IEEE Xplore® Digital Library

IEEE Xplore Digital Library
2014 Subscription Options
IEEE publications are a trusted source of
information for researchers around the globe.
IEEE: The Only Technology Information Source You Need
IEEE, a not-for-profit organization, is the world’s leading professional association for the
advancement of technology. Access to IEEE information means you have the key to
technological innovation.
The IEEE Xplore® digital library delivers online subscriptions right to your computer or
mobile device. Corporate, government, and academic organizations around the globe rely
on access to quality IEEE journals, conference proceedings, standards, eBooks, and online
educational courses in the following technical areas:
• Aerospace & Defense
• Medical Devices
• Automotive Engineering
• Nanotechnology
• Biomedical Engineering
• Optics
• Biometrics
• Petroleum & Gas
• Circuits & Systems
• Power Electronics
• Communications
• Power Systems
• Computer Hardware
• Robotics & Automation
• Computer Software
• Semiconductors
• Electronics
• Smart Grid
• Energy
• Sustainable Technology
• Imaging
• Wireless Broadband
• Information Technology
... and many more
With powerful intuitive search tools and more than three million documents, the IEEE Xplore
digital library is your gateway to more than 30%* of the world’s current literature in electrical
engineering, electronics, and computer science.
* Source: 2012 Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports©, journal title counts in electrical engineering and computer science categories (published June 2013)
IEEE Xplore Digital Library 2014 Subscription Options
[ Academic ]
Subscription options that include an ACAD icon are suited
to serve academia and educational institutions around the world.
[ Corporate ]
Subscription options with a CORP icon are designed to accommodate
the research needs of growth, mid-size, and large corporations.
[ Government ]
Subscription options showing a GOV’T icon are appropriate
for and used by government agencies worldwide.
2014 Subscription Options
Your organization will find it easy to discover the right IEEE subscription option. With more than
three million technical documents already included, IEEE Xplore is the only source you need
for quality research information.
IEEE Journals & Conferences
4 IEEE/IET Electronic Library (IEL)/ Draft Standards Add-on Package
5 IEEE All-Society Periodicals Package (ASPP)/ IEEE Journals Archive
6 IEEE Proceedings Order Plans (POP and POP All)
7 IEEE Enterprise
8 IEEE Power & Energy Library
9 IEEE Xplore for Corporate Workgroups
10 Additional Journal and Conference Options
The Future of Smart Grid
11 IEEE Smart Grid Research
IEEE Standards
12 IEEE Standards Online (ISOL)
14 IEEE-Wiley eBooks Library
15 MIT Press eBooks Library—Computing & Engineering Collection
IEEE Educational Courses
16 IEEE eLearning Library
17 IEEE English for Engineering
Additional Content Partners in IEEE Xplore
18 IBM Journal of Research and Development
18 Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics
19 Your Source for New and Emerging Technologies
20 Compare Features: 2014 Subscription Options
Content Listings
22 IEEE Journal Titles included in IEL
24 IEEE Conferences
26 eBooks Collections
27 IEEE Educational Courses
28 IEEE Xplore Resources & Tools
IEEE Xplore Digital Library 2014 Subscription Options
Technology’s Most Extensive & Prestigious Collection
IEEE/IET Electronic Library (IEL)
IEL contains one-third of the world’s current literature in electrical engineering, communications, and
computer science, featuring content from IEEE and the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET).
With a subscription to IEL, you’ll have access to:
Unlimited article downloads to research that fuels more patents than any other publisher
Over three million documents in full-text PDF format, plus HTML format when available
166 IEEE journals, magazines, and transactions
Proceedings from over 1,200 IEEE conferences
More than 2,500 globally accepted standards for all technology fields
Peer-reviewed articles from the top-cited journals in many fields
A backfile to the late 1880s for select titles
IEEE Standards Dictionary Online, IEEE Redline Versions of Standards, and select VDE Conference papers
Robust search tools with a user-friendly interface
INSPEC® abstract/citation and bibliographic records
More than 20,000 new IEEE/IET papers added each month
For a complete listing of IEL titles, visit
For more information on the IEEE/IET Electronic Library, visit
Draft Standards Add-On Package
(for IEL subscribers only)
See the content of a developing standard before it is published to facilitate early compliance
and implementation of the standard.
Over 750 unapproved drafts—a combination of revisions of previous standards and new ideas that
are in the standards development process
Approximately 75 approved drafts awaiting standards publication (an approved standard takes
three to six months to be published)
Over 1,200 archived drafts to trace the evolution of a standard
Note: IEEE Standards Online (ISOL) packages include draft standards. Standards counts are as of 8/2013, some counts may have changed.
For more information on Draft Standards, visit
IEEE Journals & Conferences
IEEE All-Society Periodicals Package (ASPP)
The IEEE All-Society Periodicals Package—available online and in print—provides access to the core IEEE
collection of engineering, electronics, and computer science periodicals.
With ASPP, you’ll have access to:
160 IEEE online society-sponsored journals, transactions, and magazines
Peer-reviewed publications concentrating on theoretical and experimental topics
Quality magazines focusing on practical applications in research, design, and specification
Full-text PDFs of 279,000+ articles, plus HTML format when available
Articles from the top-cited journals in many fields
A backfile to 2005
INSPEC® abstract/citation and bibliographic records
For more information on the IEEE All-Society Periodicals Package, visit
IEEE Journals Archive (for IEL and ASPP subscribers only)
With the IEEE Journals Archive, organizations gain convenient, perpetual access to historical issues of over
200 IEEE journal archival titles. With seminal works from legendary IEEE authors and IEEE predecessor
organizations, the American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE) and the Institute of Radio Engineers
(IRE), this collection helps preserve material that may otherwise be out of reach.
IEEE Journals Archive provides:
Perpetual access with no annual fees for active IEEE subscribers
Coverage to Volume 1, Issue 1 for content published between 1884 and 1994
More than 335,000 articles available in PDF format
Classic papers from legendary pioneers in engineering
A cost-effective way to fill gaps in print archives while making out-of-print archival material
easily accessible
For more information on IEEE Journals Archive, visit
IEEE Xplore Digital Library 2014 Subscription Options
IEEE Proceedings Order Plans (POP and POP All)
The IEEE Proceedings Order Plans—POP and POP All—provide full-text access to the research papers
and findings from IEEE conferences in a wide range of technical areas.
With a POP or POP All subscription, you’ll have access to:
The latest cutting-edge conference papers from the leading innovators in technology
Full-text PDFs of more than 1,345,000 papers in POP All, plus HTML format when available
Research available first—usually months in advance of the leading journals
A backfile to 2005
Robust search tools with a user-friendly interface
INSPEC® abstract/citation and bibliographic records
Daily updates with hundreds of new papers added each week
Links that connect users directly from your library OPAC catalog to IEEE titles
IEEE Proceedings Order Plan (POP)
The core online collection of IEEE conference papers from 125 of the most important IEEE conferences.
Full-text access with a backfile to 2005.
IEEE Proceedings Order Plan All (POP All)
Full-text online access to all IEEE conference papers from over 1,200 current annual IEEE conferences
with a backfile to 2005. POP All subscribers also receive complimentary access to more than 4,500
papers from 20+ VDE VERLAG conference titles.
Access the wide range of innovative technologies that are introduced at IEEE conferences with an IEEE
Proceedings Order Plan.
For a complete listing of conference titles, visit
For more information on IEEE POP and POP All, visit
IEEE Enterprise
IEEE Enterprise delivers an affordable way to meet the needs of any organization, no matter how big or
small. Access articles and papers from IEEE journals, magazines, transactions, and conferences, then store
them in an electronic file cabinet to share with other researchers within your organization.
An IEEE Enterprise subscription provides:
More than three million IEEE documents, with additional content from IET, AIP, AVS, IBM, VDE VERLAG,
and Beijing Institute of Aerospace Information
Three packages to choose from, meeting the needs of any organization
− 350 article downloads
− 800 article downloads
− 2,000 article downloads
The latest cutting-edge conference papers from the leading innovators in technology
Peer-reviewed articles from the top-cited journals in many fields, including early access articles
A backfile to the late 1800s for select titles
Robust search tools with a user-friendly interface
Instant article access—no more waiting for document delivery services
INSPEC® abstract/citation and bibliographic records
IEEE Enterprise is an affordable way to compete in a global market.
For more information on IEEE Enterprise, visit
IEEE Xplore Digital Library 2014 Subscription Options
IEEE Power & Energy Library
The IEEE Power & Energy Library lets you access the latest power and energy articles and papers from IEEE
magazines, journals, and conferences—plus IEEE articles from all other industries—at levels to meet your
organization’s budget and information needs.
An IEEE Power & Energy Library subscription delivers:
More than three million IEEE documents, with additional content from IET, AIP, AVS, IBM, VDE VERLAG,
and Beijing Institute of Aerospace Information
Power and energy articles from IEEE journals, magazines, and conferences, plus other industries
Three packages to choose from, meeting the needs of any organization
− 350 article downloads
− 800 article downloads
− 2,000 article downloads
Cutting-edge conference papers from the leading innovators in technology
Peer-reviewed articles from the top-cited journals in many fields, including early access articles
A backfile to the late 1800s for select titles
Robust search tools with a user-friendly interface
Instant article access—no more waiting for document delivery services
INSPEC® abstract/citation records for all IEEE publications
The IEEE Power & Energy Library is the most affordable way to access the quality IEEE power and energy
content you need.
For more information on the IEEE Power & Energy Library, visit
IEEE Xplore for Corporate Workgroups
IEEE Xplore for Corporate Workgroups provides a small team of researchers with instant access to articles
and papers from IEEE journals, magazines, transactions, and all IEEE-sponsored conferences, and the ability
to store them in an electronic file cabinet to share with the team.
An IEEE Xplore for Corporate Workgroups subscription provides:
More than three million documents from IEEE journals, magazines, transactions, letters, and
IEEE conference proceedings
Monthly article downloads—up to 25 articles per month, per user, pooled into a shared file cabinet
A maximum of 25 users
A backfile to the late 1800’s for select titles
An online file cabinet that stores up to 10,000 documents
Robust search tools with a user-friendly interface
INSPEC® abstract/citation and bibliographic records
Daily updates
Online access to articles accepted for future print publication
Pricing is based on a minimum number of users. For a custom quote, contact an IEEE Sales
Representative or e-mail:
For more information on IEEE Xplore for Corporate Workgroups, visit
IEEE Xplore Digital Library 2014 Subscription Options
Additional Journal and Conference Options
IEEE Journals Library Plus
IEEE Journals Library Plus offers unlimited, full-text access to all IEEE journal and magazine articles
published in the last two years (a rolling backfile of all current year articles plus the previous two years),
and the flexibility to view a limited number of IEEE conference papers and other articles outside your
core subscription. For more information, visit
IEEE Conference Library Plus
IEEE Conference Library Plus offers unlimited, full-text access to all IEEE conference papers published in
the last two years (a rolling backfile of all current year articles plus the previous two years), and the flexibility
to view a limited number of IEEE journal articles and other papers outside your core subscription.
For more information, visit
Both subscriptions include:
Unlimited access to documents published in the last two years, including early access articles
−Rolling backfile of all current year documents, plus previous two years
500 document downloads to view other journal articles or conference papers outside your core
subscription, including partner content
IEEE Computing Library
The IEEE Computing Library offers unlimited, full-text access to 27 core IEEE computing journals and
magazines, 15 core IEEE computing conferences, and an IBM journal, along with limited downloads
to view other key articles outside your core subscription. Now includes ACM metadata. For more
information, visit
IEEE Communications Library
The IEEE Communications Library offers unlimited, full-text access to eight of the core IEEE telecommunications
journals and magazines, and two key telecommunications conferences, along with limited downloads to view
other key articles outside your core subscription.
For more information, visit
Both subscriptions include:
1,000 document downloads to view other journal articles or conference papers outside your core
subscription, including partner content
The Future of Smart Grid
IEEE Smart Grid Research
IEEE Smart Grid Research represents one of the industry’s most comprehensive portfolios of smart grid
related intelligence, including materials such as vision documents and research papers that address
problems and challenges in both the long- and short-term.
With IEEE Smart Grid Research, your organization will be able to:
Gain insights that can shape the future of your organization and help you prepare for what’s to come
Stay ahead of competitors with access to key information that will help drive your goals for the future
Learn more about the latest advancements in the industry right from the experts
Understand projections of how smart grid technology will evolve going forward
Long-term research focuses on five
Each technology bundle contains:
technical areas:
A long-term vision document
A reference model
A roadmap document
Control Systems
Vehicle Technology
Also available: Short-term research documents on Cyber Security and Consumer Awareness.
For more information on IEEE Smart Grid Research, visit
IEEE Xplore Digital Library 2014 Subscription Options
IEEE Standards
IEEE Standards Online
IEEE standards help industries and companies open business opportunities, maximize research efforts,
generate public and customer trust, build order in the marketplace, and enhance safety.
With IEEE Standards Online (ISOL), your organization will be able to:
Maximize product development and R&D with unlimited access to the most comprehensive
collections of IEEE standards in various industries
Access all IEEE active, revised, archived, withdrawn, and draft standards
Stay up-to-date with alerts on new standards and drafts
Save time and money by accessing the IEEE standards and drafts package you need
Tailor a subscription with a full menu of access levels—from a few users to full enterprise-wide access
Search standards by subject, title, designation, and keywords using IEEE Xplore
Access IEEE Redline Versions of Standards in select standards subscription options
For more information on IEEE Standards Online, visit
IEEE Standards Online subscription options:
IEEE All Inclusive Standards
National Electrical Safety Code® (NESC®)
IEEE All Information Technology Standards
IEEE Nuclear Engineering Standards
IEEE All Power and Energy Standards
IEEE Power Distribution and
IEEE All Telecommunications Standards
IEEE 3000 Standards Collection™ for Industrial
Regulating Transformers Standards
IEEE Power Protective Relaying Standards
and Commercial Power Systems
IEEE Power Switchgear Standards
IEEE Arc Flash Standards
IEEE Power Transmission and Distribution Standards
IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Standards
IEEE Software Engineering Standards
IEEE Foundations for Smart Grid
IEEE Standards Dictionary Online
IEEE LAN/MAN 802® Standards
IEEE Standards Select
For a complete listing of IEEE standards,
IEEE standards will help your researchers stay
ahead of the curve and get the most out of
their research efforts.
IEEE-Wiley eBooks Library
The IEEE-Wiley eBooks Library—available as a stand-alone subscription or as an add-on to your current
subscription—offers online access to over 700 eBooks from the combined IEEE-Wiley Press imprint.
With the IEEE-Wiley eBooks Library, you’ll have access to:
More than 700 titles via the IEEE Xplore digital library
A choice of subscription options, including an annual lease or perpetual access option
More than 13,000 individual chapters in PDF format
Advanced search capabilities by title, subject, or keyword to quickly find and download
relevant chapters within larger eBooks
Cutting-edge titles on emerging technologies, authored by leaders in the field
A backlist to 1974 with more than 80% of titles published in 2000 or later
Approximately 40 new titles introduced each year
IEEE Computer Society Press (CSP) and IEEE Standards Information Network (SIN) eBooks
The IEEE-Wiley eBooks Library includes practical handbooks, introductory and advanced texts, reference
works, and professional books with an emphasis on leading areas of research, such as:
Communication, Networking &
General Topics for Engineers (Math,
Broadcast Technologies
Science & Engineering)
Components, Circuits, Devices & Systems
Photonics & Electro-Optics
Computing & Processing (includes hardware
Power, Energy & Industry
and software)
Engineered Materials, Dielectrics & Plasmas
Robotics & Control Systems
Fields, Waves & Electromagnetics
Signal Processing & Analysis
For more information on the IEEE-Wiley eBooks Library, visit
MIT Press eBooks Library—Computing & Engineering Collection
The MIT Press eBooks Library—available as an add-on to your existing subscription or as a stand-alone
subscription—offers online access to nearly 550 eBook titles in computer science and engineering.
The MIT Press eBooks Library provides:
Nearly 550 titles via the IEEE Xplore digital library
A choice of subscription options, including an annual subscription option or perpetual access option
Titles with a focus on computing and engineering innovations
Approximately 10,300 individual chapters in PDF format
Advanced search capabilities by title, keyword, or subject to quickly find and download relevant
chapters within books
A high percentage of titles—more than 70%—in computing-related fields, such as computer science,
artificial intelligence, information theory, and computer programming
Relevant and high quality titles due to a rigorous review process
Approximately 40 new titles introduced each year
Titles that have won the American Publishers Award for Professional and Scholarly Excellence (PROSE)
The collection of titles spans numerous technology sectors with an emphasis on leading areas of applied
research, such as:
Fields, Waves & Electromagnetics
Communication, Networking & Broadcasting
Components, Circuits, Devices & Systems
Power, Energy & Industry Applications
Computing & Processing
Robotics & Control Systems
Engineered Materials, Dielectrics & Plasmas
Signal Processing
Engineering Profession
For more information on the MIT Press eBooks Library, visit
IEEE Xplore Digital Library 2014 Subscription Options
IEEE Educational Courses
IEEE eLearning Library
The IEEE eLearning Library is composed of advanced technology content only IEEE can provide. Offering
more than 300 courses in core and emerging technologies, the IEEE eLearning Library is a better way for
today’s technical professionals to learn.
IEEE eLearning Library provides:
Courses that are developed, peer-reviewed, and updated by subject experts
Valuable educational content for career development and maintenance of professional certifications—
earn CEUs (continuing education units) and PDHs (professional development hours)
Instruction from leading experts in each field
Courses that range from one to three hours in length
Self-paced, flexible learning modules
Interactive content via an easy-to-use player/viewer and automatic place marking
Notes, glossary terms, and post-test (included with each course)
Introductory, Intermediate, and Advanced levels for many subjects
For academia and business organizations, the IEEE eLearning Library connects people with the latest
developments in specific technologies.
IEEE Learning Management System
Users can discover these courses in IEEE Xplore and access them via the IEEE Learning Management
System (LMS). The LMS allows users to keep track of their individual progress, courses, and certificates.
Users can learn on their own schedule, pick up where they left off at any time, and print continuing
education certificates once a CEU or PDH is earned.
IEEE offers flexible subscriptions for any size organization, including consortia.
For more information on IEEE Educational Courses, visit
IEEE English for Engineering
IEEE partnered with Cambridge University Press to develop a program of online English instruction
for engineers and technical professionals to improve communication and specialized English
language knowledge.
IEEE English for Engineering provides:
More than 45 hours of online learning content at Introductory, Intermediate, and Advanced levels
Valuable educational content for career development and maintenance of professional certifications—
earn CEUs (continuing education units) and PDHs (professional development hours)
A dynamic and highly interactive series of online learning modules
A placement exam to assess new students and guide level selection
Printable individual certificates upon the successful completion of each level
A focus on technical and semi-technical vocabulary that enables learners to become familiar with
and practice using the specialized language they need for work
Feedback on your progress as you advance through the learning modules
Enhanced communication skills for project collaboration and career advancement
The course provides more than 45 hours of training across four modules covering key communication
skills: speaking in technical English, listening and comprehension, technical writing, and reading and
understanding technical publications.
IEEE Learning Management System
Users can discover the course in IEEE Xplore and access it via the IEEE Learning Management System
(LMS). The LMS allows users to keep track of their individual progress, modules, and certificates.
Users can learn on their own schedule, pick up where they left off at any time, and print continuing
education certificates once a CEU or PDH is earned.
IEEE offers flexible subscriptions for any size organization, including consortia.
For more information, visit
IEEE Xplore Digital Library 2014 Subscription Options
Additional Content Partners in IEEE Xplore
IBM Journal of Research and Development
IBM, one of the world’s leading patent developers, has partnered with IEEE, the most highly cited publisher
in technology patents. Together, they offer expanded access to the respected IBM Journal of Research and
Development, which includes the IBM Systems Journal.
With the IBM add-on subscription, you’ll have access to:
The prestigious, peer-reviewed, and highly cited IBM Journal of Research and Development
−Plus access to IBM Systems Journal (a backfile only from 1962–2008)
More than 6,100 full-text PDFs of all current and past issues dating back to 1957
Key research from leaders in the information science and computer industries
Robust search tools with a user-friendly interface
Take advantage of valuable research from leaders in the field with the IBM Journal of Research
and Development.
For more information about IBM Journal of Research and Development, visit
Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics
Stay current with worldwide development trends of science and technology and the theoretical and practical
aspects of systems engineering, electronics, and related research areas with this respected Chinese technical
journal. (From the Beijing Institute of Aerospace Information)
With the Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics add-on, you’ll receive:
Unlimited access to over 2,500 articles
A backfile to 1990
Six issues per year
For more information on Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, visit
Your Source for New and Emerging Technologies
New subscription titles for 2014
IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica
IEEE Cloud Computing
IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems
IEEE Electrification Magazine (available late 2013)
IEEE Internet of Things Journal
IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering
IEEE Power Electronics Magazine
New IEEE subscription titles for 2013
China Communications Magazine
IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine
IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologías del Aprendizaje (IEEE-RITA)
A sample of new IEEE conferences in 2013
Acoustics in Underwater Geosciences Symposium (RIO Acoustics), IEEE/OES
Big Data, IEEE International Conference on
Computational Intelligence in Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies (CIRAT), IEEE Symposium on
ECCE Asia Downunder (ECCE Asia), IEEE
Evolvable Systems (ICES), IEEE International Conference on
Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP), IEEE
Healthcare Informatics (ICHI), IEEE International Conference on
Healthcare Innovation Conference (HIC), IEEE
Innovation and Technology in Education (MITE), IEEE International Conference in MOOC
Intelligent Vehicles Symposium Workshops (IV Workshops), IEEE
Internet-of-Things Networking and Control (IoT-NC), IEEE International Workshop of
Point-of-Care Healthcare Technologies (PHT), IEEE
Signal and Information Processing (ChinaSIP), IEEE China Summit & International Conference on
Wireless Power Transfer (WPT), IEEE
Wireless Symposium (IWS), IEEE International
To browse all IEEE Conferences, visit
IEEE Xplore Digital Library 2014 Subscription Options
Compare Features: 2013 IEEE Xplore® Subscription Options for Organizations
Compare Features: 2014 Subscription Options
Brief description
Library (IEL)*
The industry's most
powerful resource: fulltext access to IEEE and
IET journals, magazines,
transactions, and
conference proceedings,
plus active IEEE
Active &
Unlimited fulltext access and
IET and
access to
Backfile to
1872 for
select titles
Over 3 million
Contact I
for cust
*IEL is the only online option to include unlimited IET content, and the only non-standards option to include active and archival IEEE standards. Drafts available separately.
IEEE All-Society
Package (ASPP)
Core collection of
IEEE Journals
Perpetual access to IEEE
journal archival titles.
For current IEL and
ASPP subscribers only.
Order Plan (POP)
Backfile to
Perpetual access
Backfile to
1884 for
select titles
Classic collection of
core IEEE conference
Backfile to
Order Plan All
collection of IEEE
conference papers
Backfile to
IEEE Journals
Library Plus
Unlimited access to
IEEE journals and
magazines published in
the last 2 years. For
corporations only.
Unlimited for
current IEEE
journal articles;
plus 500 for
other content
Current year
plus rolling
backfile of 2
Over 3 million
IEEE Conference
Library Plus
Unlimited access to
IEEE conference content
published in the last 2
years. For corporations
Unlimited for
current IEEE
papers; plus
500 for other
Current year
plus rolling
backfile of 2
Over 3 million
IEEE Computing
Unlimited access to
core IEEE computing
journals, magazines,
and conferences. For
corporations only.
Unlimited for
core IEEE
journals and
plus 1,000 for
other content
All available
issues for all
journals and
Over 3 million
Unlimited access to
core IEEE telecom
journals, magazines,
and conferences. For
corporations only.
Unlimited for
core IEEE
journals and
plus 1,000 for
other content
All available
issues for
journals and
Over 3 million
IEEE Enterprise
or IEEE Power &
Energy Library
Flexible access for
businesses. For
corporations only.
Limited to level
of downloads
350, 800, or
Backfile to
1872 for
select titles
Over 3 million
Contact I
for a cus
IEEE Xplore for
Flexible access for
workgroups to
periodicals and
25 per user
Backfile to
1884 for
select titles
Over 3 million
Contact I
for a cus
Unless otherwise noted, all subscription options use INSPEC bibliographic records, have support provided by IEEE, and are delivered via the IEEE Xplore digital library.
Compare Features: 2013 IEEE Xplore® Subscription Options for Organizations
Access model
Active &
archival IEEE
IEEE Standards
Brief description
IEEE All-Inclusive
Standards Online
Complete collection of standards,
including drafts and archived standards.
IEEE Standards Select
Customizable package; 4,600 active,
draft, and archived IEEE standards.
For corporations only.
Limited to level
of purchase
Select from 4,600+
Select from 4,600+
IEEE Smart Grid
Comprehensive portfolios of smart
grid-related intelligence, including vision
reference, and roadmap documents.
Limited to level
of purchase
Based on level of
purchase and
technologies selected
eBooks &
Brief description
IEEE-Wiley eBooks
Unlimited access to eBook titles from the
combined Wiley-IEEE Press imprint.
MIT Press eBooks
and Engineering
# of titles
700+ eBook titles
Backlist to 1974 with
more than 80%
published since 2000
13,000+ chapters
Unlimited access to eBook titles from the MIT
Press computing and engineering collection.
Nearly 550 eBook titles
Backlist to 1943 with
70% published since
10,300+ chapters
IEEE eLearning
The premier collection of online short courses
and conference workshops.
300+ online courses
IEEE English for
Online English instruction for improving
technical communication skills.
Single online course
Content Partners
in IEEE Xplore
Brief description
IBM Journal of
Research and
Unlimited access to IBM Journal of
Research and Development
Journal of Systems
Engineering and
Unlimited access to the Journals of
Systems Engineering and Electronics
1 IBM journal
Back file
to 1957
1 Beijing Institute
of Aerospace
Information journal
Back file
to 1990
Unless otherwise noted, all subscription options use INSPEC bibliographic records, have support provided by IEEE, and are delivered via the IEEE Xplore digital library.
** IEEE eLearning Library is delivered via the IEEE Learning Management System.
*** IEEE English for Engineering is delivered via the IEEE Learning Management System.
Unless otherwise noted, all subscription options use INSPEC bibliographic records, have support provided by IEEE, and are delivered via the IEEE
Xplore digital library.
**IEEE eLearning Library is delivered via the IEEE Learning Management System.
***IEEE English for Engineering is delivered via the IEEE Learning Management System
IEEE Xplore Digital Library 2014 Subscription Options
IEEE Journals Included in IEL
Journal Titles
Online Price
Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, IEEE (M-AES)
Aerospace and Electronic Systems, IEEE Trans. on (T-AES)
Antennas and Propagation Magazine, IEEE (M-AP)
Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Trans. on (T-AP)
Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, IEEE (L-AWP)
Design and Test Magazine, IEEE (M-D&T)
Embedded Systems Letters, IEEE (L-ES)
Internet Computing Magazine, IEEE (M-IC)
Internet of Things Journal, IEEE (J-IOT) NEW!
Micro Magazine, IEEE (M-MICRO)
Mobile Computing, IEEE Trans. on (T-MC)
MultiMedia Magazine, IEEE (M-MULTI)
Technology and Society Magazine, IEEE (M-T&S)
Computer Security and Privacy
Biomedical and Health Informatics, IEEE Journal of (J-BHI) $605
Biomedical Circuits and Systems, IEEE Trans. on (T-BCAS)
Biomedical Engineering, IEEE Reviews in (R-BME)
Biomedical Engineering, IEEE Trans. on (T-BME)
Computational Biology and Bioinformatics,
IEEE/ACM Trans. on (T-CBB) $505
Medical Imaging, IEEE Trans. on (T-MI)
NanoBioscience, IEEE Trans. on (T-NB) $625
Neural Networks and Learning Systems, IEEE Trans. on (T-NNLS)
Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, IEEE Trans. on (T-NSRE) $605
IEEE Pulse (M-PULSE) $585
Dependable and Secure Computing, IEEE Trans. on (T-DSC)
Information Forensics and Security, IEEE Trans. on (T-IFS)
Circuit Theory, Analysis, and Design
Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, IEEE Trans. on (T-CSVT)
Circuits and Systems Part I: Regular Papers, IEEE Trans. on (T-CAS1)
Circuits and Systems Part II: Express Briefs, IEEE Trans. on (T-CAS2)
Circuits and Devices
Circuits and Systems Magazine, IEEE (M-CAS)
Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems,
IEEE Journal on (JETCAS)
RFIC Virtual Journal, IEEE (RFIC-VJ)
RFID Virtual Journal, IEEE (RFIC-VJ)
Communication and Information
Communications Letters, IEEE (L-COMM)
Communications Magazine, IEEE (M-COMM)
Communications, IEEE Trans. on (T-COMM)
Communications Surveys & Tutorials, IEEE (COMST)
Pervasive Computing Magazine, IEEE (M-PVC)
Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Journal on (J-SAC)
Broadcasting, IEEE Trans. on (T-BC) Network and Service Management, IEEE Trans. on (T-NSM)
Network Science and Engineering, IEEE Trans. on (T-NSE) NEW!
Network, IEEE (M-NET)
Networking, IEEE/ACM Trans. on (T-NET)
Computational Intelligence
Affective Computing, IEEE Trans. on (T-AFFC) Autonomous Mental Development, IEEE Trans. on (T-AMD)
Computational Intelligence and AI in Games, IEEE Trans. on (T-CIAIG)
Computational Intelligence Magazine, IEEE (M-CI)
Evolutionary Computation, IEEE Trans. on (T-EVC)
Fuzzy Systems, IEEE Trans. on (T-FUZZ) Intelligent Systems Magazine, IEEE (M-IS)
Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE Trans. on (T-KDE)
Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Trans. on (T-PAMI)
Services Computing, IEEE Trans. on (T-SC) $555
Computer Graphics
Computer Graphics and Applications Magazine, IEEE (M-CG&A)
Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Trans. on (T-VCG)
Computer Science & Engineering
Annals of the History of Computing, IEEE (M-AHC)
Cloud Computing, IEEE (M-CC) NEW!
Computer Architecture Letters, IEEE (L-CA) Computer Magazine (M-C)
Computers, IEEE Trans. on (T-C)
Computing in Science and Engineering Magazine (CiSE)
Online Price
Consumer Electronics
Consumer Electronics Magazine, IEEE (M-CE) Consumer Electronics, IEEE Trans. on (T-CE)
Control Automation
Automatic Control, IEEE Trans. on (T-AC)
Automatica Sinica, IEEE/CAA Journal of (J-AS) NEW!
Control of Network Systems, IEEE Trans. on (T-CNS) NEW!
Control Systems Magazine, IEEE (M-CS)
Control Systems Technology, IEEE Trans. on (T-CST)
Mechatronics, IEEE/ASME Trans. on (T-MECH)
Microelectromechanical Systems, Journal of (J-MEMS)
Distributed Computing/Real-Time Systems
Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Trans. on (T-PDS)
Very Large Scale Integration Systems, IEEE Trans. on (T-VLSI)
Education, IEEE Trans. on (T-E)
Learning Technologies, IEEE Trans. on (T-LT) IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologías
del Aprendizaje (IEEE-RITA)
Electromagnetic Compatibility
Electromagnetic Compatibility Magazine, IEEE (M-EMC) Electromagnetic Compatibility, IEEE Trans. on (T-EMC)
Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control,
IEEE Trans. on (T-UFFC)
Electron Devices
Communications Networks/Systems
Journal Titles
Device and Materials Reliability, IEEE Trans. on (T-DMR)
Electron Device Letters, IEEE (L-ED)
Electron Devices, IEEE Trans. on (T-ED)
Engineering Management
IEEE Engineering Management Review, IEEE (R-EM) Engineering Management, IEEE Trans. on (T-EM)
Geoscience, Ocean Technology, and Remote Sensing
Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, IEEE (L-GRS)
Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine, IEEE (M-GRS)
Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Trans. on (T-GRS)
Oceanic Engineering, IEEE Journal of (J-OE) Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote
Sensing, IEEE Journal of (J-STARS)
Industrial Electronics Magazine, IEEE (M-IE)
Industrial Electronics, IEEE Trans. on (T-IE)
Industrial Informatics, IEEE Trans. on (T-IINF)
Industry Applications Magazine, IEEE (M-IA)
Industry Applications, IEEE Trans. on (T-IA)
Instrumentation, Measurement and Testing
Instrumentation and Measurement Magazine, IEEE (M-IM)
Instrumentation and Measurement, IEEE Trans. on (T-IM)
Sensors Journal, IEEE (J-SEN) $195
Journal Titles
Online Price
Journal Titles
Online Price
Signal Processing
Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Display Technology, Journal of (J-DT)
Latin America Transactions, IEEE
Nanotechnology Magazine, IEEE (M-NANO) $250
Nanotechnology, IEEE Trans. on (T-NANO) $665
Potentials, IEEE (STM)
Online free w/print $50
Proceedings of the IEEE
Spectrum, IEEE
Audio, Speech and Language Processing, IEEE/ACM Trans. on (T-ASL)
Image Processing, IEEE Trans. on (T-IP) Information Theory, IEEE Trans. on (T-IT) Multimedia, IEEE Trans. on (T-MM)
Reliability, IEEE Trans. on (T-R)
Selected Topics in Signal Processing, IEEE Journal of (J-STSP)
Signal Processing Letters, IEEE (L-SP)
Signal Processing Magazine, IEEE (M-SP)
Signal Processing, IEEE Trans. on (T-SP) Magnetics, Superconductors
Applied Superconductivity, IEEE Trans. on (T-ASC)
Magnetics Letters, IEEE (L-MAG)
Magnetics, IEEE Trans. on (T-MAG)
Manufacturing (Circuits and Devices)
Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology,
IEEE Trans. on (T-CPMT)
Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems,
IEEE Trans. on (T-CAD)
Semiconductor Manufacturing, IEEE Trans. on (T-SCM)
Nuclear and Plasma Science
Nuclear Science, IEEE Trans. on (T-NS)
Plasma Science, IEEE Trans. on (T-PS)
Optics and Optoelectronics
Lightwave Technology, Journal of (J-LT)
Optical Communications and Networking, IEEE/OSA Journal of (J-OCN)
Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE (L-PT)
Photovoltaics, IEEE Journal of (J-PHOTOV)
Quantum Electronics, IEEE Journal of (J-QE)
Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, IEEE Journal of (J-STQE)
Software Design and Development
Cloud Computing, IEEE Trans. on (T-CC)
Software Engineering, IEEE Trans. on (T-SE)
Software Magazine, IEEE (M-SOFT)
Solid State Circuits
Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, IEEE (L-MWC)
Microwave Magazine, IEEE (M-MW)
Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Trans. on (T-MTT)
Terahertz Science and Technology, IEEE Trans. on (T-THZ)
Solid-State Circuits Magazine, IEEE (M-SSC)
Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal of (J-SSC)
Systems Engineering
Computational Social Systems, IEEE Trans. on (T-CSS) NEW!
Cybernetics, IEEE Trans. on (T-CYB)
Human-Machine Systems, IEEE Trans. on (T-HMS)
Systems Journal, IEEE (J-SYS)
Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, IEEE Trans. on (T-SMC)
Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, IEEE (M-ITS)
Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Trans. on (T-ITS)
Vehicular Technology Magazine, IEEE (M-VT)
Vehicular Technology, IEEE Trans. on (T-VT)
Wireless Communications
Wireless Communications Letters, IEEE (L-WC) Wireless Communications Magazine, IEEE (M-WC)
Wireless Communications, IEEE Trans. on (T-WC)
Power and Energy
Electrification Magazine, IEEE (E-M) NEW!
Energy Conversion, IEEE Trans. on (T-EC)
Power Delivery, IEEE Trans. on (T-PWRD)
Power & Energy Magazine, IEEE (M-P&E) Power Systems, IEEE Trans. on (T-PWRS)
Smart Grid, IEEE Trans. on (T-SG)
Sustainable Energy, IEEE Trans. on (T-STE)
Power Dielectrics, Insulation and Safety
Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, IEEE Trans. on (T-DEI)
Electrical Insulation Magazine, IEEE (M-EI)
Power Electronics
Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics,
IEEE Journal of (J-ESTPE)
IEEE Power Electronics Magazine (M-PEL) NEW!
Power Electronics, IEEE Trans. on (T-PEL)
Professional Communication
IT Professional Magazine (M-ITPRO) Professional Communication, IEEE Trans. on (T-PC)
Robotics and Automation
Automation Science and Engineering, IEEE Trans. on (T-ASE)
Haptics, IEEE Trans. on (T-H)
Robotics, IEEE Trans. on (T-RO)
Robotics and Automation Magazine, IEEE (M-RA)
Security and Privacy
Biometrics Compendium, IEEE (BIOC)
Security & Privacy Magazine, IEEE (M-S&P)
*NA—not available at printing, call for pricing.
Prices subject to change
IEEE Xplore Digital Library 2014 Subscription Options
IEEE Conferences
Cutting-Edge Research Available Here First
IEEE sponsors more than 1,200 annual conferences in developing technologies every year, and the
collective proceedings are recognized by industry and academia worldwide as the most vital collection
of published papers in electrical engineering, computer science, and related fields.
The conferences listed here represent the top 25 most active conferences, based on their usage in
IEEE Xplore. They are some of the most recognized in terms of interest in their respective fields.
The top 25 most active conferences:
2011 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
2011 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting
2011 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 2011)
2011 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)
2012 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference Digest of Technical Papers (ISSCC)
2011 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)
2011 International Conference on Electrical and Control Engineering (ICECE)
2012 Twenty-Seventh Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC)
2012 Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM
2011 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (APSURSI)
2011 International Conference on Electric Information and Control Engineering (ICEICE)
2011 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE)
2011 18th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)
2010 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC)
2011 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Communication Software and Networks (ICCSN)
2010 International Conference on Computer Application and System Modeling (ICCASM)
2010 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting
2011 International Conference on Multimedia Technology (ICMT)
2011 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)
2010 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 2010)
IECON 2011—37th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
2011 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference Digest of Technical Papers (ISSCC)
2009 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
Proceedings of the 2011-14th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE 2011)
A Sampling of Conference Titles In Key Technologies
Aerospace Conf, IEEE
Avionics, Fiber-Optics and Photonics Technology Conf, IEEE
Recent Advances in Space Technologies (RAST), Int’l Conf on
Bioengineering Conf, Annual Northeast
Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, IEEE Int’l Symp on
Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society Annual Conf
Microtechnology in Medicine and Biology, IEEE/EMBS Special
Topical Conf on
Sensors and Int’l Conf on New Techniques in Pharmaceutical
and Biomedical Research, Asia Conf. on
Circuits and Devices
Advanced Thermal Processing of Semiconductors (RTP),
Int’l Conf on
Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), IEEE Int’l Symp on
Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symp (RFIC), IEEE
Signals, Circuits and Systems (ISSCS), Int’l Symp on
Solid-State Circuits Conf (ISSCC), IEEE Int’l
Communication & Networks/Systems
Communications (ICC), IEEE Int’l Conf on
Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT),
Int’l Symp on
Next Generation Internet Networks (NGI), Conf on
Pervasive Services, ACS/IEEE Int’l Conf on
Radar Conf, IEEE
Ultra-Wideband (ICU), IEEE Int’l Conf on
Computer and Information Technology, Int’l Conf on
Computer Vision & Pattern Recognition (CVPR), IEEE Conf on
Electrical & Computer Engineering (CCECE), Canadian Conf on
Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA), Int’l Conf on
Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS), Int’l Conf on
Services Computing (SCC), IEEE Int’l Conf on
Systems, Man & Cybernetics, IEEE Int’l Conf on
Control and Automation
Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, IEEE/ASME Int’l Conf on
American Control Conf (ACC)
Control and Automation (ICCA), Int’l Conf on
Intelligent Robots & Systems (IROS), IEEE/RJS Int’l Conf on
Robotics & Automation (ICRA), IEEE Int’l Conf on
Earth Science
Geoscience & Remote Sensing Symp (IGARSS), IEEE Int’l
Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Aerosols, IEEE Wksp on
Electron Devices
Applications of Ferroelectrics (ISAF), IEEE Int’l Symp on
Design Automation Conf (DAC), ACM/IEEE
Electromagnetic Compatibility, (EMC), IEEE Int’l Symp on
Electron Devices and Solid-State Circuits (EDSSC), IEEE Conf on
Industrial Electronics (ISIE), IEEE Int’l Symp on
Current as of 8/2013, subject to change.
Instrumentation, Measurement, and Testing
Haptic Audio Visual Environments and their Applications
(HAVE), IEEE Int’l Wksp on
Imaging Systems and Techniques (IST), IEEE Int’l Wksp on
Instrumentation & Measurement Technology Conf (IMTC), IEEE
Sensors Conf, IEEE
Lasers & Optics
Advanced Optoelectronics and Lasers (CAOL), Int’l Conf on
Industrial Informatics (INDIN), IEEE Int’l Conf on
Lasers & Electro-Optics (CLEO), Conf on
Optical Fiber Communication Conf (OFC)
Quantum Electronics Conf (IQEC), Int’l
Microwave and Optoelectronics Conf, SBMO/IEEE Int’l
Microwave Photonics (MWP), Int’l Topical Meeting on
Microwave Symp, IEEE/MTT-S Int’l
Wireless and Microwave Technology Conf, IEEE Annual
Power and Energy
Applied Power Electronics Conf & Exhibition (APEC), IEEE
Nuclear Science Symp Conf (NSS/MIC)
Photovoltaic Specialists Conf, IEEE
Power Electronics and Drive Systems (PEDS), Int’l Conf on
Power Electronics Specialists Conf (PESC), IEEE
Signal Processing
Acoustics, Speech & Signal Processing (ICASSP), IEEE
Int’l Conf on
Antenna Theory and Techniques (ICATT), Int’l Conf on
Image Processing (ICIP), IEEE Int’l Conf on
Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT),
IEEE Int’l Symp on
Software Engineering
Software Engineering (ICSE), IEEE Int’l Conf on
Software Engineering Wksp (SEW), NASA/IEEE
Software Engineering, AI, Networking & Parallel Distributed
Computing (SNPD/SAWN), Int’l Conf on
Software Evolvability, IEEE Int’l Wksp on
Vehicular/Ground Transportation
Intelligent Transportation Systems Conf (ITSC), IEEE
Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conf (VPPC), IEEE
Vehicular Electronics and Safety (ICVES), IEEE Int’l Conf on
Wireless Communication
Personal Wireless Communications (ICPWC), IEEE Int’l Conf on
Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications
(SPAWC), IEEE Wksp on
Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and
Communications (WiMob), Int’l Conf on
Wireless Communications & Networking Conf (WCNC), IEEE
Wireless Telecommunications Symp (WTS)
IEEE Xplore Digital Library 2014 Subscription Options
eBooks Collections
IEEE-Wiley eBooks Library
Recently published titles:
IPv6 Deployment and Management
Electronic Health Record: Standards, Coding Systems, Frameworks, and Infrastructures
Extruded Cables for High-Voltage Direct-Current Transmission: Advances in Research and Development
Music Navigation with Symbols and Layers: Toward Content Browsing with IEEE 1599 XML Encoding
The Data Bonanza: Improving Knowledge Discovery in Science, Engineering, and Business
Numerical Analysis with Applications in Mechanics and Engineering
Modern Machine Learning Techniques and Their Applications in Cartoon Animation Research
Selective Visual Attention: Computational Models and Applications
For a complete list of IEEE-Wiley eBook titles, visit
MIT Press eBooks Library—Computing and Engineering Collection
Recently published titles:
Playing with Sound: A Theory of Interacting with Sound and Music in Video Games
Contagious Architecture: Computation, Aesthetics, and Space
Cosmopolitan Commons: Sharing Resources and Risks across Borders
Sonic Interaction Design
Patently Contestable: Electrical Technologies and Inventor Identities on Trial in Britain
An Aesthesia of Networks: Conjunctive Experience in Art and Technology
Uncertainty in Games
Robot Futures
For a complete list of MIT Press eBook titles, visit
IEEE Educational Courses
IEEE eLearning Library
Course Series by Technical Areas:
IEEE eLearning Series on Radar Systems Engineering
The IEEE eLearning Series on Biometrics
Communication, Networking and Broadcasting
IEEE Standards in Communications Series
Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems
The IEEE eLearning Series on Design of Integrated Circuits—Single Port
The IEEE eLearning Series on Design of Integrated Circuits—Dual Port
Computing and Processing (Hardware/Software)
IEEE Software Engineering Assessment Series CSDA
IEEE Software Engineering Assessment Series CSDP
Engineering Profession
IEEE eLearning Series on Engineering Ethics
IEEE eLearning Series on Engineering Management
Humanitarian Technology Webinar Series
Photonics and Electro-Optics
IEEE eLearning Series on Fiber Optics
Power, Energy and Industry Applications
eLearning Series on Industrial Electronics
Introduction to Application of the NESC Series
Smart Grid Series
Sustainable Green Engineering Series
Vehicular Technology
Electric Battery Video Series
For a complete listing of all IEEE eLearning courses, visit
IEEE Xplore Digital Library 2014 Subscription Options
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