This question papdr contains 16 printed pagesl FACULTY OF COMMERCE B.Com. (First Year) (First Semester) EXAMINATION APRrL/MAY, 2015 FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING-I (MCQ + Theory) Time : 10.00 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. (Tuesday ,7 -4-2Ot5) Mqximum M arks-t0+30=40 Time-2Vz Hours N.B. :- (i) (ii) Solve Q. No. Question No. (iii) All (iu) (, \LLL ) (iu) on OMI| sheet during the first half hour. I and Question No. 2 are compulsory. questions carry equal marks. Use of simple non-programmable calculator is allowed. ylEr !F.. 1 Er oMR Sheet qrq Til@FrqEn qi6€r sT?riil€ (ii) I vFT !F. Fd +d {-fro. 1 q1fu vga 5. 2 gqqirT qErr{ qTq*q qftTr eilt sTIfu q[ gr& €qFffird sTrt W oTltd. l itntr qrtrl 6'oqtat qFr$rinq rrqrflfr sTrt P.T.O. r .1.U. .\.(t\ WT II-{1-2015 : ! ffcQ) 'I I rylultrple choice questions ll Ii' r 10'f. : \ vgrqi* er{ (, : The work of accounting depends upon (a) (6) book-keeping 'cash book . (c) :subsidiary books @) ledger tei*=re q,,rd ........- qrcR €rfttT{ 3rsa. (c) !{dqW a{ (b)t-q5trfi (c) {rdr€Ifi' gRrt taffi -.- is the amoirnt invested by the of a hsinesg- (c) Cash G) Cqital (c) Money (d) Asset oyner - ( 3 ) H--{1-2015 eT€rd. \ (o) {l-Gf : (b)'.: qr ro (c) +qr @) frfr Cash column of cash book can never have ......... balance. (a) Zero (c) Credit (d) Norre of the above . ts 5q tq ffirr{rq H'*& "" "'""':""' h' {tEurR qrtt. h\ srel 'c\ lb) ilq (n) BCT '. @) i'\ai qqfo*sT il6r : P.T.O. r. r.\r. I I ( 4) WT (iv) Use of subsidiary books can be made by : (a.) Only large business concerns (b) Only small lusiness concerns (c) Only mediun size business concerns (d) All types of business concerns fqfrET sqqqrniqr (a) (u). H--{1-2015 rfi-ffi ffiq gwqriq qrw Er +u qd +dl A copy of customer's account in the ledger of the bank called .................. (a) Pass Book o) Cash Book (c) Advice (a Balance Statement is wT (5) +.nq gtd 9\ rffi€ H__{1-2015 ursrrdn qrsrail sidffi et .'........'..'.... \ 3T{T Eutdrd. (a) qR| gs ;\, gs' (b) '{|-q - gqil (n\ \v/.A.... @ {ui) t{r@5Tf,fi Bank Reconciliation gtatement is prepared by :' , ' (a) Bahk (b) Proprietor (c) Auditor @) Investigator +o gaqufrrro ',"'i"""":"' ait rqru SA qrA. (o) ff (b) qrGF (c) ei*trfi (d) 3iEr6rff P.T.O. : T (0) WT (uii) H--{r-2015 wages paid.forinstailation of machinery wrongrydcbit€d to wages account is an error of ............. (o) Omission (b) Commission b) Principle @) Duplication zix a ' I sqiq,put 3rrcf ilt (a) fusr 3{qn wqTd sTrfui Tgfr g+tor 6 rgfr srs* o,i 6uq_6 ..-.:............. q5, wran. '- 6) &q frsq (c) (uiii) {.^ V(elrkFfi' lrrors whrch compensate the effect of each oth€r are (a) Clerical (b) Tbo-sided (c) One.sided (d) Compensating called ( 7 ) H--{1_2015 qqt qir ErT:ztt g*t+t e$rrrr qE m.-{A qr{n gqt€r -n Ts' (a) qqara. s',rc{-fr 0) ffiera (c) $. @) (ix) qrE q|qq.rfr Debit balance of trading account means ' (a) Gross loss @ Net losi (c) Net profit @) Gross profit q|TR glFql-qr Tra frRs{. EUdt . . @) . . . tq. FF',O iiEr tb) frqd iia (c) FEfa TFI \d) T|tfiO TIFT P.T.O. f . .r.Lr. (s) WT k) H--{r-2015 closing stock is always valued at cost or market prioe, whichever . iS .,,...:..,......-............. . @) More (b) tess (c) Equal @) Positive r. dT{sr weTrq E-€i€r ffi fr .- .- - erst f@1-qt orrsrn . (a) aa fu fiqr Errqn ffqd qrtqt it. qrRT (6) q't (c) grm @) wrcrrfi' (Theory) Journalise the following transactions in the books of Ram nL4 .Jan. 1 Started busingss with cash of Jan. 5 Purchased goods t 8,O00 { 25,0(X) ; (e) Jan. 8 Jan. 10 Jan. 12 Paid to Mahesh Jan. 15 Sold goods for Jan. 18 Received cash from Sachin Jan. 25 Paid carriage { Jan. 28 Paid rent Jan. 31 Interest of Sold goods for't H---01-2015 6,000 . Purchased goods from Mahesh on credit for t { 200 t t { 4,000 4,000 8,000 to Sachin on credit { 2,000 50 to Landlord 600 received from Ramesh. rn qiqr gwfird T#o q€RiqT eid fr{ wr : ?.0t4 qri. r r 25,000 {rfqrafl to r**t qewtq ynq *er qri. s qer$ st* r qFT. u qrflrfi 6,000 qri. ro qt{r m.q{ wrfrrt qro €ifr *or r qri. rz qt{rot R0 r qri" rr qfu{or t,t{r0q{ rTr€'f*For r FrcF-t t l,ooo +,ooo 8,000 P.T.O. ,r (to) WT qti. re H--o1-2015 qfo{Hqrfuffir2,ooo qri. zs er€gs' qri. ze T-Rrqm qri, gt {'iVRRr ud q* , uo qt qq Rd ? 2oo foarO { 600 t?epare a simple cash book from the following information : 2014 March 1 March 2 Opening cash balance ? 2Xi,(X)O The businessman invested firrlher cash ? 6,000 into the business March ? Investment sold March 10 Paid March 14 Cash sales ? 2,850 t t 9,100 and *-r.ioi* paid ? 3,200 to Dipak March 18 Stationery purchased March 21 Old furniture sold to Rajan for cash ? 2,fSO l 100 { 4S0. March 23 Paid carriage March 28 Purchased goods worth ? g,00o March 31 Deposited all { 1,6g0 eash in excess of at rvb bade t discount 3,Ofi1. i ( 11 WT srcfo qrttfr{s.q vtq tq H--41-2015 ) gwfi ir{m tn{r : 2014 qrd r gt-+tffi tq Rr@fi r qrd z qwsrFr*li IFI { qrd z 26,000 6,000 artrsnna &fit i6{rftI 3Id t e,100 ot @$'ffi Rt t roo sTrpr qfiWo-n qrd ro fq-r-o'or qrd ra qrd zr tq ffi r z,Bbo ffi qtfr r aro rrqq qin gi v.f+fl ft*i ffi r 2,1b0 qrd zg qr6'{ qqi-A R=0 r r,oso ze r 8,ooo ffi rnd ra rnd qrd sr R0 r g,zoo \re \, tovo q'qTli q..sem Et* +ot t s,ooo ieil qrffi tq rwq t'*a qq1 HTrqRr qTor. 'Or (friEr) Pass Journal entries (t) Rent to rectify the following errors t 2,000 paid to landlady : Anuradha has been debited to her persgnal account. P.T.O. t . r.\-r.' {t2) WT Paid General Expenses , of (rr) H-{1-2015 _{ 1g were posted in the ledger ast8l Wages T 1,00Q paid for installatioa of rnachin'nrJr debited to wages $;,t) account Qil) Sales return booh was overcast by (u) Purchase book was undercast by ? lr5fl)- qr*o BsiqT gcd dq qrr (, T-yt:+fr srg{rqT t{*dd fioqfn Qi) qFnq w+A r t p.'O(X) : f6€i rn3 r ftil fq €reriT eTrS. 18 kd Tnqr;q .- s{ Tm 1 s1 ffirqrd 3Tfa. Qrt) ?h qqfq"qtffie qSfr { 1,000 ffi -r$fr rd fmda ir{rqiT 3TrO. (;u) i{*t Tcd S,sF t z:oo0 i qrw q-{q' ere (u) utql g<o r 1,500 E ulfr orquvta qA \A 4, From the,following particulars prepare a f,qnt Beconciliation Statement as on Blst March, 2OL4 : ' (i) Bank balance as per cash book ? 12p00 10 (13) WT t H--{1-2015 (ii) Cheques (iii) Bank credited interest on investment in the (iu) of 8,000 issued but not presented firr.payment. { 3,800 but not recorded cash book. Bank paiit insurance premium on our behalf directly recorded (u). t S,400.not in the cash book. cheque of t 5,600 deposited into the Bank but not credited by bank. qrcf€ tFtt Ef6-r 31 ftfri dfr 1iffi (r) rtq5wfiTrqfEd+defr|@,fu,2oo. (ii) \Aa^ efirivr Frrifd qr{ufl-f, oTror, qrg (iii) d qftfirqre qrEt e{uqra error t 8,ooo. 9\\ \ ^ ^ {*i tqFfMfo 5Fffird ?5"grirkT ilq q{UqR qFqrq < s,800 qqr *S, qrg FqEi itE rts sTrd qrfr. (iu) grrqr Tdi +*i (u) q:rs- ir{m : qra _-'{_ qrd, zorq fqqr gll-oT < 5,600qr eHrtqr yqfrq ( b,400 ftd. ivrai to Sem'rd TIET. d*fr qqr +or, qiE fr qqr rer qr€1. P.T.O. H--O1-2015 From the following Trial Balance prepare Final Account of Mr. Satish as on 31-3-2014 : Particulars Capital Purchase Sales Dr. Cr. <' t . 18,000 27,000 , Creditors 9,000 Salaries 2,ooo Insurance 1,000 Debtors 33,000 16,500 Furniture 9,000 Machinery 9,000 Opening Stock 71500 Carriage Inward 1,500 Advertisement 4,500 - l I ir I ', (15) WT Adjustment H---01-2015 : (, Closing stock Ui) Depreciate furniture and machinery by (iii) Prepaid Insurance t (iu) Outstanding salary { t 15,000 lT%o. . .,r qtar F{q{ur 300. 1,b00. n\nrr raq?iqFi ar ffiTT @ffi gfiyq OGt ifilR rb.{I 31 -3-2014 r qfe EiITT t ? ,]TTY €tEi 33,000 19,000 @ 27,000 ry,"i 9,000 +dl 2,000 tu 1,000 Enr*1 16,500 -.F.T.O. ^ ,..t. ' I i I J iill t I I ( 16.) \MT l -r .! t' IFT+fl 9,000 .iT 9,000 l :qR$rq g{Trrfr dq 7,500 . qrFT.qq. tTr&{n l5q0 : 4,500 . 69,000 Trqr{iijrqr : (D Iiil"r d'q'r 15,000 (a) q,frq{ q (iin:) 1{qfr fqrr ( (iu) erm iaq { 1,500. H---S1-2015 q{TRT "jTFr lozo Boo 16 3Tli5RT. This question paper contains 16 printed pagesl H-3-2015 FACULTY OF CO1VIMERCE B.Com. (First Semester) EXAMINATION MARCIVAPRIL , 2OI5 FUNDAMENTALS OF STATISTICS (MCQ and Theory) (Wednesday; 8-4-ZOl5) Time : Time-2l/z Hours N.B. :- (j) (ii) Solve Question No. Question No. I I 12.80 p.m. on OMR sheet.during the first half hour. and euestion No. A/i (iu) Simple calculator is allowed. I to M uximunt Ma rks-10+80=40 Gii) (r) 10.0O a.m. Z are compulsory questions carry equal marks. 911 q;qi6 r 6r oMR sheet T{"t TfrgqrEqrqT sG iql-qd q*or qqf dtls I +a r€to. l' i t (ii) efi m.qifi 1 eTrfq uii) Fd erriqT (iu) €Tq rTdr$"iz qrilqrTr€ q{-qmrfr sG. z t wh.qd qTto I t I sqn W 3Trild P.T.O. (.,2 ) H-3_-2015 (MCQ) I 1. Multiple Choice Questions. qqqftfr vr{ dsqr. The word Statistics hds been derived from l,atin word .,..............:... and German word (o) Streat, starik 0) Status, statistik (cl State, counting @.) Science, source Statistics ET TTq delq : qr+fu ".'""",:'-":': fi<xqrql 3rm (a) Streat, starik (b) Status, statistik (c) State, counting (A Science, source l wt " qt €flrtrr vft ,qpqd|o (e) WT \u) Statistics is an ........ @) Art and also Science (b) Economics and also Science (c) Algebra and also Math @) Account and also Audit .. r. (a) F-CIr 3-iTFr (b) sTq{ns (c) Wtfr Mode eTrFr fr..flq enFr ei*e{q 3{rt is denoted by : @)a b)M s!c> srTt qTfrT Tfud @) fursc 6ii) fTilT 3rt (c) z @) None of the above H-3*2015 WT (5) (u) LI o 6^<' .fr-o-zulD The coefficient of quartile deviation is calculated by Qs xQr @) (b) : QsxQr Qs -.Qr Qs+Qr t. i (c) id Qa+Qr Qs-Qr t ft I @ qE**. fffie,*qT Fdwrfi I .I t QgtQr t QsxQr' I I *I (b) Qs-Qi Qs+Qr t r I (c) Qs +Qr Qe-Qr f I I Qa-Qr I Qs B il I I i# - Q.l a +rqrqr sdrT€rR s,rdine ? (6 WT tui) Standard deviation is called ) H-3-2015 : (a) First moment of (b) Third moment of dispersion (c) Second moment @) None of the above gtrq frqor rryrq dispersion of dispersion : I tuii) (a) First moment of dispdrsion b) Third moment of dispersion (c) Second moment (d) Tffi iRegression' q*-6t of dispersion rrti is the word used by Sir Francis Galton, for frrst time in: (a) 7677 (b) 7777 (c) 7977 @) 1877 'l ( 7) '9frgr1qq' €t ff6E gqrT H-s-zors trt y-r<gt€. rf@E qi* ...............,......... tri qrqw. (uiiil (a) 1677 (b) L777 (c) 1977 @) t877 ......... coefficient. (a) Karl Pearson (b) Galton (c) Kenny (A Keeping l qirl ve+idq {ur6r$ (a) (b) qETd {1;g1rq r€td f(d fqeirtn 'Tog-t (c) S-lt (d) ffirT P.T.O. (8) WT @c) H-3-2015 The correlation between two variables will be of high degree (a) r is more than 0.5 but less than : O.Zb (b) r is more than 0.75 less than one (c) r is less than 0.5 @) r is equal to 1 tq q-orfro vE*iaiq sq qfrT $G srQ Tffi Endfr ' qiqer Rrfrf, ? @) " t , :u) " t (c) ' t o.s iqr qrm suT 0.25 tqn qf ien qrm vrq. o.zs os te{r r,fr qmT teTr simiTl *lfi eftrdiiT @ @) 't1qrqtflqrffii{r (r) Which one of the following is true @) a=x.+2fdx M (b). 2fdx Q=X+-Xt (c) s-x+ @) a-x+-xLn ? xL : n 2fdtc2 xL n Lfdx j (e) sffirerffi (a) H*3-2015 ? "=**lY *t @) o=**\fd'^i (c) a =-, *Dfdxz , . n a-Jc+ ft .; Lfdx--" (Theory) 2. Calculate Mean and Median from the following data Profit ('000) : 10 No. of Shops 0._10 I 70-20 20-s0 11 13 30--40 P.T.O. - -a,-J ::: : t. li & iu*'' ,Tfff -**.;Y&"Inffi ( WT 3. 11 \ H-3-2015 calculate Karl Pearson's coef,frcient of correlation from the following data : 10 x Y 17 t2 18 16 .19 t4 19 11 20 15 n 19 21 .22 lr Use '19' and 2t. 16 22 t5 % 20 as working means for 'X' and .,y' series respectively. P.T.O. T- ,-*--J,.,d WT (13 H-3-2015 Or (fti{r) caiculate Mean Deviation from the Median and its coefficient from the following data : Marks G- No. of Students : 10 o 10-20 6 20-30 n, 30-40 12 C [_ I i I i , fr I I r i I 40-50 28 50-60 20 , i d- atl '- / 7G-80 10 10 P.T.O, ,* - -*/- (14) WT rgr6o qrfCfrqsq qsz|tFr .t lltn .)_ . H-3-2015 qq{ fu{w qrr4 E{ Fnrtr 6.1-61 : lMSrqr 0-,-10 5' 10-20 8 H gr{' 'I .n 3H0 t2. f 40-50 : 5G-60 4. ?a .n 60-70 10 70-80 10 Calculate the standard deviation and its coefficient from the following I. data : 10 f,i CIass trlrequency 0-10 o 10-20 10 2H0 1q l. T l (15) WT ii i H-3-2015 30--40 16 40-50 27 50-40 10 60-70 15 7G--8O s gl€r€ qrrffrqr q1q1q l. t' 'vqrq-f,Tqoq' sTriuT Rrqr {ur6 qil6r : & ':t ' "t rl' ert qrf{rR''ilr !'l !il {t 0-10 : o 10*20 10 20-30 12 30-40 16 40-50 27 5H0 1.0 60--70 15 7G-80 5 P.T.O. f- (16) WT H-3-2015 Or (fri{T) The following scor€s.were worked out from ttre list of the test in Statistics and English in an ,annual exernination : G) in Statistics Marks in Marks Mean Y' English . 39.5 47.5 10.8 16.8 Standard deviation Coefficient of correlation =' i" = + 0.42. Find regression equation x on y and estimate the value of I when ,J = 30. qiftsa1 .IrfrT Frs fqsqruTr 1uriqT qfr{Fq eG: -(5) qT?4 uf'jt vffq fqqqq 5ffifr mt-d&fi (v) €fucfr qqto yT ffiv*or5ur 39.5 47.5 Lo.8 16.8 (Standard deviation) ft t+qq6" vg*i<iq {urfi (Coefficient of correlation) = r = * q1 q-ffiq6 r i y qno yfrrqrrqq qqrs{ur ff{rn iFs.t , i 6rdl. iEr J = 30 oT€Tfle. H:3 2015 16 oi,.+2. gEa This question paper contains 8+B printed , pagesJ II-31-2015 FACULTY OF COMMERCE B.Com, (First Year) (First Semester) nXafUfNnTION MARCTVAPRIL, 2015 . BUSINESS COMMT]NICATION_I (MCQ+Theory) (Saturday, 11-4.2015) Time : t0.OO a.m. Time-2Vz Hours N.B. :- (j) (it) to 12.80 p.m. Maximurn solve Q. No. Q. No. I I Marks- l on oIVIR sheet during the frrst half an hour. and Q. No; 2 are compulsory. (iii) A// questions carry equal marks. ur ffi +d oi) Tf{ tF'. 1 ET OMR sheet Et-{? drsqt. Hrqra qr6OI sirliilrg {d-€. tF'. 1 sTrFf e. F: 2 3Tm.3Trt tiiil Fd eEniqr qqn W oftd. P.T.O. '- ,*/ l\ aa - j:ii .t.:.:ri.i1! i-:ii 1,.::b::-1 ,::r: :;.i . --,9* ,,tgl '1,.; rai ",,;;*f:j k,,; i"l ,ffr . i.."1:;;j.. iry (4) WT H:-31--2015 Communication between Finance ': Resource Manager is called as \ communication. @) Vertical (b) Horizontal (c) Upward . Downward : i+f, qrefi*F qrfu qqqa qrcvFrfi dqt qti .:1,., {e?rqeqrfl """"""""" (a) g(lr (b) Stuq (c) $+rrdr oTtM - r S'flqT . Eqifld. l 'i . wT (5) H-31-2015 : _l ., is called ] as (a) Interview '(b) Seminar J (c) Group discussion \d) Upeech gq6n 1M{ qsT Sr56rfu fuqT r6uri (a) Eorsd (b) qRdqrE .l k) retrqi ' @) rTrGrul : : qfu-qFnrEf€ M s{id{- (0) (5) , H-31-2015 .of Principle of correctness means the correctness l (a) Language (b) Message :. I :l (c)' Media: , - .l : ot{siq der ffi ......:......... -- , (o) qT+q.i \ (b) dffi i (c) qqffi @ sqi+ (6) ................... indicates .l communication. ' poriteness arid.respectfurness in . '' @ Clarity (c) Brevity @) ,. Implemgntation .a '). wT ..' (s) (8) In a business letter 'Hgading H,-31-*2015 I includes the name and address - nt (a) .' Comrnunicator (b) Communicatee (e) Both (o) and (b) (e) WT (9) H-31'-'2015 The fotlovfing skill of comrnunication can be improved by training and practice : .l .', (o) Speaking (b) Writing (c) Liitening (d , All ol *" . (o) : above efftM (b) trgE ' ,t. I, , (c) ,ltM (d) F+q I .. : I J (f0) While speaking spgakgr should use (a) ......".,,....,.,-.,:... properly. book" , (b) (c), (d) ' . file dress voice and toRe . P.T.O. l,.rrtt H-3r-20r5 10 @) (b) b) Job application 1SWOT analysis Communication process ... @) ,] Sabs tretter. "eY tal qt"*fr fufrrEqq qt* drqTq frqr fuT eTS , . ., l (a) elz tsfoT). fu_Aqq (c) q(Trdr6T * I 2 yFffi rat ffi-qe H*3I-t015 II A I This question paper contains g+2 printed pagesl TACULTY OF COMMERCE I B.Com. (First Year) (First Semeeter) EXAMINATION f, ,,IARCE/APRIL, 2Ot5 BUSINESS ECONOMI,CS_I (MCQ+fiieory) I (Moaday, 18-4-2015) fime : 10.00 a.m. to 12 g0 p.m. Time-2r/z Haurs N.B- :- (i) Question No. I solve on oMR sheet and first half hour . for rIthis question. (iii) A/l questions carry equal marks. (iil) (il Negative marking for wrong answer. Ef{ s. +d sG. 1 oMR sheet qt fur enFr srsrai qRvr erqf ers Gi) y+i x'. 1 a 2 silqt{fi/sTffi sTrt \ .^ \iu'1 Tfr'rqr tsiRRT Eql-ers' W ftA qrdro. P.T.O. WT (.2.) j H-:_BB_zOtb \ MCQ ' 'r(qqqfi* g'rt) 1.. t1) Whai is.ttre scopb rif Business Econbmicb ?r @) @) . ' ,', l Demand analysis Cost analysis '' . '' i. (c) price determination . .: @, All of the above qrqsrnffii erffi ...t;, (er) Trfr f*r0qr . - qrffi qlldl ? . .' :. (e) qd fufur (6), fuqil f{ffi .: \z) (()\ Business economics helps rnanagers in (a) Decision-makino6 'I (b) planning \s,, lr:-' ::" l ' la\ ' rvrrnrmrse |. cost " : ,, ' ^ (3) WT H-33-20r5 qq€rfrr* sr+fis Er+*wrsiil lrflt"d T{d m ,o, B4v (q) Fr+w fiA ?' : rli .. (s') qq \ q,qi I ili (s) qfuffi rd (3) Which of the follorting firm is economic objectiv€ of a business ? (a) Desire for liquidit-y @ Survival (c) Building up public confidence @) Labour welfare Err+oqd a1srdr qrqsrfuo +#at (et) ffiVer (q) sTRil€ (q') w*c (9,l TqrdF' ifierM oTrQfs qt{r sTri ? Ffrr *{q P.T.O. ... wT (+\ @) lf ' lr g% change income results ilcome elasticrty is'....,....... (a) (A 1.3 o.z H-sB-20r5 i. 'r ' . i in 15% change in demand, the .: t (5 WT ) / H-83-2015 (5) Denand(Banana) The above diagram indicates (a) (b) (c)' (A : Posjtive'cross-elasticity Negative c'ross-elasticity Zero cross-elasticity None of the above t ^. Pl FF-TTfl (es,'Fiq) p i a. qrrrsfr Qr, (*Rft) Afr'€ ln5.'.fr qfqf : (q) tFil-Frfi ftfcs,,s wfurycr (q) EUnffi fr|s,q eqfqryar (E') r[q fr{q,,s Rqksdr (s, qtrgqfiT qr6T P.T.O. j i WT 4.' ( 10) What is lgrrg H--33-2015 1un ? tong run average cost curve is ,U,-shaped but :' flated. Discuss. ry E"B srq qF€ erfti,. qqi ?. F+sTot{ n "t *+ qn ,g, .r,**, * q.u. :or I tffil what is:price elasticity .of dem,ind ? state it" ti.rar. .: II'l1*1 f+fid EEfudr EurS qlq ? fr+ mrrr tY'l\ =iy. vl'll' ? : H-sL2015 r0 '.: This question paper contains.8+2 printed pagesl H-35-2015 FACT]LTY OF COMMERCE B.Com. (First Year) (First Semester) EXAMINATION MARCIUA,PRTL, 2015 COMPUTER FOR BUSINESS . (MCQ + Theory) (IVednesd.ayrl1-4-2015) Time Time-Zr/z N.B. : 10.00 a.m. to 12.80 p.m. Hours ;- (i) (ii\ (iii) Maximum Marks-!O+30d0 solve Question No. Question No. \ I I on oMR sheet during first half hour. and Question No. Z are compulsory. AU questions carry equal marks. Qn) Simple calculator is allowed. . (,1 qTq s.qifi 1 fl'oMR sheet qr dgerfl Hrsr& qffor slqi flRT Era {16r€. 0t) sf,r s. 1 Er Yil{ ifi: Z etffi sTrtd. (iii) Fd Tfiin IIqFT Wr eTrtd. (it:) vq rrorfiiT.qrfirn{r€ q€rrfr sG. P.T.O. ''\'(2\ WT 'H-3S-2015 (lficQ) ' $olve the following Mde oo,GMR sheet : 10 . re6o rewfd: fqfl si.W.srn Tfrsfl trssr ,: (1) To Paste, shtrrtcut : (A) Ctrl + G) Ctrl + V (C) Ctrl + X, (D) Ctrl # F P iltwtd rff*-e f*' sTrt : ' (3{) q'?o * fr (q) qifo + efi 'i, rtfr',; tfr,'?o + W \ : -. (s) 6i1- + qs' (2) How many digits are there (A)8 (B) e (c) 16 (D) 10 in Decimal Number system ? l l l l I (a\ WT -H-35-2015 \u, i I j . ({TrrrEr (3) @y q66s+ fufi sifi (€{) 8 (q) e (q,) 16 (s) ro qrsdtc ? which of the following is an example of volat'e memory (A) ? BAM (B) ROM (O Microprocessor (D) Transistor ' I I gtdtunq1 iltstm FqI'd@ qfrn Tftlq u+qe z (3r) tq l- , (q) rTq (q,) qF{h1sl+sr i (s) 1 P,T.O. WT ( 5.) WT yfteqr qf$q (6) (3[) qKs (e) qr€s {o") qrifi, (s) q{q gr{ {Trto.d Efs'firq,,ent Which is the language of .:' (A) Octal (B) HighJevel langpage (C) lMachine language (D) Networking $qqfir* (3[) J{-3F2015 , rnqr +}rnfi Z ? silt i 3{qrTH (q) sq sfrq rryq1 (o) "ix cilq{ , . , .: (s) +ffsTrr P.T.O. (7 WT gtr.W. \rq+wq iqffi ) H.-35-2015 qn"rsr 6rdqr qqq{T *e ? (3{) tq (q) F (9) (o') EFf(R (s) Ttr€ Rf Windows is a./an (A) : Operating System (B),ApplicationSoftware .., '- ' (C) Search Engrne (D) H,ardware fuiq ent (et) sqidFr (q) sc*derr qfdsn : . i (q') vd (e) gf.qq erdlen P.T.O. v \ H-35-2015 .t (10) Internet is'a. : (A) Local Area Network (B) Campus Area (C) Metropolitan Area Network, (D) Wide Area Network Network .' daft ent : (er) dq-o qFqqr frFd ' ' l (q) qrqs qfu{r ierd (EF) +*frfueq qftqr (s) qrfu \'ftqr ia{d ffi . (TheorY) 2. Define eomputer and explain ttre features and functions'of computer. 10 {{omr* 3. €T'r gTrFr {T'Fr,-r* +M Describe the. types of computer memory. l drrur-fi Fffi ltqnlA eriT q'{r q $T{ g€ F{r. H-35-2015 (ii) Text Designing (iii) MS.Word (iu) Internet. +swrt fffr (, +r) $-qfqt Qi) t*z uii) Ftrr (*irrAd tqrq'ni'T w.qtr.-Tg Gu) Fcldz. H--€r2015 10 : This question paper contains Z printed pagesj _ A_38_20r5 F'ACT]LTIES QF ARTS/SCIENCE/COMMERCE/ SOCIAL SCIENCESIF'INE ART B.A./B.Sc./B:Con./B.S.W./B.F.A. (First year) (First Semester) EXAMINATION MARCIUAPRIL, 2OI5 HINDI (Second Language.r Parcr ] (€TF6s qfrfi) (MCQ and Theory) f0.00 a.m. to 12.g0 p.m. Time-2Vz Hours Maximum M ark s-Ie+80=40 : N.B. :- (i) dil qEfr srr sTM t frsTrrr 'eT' if I egqqf,fr vf,fi + fug Tfinr.qs oifi q6fr ftfrr (iii) frq'r'q'if eiqif q' fr*qr ft rfiqr wr tr P.T.O. : P.T.o.' ) wr v. ( Fqfufu. d * ^ ) A'BS_2015 .: qtn*fi {qqT Efr-{mTq qqT .ory:. (B) rmRFr+ (c) . uTr T{ q1 q6 et e{Trr€qr t ? . ' g *,,fr .I: rn) fi6s e6ri 8. - F A A FrtrIRtrqiT $ilt ral A ^q\. €\ ffiH q-dql d qrFiq, engETr s*r siqiqws *r fuxq ? cs,*1.s1.v.1ffi G) (q qc: srtr{ (c) t=rEril (D) e. TAI qr *a d Fit qfu . (A) *$ nnr TIEFI, qfr .........."......,r F.' G) .*T (c)'B[qrcrHT' (D) llittq I (\ b )) ^ WT A-98--201b 'i.. 10. 'qE frq ;@' ofrflr, fr ,*qi f{.srr !-fu t ? i'^ '(A)afifft G) V.rnrT (OTfrI (D) qiffi d t q+i ftT e.l Fr1P1 - z. srdE.i lq' qtqr 61Fq : . q E€ w ire i+srqr f,q, t- qEqq*frgtfir, sT{{ qt wfi d m, : s* @ aa WH Eqi ffi, ffi Rrfid,' ^ . P.T.O. ( 6 ) Wf, A-g8-zolb ' s gst'$ for s6i ffil, qi tirci, qu tRcr qfi w, qgq{ lilr qqror trt, L .. i "{ , . 3. cfr qrtllr t qrqt, egil Tqr {, i fcq t -per tr etm t, w*n * qr qs,'{rl eE (q1 6,fr1,' 'Q;r1qu1's-frHr i sfq i TqFHfET * W*q gq q,,r qdq'ftqr ' Frqqt&qr , tr :. 10 sTCrqr 'qE frg gr+cil' q-fTdr sT elgq 4. 'fis1' wfi iF iF,'Tfqq I sq qllqqr d qftfrq qrfr si rr+ffn , d frFf,d fqqrrqr tr sq .'n tv i. ::j ?r .a' I :-..----'::"-: i F1- This question paper contains 4+2 printed pagesl A_gg_ZOl5 .' : FAC..U-LTY oF anrslconrmrncMscrBNcE B.AG.Com./B.Sc. (First Semester) E&UWINATION r-;---- MARCII/APRIL,hOL' . q{Si (s.L.) a.m. Time'2Vz Hours lr.B. to fZ.gO p.m. IVlaximum Marks.--4} ;- (i) frd srq Ticffir qffi oTrt iiii €q giniTr qqH W sTtET. ffcQ) 1. sr€t€ ,l ffi€ yfi *sfl G) 'ieTft €ifu : eid t &@r Ecfd : iT -:" b) A' "q ,b) T f (c) Fd :,;- (o { E-rd : 10 .,......,,.............,.,.. \I/.n vvr ( 2 ) tit , , Erdiiqr =*t. slqtfi A-89_201b ..-.......,i......,.. q1 qr4) sfudwfr _qril. Iol rlfi5= (b) sTqg (c) 3TIET @) 3TlTrT . \i qffi b) : <{ir qsd. EtIlTrdT<i (b) qffi (c) , sTrlrl6tq (dr qrffi (4) ' 'g1, tTJ r6.nrq q-rq d ?' rTrfr€ ffir gtqt€ tr)qr{ft Aoa ' @) {rarry6 . (b) {lqqfr . (") .iilfi @) d* .' .: . Z WT (3) 4-39-2015 ral r \rl qrao fF 1*.rfr (6r rqrcrqi ora{t emsrqi {dmrfr 6{in. @) {rS. (o) '. i Yql l l K) RI : @) strds (6) a q1q1 dq-q,e1or wtt (a) qrgq w) qfl-r{T . (c) qfq @) rI{ P.T.O. (4) WT (7) Eo qii qokrn SffiqT A-39-2015 q.idil{t m.ffi€ =$Tufr se ..j : \^ . fio3{r6 | @\ qr$rq h\ .. rl. o. 3IEt6 \v, : qTTO ' (c) s. 5. frie j: ' ^ '. qI- qfitfio rqi+*fcffi q-{ri (8) 'o{$' '-r : .t , ,. , 3{t ? ' q-{rrq eifrq qr+s . ,, ' " '(o) frrqTq (b) qT6r1 (c) qrftF : k|\ qtr€ T|E{ , ^. EUIlir ffi trq dq' Er qf€il qffir (9) 'dkFIT (a) qrei q if+ . .j:_^$ffi \w/ (b) 1i;qfqre (c) Uud ;*qfutc (n\ \@,, .h. (ry. >llqlKlq \ ' va ? WT (D) c0) 4'-39-2015 t +qr+r*,im FIRT ry qra e* qFr Er ...:............... qrrdor qTd (a) e{'i$oifi rbt qT_@ifr (c) qtFq" (a kiTfuiqt (Theory) 2. I qrdrEq*.i o : 10 'eu$' qr s-+ql {ifi{Tq s{ril qifl *S Gt) srTt y s-{il ffi Gt Sl'rdd !p;. 9-rr S=* q6 fu E qror qwqsnnqT \. ry'vao, qer qqq', qw qn| I rq.yi-r ril€n : 10. ( tdr€' qT *f,{tdo *wq qw rie st wq *S errt 's41qxs1 g:uri fq*ar ;n+ ? ry* '*Er.T*fi qftdi.eT ? @ Tfiq a1-q',er ry Trrqur gT€qr ilerd qiqi qFilTrdd qlTHTa fu*a r{**ifi ffi fu6r. P.T.O. _ -'--.-..-l ____ . ,:l .l l l .l \tr/'n YYI I 4. qr-ftr+si ffi qq, " ''l ': I :i sfi frsqr :'10 -^ : I I l 1 I (r) I efurfr w qFffqfi eisaeT Tqq eTrFr qrqq qh-r€r+ ry:Tq€'$-$. (r, rTrqfu *Trfrr e.rt ftrtr. 4-39-2015 + s---" frqi vra ,,n,rrru* *, This question paper contains 4+2 printed pagesJ A_47-'2015 FACULTIES OF ANTS/COMMERCE AND SCIENCE / B.A.tB.Com.rB.Sc. (First y.ear) (First Semester) EXA1UINATION MARCE/APBT! 2Or5 ENGLISH / (Compulsory) (MCQ and Theory) (Friday, f0-4-20f5) Time : 10.00 Time-21/z Hours 17 ir t\.D. a.m. to f2g0 p.m. Maxunum Marks_ :_ e) A// questions are compulsory. (ii) Figures to the right indicate .: full marks. MCQ 1. Give the synonym of ,Faint, (a) fatu @ gentle (c) dark @) dull : P.T.O. O WT 2. \ The synonym . of .',.,..........-... t9\ g. A:-:47 .24L5 / :...."...'is''defend'' 'I b'l . supoort ir (b) exploit (c) depart J\ \Y/ -^-1,- / :3. Choose (o) an antonYm for'Powerful' : Strong .t (b) Polite (c) Incapable (d) Lavish : I '/ Give an'antonf (a) ,m of 'Suffer' : relieve ) (o) pam : (c) disgust l (d) rernove ,l WP . A-47-240,5 -5. :" 6. { -t t nt. f)mn .f. t .\-r. (4) WT A*47-2015 . 8. rrn- wno was the glrr that the narrator met at Deoli station @) His cousin $) A basket seller {c) A visitor to his grandfather,s d) 9. house The owner of a tea;stall what \a) ? does the author equate the scientific point of view with ? No judgements l fr 6) (e) God's eye-view 'Bird's i ,] .l .ttl eye-view (d) Objectivity i : 10. 'Father's Help, has been taken from the airthologi (q.) : An Astrologier's Day ,I (b) Swani and Friendg aqd other stories (c) Thg English Teacher a i @.) The Man-Eater of Malgudi l lttr -2015 (5) A-47-20\5 (Theory) t .-l {. Explain with reference to the context any one of the foilowing --''".." (i) : 4 The pain of a kick on the shin soon passes away but the pain of a wound to our self-respect or our vanity may poison a whole day(ii) l .Of course, the phrase ,Live according to nature, is quite meaningless. 2. I t I t What values did Subroto Bagchi,learn from his family ? Or ty Sketch the character of Swami m your own words. 3. Write short answers of the following questions (any two) (t) What does A.G. Gardiner say about the value manners : of good ? I il- (tt) What message does Haldane convey in his essay ? (iii) Sketch the character of Sir Mohan Lal. I I t- Qu) write a note on the theme of 'If you Are wrong, Admit It,. I I I t P.T.O. (6) wr 4. (A) Write a report A-47-2015 on Blood donation camp organrseo Dy your u your teacher for your inability to attend tht college. Write an E-mail seminar. (B) Write an- application for the post of Receptionist to the Manager -Indian Chemical Industry, Mumbai. -t Write a letter to the Editor of the local newspaper regardir the problem of noise .pollution during festivals. I .1 )d 1 I I A-47-2075