
Retrieving Answers from Frequently Asked Questions
Pages on the Web
Valentin Jijkoun
Maarten de Rijke
Informatics Institute, University of Amsterdam
Kruislaan 403, 1098 SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands
We address the task of answering natural language questions by using the large number of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) pages available on the web. The task involves
three steps: (1) fetching FAQ pages from the web; (2) automatic extraction of question/answer (Q/A) pairs from the
collected pages; and (3) answering users’ questions by retrieving appropriate Q/A pairs. We discuss our solutions
for each of the three tasks, and give detailed evaluation results on a collected corpus of about 3.6Gb of text data (293K
pages, 2.8M Q/A pairs), with real users’ questions sampled
from a web search engine log. Specifically, we propose simple but effective methods for Q/A extraction and investigate
task-specific retrieval models for answering questions. Our
best model finds answers for 36% of the test questions in
the top 20 results. Our overall conclusion is that FAQ pages
on the web provide an excellent resource for addressing real
users’ information needs in a highly focused manner.
Categories and Subject Descriptors
H.3.1 [Content Analysis and Indexing]: Linguistic processing, Indexing methods; H.3.3 [Information Search and
Retrieval]: Retrieval models
General Terms
Algorithms, Measurement, Performance, Experimentation
Question answering, FAQ retrieval, Questions beyond factoids
Question Answering (QA) is one of several recent attempts
to provide highly focused access to textual information. The
task has received a great deal of attention in recent years,
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CIKM’05, October 31–November 5, 2005, Bremen, Germany.
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especially since the launch of the QA track at TREC in
1999. While significant progress has been made in technology for answering general factoids (e.g., How fast does a
cheetah run? or What is the German population? ), there is
a real need to go beyond such factoids. Our long term goal
is to develop QA technology for the web, catering for ad hoc
questions posed by web users. Factoids are frequent in the
log files of commercial search engines, but other types are
at least as frequent, if not more frequent: procedural questions, requests for explanations or reasons. Such questions
we refer to as “questions beyond factoids” [29].
What is the appropriate format for answering questions
beyond factoids? This is not an easy matter. As we argue in Section 2, even for factoids it may be unclear what
the appropriate answer format is in an ad hoc QA setting,
i.e., where a system is to respond to general open domain
questions without having access to information about the
user asking the question. The problem becomes even more
difficult when we try to find answers to questions beyond factoids. In this paper we “solve” the answer format issue by
leaving it to humans. Our system responds to questions (factoid or beyond) by retrieving answers from frequently asked
questions (FAQ) pages. FAQ pages constitute a rich body of
knowledge that combine focused questions (mostly beyond
factoids) with ready-made human generated answers. Our
task, then, is to return, in response to an incoming question
Q0 , a ranked list of pairs (Q, A) extracted from FAQs, where
(ideally) the top ranking pair (Q, A) provides an adequate
answer Q to the user’s question Q0 , and other result pairs
(Q00 , A00 ) provide additional material information pertaining to Q0 . To us, answering questions beyond factoids is a
retrieval task, where systems should return a ranked list of
(multiple) focused responses in context. This view has clear
methodological advantages over the single-shot isolated answer format as required from systems taking part in the
TREC and CLEF QA tasks.
In order to retrieve answers from FAQ pages on the web,
we face three main tasks: (1) fetching FAQ pages from the
web; (2) automatically extracting question/answer (Q/A)
pairs from the fetched pages; and (3) addressing users’ questions by retrieving appropriate Q/A pairs. In this paper we
detail our solutions for each of those three steps, with a focus
on the second, and, especially, the third step. We provide
evaluation results for all steps.1
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first description
All the data used for evaluation purposes in this paper is
available at
of an open-domain QA system that collects and uses FAQ
pages on the web to find answers to user questions. The
evaluation of the system on real user questions, randomly
sampled from search engine query logs, shows that the system is capable of answering 36% of the questions (in the
top 20 results) and provides material information for 56%
of the questions. This justifies our claim that FAQ pages on
the web constitute an excellent resource for addressing real
user’s information needs in highly focused manner.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In
Section 2 we provide extensive motivation for our proposal
to address ad hoc QA as retrieval from FAQs. Sections 3, 4,
and 5 are devoted to locating FAQs on the web, extracting
Q/A pairs from the found pages, and retrieval against the
resulting collection, respectively. In Section 6 we discuss
related work, and we conclude in Section 7.
Our long term aim is to develop question answering technology for web users. By inspecting log files of commercial
search engines we can find out what type of questions web
users ask, even today. In a sample of 10M queries collected
from the MetaCrawler engine (
in the period September–December 2004 we found that at
least 2% of the queries were actual questions. While about a
quarter of the questions were factoids, another quarter consisted of questions asking for definitions or explanations, and
a third of the questions were procedural in nature. At the
TREC QA track the importance of questions beyond factoids has been recognized through the introduction of definition questions in 2003 and of so-called “other” questions
(that ask for important information about a topic at hand
that the user does not know know enough about to task) in
2004 and again in 2005.
There are several aspects that make retrieval against Q/A
pairs mined from FAQ pages on the web a viable approach to
QA. First, factoid questions typically require simple entities
or phrases as answers; moving beyond factoids, the TREC
QA track required a list of snippets containing important
bits of information as the answer to definition and “other”
questions; the decisions on answerhood, however, turned out
to be problematic [30]. For even more complex questions beyond factoids, we believe that requiring systems to precisely
delineate an appropriate answer is beyond current state of
the art in language technology. This suggests that returning
human generated answers in response to questions beyond
factoids is a sensible and realistic solution. Specifically, in
our FAQ retrieval scenario, we attempt to locate questions
Q that somehow pertain to the user’s input question Q0 and
return the full answer A that comes with Q. Note, by the
way, that instead of being isolated text snippets, answers
on FAQ pages often come with explanations and/or justifications, while additional Q/A pairs on the page where an
answer was found provide users with further context. This
is an important feature, especially given that users tend to
prefer answers in context [21].
There are further issues with QA that can be addressed
by implementing QA as retrieval from FAQs. Recall that
the “interaction model” adopted by much current research
in QA technology is the following: in response to a question,
return a single exact answer. In an ad hoc web setting, with
no information about the user and her background or intentions (other than what can be picked up through the user’s
browsing agent), this single shot format is inappropriate. An
example will help explain this. Consider the question Where
is the Rijksmuseum located?. Without explicit knowledge
about the questioner’s context or background, the system
has to select any of the following as the single best answer:
In a building designed by the architect Cuijpers.
Across Museumplein from the Concertgebouw.
You can take Tram 5 to get there.
Jan Luijkenstraat in Amsterdam.
The Rijksmuseum van Oudheden (RMO) is the national museum of antiquities at Leiden
Each of these is a correct answer, and each contains some
information that none of the others contains. This suggests
that the best we can do is present all of these answers; following standard practice in IR, this is most naturally done
in the form of a ranked list.
By returning ranked lists of Q/A pairs in response to an
incoming question we are able to implement an important
lesson from the “other” questions studied at the TREC QA
track. Even if a text snippet does not provide a full answer to a question, it might still supply material information, pertinent to the question at hand, that might help the
questioner achieve her information seeking goals [10]. In
this manner, our ranked list output format helps facilitate
Our first step is to collect web pages containing lists of
Q/A pairs. Since only a relatively small portion of the Web
pages are actually FAQ pages, it would be quite resourceinefficient to collect such pages using general-purpose crawling. Instead, we use a web search engine (Google) to locate pages that are likely to contain FAQs, specifically, that
have the string “faq” in their URL or title. While we obviously miss many potentially useful question/answer pages,
the number of found pages is still very large: Google reports
8,900,000 hits for the query “intitle:faq” and 16,700,000
hits for “inurl:faq.”
Ideally, we would simply use these two queries to retrieve
a large collection of FAQ pages. Unfortunately, most web
search engines, including Google, provide at most 1000 hits
for any given query. To obtain more (ideally, all) FAQ pages,
various query expansion techniques can be used. We took
a simple, but sufficiently effective approach. We used the
ontology of the Open Directory Project (
to extract a list of reasonably general concepts: we simply
extracted all concepts having between 5 and 20 children in
the ontology. In the experiments below we used 3,847 out
of a total of 9,747 extracted concepts to generate expanded
retrieval queries (e.g., “inurl:faq Party Supplies”), and
for each of the resulting queries the top 900 documents were
retrieved using Google’s interface. In total, we used 118,742
calls to the Google API, which gave us a list of 404,870
unique URLs (on average 3.4 unique URLs per call to the
Google API, or 105.2 unique URLs per expanded query).
For the experiments reported below we downloaded pages
using 293,031 of these URLs.
In our retrieval experiments in Section 5 we use a three
point scale to assess the appropriateness of a Q/A pair in
response to a user question: “adequate” (as an answer),
“material” (information), and “unsatisfactory.”
tions on potential FAQ pages. Once the questions have been
identified, we use rules to locate corresponding answers.
Ideal search engine usage
Actual usage
Unique URLs collected
Number of Google interface calls
Figure 1: Performance of the FAQ fetching module
Since we do not attempt to partition the search space into
non-overlapping segments, result lists for later queries increasingly contain URLs that have already been listed in the
results for earlier queries: in 1,201,170 results from Google
we found 404,870 (33%) unique URLs. Figure 1 shows how
the number of unique URLs grows with the number of calls
to the Google API (one call returns at most 10 results).
Whereas for the experiments described below our simple
fetching method is appropriate, it is not scalable for the
creation of a much bigger corpus. In that case, more sophisticated query expansion methods [9] can be used to optimize
the utilization of the web search engine.
We did not have the resources to perform a large scale
evaluation of the accuracy of the fetching method. However,
in a random sample of 109 pages from the 293,031 pages
collected using the method described above, 83 pages (76%)
turned out to be true FAQ pages. (See Section 4.2 for more
details on this evaluation.)
Once web pages potentially containing lists of Q/A pairs
have been collected, the next task is to automatically extract Q/A pairs. While FAQ files abound on the web,3 the
main challenge is that the details of the Q/A mark-up vary
wildly between FAQ files. In HTML, questions and answers
can be simply marked as separate paragraphs, or questions
can be made to “stand out” using italics, boldface, headers, fonts of different size and color etc. Various types of
indentation (tables, lists, text alignment) and specific line
prefixes (e.g., Question:, Subject:, Q:, A: etc.) are used.
Most FAQ pages share two important aspects: the annotation on a single page is usually consistent (all questions look
“similar”), and pages typically contain several Q/A pairs.
Extraction Methods
We propose two methods for extracting Q/A pairs: one
is heuristics-based, and the second bootstraps the heuristic
method using memory-based learning. The second method
is supervised in that it builds on the output of our handcrafted heuristic method; it is unsupervised in that it uses
no further manual annotation. Both methods detect ques3
There is even a markup language, QAML, to represent
Heuristic Extraction . We first use the HTML mark-up of a
page to split it into a sequence of text blocks that would be
visually separated if the page were viewed in a web browser.
We parse the HTML code and consider tags table, br, p, li,
div, h1-h6, etc. as always starting or ending a text block.
Since many “real world” web pages contain non-well-formed
HTML (non-nested tags, missing closing tags, etc.), we use
simple heuristics, emulating the behavior of a browser.
Each text block is described by a set of features like the
first and second words of the block, templates of these words
(e.g., “digits followed by a semicolon”), the first and last
characters of the block, length, all HTML tags and tag attributes affecting the block, etc. Most features are obvious,
and some have been used for detecting questions [24]. The
actual number of features for a page is typically between 25
and 45. Once the content of a page is split into a sequence of
blocks, we use simple heuristics to select questions: a block
should contain at most 200 characters, not be a hyperlink,
and contain a question mark or a capitalized question word.
This extraction method is called Heuristics below.
Machine Learning Extraction . Naturally, the Heuristics
method is not perfect, neither for precision nor for recall.
We extend it by exploiting another aspect common to many
FAQ pages: there are typically several true questions on a
page, many of which are consistently annotated. For each
FAQ file we assume a consistent mark-up (e.g., all questions are section headers). We make no assumptions on the
common annotation details, but do assume that there are
mark-up features that are consistent among questions on
the page and distinguish questions from other text blocks
(e.g., answers). We use TiMBL, a memory-based learner [8],
to bootstrap from the questions selected with the Heuristic
method. The learner detects which block features are consistent and characteristic for the questions on a given web
page. We use the learner as a re-classifier, where it uses as
its training base all text blocks from a page, classified into
{question, not-question} using our heuristics. The learner
calculates feature weights and then re-classifies the same sequence of blocks of the page in the leave-one-out mode (i.e.,
ignoring the original decision of our heuristic method). We
use k-nearest-neighbors classification with inverse distance
voting and the number of neighbors equal to the number of
questions found with the heuristics. This is the ML method.
Identifying Answers . Once the blocks corresponding to questions have been determined, we use a simple but reliable rule
to extract corresponding answers: up to three consecutive
non-question text blocks immediately following a question
in the HTML file constitute the answer.
Evaluation of the Extraction Methods
To assess our extraction methods, we created our own
evaluation corpus, which consists of 109 pages taken randomly from the results of the fetching step (Section 3). The
descriptive statistics of the corpus can therefore be extrapolated to large collections retrieved from the web in this way.
From the 109 pages, annotators manually extracted all
Q/A pairs. Annotators were asked to extract as questions
bits of texts that are easily interpreted as questions in the
context of the page and that have explicit and clearly identifi-
able answers. The annotators were instructed not to include
question numbers or identifiers and various prefixes (e.g.,
Q:, A:, Question:, Subject: etc.). Moreover, to make the
annotation task easier and faster, they were not requested
to annotate complete answers, but only initial portions (one
or two first sentences or lines) that were sufficient to locate
any given answer on a page. Questions (without prefixes or
identifiers) had to be extracted in full.
The table below gives some statistics for our evaluation
Q/A extraction evaluation corpus
Total number of pages
True FAQ pages
Total number of Q/A pairs
Avg. number of Q/A pairs per page
We evaluated our Q/A extraction methods against the evaluation corpus using conventional precision and recall measures. The table below gives precision and recall scores for
the two methods.
Extraction method
The performance of the heuristic Q/A pair extraction method
is striking, given its simplicity. With precision and recall
around 0.93 the system can be used to create a large clean
collection of Q/A pairs. Bootstrapping shows the expected
behaviour: the ML method finds other questions, not identified with the simple heuristics, but having similar mark-up
features as the questions already found. Although the differences are fairly small, using machine learning to bootstrap
the heuristic method allows us to somewhat improve the
recall, at the cost of a minor drop in precision.
For our retrieval experiments (Section 5), we took the output of the fetching module (Section 3), and extracted Q/A
pairs using the Heuristic method as it shows slightly better
precision. In total, 2,824,179 Q/A pairs were extracted.
We now describe our approach to retrieving Q/A pairs
from the collection built in Section 4. We discuss various
retrieval models, and then describe experiments aimed at
assessing their effectiveness.
Retrieval Models
Our task is to return a ranked list of Q/A pairs in response
to a user’s question. The answer parts of one or more of the
Q/A pairs returned should provide an adequate answer to
the user’s question; in addition, we want to return Q/A
pairs that provide additional important information about
the topic at hand. We treat the task as a fielded search task,
where the user’s question is treated as a query, and the items
to be returned (Q/A pairs) have multiple fields: a question
part, an answer part, and the text of the document from
which it was extracted. There are several aspects of any
FAQ collection that make the retrieval task different from
ad hoc retrieval:
• Q/A pairs are often “incomplete,” in that they implicitely assume the topic of the FAQ or anaphorically
refer to entities mentioned elsewhere on the FAQ page
(e.g., “Who produced the program? ”).
• Following our user model (discussed in Section 2), we
focus on initial precision: the user prefers to find an
adequate answer in top 10–20 ranked Q/A pairs.
• Question words and phrases (such as “Who”, “How
do I ” etc.), typically consisting of stopwords, might
be valuable indications of adequacy of an Q/A pair.
The retrieval models we investigate exploit these aspects.
Indexing . We use the implementation of the vector space
model in Lucene [1] as the core of our retrieval system. For
each Q/A pair we index the following fields:
• question text
• question text without stopwords
• answer text without stopwords
• title of its FAQ page without stopwords
• full text of its FAQ page without stopwords
We build both stemmed and non-stemmed indices. Question
texts are indexed both with and without stopwords, whereas
stopwords were removed from all other fields.
Given a user question, the retrieval status value of a Q/A
pair is calculated as a linear combination of similarity scores
between the user question and the fields of the Q/A pair.
The models we detail below correspond to different weights
of the linear combination.
Models . As a baseline (B), we consider a simple model that
calculates a linear combination of vector space similarities of
the user question and fields of the Q/A pair: question text
(with weight 0.5), answer text (weight 0.2) and FAQ page
title (weight 0.3) (no stemming, but stopwords are removed).
The model B+D adds to the Q/A pair score the vector
space similarity between the user question and the text of
the entire FAQ page. In essence, we smooth the Q/A pair
model with a document model.
The model B+D/2 is similar to B+D, but the document
similarity is added with weight 0.5 rather than 1, so as to
give the background model less weight.
The model B+D/2+S is similar to B+D/2, but all similarities are calculated after stemming (we use the English
Porter stemmer [26]).
The model B+D/2+S+Q adds a score for the similarity between the user question and the question from the
Q/A pair, calculated without removing stopwords and without stemming. The idea is to boost exact matches of questions, taking question words (such as “what”, “how”, etc.)
into account that are typically treated as stopwords.
The model B+D/2+S+Q+PH is similar to B+D/2+S+Q,
but the similarities are calculated using 1, 2 and 3 word ngrams (without stopwords) from the user question, rather
than just single words. The intuition here is to take possible multi-word expressions (e.g., “sign language” or “super
model”) in the user’s question into account. Recent work
on topic distillation suggests that this may have a positive
impact on early precision [25].
Experimental Setting
We experimented with a collection of 2,824,179 Q/A pairs,
created as described in Sections 3 and 4; the collection adds
up to 3.6Gb of raw text of the FAQ pages. One of our aims
was to see how well questions asked by real users on the
web can be answered using FAQ files. To this end, we obtained samples from query logs of the MetaCrawler search
engine ( during September–
December 2004, and extracted 44,783 queries likely to be
questions: we simply selected queries that contained at least
one question word (“what”, “how”, “where”, etc.). For our
retrieval experiments, we randomly selected 100 user questions from this sample. To facilitate our error analysis of
the retrieval system, we manually classified questions into 8
categories; Table 1 gives statistics and examples. The categories are the same as the question types used by the FAQ
Finder system [22], except that but we merged its time, location, entity, etc. categories into a single factoid category.
(Note that the classification of user questions was not used
during the retrieval.)
#Q Example
38 how to cook a ham
17 what did the caribs eat
13 who is victoria gott
10 info on why people do good deeds
non-question 10 what you did was rude e-cards
8 what is cpi trotting
2 where can i find physician employment
2 what present to get for my boyfriend
Table 1: Manual classification of 100 user questions.
For each retrieval model and each user question we retrieved
a ranked list of top-20 Q/A pairs from the collection. In line
with our user modeling concerns in Section 2, each combination of user question and retrieved Q/A pair was manually
assessed on a three point scale:
• adequate (2): the Q/A pair contains an answer to the
user question and provides sufficient context to establish the “answerhood”;
• material (1): the Q/A pair does not exactly answer
the user question, but provides important information
pertaining to the user’s information need; and
• unsatisfactory (0): the Q/A pair does not address the
user’s information need.
Assessors were asked to “back-generate” an actual information need given a user question before starting to make assessments. Adequacy assessments had to be based only on
the text of the Q/A pair and the title and URL of the FAQ
page. Table 2 gives examples of the assessors’ decisions. In
total, 5645 assessment decisions were made, 131 of which
were adequate and 173 material.
Our main evaluation measure is success rate: the number
of questions with at least one appropriate response in the
top n results (where n equals 10 or 20). More precisely, we
calculated S1,2 @n (success rate with adequate or material
Q/A pairs in the top n), and S2 @n (adequate Q/A pair in
the top n). These evaluation measures closely correspond
to the user model we are interested in.
We report on three groups of experiments, all aimed at understanding the effectiveness of our fielded search approach
to FAQ retrieval. Table 3 presents the scores. In the first
group in the table (rows 2–4) we compare the baseline model
against smoothing with the document model at different
S1,2 @20
B+D/2+S+Q+PH 50
S2 @20
S1,2 @10
S2 @10
Table 3: Evaluation of FAQ retrieval approaches on
100 user questions. Three groups of models (explained in Section 5.3), with the highest scores in
weights for the document model. In the second group (rows
5–8) we take one of the smoothed models from the first
group, and investigate the impact of further smoothing, normalization and phrasal techniques. Finally, in the third
group (rows 9–10) we compare the contribution of smoothing with the question model (B+Q) vs. smoothing with a
document model (B+D and B+D+Q).
The best performing models provide adequate answers in
the top 10 for 29% of the user questions, and material information for 50% of the questions (35% and 56% at top
20, respectively). This is a surprisingly high performance,
given the limited size of our FAQ collection, the real-world
and open-domain nature of the evaluation questions, and
the simplicity of the retrieval models.
Clearly, the success rates at 10 and at 20 are highly correlated, especially where the differences between the scores
are substantial. In particular, three of the models (smoothing with the question model and, optionally, the document
model, i.e., B+Q, B+D+Q, and B+D/2+Q) behave very
similarly and outperform others for all four measures.
Discussion and Error Analysis
Interestingly, the best performing models use matches on
questions, without removing stopwords. As mentioned above,
question stopwords (“how”, “why”, “what”, etc.) are often
good indicators of the question type, which has been shown
to be useful in FAQ retrieval [22]. Even without explicit
identification of types of user questions we are able to exploit this information by simply keeping question stopwords.
The evaluation results indicate that stemming does not
help in retrieving Q/A pairs. Stemming is generally used
to improve recall, but it does not seem to be helpful for the
success rate, the main measure we are interested in. Interestingly, the FAQ Finder system [5] used stemming for
retrieving Q/A pairs, which did make sense given the small
size of its FAQ collection. The size and redundancy of our
corpus may play an important role: user questions often
have several adequate and material Q/A pairs in different
FAQ pages, which increases the chances of finding these Q/A
pairs even without stemming. In Figure 2 we show the effect
of stemming on the reciprocal rank (the inverse of the rank
of the first adequate or material Q/A pair) for the evaluation
questions. We compare one of the best runs (B+D/2+Q)
and its stemmed version (B+D/2+S+Q). Although stemming does somewhat improve the ranking of Q/A pairs for
some questions (right-hand side of Figure 2), for many questions it moves appropriate Q/A pairs down the ranking. Due
question how to beat traffic radar
type: procedural
Q What is Radar Detection?
A Modern traffic radar guns can clock vehicles in front of or behind the patrol car. For this reason, it’s important
that your detector is able to capture radar behind your vehicle. . .
Q Are radar detectors legal?
A They are legal to use in New Zealand have been for over 26 years. . .
Q How does the radar work?
A NEXRAD (Nex t Generation Rad ar) obtains weather information (precipitation and wind) based upon returned energy. . .
question what are internet browsers
type: definition
Q What browsers are there available?
A There are numerous browsers available to surf the WWW. . .
Q What is a browser?
A To take a look at web pages your will need what is called a browser. . .
Q What Internet browsers are supported?
A This site is best viewed with any compliant browser like Mozilla , Firefox , Camino (Mac) and Safari
(Mac) . However, we have yet to test our pages with Opera , Konqueror , OmniWeb. . .
Q Why would someone use a browser other than Netscape or Internet Explorer?
A See the reasons listed above under ” Why can’t we just ask people to upgrade their browsers or switch browsers?
Table 2: Examples of adequacy assessments.
to the restricted size of our question test set, we have not yet
been able to determine whether the usefulness of stemming
correlates with types of user questions.
Surprisingly, phrasal search has a clear negative effect on
the success rates, although it proved useful for improving
early precision in other settings such as topic distillation in
web retrieval [25]. We see two reasons for these findings.
One is that the questions are much longer (6.9 words on average) than the queries on which phrasal search was found to
be most effective in the topic distillation setting (2.5 words
on average at TREC 2003). Another reason is the presence
of duplicate or near duplicate FAQ pages and Q/A pairs in
our collection; phrasal search seems to help in giving highly
similar Q/A pairs very similar retrieval scores, which often
forced other potentially useful Q/A pairs to drop out of the
top 10 or even top 20 results. Offline (at indexing time)
no stemming (B+D/2+Q)
stemming (B+D/2+S+Q)
Reciprocal Rank at top 20
and/or online (at query time) clustering and (near) duplicate detection are essential to eliminate this problem.
A further source of errors are frequent typos in user questions: “who made the got milk? ” with goat misspelled, “how
do yousay youre wlecome in sign language”, or “how glidders
take off ” with gliders is misspelled. Since we do not try to
correct these mistakes, the system does not find appropriate responses for the questions. For a real web application
detection and correction of typos is essential.
A different type of problem we faced was the difficulty of
assessing adequacy for some of the questions. First, none
of the non-questions (10% in Table 1) sampled from the
MetaCrawler query log received adequate or material responses from the system. However, even for some wellformed questions, (e.g., “how to move in combat” or “how
to teach the sac”) assessors were unable to reconstruct the
original information need and, hence, identify any appropriate Q/A pairs in the results of the system. Nevertheless,
we decided not to exclude these non-questions and unclear
questions from the evaluation, so as not change our sample.
User questions
Figure 2: The impact of stemming on reciprocal
rank, B+D/2+Q vs. B+D/2+S+Q; only test questions with a non-zero reciprocal rank for at least one
of the two runs are plotted.
Question Answering
FAQ files are a natural source for knowledge. AutoFAQ [32]
was an early system that provided access to a small number
of FAQs. The FAQ Finder system [4, 5] retrieves existing answers from a small and homogeneous set of FAQ files
(mostly associated with USENET newsgroups, with a standardized Q/A pair markup). FAQ Finder was evaluated
using questions drawn from the system’s log files. It uses
a weighted sum of the term vector similarity (between user
question and Q/A pair), word overlap between user question
and indexed question, and a WordNet-based lexical similarity between user question and indexed question. We use
fielded search, based on a mixture model to which indexed
questions, answers, and full FAQ pages contribute, optionally together with phrasal search and stemming. Later work
on FAQ Finder [22, 23] studied the impact of sense tagging
and question typing on computing the similarity between
user questions and indexed questions. As discussed previously, in the model in which we represent questions with a
separate model we implictly do question typing.
Operating in a helpdesk environment, eResponder stores
Q/A pairs that have previously been asked and answered;
these pairs can be used to respond to user questions, or
to assist customer service representatives in drafting new
responses [6]. See [16] for a similar system and [15] for a
variation that uses cluster-based retrieval.
QA beyond factoids is largely unexplored, with a few notable exceptions [2, 3, 12]. Much of today’s QA research is
centered around the QA tracks at TREC and CLEF, where
systems respond to factoids by returning a single exact answer extracted from newspaper corpora. While TREC is
slowly moving beyond factoids (by also considering definitions questions in 2003, “other” questions in 2004 and 2005,
and “relationship finding” in 2005), it focuses on newspaper
corpora, instead of the wealth of information on the web.4
As to systems that perform QA against the web, AnswerBus [34] is an open-domain QA system based on sentence
level web IR. Focused on factoids, AnswerBus returns isolated sentences that are determined to contain answers. In
its later incarnations, the Start QA system [13] uses an
abstraction layer over diverse, semi-structured online content, centered around “object-property-value” queries [14].
Through this layer, Start has access to online sources such as and the Internet Movie Database to answer
factoids. Mulder [18] was a TREC-style QA system used
to investigate whether the QA techniques studied in IR can
be scaled to the web; its focus was on factoids. AskJeeves
( is a commercial service that provides
a natural language question interface to the web, relying on
human editors to map between question templates and authoritative sites.
Recently, several researchers used large numbers of Q/A
pairs mined from the web for QA system development. E.g.,
Ramakrishnan et al. [28] use them to train a strongly datadriven TREC-style factoid QA system. Soricut and Brill
[29] describe a statistical QA system that is trained using
roughly 1 million Q/A pairs to deliver answers to questions
beyond factoids, where the answers are extracted from documents returned by commercial web search engines.
Mixing global and local evidence in retrieval has been the
focus of much of the research in semistructured retrieval,
dating back to the work of Wilkinson [33]. Unlike in more
recent applications (e.g., XML retrieval [11]), the retrieval
unit (Q/A pair) is fixed in our task, but smoothing the Q/A
pair model with the model of the whole FAQ page does
indicate some improvements.
Web content mining, i.e., mining, extraction and integration of useful information from web page contents, is a
large area. Wrapper induction and automatic data extrac4
Many TREC and CLEF participants use the web; they use
it not as their primary answer source but, for instance, to
mine extraction patterns from or for smoothing purposes.
tion have been actively pursued since the mid-1990s [17].
While there has not been much work on extracting Q/A
pairs from FAQ pages on the web, there is work on detecting lists and/or repeated items on web pages. E.g., building
on [31], Limanto et al. [20] build an extractor for web discussion forms which tries to find repeated patterns using a
suffix tree. Closer to our work is the work by Lai et al. [19],
who propose a heuristic method for classifying FAQ pages
on the web and a list detection method for extracting Q/A
pairs; their rule-based extraction method is not evaluated,
while their classifier achieves a precision of 80%. McCallum
et al. [24] evaluate a supervised method (maximum entropy
Markov model) on a segmentation task that is similar to but
different from our Q/A pair extraction task: tagging lines
of text files as questions and answers. They report scores of
0.86 (Precision) and 0.68 (Recall) for this task.
As stated previously, general-purpose crawling is not a
suitable way to obtain FAQ pages. Focused crawling [7] is
not appropriate either, since we are not restricting ourselves
to any particular domain. The only robust criterion for
“wanted” pages for us is that they contain question/answer
pairs. Our ontology-based method of expanding queries that
are aimed at retrieving FAQ pages from a web search (such
as Google) differs from techniques in the literature; e.g. Etzioni et al. [9] used recursive query expansion for a similar
task, partitioning the set of a search engine’s results until the full list becomes accessible. The method works by
recursively adding query terms +word or -word to the original query for reasonably frequent words. Our experiments
with this method for locating FAQ pages, however, showed
that the quality of the retrieved pages (i.e., the proportion
of true FAQ files) deteriorates quickly with the length of
the expanded query. This may be due to subtle interactions between terms in Google’s fielded search (“faq” was
requested in the title or URL, while expanded terms should
occur in the body of a page). Unlike the technique used in
[9], our query expansion method does not try to partition
the search space into non-overlapping segments. As a consequence, results for later queries increasingly contain URLs
already encountered.
We have presented an open-domain Question Answering
system that retrieves answers to user’s questions from a
database of Frequently Asked Questions automatically collected on the Web. The system performs offline datamining
(locating FAQ pages on the web and extracting Q/A pairs)
to create the database, and then appropriate Q/A pairs are
retrieved from the database as responses to users’ questions.
By making the semantic structure of FAQ pages (i.e., relations between questions and answers) explicit, we are able
to avoid an ad hoc definition of expected answer format,
ultimately leaving it to authors of the FAQ pages to define
what a good answer to a question should look like. This
is especially important for non-factoid questions, which are
the most frequently asked questions on the web. The performance of the system is measured on a 3 point scale, corresponding to the user modeling we detailed in Section 2. Our
system shows an impressive performance, even with fairly
simple fetching, extraction and retrieval methods. This suggests that FAQ pages on the web are indeed an excellent
resource for focused information access providers.
Looking forward, there are some obvious techniques, such
as WordNet relations [23], and question classes [22] are waiting to be integrated into our system. To make the system
usable in real world scenarios, many technical and scientific
questions need to be addressed. First, different, more robust and scalable fetching methods have to be designed to
obtain substantially larger FAQ corpora. The system has
to operate in the dynamic environment of the web, where
new data emerges or becomes outdated every hour. More
effective Q/A pairs extraction techniques should deal with
different types of FAQ pages [19]. Duplicate and near duplicate detection (both offline and online) should be used to
eliminate redundancy in presenting results to the user. We
are currently experimenting with result clustering and topic
detection, both of which we regard as essential, given the
often ambiguous nature of user queries.
Another direction for future research concerns our evaluation. We are extending our retrieval evaluation. Additionally, to which extent do our evaluation measures reflect
the reality of real users? What happens if we restrict the
questions and FAQ pages to be in the same subject area?
In sum, we believe that “QA as FAQ retrieval” is an important step towards providing highly focused information
access to web users.
Acknowledgements . We thank our referees for their feedback. This research was supported by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) under project numbers 017.001.190, 220-80-001, 264-70-050, 354-20-005, 61213-001, 612.000.106, 612.000.207, 612.066.302, 612.069.006.
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