Carmarthenshire County Council 2010/11 2009/10 Final Business and Financial Planning 2008-11 2008/09 Technical Services Department Overview of Three year Service Business Plans Part 1 Departmental Overview Part 2 Resource Implications Part 3 Abbreviated ‘2 Page’ Business Plans per Division The Following Divisions are included in this plan :• Property Services • Policy & Performance • Street Scene • Transport & Engineering (Non Road Safety) Relevant to Environment Scrutiny Housing, Policy & Resources Environment Environment Environment Note – Full Divisional plans are available on from 19th June 2008. Carmarthenshire County Council – Technical Services Department Plan 1 Part 1 - Departmental Overview Overview of the Service provided by the department • Technical Services promotes the protection and enhancement of both the natural and built environment; taking a lead role in environmental, transport and building and design management, on behalf of the Council. The Divisions within the Department are: • • Policy & Performance Property Services (including Building Services and Property Design) • • Street Scene Transport and Engineering How the Department supports the authority’s wider policy objectives and strategic priorities The Department has the lead role in the Authority’s objectives of A Better Place and the sub-themes: Getting About, Improving Public Places and Managing Waste and provides support to the Conserving and Enhancing the Environment sub-theme. The Department also supports Providing Quality & Affordable Housing and Promoting Leisure sub-themes in Feeling Fine; as well as having strong links with Being A Better Council’s sub-theme Encouraging Sustainable Development. How these policy objectives and priorities have been determined – the evidence and reasoning behind them Many of our services are determined by European and Welsh Assembly guidelines; for example, bridge and highway maintenance, recycling and waste minimisation targets and the Local Transport Plan and its arising actions. The Clean Neighbourhoods Act 2005, Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 (and subsequent respective legislation), Highways Act 1980 and the Environmental Protection Act 1990 are all key legislative drivers shaping services within the Street Scene division. Carmarthenshire County Council – Technical Services Department Plan 2 How we are working with Partners • Property Services’ partnership with Welsh Water concerns drainage management for domestic and business properties throughout Carmarthenshire. The Hydrology and Kelda partnership covers south and west regions of Wales. The construction design partnership with Mott MacDonald concerns civil and property related work. The division also works in partnership with materials suppliers e.g. Travis Perkins and service contractors e.g. Lorne Stewart and these partnerships have realised efficiencies within Property Services. • Transport and Engineering works in partnership with SWWITCH on the development of a regional transport plan. The division also works with the Health & Social Care sector to deliver efficiencies for transport use. Transport and Engineering works with Community Planning on the development of a regional transport strategy. • Street Scene works in partnership across its services e.g. with DANFO and Town & Community Councils on the maintenance of public conveniences. Work with South West Wales local authorities to deliver regional waste initiatives. The Scope and opportunities that citizens and communities have to participate and contribute to shaping services. • Property Services delivers an innovative property investment, improvement and repair service that our customers want and are confident to use. • Transport and Engineering regularly holds consultation events for stakeholders, for example, on the regional transport plan. • A Community Rail Liaison officer (partly funded by CCC) ensures SWWITCH and rail operators are satisfied with services provided for their customers. • Regular meetings are held between Transport officers and representatives from the major bus operators. • Street Scene actively engages with its customers at various education and awareness-raising events for recycling and reduction of waste. • Front-line services engage in consultation with residents via the Carmarthenshire Citizens’ Panel, Residents’ Attitude surveys and ad hoc surveys (e.g. as part of WPI Review on Passenger Transport). Further Information :℡ Telephone E Mail Name L Director Richard Workman 01267 224647 Executive Board Member Cllr W. Haydn Jones 01267 253429 Scrutiny Chair Cllr T.J.Jones 01269 597930 Carmarthenshire County Council – Technical Services Department Plan 3 Part 2 Chief Officer’s - Financial Overview for Department Departmental Budget Technical Services Revenue Budget 2007-2008 2007-2008 Exp Income Net £'000 £'000 £'000 231.252 -138.335 93 855.417 -732.179 -93 124 217 -124 -217 4637.32 -4338.71 298 -72 163 1695 361 0 -61 0 714 373 0 0 Approved Budget 2008-09 Exp £'000 Policy and Performance Departmental - Core less recharged to other service heads 0 Net Departmental - Core Departmental - Policy less recharged to other service heads 0 Net Departmental - Policy 0 Total Policy and Performance Streetscene Departmental - Steetscene less recharged to other service heads 226 Net Departmental Streetscene 163 CCTV 1,634 Highway Lighting 361 Flood Defence & Land Drainage 714 Bridge Maintenance 373 Remedial Earthworks Carmarthenshire County Council – Technical Services Department Plan Income £'000 Net £'000 Outlook 2009-10 Exp £'000 237 -142 Income £'000 Outlook 2010-11 Net £'000 Exp £'000 246 -147 Income £'000 Net £'000 256 -153 95 875 -748 -93 2 99 854 -731 -93 6 103 884 -757 -93 10 127 222 -124 -217 3 5 123 222 -124 -217 -1 5 127 230 -124 -217 3 13 4,912 -4,707 5,067 -4,861 5,253 -5,042 205 -72 133 206 -72 134 211 -72 139 0 1788 370 0 -68 0 0 1,720 370 0 1,803 379 0 -69 0 0 1,734 379 0 1,895 390 0 -71 0 0 1,824 390 744 383 0 0 744 383 764 393 0 0 764 393 791 403 0 0 791 403 4 242 189 96 -164 0 0 10,114 3,623 13016.9 -9023.34 0 0 3,994 -4,118 261 185 -238 -1 219 0 12 0 0 0 26 0 7 21 0 0 7 22,600 22,817 0 -4,654 -4,871 78 New Streets Act 189 Technical Surveys 96 Consultancy - Design Services 10,114 Highway Maintenance 3,623 Capital Charges Operational A/C - Highways less recharged to other service heads -124 Net Operational A/C Highways 23 Adoption Non County Roads 184 Waste Collection Abandoned Vehicles 219 Dog Fouling & Litter Enforcement 12 Litter Enforcement 0 Environment Services Enforcement 26 Nusiance Vehicles (CNE & Dyfed Act) 7 Graffiti/Fly Posting 21 Fly tipping (Inc Refuse Out Early) 7 Abandoned Trolleys Streetscene Sub Total 17,946 17,946 Technical Services Carried Forward Carmarthenshire County Council – Technical Services Department Plan 248 176 87 -167 0 0 81 176 87 256 180 84 -171 0 0 85 180 84 265 185 86 -175 0 0 90 185 86 10,387 2,820 13,253 -9,278 0 0 10,387 2,820 10,669 2,820 13,607 -9,532 0 0 10,669 2,820 10,959 2,820 14,004 -9,783 0 0 10,959 2,820 3,975 -4,126 -151 4,075 -4,207 -132 4,221 -4,287 -66 229 212 -243 -1 -14 211 234 218 -249 -1 -15 217 240 225 -255 -1 -15 224 167 -2 165 172 -2 170 178 -2 176 115 120 -3 0 112 120 118 124 -3 0 115 124 123 128 -3 0 120 128 30 0 30 31 0 31 32 0 32 12 29 0 -3 12 26 12 29 0 -3 12 26 12 30 0 -3 12 27 11 22,108 22,330 0 -4,685 -4,902 11 17,423 17,428 11 22,578 22,800 0 -4,777 -4,994 11 17,801 17,806 12 23,206 23,436 0 -4,869 -5,086 12 18,337 18,350 5 Technical Services Revenue Budget 2007-2008 Exp £'000 2007-2008 Income Net £'000 £'000 Approved Budget 2008-09 Exp £'000 Income £'000 Outlook 2009-10 Net £'000 Exp £'000 Income £'000 Outlook 2010-11 Net £'000 Exp £'000 Income £'000 Net £'000 22,817 -4,871 17,946 Technical Services Brought Forward 22,330 -4,902 17,428 22,800 -4,994 17,806 23,436 -5,086 18,350 22,600 -4,654 17,946 22,108 -4,685 17,423 22,578 -4,777 17,801 23,206 -4,869 18,337 2,430 756 84 259 113 3,296 -62 0 0 -54 -3 -1,473 2,554 749 53 219 99 3,338 -64 0 0 -55 -3 -1,464 2,490 749 53 164 96 1,874 2,621 766 54 225 101 3,427 -65 0 0 -56 -3 -1,504 2,556 766 54 169 98 1,923 2,710 786 106 282 104 3,541 -67 0 0 -57 -4 -1,538 2,643 786 106 225 100 2,003 2,812 860 471 331 1,202 0 -736 -39 -50 -1,183 3,225 968 384 404 2,131 0 -751 -40 -40 -2,085 3,225 217 344 364 46 3,306 993 391 413 2,667 0 -770 -41 -41 -2,615 3,306 223 350 372 52 3,387 1,019 399 426 3,520 0 -788 -42 -42 -3,452 3,387 231 357 384 68 4918.78 -4439.25 480 1,583 -48 -1,052 2,536 179 -1 -160 753 0 Streeetscene Brought Forward 2,368 Cleansing Service 756 Public Conveniences 84 Bus Shelters 205 Town Centre Management 110 Cemeteries 1,823 Grounds Maintenance Service 2,812 Waste Collection - Domestic 124 Waste Collection - Trade 432 Waste Collection - Bulk 281 Waste Collection - Recycling 19 Sustainable Waste Management -collection Operational A/C - Refuse less recharged to other service heads 432 Net Operational A/C - Refuse 531 Sustainable Waste Management 2,535 Waste Disposal - General 19 NAfW Disposal Refridgerators 753 Civic Amenity Sites Carmarthenshire County Council – Technical Services Department Plan 4,651 -4,161 4,769 -4,265 4,926 -4,368 490 1,642 -59 -1,145 431 497 504 1,681 -60 -1,174 444 507 558 1,721 -62 -1,202 496 519 3,606 214 0 -163 3,606 51 3,695 219 0 -167 3,695 52 3,784 225 0 -171 3,784 54 64 0 64 66 0 66 68 0 68 6 272 79 96 0 0 0 351 0 657 146 42,346 -65 -128 -9,708 42,563 -9,925 272 Landfill Restoration Schemes 79 Coastal Protection 96 Waste Collection - Clinical Waste 351 Waste Disposals - Transfer Stations 592 Parks 18 Emergency Planning 32,638 Total Streetscene 32,638 Technical Services Carried Forward Carmarthenshire County Council – Technical Services Department Plan 214 80 95 0 0 0 214 80 95 219 82 97 0 0 0 219 82 97 219 104 99 0 0 0 219 104 99 51 0 51 52 0 52 54 0 54 562 150 43,400 -66 0 -10,620 496 150 32,780 569 -67 155 0 44,881 -11,340 502 155 33,541 581 159 47,058 -69 0 -12,363 512 159 34,695 43,622 -10,837 32,785 45,103 -11,557 33,546 47,288 -12,580 34,708 7 Technical Services Revenue Budget 2007-2008 2007-2008 Exp Income Net £'000 £'000 £'000 42,563 -9,925 32,638 Technical Services Brought Forward Transport 420.826 Departmental - Transport -307.303 less recharged to other service heads 114 -114 0 Net Departmental - Transport 411 -110 301 Transport - Strategic Planning 345 -52 293 Traffic Management 144 0 144 Accident Analysis & Remediation 0 0 0 Traffic Calming 288 -199 89 De Crim on & off street parking 102 -94 8 Road Safety Publicity 400 -376 24 Local Road Safety Grant 41 -30 11 N.A.W. Child Pedestrian 214 -27 187 Road Safety 302 0 302 School Crossing Patrols 0 0 0 Transport Coordination 1,402 0 1,402 Public Transport Support 1,573 -976 597 Concessionary Fares Subsidy 950 -919 31 Local Transport Services Grant 92 0 92 Local Transport Plan 53 0 53 Road Traffic Reduction 82 -79 3 SWW Community Rail Carmarthenshire County Council – Technical Services Department Plan Approved Budget 2008-09 Exp Income £'000 £'000 43,622 -10,837 Net £'000 32,785 340 -387 Outlook 2009-10 Exp Income £'000 £'000 45,103 -11,557 Outlook 2010-11 Net £'000 33,546 348 -380 Exp £'000 47,288 Income £'000 -12,580 Net £'000 34,708 355 -387 -47 457 -114 -130 -161 327 -32 473 -114 -132 -146 341 -32 489 -114 -134 -146 355 394 155 -53 0 341 155 408 159 -54 0 354 159 423 162 -56 0 367 162 0 301 0 -203 0 98 0 313 0 -208 0 105 0 325 0 -213 0 112 101 412 42 240 302 0 1,462 2,046 -96 -384 -31 -28 0 0 0 -1,427 5 28 11 212 302 0 1,462 619 104 422 44 248 310 0 1,525 2,096 -98 -393 -31 -29 0 0 0 -1,462 6 29 13 219 310 0 1,525 634 107 433 46 256 319 0 1,587 2,147 -101 -403 -32 -29 0 0 0 -1,498 6 30 14 227 319 0 1,587 649 975 -938 37 998 -961 37 1,022 -984 38 56 54 84 0 0 -80 56 54 4 57 56 86 0 0 -82 57 56 4 58 57 88 0 0 -84 58 57 4 8 4 0 0 0 3 0 83 41 -5 0 0 -84 109 489 916 1,042 0 3,720 -13 -17 0 -385 0 -44 1,324 723 1,459 16,421 0 0 -2,092 -5,611 2463.23 -1733.74 -838.1 729 -838 39 0 119 0 962 -1,109 9,728 -9,266 303 0 79 0 11,959 -11,213 Partnership 4 Swwitch - Regional Transport Consortia Support 0 Develop Green Commuter Plan 3 Speed Camera Hypothecation 83 Bus Station 41 Bus Shelter replacement -89 Net Maintenance Unit Operational A/C 96 Fleet Management 472 Fleet Management Admin A/c 916 Primary Transport 657 Home To College 0 Home to Community Schools 3,676 Transport to Secondary Schools 1,324 Transport to Special Schools 723 Special Bus Escorts -633 Car Parks 10,810 Total Transport Building Services Building Services less recharged to other service heads -109 Net Building Services 39 Depot Holding Account 119 Environmental Stewardship -147 Property Maintenance 462 Building Maintenance 303 Corporate Property 79 Parks & PC Landlord 746 Total Building Services 4 0 4 5 0 5 5 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 82 38 11 0 0 -88 82 38 -77 85 39 27 0 0 -90 85 39 -63 87 40 44 0 0 -92 87 40 -48 195 522 861 927 69 4,122 -13 -17 0 -393 0 -42 182 505 861 534 69 4,080 306 535 860 936 69 4,117 -13 -17 0 -403 0 -48 293 518 860 533 69 4,069 414 551 880 958 71 4,218 -13 -18 0 -413 0 -46 401 533 880 545 71 4,172 1,706 732 1,553 17,859 0 0 -2,134 -6,171 1,706 732 -581 11,688 1,705 752 1,589 18,295 0 0 -2,187 -6,322 1,705 752 -598 11,973 1,746 773 1,634 18,911 0 0 -2,240 -6,470 1,746 773 -606 12,441 2,620 -1,775 -823 2,712 -1,828 -845 845 41 122 959 20,876 231 81 23,155 -823 0 0 -1,157 -20,278 0 0 -22,258 -866 0 0 -1,214 -21,284 0 0 -23,364 48 43 128 -174 663 306 85 1,099 22 41 122 -198 598 231 81 897 Consultancy Carmarthenshire County Council – Technical Services Department Plan 9 884 -845 42 0 125 0 999 -1,186 21,406 -20,785 268 0 83 0 23,807 -22,816 2,799 -1,885 39 42 125 -187 621 268 83 991 914 43 128 1,040 21,947 306 85 24,463 79 929.364 -798.545 0 130 1,825 -45 -1,681 1,151 1,824 50 175 27 -994 -1,992 0 0 0 5,261 -4,712 76,204 -31,461 • 79 Project Monitoring Consultancy - Core less recharged to other service heads 85 Net Consultancy - Core 144 Consultancy - Property Design 157 Consultancy - Civil Design -168 Consultancy - Hydrology 50 CCTV Exploration 175 Sewer Blockages 27 Pumping Stations - Non Agency 549 Total Consultancy 44,743 TECHNICAL SERVICES TOTAL EXPENDITURE 81 913 -799 0 81 84 926 -799 0 84 86 946 -799 0 86 114 1,871 -46 -1,714 68 157 127 1,923 -48 -1,756 79 167 147 1,978 -49 -1,799 98 179 1,187 1,893 51 179 25 -1,013 -2,033 0 0 0 174 -140 51 179 25 1,220 1,943 52 183 26 -1,038 -2,083 0 0 0 182 -140 52 183 26 1,254 2,003 54 187 27 -1,063 -2,133 0 0 0 191 -130 54 187 27 5,401 -4,806 595 5,558 -4,925 633 5,736 -5,044 692 90,037 -44,072 45,965 92,763 -45,620 47,143 96,398 -47,458 48,940 Building Services and Consultancy Divisions have now been integrated into Property Services Division. Carmarthenshire County Council – Technical Services Department Plan 10 Departmental Efficiency Savings 2008-09 Costc Cost Centre Description 1009 Departmental 1006 Property Services/Streetsene Original -130,000 50,000 -19,500 Departmental 1080 1455 Closed Landfill sites Grounds Maintenance -39,000 Grounds Maintenance 1430 Highway Lighting Maint/Operatn Tfr to not supported Highways Maintenance - -30,000 - -15,000 -132,000 -7,000 -33,000 -6,000 -40,000 0 0 -16,000 -10,000 -65,000 -402,500 Car Parks 1600 Maintenance Unit Operational account Bus Shelters Technical Services Total -50,000 - -62,000 1455 1357 - Not Supported -25,000 Tfr to not supported Town Centre Maintenance Town Centre Maintenance Technical surveys Bus Shelters Cemetry Consultancy - Design Services Property Maintenance Options for Consideration -2,000 -221,500 - -284,000 Carmarthenshire County Council – Technical Services Department Plan -30,000 -566,500 Notes on Changes Staff Redundancy due to restructure £50,000 transferred to not supported Savings on staff detrimental travelling fleet rationalisation-subject to Property Services tracker pilot Leachate plant should be operational by April 2008. Closure of paddling pools Reduction in parks overtime payments as a result of leaving them open overnight - Ammanford & Llanelli 30k Switch off Council owned street lights between midnight and 05:30 hours every night. This proposal to apply for two consecutive years with a cumulative effect of 30 Reduce maintenance budget -includes fleet rationalisation etc Canopy repairs - reduced budgets General maintenance - reduce budget Technical surveys Non essential cleaning - reduce budget Cease testing Savings relating to monitoring of sub-standard structures by proposed in-house team Curtail Property Repair and Maintenance budgets Car Park review and rationalisation.Review will encompass charges, Pilot - MOT Service offered to staff at Trostre Depot. Dependent on success/ take-up possibility of rolled out to other areas. Bus shelter -reduce budget 11 Abbreviated Divisional Plan - Policy & Performance Division What we are trying to achieve / Service Objectives 1. To develop and implement a Departmental Customer Focus, Welsh Language Development and Equalities culture/Plan 2. To successfully coordinate and deliver an Emergency Planning service for the Authority. 3. To support the Directorate in its Communications and Consultation activities 4.To develop and support the Department’s Performance management activity 5.To lead, manage and coordinate all departmental and corporate initiatives. 6. To develop and coordinate an efficient Learning and Development, Health and Safety Compliance service for the department in order to manage risk. Current Strengths • • High customer satisfaction with communication activities, such as departmental events and the departmental magazine. • Departmental lead on all corporate initiatives, allowing the Department to fulfil its duties and discharge its responsibilities on behalf of the Council. • The division undertakes regular consultation and communication activities with customers and uses feedback to shape service provision. • Compliance with all corporate and legislative initiatives and requirements (e.g. FOIA etc). • Small cost-effective unit, providing a wide range of essential services, including payroll, creditors, management, performance management information and risk management. Areas for Improvement and Key Risks to achieving Service Objectives • Further Internet development. • Development of Departmental Communications Plan. • The future of Performance Management Unit and its duties is dependent on the outcomes of the Corporate Review on Performance Management. • Departmental approach to the provision of an integrated Health & Safety/Training resource. • Management and monitoring of Departmental capital budgets including achieving efficiency targets. • Emergency Planning working arrangements. Carmarthenshire County Council – Technical Services Department Plan 12 Improvement Plan Actions (Addressing Areas for Improvement and Key Risks) Obj Action 1 To review and revise the Departmental Customer Focus Action Plan (which incorporates Welsh Language Development and Equalities). 2 Review Emergency Planning working arrangements. Implement and manage a Departmental Communication Framework, which complements the Council’s Corporate Communications Plan. 3 Develop structure and programme for departmental internet/intranet development. 4 Coordinate and develop ‘A Better Place’ theme in the Improvement Plan and Corporate Strategy. 5 To co-ordinate the departmental activity and submission to the Corporate Priority Based Budgeting (PBB) initiative for improving efficient and effective service delivery. 6 To coordinate and manage the implementation of Health, Safety and Compliance arrangements in the department. Date PID March 2009 December 2008 February 2009 September 2008 March 2009 April 2009 January 2009 Key Performance Targets for the Service • No Key Performance Indicators identified for the service Further Information :- L ℡ Telephone E Mail Service Head 01267 224338 2008/09 Business Plan Progress on 08/09 and detailed 2008/11 plan Key Strategies: Corporate ICT Strategy, Organisation Development Plan, Customer Care Strategy, Departmental Welsh Language Development Plan, Corporate Equalities Plan, Departmental Communications Plan and Consultation Plan, Making the Connections and Delivering the Connections, One Wales. www link: http://intranet/index.asp?locID=858&docID=-1, http://intranet/index.asp?locID=1603&docID=-1 Key Partners: Local Government Data Unit, Welsh Assembly Government, District Audit Name Mike Rogers Carmarthenshire County Council – Technical Services Department Plan 13 Abbreviated Divisional Plan - Property Services Division What we are trying to achieve / Service Objectives 1. Deliver innovative design, procurement and project management for physical investment and regeneration. 2. Deliver modern, cost effective building services for the repair, maintenance and management of the Council’s property 3. To ensure that the Authority is able to fulfil its property related health and safety legislative responsibilities 4. Further develop financial and management systems for all services within the Division 5.Further develop the relationship with Dwr Cymru /Welsh Water and Kelda Water Services to deliver a sewerage service in South West Wales. 6.Coordinate and deliver Carmarthenshire Homes Standard ensuring that the standard is delivered on time and to budget. Current Strengths • A new Property Services division, with the focus and expertise on property being held in one division. • Lead on collaborative working within Wales through the design partnership and proposals on contractor partnering • One-stop shop on all design issues • Well respected within the Water industry for continued involvement in sewerage management • Quality developments meet the integrated needs of the users. • Design based on brief development with clients • Financial information held on schemes • Members Task & Finish Group review of energy efficiency Areas for Improvement and Key Risks to achieving Service Objectives • • • • • • Delay in divisional restructure and recruitment of appropriate professional staff Implementation of Contractor Partnering arrangement Stock condition and maintenance issues Design Partnering arrangement Legionella Policy Development of works management and financial software (TASK) Carmarthenshire County Council – Technical Services Department Plan 14 Improvement Plan Actions (Addressing Areas for Improvement and Key Risks) Obj Action 1 Further develop Contractor Partnering arrangement. Introduce a remote system for works orders. Generate increased number of appointments and monitor level of appointments kept. Develop the provision for iPAQ. 2 Set up PODS (small teams responsible for specific service areas) and devolve responsibility to respective senior managers. Conduct customer satisfaction surveys (satisfaction of work to include Carmarthenshire Homes Standard). Agree, implement and monitor Corporate Policy for Legionella. 3 Implement a robust program for service contracts linked to a central cyclical maintenance. program 4 Further develop Task as a performance and financial management tool. 5 Negotiate future contractual arrangements with Kelda Water Services. 6 Monitor and implement the actions associated with the DCHS (Carmarthenshire Homes Standard) business plan. Date March 09 September 09 March 09 Oct 09 Dec 08 PID Feb 09 March 09 December 08 Oct 08 Jan 09 Jan 09 Key Performance Targets for the Service • Improve the number of days it takes to complete repairs from 1.0 day (07/08) to 0.9 days in 2009 for emergency repairs. (HLS/010a) Further Information :℡ Telephone E Mail Name L Service Head Phil Lumley 01267 225133 2008/09 Business Plan Progress on 08/09 and detailed 2008/11 plan Key Strategies: Health, Social Care & Wellbeing Strategy; Modernising Education Provision; Sustainable Development Strategy; Private Sector Housing Strategy; Accommodation Strategy for Older People. www link: Key Partners:- Mott MacDonald, Contractor Framework, Welsh Water, Travis Perkins, Lorne Stewart , Kelda Water Services. Carmarthenshire County Council – Technical Services Department Plan 15 Abbreviated Divisional Plan Street Scene Division What we are trying to achieve / Service Objectives 1. To successfully deliver Environmental 3. To successfully deliver Highway Network Management enforcement Services to acceptable standards to services to acceptable standards, on budget and within meet legislative targets within set budget timescales 2. To successfully maintain Leisure, Playgrounds, 4. To successfully deliver Municipal Services to acceptable Parks and Open Spaces to agreed specification standards, on budget and within timescales 5. To successfully deliver Waste Management Services to acceptable standards to meet legislative targets, within budget Current Strengths • Enthusiastic and committed staff/workforce • High Customer Satisfaction • Integrated service (Particularly Highways/Environmental • Targeted and responsive Services) • Strong position to develop the service in future years • High Quality • Achieved service rationalisation in some areas (Grounds • Service delivery within budgets Maintenance, Waste and Cleansing services) • Members Task & Finish Review of Grounds Maintenance • Members Task & Finish Review of Coastal Erosion Areas for Improvement and Key Risks to achieving Service Objectives Environmental Cleansing Grounds Maintenance • Implement the Clean Neighbourhood Act • Insufficient budgets to meet changing service • Revision of Litter Plan to incorporate recent legislation demands • Limited ongoing customer engagement Highways and Bridge Maintenance Waste Management • Backlog of repairs in respect of Bridge Maintenance • Medium to long term solutions for disposal and • Backlog of repairs in respect of Highways Maintenance treatment of waste (post 2010) • Replacement of defective street lighting columns. • Financial penalties if unable to achieve legislative targets • Severe budget deficit if Sustainable Waste Grant Municipal Services funding is withdrawn • Coastal Erosion Carmarthenshire County Council – Technical Services Department Plan 16 Improvement Plan Actions (Addressing Areas for Improvement and Key Risks) Action O Date PID bj 1. Improve street cleanliness ratings by targeting fly tipping, abandoned vehicles and waste enforcement March through utilisation of increased staff resources and extended legislative powers under the Clean 2010 Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005. 2. Further develop and implement WDM resource schedule and inventory package for playgrounds. Mar 2009 Develop Highway Maintenance programme on needs-assessment basis using technical surveys ongoing 3. Continue with bridge assessment programme in order to complete 54%, subject to budget provision. Mar2011 4. Monitor the coastal erosion at various sites, which pose a threat to key tourism and regeneration project Mar 2010 Implement kerbside expansion for 10,000 new homes & optimise routes for weekly collections of food March waste and compostables and alternatively weekly collections for dry recyclates and residual waste. 2011 Undertake education and awareness programmes to facilitate kerbside expansions, promote waste April 2009 minimisation, increase participation rates to 65% per route and decrease contamination rates by 2%. Actively participate in South West Wales Regional Group to achieve legislative targets by investigating March 5. procurement of waste treatment facilities and plant. 2011 Develop community group involvement and partnership working, through ‘Adopt a Recycling Site’. Mar 2009 Further develop consultation practices for all types of waste collection and Grounds Maintenance to March assess levels of customer satisfaction and contribute to continuous service improvement. 2009 Key Performance Targets for the Service • Meet European targets regarding the increase in municipal waste reused/recycled/composted (19.06% in 07/08 to 21% by 2008/09 – reused and recycled; 7.58% in 07/08 to 11% by 2008/09 - composted) and the decrease in waste sent to landfill (from 69.92% in 07/08 to 67% by 2008/09), (WMT/001i, WMT/001ii, WMT/004b). • Improve the LEAMS score results from 74 in 2007/08 to achieve a score of 75 in 2008/09. (STS/005a) • Decrease the average number of days taken to repair all street lamp failures during the year from 2.23 days in 07/08 to 2.21 days in 2008/09 (THS009). ℡ Telephone E Mail Name L Service Head Phil Williams 01267 225107 2008/09 Business Plan Key Strategies: Waste Strategy, Code of Good Practice for Routine Maintenance, Highway Asset Management Plan, Winter Maintenance Plan, Code of Practice on Litter and Refuse, Shoreline Management Plan www link: Key Partners:- Swansea Bay Partnership, Keep Wales Tidy, DANFO, Local Health Board, LEAMS, Environment Agency, DPP Carmarthenshire County Council – Technical Services Department Plan 17 Abbreviated Divisional Plan - Transport and Engineering Division What we are trying to achieve / Service Objectives 1. Deliver and develop transport and engineering services to support the Council’s strategic service plans 2. Promoting and improving accessibility 3. Improve road safety (see Abbreviated Road Safety Business Unit Plan) 4. Develop and achieve further integration of transport 5. Improve Parking facilities 6. Improve the management and use of resources 7. Developing sustainable travel options Current Strengths • • • Prioritisation models (development ongoing) Partnership/collaborative working Staffing Skills/Commitment • Attracting funding • Influence at regional level Areas for Improvement and Key Risks to achieving Service Objectives • • • • Isolation of communities and disadvantaged groups Statutory requirement for driver training Accident and Incident rates for fleet Development of Regional Transport Plan and uncertainty of funding • Ongoing development of the strategic fleet replacement programme Carmarthenshire County Council – Technical Services Department Plan • New Traffic Management Act and effect on civil parking enforcement. • Potential insufficient funding • Funding for parking stock investment and development • Financial pressures from additional service demands as a result of new legislation in Education sector 18 Improvement Plan Actions (Addressing Areas for Improvement and Key Risks) Obj Action Implement capital infrastructure schemes subject to confirmation of funding. Develop framework agreement for Engineering Consultancy Services. 1 Continue joint working arrangements with our SWWITCH partners, develop regional policies, and programmes to improve access and transport in the region. Development of Community Transport and innovative demand response travel schemes. 2 Implement bus performance improvement partnership with major bus operators. 3 Continue work with Road Safety Partnership and in accordance with the Road Safety Action plan. 4 Develop school transport service in response to legislative demands. 5 Continue with the implementation of the Council’s Car Parking Strategy 6 Improve Fleet Utilisation and environmental performance. 7 Develop Staff Travel Plan Date PID March 09 December 08 March 2009 March 09 March 09 March 09 March 09 March 09 March 2011 March 09 Key Performance Targets for the Service • To ensure the number of concessionary travel pass holders increases from 76.5% 2007/08 to achieve 77% by 2008/09 (THS/007). • To reduce the number of road accident casualties’ killed/seriously injured per 100,000 population to 51.76 by 2009 ( • To reduce the number of children killed / seriously injured per 100,000 population to 6.38 by 2009 ( Further Information: L ℡ Telephone E Mail Service Head 01267 224332 2008/09 Business Plan Key Strategies: Local Transport Plan, Local Bus Strategy, Car Parking Strategy, Regional Transport Plan www link: Key Partners: SWWITCH, rail and bus operators, Welsh Assembly, Dyfed-Powys Police, neighbouring authorities, Community Safety Partnership, Mid & West Wales Fire Authority. Name Trevor Sage Carmarthenshire County Council – Technical Services Department Plan 19