KonyOne Server Prerequisites_MS SQL Server - Ver 1.0

KonyOne Server Prerequisites _ MS

SQL Server

KonyOne Platform

Release 5.0

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KonyOne Server Prerequisites_MS SQL Server - Ver 1.0

Copyright © 2012 - 2013 by Kony Solutions, Inc.

All rights reserved.

January, 2013

This document contains information proprietary to Kony Solutions, Inc., is bound by the Kony license agreements and may not be used except in the context of understanding the use and methods of Kony Solutions software without prior, express, written permission. Kony, KonyOne and Empowering Everywhere are trademarks of Kony Solutions, Inc. Microsoft, the Microsoft logo, Internet Explorer,

Windows and Windows Vista are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

Apple, the Apple logo, iTunes, iPhone, iPad, OS X, Objective-C, Safari and Xcode are registered trademarks of Apple, Inc.. Google, the Google logo, Android and the

Android logo are registered trademarks of Google, Inc. Chrome is a trademark of

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Research In Motion Limited. All other terms, trademarks or service marks mentioned in this document have been capitalized and are to be considered the property of their respective owners.

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KonyOne Server Prerequisites_MS SQL Server - Ver 1.0

Revision History

Date Document Version


Description of


Initial Release 9 th Nov 2012

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KonyOne Server Prerequisites_MS SQL Server - Ver 1.0

Table of Contents

1. Overview ............................................................................. 5

1.1 Intended Audience ............................................................... 5

1.2 Typographical Conventions .................................................... 6

1.3 Reference Documents ........................................................... 6

1.4 Contact Us .......................................................................... 6

2. MS SQL Server Database Pre-installation Steps .................. 7

3. MS SQL Server Database Post-installation Steps ................12

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KonyOne Server Prerequisites_MS SQL Server - Ver 1.0

1. Overview

KonyOne Platform provides an integrated approach in the mobile application design, development, and management in a device independent manner and delivers the applications in different formats that run on all the major device platforms.

The KonyOne Platform consists of three main components:

KonyOne Studio: Used to design and develop the mobile applications.

KonyOne Server: Provides server side functionality for the applications, common data integration, and device support services

Client Runtime: A component for each major device platform that enables the same mobile application to execute directly on the device.

KonyOne Server

The KonyOne Server is an important component of the KonyOne Platform installation. The KonyOne Server acts as a gateway for KonyOne applications to access the existing services and web sites in your organization. The application functionality developed and generated by the KonyOne Studio is enabled and delivered using the Application Server. The SMS and Mobile Web channels are hosted on the Application Server and the Native App binaries are deployed to the server, which can be downloaded to the device.

The Application Server has the following features:

• A sophisticated device database which enables it to detect and deliver the appropriate binary to a requesting device.

• Inbuilt backend data services integration capability, with out-of-the-box support for Web Services, XML feeds and HTML extraction.

• Integration with optional third party connector libraries that offer access to a large number of ERP, database and legacy systems.

• Built in usage tracking and analysis capability that provides a wide range of reports on system and application usage.

Server Installation Guide

This document describes the installation and configuration of the KonyOne Server on a Windows host operating system, using an installer.

1.1 Intended Audience

This document is intended for engineers or system administrators who are responsible for installing and deploying KonyOne Server. We assume that the reader of this document is familiar with deploying software on Java application servers/Tomcat application server. The reader of this document must understand how to install the Database software on the Sun Solaris/Unix platform.

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KonyOne Server Prerequisites_MS SQL Server - Ver 1.0

1.2 Typographical Conventions

Following are the typographical conventions used throughout the document:




 User input text, system prompts and responses

 File Path

 Commands

 Program Code

 File Names





 Emphasis

 Names of Books and Documents

 New Terminology

 Windows

 Menus

 Buttons

 Icons

 Fields

 Tabs

Active link to a URL

Provides helpful hints or additional information


Highlights actions or information that might cause problems to systems or data

1.3 Reference Documents


Kony Database Setup Guide (MSSQL)


KonyOne Studio Installation Guide


KonyOne Studio User Guide


KonyOne Widget User Guide


KonyOne API Reference Guide

1.4 Contact Us

We welcome your feedback on our documentation. Write to us at techpubs@kony.com


For technical questions, suggestions, comments or to report problems on Kony's product line, contact productsupport@kony.com


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KonyOne Server Prerequisites_MS SQL Server - Ver 1.0

2. MS SQL Server Database Pre-installation Steps

The steps to follow before executing the database scripts packaged along with the

Installer for KonyOne Server are mentioned below:


Microsoft SQL Server database version 2008 or a higher version software needs to be installed with basic setup on the intended machine (use this machine IP address while providing inputs for the JDBC installer).


Use SQL Server Management Studio to enable database server authentication to SQL Server and Windows authentication mode.

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KonyOne Server Prerequisites_MS SQL Server - Ver 1.0


Use SQL Server Configuration Manager and set the SQL Browser service start mode to Automatic or Manual, and then start the service.


In TCP/IP properties enable TCP/IP protocols for a port in both Protocol/IP addresses tab (use this port on the installer while providing inputs for the

JDBC installer) of the database server to accept the database connections.

Note: The intention is to make you familiar with installer pre-requisites for MS

SQL Server.

For installer, when it comes to database it is suggested that the database should be on remote server or should be separated from Middleware server

(also installer machine) and middleware should be able to communicate to database through TCP/IP.

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Use SQL Server Management Studio to create a database user with SQL server authentication to connect to SQL Server instance with server role as dbcreator,public. At this point of time no databases are created and installer will create necessary databases, schemas and all other objects. The created user owns all of the KonyOne databases and schemas. The user is privileged to create databases and schemas, Tables, Indexes, Views, Procedures,

Sequences, Trigger and can also provide the respective grants. For example: dbclient. Use this user while providing inputs for the JDBC installer.

Note: The <password> can be as per your standards.

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Before running the installer, provide all of the above values in the respective parameters of the installer.

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KonyOne Server Prerequisites_MS SQL Server - Ver 1.0

3. MS SQL Server Database Post-installation Steps

To verify the successful database configuration, follow these steps:


Use SQL Server Management Studio to check if the deployment is successful, and to check if all objects are created successfully.


Run the following query: select name FROM master.sys.databases go


Run the entire statement as one full query as shown below:









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KonyOne Server Prerequisites_MS SQL Server - Ver 1.0

Note: If the above query is broken and run individually, you will receive unintended outputs.

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