IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS,VOL. 30, NO. 6, NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 1994 1573 Input Filter Design for PWM Current-Source Rectifiers Navid R. Zargari, Student Member, IEEE, Geza Joos, Senior Member, IEEE, and Phoivos D. Ziogas, Fellow, IEEE Abstract-Pulse-width modulated (PWM) rectifiers are increasingly used because they allow the elimination of low-order harmonics, and therefore a reduction in input filter components. Filtering requirements for PWM current-source rectifiers are usually satisfied through the use of low-pass LC input filters. This paper offers a systematic and user-friendly approach to choosing the filter components. Design of LC filters involves the positioning of the resonant frequency to meet the harmonic attenuation requirements (THD), and introducing damping at the resonant frequency to avoid amplification of residual harmonics. The problem is further complicated by considerations related to cost., power factor, voltage attenuation, system efficiency, and filter parameter variation. The systematic approach proposed in this paper focuses on PWM rectifiers, but can easily be extended to other classes of converters. Practical design considerations are detailed and design equations derived. Simulated results are presented to validate the design approach. IIfli i ! i ! i \ ....................................... II . . . .: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I ................... OHZ 1m 4m Fig. 1. Harmonic spectrum of the SPWM switching pattern ( M = 1, f, = 27pu). I. INTRODUCTION S chronism in the PWM method, switching delays, and other inaccuracies in implementation, some unwanted harmonics with small amplitudes exist in the dead-band. These harmonics can be amplified by the filter, if no damping is provided. On the other hand, a highly damped filter will not necessarily meet the harmonics attenuation requirements 111. Although filter design and component optimization for PWM rectifiers have been presented in several papers [2]-[6], practical considerations have usually not been addressed systematically. Some of these are as follows. TATIC power converters, when operated from an ac power system, generate current harmonics that are injected back into the ac system. These current harmonics result in voltage distortions that affect the overall operation of the ac system. The principal method of reducing the harmonics generated by static converters is provided by input filters using reactive storage elements. The harmonics generated by a phase-controlled rectifier on the ac side are of orders (np + / - l),where p is output voltage pulse number and II = 1,2, .... However, by using PWM techniques, the frequency spectra of the input waveforms can be shaped and harmonic components moved to a higher frequency. This substantially reduces the size of the filter components. Spectra shaping results in the creation of a “dead-band’’ where no unwanted harmonic components exist. The break frequency of the LC filter can therefore be positioned in this dead-band, shown in Fig. 1. However, in practice, due to the presence of imperfections such as asymmetry in gating signals, asynPaper IPCSD 94-51, approved by the Industrial Power Converter Committee of the IEEE Industry Applications Society for presentation at APEC93. This work was supported in part by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and by the Quebec Ministry of Education under an FCAR Grant. Manuscript released for publication June 27, 1994. N. R. Zargari and G. Joos are with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Concordia University, Montreal, P. Q. H3G 1M8, Canada. P. D. Ziogas was with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Concordia University, Montreal, P. Q. IEEE Log Number 9405050. 0 The existence of uncharacteristic harmonics in the dead-band region. The tolerances on the value of the filter components. The effect of the filter on the converter performance and on the rating of the converter components. Considerations related to system efficiency, power factor, kilovoltampere rating of the filter components and cost of the filter. A systematic approach to the design of an input filter for PWM rectifiers is discussed in this paper taking into account the above constraints, in particular the problem of damping at the resonant frequency, which is not discussed in [5], as well as other literature. The proposed approach is used to design an input filter for a PWM current-source rectifier. The effects of the filter on the performance of the rectifier are examined. 0093-9994/94$04.00 0 1994 IEEE IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, VOL. 30, NO. 6, NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 1994 1574 11. PRINCIPLES OF PWM CURRENT-SOURCE RECTIFIERS The complete circuit diagram of a three-phase currentsource-type PWM rectifier is shown in Fig. 2. It consists of three-phase ac mains, an input LC filter with damping resistors, a PWM rectifier, an output filter, and a load. The input rectifier current is given by the following: where S, , (t ) is line-to-line switching pattern, Z,, is the output dc current, and i,(t> is the input rectifier current of phase (a). Therefore, the harmonic current source of Fig. 3(c) injects the harmonic contents of the S,,(t) into the ac mains. Rf Fig. 2. Current-source-typePWM rectifier with input filter. Rs L, 111. DESCRIPTION OF THE FILTER CHARACTERISTICS A typical connection for a PWM converter to the ac mains through an input filter is shown in Fig. 3(a). If the harmonic source has a current-source characteristic, the preferred choice would be a second-order LC filter, for its simplicity and the minimum number of components required. The single-line diagram of the ac source, input LC filter, and PWM converter for the fundamental frequency and for harmonic frequencies are shown in Fig. 3(b) and (c). From Fig. 3(c), the transfer function of the filter is obtained as 'line. h Ih (s) = L,CJs2 1 + RJCfs + (RJ + R s ) C f s+ 1 = G(s) R, L, (2) where R,, L , are the line impedance (including the added filter inductance), R f , Cf are the filter components, Zline, h is the harmonic component of line, and Zh is the harmonic component of rectifier input currents. The first step in designing a filter is to identify the position and amplitude of the harmonics to be attenuated. If the PWM pattern of the converter is known, the amplitude and order of the harmonics injected can be obtained (see Fig. 1). Also, the worst operating point in terms of harmonics (modulation index) can be identified. The second step is to choose a suitable break frequency for the filter. This is done based on the following considerations. (C) Fig. 3. (a) Typical connection of the input filter. (b) Single-line diagram for the fundamental frequency. (c) Single-line diagram for harmonic frequencies. at the fundamental frequency ( B ) , the filter components can be obtained from the following set of equations, which represents the gain of the filter at three different frequencies: (3) (a) To achieve a desired attenuation of the dominant harmonic, which is at a multiple of the switching frequency, f s w ; (b) to avoid amplification of the residual harmonics in the dead-band. To satisfy the first constraint, the gain of the LC filter for harmonic components should be obtained. To meet the second specification, the required damping of the filter must be designed considering the amplitudes of the residual harmonics in the dead-band and the maximum amplification allowed. For a given value of the attenuation factor ( a ) , the maximum amplification of the residual harmonics in the dead-band ( A ) and the gain of the filter (4) (5) In order to provide a better representation of the above procedure, (2) can be rewritten in logarithm as follows: G(log) = I,in,,,(log) - IhOOg). (6) From (61, it is seen that the filter transfer function can be obtained by subtraction in the logarithmic domain. The design procedure is illustrated in Fig. 4. The frequency ZARGARI el 1575 al.: INPUT FILTER FOR PWM CURRENT-SOURCE RECTIFIERS 0 -401 0 -lu' db 201 - A 0 4 1Qh Fig. 5. Flow chart of the filter-design procedure. 1 3(m 3ooh 1- 1.OKb I 3.0W frequency IC (C) Fig. 4. (a) Frequency spectrum of the harmonic current source (in decibels). (b) Desired frequency spectrum of the line current (in decibels). (c) Characteristics of the input filter (A and a are in decibels). VC rectifierinputcrrrrent spectrum of the line current before filtering, Ih(log), is shown in Fig. 4(a). Since the desired THD of the line current is specified and since the rectifier switching pattern in known, the desired line current spectrum can be calculated. This is shown in Fig. 4(b), I,ine.h(log).By subtracting Fig. 4(a) from Fig. 4(b), the values of A and a (in decibels) are obtained. Knowing the gain of the filter at three different frequencies ( A , B , and a ) , the filter characteristics C(1og) are obtained Fig. 4(c). The design of the filter using (2)-(5) is not complete if the performance specifications are not met. Also, the input filter distorts the converter input voltage and modifies the harmonics generated by the converter. Therefore, this additional distortion should be considered in the filter-design procedure. The final design is obtained through an iterative process to meet the desired specifications. The flow chart of the filter design is given in Fig. 5. Since the filter involves the design of two components ( L , and C,), assigning two constraints (THD, and THD,,) fixes the values of L , and C,. However, one can choose to include other constraints, such as kilovoltampere or displacement angle minimization. A trade-off has to be made and the overall specifications can be put together in a filter optimization program to obtain the optimum filter design. These factors and other constraints are discussed later. CONSIDERATIONS IV. PRACTICAL A. Displacement Power Factor The phasor diagram of the PWM rectifier is shown in Fig. 6, where it is assumed that the switching pattern is Fig. 6 rcaificx input voltage Phasor diagram of PWM rectifier, pattern synchronized with the capacitor voltages. synchronized and is in phase with the rectifier input ac voltage (the capacitor voltage). The input power factor (PF) is defined as '<overall) = 'Fdirtortwn) * COS 0 (7) where 0 is the input displacement angle. Using a filter at the input terminals of the PWM rectifier increases the input distortion power factor, but it decreases the input displacement power factor (DPF = cos 0). Therefore, it may decrease the overall input power factor. Therefore, it is necessary to limit the displacement angle ( 0 in Fig. 6). When damping is neglected, the angle 0 is given by the following: where V, is the rectifier input voltage, I is the amplitude of the rectifier input current, and X,, X , are the impedances of the filter components. The displacement angle 0 is dependent on the modulation index M , since I varies with M . Fig. 7 depicts the dependency of 0 on the modulation index M with the break frequency fb as a parameter. It is seen that decreasing M increases 0, hence, resulting in a reduction of the input DPF. Figs. 8 and 9 show the variation of 0 as a IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, VOL. 30, NO. 6, NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 1994 1576 . currents generated flow in the capacitor branch, the current and voltage of the capacitor branch are calculated as -30 MP= (11) 60 where I, is the hth harmonic component of the rectifier input current, and Kc is the input ac phase voltage. The kilovoltampere rating of the capacitor is defined as 0 KVAC -20 1 XC 10 P Fig. 9. Displacement angle as a function of filter capacitance X& 5.4 pu.) = function of X , and X , with modulation index M as a parameter. In both of these figures, the filter break frequency is kept constant to obtain similar current harmonic attenuation. As the input inductance increases, the phase displacement between input current and input voltage decreases and there is a value of X , that provides unity input DPF. Therefore, the filter can be designed in such a way that unity DPF at M = 1 is achieved and as M decreases, the rectifier furnishes leading power factors (Figs. 7 and 9). = '~,rmyl/C.,rms (12) where Z,,, is the root mean square value of the capacitor current, and V,,,,, is the root mean square value of the capacitor voltage. By equating the derivative of the above equation, the value of X,, which minimizes KVAC, is obtained as x, = 1e h=2 v,, (;)2 (13) ? , 4 / 4 . h=- However, the above value of X , does not guarantee that the THD,] constraint is met. The variation of KVAC as a function of X , is depicted in Fig. 11. It is seen that KVAC does not vary rapidly with the change in C,. Therefore, it is possible to obtain a value of Cf that provides a low-kVA rating and achieves a near-unity ZARGARI et al.: INPUT FILTER FOR PWM CURRENT-SOURCE RECTIFIERS 1577 P 0.0 0.4 M 1.0 € 0.4 Fig. 12. Effect of damping ( 6 ) on the circuit specifications. Fig. 10. TKVA as a function of modulation index M. 0.9 WAC 0.5 0.0 XC 30.0 pu Fig. 1 1 . Capacitive KVA as a function of capacitor impedance X,. displacement power factor. This fact can be used to modify the design flow chart given in Fig. 5. Fig. 13. Effect of parameter variations on the attenuation factor a. important, especially if the filter is properly damped. However, the attenuation factor ( a ) of the filter will differ from the one predicted for the nominal values. The change in the attenuation factor ( A a ) as a function of AL or AC is depicted in Fig. 13. C. Damping E. Effect of the Filter on the Converter Pet$omzance In order to avoid amplification of the residual harmonThe addition of an input filter to the PWM rectifier ics in the dead-band region, proper damping of the LC distorts the input ac voltages at the rectifier input termifilter is required. Since the amplitude of the residual nals. The output dc voltage is given by harmonics are expected to be less than one percent, an v ( ) ( t )= s , , ( t ) E ( t ) + s,,(t>vb(t> + s,,(t>K(t) (14) amplification of four to seven times can be tolerated. This gives a criterion for choosing the parameter A in the set where V,(t) is output dc voltage and K,&) are the of equations (21-6). Damping has three major effects on rectifier input voltages. the performance of the system: A distorted input voltage will change the output voltage harmonics and this effect must be considered in the 0 it reduces the system efficiency; design of the output filter. Therefore, input voltage distorit increases the THD,,; tion must be limited to a reasonable value in order for the it improves the system response to input transients. converter to perform as predicted at a particular operatThe latter is done by increaing the overall damping of ing point. Also, it is necessary to ensure capacitive characthe system, hence allowing for less overshoot during the teristics at the rectifier input terminals. These put additransients. Adding damping in the capacitor branch alone tional constraints on the value of the capacitor, which may is preferred, since the current flowing in this branch is override the kVA consideration. smaller than that in the inductor branch. The effect of V. DESIGNEXAMPLE damping on THD,. and efficiency are shown in Fig. 12. An input filter is designed for a PWM rectifier. Two D.Parameter Variation types of designs are considered. Variations in the values of the filter components result in a shifting of the break frequency of the filter. This A. Design A variation can be critical to the proper operation of a The filter is designed to achieve the unity displacement tuned filter. But for a low-pass filter, this effect is not power factor at M = 1. The filter break frequency is given IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, VOL. 30, NO. 6, NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 1994 1578 TABLE I FILTERSPECIFICAT~ONS IN pu, ( M = 0.95, fsw XL xc THD, THD, VdC Idc 2 KVAC Design (a) Design (b) 0.17 pu 5.1 pu 0.34 pu 10.2 pu <5% 19% 1.63 pu 1.48 pu 0.09 pu -13.8' 0.62 pu 4% 10% 1.69 pu 1.54 pu 0.09 pu 1.10 0.68 pu Vbue= 120 V, I, = I." = 27 pu) 1 , . -L.U I J (a) 70 A. by the following: -2.0 ul (b) Fig. 14. l)rpical current and voltage waveforms for design A. (a) Rectifier waveforms, (b) Line waveforms (in pu). For a given attenuation factor ( U ) and rectifier switching frequency f,, the values of L , and Cf are found using (81, (1% and (16). B. Design B In this case, the cost (TKVA) of the filter is minimized by minimizing the capacitive kVA, since TKVA is mainly capacitive. The capacitor value is obtained from (13). Then L , is calculated for the same break frequency as design A. The specifications of the two designs are given in Table I. From the results, it can be concluded that while the two designs offer comparable kilovoltampere ratings, design A yields a higher power factor. Therefore, it is possible to design a filter by first specifying the range of acceptable kilovoltampere ratings, and hence, acceptable X , (from Fig. 11). Then X , can be calculated to obtain unity DPF at M = 1. These two constraints (limiting the kVA and achieving unity DPF) can be incorporated in the flow chart of Fig. 5 according to the designer's preference. (a) (b) t2 -2 AAA - (C) Fig. 15. Frequency spectra of input-output waveforms. (a) Rectifier input current. (b) Input line current. (c) Output dc voltage. VI. RESULTS The simulation results for the filter of design A in Section V are depicted in Figs. 14 and 15. The input line current, input ac voltage, and rectifier input current are shown in Fig. 14. The input displacement power factor is unity at M = 1. The input line current has a high quality with THD, less than 5 percent. Frequency spectra of the line current before and after filtering are shown in Fig. 15. The frequency spectrum of the line current clearly indicates the effect of the filter and the absence of amplification of the harmonics. Simulation results for design B are shown in Fig. 16. The filter capacitor is minimized, but the phase displacement between the input current and voltage waveforms is increased by about 15". VII. CONCLUSIONS A systematic design procedure for a passive LC input filter for current source PWM rectifiers is proposed. Basic filtering requirements as well as practical problems such as filter kilovoltampere rating, efficiency, damping, and converter input power factor are discussed. It is shown that with the synchronization scheme used, the input power factor is affected by both the filter inductor and the capacitor, while the cost of the filter is decided by the filter capacitor. The design equations and the design procedure are confirmed by simulation results. ZARGARl et al.: INPUT FILTER FOR PWM CURRENT-SOURCE RECTIFIERS 2.0 1579 “ i d R Zargari (s’89) received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from Tehran University, Tehran, Iran, in 1987 and the M.S. degree in applied science from Concordia University, Montreal, P.Q., Canada. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree at Concordia University. His research interests include PWM rectifier topologies and control of power electronic systems. ~ -2.0. Gem Joos (M’78-SM789) received the M.Eng. (b) Fig. 16. Typical current and voltage waveforms for design B. (a) Rectifier waveforms. (b) Line waveforms (in pu). REFERENCES [l] E. W. Kimbark, Direct Current Transmission Volume 1. New York: Wiley-Interscience, 1981, ch. 8, pp. 375-381. [2] S. B. Dewan, R. S. Segworth, and P. P. Biringer, “Input filter design with static power converters,” IEEE Trans. Industry, Gen. Applications, vol. IGA-6, pp. 378-383, July/Aug. 1970. [3] D. A. Gonzales and J. C. McCall, “Design of filters to reduce harmonic distortion in industrial power systems,” IEEE Industry Applications Soc. Cor$ Rec., pp. 361-370, Oct. 1985. [4] S. B. Dewan and E. B. Shahrodi, “Design of an input filter for the six-pulse bridge rectifier,” IEEE Trans. Industry Applications, vol. IA-21, pp. 1168-1175, Sep./Oct. 1985. [5] P. D. Ziogas, Y. G Kang, and V. R. Stefanovic, “PWM control techniques for rectifier filter minimization,” IEEE Trans. Industry Applications, vol. IA-21, pp. 1206-1213, Sep./Oct. 1985. [6] T. G. Habetler and D. M. Divan, “Rectifier/inverter reactive component minimizations,” IEEE Trans. Industry Applications, vol. 25, pp. 307-315, Mar./Apr. 1989. and Ph.D. degrees from McGill University, Montreal, P.Q. Canada, in 1974 and 1987, respectively. Since 1988, he has been with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Concordia University, Montreal, P.Q., Canada, where he is engaged in teaching and research in the areas of power converters and electrical drives. From 1975 to 1988, he was a Design Engineer with Brown Boveri Canada, and from 1978 to 1988, a Professor-with the Ecole de Technologie Superieur, Montreal. Phoivos D. Zioga (SM91-F91) received the B.Sc., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Toronto, Toronto, Ont. Canada, in 1973, 1974, and 1978, respectively. From 1978 to 1992, he was with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Concordia University, Montreal, P.Q., Canada, where he was engaged in teaching and research in the area of power converters. He had also participated as a consultant m several industrial projects. Dr. Ziogas died suddenly in September 1992.