SUNY–Buffalo | Electrical Engineering EE 311 Electronic Devices & Circuits 2 Lecture 25 | Chapter 10 | 4/5 | 1/14 SUNY–Buffalo | Electrical Engineering EE 311 Electronic Devices & Circuits 2 Lecture 25 | Chapter 10 | 4/5 | 2/14 EE 311 Electronic Devices & Circuits 2 Lecture 25 10.3 High-Frequency Response of the CS Amplifier Kwang W. Oh, Ph.D., Associate Professor SMALL (Sensors & MicroActuators Learning Lab) Department of Electrical Engineering University at Buffalo, The State University of New York 113C Davis Hall, Buffalo, NY 14260-1920 Tel: (716) 645-1025, Fax: (716) 645-3656, SUNY–Buffalo | Electrical Engineering EE 311 Electronic Devices & Circuits 2 Lecture 25 | Chapter 10 | 4/5 | 3/14 SUNY–Buffalo | Electrical Engineering EE 311 Electronic Devices & Circuits 2 Lecture 25 | Chapter 10 | 4/5 | 4/14 High-Frequency Performance The CS Amplifier ● Objective is to identify the mechanism that limits high-frequency performance. As well as find AM (the midband gain). ● Figure 10.18(a) shows high-frequency equivalentcircuit model of a CS amplifier. ● MOSFET is replaced with model of Figure 10.18(b). ● It may be simplified using Thevenin’s theorem. ● Also, bridging capacitor (Cgd) may be redefined. ● Cgd gives rise to much larger capacitance Ceq. The multiplication effect that it undergoes is known as the Miller Effect. Figure 10.18(d): The frequency-response plot, which is that of a low-pass, singletime-constant circuit. Observe that the gain does not fall off at low frequencies, and the midband gain AM extends down to zero frequency. Figure 10.18: Determining the high-frequency response of the CS amplifier: (a) equivalent circuit; (b) the circuit of (a) simplified at the input and the output; (c) the equivalent circuit with Cgd replaced at the input side with the equivalent capacitance Ceq; (d) the frequency response plot, which is that of a lowpass, single-time-constant circuit. SUNY–Buffalo | Electrical Engineering EE 311 Electronic Devices & Circuits 2 Lecture 25 | Chapter 10 | 4/5 | 5/14 Low-pass filter: SUNY–Buffalo | Electrical Engineering EE 311 Electronic Devices & Circuits 2 Lecture 25 | Chapter 10 | 4/5 | 6/14 ● , where, Example 10.3 ∥ ∥ 150 ∥ 15 ∥ 15 1 7.14 7.14V/V 7.14kΩ ● ● Midbandgain 10.50 ⇒ 10.50 ⇒ 10.43 A , Miller Effect 1 4.7 ● where (c) 1 ⇒ 10.53 2 Figure 10.18: Determining the high-frequency response of the CS amplifier: (a) equivalent circuit; (b) the circuit of (a) simplified at the input and the output; (c) the equivalent circuit with Cgd replaced at the input side with the equivalent capacitance Ceq; (d) the frequency response plot, which is that of a low-pass, single-time-constant circuit. SUNY–Buffalo | Electrical Engineering EE 311 Electronic Devices & Circuits 2 Lecture 25 | Chapter 10 | 4/5 | 7/14 ∥ 1 ● ● ∥ 7.14 150 ∥ 15 ∥ 15 7.14V/V ⇒A 0.4 1 ● ∥ ● 3.26 1 4.26pF ∥ 4700 ● Upper3dBfrequency 10.53 . . . 7.14 . ∥ 100 ∥ 4700 Upper3dBfrequency 10.53 ∥ 1 ● ● ∥ 7.14 1 1 2 2 4.26 10 97.9 10 382kHz Exercise 10.9 150 ∥ 15 ∥ 15 7.14V/V 7.14kΩ ● Midbandgain 10.50 7.14 3.26pF . / 4.7 4.7 100 ⇒A 1 ● 1 1 ● 97.9kΩ SUNY–Buffalo | Electrical Engineering EE 311 Electronic Devices & Circuits 2 Lecture 25 | Chapter 10 | 4/5 | 8/14 7.14kΩ 4.7 4.7 1 ● ● Exercise 10.8 ● Midbandgain 10.50 ● 7.14 ● 4.7 7.14 7V/V 100 1 0.4 1 3.26pF 1 3.26 4.26pF ∥ ● 7.14 100 ∥ 4700 . 7.12V/V 8.14 8.14 97.9kΩ ● Upper3dBfrequency 10.53 . 7.14 ⇒ 1.63 ⇒ 1MHz 1 8.14 ⇒ 0.077pF SUNY–Buffalo | Electrical Engineering EE 311 Electronic Devices & Circuits 2 Lecture 25 | Chapter 10 | 4/5 | 9/14 VB SUNY–Buffalo | Electrical Engineering EE 311 Electronic Devices & Circuits 2 Lecture 25 | Chapter 10 | 4/5 | 10/14 EE 311 Electronic Devices & Circuits 2 Lecture 25 10.3.2 High-Frequency Response of the CE Amplifier Kwang W. Oh, Ph.D., Associate Professor SMALL (Sensors & MicroActuators Learning Lab) Department of Electrical Engineering University at Buffalo, The State University of New York 113C Davis Hall, Buffalo, NY 14260-1920 Tel: (716) 645-1025, Fax: (716) 645-3656, The CE Amplifier ● Figure 10.19(a) shows high-frequency equivalent circuit of a CE amplifier. BJT is replaced. This figure applies to both discrete and IC amps. ● This figure may be simplified using Thevenin’s theorem. ● Cin is simply sum of C and Miller capacitance C(1+gmRL’) Please prove this by yourself!!! Figure 10.19 Determining the high-frequency response of the CE amplifier: (a) equivalent circuit; (b) the circuit of (a) simplified at both the input side and the output side; (c) equivalent circuit with C replaced at the input side with the equivalent capacitance Ceq; (d) sketch of the frequency-response plot, which is that of a low-pass STC circuit. SUNY–Buffalo | Electrical Engineering EE 311 Electronic Devices & Circuits 2 Lecture 25 | Chapter 10 | 4/5 | 11/14 SUNY–Buffalo | Electrical Engineering EE 311 Electronic Devices & Circuits 2 Lecture 25 | Chapter 10 | 4/5 | 12/14 Example 10.4 10.9(a) ● ∥ ● Low-pass filter: , where, 10.59 ∥ ∥ 10.58 Millercapacitance: 10.55 ∥ 1 1 ∥ ● 40mA/V ● 2.5kΩ ● 100kΩ 8pF ● (10.40 & 10.41) ⇒ ● ● ∥ ● 10.56 8pF 1pF 7pF 100 ∥ 8 ∥ 5 3kΩ ∥ ● Midband gain: ∥ . ∥ [From 6th Ed] Fig. 9.4 10.54 32dB ∥ ⇒ 10.57 Figure 10.19 Determining the high-frequency response of the CE amplifier: (a) equivalent circuit; (b) the circuit of (a) simplified at both the input side and the output side; (c) equivalent circuit with C replaced at the input side with the equivalent capacitance Ceq; (d) sketch of the frequency-response plot, which is that of a low-pass STC circuit. . . 40 ∥ 1 ● 3 3 39V/V ⇒ 20 log 7 1 1 40 128pF ∥ ● ∥ 2.5 ∥ 0.05 100 ∥ 5 1.65kΩ ● Upper 3-dB frequency: 754kHz . Coupling capacitors are used in order not to disturb the dc bias currents and voltages, through a large capacitor and . In analog circuits, a coupling capacitor is used to connect two circuits such that only the AC signal from the first circuit can pass through to the next while DC is blocked. This technique helps to isolate the DC bias settings of the two coupled circuits. The purpose of the bypass capacitor is to create an AC GROUND at the emitter. The capacitor is a bypass capacitor bypassing AC noise. SUNY–Buffalo | Electrical Engineering EE 311 Electronic Devices & Circuits 2 Lecture 25 | Chapter 10 | 4/5 | 13/14 Exercise 10.10 10.4, 19.5V/V ● ∥ ● ∥ [From 6th Ed] Fig. 9.4 100 ∥ 8 ∥ ● 7.4 ∥ ∥ . . . . . . 40 ∥ 1.5kΩ 7.4 ∥ 0.013 ⇒ 1 ● 1.5 [From 6thSUNY–Buffalo Ed] Figure 9.5: Analysis Engineering of the | Electrical low-frequency response of the CE amplifier EE 311 Electronic Devices & Circuits 2 of Fig. 9.4: (a) the25effect of CC110 is |determined Lecture | Chapter 4/5 | 14/14 with CE and CC2 assumed to be acting as perfect short circuits; (b) the effect of CE is determined with CC1 and CC2 assumed to be acting as perfect short circuits; (c) the effect of CC2 is determined with CC1 and CE assumed to be acting as perfect short circuits; (d) sketch of the low-frequency gain under the assumptions that CC1, CE, and CC2 do not interact and that their break (or pole) frequencies are widely separated. 1p 1 ∥ → • Reflecting ∥ intoemitterneeds1/ 1.9kΩ 7p ∥ ∥ Fig. 9.4 ⇒ → • 1/s 1 1/s 40 1 68pF ∥ ● ∥ 2.5 ∥ 0.05 100 ∥ 5 1.65kΩ 1/s ● Upper 3-dB frequency: . • 1.42MHz (d) → 1 1