Annual Summer Conference 2016 Hyatt Regency Hotel, Buffalo, NY June 8 – 10, 2016 Conference Theme - IR 2.0: Emerging Roles of Institutional Research in Higher Education Welcome to Buffalo, NY, also known as “The Queen City” and “The City of Good Neighbors”, is the second most populous city in New York State. The conference theme for this year is IR 2.0: Emerging Roles of Institutional Research in Higher Education. By attending this conference, you will discover the ever changing contexts and cultures of higher educational institutions and the roles of Institutional Research to keep up with those changes. Although the function of IR was conceived to be a mechanism for centralizing and facilitating the compilation, analysis, and reporting of data regarding an individual college or university, today the institutional research function in higher education provides a complex and diverse set of activities that are designed to enhance administrative decision-making, respond to the external demands placed upon institutions, inform institutional policy development, provide empirical data to underpin institutional planning, and budgeting, and many more. This conference will showcase how the IR professionals are contributing in a very diverse capacity across their campuses that are aligned with their institutions’ visions, missions, and academic priorities. Get to Know Your Officers Carol Marriott, AIRPO President Craig Abbey, AIRPO 2016 Conference Local Arrangements Co-Chair Yves Gachette, AIRPO 2016 Conference Local Arrangements Co-Chair Nasrin Fatima, AIRPO 2016 Conference Program Chair Julie Walsh, AIRPO Treasurer AIRPO Officers for the 2015-16 year are: President – Carol Mariott (Genesee Community College) 2015-16 Vice President-elect – Lucy Walker (SUNY New Paltz)2015-16 Immediate Past-President – Michael Randall (University at Buffalo) 2015-16 Treasurer – Julie Walsh (SUNY New Paltz) 2015-18 Secretary – Rachel Link (University at Buffalo) 2014-17 AIR liaison – Craig Abbey (University at Buffalo) 2013-16 Executive Committee Members: 2015-17 Term: Comprehensive Colleges – Mary Ann Preston (SUNY Oswego) Community Colleges, Large – Angel Andreu (Monroe CC) System Administration – Teresa Foster (SUNY) 2014-16 Term: Doctoral Institutions – Nasrin Fatima (Binghamton University) Colleges of Technology – Marian Whitney (Morrisville State College) Community Colleges, Small to Medium – Mary McLean-Scanlon (Finger Lakes CC) WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 2016 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM Pre-Conference Workshop - Use of Statistical Data and Predictive Modeling. Presenter: Rand Langston. Location: ECC City 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM Pre-Conference Workshop 1 – Creating Dashboard Using Excel. Presenter: Craig Abbey. Location: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Grand F 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM Pre-Conference Workshop 2 - SUNY BI Training: Enrollment dashboards: Customizing dashboards for your campus. Presenter; Stuart Dutfield. Location: ECC City Session Contents: Enrollment queries Create your own custom query Retention dashboards and gradation dashboards a. Cohort tracking b. Completers by high school c. Associate or baccalaureate outcomes SIRIS and Clearinghouse data availability 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM Conference Registration 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM Dine Around Town THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 2016 7:30 AM – 11:30 AM Conference Registration 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM Continental Breakfast Location: Regency Ballroom 8:00 AM – 8:55 AM AIRPO Executive Committee Meeting Location: Regency Ballroom – Table will be marked 8:00 AM – 8:55 AM Breakfast Table Topic - Campus Enrollment Management BI. Presenter: Virginia Taylor, Genesee Community College. Location: Regency Ballroom (table will be marked) As the notion of business intelligence gains momentum, more and more SUNY campuses are interested in undertaking a Business Intelligence Initiative. Consider joining this roundtable discussion if you have in interest in learning more about the reporting options developed as part of the SUNY Business Intelligence Initiative (SBII) and/or what SUNY campuses have developed in BI at the campus level. The goal of the session is to discuss experiences resulting from the use of the internal SUNY-wide data management system and/or locally built BI reporting systems or dashboards. 9:00 AM – 9:30 AM Welcome Speech by Provost Charles F. Zukoski, University at Buffalo and Provost Melanie Perreault, Buffalo State College Location: Grand A 9:30 AM – 10:40 AM SUNY System Information/Updates Session Location: Grand A 10:40 AM – 10:55 AM Coffee Break Location: Grand B Foyer 10:55 AM – 12:00 PM SUNY Degree Works Location: Grand A 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM Lunch and Business Meeting Location: Regency Ballroom CONCURRENT SESSIONS 1:00 PM – 1:55 PM Scalpel or Chainsaw? An Examination of the Impact of Removing Students from the SUNY SOS Sample. Presenter: Joel D. Bloom, University at Albany. Location: Grand E The SUNY Student Opinion Survey uses a validation question (“Please select ‘NA’…for this question”) to remove students who might not have provided sincere responses. Students who got part-way through the survey are also removed from the sample if they do not reach the validation question, which is almost half-way through the survey. The resulting data loss is large. I will examine first whether the problem this loss of data is intended to solve even exists. Next, I will examine the impact of the deletion by comparing respondents on both demographics and survey responses by group: (1) complete, valid surveys; (2) partial, valid surveys; (3) partial excluded surveys; (4) invalidated surveys with signs of “straight-lining;” (5) invalidated surveys without signs of “straight-lining.” Finally, I will examine the impact of the data loss on ability to conduct higher levels of analysis, including college- and program-level results. 1:00 PM – 1:55 PM A Campus-Based Implementation of OBIEE. Presenters: Cherie Chatt, Tom Kinsey, Carol Marriott, Annette Zuber; Genesee Community College. Location: Grand G Genesee Community College began a campus implementation of OBIEE in 2012 known as Genesee Strategic Intelligence (GSI). Today, GSI houses multiple dashboards providing users with anytime/anywhere access to data needed to inform decisions pertaining to admissions, enrollment management, course scheduling, program review, student outcomes, and finance. Participants will learn about how the campus organized itself for this project implementation. In addition, a team of GSI report writers will demonstrate the Enrollment (MIS), Admissions, and Student Outcomes dashboards, explain how each is used to inform decisions, and provide an overview of the data elements available in each subject area. 2:00 PM – 2:55 PM Benchmarking and Beyond: Use of the Delaware Cost Study data and New Directions in Institutional Improvement and Effectiveness Research. Presenter: Tom Eleuterio; University at Delaware. Location: Grand C Benchmarking using the Delaware Cost Study data has permitted appropriate productivity and cost comparisons at the discipline level for nearly two decades. The Higher Education Consortia which provides data to the cost study has collaborated in three new research projects that focus on establishing workload expectations and projecting the number of faculty needed to respond to changing demands for programs. The use of longitudinal data from many years of the cost study permits a broader understanding of the dynamics in these important areas. In addition, public pressure regarding the cost of employing university faculty has renewed a need for a more thorough understanding of how faculty are spending their time both inside and outside of the classroom. The Faculty Activity Trifecta (FACT) study will allow colleges and universities to appropriately analyze the discipline-level faculty activity in the areas of instruction, scholarship, and service. The presentation will report the status of these research projects and ask for feedback from AIRPO members. 2:00 PM – 2:55 PM From Access to Success: Defining Success for Community College Students. Presenter: Agatha Awuah; Onondaga Community College. Location: Grand F Is success a process or an outcome? Some view success as a progress toward a goal– as long as the students are enrolled and not failing. Others view success as outcome-based and create outcome measures and indicators as achievement points by which to signal success. Accrediting agencies now require all institutions to identify and measure the achievement of learning outcomes as the primary indicators of an institution’s success. The session will investigate the intermediate milestone each community college school measure toward student success 3:00 PM – 3:30 PM COFFEE BREAK Location: Grand B Foyer 3:30 PM – 4:25 PM BI Making It Work For Us. Presenters: Eric Blau, Claire Goverts, Stewart Dutfield; SUNY Oneonta, SUNY Brockport, SUNY IR. Location: Grand E IR offices are being tasked with more and varying data requests. BI is a great tool to assist IR staff meet these demands. We hope to show the wide ranges of information BI is able to fulfill while highlighting its functionality. We intend to explore BI’s functionality in multiple ways. A demonstration of analysis using subject area stars will be given. We hope that this will demystify the process, show the ease of functionality, and display the detailed levels of analysis that BI is capable of producing. Expanding on that demonstration we will display a user created dashboard for the Common Data Set and explain how this can streamline reporting from year to year. Finally we will would like to start an open dialogue with BI users about desired dimensions, new SUNY wide dashboards that would help productivity, and the creation of workgroups to focus on the creation of topic specific dashboards for accreditation information, surveys, and other recurring reports. To address BI concerns, needs and questions we would like to submit a survey to AIRPO members to help focus the discussion portion of the presentation. 3:30 PM – 4:25 PM Utilizing Data to Improve Student Success and Retention: An Exploration of UAlbany's Predictive Analytics Initiative. Presenter: Steven Doellefeld, Susan Herrmann, Jayme Wood; University at Albany. Location: Grand G Like most institutions of higher education, the University at Albany is continually seeking ways to improve both the academic and social experiences of our undergraduate population. These efforts are in part derived from the notion that a student who is integrated into the campus community is more likely to be successful, and a successful student is more likely to persist to graduation. In 2015, we took a bold step forward, combining cutting edge data analytics and building student success teams across campus to initiate "The UAlbany Advantage” which will empower students to reach new levels of success. This session will explore the cultural, technological, and organizational changes necessary for the successful implementation of the UAlbany Advantage, focusing on synthesizing high touch engagement teams, campuswide objectives and data informed decision making. We'll detail our successes and challenges, the project structure, engagement team model, and the predictive analytics comprising the initiative. 3:30 PM – 4:25 PM Vendor Presentation: SUNY Excels in Performance Management. Presenter: John Miller; Nuventive. Location: Grand C In this session, we will discuss how creating dashboards of key performance indicators in Nuventive’s Performance Management platform helps move institutional initiatives from the strategic plan forward and simplifies your business day. It also supports operational plans at the department or program level, giving people information from a variety of different sources in the context of their plans allowing them to take the actions needed to drive improvement at any level in the institution. Performance Management was design to give end users direct access (I call it self-service) to their relevant information and not interrupt the IR departments with daily request for data and reports. Come to this session to learn how Performance Management can get the right information to the right people at the right time and allow Institutional researchers to be more productive with what you need to accomplish. 4:30 PM – 5:25 PM Practical Campus Business Intelligence. Presenter: Mark Molnar, Michele Sedor, Jon Havey, and Laura Szefel; University at Buffalo. Location: Grand F Once the big thinkers have blessed the 50,000 foot concept views, the checks have been cut, and the software has been installed, someone has to actually sweat the messy details of making campus Business Intelligence (BI) a reality. At the University at Buffalo (UB), the Office of Institutional Analysis (OIA) is often called upon to step into the breach to get the job done. This presentation will focus on identifying how UB OIA leverages both its position within the campus processing infrastructure as well as its relationships with personnel down in the trenches to help create workable BI solutions. Case studies involving implementation of a data quality initiative to enhance the accuracy of UB’s enrollment information, the creation of a Tableau-based FactBook dashboard based on these data, and our efforts to “hack” UB’s PeopleSoft Campus Solutions system to identify on-line majors will be presented to inform the discussion. 4:30 PM – 5:25 PM Institutional Research and Employment Outcomes. Presenter: Lisa Montiel and Santiago Guerrero; SUNY System Administration. Location: Grand E As the pressure increases on higher education institutions to ensure that their graduates are employable, we at SUNY System Administration’s Office of Institutional Research and Data Analytics are taking important steps toward integrating employment related data to the analyses we perform. By the summer of 2016, SUNY System Administration plans to have a signed Memorandum of Understanding with DOL to obtain earnings data of SUNY graduates from 2002 onward. In addition, SUNY System Administration is advocating for New York to join a multi-state wage record exchange to report on the labor force participation of our graduates working outside of the state. As we advance on these data sharing initiatives, we want to engage campuses in a conversation about the possibilities of the wages data. In this session, we will discuss with campuses the intricacies of the data sharing agreement, explore the limitations of the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages data, and collectively develop a wish list of reports and analyses campuses would like to generate with the wage data. The conversations from this session will help us design the reporting capabilities that we envision developing for campuses. 4:30 PM – 5:25 PM Vendor Presentation: A New Approach to Enrollment Projections with IBM SPSS Modeler. Presenters: Nicole Alioto, Ph.D., IBM SPSS Predictive Analytics Education Specialist; Mary McLean, Director of Institutional Effectiveness, and Michael Dunn, Coordinator of Data and Administrative Assessment, Finger Lakes Community College. Location: Grand G Student information systems, survey data, course evaluations, social media, and more – data are being generated and stored in many different places in many different formats. How can institutional researchers be efficient and effective in the analysis of these data and sharing of actionable insights? Using IBM SPSS Modeler, Finger Lakes Community College (FLCC) developed an enrollment prediction model using temporal causal modeling that accurately predicts the future year’s FTE within 1 percentage point. At a time when declining enrollment is a concern for all institutions of higher education, this insight has empowered the budgeting office to create an accurate institutional budget for the coming year. In addition, the model has aided new student registration staff in planning for new student events and planning for fall courses. IBM SPSS Modeler enabled FLCC to create a sophisticated model more powerful and accurate than the typical ARIMA. FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 2016 7:30 AM – 9:30 AM Conference Registration 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM Continental Breakfast Location: Regency Ballroom 8:00 AM – 8:55 AM AIRPO Executive Committee Meeting Location: Regency Ballroom Breakfast Table Topic – Campus Collaboration with Qualtrics – sharing real time response data with changing technology. Presenter: Claire Goverts, SUNY Brockport. Location: Regency Ballroom Wish you had a more efficient way to share survey response rate data with others on campus? And in real time? With decreasing survey response rates there is a need to collaborate more and engage colleagues on campus in survey promotion. Being able to easily share real time response rates can help. This table topic will show how IR created survey pool to response dashboards in Qualtrics Beta reporting. Due to changes in Qualtrics no longer supporting the setup, IR’s exploration of other data displays and tools will be included. Both Qualtrics updated reporting along with Oracle BI are included as options. Discussion will focus on what information is needed by survey stakeholders and how we can look at sharing it efficiently. 9:00 AM – 9:55 AM Key Note Speaker – Bruce Johnstone, Distinguished Service Professor of Higher and Comparative Education Emeritus, University at Buffalo. Location: Grand A CONCURRENT SESSIONS 10:00 AM – 10:55 AM SICAS-IR-FAUG Updates. Presenters: Erin Campbell/SUNY Plattsburgh; Deirdre Dibble/SICAS Center. Location: Grand E 10:00 AM – 10:55 AM SUNY Institutional Research and Planning Office Survey Development. Presenter: Carol E. Runge; Cayuga Community College. Location: Grand G Are you seeking comparative data for your unit review and/or to demonstrate institutional effectiveness to your organization? Would you like to help develop a resource that would assist you with demonstrating your office’s value and simultaneously help others on your campus understand workload issues? Please join this concurrent session that would enable you and your colleagues to critique, edit, and modify a draft survey designed to capture information about the following topics: Organizational Structure Resources Workload Allocation Decennial Trends related to Change Future Outlook The final survey that would be distributed among all 64 SUNY IRP offices. Participants will have to the opportunity to work in small groups to also customize the survey for each of the following campus types: 1) Community Colleges, 2) Comprehensive, 3) Technology, and 4) Doctoral Degree-granting colleges and universities. Join us for a great discussion! 11:00 AM – 11:55 AM CSI: SIRIS. Presenters: Scot Beekman, Meigo Fitzpatrick, and Maureen Cashman; SUNY Broome, SICAS. Location: Grand C 11:00 AM – 11:55 AM It’s Not All about the Benjamins: Developing a Cost per Program Model with a Conscience. Presenter: Sarah Todd; SUNY Canton. Location: Grand F As campuses continue to be required to do more with less, campus leadership is faced with the task of identifying which areas to continue or increase funding and which areas to potentially defund. The task of creating a cost per program model is nothing new to many IR professionals, but it can still be a daunting undertaking. This workshop will give an overview of how to approach developing a cost per program model for each academic major on campus including the current cost per program, optimum program enrollment to maximize revenues, and the impact of one additional enrollment on program costs/revenues. As the benefit of an academic program cannot be boiled down to simply the dollars it brings in (or loses), additional variables were introduced to the analysis to enhance the discussion. These variables along with a discussion of additional information that might be important to the model will close out the presentation. 12:00 PM Conference Adjourns 12:05 PM Lunch Box to go… Location: Regency Ballroom