JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL Multigroup PHYSICS Transport 46, 237-270 (1982) Theory with Anisotropic Scattering R. D. M . GARCIA AND C. E. SIEWERT Departments of Nuclear Engineering and Mathematics, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina 27650 Received October 30. 1981 The special case of a triangular transfer matrix relevant to multigroup transport theory with Yth order anisotropic scattering is discussed. The developed theory reduces the calculation of the reflected and transmitted angular fluxes to a sequence of one-group problems involving only angular fluxes at the boundaries. The theory is then extended to yield similar results at any location within a finite slab. The FN method is used to establish particularly accurate numerical results for a test problem. 1. INTRODUCTION In two recent works [ 1,2] concerning m u ltigroup transport theory a solution for the case of isotropic scattering and a triangular transfer matrix was developed, and numerical results were reported. Here we extend our previous analysis to include the important effects of anisotropic scattering. W e thus consider, for i = 1, 2,..., A4, (1) where ui is the total cross section for group i and oij(l) = oijPti(r), with Pii = 1, denote coefficients in Legendre expansions of the transfer cross sections. In addition v,(z,~) representsthe angular flux in the ith group and (6,,,(z) = j’, Vj(Z,P)P,(P)4. (2) W e are concerned here with nonmultiplying, uii < ui, finite slabs, z E [L, R], and thus we seek solutions to Eq. (1) subject to the boundary conditions and W i(R,-/-J) =Rt@), where L&) p > 0, (3b) and Ri(p) are considered specified. 237 002 l-999 l/82/050237-34$02.00/0 Copyright 0 1982 by Academic Press, Inc. All rights of reproduction in any form reserved. 238 GARCIA AND 2. SIEWERT ANALYSIS In [l] full-range orthogonality properties of appropriate elementary solutions and Green’s functions were used to deduce a system of singular-integral equations and constraints for the boundary fluxes. Here we shall develop the equivalent expressions, generalized to include the effects of anisotropic scattering, in a more direct manner. We first change ,D to -,L in Eq. (l), multiply the resulting equation by exp(-oiz/s) and integrate over all z to obtain sPBi(Pv3) - ai(P - 8) I” Wi(Z9-P> eXP(-Uiz/s) CfZ L = f,il ,g t-l) aij(r) p,@u) (4) @j,l(s/ai)~ where (5) B,01, s) = w,(L -cl) exp(--o&ls) - v,(R -P) exp(-aJ+) and We can now multiply Eq. (4) by (U - s)-’ P&), s 6? [-1, 11, and integrate over all P to find t-l 1” Oi @i,n(s/ui) + +j$, lie C-l 1’ uij(r) @j,dslut) j: 1 pan) pI(P) * We let g,,,(r) denote for the ith group the polynomials introduced for one-group theory by Chandrasekhar [3], i.e., h,,n~~,~(t)= tn + l)gi,n+l(O + (8) Vi,“-I(0 with g,,,(r) = 1 and hi,” = 2n + l - C,Pii(n)9 (9) where c1= u,Ju,. On multiplying Eq. (7) by j?,,(n) g,,,(s) and summing over n from 0 to Lf, we find ui ,to t-l 1’ B*i(O @l,l(s/ui) I;,,Ls) + $ I$: ,io t-l)’ x Pi,,(s)- g&N = s j; 1PW, cr)Bib s) +P uU(z) @jJ(s/ui) 9 (10) MULTIGROUP TRANSPORT THEORY 239 where F,,,(s)= g,,,(s)+ + ci If 1G,(s,~1PAP)& (11) and G,(s,~u)= f’ MO g,,,(s) Prti). I=0 (12) It is not diffkult to show that (13) where 1 A,(s)= 1 +s I-1 w*tP>-P--s4 9 (14) with (15) is the one-group dispersion function [4]. We find we can write Eq. (10) as n,(s)x,,(s)=$~; rG,(s4401~)& i 1 (16) where (17) yij(s) = ,I$ t-l I= 1 1’ Pij(O @jI.I(slu*) Ei,l(s) (18) and (19) Here the polynomials E,,,(s) are defined by J%,,(s)= (l/d g,,,(s) - P,(s)13 (20) and with E,,,(s) = 0 they can be readily computed from (21-k l)sEt,,(s)=sPii(O g,,,(s)+ (1-k l)Ei,,+,(s) + zEi,l-~(s)* (21) 240 GARCIA AND SIEWERT We note that the functions Qji.[(s/ai) can have essential singularities at the origin, but otherwise, they are analytic in the complex s-plane. The functions X,(s) and Y,(s) therefore are, with the exception of the origin, also analytic in the complex s-plane. Thus, on investigating Eq. (16) for the first group, i = 1, and assuming that c, # 0, we see that (22) where, in general, ri,m, m = 0, 1, 2 ,..., 2~~- 1 are the zeros of /ii(s). The left- and right-hand sides of Eq. (16) are analytic in the complex s-plane cut from -1 to 1 along the real axis. Thus, on letting s approach the branch cut and using the Plemelj formulas [5], we find that Eq. (16) yields, for v E [-1, 11, (23) where, in general, (24) Thus, for v E [--I, 11, it follows that a,c,X,,(v) = 2vB,(v, v) (25) L,(v) vB,(v, v) - tc, VP I ’ @,(v,P) B,(P, v) - dp = 0. --I P---v (26) and Equations (22) and (26) can be seen to be the system of singular-integral equations and constraints [6, 71 that define the exit fluxes for the first group wi(L, -p) and yl,(R,,~), ,u > 0, in terms of the incident distributions L,(U) and R ,(,u). Thus, Eqs. (22) and (26) can be solved numerically or, e.g., by the F,,, method [7-91 to establish B,@, s). In the event that ci = 0, Eq. (25) yields B,(,u, ,u) = 0, ] ,U] E (0, I]. Considering now that B,(p, s) is known, we note that Eq. (16) yields, for i = 2, (126) X226> = ; j'-1 ~G,(wu) + ;~21[y2*(s) B~(P, 4 s) -P---s -~2(s)x21(s)I (27) MULTIGROUP TRANSPORT 241 THEORY or, for vE [-1, 11, 1 L,(v) VI&@, v) - Qc* VP = fo21k* Y,‘(V) + I -1 ,uG,tv, P) 4b v) & (28) X21(v)l and %CJ22(V) = 2vB,(v, v) - ~*,~*,(V). (29) For c2 # 0, Eq. (27) yields For c, = 0, Eq. (29) yields, for 1P ] E (0, 11, B2@9P) = c&4-’ c2 ~2lX,l(P), = (31) 0, whereas for c2 # 0 we can solve Eqs. (28) and (30) to find B2(p, s); of course, for either case we must first compute W,,(s) = c2 Y,,(s) (32) +X,,(s) which can also be written, if we use Eqs. (17) and (18), as W,,(s) = 5 I=0 (-W2lU) @,,[w72) (33) g,,,w If we now multiply Eq. (4) by P,(p) and integrate over all p there results, for i = 1, %l%&/d + (n + 1) @1,,+&/~1) =-(-l)“Pn+ + n@,,,-Wl) (34) l)~jf,llp,t~~~lt~,s)dll. which yields @l,“Wl) = (-1)” &!l,f&) @l.OWl) - C-1)” I,,,, (35) where D,,,(s) = 0 and ~~l,n~l,n(s) = ’ (n + + w l)Dl,n+lts) + nD,,n-,(s) + 11; j’ PP,Cu)B*tP,s)& -1 (36) 242 GARCIA AND SIEWERT Substituting Eq. (35) into Eq. (17), with i = j = 1, we find An expression alternative to Eq. (37) that allows the calculation of ~D,,~(s/a,) in the event that G,(s, s) = 0 is provided in Appendix A. We see from Eqs. (25) and (26) that, for VE [-1, 11, and from Eq. (16) that, for s 6 l-1, 11, It is apparent from Eqs. (22) and (39) that a limiting procedure must be used if X,,([,J is required. For the case c, = 0 we note, since B,(v, v) = 0, ] v ] E (0, 11, that Eqs. (38) and (39) reduce to the following equation for all s: (40) Finally, we use Eqs. (33) and (35) to conclude that where @Pl,0(s/a2)is available from Eq. (37) and, in general, sU = u,/uI. Equations (28) and (30) can now be solved to yield the exit distributions for the second group w2(L, -,u) and w#?,,u), P > 0, in terms of the incident distributions L,@) and R,Q) and the previously established B,(p, s). Note that in this way we are able to deduce the exit fluxes for the second group directly from the incident distributions for that group and the boundary fluxes of the first group. We now wish to generalize the foregoing and consider the ith group. We assume that the B,(p, s),j = 1,2,..., i - 1, have been established, and we deduce from Eq. (16) that, for v E [-1, 11, i-l n,(v) vB,(v, v) - tc,vP 11, ,uG,@, lu) B,(K v) & and = 4 c 011F,(v) i=l i-1 u,cJ,,(v) = W(c 4 - i=Ic q,&,(v) (42) (43) MULTIGROUP TRANSPORT and, for c, # 0, CiCi,m I --1 ’ Pw,,m7P) B,019 C,m) c1 -*z 243 THEORY i,m = - i-l c ,=l ui, K,G,rn)~ (44) where For the special case ci = 0, we see from Eq. (43) that, for 1.~1E (0, I], m4 Pu)= $ ‘$ u,4,w, j 1 ci = 0, (46) whereas for c, # 0, the functions W,(S) rather than just X,01), ] ,u] E (0, 11, clearly are required before we can solve Eqs. (42) and (44) to find B,(p, s). In analogy with Eq. (34) we now find, for j = 1,2 ,..., i - 1, sh,,, @,,nW,I) + (n + 1) @,.“, 1(s/uj) + n@j,n-*(s/uj) = -tml)” Mj,n(s)9 (47) where (48) It is clear that we can write (49) where D,,,(s) = 0 and (50) On substituting Eq. (49) into Eq. (17), with i = j, we find @,,,ds/uj>= Gy ‘(~3S) X,,(S) + 5 P,,(l) D,,,(S) p,(s)][ I=1 (51) Further, we can deduce from Eq. (16) that for v E [- 1, 1] + c k=l (52) U/k y/k(V) I 244 GARCIA AND SIEWERT and for s @ [-1, l] j-l + 2 (53) ujik[Yjk(S)-dj(s)Xj,(s)l k=l Again it is apparent that a limiting procedure must be used in the event that Xjj(r;,,,) is required. Finally, if we use Eq. (49) in Eq. (45) we conclude that wij(s> = @j,O(s/ai> - 5 I=1 5 I=0 Pij(O Pij(O gj,JSijS) Dj,l(sijs) tTi,lCs> (54) gi,ds)9 where @j,o(~/~i) is available from Eq. (5 1). We recall that Wijo1) =X,(p) for Ci = 0, and thus, for this case, Eq. (54) can be used in Eq. (46) to establish the desired result. 3. THE FN SOLUTION Rather than pursue exact analysis to solve the developed singular-integral equations and constraints for the exit distributions Wi(L, -,u) and Wi(R,p), ,u > 0, we prefer to use the F,,, method [7-91 to construct a concise approximate solution. We thus let d = R -L, di = aid, and write, for the ith group and ,U> 0, Wi(Lv-P) =Ri@) exP(--di/P) + 2 ai,aPa(% - l) (55a) a=0 and Wi(RvP)=Li@) exp(-di/P) + 5 bi,,P,(@ - 1). n=O (55b) If we now use Eqs. (3) and (55) in Eq. (5) we can deduce from Eqs. (42) and (44) that i-l r,aBi,a(O + ci exP(--di/t) bi,aAl,,(t)] = C,l,(t) + C aijlfj(t) (564 + CiexP(-Ai/<) %,Ai,,(Ol = Wb) j=l and Ii? a=0 [bi,cxBi,a(t) ciJi(t) + ‘2 j=l OijJij(C) MULTIGROUP TRANSPORT 245 THEORY for all <E Pi = (v~,~}U [0, 11. Here v~,~, m = 0, 1,2 ,..., xi - 1, denote the positive discrete eigenvalues relevant to group i, and where si(d9 Pu,t) = (1 - exP(-~i~/Cr) exP(-~i~lt))l@ + 0 and We have also introduced @[j(r) = e”“” W,(r) (5% and tgij(<) = e -uiR’t W,(-0. Finally, the functions Ai,, Wb) and B,,,(r) req uired in Eqs. (56) are defined as Ai,.(5)=j~pP,(Zlr--L)Gi(-S,a)~, Pu+C r@[-LO), (60) and <E [O, 11. (61b) In Appendix B we report some recursion relations that establish an accurate and convenient method for evaluating these basic functions A,,,(T) and B,,,(T). Considering the right-hand sides of Eqs. (56), we note from Eqs. (57) that the functions Z,(r) and Ji(<) are immediately available directly from the boundary data for the ith group. The additional terms Zij({) and Jii(<) clearly represent downscattering contributions to the ith group. We assume now that the constants {aj,,} 246 GARCIA and {ZJ,,,}, j= P > 0, AND SIEWERT 1, 2 ,..., i - 1, have been found so that the approximate results, for Bj(Pu, S) = exp(-uj+) I Rj@)[exp(---dj/~) - exP(---dj/s)l +5a=0%YUF - 1)I (624 and Bj(-p, S) = eXp(-UjL/S) I x 5 Lj(U)[ 1 - eXp(--dj/P) bj,apcx(2P - exP(-dj/s)l - exP(--dj/s) (62b) l> a=0 I are available for j = 1,2,..., i - 1. Thus, on considering Eqs. (56) at N + 1 values of r E Pi, say C,s, we can solve the system of linear algebraic equations + ci ai,aBi,a(4.4) exP(-di/ti,D) bi,aAi.fx(~i,b)l i-l = cizi(ti,~) + aijzij(ti,,) 2 j=l and I? a=0 fbi,mBi,m(tiJ3) + ci exP(-dilri.o) ai,aAi,n(4i,J] i-l = ciJi(ti.Ll) + C j=l aijJij(ti,b)9 t63b) for p = 0, 1,2,..., iV, to find the desired constants for the ith group {a,.,} and {bi,, } provided we first express ZJ{) and J,(r) in terms of known quantities. We therefore proceed to use Eqs. (59) and the various results developed in Section 2 in order to deduce expressions that can be used in a convenient manner to compute the desired Z!,(r) and .ZIj(c). To be specific we note that for i = 1 the right-hand sides of Eqs. (63) are known since Z,(c) and J,(c) are given by Eqs. (57). Thus, we can solve the system of linear algebraic equations to find {a,,,} and {b,,,}. Considering Eqs. (63) for i > 2, we see that we must compute Z,,(c) and J,(r) for j = 1,2,..., i - 1, along with Zi(c) and J#) as given by Eqs. (57), before we can solve the linear system to find {ai,,} and (b,,,}. We find (64) MULTIGROUP TRANSPORT 241 THEORY where @~*(~/a~) = C-l)’Sj,ltsijt)@/tO(t/O*) - (-l)‘D,t*(Sij() M/t/(Sij‘f) =F I I (65) 'f [Uj,, + (-1)' eXp(-di/r)bj,a] a=0 Kj,/(s,jG+ T,,, I (68) In Eq. (68) we have used the definitions - (-1)’ Lj(p)[ 1 - exP(-dj/p) exP(-dj/t)l 144 Z-a,,=dh&1( - 0 (69) l)f’,@)&v (70) and /-I uj,l(t/ai) = Cm1 1’ C k=l ujk(O (71) @k+,,l(U”i)* We note that Devaux et al. [lo] have reported a recursion relation that provides an efficient way to compute the numbers T,,, (see Appendix B). We also point out that U,,,(</u,) is considered known since all @:,,({/a,) required in Eq. (71) have, by necessity, been computed in previous steps. Finally for sij< E [0, I], XG(sijt) is given by x~tsijOE~ I lzj(sijt)+ [2 -Aj,O(Sijr)] $J uj.aPat2sijt- l) a=0 + lx=0 ii L”j,aGj,a(sijO- exp(-40 bj,Jj,a(sijt)l + sji 5 ,=I uj,‘(t/“i) Ej,‘(sijO 19 (72) 248 GARCIA AND SIEWERT where Gj,att) = Ji PGj(L Pu)[ paw 1 1) & - 1)-P&t- P--l (73) can be computed effectively from a recursion relation (see Appendix B). For sijr & [0, 1 ] we find xi(sijt) = +A,‘1(sij43 1 yj(sijt) - sjidj(sijt) 5 I + uj,[(t/Oi) p,(sfjt) I=0 sji I:1 uj,l(~/“i) Ej,l(sijG (74) 19 where yj(i3 = zj(13 + i [aj,,Aj,,t-t) n=O - exP(-dj/t) bj.,Aj,,(t>]* (75) In a similar way we find Jij(4 = 5 I=0 Pij(0 @JCloi) (76) gi,l(t), where (77) with @jy~(T/(Jr) = G,Y’(sijG SijT) xJG(stj<) + : (-l)‘Pjj(l) [ I=1 Here D,,(s,r), D,T,(Sij<)P,(Sij<)]* (78) with DJyo(sij<)= 0, are available from = (I + I) D~yl+ -sijthj,lDi,l(sijt) lts(jO + lD,,-l(sijt) + (79) M,~,(sijt), where /+I MJsijg= 21+ Nj,LSijG - C [t-l) ’bj,a+ exP(-di/t) ai,,]T,,, I ui + a=0 (--l)‘(tl”i) I (80) vj,l(t/“i>* In Eq. (80) we have used the definitions Nj,ltO = 1: PuPlO1){RjO1)[l - exP(--dj/p) - (-l)‘Lj(~)[exP(-dj/~) exP(--dj/t)] - exP(--dj/t)]} Q (81) MULTIGROUP TRANSPORT 249 THEORY and j-1 k=l where the latter, as discussed before, is available from previous steps. Finally, for sijtE [O, 11, X,;(S,~<) is given by ~Jst,t)= $ ]Jj(sijO + [2-Aj,0(sijt)l f bj.apa(2sijta=0 l) (83) For S,jrGC[0, l] we find x,lT(sijO =$A,'(sijt) zji(sijt) I - sjiAj(sijt) 5 I=0 vj,l(t/ai) p,(Sijt) (84) where Ej(O=4(0 + aio [bj,,Aj,,(-r)-exP(-dj/r)aj,,Aj,,(r)]. (85) Having developed the FN method to find the surface fluxes, we now demonstrate how a slight modification of the analysis of Section 2 and the FN method can be used to compute accurately the angular fluxes for all z E (L, R). 4. THE INTERIORANGULARFLUXES If we change iu to -p in Eq. (l), multiply the resulting equation by exp(-o,z/s), and integrate over z from z1 to z2, with L < zi < z2 < R, we obtain an equation similar to Eq. (4), viz. 581/46/2-6 250 GARCIA AND SIEWERT where B:(PP s) = w,(z, 3-Pu) exP(*iZJs) - I/liCz27-PI exP(-Qizds> Q-37) and We can follow the development discussed in Section 2 to obtain from Eq. (86) generalizations of Eqs. (42)-(44). Thus, for the ith group and for v E [-1, l] we find i-l J,(v)vB:(v,v) - tc#‘(’ ,uG,(v,Co&+, VI++= --I t C j=l Oijw$(v) (89) and i-l a*cJ,:(v) = 2vB:(v, v) - c o&~(v) w-9 j=l and, for cI # 0, (91) where w4 = 5 (- 1)’P,,(O @ jwJ,>g,,,(s) (92) ms) = E ewljm @,T,W~,)~,(S). (93) l=O and l=O For the special case ci = 0, we find, for ] ~1)E (0, 11, (94) We note that the expressions developed in Section 2 for the computation of @,/.,(s/ui) can be generalized so that @,?,(~/a~)can be found in a similar manner. We now let z, = z, z2 = R, and then use Eqs. (3b), (55b), and the approximations, for ~1> 0, W~-G -~)=RtOl)ex~l*,(R --z)/ccI+ 2 Ci,a(Z)Pa(2u - 1) a=0 (954 MULTIGROUP TRANSPORT THEORY 251 and in Eq. (87) to deduce from Eqs. (89) and (91) the first of our FN equations. Similarly we can take z1 = L, z2 = z, and then use Eqs. (3a), (55a), and (95) in Eq. (87) to deduce from Eqs. (89) and (91) the second of the F,,, equations. Thus, for z E (L, R) and < E P, we find j, [ci,a(z)Bi,a(O- Cidi.a(Z)Ai,a(Ol i-1 = CrZ,(G0 + c qj4,(zv 4) j=l and .$I0 [di,a(z) Bi,a(t) - Ai,a(4)l CiCl,a(Z) i-1 = c,J&, 0 + /=I c q,J,,(z,0 Wb) Here 1,6,Q=~~r[L~Ol)G,(-Cr)exP[-~i(z-L)/~IS,(R-Z~~,C) + R,(P)G,(t,,) C,@ - Z,CI,014, (974 Il(r,C)=lo’plL,~)G,(r,~)C,(r--L,/~,r) + R,(P)G,(--4,~)exp[-o,(R- z)/P]Sk -L,L 814, z1=z and z2=R, U&, t) = eOp’ w$ L (8, Wb) Wu(z, 43 = e -Ofz’lW$ (-0, Wb) (984 and z,=L and z2=z. Investigating the right-hand sides of Eqs. (96), we note from Eqs. (97) that Z,(z, <) and J[(z, <) are available, for any z E (L, R), directly from the boundary data for the 252 GARCIA AND SIEWERT ith group. The terms Z&r, 0 and Jij(z, <) represent, as before, down-scattering contributions to the ith group, and at this point the constants (a,,,} and {bi,u } have already been established. Thus, on considering Eqs. (96) at the same N + 1 values of <E Pi used in Eqs. (63), namely ti,B, we can solve the system of linear algebraic equations i-l = cili(zT x 4.0) .fl a=0 + C j=l aijzij(Z9 ti,&3) - Ci exp[+7i(R - z)/<i,o] (994 bi,Ji,tz(ti,LJ and fI a=0 [di,cz(z) Bi,n(ti,fi) - CiCi,a(z)Ai,a(ti,fl)] i- 1 = ciJi(zv cl,l3)+ C aijJ,j(Z, j=1 ’ i u=o <i,O)- Ci exp[-a,@ - Z,)/t;i,o] (99b) ai,nAl,a(<i,4) for /?= 0, 1,2,..., N to find {ci,,(z)} and {&(z)) for selected values of z E (L, R) provided we first express Zij(z, <) and Jij(z, 0 in terms of known quantities. We observe that the functions A,,,(c) and B,,,(c) appearing in Eqs. (99) are the same as used in Eqs. (63), and thus, the only new quantities to be evaluated are Zi(Z, <), J*(z9t), zij(z3 09 and .Z,(z, [). Further we note that the matrix of coefficients in Eqs. (99) is independent of z so that the solutions to these equations for many values of z can be obtained with one matrix inversion. We now summarize the equations that can be used to compute the desired Zu(z, r) and Jii(Z, 0. We find 'ijCz9 t) = 5 C-l 1’Plj(O @itltz, tl”l) I=0 gi,l(O (l(v where @i[(zYt/ui) = t-l)’ with gj,l(sijt) @LO(z9t/O,) - (-l)’ Djtl(zY si,t) (101) MULTIGROUP Here DL,(z, s&, TRANSPORT 253 THEORY with D&(z, s&), are available from Sij~h,,,D,?dz, SijO = (I + 1) DA,+ l(Z, Sijr) + zDL,- ,(z, S,<) (103) + MjTl(z9 sijT)v where M,t[(z9 Sijt) = y Kj,i(z, sijt) + '5 a=0 I + t-1)’ exP[-oi(R [cj,a(z) -ZYtl - (-l)' dj,,tz) bj,al r=,~ - + uj,[(z9 t/ui)* I 1 ( lo4) In Eq. (104) we have used the definitions - Z)/P] - ew[--aj@ - Z)/Cl 1 Kj,i(z9 63 = I,’PPIOI){RjOI)[ exP[ *j(R - (--1)‘Lj@) exP[+Jj(z - LYPI X [ 1 - eXP[-oj(R - Z)/Pl exp[--aj@ - Z)/tl I) Q (105) and &=I Finally, for si,r E [0, 11, X,$(z, s,,<) is given by + I? [Cj,a(Z) Gj,a(SijO + {dj,,(Z) - exP[*i@ a=0 -Z)/r] bj,,} Aj,u(sijC)] (107) * I For so<@ [0, l] we find xi(z9 sij5) = ~ni’(sljtl 1 yj(z9 sijO - sjidj(sijt) 5 I=0 uj,,(z, </ai) p,(sijt) (108) I=1 254 GARCIA AND SIEWERT where yj(z9 63 = 1j(z9 t) + f a=0 [cj,,(z) Aj,,(-T) + {dj,a(z) - exP[-oj@ - zYtl bj,aIAj,a(t)l* (109) In a similar way we find Jij(z7 63 = Ii0 Put0 @j;ltz, t/ui) (110) gi,L0 where (111) with + ,gl t-l)’ Pjj(O D,Tdz, sijt) (112) p,(sij6)]* Here D,yr(z, sijc), with D,;,(z, sij<) = 0, are available from (113) where Mj;,(z, Sij() = 21+ Nj,l(zv ui sijt7 I + C [C,,,(Z) - t-1) a=0 + C-l 1’$ dj,atz) - exP[*i(z - L)ltl uj,cx vj,I(z9 <lo,)* (114) In Eq. (114) we have used the definitions Nj,l(z90 = i,’P~dPPjtP)exd-uj@ - ZYPI [ 1 -- exp[--u,(z- L)/P] eXP[+Jj(Z - L)/tl I - (--l)‘Lj@)[ev[--a/(z-L)/Pl -expbj(z -LYtlll 4 X (115) 255 MIJLTIGROUPTRANSPORTTHEORY and (116) Finally, for silt E [0, 11, X,v(z, s,~C)is given by =$ Jj(z,s,~C)+ [2-Aj,,(siJO] 5 a=0 I + If a=0 [do,&) + dj,,(Z)P,(2SiJ<- {Cj.a(Z> exP[-ai(Z - 1) --L)/<] aj,,) Aj,u(s,r)] (117) For s,<& [0, l] we find x,~(z.s,j5)=~ni1(sijT) [sj(z,SijS) I -s~~dj(slJ~) + sji,$ ’ 1% Vi,dz~ V,,dZ, t/“i)Ej,,(sijO </ai)P,(siJr) 19 (118) where ~j(z~O=Jj(~~ t) + aio [d~,a(~)~j,,(-O + {cj,a(z)-exP[--aj(z-LIltI uj,cxIAj,a(Ol- (119) 5. NUMERICAL RESULTS In order to demonstrate the computational merit of our solution we now consider a 20-group albedo problem with a lOth-order Legendre expansion.of the scattering law. A 20-cm thick slab has an isotropically incident distribution of radiation only in the first group and only on the surface at z = L, i.e., for ~1> 0 (120a) and (120b) 256 GARCIA AND SIEWERT To facilitate the data handling we use a fictitious cross-section set (in units of cm-‘) defined, for i = 1, 2 ,..., 20, by ui = (i/10) - 0.15aj,, - 0.156i,,, (121a) and U,,(Z)= (21+ l>j/[ lOO(i - j + l)]( gij)‘, j = 1, 2,..., i and Z=O, I,..., 10, (121b) where g, = 0.7 - (i + j)/200. (12lc) The scattering law defined by Eqs. (121b) and (12 lc) is a truncated version of the Henyey-Greenstein phase function introduced in the field of radiative transfer [ 111. The Henyey-Greenstein phase function is characterized by one parameter g which is a measure of the degree of anisotropy, i.e., g + 1 implies forward scattering while g + - 1 implies backward scattering. For a monoenergetic problem g corresponds to the average cosine of the scattering angle. In our problem the values of g given by Eq. (121~) correspond to moderate forward scattering and were chosen in order to avoid negative values in the scattering law (with LP = 10). In solving the systems of linear algebraic equations given by Eqs. (63) and (99) we have used, for various orders of the F,,, approximation, the collocation scheme ti.0 = vi,B 7 p = 0, 1,2 ,...) Ki - 1, (122a) and <i,fl=f + 4 cos{(2p- 2Ki + 1)Z/[2(N+ b=q,q+ l -Ki)]}, l,..., N.(122b) The points given by Eq. (122b) are the zeros of the Chebyshev polynomial of the first kind T N+ i-,,(2x - 1). Based on the results of our computations which closely followed the technique discussed by Siewert [ 12) we have concluded that there is only one pair of discrete eigenvalues relevant to each group of the considered problem, and thus we list in Table I the positive eigenvalue for each group. We list TABLE I The Positive Discrete Eigenvalue Basic to Each Group i 1 2 3 4 5 vi.0 1.014675230187 1.013664030621 1.012702645157 1.011789497866 1.024569285561 i 6 7 8 9 10 VI.0 1.010101983620 1.009324801731 1.008590208601 1.007896906406 1.011201112487 i 11 12 13 14 15 VI.0 1.006629121797 1.006052161369 1.005511523631 1.005005991723 1.004534348940 i 16 17 18 19 20 VI.0 1.004095374943 1.003687842667 1.003310515972 1.002962148042 1.002641480584 MULTIGROUP TRANSPORT 251 THEORY our converged results for the exit angular fluxes in Tables II-V. Further converged results for the angular fluxes at various positions inside the slab are shown in Tables VI-XI. We note that to compute the angular fluxes accurately for all ,u we used a recently proposed technique [13]. First the functions Bi,,(r) defined by Eqs. (61) are expressed as Bi9m(t)=2Pa(X- l)-ci{ [~-A~,o(O] Pa(X- 1) + Gi,a(t)J (123) and this relation can be used in Eqs. (56) for c =p E [0, l] to find the following alternative expressions for the emerging fluxes: Wi(L9 -Pu) Ii(p) + ]2 exP(-At//J) + 2 =Ri(P) -Ai,Ool)l 5 a=0 1 ai,aPa(2P - I) + a=0 i [ai,aG,,,(P) - eXP(-djP) bi,aAi,,@)]+ f j=l I ‘? u,Z&)(124a) and yli(R,iu)=LicU) exP(--di/p) + 4 [J,(p) + [2 -Ai,O@)] + 5 [bi.,Gt,&) 5 bi,,P,(2u - 1) a=0 - exP(--dilC1)ai,di,&)l [ + f ‘2 aijJ&)* a=0 j=l (124b) In a similar way we find for the interior fluxes yli(z,-~)=Ri(~)exP[-ai(R +2 ]ziCz9P) -Z)/p] + L2 -Ai,OOl)] i a=0 c,,,(z) p,GP - 1) + a=0 i [Ci.a(z) Gi,a@> + {di,a(z)- exP[*i(R -z)/PI bi,aIAi,aol)l/ i-l + t + 3 C j=l (125a) Oijzij(z,P) and Ji(z9P) + [2 -Ai,O(P)] I 5 a=0 di,,(z)Pa(& - l) + I? [d,,,(z) Gi,,01)+ kdz) - exP[*i(z - L)/Pl ai,aI Ai,a@)l/ a=0 i-l + f C j=l OijJij(z,,K)m (125b) i= 1 5.0885(-2) 2.8195(-2) 1.8568(-2) 1.3061(-2) 9.6343(-3) 7.3536(-3) 5.7554(-3) 4.6063(-3) 3.7653(-3) 3.1192(-3) 2.6287(-3) i= 11 4.8231(d) 4.2927(A) 3.7343(-4) 3.2384(A) 2.8225(-4) 2.4783(-d) 2.1900(a) 1.9457(-d) 1.7397(-4) 1.5668(a) 1.4137(-4) P 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 P 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 12 4.0797(-4) 3.6660(-4) 3.2144(-I) 2.8070(-4) 2.4611(-4) 2.1722(-4) 1.9286(-4) 1.7210(A) 1.5448(-I) 1.3962(-4) 1.2641(A) i= 1.2999(-2) 8.6681(-3) 6.2371(-3) 4.6596(-3) 3.5983(-3) 2.8516(-3) 2.3033(-3) 1.8921(-3) 1.5814(-3) 1.3378(-3) 1.1453(-3) i=2 13 3.4993(-4) 3.1721(A) 2.8019(q) 2.4627(A) 2.1715(-4) 1.9262(-A) 1.7179(-4) 1.5394(-d) 1.3870(-4) 1.2578(-A) 1.1426(-4) i= 5.8860(-3) 4.2785(-3) 3.2310(-3) 2.4996(-3) 1.9835(-3) 1.6080(-3) 1.3241(-3) 1.1055(-3) 9.3667(-4) 8.0287(d) 6.9424(-d) i=3 14 3.0368(a) 2.7747(-A) 2.4677(A) 2.1823(-h) 1.9345(A) 1.7240(A) 1.5442(-4) 1.3892(A) 1.2563(A) 1.1429(-d) 1.0416(-A) i= The Exit Angular 3.3641(-3) 2.5789(-3) 2.0122(-3) 1.5956(-3) 1.2912(-3) 1.0640(-3) 8.8871(d) %5096(-d) 6.4282(A) 5.5637(-4) 4.8472(-4) i=4 The Exit Angular II III 15 2.6619(d) 2.4499(-d) 2.1926(-4) 1.9501(-4) 1.7374(d) 1.5552(-t) 1.3987(-4) 1.2630(-4) 1.1461(-d) 1.0459(a) 9.5611(-5) i= i=6 2.3537(A) 2.1806(A) 1.9631(A) 1.7554(-4) 1.5714(-4) 1.4125(A) 1.2752(-A) 1.1557(-4) 1.0521(-4) 9.6301(-5) 8.8290(-5) 2.0970(-d) 1.9547(-4) 1.7694(d) 1.5902(-4) 1.4299(-A) 1.2905(-4) 1.1692(A) 1.0633(A) 9.7107(~5) 8.9134(-5) 8.1949(-5) i= 17 for i = 1 l-20 i= 16 i=l 1.1467(-3) 9.6248(A) 7.9986(A) 6.6715(-4) 5.6261(d) 4.8015(A) 4.1361(A) 3.5904(-I) 3.1451(-4) 2.7806(-A) 2.4661(A) for i = l-10 1.5457(-3) 1.2701(-3) 1.0397(-3) 8.5661(-t) 7.1511(A) 6.0504(a) 5.1717(-4) 4.4586(A) 3.8823(-4) 3.4135(A) 3.0128(-4) Fluxes vi@, -p) TABLE 3.1535(-3) 2.4685(-3) 1.9565(-3) 1.5724(-3) 1.2862(-3) 1.0690(-3) 8.9923(A) 7.6454(-t) 6.5749(-4) 5.7091(-4) 4.9900(-4) i=5 Fluxes y,(L, -p) TABLE 1.8810(-4) 1.7632(A) 1.6043(-4) 1.4487(d) 1.3082(d) 1.1851(-4) 1.0775(A) 9.8307(-5) 9.0051(-5) 8.2882(-5) 7.6408(-5) i= 18 8.8628(A) 7.5717(-4) 6.3758(-4) 5.3764(-4) 4.5755(+) 3.9355(-4) 3.4138(a) 2.9821(A) 2.6267(-4) 2.3339(-A) 2.0793(A) i=8 19 1.6974(-4) 1.5994(A) 1.4623(-4) 1.3264(-d) 1.2026(A) 1.0934(-4) 9.9742(-5) 9.1283(-5) 8.3859(-5) 7.7384(-5) 7.1525(-5) i= 7.0652(A) 6.1275(-4) 5.2196(A) 4.4447(d) 3.8138(A) 3.3036(A) 2.8839(-d) 2.5337(-4) 2.2431(d) 2.0022(-4) 1.7914(A) i=9 10 1.5400-4) 1.4582(-d) 1.3393(-4) 1.2199(A) 1.1103(-4) 1.0129(A) 9.2697(-5) 8.5089(-5) 7.8385(-5) 7.2514(-5) 6.7193(-5) i= 20 6.8284(A) 6.0047(-d) 5.1654(-4) 4.4359(a) 3.8335(-I) 3.3407(-4) 2.9317(-4) 2.5882(-4) 2.3009(-4) 2.0608(A) 1.8504(-4) i= 2 u 0 * z F !2 00 1.1146(-3) 1.5864(-3) 2.4017(-3) 4.9489(-3) 1.2386(-2) 2.6436(-2) 4.6527(-2) 7.1061(-2) 9.8380(-2) 1.2713(-l) 1.5630(-l) i= 11 2.1534(-5) 2.6462(-5) 3.1729(-5) 3.7922(-5) 4.5360(-5) 5.4309(-5) 6.4972(-5) 7.7453(-5) 9.1751(-5) 1.0777(-4) 1.2538(-4) 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 P 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1 i= P 12 1.8639(-5) 2.2831(-5) 2.7274(-5) 3.2465(-5) 3.8664(-5) 4.6087(-5) 5.4898(-5) 6.5183(-5) 7.6946(-5) 9.0113(-5) 1.0458(-d) i= 3.4317(-4) 4.5301(a) 5.9970(d) 8.0657(-A) 1.0994(-3) 1.5012(-3) 2.0197(-3) 2.6424(-3) 3.3420(-3) 4.0868(-3) 4.8463(-3) i=2 1.6352(-5) 1.9968(-5) 2.3770(-5) 2.8187(-5) 3.3432(-5) 3.9685(-5) 4.7079(-5) 5.5688(-5) 6.5518(-5) 7.6512(-5) 8.8584(-5) i= 13 1.7392(d) 2.2419(A) 2.8704(A) 3.7054(A) 4.8210(-4) 6.2888(A) 8.1612(-4) 1.0452(-3) 1.3129(-3) 1.6124(-3) 1.9351(-3) i=3 1.4499(-5) 1.7653(-5) 2.0946(-5) 2.4748(-5) 2.9242(-5) 3.4574(-5) 4.0858(-5) 4.8158(-5) 5.6478(-5) 6.5776(-5) 7.5982(-5) i= 14 The Exit Angular 1.0772(-A) 1.3714(A) 1.7251(-4) 2.1806(A) 2.7724(A) 3.5321(-4) 4.4840(-4) 5.6385(A) 6.9894(-I) 8.5165(a) 1.0191(-3) i=4 The Exit Angular IV V 5.8073(-5) 7.2858(-5) 8.9704-5) 1.1050(q) 1.3656(A) 1.6903(A) 2.0877(d) 2.5621(A) 3.1124(-4) 3.7331(-A) 4.4168(d) i=6 1.2971(-5) 1.5748(-5) 1.8627(-5) 2.1934(-5) 2.5823(-5) 3.0419(-5) 3.5817(-5) 4.2073(-5) 4.9192(-5) 5.7142(-5) 6.5865(-5) i= 15 16 1.1692(-5) 1.4157(-5) 1.6695(-5) 1.9596(-5) 2.2992(-5) 2.6989(-5) 3.1670(-5) 3.7080(-5) 4.3229(-5) 5.0089(-5) 5.7615(-5) i= i=l 1.0610(-5) 1.2812(-5) 1.5066(-5) 1.7630(-5) 2.0618(-5) 2.4122(-5) 2.8212(-5) 3.2930(-5) 3.8284(-5) 4.4252(-5) 5.0797(-5) i= 17 4.4676(-5) 5.5763(-5) 6.8195(-5) 8.3362(-5) 1.0217(A) 1.2541(A) 1.5366(a) 1.8722(A) 2.2603(-4) 2.6973(A) 3.1785(A) for i = l-10 Fluxes yl,(R, p) for i = 1 l-20 TABLE 1.1525(A) 1.4787(-4) 1.8566(a) 2.3364(d) 2.9545(A) 3.7446(-A) 4.7327(d) 5.9301(-4) 7.3295(-4) 8.9074(-d) 1.0630(-3) i=5 Fluxes y,(R,p) TABLE 9.6829(-6) 1.1662(-5) 1.3677(-5) 1.5958(-5) 1.8605(-5) 2.1698(-5) 2.5298(-5) 2.9441(-5) 3.4135(-5) 3.9365(-5) 4.5098(-5) i= 18 3.5756(-5) 4.4432(-5) 5.4026(-5) 6.5611(-5) 7.9849(-5) 9.7307(-5) 1.1842(d) 1.4338(-A) 1.7218(-4) 2.0456(-4) 2.4019(q) i=8 19 8.8825(d) 1.0671(-5) 1.2482(-5) 1.4523(-5) 1.6882(-5) 1.9629(-5) 2.2817(-5) 2.6477(-5) 3.0620(-5) 3.5232(-5) 4.0285(-5) i= 2.9444(-5) 3.6442(-5) 4.4088(-5) 5.3236(-5) 6.4390(-5) 7.7979(-5) 9.4325(-5) 1.1359(A) 1.3576(-A) 1.6065(A) 1.8803(-4) i=9 10 8.1854(-6) 9.8099(-6) 1.1446(-5) 1.3282(-5) 1.5395(-5) 1.7847(-5) 2X%86(-5) 2.3939(-5) 2.7615(-5) 3.1704(-5) 3.6183(-5) i=20 2.9886(-5) 3.7031(-5) 4.4666(-5) 5.3710(-5) 6.4659(-5) 7.7929(-5) 9.3832(-5) 1.1253(-4) 1.3403(-4) 1.5817(-I) 1.8473(-A) i= z~ s! Fi z 2 ZI 2 ;I 5 v 5 s 5 i= 12 i= 11 6.4895(-5) 7.8313(-5) 9.6221(-5) 1.2098(A) 1.5600(-4) 2.0702(A) 2.7932(-l) 3.7090(-4) 4.7031(-4) 5.6385(-4) 6.4306(-4) P -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 a.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 5.8213(-5) 6.9873(-5) 8.5334(-5) 1.0654(A) 1.3629(-4) 1.7916(-4) 2.3930(d) 3.1505(-4) 3.9743(A) 4.7583(-4) 5.4362(-4) 4.7532(-4) 6.3596(A) 8.8218(A) 1.2884(-3) 1.9994(-3) 3.3843(-3) 6.1309(-3) 8.9005(-3) 1.0270(-2) 1.0647(-2) 1.0504(-2) 1.0471(-3) 1.4632(-3) 2.1471(-3) 3.3761(-3) 5.7980(-3) 1.1621(-2) 1.0604(-l) 3.1493(-l) 4.6327(-l) 5.6269(-l) 6.3224(-l) -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 i=2 i=l M 5.2815(-5) 6.3073(-5) 7.6589(-5) 9.4989(-5) 1.2060(-4) 1.5715(A) 2.0792(-4) 2.7154(-4) 3.4080(-4) 4.0729(-4) 4.6572(-4) i= 13 i=4 TABLE 2.2548(-4) 2.8916(A) 3.8060(-4) 5.1900(d) 7.3619(d) 1.0971(-3) 1.6888(-3) 2.4442(-3) 3.0428(-3) 3.3742(-3) 3.4995(-3) i=5 VII 1.3465(d) 1.6854(a) 2.1598(-4) 2.8558(-4) 3.9049(-4) 5.5598(-4) 8.1014(A) 1.1457(-3) 1.4886(-3) 1.7593(-3) 1.9369(-3) i=6 1.1058(-4) 1.3719(-4) 1.7403(A) 2.2731(-4) 3.0636(-4) 4.2861(-4) 6.1246(A) 8.5297(d) 1.1061(-3) 1.3194(-3) 1.4720(-3) i=l 14 4.4547(-5) 5.2700(-5) 6.3321(-5) 7.7585(-5) 9.7152(-5) 1.2459(d) 1.6205(-4) 2.0854(d) 2.5922(-A) 3.0848(A) 3.5278(A) i= 15 4.1304(-5) 4.8650(-5) 5.8170(-5) 7.0875(-5) 8.8191(-5) 1.1228(-4) 1.4491(A) 1.8522(-4) 2.2918(-4) 2.7212(a) 3.1106(-t) i=l6 17 3.8496(-5) 4.5153(-5) 5.3738(-5) 6.5128(-5) 8.0555(-5) 1.0185(-4) 1.3049(-4) 1.6572(A) 2.0416(-4) 2.4185(-4) 2.7628(-4) i= Fluxes yi(z, p) for z = L + A/4 and i = 1 l-20 4.8333(-5) 5.7443(-5) 6.9376(-5) 8.5506(-5) 1.0779(a) 1.3931(-t) 1.8270(-4) 2.3679(d) 2.9574(-4) 3.5271(A) 4.0342(-4) i= VI Fluxes yl,(z,p) for z = L + A/4 and i = I-10 2.0836(A) 2.6721(A) 3.5252(-4) 4.8356(-4) 6.9193(-4) 1.0444(-3) 1.6302(-3) 2.4158(-3) 3.1081(-3) 3.5443(-3) 3.7561(-3) The Angular 2.9442(d) 3.8406(-4) 5.1690(d) 7.2703(-4) 1.0739(-3) 1.6919(-3) 2.7893(-3) 4.1886(-3) 5.2044(-3) 5.7110(-3) 5.8661(-3) i=3 The Angular TABLE 3.6043(-5) 4.2105(-5) 4.9888(-5) 6.0156(-5) 7.3982(-5) 9.2930(-5) 1.1823(-4) 1.4924(-4) 1.8308(A) 2.1638(A) 2.4699(-4) i= 18 9.3621(-5) 1.1526(-t) 1.4490(-4) 1.8724(-4) 2.4921(-4) 3.4339(-4) 4.8257(A) 6.6300(-4) 8.5588(-4) 1.0257(-3) 1.1550(-3) i=8 19 3.3881(-5) 3.9427(-5) 4.6514(-5) 5.5817(-5) 6.8274(-5) 8.5228(-5) 1.0772(-4) 1.3518(d) 1.6515(A) 1.9474(A) 2.2208(4) i= 8.1008(-5) 9.9037(-5) 1.2351(A) 1.5808(4) 2.0807(-4) 2.8291(A) 3.9185(-4) 5.3192(a) 6.8292(-4) 8.1998(A) 9.2922(-4) i=9 10 3.1962(-5) 3.7055(-5) 4.3537(-5) 5.2003(-S) 6.3278(-5) 7.8524(-5) 9.8623(-5) 1.2307(A) 1.4977(A) 1.7619(A) 2.0073(-4) i=20 8.4882(-5) 1.0339(-4) 1.2833(A) 1.6323(A) 2.1325(A) 2.8730(-4) 3.9406(G) 5.3084(A) 6.7815(A) 8.1111(-4) 9.1575(A) i= E s si u Q % 0 s M s i=l 4.6637(d) 6.5719(-4) 9.7087(-4) 1.5206(-3) 2.5630(-3) 4.7967(-3) 1.7611(-2) 1.0153(-l) 2.1428(-l) 3.1513(-l) 3.9787(-l) i= 11 3.1587(-5) 3.7875(-5) 4.6145(-5) 5.7338(-5) 7.3005(-5) 9.5688(-5) 1.2911(4) 1.7643(A) 2.3717(A) 3.0662(-4) 3.7912(-4) P -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 P -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 a.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 12 2.8323(-5) 3.3784(-5) 4.0923(-5) 5.0525(-5) 6.3863(-5) 8.3007(-5) 1.1094(4) 1.5016(-4) 2.0027(A) 2.5757(-4) 3.1754(-4) i= 2.2300(d) 3.0006(-4) 4.1608(-t) 5.9792(A) 9.0213(A) 1.4586(-3) 2.5687(-3) 4.5595(-3) 6.8622(-3) 8.7448(-3) 1.0026(-2) i=2 13 2.5691(-5) 3.0493(-5) 3.6736(-5) 4.5082(-5) 5.6592(-5) 7.2978(-5) 9.6668(-5) 1.2967(-4) 1.7167(A) 2.1968(A) 2.7005(A) i= i=4 14 IX 6.5688(-5) 8.1781(-5) 1.0381(a) 1.3507(A) 1.8139(a) 2.5304(d) 3.6685(A) 5.3863(-4) 7.6632(d) 1.0242(-3) 1.2807(-3) i=6 5.3896(-5) 6.6465(-5) 8.3510(-5) 1.0743(-4) 1.4239(A) 1.9558(d) 2.7848(d) 4.0154(A) 5.6338(-A) 7.4781(A) 9.3504(-4) i=l 2.1664(-5) 2.5480(-5) 3.0392(-5) 3.6885(-5) 4.5725(-5) 5.8122(-5) 7.5748(-5) 9.9953(-5) 1.3053(-4) 1.6548(a) 2.0228(-4) i= 15 2.0087(-5) 2.3525(-5) 2.7931(-5) 3.3725(-5) 4.1568(-5) 5.2492(-5) 6.7!903(-5) 8.8931(-5) 1.1541(-4) 1.4566(d) 1.7757(-4) i= 16 1.8722(-5) 2.1839(-5) 2.5815(-5) 3.1018(-5) 3.8023(-5) 4.7716(-5) 6.1293(-5) 7.9705(-5) 1.0281(A) 1.2921(-q 1.5710(-4) i= 17 for z = L + A/2 and i = 1 l-20 TABLE 1.0980(-4) 1.4081(-4) 1.8419(A) 2.4721(A) 3.4365(-4) 4.9928(d) 7.5999(A) 1.1749(-3) 1.7253(-3) 2.2971(-3) 2.7919(-3) i=5 Fluxes ~,(z,p) 2.3508(-5) 2.7771(-5) 3.3286(-5) 4.0615(-5) 5.0657(-5) 6.4843(-5) 8.5174(-5) 1.1329(-4) 1.4894(A) 1.8968(A) 2.3251(-I) i= VIII Fluxes w,(z, p) for z = L + A/2 and i = l-10 1.0055(-4) 1.2860(d) 1.6813(-4) 2.2623(A) 3.1638(A) 4.6406(A) 7.1509(A) 1.1178(-3) 1.6625(-3) 2.2513(-3) 2.7862(-3) The Angular 1.4098(d) 1.8405(-4) 2.4616(a) 3.395 l(A) 4.8879(A) 7.4368(-t) 1.2010(-3) 1.9722(-3) 2.9949(-3) 4.0077(-3) 4.8357(-3) i=3 The Angular TABLE 1.7530(-5) 2.0369(-5) 2.3977(-5) 2.8677(-5) 3.4969(-5) 4.3624(-5) 5.5663(-5) 7.1895(-5) 9.2203(-5) 1.1540(-4) 1.3994(-4) i= 18 4.5600(-5) 5.5781(-5) 6.9474(-5) 8.8500-5) 1.1596(A) 1.5716(-4) 2.2033(-t) 3.1281(-4) 4.3358(d) 5.7151(-A) 7.1320(d) i=8 1.6480(-5) 1.9079(-5) 2.2368(-5) 2.6633(-5) 3.2315(-5) 4.0085(-5) 5.0823(-5) 6.5220(-5) 8.3179(-5) 1.0369(-A) 1.2542(A) i= 19 3.9433(-5) 4.7897(-5) 5.9192(-5) 7.4746(-5) 9.6954(-5) 1.2986(d) 1.7961(A) 2.5157(-t) 3.4496(-4) 4.5170(A) 5.6215(d) i=9 10 1.5549(-5) 1.7937(-5) 2.0947(-5) 2.4835(-5) 2.9990(-5) 3.7000(-5) 4.6628(-5) 5.9467(-5) 7.5437(-5) 9.3668(-5) 1.1302(A) i=20 4.1400-5) 5.0105(-5) 6.1650(-5) 7.7431(-5) 9.9770(-5) 1.3254(-4) 1.8155(A) 2.5190(-4) 3.4299(4) 4.4733(4) 5.5567(-d) i= f4 0 2 4 < ii s) t-4 (S-)096O'L (S-)9Sl9'S (S-)&OP&'P (S-)ZIZf’f (S-)8Z9S.Z (S-)&lZO'Z (S-jLPE9.I (S-)SIS&'I (S-)LL&I'I (9-bSIL.6 (9-h&6&.8 (S-)SO&6'L (S-)P&SZ'9 (S-h8083 (S-3S9S9.f (S-)6ZOS'Z (S-)IL6I'Z (S-)PL9L'I (S-)ZPSP'I (S-)88IZ'I (S-)S9&0'1 (9-)1056'8 LI =? (S-hLLI6.8 (S-)0900'L (S-h6Sf.S (S-)&SPo’P (S-)L180'& (S-)&OOP'Z (S-)6616.1 (S-)LILS'I (S-)&II&'1 (S-)SOIl'l (9-)ZLIS‘6 91=! (t48600'1 (S-)8106'L (S-)ZZlW9 (S-h1S’P (S-)LOOP'& (S-)IL&9'Z (Sd696O.Z (S-)SLOL'I (S-)8LIP'I (S-)ZS61'1 (S-)66lOT S1=! (t+ZSI'I (S-)6&86.8 (S-)6S6L'9 (S-)IZ9o’S (S-)Z96L'& (S-)1916*Z (S-)&VO&'Z (S-)0998*1 (S-)91PS'I (S-b&61.1 (S-)98603 PI =! (t'--)ILZ&'l (I'-h'O&o'I (S-)88PL'L (S-1EIIZL.S (S-)Zl9Z'P (S-)88PZ'& (S-)ZOSS-Z (S-)O&WZ (S-)OL89'1 (S-)Z8OP'I (S-)ZO61*1 &I=! (i'-)SPPS'l (V-)&P61'1 (S-hSZ6.8 (S-)PSPSP (S-)ZLZO'P (S-)OIS9'& (S-)09P8'Z (S-)89LZ'Z (S-)&098*1 (S-)pPPS'I (S-)Z86Z'l ZI =I (b)ZOZO'I (I-)&IOp'I (V-)SOPOl (S-)199S’L (S-)1625'S (S-k9PI'P (S-)Z8OZ'& (S-)S6PS'Z (S-)POLo'Z (S-)LOOL'l (S-)BLZp'I II =! (t+8LI'Z (tdS699.1 (b)ZI&Z‘I (S-)S&L8’8 (S-)LIZp'9 (S-)9ZLL'P (S-k&99'& (S-)LO68'Z (S-)ZZ&&*Z (S-)&Z163 (S-)PL8S'I d z'k P'O9'08'0I- (f-)PSLL’I (E-16SIE’l b-1LS66.8 b-)896L'S (V-)&60L'& (t-)1&9P’Z (P-)&VU'1 (P-)&6ZZ'I (S-)OOt'6'8 (S-)9&65*9 (S-1ESS6.P (E-h78IL’I (E-)609Z'I (V-)18PS’8 (V-)Z6Sp'S (P-)OZSV& (idL99Z.Z (df99S'I (P-)&&ZI'I (S-)81&Z'8 (S-)16Z1’9 (S-h6P9’P (E-10S91.E (E-)U&&‘Z (&-1Z8SS.I (P-)SSPS'6 b-)BSPL’S (t-)1919’& (P-)ZPIP'Z (P-)&899*1 (tdE9LI.I (S-18LLP.8 (S-bILZ.9 Z=! (E-)ILZ&‘L (C-1CSZ9.S (E-1ZI6L.E (f-)PZOZ'Z (f-)190Z'l +)PS&O’L (t--)LSZP’P (V-h8P8.Z (P-)9068*1 (V-)OSO&‘l (S-hP9f.6 I=! (I-b96P.Z (I-h’I9L’I (Z-)SOS6’6 (Z-)Z6ZP'& (E-)O&SP'S (E-)819Z’Z (f-k861.1 (t-)OISS*9 (ldOLS6’E b-kO8S’Z b-)098L’I ?i Z’iVO9’08’0I- 8'; 9'0 P’O Z'O (S-)ZP8&'9 (S-)ZOLO.S (S-)Z8&6'& (S-)PIfO’f (S-hS&‘Z (S-)8L98'1 (S-h'8IS.I (S-)ZI9Z'I (S-)Z990'1 (9-)86&1'6 (9-hSZ6.L 81=! (tr)SZLS’L (tdSSE9’S (t-)9096'& (t-h&LYZ (id686L.I (V-h76VZ’I (S-16ZVO.6 (S-jLL9L.9 (S-)&981'S (S-)80&03 (S-)ZZLI’& &=! aqL (d669p’S (t-1EL6O.t (t'-)&&16'Z (b-)88663 (tdL69E‘l (S-19SL9.6 (S-)Z9OI’L (S-h6E'S (S-)&681'P (S-)ZSO&*& (S-h6E9.Z P=! saxnla Jqn8uy 61=! ~o~(d‘.z)'d oz = ! oz-11 =.i pm p/g& + 7=r (t7)8PPI’P (td6EZI.E (V-)IPPZ'Z (i-kl9S.I (P-)6980.1 (S-kO6L.L (S-kP6L’S (S-)8SPp'P (S-bP6t'f (S-)&06L’Z (S-16PSZ.Z s=! IX TI8V.L (F)ZZSZ’& (bdZS9t7.Z (tdIL8L’I (i406SZ'l (S-)9P88'8 (S-)66PP'9 (S-)OlS83 (S-116SL.E (S-)6586-Z (S-)LSOVZ (S-)6&967 9=! 8’: 9’0 P'O Z'O (tdZt’OZ’& (P-)ZL&P’Z (t48LLL.I (I’--)9&9Z’I (S-)S800.6 (S-)&109.9 (S-)&&00'S (S-)LI06'& (S-)ZIll'& (S-)18lS.Z (S-hO9o'Z L=! aql 8=! 37BV.L JOJ(II‘Z)~~ saxnl,I qnSuy 6=! =! pw3 p/v& + 7=2 oI=! 01-l x MULTIGROUP TRANSPORT 263 THEORY We have found that these expressions are significant improvements especially as P-P 0 over the usual (and simpler) expressions given by Eqs. (55) and (95). In addition we show in Table XII converged results for the group fluxes which, for z = L and z = R, can be expressedby using Eqs. (55) and (120) as (127a) h(L) = 4, + a,,0 and tiitR) =6i,*E*(di) + (127b) bi,O, where, in general, E,(x) denotes exponential-integral functions. For z E (L, R) we use Eqs. (95) and (120) in Eq. (126) to obtain #i(z)=Gi,lE2[a*(z L)l + - ci,O(z) + (127~) di,O(z)* Finally, we list in Table XIII our converged results for the group albedos Ai* = 2 ‘Pm, I 0 TABLE (128a) -P)dc1 XII The Group Fluxes o,(z) i r=L 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1.0117 3.9657(-3) 2.0883(-3) 1.3228(-3) 1.3007(-3) 7.0807(a) 5.5208(A) 4.4579(d) 3.6946(-4) 3.6961(A) 2.7 104(-4) 2.3568(A) 2.0748(d) 1.8450(-4) 1.6545(-4) 1.4946(a) l-3588(-4) 1.2423(-4) 1.1415(-d) 1.0536(-4) z=L+A/4 r=L+A/2 3.5594(-l) 9.9306(-3) 5.0739(-3) 3.1027(-3) 3.0869(-3) 1.5694(-3) 1.1895(-3) 9.3681(d) 7.5937(-4) 7.6078(A) 5.3840(A) 4.6029(A) 3.99 10(-4) 3.5000(-4) 3.0989(-4) 2.7666(a) 2.4877(A) 2.2511(-4) 2.0486(-4) l-8737(-4) 1.7050(-l) 6.2916(-3) 2.922 l(-3) 1.6910(-3) 1.7578(-3) 8.2100(--t) 6.1336(-4) 4.7874(-4) 3.8576(-4) 3.87 10(-4) 2.7184(-4) 2.3188(A) 2.0072(-4) 1.7580(-4) 1.5550(-4) 1.3871(-4) 1.2465(-4) 1.1273(-4) 1.0254(A) 9.3748(-5) r=L+34/4 8.7855(-2) 3.6317(-3) 1.5888(-3) 8.98 18(-4) 9.4748(A) 4.3208(-4) 3.2196(-4) 2.5096(-4) 2.0207(-4) 2.0269(-4) 1.4228(-4) 1.2133(-4) 1.0500(-4) 9.1954(-5) 8.1325(-5) 7.2537(-5) 6.5175(-5) 5.8941(-5) 5.3609(-5) 4.9008(-5) z=R 4.6716(-2) 1.9091(-3) 7.8 103(A) 4.2724(A) 4.5042(-4) 1.9734(-4) 1.4496(A) 1.1154(A) 8.8744(-5) 8.8221(-5) 6.1011(-5) 5.1520(-5) 4.4 159(-5) 3.8308(-5) 3.3569(-5) 2.9673(-5) 2.6427(-5) 2.3692(-5) 2.1365(-5) 1.9367(-5) 264 GARCIA AND SIEWERT TABLE XIII ATand BT Present work DTF69 i Ai* Bi* AI B: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 6.4394(-3) 2.4468(-3) 1.3718(-3) 9.0655(-4) 9.1002(-4) 5.1696(-4) 4.1123(-4) 3.3795(-4) 2.8449(-4) 2.8836(-4) 2.1483(-4) 1.8886(-4) 1.6797(A) 1.5080(-4) 1.3645(-4) 1.2430(A) 1.1390(-4) 1.049 1(-4) 9.7071(-5) 9.0188(-5) 7.3 lOO(-2) 2.6667(-3) 1.0693(-3) 5.7560(A) 6.0465(-4) 2.5976(-4) 1.8942(g) 1.4482(-4) 1.1456(-4) 1.1340(-4) 7.7912(-5) 6.5506(-5) 5.5914(-5) 4.83 12(-5) 4.2175(-5) 3.7144(-5) 3.2964(-5) 2.9452(-5) 2.6472(-5) 2.3920(-5) 6.4399(-3) 2.4467(-3) 1.3719(-3) 9.0668(d) 9.1011(4) 5.1708(A) 4.1134(-4) 3.3805(A) 2.8459(-4) 2.8844(-4) 2.1492(A) 1.8894(-4) 1.6805(-4) 1.5088(-4) 1.3652(-4) 1.2437(-4) 1.1397(d) 1.0497(A) 9.7135(-5) 9.0250(-5) 7.2983(-2) 2.6646(-3) 1.0678(-3) 5.7472(-4) 6.0380(-4) 2.5935(-4) 1.8912(-4) 1.4458(-4) 1.1437(-4) 1.1321(A) 7.7785(A) 6.5399(-5) 5.5822(-5) 4.8233(-5) 4.2106(-5) 3.7082(-5) 3.2909(-5) 2.9402(-5) 2.6427(-5) 2.3879(-5) and the group transmission factors (128b) If we use Eqs. (55) and (120) in Eqs. (128) we find Ai* = ai. + $a,,, (129a) Bjr = 26i,lEj(di) + bi,O+ fbi,,* (129b) and All our numerical results are accurate, we believe, to within fl in the last digit shown. In Table XIII we also show the results of a calculation by Renken [ 141 who used DTF69, a discrete-ordinates code [ 151, with 40 space points and eight directions for each half range ofp. We observe here as in the isotropic scattering case [2] what we believe to be a slight deterioration in the DTF69 results for increasing absorption (as the group number increases). Regarding the convergence of our method, we have found that to establish MULTIGROUPTRANSPORTTHEORY 265 w,(L, -,u) and ~,(R,~) accurate to what we believe to be five significant figures for all p required in this case N = 20; for the interior angular fluxes and the integrated quantities 4,(z), A r*, and B: we have found that N = 15 was sufficient to obtain five figures of accuracy. Finally, we would like to mention that we have also generated numerical results for the 19-group problem considered in [2], but generalized to include anisotropicscattering effects of the Klein-Nishina differential scattering cross section. A set of P, multigroup transfer cross sections was provided by Renken [ 141. Due to the truncation of the Legendre expansion of the cross section, however, the resulting multigroup transfer cross sections turned out to be negative for some values of the scattering angle. Thus, the familiar and challenging question of how to deal with the solution of a strictly nonphysical problem was encountered [ 161. From a mathematical point of view a transport equation based on cross sections that can be negative is a perfectly valid candidate for study and can clearly yield a solution that can be negative. One can (as we did) solve such a problem and accept, at least on a mathematical basis, the solution-positive or otherwise. We note that in comparing our results for the considered problem with P, scattering with those obtained by Renken [ 141, with and without the use of the negative-flux fix-up option [ 151 in the DTF69 code, we found excellent agreement with Renken’s results only when he did not use the negative-flux fix-up option. A separate question is what is the relationship of the solution obtained in this way to the physically correct solution that satisfies the transport equation for which the Klein-Nishina cross section has not been truncated. 6. CONCLUSIONS We conclude from our studies that the FN method is capable of producing accurate results for the considered multigroup model. The most interesting aspect of the method seems to be the capability of finding the reflected and transmitted angular fluxes for a given group by using only the boundary data and established emerging fluxes for preceding groups. This feature of the FN method is a particularly attractive one for shielding calculations, where frequently the interior angular fluxes are not of primary interest. For most situations the results deduced from the method of discrete ordinates are clearly adequat-specially when we consider the magnitude of the uncertainties associated with the input data. For strong absorption and/or optically thick slabs, however, increased computer time will be required by strictly numerical methods to achieve a desired degree of accuracy-a characteristic not shared by the FN method. APPENDIX A: ALTERNATIVE EXPRESSIONSFOR @j,O(s/uj) We have mentioned in Section 2 that an alternative expression to Eq. (37) is needed to compute @I,0(s/a,) in the event that G,(s, s) = 0 for some s. The same is 266 GARCIA AND SIEWERT true, in general, for the @J~,~(s/~~) given by Eq. (51) when Gj(s, s) = 0. It is clear that Eq. (37) is only a special case of Eq. (51), and thus we now proceed to derive an alternative expression to the latter. If we set n = 0 in Eq. (7) and use Eq. (49) we obtain, for s @J[-1, 11, where Q,(s) denote the Legendre functions of the second kind [ 171, i.e., (Z+ l)sQ,(s)= (I+ 1) Q,+l(s)+ @-I(S) +do,r 64’4 with Q,,(s)= 4 log((s + 1)/b - l)), s cz [-I, 11, (A3) Q&j = 4 W(l VE [-1, 11. (A41 or + v)/(l - VI>, If we demonstrate that A,(s) and Gj(s, s) do not have common zeros for s & [-1, 1 ] it is clear that we can divide Eq. (Al) by n,(s) to obtain the desired alternative formula for @ji,0(s/uj)9 S @ [-I, 113in the event that Gj(s, s) = 0. First we use the summation formulas given by Inonii [ 181 to write n,(s) and Gj(s, s) in the convenient forms Aj(s>= (9 + ~)[QY(s)gj,u+I(S)- QY+,(s)gj,dS)I 0-W and Gj(svs) = (CjS)-‘(~ + I)[&+ I(S)gj,ds) -P&s) gj,y+I(S W) It is easy to show that the following identity holds: (y + 1P,+,(s) Q,P(s> - f’ds) QY, &)I = 1. (A7) We now multiply Eq. (A5) by Py+ ,( s ) an d use Eqs. (A6) and (A7) to obtain ps?+ l(S) 4(s) = gj,Y+ 1(s) - CjSQy+ I(S) Gj(s, s)* W) By contradiction, if we suppose that there exists some s* & [-1, 1 ] such that /ii = G,(s*, s*) = 0 we conclude immediately from Eq. (A8) that gj,lp+ ,(s*) = 0. From Eq. (A6), however, we see that this would require gj,&*) = 0. Clearly, this is not possible; otherwise from Eq. (8) we would have gj,,(s*) = 0 for all 1. We must then conclude that there is no such s*. MULTIGROUP TRANSPORT 267 THEORY In order to obtain an alternative formula for @,,,(~/a~), v E [-1, 11, we let s approach the branch cut to find that Eq. (Al) yields, for VE [-I, 11, v,w9 9 @,,,owJ,) = 2vqv9 VI+ I=0 5 ~,,(w,,,(v)P,(v)- ‘&? 5 (-1)’ k=l X ujk(l) •t V @k,l(v/uj) l=O 6-W Pi(V) and C k=l C I=0 (e-1)’ ujk(l) @k,l(v/uj) We can use Eqs. (A9) and (AlO) to show that, for Ujlj(V) @j,O(V/Uj) = 2vBj(v, + v ,i, j-l v, + v Jl, ujj(4 Dj,l(v) /l[ v Q/(V)* E [-1, 1 ] and Gj(V, V) (A101 = 0, Bj(Vvv> P--v 14’ Bj(P9 v, - Tl(v) 40 (Al k=l 1) ‘=I where the polynomials F,(v) can be generated with the recursion formula [ 121, for 12 0, (21+ 1) VT,(V)= -d’,, + (I + 1) r,+,(v) + r,-,(v), WV where T,(v) = 0. (A13) Again, if we demonstrate that J](v) and Gj(v, v) do not have common zeros for v E [-1, 1 ] we can divide Eq. (Al 1) by Izi(V) to obtain the desired alternative formula for @j,o(v/oj), vE L-1, 11, when G,(v, v) = 0. We let s approach the branch cut to obtain from Eq. (A5) 409 = (9 + l)[Q,(v) g,,ip+l(v) - QY+dv) g,,ip(v)l 6414) and Gj(v, “I= (CjV)-‘(g + ~)[J’Y+ I(“) gj.dV) - PA”) gj,ip+ I(V)]* (A15) Of course Eq. (A7) is still valid for v E [-I, I], (9 + ~W’Y+Av)Qs&) - P&v) QY+&)I = 1, 6416) 268 GARCIA AND SIEWERT and Eq. (A8) yields pY+ lCv> kj:i(v> = 1 (VI gj,rP+ - Cj VQ,P+ I(“> Gj(V, (A*7) “1. By contradiction, if we suppose that there exists some v* E [-1, 1] such that n,(v*) = Gj(v*, v*) = 0 we see from Eq. (A17) that we must have gj,u+ I(v*) = 0. As before, the possibility that gj,Jv*) = 0 has to be ruled out, and thus Gj(v*, v*) = 0 would require Py+,(v*) = 0 in Eq. (A15). At the same time Lj(v*) = 0 would require QF+i(v*) = 0 in Eq. (A14). But Py+,(v*) and QY+ ,(v*) cannot be zero simultaneously, otherwise Eq. (A16) would be violated. We must then conclude that there is no such v*. We note that this result implies that there are no discrete eigenvalues embedded in the continuum. APPENDIX B: RECURSIVE RELATIONS The functions Ai,,(r) defined by Eq. (60) can be shown to satisfy, for a > 0, the recursive relation di,a-l(O + = 2(2a (2a + + I) lIK25+ 5 I=0 l)Ai,a(O (-l>‘Pii(f> + gi,!(t) ta + l)Ai,u+l(G Ta,17 (Bl) where for forward recursion the required initial value can be computed from Ai,O(t) = ’ ,6-i CM1 1’ Piit0 giJ(O FQ) cl(O’ Here the functions C,(T) can be found from EC,-,(O+(2/+ l>K,(O+(~+ l)To,, l)C,+,(f3=(2~+ 033) with Co(<) = 1 - cw* + u/o>. (B4) We recall from Sections 3 and 4 that the functions A,,,(<) are required for real 6 & [--I, 0). We have found that the use of Eq. (Bl) in the forward direction is stable only for c E (-LO], and thus an alternative procedure is desired. Using the Christoffel-Darboux formula [ 171 for the Legendre polynomials, we have deduced the alternative recursion relation ‘cr+lt2t+ 1)Ai,m(t)+Ptz(2t+ l)Ai,,+l CO = (-1>“(2/(a + 1)) ri,a(t), (B5) where ri,O(O = 5 I=0 C-l 1’ Piit gi,l(t) TO,, 9 VW MULTIGROUP TRANSPORT 269 THEORY and, for 1 < a < Y + 1, ~,,,t~)=~*,,&)+ t-l)w+ l)p,w+ 1) 5 t-VP,,V) &,dWd Pm I=0 Since T,,, = 0 for a > I+ 1, we see that Eq. (B7) yields ri,a(t) =ri,Y+ a>Y+l. l(O9 038) We have found that backward recursion of Eq. (B5) in the manner suggested by Miller [ 191 is stable for real < & [-1, 0). As discussed before in [2], however, such a scheme can be time consuming for r close to the transition points -1 and 0, and for this reason we have actually used forward recursion of Eq. (Bl) for <E [-1.001, -1) U [0, O .OOl] without losing too many significant figures. For other < we used backward recursion of Eq. (B5). The functions B,,,(r) defined by Eqs. (61) and required for <E Pi can be deduced from the recursive relation -aBi.m-,tO+ = 2t2a Pa + 1W+ l) ci 5 l)B,.,tt)-(a Pitt0 gi,dt) + T~,19 l)Bi,,+,(t) (B9) I=0 with Bi,o(C;)= 2(1 -Ci) + ciAi,o(C)* @lOI Forward recursion of Eq. (B9) can be used efficiently to generate B,,,(r) for <E and thus, the [0, 11. For <= vi,,, it is easy to see that Bia,(~i,,,) = -CiAi,,(-vi,,), recursion relations developed for A,,,(<) can be readily used to establish Bi,,(vi,m). We note that the strategy adopted here yielded A,,,(<) and B,,,(r) accurate to at least 13 significant figures for a up to 40 (working in double precision with an IBM 370/165 machine). We now turn our attention to the constants T,,, defined by Eq. (70). We note that the L,, are a special case (m = 0) of the more general TE,, considered by Devaux et al. [lo], and thus we write, for a > 0 and 12 0, l)][(@ a + 1))T,-,,, + T,,I + ((a+ 1)/P+ l))T,+~.,l - tw + 1))T&L1. (Bll) T u,l+l = (z+ 1)/[2(1+ In this equation a runs from a = 0 to I+ 2 (note that T,,, = 0 for /I > 12+ 1) for each 1, from I= 0 to Y - 1. To initiate our calculation we use To.0= f 0312) T, ,. = :. (B13) and 270 GARCIA AND SIEWERT Finally, the polynomials G,,,(r) defined by Eq. (73) and required for < E [0, 1 ] can be computed effkiently by forward recursion from aGi,a-,(t)= 2(2a (2a + l) + 5 I=0 l)Gi.m(O + (a + l)Gi.a+,(O 1)(XPiit gi,LO Ta,I, 0314) with G,.,(t) = 0. (B15) ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to express their gratitude to J. H. Renken of Sandia National Laboratories for several helpful discussions related to this work and for communicating the DTF69 results listed in Table XIII. The authors are also grateful to D. H. Roy for the interest shown in this study and to the Babcock & Wilcox Company for partial support of this work, which was also supported in part by the National Science Foundation. One of the authors (RDMG) wishes also to acknowledge the financial support of the Comissb National de Energia Nuclear and the Instituto de Pesquisas Energiticas e Nucleares, both of Brazil. REFERENCES 1. C. E. SIEWERTAND P. BENOIST,Nucl. Sri. Eng. 78 (1981), 311. 2. R. D. M. GARCIA AND C. E. SIEWERT,Nucl. Sci. Eng. 78 (1981), 315. 3. S. CHANDRASEKHAR,“Radiative Transfer,” Oxford Univ. Press, London, 1950. 4. J. R. MIKA, Nucl. Sci. Eng. 11 (1961), 415. 5. N. I. MUSKHELISHVILI,“Singular Integral Equations,” Noordhoff, Groningen, 1953. 6. R. L. BOWDEN, F. J. MCCROSSON,AND E. A. RHODES,J. MoB. Phys. 9 (1968), 753. 7. C. E. SIEWERT,Astrophys. Space Sci. 58 (1978), 131. 8. C. E. SIEWERTAND P. BENOIST,Nucl. Sci. Eng. 69 (1979), 156. 9. P. GRANDJEANAND C. E. SIEWERT,Nucl. Sci. Eng. 69 (1979), 161. 10. C. DEVAUX, C. E. SIEWERT,AND Y. L. YUAN, Astrophys. J. 253 (1982), 773. 11. L. G. HENYEY AND J. L. GREENSTEM,Astrophys. J. 93 (1941), 70. 12. C. E. SIEWERT,J. Math. Phys. 21 (1980), 2468. 13. R. 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