7. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS QUANTITIES AND SAMPLE FORM PRICE SHEDULE SUMMARY I. GENERALITIES OF TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS .............................................. 3 1. BACKGROUND ...................................................................................................................... 3 1.1. The Faculty of Rehabilitation Science of the University of Jordan................................ 3 1.2. “Support to the Faculty of Rehabilitation Science of the University of Jordan” ........... 3 2. DESCRIPTION OF COMPONENTS AND LEVEL OF DETAILS OF TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ....... 3 3. SUBDIVISION INTO GROUPS................................................................................................... 3 4. ALTERNATIVE OFFERS.......................................................................................................... 4 5. WORKS AND GOODS INCLUDED IN THE CONTRACT ................................................................ 4 6. WORKS AND GOODS NOT INCLUDED IN THE CONTRACT ........................................................ 4 7. UNITS OF MEASUREMENT ..................................................................................................... 5 8. STANDARDS ......................................................................................................................... 6 9. SPARE PARTS, CONSUMABLES AND SPECIAL TOOLS .............................................................. 6 10. INSPECTION AND TESTS .................................................................................................... 6 11. INCIDENTAL SERVICES ...................................................................................................... 7 11.1. Assembling, Installation and Training.......................................................................... 7 11.2. On-Site Commissioning................................................................................................ 7 11.3. Manuals ....................................................................................................................... 7 12. TENTATIVE EXECUTION SCHEDULE DIAGRAM ................................................................... 8 II. 13. 14. 15. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................... 9 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................ 9 ITEM LIST GROUP I – TOOLS & EQUIPMENTS FOR ORTHOTICS & PROSTHETICS WORKSHOP .. 9 ITEM LIST GROUP II – EQUIPMENT FOR DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL THERAPY .................. 31 2 I. Generalities of Technical Specifications 1. Background 1.1. The Faculty of Rehabilitation Science of the University of Jordan The faculty of rehabilitation Sciences is one of the most recent faculties at the University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan, which was established in 1999. Initially, the faculty started with three departments; Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, and Orthotic and Prosthetic. In 2003, the Hearing and Speech Sciences Department was launched. Through these departments, the faculty offers Bachelor degrees and a Master degree in speech and language pathologies. Moreover, the faculty provides medical rehabilitation services for patients and community members in psychological and physical aspects. 1.2. “Support to the Faculty of Rehabilitation Science of the University of Jordan” Fourteen years after its foundation, the Medicine Faculties is undergoing a modernisation programme, whose strategy involves the present Jordan-Italian Cooperation Programme named “Support the activities of the Faculty of Rehabilitation Sciences of Jordan University ” This Programme contains two different components: (a) Technical assistance, trough the Executing Agency of the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” and other partner institutions are Consortium for the Development of Tropical Medicine –CMT and UNIMED), financed through Italian Grant for a total Euro 1,715,940.80. The specific objectives are: training in Jordan of about 160 therapist within the sectors of Physiotherapy and of techniques of Orthotics and Prosthetics and requalifying and updating the professional skills in Italy for 9 Jordan experts of the sector; (b) Procurement of goods, services and works, indicated in Section 7 – Technical requirements and Bill of quantities, financed through Italian Soft Loan for a total amount of the Euro 1,841,222.00 These Bidding Documents refer only to the second component (b). 2. Description of Components and Level of Details of Technical Specifications In order to facilitate Bidders comprehension of these Technical Specifications, 2 (two) drawings have been prepared in Section 9. Drawings. 3. Subdivision into Groups Notwithstanding that the supply of all items will be executed under one single Contract, the various items have been grouped together into 2 (two) different components as follows: Group 11 Group Group 2 Tools & Equipment for Orthotics & prosthetics workshop Equipment for Department of Physical Therapy This subdivision will allow for a proper contract management also in consideration of the different execution times that will be required for the various groups and components. 3 Bidders must take into account that: 4. The tender is reserved to Italian enterprises only. The Goods and Services to be supplied under the Contract must have their origin in Italy or supplied through Italian companies for at least 85% (eight five) of the overall Contract Price, where the country of origin is limited to European Union, Canada, Japan or the USA, provided Goods of Italian origin should amount for no less than 10% of the overall Contract Price The remaining Goods and Services 15% (fifteen) supplied under the Contract may have their origin in Jordan, and/or in other developing countries Alternative Offers In order to allow for a proper and objective evaluation of the bids, bidders are requested to quote, in their main offer, all the listed items provided in these Technical Specifications, and they are not allowed to add any item. In order to select the best offer, only the main offer will be taken into consideration. Notwithstanding the above, in order to take the maximum advantage from the bidders competence and experience, it is possible and advisable for the bidders to provide alternative offers, pursuant to what indicated in Section 2, ITB Sub-Clause 24. Only the alternative offer of the successful Bidder will be taken into consideration during Negotiations to finalize the scope of works and the Contract Price. 5. Works and Goods Included in the Contract The Supplier is required to: (i) supply all the equipment and materials indicated in the item lists provided in each chapter of the Technical Specifications; (ii) properly assemble the equipment and properly install all the necessary connections and fittings in order to allow the correct functioning of equipment; (iii) provide the necessary services for testing and commissioning supplies and components in order to prove their correct functioning. In particular, the following will be included in the scope of the contract (a) The supply, assembly, installation, shipment, training and assistance to commissioning group 1; (b) The supply, assembly, installation, shipment, training and assistance to commissioning group 2; (c) Training and assistance to commissioning of the fire prevention and the antitheft systems; (d) Training and assistance to commissioning of the power and heater systems; 6. Works and Goods Not Included in the Contract The following works and activities will be under the Purchaser’s responsibility and are not included in the scope of work to be carried out by the Supplier: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Customs clearance; Assistance to the Supplier’s skilled personnel by unskilled manpower, and supply of the normal equipment and tools necessary for this purpose; Final assembly, installation to be realized according to the technical drawings and the included in the Bidding Documents; Supply and construction of the complete with their internal electric cables for lighting and suitable for the installation finishing provided by the Supplier under item No 13; Wiring for power supply of the above mentioned from point 5(b) to 5(e) and related mural works for under masonry pipes; Interpretation services from English into Arab during on-site assembling, installation, 4 (g) (h) (i) training, post-delivery inspection and commissioning; Any mural/masonry works not mentioned before, but needful for the best quality result of installation; Power and water supply. Commissioning. 7. Units of Measurement MEASURE UNIT NOTATION meter m millimetre mm Length micrometer µm (or µ) inch ” Area square meter m2 cubic meter m3 Volume/Capacity cubic centimetres cm3 litre (gas or liquid) 1 seconds s hour h Time day d year y gram g Mass kilogram kg cubic meters/hour m3/h Volume Flow cubic meters/seconds m3/s litre/seconds l/s grams/cubic centimetre g/cm3 Specific Weight kilograms/cubic meter kg/m3 bar absolute bar abs Pressure suction lift of pump m H2O Vacuum millimetres of mercury mm Hg or Torr Temperature celsius degrees C° relative humidity of Humidity RH % percent calories Cal Energy kilocalories kcal watt W Power kilo watts kW Speed meters/second m/s Rotating speed rotation/minute r/min (or rpm) Lighting lumen Lux Noise decibel Db Colour Rendering Ra Ra Colour Temperature kelvin degrees K hertz Hz Frequency kilo-hertz kHz million-hertz MHz ampere A Current milli-ampere mA 5 Voltage microampere Volt milli-volt µA V mV 8. Standards The goods supplied under the Contract shall conform to the standards mentioned in these Technical Specifications and, when no applicable standards are mentioned, to the authoritative standards applied in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (HKJ). Such standards shall be the latest issued by the concerned Jordanian Institution. In case of conflict between the standards mentioned in this Technical Specifications and the standards applied in the HKJ, it will be the responsibility of the Supplier to ascertain which Jordanian standards are applicable to the supplies and ensure compliance with such Jordanian standards. In general: (a) where no Jordanian standards exist, manufacture goods, installation and testing of the supplies shall be conform to first class engineering practice internationally recognised, and; (b) in any other case of conflict between standards, not mentioned above, the standard which implies the highest quality of work and materials and affords the highest degree of safety, shall be adopted. The Supplier must clearly indicate in the Technical Proposal the codes and standards used. 9. Spare Parts, Consumables and Special Tools Whenever necessary, detailed lists of spare parts and consumables and referred to each item, are indicated in the relevant chapters of these Technical Specifications. Bidders are required to: (a) provide with their offer the prices for all the spare parts and consumables listed in the Technical Specifications. (b) provide, in their Technical Proposal, for each spare part and consumable a synthetic technical description that could allow the Purchaser to identify the item and to evaluate its responsiveness. (c) include in the price of each item the price of any special tool that will be necessary for the normal operation and maintenance by the Purchaser after Contract completion. (d) provide, in their Technical Proposal, for each special tool a synthetic technical description that could allow the Purchaser to identify the item. In addition to the spare parts, consumables and special tools mentioned above, to be used during the operational phase, the Supplier will have the responsibility to provide, at its care and expenses, during installation, testing and commissioning all the necessary spare parts, consumables and special tools. The cost for the use of these spare parts consumables and special tools shall be included by the bidders in their installation prices. 10. Inspection and Tests The Supplier is requested to take any action in order to allow and facilitate the inspections that will be carried out by the Purchaser. Such inspections will take place as follows: (a) at the place of production or storage in Italy where a general model made by the Supplier of the showcases must be formally accepted by the Purchaser. The Supplier will bear the costs 6 of return flight tickets (economy class) from Amman the inspection place and the board and lodging costs in Italy (at the place of inspection) for two inspectors nominated by the Purchaser; (b) at the moment of the arrival of every consignment in the Faculty of Rehabilitation Sciences of the University of Jordan; (c) at commissioning, and; (d) in any moment of the assembly in Italy, in Amman or during the warranty period, the Purchaser or the DGCS reserve the right to conduct any inspection they might deem necessary. 11. Incidental Services 11.1. Assembling, Installation and Training The Supplier is required to: (i) specify which items are to be assembled on site as well as provide a detailed description of how the assembling process shall be carried out, (ii) install all the items ready for use, and (iii) train the Purchaser’s personnel during assembling and installation in assembly, start-up, operation maintenance, and repair of the supplied Goods. The Supplier must take into consideration that assembling and installation services have to be performed according to the indications and drawings included in this Technical Specifications. Furthermore, the Supplier is required to submit a detailed technical explanation and action plan (i.e. timing, personnel, special tools, spare parts, consumables, didactical material for training, etc.) necessary for the performance of assembling, installation and training services. The training services to be provided must be carried out in English language. The Supplier shall quote assembly, installation and training as one single item for each one of the 7 (seven) components, as indicated in the Price Schedule. All costs regarding special tools, spare parts and consumables necessary for the assembling and installation are to be borne by the Supplier and their cost shall be included in the installation cost. 11.2. On-Site Commissioning Commissioning will take place after the installation of all Goods is completed. The Supplier shall provide all apparatus, assistance, documents, equipment, instruments, personnel (except unskilled labour and operating staff provided by Purchaser) and all the information necessary to efficiently carry out the relevant tests. The Supplier shall guarantee the presence of at least one expert for a minimum of 30 (thirty) calendar days. The Supplier shall furnish a detailed technical explanation and action plan of all the tasks and resources needed to efficiently carry out commissioning (i.e. timing, special apparatus, assistance, documents, equipment, instruments, personnel etc.) At commissioning completion, provided that all the technical requirements are satisfied (including the acceptance of manuals in Jordanian and English language) the Purchaser will release to the Supplier the Provisional Acceptance Certificate. Commissioning will be performed only once during the contract after all Goods have been installed. The Supplier must quote the price for its services related to commissioning of Groups 1 and 2 as a single item according to what indicated in the Price Schedule. 11.3. Manuals 7 Manuals for installation, operation, maintenance, spare parts selection and safety instruction, must be supplied for all the items. The manuals should be properly bound in order to allow for an easy access to the specific information needed for each item. Specific separate sections must be foreseen for each single item. The manuals must give sufficiently detailed information so as to enable the Purchaser to easily maintain, dismantle, readily identify and order spare parts, reassemble and adjust all part of the supply. The Manuals shall comprise the following information: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) Technical and design data, including material, class and manufacturer, compliance with standards and laws Assembling and installation instructions including step-by-step check lists for commissioning List of devices necessary for installation, operation, maintenance, inspection and testing of the equipment Safety procedures and guidelines to be followed during installation, operation and maintenance of the plan Operating and maintenance instructions, including sequence of operations, maintenance schedule and recommended procedures for repair and lubrication of particular parts Specifications and consumption rates of lubricants and oil and other consumption materials Guarantees Test procedures Single line diagrams showing the principal electrical connections Any additional information, if any, referred to specific items indicated in the Technical Specifications Any additional information deemed necessary by the Supplier All script and sentences of any technical document must be both in English and Arabic language. Two (2) copies of each technical document must be supplied, one shall by enclosed in the package together with the relevant Goods as specified in GCC Sub-Clause 9.5, and the other can be delivered by mail or by hand. The Supplier shall quote manuals as one single item for each one of the 2 (two) groups, as indicated in the item lists and in the Price Schedule. 12. Tentative Execution Schedule Diagram A description of the Tentative Execution Schedule is detailed in Section 6, Schedule of Requirements - TESD of the Bidding Documents. 8 II. Technical Requirements 13. General Requirements The position of each equipment has been illustrated in the General Plan Drawing where are also indicated the platforms linked to the floor (see Drawing 1 – 2 and 3 in Section A9). 243 (two hundred forty three) types of goods are identified in this document with the following labels: GROUP. I from n. A 1 to n. A 183 GROUP. II from n. B 1 to n. B 60 14. Item list Group I – Tools & Equipments for Orthotics & prosthetics workshop N Item A1 Electric Cast Cutter A2 Pneumatic oscillating cast cutter A3 Pneumatic Chisel A4 A5 A6 A7 Blacksmiths Hummer Blacksmiths Hummer Blacksmiths Hummer Blacksmiths Hummer A8 Mallet Description Unit Quantity With speed controller, includes a power cord that is at least 3 metre long with grounded plug & one saw blade with diameter 50 & 65 mm. 1*220V/N/PE; 50 Hz; 0.18kW. Includes drill stop, exhaust hose, her head wrench, fork wrench, & sted circular saw blade. With two chisels, one is at least 25cm long & 2cm width, & the other is at least 17cm long and 5cm width. Head weight 100g, total weight around 150g. Head weight 300g, total weight around 400g. Head weight 500g, total weight around 600g. Head weight 1000g, total weight around 1200g. One rubber & one plastic head, total weight around 350g. Pc 6 Pc 2 Pc 2 Pc Pc Pc Pc 3 3 3 3 Pc 6 9 A9 Trash Container A 10 Plastic Basin A 11 A 12 A 13 A 14 Plastic, with three wheels, diameter around 70cm, height around 40 cm. Pc 4 With wheels, dimensions around L x W x H 80 x 60 x 40 cm. Suction Pipe Support With two clamps & four angle joints, for item No. A 10. Thermal Gloves with cuff Natural terry cloth cotton fabric. Oven For heating thermoplastic sheets & drying plaster models. With two stainless steel doors. With fans for forced air circulation. Temperature selector. With microprocessor with at least three term regulator. Two chrome oven racks. With windows. Interior dimensions at least W x H x D 110 x 130 x 70 cm. Temperature range up to 350°. Power requirement = 3 * 400 V/N/PE; 50-60Hz, 5.0 KW. Two channels vacuum pipe, straight Diameter between 30 and 40 mm, with seal rings. Pc 2 Pc 2 Pair Pc 3 2 Pc 20 A 15 Two way vacuum pipe Diameter between 20 and 30 mm. Pc 20 A 16 Cabinet Sheet metal. Double door. Dimension WxH 1x 2 m, depth 50 cm. Pc 8 A 17 Swivel chair Pc 10 A 18 A 19 Visitors chair Corner desk On rollers, with arm rests, adjustable to body weight. Durable artificial leather covering. Table top of desk & added table with plastic coating, three draws on left & right sides, dimensions of desk around (± 10 cm) W x D x H 165 x 80 x 70cm, dimensions of added table around (± 10 cm) W x D x H 125 x 60 x 70 cm. Pc Pc 2 1 10 A 20 Container with fixed wheels Capacity between 200 and 300 liter. Made of plastic. Includes leveling feet, adjustable back rest, dimensions around (± 10 cm) L x W x H 200 x 65 x 65 cm .made of chrome with durable artificial leather covering. Max load: 140 kg. Screen size around L x W 100 x 50 cm. Power requirements: 1*230 V/N/PE; 50Hz. Pc 1 A 21 Examination table Pc 3 A 22 X-Ray light cabinet Pc 1 A 23 Parallel Bars Steel construction, height adjustable from around 70 to 100 cm, bases with floor plates & attachment pieces. No cross braces between bars one of them 5 m long, the other between 3.5 to 4 m. Dimensions around 2 x 1m, fixed. Stainless sheet steel table top cover, two steel shelves on the left & right, dimensions around (± 10 cm) L x W x H 180 x 90 x 85cm. Pc 2 A 24 A 25 Mirror Casting table Pc Pc 2 2 A 26 Mirror Movable over four wheels, dimensions around (± 10 cm) H x W 180 x 60 cm Pc 1 A 27 Vacuum Pipe vise Pc 3 A 28 Wire cutter Includes work bench holder, rotates & telescopes, jaw span around 2 to 8 cm, jaw width between 10 and 15 cm. For hard wire, PVC coated handles, polished head, length not less than 20 cm. Pc 12 A 29 High leverage side cutting pliers Coated handles. Pc 3 A 30 A 31 Combination pliers Punch set Pc Pc 7 2 A 32 Curved seaming pliers Coated handles. Punch set of 6 pieces, Head diameter 2/2.5/3/3.5/4 and 5mm. Forged steel. Jaw width more than 15 mm and 6.5 mm length around 200 mm. Pc 2 11 A 33 A 34 A 35 Leather Scissors Tailors Scissors Hole punch set A 36 Rivet Header A 37 A 38 Staple gun Squirrel Hair Brush A 39 Zigzag sewing machine A 40 Work bench with cabinet A 41 Peg board for tool storage A 42 Accessories for the peg board 1. Hooks 2. Hooks 3. Double Hooks 4. Plier holder With serrated cutting edges. Heavy duty. 20 Pieces with different hole sizes in a wooden case. Chrome-vanadium steel with protective clamp ends. For heavy duty work. Plastic, used for glue. Width not less than 20 cm, light weight. Adjustable zigzag stitch, pressure foot lifted by knee lever, operation through motor stand. Use on light to medium-weight materials. Power cord that is not shorter than 2 metres with grounded plug. power requirement = 1 * 230 V/N/PE; 50-60Hz, 0.25 KW. Work bench top with parquet red bench wood. Around 70 cm deep, 5 cm thick work bench cabinet W x D x H around (± 10 cm) 60 x 60 x 80 cm (at least 4 or more metal drawers) work surface height 85 to 90 cm, bench top length = 150 cm. weight of the bench around 100 kg (± 20 kg). Has a frame which mounts to the back of the work bench requested for item A 40. Length 50 mm Pc Pc Set 2 14 1 Pc 2 Pc Pc 2 3 Pc 1 Pc 25 Pc 27 PCK = 5Pcs Length = 75 mm PCK = 5Pcs With vertical closure for hanging tools length PCK = = 50 mm 5Pcs PCK = 12 27 27 27 27 5. Tool clamp 6. Tool clamp 7. Tool clamp 8. Tool clamp A 43 9.Holder for storage boxes 10. Holder for storage boxes 11.Material bowel (storage boxes) 12. Material bowl (storage boxes) 13. material bowl (storage boxes) Media channel 4500 3mm A 44 A 45 A 46 Scriber Screw driver Phillips head screw driver A 47 Ball hex head, screw driver A 48 Ball hex head, screw driver A 49 Adjustable Pin Wrench 5Pcs Diameter = 10 mm PCK = 5Pcs Diameter = 16 mm PCK = 5Pcs Diameter = 25 mm PCK = 5Pcs Diameter = 32 mm PCK = 5Pcs Width = 100 mm, height = 75 mm Pc Width = 450 mm, height 75 mm Pc Dimensions = 105 x 85, height 50 mm Pc 105 x 160 mm, height 80 mm Pc Dimension 145 x 235 mm, height 125 mm. Pc For installation above the peg boards for tool Pc storage of the work benches, length 450 cm. Components in it: 7 shock-proof sockets 220 v, 7 pneumatic quick-acting, coupling each for oiled & non-oiled connection, parts & 4 m connection cable. Steel Pc 6 parts in wooden stand Set Size 2, blade length 100 mm + Phillips recess Pc Ball hex head dimension = 4 mm. Blade length = 180 mm Ball hex head dimension = 5 mm. Blade length = 195 mm For 2 hole nuts, size 2.5 / 3 /4 /5 /6 /8 /10 mm 13 27 27 27 27 81 27 27 27 27 4 10 5 5 Pc 5 Pc 5 Pc 5 A 50 T-Handled square socket wrench Size 12 mm, length 125 mm. for single axis ankle joint. Pc 4 A 51 Square socket wrench Pc 2 A 52 A 53 Square End knee bolt wrench T-Handled hex socket wrench Round steel shaft, size 12 mm, length 530 mm. Adjustable crank, end 5 mm for knee. With mandril diameter 10 x 200 mm, size 14 x 17 mm. Pc Pc 2 4 A 54 Wire Cutter Pc 5 A 55 Long nose pliers Special steel, oil hardened cutting, edges inductively hardened, for hard wire, Length not less than 20 cm, max wire circumference = 2.75 mm Oil hardened. PVC coated handles. Polished head Pc 5 A 56 A 57 Round nose pliers Vise grip pliers Pc Pc 5 5 A 58 Universal Pliers Pc 5 A 59 A 60 Leather Knife Pipe Reamer Pc Pc 10 5 A 61 Metal round file Pc 15 A 62 Square metal file A 63 A 64 A 65 A 66 Jaws of chrome vanadium steel. Adjustable jaw opening. Length not less than 20 cm, weight between 0.5 and 1 Kg. PVC coated handles. with slotted joint. Polished head. Blade tapered to a point, wooden handle. For deburring inside & outside edges of cut pipes. dimensions = 40 mm. Pc 15 Metal warding file set Wood rasp, half round Cabinet rasp , half round (metal) (for metals), cut = medium, length not less than 20 cm, weight not more than 0.25 Kg. (for metals), cut = medium, Length not less than 20 cm, weight not more than 0.25 Kg. 6 PCs, in PVC containers, with handle. Without handle, medium cut Without hand, medium cut Set Pc Pc 2 10 10 Rivet header Octagonal shaft, flat head. rivet diameter 3 Pc 10 14 A 67 Rivet header A 68 Rivet Set A 69 Rivet Set A 70 Screw clamps A 71 Truss button Jig A 72 Vise clamp A 73 Lead block A 74 A 75 Riveting bar Small Anvils A 76 A 77 File card Storage container A 78 Piercing awl A 79 A 80 Drilling fixture Bending iron A 81 Bending iron mm. Octagonal shaft, flat head. rivet diameter 4 mm Octagonal shaft, flat head. rivet diameter 3 mm Octagonal shaft, flat head. rivet diameter 4 mm With contoured steel sliding guide & wooden handle. Clamp width = 500 mm, throat = 120 mm. Forged steel, with 2 holes for riveting truss buttons. Mouth opening not less than 2 cm. Saw width around 40 mm To clamp in vise, length not less than 10 cm, width not less than 5 cm height not less than 5 cm. Weight not less than 5.000kg With riveting hole 1 set = 1 each (flat, concave, convex), forged steel for riveting bar item number A74, Weight = 0.060kg Plastic with flat brush for glue. volume 900 L , 330 kg. With round blade & plastic handle, blade length not less than 8 cm, dimension 6 mm. For exact positioning of the holes Chrome vanadium steel, with flat tines mouth opening 4 & 6 mm, length more than 20 cm. Chrome vanadium steel, with flat tines mouth opening 6 & 8 mm, length more than 20 cm. 15 Pc 10 Pc 10 Pc 10 Pc 5 Pc 10 Pc 10 Pc 5 Pc Set 5 5 Pc Pc 10 5 Pc 10 Pc Pc 5 20 Pc 20 A 82 Bending iron A 83 Deburring knife A 84 Bench vise A 85 Vise jaw protector A 86 Vise lift assist with floor stand A 87 Sheet metal shears with hand lever A 88 Frame stand for sheet metal shears A 89 Storage cabinet Tool steel for shopping the side bar, in sagittal plane, semi circular, tines for 16 & 20 mm side bars width. For plastics & metals, removable & replaceable blade, plastic handle with storage compartment. Forged steel, front opening, surface hardened jaws, adjustable, hardened guide rail, hardened anvil, holder for swivel jaw protector, round stable forged vise base, jaw width 140 mm, jaw opening around 200 mm, hole145 mm. Accessories for the bench vise requested, plastic. Pc 5 Pc 10 Pc 37 Pair 37 Accessories with pneumatic spring, adjustable height from around (± 10 cm) 85 to 110 cm, (mounting plate accepts bench vise) swivels, for attachment to work benches with a work surface height from around (± 10 cm) 80 to 25 cm, drilled for bench vises includes materials for mounting. Steel body, with one blade as each for steel sheets and steel rods, cutting capacity: steel sheets up to 6 mm thick, steel bars up to 70 x 7 mm, steel rods up to 13 mm diameter Accessories for item sheet metal shears with hand lever. No mounting holes. Pc 27 Pc 1 Pc 1 Sheet metal. Double-winged door with safety lock. 4 height adjustable shelves. Dimensions W x H around (± 10 cm) 1000 mm x 2000, Depth around (± 10 cm) 500mm, Maximum Pc 12 16 Load around 100 kg , Weight around 85 kg. A 90 A 91 A 92 Heating plate Heats thermoplastics, adjustable temperature. Heating surfaces are coated with Teflon sheeting, the cover has a counter pressed top. 2 or more gas cylinders assist in lifting the cover & hold it open. The heating plate is equipped with an adjustable closing clamp. Electric equipment: digital timer , at least 2.5 metre power cord with CEF plug 5 x 16 A & CEF socket 5 x 16 A. Heating surface around (± 10 cm) 85 x 110 cm . Dimensions W x H x D around (± 10 cm) 110 x 150 x 90 cm. Power requirements: 3*400 V/N/PE; 50-60Hz; 4.35 or 6 kW. Shelf for the heat plate requested in Batten board with edge band A 90. Pc 1 Pc 1 Oven with window Pc 1 For heating thermoplastic sheets, suitable for vacuum forming using vacuum inserts as well as for drying plaster models & for sintering techniques. 2 doors, stainless steel interior + fans for forced air circulation, microprocessor three or more -term action, regulator with LED-display, ventilation adjustment diameter 50 mm, electronic wear-free two chrome oven racks + interior light. Electric equipment: at least 2 m power cord with CEE plug 5 x 16 A & socket 5 x 16 A. Exterior dimension around (± 10 cm) W x H x D 120 x 120 x 85 cm. Interior dimension around (± 10 cm) W x H x D around 100 x 80 x 50 cm with a total internal volume of around 400 liters. 17 A 93 A 94 Temperature range up to 300 C. Power requirement = 3 * 400 V/N/PE; 50-60Hz, 3.4 KW Accessories for item A 92: Support Dimensions suitable for the oven mentioned in for the oven (table) item A 92. Floor model Drill press Accessories 1. key type drill chuck 2. 3. 4. quick chuck quick chuck Morse taper 5. morse taper A 95 Tool cabinet A 96 Drill arm Pc 1 Infinitely variable speed control, around (± 10 cm) 35 x 25 cm work surface, height adjustable on a geared steering rack. Digital drilling depth display, drilling adjustable spindle stop, digital speed display. Available without chuck & without morse taper. Electrical equipment: Motor protection switch with under-voltage release, emergency power shut-off, hand reversing switch for changing the drilling direction and light (two bulbs included) at least 2 m power cord with CEE plug 5 x 16 A & CEE Socket 5 x 16 A power requirement = 3 * 400 V/N/PE; 50Hz, 0.8 KW Pc 2 Span range 1-13 m, accepts B16 with chuck key Span range 1-13 mm, accepts B16. Span range 1-13 mm, accepts B18 Accepts B16, tape MK2, for accessories for key type drill chuck & quick chuck Accepts B18, taper M12 for accessories the quick chuck (which accepts B18) Pc 2 Pc Pc Pc 2 2 2 Pc 2 Sheet metal, one door with cylinder lock. Includes one drawer & two sliding shelves. dimensions around (± 10 cm) W x D x H = 50 x 50 x 100 cm For working on the drill table, working radius Pc 2 Pc 2 18 A 97 Drill vise A 98 Sharpening stones A 99 Twist drill set A 100 Twist drill set A 101 Forstner bit set A 102 Valve hole cutter A 103 Tapered cutter = 420 mm . Suitable for use with the benches required before & floor model presses, with prismatic jaws. For the tapered cutter required in the tender. 1 set = 2 PCs Clock wise cutting, cylindrical shaft Set = 50 PCs. diameter 1.0 - 5.9 mm. increasing by 0.1 mm. Clock wise cutting, cylindrical shaft. Set = 25 PCs. Diameter 1.0 - 13.0 mm increasing by 0.5 mm Tool steel, for wood, clockwise cutting set = 15 PCs (for the floor model drill) diameter 10, 12, 14, 16, 20, 22, 24, 25, 26, 28, 30, 32, 35, & 40 mm. Pc 2 Set 2 Set 2 Set 2 Set 2 For the floor model drill press. For flat rubber valves, diameter (for valve seat) 27 mm,40 mm. shaft diameter 10 mm. Pc 1 For (floor model drill press); for plastics, diameter 14 mm, shaft diameter 6 mm Pc 2 19 A 104 Tapered cutter For (floor model drill press); diameter 20 mm; Shaft diameter 8 mm Pc 2 A 105 Tapered cutter For (floor model drill press); diameter 30 mm; Shaft diameter 9 mm Pc 2 A 106 Cutter with guide pin For the floor model drill press, tool steel with 4 blades, to enlarge the SACH foot bolt holes, with 2 interchangeable taps for 8 & 10 m SACH foot bolts. Pc 2 A 107 Cutter For floor model drill press 3 cutting blades; outside diameter = 13.5 mm; Shaft diameter = 10 mm; Pin diameter 5.5 mm Pc 2 A 108 Cutter For floor model drill press, HSS, 3 cutting blades. outside diameter = 20 mm; Shaft dimension = 15.8 mm; Pin dimension = 5 mm Pc 2 A 109 T.handled Hex wrench 3mm Pc 4 20 A 110 T.handled Hex wrench 4mm Pc 4 A 111 T.handled Hex wrench 5mm Pc 4 A 112 T.handled Hex wrench 6mm Pc 4 A 113 T.handled Hex socket wrench 10mm Pc 2 A 114 T.handled Hex socket wrench 11mm Pc 2 A 115 T.handled Hex socket wrench 17mm Pc 2 21 A 116 Open end wrench set Set = 4 Pcs. Sizes = 6x7, 8x 9, 10x11, 12x13, 14x15, 16x17, 18x19, & 20x22mm Set 4 A 117 Box & wrench set Set = 8 PCs. Sizes = 6x7, 8x 9, 10x11, 12x13, 14x15, 16x17, 18x19, & 20x22mm Set 4 A 118 heet metal shears HSS cutting edges, for stainless steel sheets Pc 4 A 119 Electronic reversible hand drill Pc 4 A 120 Electric jig saw Pc 2 A 121 Storage cabinet for small pieces Anti vibration system, adjustable rotation speed using the set wheel 2 gear drive in stable plastic housing, reversible & bitdirected retainer, drill& key. Includes: quick acting drill chuck, at least 3 m power cord with grounded plug. Power requirements: 1*230 V/N/PE; 50 Hz; 1.2 kW. Keyless chuck system. For changing saw blades, removable plastic guide for protection, at least 4 m power cord with grounded plug (with plastic case, 5 saw blades, chip protector offset screwdriver). Power requirements: 1*230 V/N/PE; 50 Hz; 0.75 kW. Plastic drawers with table holders, safety stop prevent drawer from falling out for all machine & equipment in workshop, height around 40 cm, No. of drawers = 36, Weight Pc 2 22 around 4 kg A 122 Shelf system/basic unit A 123 Shelf system-add on unit A 124 Shelf A 125 Cross strut . A 126 Shelving for sheet material storage A 127 Shelving for bar stock storage A 128 Examination table For versatile & easily adjustable set-ups. Simple slot construction, heavy duty strength. Basic unit consists of: one base plate, one top plate & 4 corner posts. Accessories for the shelf system. For versatile & easily adjustable set-ups. Simple slot construct, add on unit consists of: one base plate, one top plate & two corner posts. Accessories for Shelf system/basic unit, shelves are slotted in (Increment accessories for shelf system/basic unit)., A cross strut is needed for every 3 shelves. Plastic coated steel consisting of 2 support frames & 4 shelves (for 2000 x 1000 mm sized sheets), Dimensions around (± 10 cm) WxHxD 230 x 250 x 110 cm, shelf depth around 110 cm, load capacity per shelf 600 kg, total maximum load capacity 6000 kg. Weight should be less than 200 Kg. Plastic coated steel consisting of: 2 stands, Height around 190 cm with front angle, 2 Horizontal connection bars, length around 100 cm, 1 horizontal support bar with 5 supporting arms Dimensions around (± 10 cm) WxDxH 100 x 60 x 200 cm. Weight should be around 50 Kg. Adjustable back rest, Dimensions LxWxH around (± 10 cm) 200 x 65 x 65 cm. 70 mm thick pad with artificial leather light beige 23 Pc 3 Pc 5 Pc 40 Pc 2 Pc 1 Pc 1 Pc 2 covering. Weight should be less than 50 Kg. A 129 A 130 A 131 Paper towel holder Table for fitting room Stackable chair For 500 mm wide rolls W X H X D 60 X 60 X 60 cm Plastic fixed foot caps, antistatic, smooth, polished surface, easy to clean Pc Pc Pc 5 4 10 A 132 Cart for plaster bandages Pc 2 A 133 Tailor’s measuring tape With 2 drawers + 2 swing doors. Seamless table top with 3 sided gallery, adjustable plastic shelf, push handle & 4 wheels graduated in millimeters.+ 2 stainless steel basin for soaking plaster bandages. Graduated in millimeters. Length = 1.5 m. Width = 20 mm, very light weight. Pc 2 A 134 Hip leveling guide Aluminum, with plastic side extensions for measuring lateral pelvis tilt. Pc 4 A 135 Compensation board set Set 2 A 136 A 137 Protractor Contour tracer Pc Pc 20 2 A 138 Plaster cast cutter Ply wood, 6 boards = 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, & 30 mm thick. Accessories for the cart, plastic Plastic, for vertical tracing of various body contours, with guide for drawing pencil. Stainless steel (scissors) with eccentric closure, serrated lower cutting edge. Pc 5 A 139 Surgical scissors Pc 5 A 140 A 141 Plaster knife Stockinette holder With eccentric closure, serrated lower cutting edge. Stainless steel. serrated lower cutting edge For securing the stockenette when making a plaster cast, elastic strap with clip closures Pc Pc 10 10 24 For functional casting during weight bearing with base plate. Basic set consists of; casting rings (set of 4 pcs, plastic, inside diameter 103, 113, 126, & 135 mm) Accessories: casting plate form Accessories for the casting apparatus for weight bearing casting of knee or hip disarticulation with 2 PCs block. pneumatic SIT* plaster casting Provides functional casting of ischial apparatus containment sockets while bearing weight. Has a pneumatic pressure adjustment (maximum pressure of 3 bar) & a short-stroke (less than 10 cm maximum stroke) cylinder Pressure regulator provides individual pressure adjustment for the femoral pad. The pneumatic unit of the SIT * cast apparatus can be directly connected to the compressed air supply system. Body calliper Used for body segments. Suitable for above knee stumps, scale no less than 60 cm. Pc 1 Pc 1 Pc 2 Pc 2 A 146 High leverage site cutting pliers PVC coated handles Pc 5 A 147 Grinding & milling machine Pc 7 A 148 Insulating mat Pc 8 A 149 Arbour Brand new grinding & milling machine with brake to stop the shaft upon shutting-off the machine, emergency (safety) power shut-off should be included, motor should provide a minimum of two speeds. 5/8 inch thread. If the machine is to be bolted to the floor, fastening screws should be included. Power requirements: 3*400 V/N/PE; 50-60 Hz; 1.5 kW Vibration & noise absorber, 550 x 500 mm. Each mat should weigh less than 5 Kg. Arbour with M16 thread & 14 mm threaded Pc 3 A 142 A 143 A 144 A 145 Casting apparatus 25 A 150 Alignment apparatus A 151 Hot air gun A 152 Hand sealing iron A 153 Swivel base (mount) A 154 Bench cabinet A 155 Vacuum machine A 156 Electronic scale A 157 Shoemaker hammer screw Alignment apparatus for duplicating the alignment of lower limb modular & crustacean prosthesis. This should include: different heights heel blocks ranging approximately between 10 & 50 mm, foot patterns ranging approximately between 15 & 30 cm, adapter fittings, guide base used for making cross cuts in wood & rigid foams while the different parts of the prosthesis are mounted to the alignment apparatus, and clamp for holding tube adapters. With adjustable temperature. Power requirements: 1*230 V/N/PE; 50Hz; 2kW 2 Pc 6 Suitable for PVC & PVA sheet sealing, Teflon coated ironing surface, adjustable temperature. Power requirements: 1*230 V/N/PE; 50-60 Hz; 0.2 kW. Metal, provides circular motion, suitable for item No. A 84 Pc 2 Pc 12 Size no more than 80*60*150 cm, with ventilation unit installed in, contains several compartments & shelves to suit PVA rolls, small plastic sheets, vacuum machines, etc. For laminating under vacuum, with 40 meters of suitable suction tubes included. Power requirements: 1*230 V/N/PE ; 50 Hz; 0.11 kW. Electronic small sized top-bench scale, weighting range up to 6000 g Pc 2 Pc 3 Pc 2 With the handle (wooden) included, no less than 300g head weight. Pc 7 26 A 158 Straight leather scissors Straight, made of strengthened steel, with serrated cutting edges. Pc 4 A 159 Curved leather scissors Curved, made of strengthened steel, with serrated cutting edges. Pc 4 A 160 Foot measuring device Made of strengthened plastic, used to determine foot sizes. Cobbler’s stand For making shoes, adjustable length to no more than 1 meter, with at least seven inserts, should be made of strengthened steel. Speed sole press Sole (and heel) press, works on pressurized air. Different kinds of cushions (half-size, fullsize, high, etc) should be included. At least 2.0 m power cord with CEE plug 5 * 16 & CEE socket 5 * 16 Power requirement = 3 * 400 V/N/PE, 50-60 Hz, 0.55 KW Work bench Wooden top 50 mm thick,700 mm deep, metallic frame, with several drawers & shelves, work surface height not less than 80 cm, bench top length 1500 mm Optical orthopedic alignment device This equipment (can be portable) is used to help align prostheses and orthoses. It should provide visual means that is seen by the naked eye (preferably laser) to help in aligning appliances. Force platforms to measure ground reaction forces, positioning system with electronic sensors & motors and step motor and plate for leveling should be included. The dimensions should not exceed 15 cm x 150 cm x 60 cm. power requirements: 1x230 V/N/PE; 50 Hz. Pc 2 Pc 1 Pc 1 Pc 4 Pc 1 A 161 A 162 A 163 A 164 27 A 165 CAD-CAM Forming machine A 166 Swivel stool with rolling casters A 167 Upright cabinet A 168 CAD-CAM forming machine with size no more than 150* 60*150 cm. Grinding and milling machine should be as accurate as possible and should be completely compatible with the software assigned for the CAD-CAM machine, the grinding and milling machine is controlled by at least six robotic hands to allow as much as possible degrees of freedom for forming models. The software programme should allow for storage and modification of pre-scanned models. A non-contact 3-D digitizer (with highest possible accuracy) to scan the models (stumps and casts) should be included and compatible with the software and hardware of the machine. Precise measuring devices (callipers and other devices) should be included to provide for dimensions reproducibility. Power requirement = 3 * 400 V/N/PE, 50-60 Hz. Fixed foot caps, height adjustable from around 40 to 60 cm using gas cylinders. Pc 1 Pc 2 2 structural glass sliding doors locking, 3 adjustable glass shelves, H x W x D around (±5 cm) 80 x 80 x 15 cm, around 20 kg (± 3kg) Plaster room shelving unit-basic A basic unit consists of 2 support pairs- 4 unit shelves-2 grated shelves -4 reinforcement tie bars-6 supporting connectors-1 diagonal cross brace-16 shelves supports. H X W X D around (±10 cm) 200 X 100 X 50 cm, shelve depth around 50 cm Pc 2 Pc 1 28 Plaster room shelving unit-add-on Accessories for item NO. A 168,add –on unit unit consists of 1 support pair,4 shelves, 2 grated shelves, 4reinforcement tie bars, 3 supporting connectors, 1 diagonal cross brace, 16 shelves support, H X W X D around (±10 cm) 200 X 100 X 50 cm, shelve depth 50 cm Shoe maker’s bench Top from parqueted red bench wood, 50 mm thick, 700 mm deep, work surface height around 70 cm, bench top length around 150 cm Shoe maker’s stool It should have four legs and cross frame, seat height no less than 45 cm. Pc 4 Pc 2 Pc 6 A 172 Vacuum forming apparatus Pc 1 A 173 Lockstitch sewing machine Pc 1 A 174 Shoe patching machine Pc 1 A 169 A 170 A 171 The apparatus comes with uni-lock central clamping system, and is electronically time controlled. Approx. 3.0 m power cord with CEE plug 5 * 16 , & CEE socket 5 * 16, with power requirement 3 * 400 V/N/PE, 50 Hz, 5.9; KW Comes with a long slender sewing arm, suitable for sewing heavy materials, contact pressure should be adjustable. Needles gauge 5 mm and 6 mm should be provided. Approx. 3 m power cord with CEE plug 5 * 16, & CEE socket 5 * 16 , with power requirement 3 * 400 V/N/PE, 50 -60 Hz; 0.55 KW Top feed is rotatable in all directions, should be suitable for sewing all kinds of leather and shoes. Approx. 2 m power cord with grounded plug, resp. CEE plug 5 * 16 & CEE socket 5 * 16, motor operator with power requirement 3 * 400 V/N/PE, 50 Hz. 29 A 175 Sanding belt A 176 Lamination bench A 177 Fire resistant storage cabinet A 178 Spray coating booth with ventilator A 179 Mobile vacuum machine One or two speed floor model sanding belt, with table with guide rails and adjustable slop angle, with a dust collector attached. Power requirements: 3x400 V/PE; 50 Hz; 3 kW.dimension= W x D x H = 800 x 850 x 1520 mm A work bench with enclosed back and sides with a set of drawers and shelves, approximately 85 cm high work surface, table top depth of around (±10 cm) 70 cm x 150 cm length A storage cabinet that is fire resistant in which flammable materials can be stored. Outer dimensions are around (±10 cm) H x W x D 200 x 60 x 60 cm, shelves as storage levels, height adjustable, spacing around 30 mm Booth for spray coating technique, with a work space that is no less than 1*1*1 m. The booth should come with a ventilator that provides air quantity no less than 2000 m3 /h. Exhaust pipes leading from the booth to the outside should be included. A coating kit composed of an attachment spray gun, pressurised canister and a pressure reducer should also be included. Power requirements: 1*230 V/N/PE; 50 Hz Mobile vacuum forming machine suitable for forming thermoplastic sheet materials, a water trap should be part of the machine, at least 4 m power cord should be included. Power requirements: 1*230 V/N/PE; 50 Hz 30 PC 1 Pc 4 Pc 2 Pc 1 Pc 3 A 180 Modular spinal casting apparatus A 181 Modular traction unit A 182 Outer ring A 183 Frame plate Casting frame allows posturing of the patient as required for full body casting, cervical casting is also possible in combination with a modular traction unit. Foot plate may be tilted, adjustable padded knee cushions and adjustable hand grips construction: modular, galvanized steel tubes with quick acting screw clamps; space required around (±10 cm) 60 x 85 cm. For connection to modular spinal casting apparatus with head extension sling, and selfadjusting pulley above the body's center of gravity. Construction: modular, galvanized steel tubes with quick acting screw clamps, height including base 600 mm Aluminum, interior diameter 360 mm up to 20 mm material thicknesses. Ps 1 Ps 1 Ps 5 Aluminum, interior diameter 260 mm, for vacuum forming small models. Ps 5 15. Item list Group II – Equipment for Department of Physical Therapy N. B1 Item Measurement set Description Set composed by plumb-line, mercury goniometer , electrogoniometer, kyphometer, analyzer measuring differences in hipbone height due to lower limb asymmetry 31 Unit Quantity. kit 3 B2 Podoscope B3 Baropodometer B4 Gait Lab Podoscope for the plantar analysis of feet; varnished wooden supporting structure, Chrystal load base, underlying mirror attached to panel, double-side illumination system by polarized high-effect lamps, back-guide in transparent plexiglass with goniometer . Dim.ca. cm. 46x55x33 h. capacity 200kg. Modular electronic baropodometer composed by a total sensory platform at least cm 240x40, software for static and dynamic acquisition of plantar pressure, and possibility of postural feedback. Software for the automatic interpretation of data. Complete with PC, 24" colored monitor, printer and cart Gait Analysis System includes a PC and a Printer. 12 optoelectronic infrared video cameras that can capture reflections from passive markers.with at least 120 frame/second of sampling frequency. One of the infrared cameras at least should be provided with an integrated CTVs for video recording and real time display of the patient’s movement Support mounts for clamping and positioning of cameras should be provided. Walking surface: Modular platform for integration in terms of force platforms. Force platforms: 4 Multi-axial force platforms based on piezoelectric or strain gauge sensors to record the 3 components of ground reaction force, moments, Centre of Pressure (COP) coordinates, and the torsion moment. Integrated with kinematics, the system also calculates 32 Unit 1 Unit 1 system 1 moment and powers within the joints. Dimensions: Length should be between 0.8 and 1.2 m, Width should be between 0.4 and 0.8 m. Control screen: 60” plasma monitor. Wireless electromyographic: Probes: 8 wireless electromyographic probes, 16bit/ up to 4 kHz. Light, miniaturizing and wireless, they do not affect the patient’s natural movements and can be placed on the muscles by simply applying pressure to the pre-gelled adhesive electrodes. The synchronisation of the electromyographic signal with the kinematics and kinetics allows for an assessment not only of muscle activation but also the exact moment at which this occurs during the gait cycle. EMG Docking Station: Wireless electromyographic probe docking station. Fitted with internal battery to allow for charging even without an external power supply EMG handheld Unit: Wireless palmtop computer with touchscreen display. Receives the signal from the electromyographic probes and transmits it to the workstation. Allows for the configuration of settings and display of signals near the patient or within 50 metres of the patient. 33 Workstation: Super multiprocessor computer with 24 parallel processing units. Receives, integrates, synchronises, and re-processes all signals from the devices connected. An internal master clock ensures synchronism even during very long acquisitions, thereby obtaining a perfect correlation, moment by moment, of all signals. Monitors: Two 24” Full HD screens for the simultaneous display of all kinematic, kinetic and electromyographic data, with picture in picture reproduction of the video shots from the various different angles. Software - 2D/3D/6DOF data tracking - Marker Data/High-Speed Video Capture - Real-Time Streaming - Automatic Marker Identification - Portable/Laptop Connection - Supports Passive and Active Markers - Batch Processing - Supports the cameras ordered previously - Easy to synchronize with an external time base - Export to C3D, TSV format, or directly to Matlab - Facility Licensed - no dongle - No hub or workstation is needed - Single cable from cameras to computer. - Protocols validated by the international scientific community - Allows for the simultaneous, objective, full analysis of neuromuscular and biomechanical parameters of patient movement such as Gait Deviation Index. 34 Mandatory Accessories -A wand with 3 markers used to test the calibration dynamically B5 Electro diagnostic device B6 Internal Muscular testing system - A calibration frame. - Marker Starting Kit - A Laser device to mark the end of capture (with connection to the workstation). - Pelvimeter -Modular and multi configurable walkway for platforms positioning - Accelerometer - 4 step stairs that can be integrated on the force platforms and recognised by the software. Electrodiagnostic device for the Strength/Duration curve, by unipolar and bipolar technique; rectangular, triangular-exponential and faradic currents. Adjustable intensity pedal. LCD display for S/D curve seeing; automatic calculation of rheobase, chronaxie, and accommodation ratio, best time of electro stimulation. Mandatory accessories : Printer connection in addition to printer, trolley, packages of electrodes . Test system which allows detecting and amplifying the internal muscular biological processes that occur during both dynamic and isometric muscular work. The system consists of : an electronic processing Unit, PC software synchronizing: sensor for measuring dynamic force, speed and power, 8 active EMG electrodes, strain gauge, biofeedback-lamp, conductance contact-mat. 35 Unit 1 Unit 1 B7 Set of isotonic machine B8 Isokinetic Evaluation Machine B9 Computerized Spirometer Set of mechanical isotonic machines for all joints with external load resistance composed of: Leg extension ( 180X103X165 cm, weight 205kg), rowing ergometer, seated leg curl( 180X103X165 cm, weight 180 kg) , leg press ( 252X104X198 cm, weight 229 kg), shoulder machine, back machine( 120X95X165 cm, weight 160 kg) , abduction/adduction leg ( 187X157X105, weight 130 kg), chest press ( 198X180X110 cm, weight 225 kg) ; Large foot plate and large back rest and seat base. Apparatus for Isokinetic evaluation of knee, shoulder, wrist, ankle, hip, back. Adjustable chair that allows the access of 360 degrees at the dynamometer. Operational modes: isokinetic, eccentric, passive, isotonic, isometric and in closed kinetic chain. Maximum speed reachable in phase of exercise has to be at least 450 degrees/second and maximum force at least 600 Nm. The operator able to manage either through a computer or in manual mode. Mandatory Accessories: operative system Windows, software, monitor . Dimensions 6 m2 Computerized spirometer (on a moving trolley), completely modular for execution and analysis of the results derived from the basic spirometric tests like flow/volume and volume/time curve, slow vital capacity and maximum voluntary ventilation, partial flow/volume curve, residual functional capacity (FRC). It works through the method of washout of the nitrogen, capillary alveolar diffusion through the two methods of single breath and intra-breath without apnea time, with internal printer. Mandatory consumables and accessories: Disposable paper adult size mouth piece with external diameter 30 mm (100 piece). Nose clips (pack of 5) , thermal printer papers ( pack of 100 rolls) 36 Unit 1 Unit 1 Unit 1 B 10 Portable spirometer Pc 1 Breathing Trainer Portable spirometer for display of numerical reading of : FVC - FEV1 - PEF - FER Breathing trainer with air load of 1200 cc/s B 11 Pc 15 B 12 Electrical Timer Electrical rechargeable timers with large LCD display Pc 3 B 13 Electrical Bed Pc 4 B 14 One section treatment table Pc 1 B 15 Electric treatment table for children Pc 1 B 16 Manipulation bed Pc 1 B 17 Traction Bed Bed with electric regulation of the height. four wheels and two folds pieces with adjustable head part 0-45 degree, cushioned mattress and washable cover. Dimensions 1X2 m. Loading weight 300 kg, Lift from min height ( 48 cm) to max height( 90 cm) in 30 second by foot switch. One-section treatment table, covered by fireproof material, steel frame painted with episodic dusts, 4 turning wheels. Dim.: 200x200 and adjustable height min 48 cm and max 90 cm. Padded board with washable vinyl covering. The tilt angle can be adjusted from 0° to 90° by means of an electric motor with pneumatic control. Heightadjustment by means of an electric motor with pneumatic pedal control .high from 50 cm to 100 cm controlled by a pedal, inclination from 0° to 90°controlled by a panel. Inclination and high adjustable footrest. Dimensions 171X165 cm. 6 sections bed for manipulations with separate regulation of the legs, electric regulation of the height approximately from 50 to 100 cm, arms and legs sections independently adjustable with a hydraulic system. Retractable wheels. Bed for active lumbar traction. Main requests: electromechanical movements; push-button panel; pelvic harness; neck pillow. Dimensions: 259X60X70 Pc 1 37 cm. B 18 Portable lifting device B 19 Biofeedback-EMG portable Unit B 20 Vibrating Platform B 21 Vibration handled device for upper limbs B 22 Message rolls and balls B 23 Parallel bar B 24 Fixed mirrors Portable lifting device with electrically adjustable base, electric supply with extractable 24 Volt battery separately rechargeable, max load kg.160, electric emergency descent, mechanical emergency descent, anti crushing device, full harness. Completely automatic operation, acoustic and visual Feedback, analogical or binary Feedback. Two courses of 50 and 500µV RMS, 100-1000 Hz passing band, adjustable threshold. Rechargeable long life batteries. Interface to the Personal computer, software for analysis of the acquired segments and for printing. Mandatory accessories: disposable surface EMG electrodes diameter 35 mm (100 packs), Pre gelled disposable EMG sensors ( 10 packs), and thin coating 5% saline base conductive gel. Vibrating Platform for propioceptive musculotendineous and joint training and the improvement of muscle strength, power output and muscle flexibility. Dimensions: 64.8X50X24 cm. Weight capacity 136 Kg. Portable vibration handled device for upper limbs complete with different adaptors, and vibration frequency from 20 to 55 Hz. Rolls for massage 15cm diameter, and balls for massage 20cm diameter. Steel construction, height adjustable from 70 to 100 cm, bases with floor plates & attachment pieces . no cross braces between bars one of them 5 m long, the second between 3.5 to 4 m . Rectangular mirror. Dimensions: cm. 100x170 (width x 38 Pc 1 Unit 2 Unit 2 Unit 1 Ball/ roll 5 balls/5 rolls Pc 1 Pc 3 B 25 Portable mirrors B 26 Scales with slider B 27 Stairs B 28 Four Wheeled Walker B 29 Forearm Walker B 30 Two Wheels Walker B 31 Articulated walker device height) Rectangular mirror with modular trolley. Dimensions Cm. 100x170 (width x height) Scales with slider. Maximum load: 150 kg, division: 100 g; bioelectrical impedance analysis Stairs with Painted steel structure with chrome sliding parts. Height-adjustable thermoplastic handrails. Two ramps of different-size steps covered with washable laminate. It can be easily disassembled in the straight or corner version. Long ramp cm 163x70h. Short ramp cm. 90x70h. platform cm. 70x70h, not less than 30 cm width. Folded Removable Walker from chrome steel tube, with 4 wheels, and height adjusted. Overall depth 60 cm, depth folded 17.5 cm, overall width 68 cm, width inside base legs 55 cm, width inside hand grips 48 cm. Weight capacity 180 kg. And breaks Pc 2 Pc 3 Pc 1 Pc 3 Folded Removable Walker from chrome steel tube, with adjustable height axillary support from 115 to 144cm, overall width 74 cm, overall depth 57 cm, and 4 wheels. Max user weight 160 kg . Pc 2 Folded Walker from chrome steel tube , with handle height: 70-95cm. with Two wheels. Max weight 180 kg. Articulated walking device, from chrome steel tubing, with handles and adjustable height, without wheels. Max weight 180 kg. Pc 2 Pc 2 39 B 32 Crutches B 33 Cushion B 34 B 35 Vinyl balls Dumbbells B 36 B 37 Clock Movable stool B 38 Computerized Cycloergometer B 39 Wood rocking board B 40 Orthopaedic ladder B 41 Low level scanning laser therapy Light weight elbow crutches of different shapes and dimensions. Weight capacity 180 Kgs. Approximat user height : Tall adult 5'10" - 6'6", Adult 5' - 6' 2", Youth 4' 2" - 5'2". Cuff to handle adjustment Adult 9.5" - 11" , Youth 8.5" -10". Cuff diameter 3". Light weight axillary crutches Heights : 4'6" - 5' 2"/ 5' 2" - 5' 10" / 5' 10' -6' 6". Pediatric cushions of different shape and dimension, covered with washable leatherette Vinyl balls from .25, .5 , 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 kg. Set of plastic dumbbells from 0.5 kg. to kg. 5 Wall clock Rolling hydrolic stool adjustable in height. With mid thoracic support. Synthetic Leather material. 160-180 kg max load. Computerized Cycloergometer, can be used for both upper and lower extremities, with different settings: constant load, constant pulsation, constant couple. Endowed with operational control panel and a display LCD, on which the following parameters are illustrated: time, heart rate, speed, distance, power and Kcal/min. With ability to perform Astrand tests. Painted-wood rocking board (cm. 50x40x7h) able to train in mono and multi directions. Wooden orthopaedic ladder with central board and metal frame for graduation. Dim. cm. 50 w x 300 h. Scanning Laser therapy, diode GaAs (ca 905nm): 1pulsed type, Laser probe with peak power 80W, maximum duration of impulse 200ns. 2- Laser probe 830nm, continuous type, power 40mW. Calculation of real emitted power. 40 Pc 3 axillary, 3 elbow Pc 10 Pc set Pc Pc 1 of each weight 1 set with 2 dumbbells of each weight 20 20 Pc 3 Pc 5 Pc 1 Pc 1 B 42 Computerized equipment for physiotherapy hyperthermia B 43 Portable electrical stimulation Unit B 44 Ice making Unit B 45 Air Cryotherapy Unit B 46 Vacuum therapy Unit Computerized equipment for physiotherapy hyperthermia with temperature control system , supplied by MW generator, frequency 433 MHz, power from 1 to 100 Watt. Applicator for all treatment anatomic volume by water bolus applied to all surfaces. Software program for treatment management and storage into the database. size : 580 X 650 X1650 mm. Max weight 150 kg. Portable electrical stimulation Unit with 4 independent channels for muscle stimulation by asymmetrical biphasic pulsed current, and symmetrical biphasic pulsed current. Phase duration of asymmetrical biphasic pulsed current: 10-200 µs. Phase duration of symmetrical biphasic pulsed current: 10-1000 µs. Pulse frequency: 1 – 200 Hz. Frequency modulation: 0 – 180 Hz. Amplitude: 0 – 140 . Main voltage: 170 V max Ice making Unit with cooling air, reservoir ability 15 Kg., maximum production of ice 27 Kg. in the 24 hours. Ice produced in different sizes. Water reservoir capacity : 5 L. Dimensions: 36X44X45 cm. Mandatory accessories: Reusable fabric ice bag to be used with ice cubes, crushed ice or cold water. Pleated design allows bag to conform closely to body contours. (20 pack) Air Cryotherapy Unit, with maximum temperature – 33°C. Dimensions: 504 X 546X1091 cm. Length of tube 170cm. Vacuum therapy Unit that allows the application of a total body pneumatic system, with a wide and precise regulation of the suction strength (continuous or pulsated). 41 Unit 1 Unit 1 Unit 1 Unit 1 Unit 1 B 47 Combined electrotherapy and ultrasounds Unit B 48 Mobile Unit for hot packs B 49 Continuous passive motion machine for upper extremity B 50 Stainless steel portable whirlpool B 51 Quadriceps set table Combined electrotherapy and ultrasounds Unit with trolley. Two independent electrotherapy channels for the emission of the following forms of currents: interferential, alternate medium frequency current, pulsated asymmetrical biphasic current, pulsated symmetrical biphasic current, rectangular impulses current, alternate rectangular impulses current, rectangular impulses mono-phases current, triangular impulses mono-phases current , 2 - 5 Trabert current, faradic current with modulated width, galvanic current, continuous interrupted FM current, dia-dynamic current. Muscular stimulation. Module for the section of the ultrasounds complete of multi-frequency head (1 and 3 MHz). High voltage. Micro current. Cart included. dimensions 60 L X 50 W cm Mobile Unit for hot packs of different sizes and shapes. Thermostatically adjustable temperature, the temperature of water is constant around 70°C. Dimensions: 82.5X50X39 cm Continuous passive motion machines (for upper limb) with remote control, able to provide all movement directions, adjustable speed, adjustable angle of motion, pre-load and range of motion, timer, and electrical supply. Stainless steel portable whirlpool for treatment of the extremities and joints with hydro massage, adjustable in height. Power supply 230 V 50 Hz. Dimensions: 60 (L) X 35 (L) X 39 (W) cm. Capacity 15 galon. Unit 1 Pc 1 Pc 1 Pc 2 Quadriceps table to practice in sitting or reclined position, possibility of adjusting the seat and backrest, with stainless part and leather seat and foam padded backrest. Dimensions 70X80X135 cm. Weight plates 1 kg ( 4 pc) , 0.5 kg ( 4 pc). Pc 2 42 B 52 Unweighing treadmill B 53 High intensity laser therapy A lightweight, portable; wheeled base that is width- and height-adjustable and accommodate a wide range of patients from Pediatric up to 200 cm tall, pneumatic and electrical unweighing system designed to control weight bearing, posture and balance over a treadmill and ground. Max weight capacity: 180 Kg. Can be used for partial weight bearing or lifting patients from a wheelchair. The casters lock automatically. Controlled with an electronic keypad. On-board compressor and battery to run the Unit for up to 10 hours between charges. Including a small and large vest. Specifications: Width where patient stands 60–110 cm, Capacity 180 kg, Unweighing Capacity 150 kg. Height 150 – 200 cm, and width 70–120System. Mandatory accessory: Treadmill: For rehab, medical and sports conditioning therapy. Standard features : a handheld remote stop-start switch, 100 micro-amp hospital isolation leakage transformer and extended parallel medical handrails. Specifications: Dimensions of the running surface compatible with the suspension system, Speed 0.03 to 7.75 m/s Incline0%–20% and load 250 kg. High intensity laser therapy, pulsed. Peak Power: 3kW. Energy per pulse (max) 350 mJ. Average Power: 10.5 W. Pulse Duration<120 ms. LCD with a touch interface. Software Programs to modify and save parameters. Emitted energy calculated automatically according to selected functions. Alarms and safety features, emergency stop button for laser emission; Dimensions and weight: 30 x 70 x 78 cm; 40 kg; hand piece for regenerative therapy Standard hand-piece for pain therapy 43 Pc 1 Pc 1 B 54 Curtain tracks B 55 Foot/Step Stool B 56 Portable muscle tone assessment device B 57 Capacitive and resistive therapy The tracks formed by import steel sheet; one-pieceforming, top quality baked enamel finish, on the inside and outside of rod sections, prevents corrosion. Multilayered anti-rust and anti-dirt treatment, high strength, color-shining and durable; A hybrid structure of dynamics and aesthetics in safety, awarded with multinational patents. Drapery Master Carrier with Offset Arm on tracks to enhance shading and airtight effects. Special double wheels designed HDPE carriers to roll freely inside the track channel. ; Nylon cords that allow transferring offset arm from two-way to singleway. ; · A single, double or triple combination supported by a range of strong brackets for easy installation. ; Control: Hand, Cord, Hand ; Colors: White, Brown ; Length: 6 meters (Double Steps): Top made of Molded Washable Plastic.; Freight saving knock-down construction; Size: Double Step 40L x 28W x 20/40H cm. Unit 50 Pc 9 An electronic device to measure the muscle tone. Weight app. 450 grams, with microprocessor and display screen visualization of the results, and Dual measurement mode, Triple (three consecutive measurements) . Mandatory Accessories: PC software for data storing and analysis, MS SQL database. Capacitive and resistive therapy based on the physical principle of the condenser, around 0.50 MHz Radiofrequency. Capacitive Electrodes, Resistive Electrodes in different sizes and neutral electrod. Soft contact safety system, Color Display. Remote Control. Capacitive power around 450 VA, resistive power around 200 W. Mandatory Accessories Pc 2 Pc 2 44 B 58 Pediatrics size Gait trainer B 59 Computerized Treadmill B 60 Cross Trainer Machine Gait trainer for child to stand and walk, Frame manufactured from steel tubes, powder coated, with 4 wheels and provide support for chest through abdominal cushion, and arm harness, with head support and padded arm rest, lifting assist, ankle prompts, and Seat harness. Adjustable for age range 1 year - 8 years. Size: Medium to large. computerized treadmill with possibility to choose different settings: load, speed and inclination. With operational control panel and a display LCD on which the following parameters are illustrated: time, heart rate, speed, distance, power and Kcal/min. Cross Trainer Machine with adjustable load and electronic display for time, speed, distance and RPM. 45 Pc 1 Pc 4 Pc 1