors and switches. Many electrical loads incorporate elements that can impose a leading power factor on the power source. While these loads are typically not a problem for utility power sources, it can cause generator set failures or the failure of certain loads to operate properly. When a leading power factor load is applied, the voltage of the genset or genset bus rises, and the voltage regulation system reduces exciter power, reducing the strength of the magnetic field. If the field fails, the generator set may slip a pole, which results in potentially catastrophic alternator damage. Alternators are physically limited in their ability to both produce and absorb power. When a leading power factor load is applied to an alternator, disoperation of the generator, over voltage, load disoperation, and alternator damage can occur. To resolve this type of problem a system designer needs to understand the nature of the problem and the limits of the machines as installed. Most of the solution will come from changes in the system sequence of operation, or hardware changes that prevent disruptive leading power factor (reverse VAR) conditions from affecting the generator. AA.4 Electromagnetic interference suppression. The lamp shall comply with CISPR 15 (SANS 215). With the advances in power-electronics technology, devices such as fluorescent lamps incorporate inverter technology to bring about energy saving by switching at high frequencies. However, a considerable amount of electromagnetic interference is generated by fluorescent lamps. Techniques to suppress the electromagnetic interference are vital especially in environments with precision devices such as medical and aircraft instruments that are sensitive to the irradiation of electromagnetic interference and where the operation of the device could be influenced by the interference. CISPR 15 is the international standard specifying the limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of electrical lighting and similar equipment. AA.5 Lumen maintenance After 2000 h operation, the luminous flux of the lamp shall be not less than 80% of the initial value. The luminous flux of fluorescent lamps decreases rapidly during the first 2000 hours of operation. After this period the light output of the lamp stabilises and the decrease occurs at a slow rate. In the case of bad quality lamps with an incorrect gas mixture, the reduction in luminous flux is more than the maximum of 20% allowed. Although the initial luminous flux could have been acceptable, the result of this is the lamp operates for the greater part of its life at low efficiency. AA.6 Life Each lamp shall have a life of at least 2000 h, and after 6000 h operation at June 2008 - Vector - Page 25 The sample size of the lamps tested for life shall be at least 10 lamps. The lamps are operated in the vertical capup position at a 230 V supply and are switched off for 15 minutes after each 2 h 45 min of operation. They are operated at an ambient temperature between 15ºC and 50ºC. This amendment only covers lamps with a nominal life of 6000 hours. It was decided not to include the 3000 hour lamps, because the costs of the lamps and maintenance versus the costs involved with incandescent lamps do not make the CFL choice a feasible one. Claims were made by government that CFLs last 10 x longer. Theoretically an incandescent lamp’s rated life is 1000 hour which gives us a factor of 6 x. However, we have all experienced that many CFLs do not outlive the incandescent lamps by many hours. Once again, CFLs with short lives do not support the energy saving drive. Conclusion South Africa needs compact fluorescent lamps complying with not only compulsory safety standards, but also with these compulsory minimum performance standards in support of the energy saving drive. However, it is important that the compulsory requirements must be regulated and the quality of the CFLs sold in our country monitored for compliance with the compulsory standard. Otherwise the work done to compile and issue the standard was in vain. References [1] NTT Energy and Environmental Systems Laboratories – [2] Howstuffworks Electromagnetic Interference – question230.htm [3] Draft South African National Standard, SANS 60901, “Single-capped fluorescent lamps – performance specifications”, 2008. [4] Draft National amendment 1 to SANS 60901/IEC 60901. Acknowledgements Adolf Claasen, - Fellow of IESSA, Technical Specialist, STANSA Greg Marcia - Chairman Development Committee, IESSA, Technical Manager, Nordland Contact Elsie Coetzee, NMISA, Tel 012 841 3047, D