Meeting agenda - British Geriatrics Society

Venue: Edinburgh First, Edinburgh
17th International Conference on Falls and Postural
16th September 2016, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
Organised by the
Falls and Bone Health Section of the British Geriatrics Society
Event Overview
This annual event is widely recognised as the leading meeting in the UK for clinicians working in the field of falls
and mobility medicine. The day provides a forum for scientific discussion and clinical updates and enables a
multidisciplinary audience of over 200 professionals to share their experiences of best clinical practice.
Speakers include:
Jochen Klenk, Ulm University and Robert-Bosch-Hospital, Germany
Kaisu Pitkälä, University of Helsinki, Finland
Teppo Jarvinen, University of Helsinki, Finland
Peter Nordström, Professor of Community Medicine and Rehabilitation, UMEA
University, Sweden
Alasdair Maclullich, Edinburgh University
Nathalie Van der Welde, Academic Medical Centre, University of Amsterdam, The
Brenda Gannon, University of Manchester, UK
Who should attend:
Why participate:
The meeting will be of benefit to all healthcare
professionals involved in falls and mobility medicine,
geriatric medicine and care of older people.
 Consultants in geriatric medicine
 General practitioners
 Junior doctors training in geriatric medicine
 Nurses and Nurse Consultants
 Occupational therapists
 Physiotherapists
 Researchers in the fields of falls, fractures,
osteoporosis, rehabilitation and exercise
Understand more on the key issues &
challenges currently facing falls and bone
health specialists
Hear focused presentations & the latest
scientific research in Falls & Bone health
Present your own scientific work to a
broader community
Network with other medical professionals
This programme has been submitted for CPD credits to the Royal College of Physicians
British Geriatrics Society Tel: +44 (0)20 7608 1369 Fax: +44 (0)20 7608 1041
Sponsorship and Programme Management - Geraint Collingridge
@GeriSoc #BGS Conf
17 Internal Conference on Falls and Postural Stability
16 September 2016, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
9.00 -11.00
Jonathan Treml,
Birmingham & Ruma
Dutta, Worcester
09.00 Registration and coffee
09.25 Chairs Introduction
9.30 Technology to predict, detect, assess and prevent falls
Jochen Klenk, Senior Researcher, Ulm University and Robert-Bosch-Hospital, Stuttgart,
10.00 Drug withdrawal and its effects on falls risk
Nathalie van der Velde, Head Section, Geriatric Medicine, Academic Medical Centre,
University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
10.30 Effects of the Finnish Alzheimer Disease Exercise Trial (FINALEX) on Falls
Kaisu Pitkälä, Professor of General Practice and Primary Health Care, University of Helsinki,
11.00 Coffee and Posters
11.30 – 12.30
The Great Debate
The Great Debate
Motion: This house believes that resources should be diverted from osteoporosis to
falls services
11.30 Speaking For the motion:
Chair: Tahir Masud,
Nottingham University
Hospitals NHS Trust
Teppo Jarvinen, Clinical professor of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, University of
Helsinki; Chief Surgeon, Helsinki University Central Hospital, Finland
11.55 Speaking Against the motion:
Peter Nordström, Professor of Community Medicine and Rehabilitation, UMEA University,
12.20 Audience Discussion
12.30 Lunch and posters
13.30 -14.30
Oral Presentations
6 selected oral presentations from submitted abstracts
Oral Presentations
Co-chairs: Rob Morris, University of Nottingham Hospitals NHS Trust and Jane Youde
Derby Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
13.30-13.40 SOS Study: Stomp out (prolonged) sitting in frailer older adults pilot
intervention study: Functional Outcomes Juliet Harvey
13.40-13.50 Fracture Liaison Service Database Facilities Audit – Missed Opportunities
To Assess Falls Risk, Kassim Javaid
13.50-14.00 Up And About In Care Homes – Preventing And Managing Falls And
Fractures In Care Homes Improvement Project, Lianne McInally
14.00-14.10 Using technology to support self-management of falls risk: the Falls
Assistant tool, Ann Murray
14.10-14.20 The 24/7 Falls Free Care Project: Reducing Inpatient Harm from Falls
through an Institute of Healthcare Collaborative Approach, Geetika Singh
14.20-14.30 A feasibility study to prevent falls in older people who are sight impaired:
The VIP2UK randomised controlled trial, Chris Todd
Parallel Workshops
Interactive, small
scale sessions to run
in parallel. Please
indicate your session
during registration
Workshop 1: How to prevent inpatient falls
Workshop 3: Disequilibrium made
easy workshop
Gareth Clifford, Clinical Specialist
Physiotherapist and Falls Prevention
Coordinator, St Vincent’s University Hospital,
Macherla Radhamanohar,
Consultant Physician, Barts Health
NHS Trust, London
Rob Morris, Consultant Geriatrician and
Pathway Lead Clinician, Nottingham
University Hospitals NHS Trust
Julie Whitney, NIHR Clinical
Lecturer, King’s College, London
Workshop 2: Changing behaviour to
prevent falls workshop
Workshop 4: Orthogeriatrics
Karen Norman, Visiting Professor, Kingston
University & St Georges, University of
London; Research Supervisor, Doctorate
in Management Programme, Complexity
and Management Group, Business School,
University of Hertfordshire
Peter Nordström, Professor of
Community Medicine and Rehabilitation,
UMEA University, Sweden
Sheila Coutts, Royal Infirmary of
Henry Larsen, Professor of Participatory
Innovation, Southern Denmark University,
SDU Design, Denmark
Lotte Evron, Lecturer and researcher at the
Institute of Nursing, Metropolitan University
College, Copenhagen, Denmark
15.30: Coffee and Posters
16.00 – 17.00
Chair: Dawn Skelton,
16.00 The Health Economics of Falls
Brenda Gannon, University of Manchester, UK
16.30 Falls related to Delirium- what is the latest evidence?
Professor Alasdair Maclullich, Edinburgh University, UK
17.00 Prize Presentations and Closing Remarks - End of Conference
17th Falls and Postural Stability Meeting Registration Form
3 Ways to register
1. Register online at or
2. Return completed form to:
3. Post to: British Geriatrics Society, Marjory Warren House, 31 St John's Square, London, EC1M 4DN
Delegate First Name:
 Dr
 Mr.
 Mrs.
Email address:
 Miss
 Ms
 Other
Mobile phone:
BGS Member
Non BGS Member
 Consultant Physician/ GP £200
 Consultant Physician/ GP £255
 Junior doctor (SpR, SHO) £160
 Junior doctor (SpR, SHO) £200
 Nurse/Allied Health Care Professionals £130
 Nurse/Allied Health Care Professionals £150
 Retired/Student £130
 Retired/Student £150
Job Title/Position:
Workshop choice:
Correspondence address:
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Post Code
Payment by direct bank transfer to:Account Name: BGS (Trading) Ltd
Banker : Royal Bank of Scotland, London City Office, 62-63
Threadneedle Street, London EC2R 8LA
Sort code 16-00-15 Account No. 23190373
IBAN GB62RBOS16001523190373
Payment by cheque:Payable to: BGS (Trading) Ltd
Post to: Falls and Postural Stability Conference,
British Geriatrics Society Marjory Warren House, 31 St
John's Square LONDON EC1M 4DN
State surname as reference
Payment by invoice to:Account Name: BGS (Trading) Ltd
Banker : Royal Bank of Scotland, London City Office,
62-63 Threadneedle Street, London EC2R 8LA
Sort code 16-00-15 Account No.
23190373 IBAN
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The conference organisers will send a confirmation of your selection and issue an invoice & receipt. Payment must be made within
28 days of confirmation from the British Geriatrics Society or your registration will not be completed