DESIGN/ANALYSIS CONSULTANTS, INC. The Designer’s Analyst Is Thermal Runaway Possible? KEY THERMAL FORMULAS for SWITCHMODE FETS by Ed Walker Rev B © DACI. This document is for the sole use of DACI's Design Master™ Professional Edition subscribers In the last group session, I asked everyone to bring with them today the remains of an unsuccessful FET power circuit. I see that all of you have at least one charred and melted mess with you; good! Look around everyone; you are not alone. Doesn’t that make you feel better? No? Well, let’s see what we can do to prevent this from happening in the future. First, I will tell you a secret. …Let me close the shades and be sure the door is locked… there. Now, here’s the awful truth that you must know: Even though you’ve been told that FETs are immune to thermal runaway, it isn’t true. *** USING ANALYSIS TO AVOID FET THERMAL BLOWUPS Use this application note for coolrunning FET power designs Some FET vendors like to say that their devices are “free from thermal runaway.” Yet if you check the temperature coefficient of the FET’s on-resistance RDSon --- assuming the vendor provides the data --- you will see that it is positive, around 0.4% to over 1.0% per degree C, depending on the FET. Therefore as a power FET heats up during operation, RDSon will increase. As RDSon increases, the FET will heat up further, which increases RDSon, which heats up the FET even more, until… “Your Circuit Melted!” Vin Pout Now, if you recall your basic feedback theory, you know that the above scenario will only occur if the positive thermal feedback loop gain = 1. In fact, it is possible to have an appreciable amount of positive feedback and still be perfectly stable. For example, the positive thermal feedback in FETs is essential in allowing them to be used in parallel. So it is only if this positive feedback becomes too large that we have a problem. Avoiding Thermal Problems in Switchmode FETs_RevB / Page 1 of 4 DACI DACI DACI DACI DACI DACI DACI DACI DACI DACI DACI DACI DACI DACI DACI DACI DACI DACI DACI DACI DACI DACI DACI DACI DACI DACI DACI DACI DACI DACI DACI DACI DACI DACI DACI DACI DACI DACI DACI DACI DACI DACI DACI DACI The positive thermal loop gain for a FET is given by Rtot * Irms^2 * RDSon25 * TCRDS Therefore, thermal runaway can occur for the following condition: Irms Psw Pmisc RDSon25 Rtot Criterion for FET Thermal Runaway Rtot * Irms^2 * RDSon25 * TCRDS = 1 [1] Ta TCRDS TERMS rms amps through FET FET switching losses, watts total of all other losses contributing to FET rms amps FET on-resistance at 25C, ohms total thermal resistance from FET junction to air, C/W = Rjc + Rcs + Rsa Rjc = FET junction-case thermal resistance, C/W Rcs = case-sink insulator thermal resistance, C/W (if required) Rsa = heat sink to air thermal resistance, C/W maximum ambient temperature (e.g. air temperature around heat sink), C FET on-resistance temperature coefficient, /C maximum desired FET junction temperature, C However, it is not enough to simply avoid the TjMAX critical point. Although operation will be thermally stable when the left side of the criterion is less than 1, you can still experience a significant increase in FET junction temperature as the loop gain approaches 1. This is called thermal amplification. To keep Tj from being grossly amplified, the loop gain should be much less than 1: Minimizing Thermal Amplification Rtot * Irms^2 * RDSon25 * TCRDS << 1 [2] The above criterion holds true for any topology; buck, boost, flyback, etc. Keeping the thermal loop gain small will not only avoid obvious thermal problems like FET overheating and blowup, but will also help to prevent more subtle effects, such as loss of regulation due to excessive RDSon. …the experienced designer will always use the value of RDSon for the targeted maximum junction temperature of the FET Fortunately, even if blissfully unaware of the above criterion, the experienced designer will always use the value of RDSon for the targeted maximum junction temperature of the FET when crafting a circuit. It turns out that this standard design practice, plus other considerations such as RDSon selection for efficiency purposes, will automatically result in a small loop gain …usually. Therefore, yes, it is possible for FETs to experience thermal runaway. But no, in practice this will not normally occur, provided the high-temp RDSon was considered. If you have any doubts about your existing designs, apply [2] above to them. If the loop gain is more than about 0.2, you may want to double-check your FET junction temperature and heat sink, as discussed next. FET JUNCTION TEMPERATURE and HEAT SINK, including THERMAL FEEDBACK You can use the formulas below (derived in Appendix A) to analytically confirm your FET’s maximum junction temperature, or to select a heat sink. These formulas are applicable to any FET switchmode topology. For a sample analysis, see "FET Thermal Stress Boost & Flyback.DM." Avoiding Thermal Problems in Switchmode FETs_RevB / Page 2 of 4 Use this formula to check the junction temperature of FET switchmode power devices: (Ta + Rtot * (Irms^2 * RDSon25 * (1 - TCRDS * 25) + Psw + Pmisc)) Tj = --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C [3] (1 - Rtot * Irms^2 * RDSon25 * TCRDS) Use this formula to check heat sink requirements for FET switchmode power devices: TjMAX - Ta Rtot = -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C/W [4] Irms^2 * RDSon25 * (1 + TCRDS * (TjMAX - 25)) + Psw + Pmisc Rtot is the total path thermal resistance. To define your heat sink, subtract Rjc (FET junction-case thermal resistance) and Rcs (insulator thermal resistance) to obtain the allowable heat sink thermal resistance Rsa, C/W. The derived expression for Tj [3] above indicates the critical point for thermal blowup as discussed earlier; i.e. when the denominator equals zero. HEAT SINK SELECTION EXAMPLE 150W commercial flyback converter: and so Ta = 50C max spec + 10C internal rise = 60C TjMAX = 150C Pout = 150W fS = 75KHz Vin = 200V FET = IRFIB5N65A (560V 5.1A) RDSon25 = 0.93 ohms max D = 0.40 at 150W output TCRDS = 0.014 /C (use a straight-line approximation in the highertemperature region of interest; see red line) VdsOFF = 400V tFI = 18ns typ * 1.5 max est = 27ns Pin = Pout/Eff Eff = efficiency = ~90% (estimated allowance) Iin = Ipk/2*D since Ipk is sawtooth Iin = Pin/Vin = Pout/(Eff*Vin) Ipk = 2*Iin/D = 2*Pout/(Eff*Vin*D) = 2*150/(0.9*200*0.4) = 4.17Apk Irms for sawtooth = SQR(D/3) * Ipk = SQR(0.4/3) * 4.17 = 1.52Arms Pcond = 1.52^2 * 0.93 * (1+0.014 * (150 – 25)) = 5.91W Psw = 75E3*4.17*400*27E-9 = 3.38W Pmisc = 5W Check 90% efficiency assumption: Actual = 150/(150+5.91+3.38+5) = 91%; ok Avoiding Thermal Problems in Switchmode FETs_RevB / Page 3 of 4 Heat Sink: Rtot = (TjMAX – Ta)/(Irms^2 * RDSon25 * (1 + TCRDS * (TjMAX – 25)) + Psw +Pmisc) = (150 – 60)/(1.52^2 * 0.93 * (1 + 0.014 * (150 – 25)) + 3.38 + 5) = 6.3 C/W 1 Heat sink Rsa = Rtot – Rjc – Rcs = 6.3 – 2.1 – 0.3 = 3.9 C/W Stability Criterion = Rtot * Irms^2 * RDSon25 * TCRDS = 6.3 * 1.52^2 * 0.93 * 0.014 = 0.19 << 1; OK Note 1: When tolerances are included for the above per WCA+ methodology, the actual heat sink Rsa will be less. Considering the tolerances is more accurate / cost effective than arbitrarily using a derating factor for TjMAX. APPENDIX A The junction temperature of the FET is given by Tj = Ta + Rtot * (Pcond + Psw + Pmisc), C = Ta + Rtot * (Irms^2 * RDSon + Psw + Pmisc) Accounting for the temperature coefficient of RDSon RDSon = RDSon(25C) * (1 + TCRDS * (Tj – 25)), ohms Tj = Ta + Rtot * (Irms^2 * RDSon(25C) * (1 + TCRDS * (Tj – 25)) + Psw + Pmisc), C From the above, the junction temperature term Tj also appears on the right side of the equation; i.e., thermal feedback. Rearranging to obtain Tj alone on the left side, Tj = Ta + Rtot * (Irms^2 * RDSon25 * (1+TCRDS * (Tj – 25)) + Psw + Pmisc) = Ta + Rtot * Irms^2 * RDSon25 * (1+TCRDS * (Tj – 25)) + Rtot * (Psw + Pmisc) = Ta + Rtot * Irms^2 * RDSon25 + Rtot * Irms^2 * RDSon25 * TCRDS * Tj - Rtot * Irms^2 * RDSon25 * TCRDS * 25 + Rtot * (Psw + Pmisc) Tj - Rtot * Irms^2 * RDSon25 * TCRDS * Tj = Ta + Rtot * (Irms^2 * RDSon25 - Irms^2 * RDSon25 * TCRDS * 25 + Psw +Pmisc) Tj * (1 - Rtot * Irms^2 * RDSon25 * TCRDS) = Ta + Rtot * (Irms^2 * RDSon25 * (1 - TCRDS * 25) + Psw +Pmisc) Tj = (Ta + Rtot * (Irms^2 * RDSon25 * (1 - TCRDS * 25) + Psw + Pmisc)) / (1 - Rtot * Irms^2 * RDSon25 * TCRDS) C Solving for Rtot: TjMAX = Ta + Rtot * (Irms^2 * RDSon25 * (1+TCRDS * (Tj – 25)) + Psw +Pmisc) C Rtot = (TjMAX – Ta)/(Irms^2 * RDSon25 * (1+TCRDS * (TjMAX – 25)) + Psw +Pmisc) C/W Avoiding Thermal Problems in Switchmode FETs_RevB / Page 4 of 4